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SERIES LISTING (view items of this publisher alphabetically)

Tuesday, 4 March 2025   

Listing of Cornetto series:

FA = Faksimile-Edition Augsburg

FC = Faksimile-Edition Capricornus

FCC = Faksimile-Edition Canto e Continuo

FF = Faksimile-Edition Fontei

FHA = Faksimile-Edition Heinrich Albert

FHM = Faksimile-Heilbronner Musikschatz

FKB = Faksimile-Edition Kammermusik des Barock

FKK = Faksimile-Edition Krakau

FKM = Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster

FKS = Faksimile-Edition Kress

FL = Faksimile-Edition Laute

FPM = Faksimile-Edition Psalmen & Motteten

FR = Faksimile-Edition Rara

FS = Faksimile-Edition Strozzi

FSB = Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm

FSN = Faksimile-Edition Stadtbibliothek Nürnberg

FU = Faksimile-Edition Ulm

FVG = Faksimile-Edition Viola da Gamba

FT = Faksimile-Edition Theoretica

FV = Faksimile-Edition Västerås

FVC = Faksimile-Edition Violino e Continuo

FZ = Faksimile-Edition Zwickau

(items without prices are out-of-print; “nyp” = not yet published)

Banchieri. Il zabaione musicale (FA 1)
Il zabaione musicale [inventioine boscareccia et primo libro di madrigali a cinque voci]. [Staats- & Stadtbibliothek, Augsburg].

Faksimile-Edition Augsburg, 1. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 20 cm, 3 partbooks, c.128 pp. Line-cut of the Simon Tini & Filippo Lomazzo edition, Milan, 1604. 17 settings a5, for voices with or without instruments, based on the pastoral stories of Greek mythology. Wrappers, with handsome portfolio in marbled paper. $76 [item no. 7494]

Banchieri. Il zabaione musicale (FA 1-o/Port)
Il zabaione musicale [inventioine boscareccia et primo libro di madrigali a cinque voci]. [Staats- & Stadtbibliothek, Augsburg].

Faksimile-Edition Augsburg, 1. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 20 cm, 3 partbooks, c.128 pp. Line-cut of the Simon Tini & Filippo Lomazzo edition, Milan, 1604. 17 settings a5, for voices with or without instruments, based on the pastoral stories of Greek mythology. Wrappers. $57 [item no. 7497]

Canzoni per sonare con ogni sorte di strom. (FA 2)
[Canzoni, a4, 5 & 8, winds, strings, bc, book 1] Canzoni per sonare con ogni sorte di stromenti a quattro, cinque, & otto con il suo basso generale per l’organo novamente raccolta da diversi eccellentissimi musici, & date in luce. Libro primo. [Stadtbibliothek, Augsburg].

Faksimile-Edition Augsburg, 2. Stuttgart, 1998. 14 x 18 cm, 9 partbooks, c.300 pp. Line-cut of the Alessandro Raverij edition, Venice, 1608. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $114 [item no. 7577]

Das Augburger Liederbuch (FA 3)
[Augsburg, Staats- & Stadtbibliothek, CIM 43 (= MS 18)] Das Augsburger Liederbuch. [Augsburg, Staats- & Stadtsbibliothek, CIM 43 (2º Cod 142a) (= MS 18)].

Faksimile-Edition Augsburg, 3. Stuttgart, 1997. 23 x 33 cm, 158 pp. Line-cut of an early 16th c. German ms in choirbook format containing motets and secular works. The ms contains only six composer attributions, four by Josquin and two by Agricola, however among the anonymous works are another two by Josquin and works by Senfl, Grefinger, Finck, and Hofhaimer. In general only text incipits are given. Hardbound in vellum paper. $126 [item no. 7529]

[Gardano]. Canzoni alla francese & ricercari (FA 4)
[Canzoni & ricercari, keyboard, book 5] Canzoni alla francese et ricercari ariosi [tabulate per sonar sopra istromenti da tasti. Libro quinto]. [Augsburg, Staats- & Stadtsbibliothek].

Faksimile-Edition Augsburg, 4. Stuttgart, 1997. Line-cut of the Venice, 1605 edition. 12 works in keyboard notation including works by Lasso, Crequillon and Jannequin. Hardbound in marbled paper. $54 [item no. 7530]

Massaino. Musica per cantare con l’organo (FA 5)
[Musica per cantare, op.32] Musica per cantare con l’organo ad una, due, & tre voci di Tiburtio Massaino. Opera trentesima seconda. [Stadtbibliothek, Augsburg].

Faksimile-Edition Augsburg, 5. Stuttgart, 1998. 14 x 19 cm, 3 partbooks, 121 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1607 edition. 20 works a1, 21 a2, and 11 a3 in mensural notation and partbook format. Wrappers, with handsome portfolio in marbled paper. $54 [item no. 7562]

Forster. 3. Teyl schöner liebl.teut.Liedlein (FA 6)
[Teutsche Liedlein, part 3] Der dritte Teyl schöner lieblicher teutscher Liedlein, nicht allein zu singen, sonder auch auff allerley Instrumenten zu brauchen, sehr dienstlich außerlesen, ubersehen und gebessert. [Staats- & Stadtbibliothek, Augsburg].

Faksimile-Edition Augsburg, 6. Stuttgart, 1998. Oblong, 14 x 11 cm, 4 partbooks, 406 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1552 editionn. 80 works in mensural notation for 4 voices, with or without instrumental accompaniment. Hardbound in decorative paper, with matching slipcase. $129 [item no. 7659]

Praetorius. Cantiones sacrae (FA 7)
Cantiones sacrae [de festis praecipuis totius anni, & 11. vocum]. Ohr, Hamburg 1607. [Stadtbibliothek Augsburg].

Faksimile-Edition Augsburg, 7. Stuttgart, 2000. 15 x 21 cm, 8 partbooks, c.700 pp. Line-cut of the Hamburg, 1607 edition. 47 compositions for 5 to 12 voices, with or without instruments. Hardbound in marbled paper, with matching slipcase. $269 [item no. 8245]

Orgeltabulatur Wappen (FA 8)
Orgeltabulatur Wappen. [Cod. 469, Staats- und Stadtbibliothek, Augsburg].

Faksimile-Edition Augsburg, 8. Stuttgart, 1998. 22 x 32 cm, 306 pp. Line-cut of rare heraldic manuscript written c.1590 with hundreds of drawings of coats of arm (Wappen) and 24 pieces in early German organ tablature copied on the blank pages (fols.50-56; 89-95); contents: 1) Wienner Dantz / nach Danntz; 2) Bin ich armes Bruederlin. Hofdantz / nach Danntz; 3) Wölches ist dir lieber. Danntz / Nac Danntz; 4) Schwester Dorothea / Nach Danntz; 5) Der alten Weiber Dant / nachdantz; 6) Amor cecho colei; 7) Saltarello angloso; 8) Passo e mezo comun; 9) Saltarello comum; 10) Der Poland; 11) Es hat ein medlein ein schreiber hold; 12) Studentenn Dantz / nach Danntz; 13) Mit lieb bin ich umfangen; 14) Ach herzigs Hertz; 15) M. Hainehofers danntz / nach danz; 16) Da der Deber deberin nam; 17) La cara cossa. Galliarda; 18) Chi passa. Galiarda; 19) Ich hab mir ein Medlin ausserwölt; 20) So wünsch ich Ir ain guete Nacht; 21) Es ist auf Erden kein schwereres Leiden; 22) Mir liebt der grüne Mayen; 23) Ungerischen und auch Bauern Danntz / nach Dantz; 24) Salva Puella. Dantz / nachdanz. Hardbound. $114 [item no. 7702]

Capricornus. 2 Lieder.. Leyden & Tode Jesu (FC 1)
Zwey Lieder von dem Leyden und Tode Jesu, in 6. Stücke getheilet und mit 2. Stimmen wie auch 4. Violen (welche doch nach belieben können aussgelassen werden) auf besondere Concerten Art gesetzt. [Landesbibliothek Stuttgart].

Faksimile-Edition Capricornus, 1. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 19 cm, 7 partbooks, 80 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, [1660] edition. For two sopranos, four viols (ad libitum) & bc. Wrappers, in portfolio. $36 [item no. 7544]

Capricornus. Theatrum musicum (FC 2)
Theatrum musicum [quod per duodecim secenas sue sacras cantiones]. Würzburg, Bencard 1669. RISM C 937.

Faksimile-Edition Capricornus, 2. Stuttgart, 2003. Oblong, 29 x 20 cm, 8 partbooks, 131 pp. Line-cut of the Würzburg, 1669 edition. 12 settings with sacred Latin texts scored for altus, tenor, bass, four viols & organ. Hardbound, with marbled paper boards & matching slipcase. $87 [item no. 8346]

Capricornus. Geistliche Concerten 2. Theil (FC 3)
Geistliche Concerten ander Theil. Stuttgart 1665. RISM C 936. [Landesbibl. Dresden; Universitätsbibl., Tübigen].

Faksimile-Edition Capricornus, 3. Stuttgart, 2002. 14 x 19 cm, 3 partbooks, 102 pp. Line-cut of the Stuttgart, 1665 edition. 12 settings a 3 plus basso continuo (”vox prima” partbook of original print has been lost and is not included in this facsimile). Wrappers, in portfolio covered with decorative paper. $56 [item no. 8658]

Capricornus. Raptus Proserpinae (FC 4)
Raptus Proserpinae. In einem singenden Schaw-Spiel vorgestellet. [Landesbibliothek Stuttgart].

Faksimile-Edition Capricornus, 4. Stuttgart, 1999. 14 x 19 cm, 46 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1662 edition. Libretto only. Hardbound, with marbled paper boards. $20 [item no. 7747]

Capricornus. Scelta musicale (FC 5)
Scelta musicale ò la prima opera d’eccellenti motteti, voce sola è uno, overò duos instrumenti. [Zentralbibliothek, Zürich].

Faksimile-Edition Capricornus, 5. Stuttgart, 2000. Oblong, 28 x 20 cm, 4 partbooks, c.80 pp. Line-cut of Ammon edition, Frankfurt, 1669. 8 settings for voice (canto, alto, basso) and various instruments (viola da gamba, violins, cornetti, trombone, bassoon, organo). Hardbound, with slipcase in marbled paper. $115 [item no. 7987]

Capricornus. Continuatio theatri musici (FC 6)
Continuatio theatri musici [seu Sacrarum cantionum. Pars secunda]. Würzburg, Bencard 1669. [Bibl. Nationale de France, Paris].

Faksimile-Edition Capricornus, 6. Stuttgart, 2003. Oblong, 28 x 20 cm, 10 partbooks, c.114 pp. Line-cut of J. Bencard edition, Würzburg, 1669. 8 sacred settings for various voice and instrumental combinations (partbooks: SSTAB, vdg I-II-III-IV, trb, org). Portfolio in marbled paper. $92 [item no. 8375]

Capricornus. Opus aureum missarum (FC 7)
Opus aureum missarum [ad sex, decem & duodecim tonos redactae, cum basso ad organum. [Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, Ms. VM1 982].

Faksimile-Edition Capricornus, 7. Stuttgart, 2000. Oblong, 30 x 20 cm, 11 partbooks, c. 110 pp. Line-cut of the Bencard edition, Frankfurt, 1670. Partbook format: 2 cantus, 2 alto, 2 tenor, 2 violins & bass continuo (organ). Wrappers, with slipcase in marbled paper. $137 [item no. 7755]

Capricornus. Jubilus Bernhardi in 24. partes (FC 8)
Jubilus Bernhardi [in 24. partes distributus, & quinque vocibus concertantibus, quibus adjunctae quatuor violae]. [Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, Ms. VM1 988].

Faksimile-Edition Capricornus, 8. Stuttgart, 2000. 15 x 21 cm, 15 partbooks, c.590 pp. Line-cut of the Endter edition, Stuttgart, 1660. 24 sacred numbers in concerted form in partbook format: cantus 1, cantus 1 ripieno, cantus 2, cantus 2 ripieno, alto, alto ripieno, 4 violas, tenor, tenor ripieno, bassus, bassus ripieno, & basso continuo (organ). Wrappers, with slipcase. $160 [item no. 7821]

Capricornus. 1.-2.-3 Theil geistl. Harmonien (FC 9)
[Geistliche Harmonie, 3 voices, winds, strings, bc] Erster [-Ander, -Dritter] Theil geistlicher Harmonien mit zwei und drey Stimmen und 2. Violinen.

Faksimile-Edition Capricornus, 9. Stuttgart, 2000. 16 x 23 cm, 7 partbooks, 740 pp. Line-cut of the Stuttgart, 1659, 1660 & 1664 editions. 42 pieces for two and three sopranos, two violins, in various combinations with flute, cornetto, bassoon, trombone, & viola da gamba. Hardbound in marbled paper. $158 [item no. 7815]

Capricornus. Geistliche Concerten a 2-3 (FC 11)
Geistliche Concerten mit 2. und 3. Stimmen. [Universitätsbibl., Uppsala].

Faksimile-Edition Capricornus, 11. Stuttgart, 2000. 14 x 19 cm, 4 partbooks, c.120 pp. Line-cut of the Gerjard edition, Nuremberg, 1658. Partbook format: vox prima, vox secunda, vox tertia, bassus pro organo. Wrappers, with slipcase in marbled paper. $84 [item no. 7899]

Capricornus. Neu-Angestimte Tafelmusik (FC 12)
[Tafelmusik, voice, strings/winds, bc, part 1] Neu-Angestimte und erfreuliche Tafelmusik. [Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna].

Faksimile-Edition Capricornus, 12. Stuttgart, 2001. Oblong, 28 x 19 cm, 3 partbooks, 28 pp. Line-cut of the Frankfurt, 1670 edition. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $46 [item no. 7945]

Capricornus. Cont. des Taffel-Lustmusik (FC 13)
[Tafelmusik, strings/winds, bc, part 2] Continuation der neuen wohl angestimmten Taffel-Lustmusik. [Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna].

Faksimile-Edition Capricornus, 13. Stuttgart, 2001. Oblong, 28 x 19 cm, 3 partbooks, 34 pp. Line-cut of the Frankfurt, 1671 edition. Wrappers, in marbled portfolio. $48 [item no. 7946]

Capricornus. Opus Musicum (FC 15)
Opus Musicum. [Zentralbibliothek, Zürich].

Faksimile-Edition Capricornus, 15. Stuttgart, 2001. 20 x 33 cm, 18 partbooks, c.190 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1655 edition. Concerted pieces for voice and instruments, from 1 to 8 parts & bc. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $134 [item no. 7947]

Capricornus. Sonaten und Canzonen (FC 16)
[Sonatas, 2 violins, trombone/viola da gamba] Sonaten und Canzonen [mit 3. Instrumenten gesezt. Instrumentum primum]. Nürnberg, Christoff Gerhard 1660. [Bischöflichen Zentralbibliothek Regensburg].

Faksimile-Edition Capricornus, 16. Stuttgart, 2014. 16 x 22 cm, 24 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremburg, 1660 edition. Rare collection of of 6 sonatas for violins & trombone/viola da gamba. Only the Violino I part survives. Hardbound, with marbled paper boards. $23 [item no. 9377]

Vezzosetti fiori de varii ecc. autori (FCC 1)
Vezzosetti fiori de varii eccellenti autori, cioe, madrigali, ottave, dialochi, arie, et vilanelle, a una, e due voci. Da cantarsi con il cembalo, tiorba, chitarra spagnola, &c. [British Library, London].

Faksimile-Edition Canto e Continuo, 1. Stuttgart, 1999. 22 x 34 cm, 24 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1628 edition. Wrappers. $15 [item no. 7748]

Sabbatini. 1. [2.3.4] scelte di villanelle (FCC 2)
[Villanelle, 1-3 voices, guitar, bc] Prima scelta di villanelle, Roma, Vitale Mascardi 1652; Il terzo de villanelle, Roma, Paolo Masotti 1631; il quarto de villanelle, Roma, Giovanni Batista Robletti 1631; Prima scelte de villanelle.. di nuovo ristampe... Rome, Vitale Mascardi 1652; Seconda scelta de villanelle, Roma, Vitale Mascardi.

Faksimile-Edition Canto e Continuo, 2. Stuttgart, 1999. 23 x 35 cm, 100 pp. Line-cut of five complementary villanelle collections for 1 to 3 voices with bc accompaniment, but specifically for Spanish guitar in alfabeto notation. Hardbound, in marbled paper. $64 [item no. 7769]

Fasolo. Il caro di Madama Lucia (FCC 3)
Il Caro di Madama Lucia, [et una serenata in lingua lombarda, che fa la gola, a carnevale]. [British Library, London].

Faksimile-Edition Canto e Continuo, 3. Stuttgart, 1999. 22 x 34 cm, 12 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1628 edition. A lament for Madama Lucia (with serenate and various dance numbers), consisting of recitatives and 3 part choruses, with and without basso continuo. Alfabeto notation. Wrappers. $20 [item no. 7749]

Crivellati. Cantate diverse a 1.2. & 3. voci (FCC 4)
[Cantatas, 1-3 voices, bc] Cantate diverse a una, due, e tre voci. Con l’intavolatura per la chitarra spagnola in quelle più approposito. [British Library, London].

Faksimile-Edition Canto e Continuo, 4. Stuttgart, 1999. 22 x 34 cm, 28 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1628 edition. Sixteen cantatas a1, five a2, and two a3. Alfabeto notation. Wrappers. $24 [item no. 7750]

Jelic. Parnassia Militia. Concertuum 1-4 v (FCC 5)
Parnassia militia [Concertuum unius, duarum, trivum et quattor vocum tam nativis quam instrumentalibus vocibus, ad organum concinendarum. Opus primum], Straßburg, Paul Ledertz 1622. [Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt].

Faksimile-Edition Canto e Continuo, 5. Stuttgart, 2008. 16 x 22 cm, 5 partbooks, 220 pp. Line-cut of the Strasbourg, 1622 partbooks (cantus, altus, tenor, bassus, bassus ad organum). Collection of 24 motets for 1 to 4 voices, plus 4 ricercare for cornetto/violin, trombone/viol & bc). Wrappers, with portfolio. $58 [item no. 9031]

Campra. Motets a I, II, III voix, livre I (FCC 7)
Motets a I, II, III voix. . . Livre premier. Paris / Christophe Ballard 1700. [Bibliothèque d’étude et de conservation Besançon].

Faksimile-Edition Canto e Continuo, 7. Stuttgart, 2014. 22 x 35 cm, 116 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1700 edition. Hardbound, with boards in decorative paper. $65 [item no. 9410]

Campra. Motets a I, II, III voix, livre II (FCC 7)
Motets a I, II, III voix. . . Livre second. Paris / Christophe Ballard 1700. [Bibliothèque d’étude et de conservation Besançon].

Faksimile-Edition Canto e Continuo, 7. Stuttgart, 2014. 22 x 35 cm, 140 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1700 edition. Hardbound, with boards in decorative paper. $62 [item no. 9428]

Bassano. Madrigali et canzonette 1602 (FCC 8)
Madrigali et canzonette [concertate per potersi cantare con il basso, & soprano nel liuto, & istrumento da pena. Libro primo]. Venedig. [Bischöfliche Zentralbibliothek Regensburg].

Faksimile-Edition Canto e Continuo, 8. Stuttgart, 2014. 22 x 33 cm, 32 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1602 edition. 14 settings for voice with lute accompaniment, Italian lute tablature. Hardbound, with marbled paper boards. (n.b. according to the publisher of this facsimile there is a printing peculiarity in Regensburg exemplar which has been retained in this facsimile; it concerns the incorrect position of the “tavola”—table of contents—and one upside down page; the print is otherwise completely serviceable and nothing is missing) $35 [item no. 9378]

Giancarli. Compositioni musicali intavolate (FCC 9)
Compositioni musicali [intavolate per cantare et sonare nel liuto]. Venedig, Giacomo Vincenti 1602. [Regensburg, Bischöflichen Bibliothek].

Faksimile-Edition Canto e Continuo, 9. Stuttgart, 2015. 21 x 33 cm, 48 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1602 edition. Collection of 19 songs with Italian lute tablature, interestingly referred to as “Motetti, e Mad[rigali]” on the footer of each gathering. Published the same year as Caccini’s Le nuove musiche, these two collections—in the words of John Griffiths—are the meeting place of the old “oral” tradition and the new declamatory style. Giancarli’s music has never been studied or performed since the early 17th c. Hardbound, with boards in decorative paper. $40 [item no. 9479]

Kapsberger. Libro primo di arie passaggiate (FCC 10)
[Arias, voice, bc, book 1] Libro primo di arie passeggiate [à una voce con l’intavolatura del chitarone], Rom 1612. [Library of Congress, Washington DC].

Faksimile-Edition Canto e Continuo, 10. Stuttgart, 2024. 23 x 34 cm, 34 pp. Full color facsimile of the Rome, 1612 edition. Collection of 22 songs with Italian lute tablature. Hardbound, with boards in decorative paper. $43 [item no. 9748]

Kapsberger. Libro 1 di villanelle. 1610 (FCC 11)
[Villanelle, a1-3, book 1] Libro primo di villanelle [a 1, 2, et 3 voci], Rom 1610. [Library of Congress, Washington DC].

Faksimile-Edition Canto e Continuo, 11. Stuttgart, 2024. 22 x 32 cm, 24 pp. Full color facsimile of the Rome, 1610 edition. Collection of 20 villanelle for voice and lute tablature in Italian lute tablature. Hardbound, with boards in decorative paper. $48 [item no. 9749]

Kapsberger. Libro primo d’intavolatura di chitarrone (FCC 16)
[Intabulations, chitarrone, book 1] Libro primo di arie passeggiate [à una voce con l’intavolatura del chitarone], Rom 1612. [Library of Congress, Washington DC].

Faksimile-Edition Canto e Continuo, 16. Stuttgart, 2024. 23 x 34 cm, 60 pp. Full color facsimile of the Rome, 1604 edition. Collection of 22 songs with Italian lute tablature. Hardbound, with boards in decorative paper. $48 [item no. 9750]

Fontei. Bizzarrie poetiche, op.4 (FF 1)
Bizzarrie poetiche [a una, due, tre voci] op.4. Venetia, A. Vincenti 1639. [Bibl. del Conservatorio, Bologna].

Faksimile-Edition Fontei, 1. Stuttgart, 2002. 20 x 28 cm, 4 partbooks, 152 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1639 edition. 18 secular settings for soprano or tenor solo +bc, 2 each for contralto and bass solo + bc, 8 duos for various combinations and 4 trios for various combinations. Wrappers in portfolio. $54 [item no. 8159]

Fontei. Compieta e letanie, op.5 (FF 2)
Compieta e letanie [della Beata Vergine à cinque con sue antifone per ciascun tempo dell’anno à tre, e con alcuni duplicati salmi à tre voice con doi violini e doi confiteor]... op.5. Venezia, Vincenti 2640. [Bibl. del Conservatorio, Bologna].

Faksimile-Edition Fontei, 2. Stuttgart, 2004. 15 x 22 cm, 6 partbooks, 210 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1640 edition. 17 settings for 1 to 5 voices & bc (2 violins are indicated in 3). Wrappers, with slipcase. $74 [item no. 8502]

Fontei. Messa e salmi op.6 (FF 3)
Messa e salmi op.6 [a diverse voci et istromenti]. [Biblioteca Conservatorio, Bologna].

Faksimile-Edition Fontei, 3. Stuttgart, 2004. 15 x 23 cm, 14 partbooks, 492 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1647 edition. 1 mass 9 psalm and 2 magnificat settings for two SATB choirs, plus 2 violins, 3 trombones (”ò altro instromento”), bc. Wrappers, with slipcase covered with marbled paper. $119 [item no. 8493]

Fontei. Salmi brevi op.7 (FF 4)
Salmi brevi op.7 [a otto con il primo choro concertato]. [Biblioteca Conservatorio, Bologna].

Faksimile-Edition Fontei, 4. Stuttgart, 2003. 17 x 25 cm, 9 partbooks, c.315 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1647 edition. 19 settings for two SATB choirs, plus bc. Wrappers, with slipcase covered with marbled paper. $79 [item no. 8203]

Albert. 1. [-8.] Theil der Arien (FHA 1)
[Arias] Erster [] Theil der Arien. [Stadtbibl., Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Heinrich Albert, 1. Stuttgart, 2001. 20 x 32 cm, 226 pp. Line-cut of the Königsberg, 1652, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1652, 1648, 1650 editions. 170 songs, sacred and secular, written for weddings, funerals, anniversaries, and the visits of important persons as well as for the private enjoyment of the composer’s friends. For voices with instrumental accompaniment. Hardbound with boards in marbled paper. $95 [item no. 7917]

Albert. Poetisch-Musicalisches Lust Wäldlein (FHA 2)
Poetisch-Musicalisches Lust Wäldlein. [Niedersächsische Staats-& Universitätsbibl., Göttingen].

Faksimile-Edition Heinrich Albert, 2. Stuttgart, 2001. 20 x 32 cm, 159 pp. Line-cut of the Königsberg, 1648 edition. 144 songs for various functions, notated in score, for voices with instrumental accompaniment. Hardbound, with boards in marbled paper. $73 [item no. 7918]

Albert. Arien 1. Theil / Arien ander Theil (FHA 3)
[Arias] Arien erster Theil... Leipzig, Cellarius 1657; Arien ander Theil... Brieg, Tschorn 1657. RISM A 641 und 642. [Universitätsbibl. Tubingen].

Faksimile-Edition Heinrich Albert, 3. Stuttgart, 2002. 20 x 32 cm, 278, 279 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1657 and Brieg, 1657 editions. For voice with instrumental accompaniment. Hardbound with boards in marbled paper. $81 [item no. 8131]

Albert. Musicalische Kürbs-Hütte (FHA 4)
Musicalische Kürbs-Hütte, welche uns erinnert menschlicher Hinfälligkeit, geschrieben und in 3. Stimmen gesetzt.

Faksimile-Edition Heinrich Albert, 4. Stuttgart, 2001. 20 x 29 cm, 10 pp. Line-cut of the Königsberg, 1615 edition. Wrappers. $10 [item no. 7900]

Albert. Alle Gelegenheitskompositionen (FHA 5)
Alle Gelegenheitskompositionen. [Niedersächsische Staats-& Universitätsbibl., Göttingen & Bayerische Staatsbibl., Munich].

Faksimile-Edition Heinrich Albert, 5. Stuttgart, 2001. 20 x 32 cm, 37 pp. Line-cut of the 1644, 1645, 1645, 1649, 1619, 1650, 1651 editions. Contents: Partitura der Musica; Auf den erfreulichen Namens-Tag Herrn Johann Schmeissen; Freude dem Edlen Koyen; Hirten-Liedchen; Hochzeits-Lied; Rechte Heyrats-Kunst; Braut- & Ehren-Tantz. For voice and instrumental accompaniment. Hardbound, with boards in marbled paper. $30 [item no. 7919]

Rostius. Fröliche neuwe teutsche Gesäng (FHM 1)
Fröliche neuwe teutsche Gesäng, so zum Theil geistlich, zum Theil auch sonst kurtzweilig, mit vier, fünff und sechtz Stimmen. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn & Bibliothek der Gesamthochschule, Kassel].

Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 1. Stuttgart, 1995. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 6 partbooks, 286 pp. Line-cut of the Christoff Raben edition, Frankfurt, 1583. Four German songs a6, eighteen a5, and eight a4, in mensural notation. Hardbound, in slipcase. $183 [item no. 7182]

Rostius. Fröliche neuwe teutsche Gesäng (FHM 1-kart)
Fröliche neuwe teutsche Gesäng, so zum Theil geistlich, zum Theil auch sonst kurtzweilig, mit vier, fünff und sechtz Stimmen. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn & Bibliothek der Gesamthochschule, Kassel].

Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 1. Stuttgart, 1995. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 6 partbooks, 286 pp. Line-cut of the Christoff Raben edition, Frankfurt, 1583. Four German songs a6, eighteen a5, and eight a4, in mensural notation. Wrappers. $104 [item no. 7183]

Phalèse. Löwener Tanzbuch (FHM 2)
Liber primus leviorum carminum. Premier livre de danseries. Löwen, P. Phalèse und Antwerpen, J. Bellère 1571. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].

Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 2. Stuttgart, 1995. Oblong, 19 x 15 cm, 4 partbooks, 438 pp. Line-cut of the Louvain, 1571 edition. Liber primus leviorum carminum—or “first book of easy songs”—consists of 103 dances a4 intended for all instruments. Mostly by Jean d’Estrée, the works include pavane-galliard pairs, allemandes and numerous branles, all written in mensural notation in partbook format. Hardbound in vegetable vellum. Slipcase. $126 [item no. 7287]

Phalèse. Löwener Tanzbuch (FHM 2-kart)
Liber primus leviorum carminum. Premier livre de danseries. Löwen, P. Phalèse und Antwerpen, J. Bellère 1571. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].

Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 2. Stuttgart, 1995. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 4 partbooks, 438 pp. Line-cut of the Louvain, 1571 edition. Liber primus leviorum carminum—or “first book of easy songs”—consists of 103 dances a4 intended for all instruments. Mostly by Jean d’Estrée, the works include pavane-galliard pairs, allemandes and numerous branles, all written in mensural notation in partbook format. Wrappers. $98 [item no. 7288]

Knöfel. Cantus choralis, 1575 (FHM 3)
Cantus choralis. Musicis numeris quinque vocum inclusus, eo ordine, quo per totum anni curriculum praecipuis diebus festis in ecclesia cantari solet. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].

Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 3. Stuttgart, 1995. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 5 partbooks, 438 pp. Line-cut of the Dietrich Gerlach edition, Nuremberg, 1575. 14 sacred setting for five voices, in mensural notation, arranged by the liturgical calendar. Hardbound, in slipcase. $155 [item no. 7180]

Knöfel. Cantus choralis, 1575 (FHM 3-kart)
Cantus choralis. Musicis numeris quinque vocum inclusus, eo ordine, quo per totum anni curriculum praecipuis diebus festis in ecclesia cantari solet. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].

Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 3. Stuttgart, 1995. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 5 partbooks, 438 pp. Line-cut of the Dietrich Gerlach edition, Nuremberg, 1575. 14 sacred settings for five voices, in mensural notation, arranged by the liturgical calendar. Wrappers. $122 [item no. 7181]

Othmayr. Symbola, illustrissimorum (FHM 4)
Symbola, illustrissimorum principum, nobilium, aliorumque doctrina, ac virtutum ornamentis praestantium virorum, musicis numeris explicata. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].

Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 4. Stuttgart, 1995. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 5 partbooks, 358 pp. Line-cut of the Montanus & Neuber edition, Nuremberg, 1547. 34 motets a5 featuring texts with heraldic mottoes, or symbola, of illustrious men of the day, the publisher among them. Hardbound, in slipcase. $164 [item no. 7184]

Othmayr. Symbola, illustrissimorum (FHM 4-kart)
Symbola, illustrissimorum principum, nobilium, aliorumque doctrina, ac virtutum ornamentis praestantium virorum, musicis numeris explicata. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].

Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 4. Stuttgart, 1995. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 5 partbooks, 358 pp. Line-cut of the Montanus & Neuber edition, Nuremberg, 1547. 34 motets a5 featuring texts with heraldic mottoes, or symbola, of illustrious men of the day, the publisher among them. Wrappers. $139 [item no. 7185]

Dressler/Lasso:Deud.Psal./N.teüt.Lied.(FHM 5)
Zehen deudscher Psalmen / [Lasso:] Newe teütsche Liedlein. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].

Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 5. Stuttgart, 1995. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 5 partbooks, 255 pp. Line-cut of the Adam Berg edition, Munich, 1567. 10 psalm settings a4 and 5 by Dressler and 19 settings on German sacred texts by Lasso. Hardbound with slipcase. $129 [item no. 7210]

Dressler/Lasso:Deud.Psalmen/Newe teüt.Leid.(FHM 5-kart)
Zehen deudscher Psalmen / [Lasso:] Newe teütsche Liedlein. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].

Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 5. Stuttgart, 1995. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 5 partbooks, 255 pp. Line-cut of the Adam Berg edition, Munich, 1567. 10 psalm settings a4 and 5 by Dressler and 19 settings on German sacred texts by Lasso. Wrappers. $83 [item no. 7211]

Finck. Practica musica (FHM 6)
Practica musica. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].

Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 6. Stuttgart, 1995. Oblong, 16 x 21 cm, 366 pp. Line-cut of the Wittenberg, 1556 edition. Contains numerous contemporary notes and marginalia in the hand of Johann Lauterbach. Hardbound. $74 [item no. 7218]

Le Maistre. Geistl. & weltliche teut. Geseng (FHM 7)
Geistliche und weltliche teutsche Geseng. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].

Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 7. Stuttgart, 1996. Oblong, 19 x 14 cm, 5 partbooks, c.600 pp. Line-cut of the J. Schwertel edition, Wittenberg, 1566. 92 pieces for 4, 5, and 6 voices. Hardbound, with slip case. $186 [item no. 7279]

Le Maistre. Geistl.& weltliche teut.Geseng (FHM 7-kart)
Geistliche und weltliche teutsche Geseng. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].

Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 7. Stuttgart, 1996. Oblong, 19 x 14 cm, 5 partbooks, c.600 pp. Line-cut of the J. Schwertel edition, Wittenberg, 1566. 92 pieces for 4, 5, and 6 voices. Wrappers. $142 [item no. 7280]

Rhau. Selectae harmoniae quatuor vocum (FHM 8)
Selectae harmoniae quatuor vocum de passione domini. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].

Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 8. Stuttgart, 1996. Oblong, 19 x 15 cm, 4 partbooks, 352 pp. Line-cut of the Wittenberg, 1538. 18 works a4 by Compere, Isaac, Senfel and others. Hardbound, with slipcase. $149 [item no. 7281]

Rhau. Selectae harmoniae quatuor vocum (FHM 8-kart)
Selectae harmoniae quatuor vocum de passione domini. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].

Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 8. Stuttgart, 1996. Oblong, 19 x 15 cm, 4 partbooks, 352 pp. Line-cut of the Wittenberg, 1538. 18 works a4 by Compere, Isaac, Senfel and others. Wrappers. $100 [item no. 7282]

Formschneider. 2. tomus novi operis musici (FHM 9)
[Novi operis musici, part 2] Secundus tomus novi operis musici. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].

Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 9. Stuttgart, 1996. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 5 partbooks, c.600 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1538 edition. Anthology of 43 pieces a4. Hardbound, with slipcase. $195 [item no. 7283]

Formschneider. 2. tomus novi operis musici (FHM 9-kart)
[Novi operis musici, part 2] Secundus tomus novi operis musici. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].

Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 9. Stuttgart, 1996. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 5 partbooks, c.600 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1538 edition. Anthology of 43 pieces a4. Wrappers. $134 [item no. 7284]

Formschneider. Novum et insigne opus (FHM 10)
[Novum et insigne, part 1] Novum et insigne opus musicum. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].

Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 10. Stuttgart, 1996. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 6 partbooks. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1537 edition. Hardbound in marbled paper with matching slipcase. $191 [item no. 7310]

Formschneider. Novum & insigne opus musicum (FHM 10-kart)
[Novum et insigne, part 1] Novum et insigne opus musicum. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].

Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 10. Stuttgart, 1996. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 6 partbooks. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1537 edition. Wrappers. $120 [item no. 7311]

[Berg]. Bergkreyen, auff 2 Stimmen (FHM 11)
Bergkreyen, auff zwo Stimmen componirt, sambt etlichen dergleichen franckreichischen Gesenglein, mit Fleisz auszerlesen, und jetzund newlich zu freundlichem Gefallen, allen der edlen Musickliebhabern in Druck geordnet. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].

Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 11. Stuttgart, 1996. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 2 partbooks, 86 pp. Line-cut of the Berg & Neuber edition, Nuremberg, 1551. Vocal (or instrumental) duets by A. Erich, V. Fortius, J. Heller, R. Rephun, A. Schwartz, T. Stoltzer, and others. Wrappers, with slipcase in beautiful marbled paper. $91 [item no. 7338]

[Berg]. Bergkreyen, auff 2 Stimmen (FHM 11-kart)
Bergkreyen, auff zwo Stimmen componirt, sambt etlichen dergleichen franckreichischen Gesenglein, mit Fleisz auszerlesen, und jetzund newlich zu freundlichem Gefallen, allen der edlen Musickliebhabern in Druck geordnet. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].

Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 11. Stuttgart, 1996. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 2 partbooks, 86 pp. Line-cut of the Berg & Neuber edition, Nuremberg, 1551. Vocal (or instrumental) duets by A. Erich, V. Fortius, J. Heller, R. Rephun, A. Schwartz, T. Stoltzer, and others. Wrappers. [item no. 7339]

Lossius. Psalmodia (FHM 12)
Psalmodia, hoc est, Cantica sacra verteris ecclesiae selecta, quo ordine et melodiis per totius anni curriculum. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].

Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 12. Stuttgart, 1996. 15 x 20 cm, 743 pp. Line-cut of the Wittenberg, 1561 edition. Important source of north German hymnody. In German neume notation. Hardbound. $178 [item no. 7346]

Blavet. 1. recueil de pièces, airs, brunettes, minuets (FKB 1)
[Pièces, 2 flutes/violins/viols, 1st collection] Ier. recueil de pieces... Paris. [Bibliothèque d’étude et de conservation Besançon].

Faksimile-Edition Kammermusik des Barock, 1. Stuttgart, 2014. Oblong, 25 x 17 cm, 81 pp. Line-cut of the Paris printed edition. Contains 69 pieces by M. Blavet and other Baroque masters. Hardbound in marbled paper. $49 [item no. 9375]

Blavet. 2. recueil de pièces, airs, brunettes, minuets (FKB 2)
[Pièces, 2 flutes/violins/viols, 2nd collection] IIe. recueil de pieces... Paris. [Bibliothèque d’étude et de conservation Besançon].

Faksimile-Edition Kammermusik des Barock, 2. Stuttgart, 2014. Oblong, 25 x 17 cm, 81 pp. Line-cut of the Paris printed edition. Hardbound in marbled paper. $49 [item no. 9376]

D’Andrieu. Livre de sonates en trio, 1705 (FKB 3)
[Trio sonatas, 2 violins, bc, op.1] Livre de sonates en trio. [Premier Oeuvre]. Henri Foucault, Paris, 1705. [Bibl. d’Étude et de Conservation Besançon].

Faksimile-Edition Kammermusik des Barock, 3. Stuttgart, 2014. 25 x 35 cm, 43 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1705 edition. Hardbound in marbled paper. $49 [item no. 9496]

Campra. L’Europe galante, ballet (FKB 4)
[L’Europe galante, 1724 ed.] L’Europe galante. Paris / Jean-Baptiste-Christope Ballard, 1724. [Bibliothèque d’étude et de conservation Besançon].

Faksimile-Edition Kammermusik des Barock, 4. Stuttgart, 2014. 24 x 37 cm, 269 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1724 edition. Hardbound, with boards in decorative paper. $130 [item no. 9411]

Rameau. Les Indes galantes (FKB 5)
Les Indes galantes. Paris. [Bibliothèque d’étude et de conservation Besançon].

Faksimile-Edition Kammermusik des Barock, 5. Stuttgart, 2015. Oblong, 31 x 23 cm, 226 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1735-1736 edition (short score). Hardbound, with boards in decorative paper. $83 [item no. 9427]

Bon. 6 sonate da camera per flauto, op.1 (FKB 6)
[Sonatas, flute, bc, op.1] VI sonate da camera per il flauto traversiere, e violoncello o cembalo. Opera prima. [Fürstlich Thurn und Taxissche Hofbibliothek, Regensburg].

Faksimile-Edition Kammermusik des Barock, 6. Stuttgart, 2016. 26 x 37 cm, 25 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1756 edition. Wrappers. $24 [item no. 9527]

Muffat. Armonico tributo. Sonata di camera (FKB 7)
Armonico tributo [cioé sonate di camera commondissime a pocchi, ò a molti stromenti]. Salzburg. Giovanni Battista Mayr 1682 [Fürstlich Thurn und Taxissche Hofbibliothek, Regensburg].

Faksimile-Edition Kammermusik des Barock, 7. Stuttgart, 2017. 26 x 37 cm, 5 partbooks, 158 pp. Line-cut of the Salzburg, 1682 edition. Like Biber’s Mystery Sonatas and Sonatas 1681, this set was dedicated to Archbishop Maximilian Gandolph von Khuenberg with whom he was employed for 10 years. Scored for vln I, vln, II, va I, va II, cembalo (bc). The performance markings in the print are nearly unique for the time—perhaps aids to assist German string players with the idiom of cosmopolitan French dance styles—and include meticulous tempo, dynamic, bowing, and solo-ensemble markings. Additional performance instructions are provided in the preface (“Amico Lettore”). Wrappers with portfolio in decorative paper. $87 [item no. 9565]

Kradenthaller. Deliciarum musicalium 1675-1676 (FKB 8)
Deliciarum musicalium. Erster Theil [à 4. Viol, von Sonatinen, Arien, Sarabanden und Giquen allen Music-Freunden zur Delectation], Wolf Eberhard Felßecker Nürnberg 1675; Ander Theil (etlicher Sonatinen, Arien, Sarabanden und Giquen, &c. von sonderlichen Inventionen und Manier à 4 Viol. Allen Music-Freunden zur Delectation], Wolf Eberhard Felßecker Nürnberg 1676. [Fürstlich Thurn und Taxissche Hofbibliothek, Regensburg].

Faksimile-Edition Kammermusik des Barock, 8. Stuttgart, 2018. 22 x 18cm, 5 partbooks, 158 pp. Line-cut of the Nürnberg 1675-1676 partbook edition, for 4 viols with basso continuo (labeled “Violino I”, “Violino II”, “Violetta”, “Violon”, “Cembalo”.Hardboard in beautiful decorative paper with matching slip case. $142 [item no. 9573]

Furchheim. Musikalische Taffel-Bedienung (FKB 9)
Musikalische Taffel-Bedienung. [mit 5. Instrumenten, als 2. Violinen, 2. Violen, 1. Violon, benebenst dem General-Bass]. Paul August Hamann / Dresden 1674. [Jever, Bibl. des Marien-Gymnasiums].

Faksimile-Edition Kammermusik des Barock, 79. Stuttgart, 2020. 23 x 33 cm, 6 partbooks, 88 pp. Line-cut of the Dresden, 1674 edition. A great set of six lively sonatas by a student of Heinrich Schütz written for the Dresden Court. Wrappers with portfolio in marbled paper. $68 [item no. 9618]

Noordt. Tabulaturboeck. Amsterdam, 1659 (FKK 1)
Tabulatuurboeck [van Psalmen en Fantasyen]. Amsterdam, Willem van Beaumont 1659. [Universitätsbibl. Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 1. Stuttgart, 2005. 25 x 36 cm, 68 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, 1659 edition.The only known print preserving the works of A. van Noordt. (New Groves indicates erroneously that this work was lost in WW II). Uses unusual notation where the upper parts are distributed over two six-line staves (”Anglo-Dutch” notation); the bass, probably intended for the organ pedals, is printed under the staves in German organ tablature. Hardbound, with laid paper boards. $56 [item no. 8646]

Schwartzkopff. Fuga melancholiae (FKK 2)
Fuga melancholiae [hoc estharmonica, Concertus sacri, missas, psalmos & hymnos continentes, à quatuor vocibus necessariis, & quinque instrumentis ad libitum]. Stuttgart, Weyrich Rösslin 1684. [Universitätsbibl. Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 2. Stuttgart, 2006. 25 x 36 cm, 68 pp. Line-cut of the Stuttgart, 1684 edition. edition. 8 sacred concerti scored for SATB, vln I-II, vla I-II-III & basso continuo. Wrappers, in slipcase covered in marbled paper. $89 [item no. 8664]

Aglione. Giardino di spirituali concenti (FKK 3)
Giardino di spirituali concenti [à quattro, à due voci, con alcuni motetti à voce sola]. Venezia, G. Visconti 1618. [Universitätsbibl. Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 3. Stuttgart, 2006. 12 x 26 cm, 5 partbooks, 168 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1618 edition. Marvellous collection of sacred concerti: 8 works a4, 3 works a3, 16 works a2 and 12 for solo voice, all with basso continuo. Wrappers, in portfolio with marbled paper boards. $49 [item no. 8666]

Baselli. Primo libro de sacri concerti (FKK 4)
Il primo libro de sacri concerti [a una, a due, a tre & quatro voci con il basso continuo per l’organo], Venetia, Ricciardo Amadino 1614. [Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 4. Stuttgart, 2006. 12 x 26 cm, 5 partbooks, 160 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1614 edition. Rich collection of sacred concerti for all sorts of vocal combinations: 8 works a4, 3 works a3, 9 works a2 and 4 for solo voice, all with basso continuo and many calling for trombone or chittarone accompaniment. Wrappers, in portfolio with marbled paper boards. $59 [item no. 8689]

Froberger. Partite musicali (FKK 5)
[Partite musicali, keyboard] Partite musicali. Mainz, Ludwig Bourgeat 1696. [Bibl. Jagiellońska, Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 5. Stuttgart, 2006. Oblong, 32 x 20 cm, 28 pp. Halftone of the Amsterdam, 1696 edition. Hardbound in decorative paper. $30 [item no. 8814]

Froberger. Suittes des clavessin (FKK 6)
[Suites, keyboard] Suittes des clavessin. Amsterdam, E. Roger. [Bibl. Jagiellońska, Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 6. Stuttgart, 2006. Oblong, 25 x 18 cm, 40 pp. Halftone of the Amsterdam, 1710 edition. Hardbound in decorative paper. $35 [item no. 8782]

Froberger. Toccate... (FKK 7)
[Toccatas, keyboard] [Diverse ingegnosissime, rarissime & non maj piu viste curiose partite, di] toccate, [canzone, ricercate, alemande, correnti, sarabande e gique, cimbali, organi e instromenti]. Ludwig Bourgeat 1693. [Bibl. Jagiellońska, Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 7. Stuttgart, 2006. Oblong, 32 x 21 cm, 46 pp. Halftone of the Amsterdam, 1693 edition. Hardbound in decorative paper. $40 [item no. 8815]

Wecker. 18 geistliche Concerten (FKK 8)
XVIII. geistliche Concerten [mit 2. bis 4. Vocal-Stimmen und 5. Instrumentis ad libitum, zu musicieren...]. Nürnberg, Moritz Endter 1695. [Bibl. Jagiellońska, Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 8. Stuttgart, 2007. 20 x 26 cm, 19 partbooks, c.500 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1695 edition. Wrappers, in marbled paper slipcase. $128 [item no. 8829]

Bernhardt. Geistliche Harmonien (FKK 9)
Geistliche Harmonien [erster Theil, begreifende zwanzig deutsche Concerten von 2.3.4. und 5. Stimmen. Opus primum]. Dresden/Wolfgang Seyffert 1665. [Bibl. Jagiellońska, Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 9. Stuttgart, 2007. 21 x 33 cm, 7 partbooks, 138 pp. Line-cut of the Dresden, 1665 edition. Collection of 12 sacred settings (3 a2, 1 a3, 5 a4, 2 a5, & 1 a6), with violin and viola da gamba accompaniment. Printed in partbook format: 1. Sing-Stimme, 2. Sing-Stimme, 3. Sing-Stimme, 4. Sing-Stimme, 1. Instrument, Anderes Instrument, Basso Continuo. Wrappers, in marbled paper slipcase. $65 [item no. 8830]

Albert. Verschiedene Gelegenheitskomp. (FKK 10)
Verschiedene Gelegenheitskom positionen. 1. Auff den Nahmens-Tag Herrn Michael Adersbachen.. 2. Klag- und Tros-Lied... Herrn Georg von der Gröben 3: Braut-Tantz... Herr Barthel Michell Bräutigam 4: Hochzeit=Lied zu Ehren... Sigismund Scharffen... 5: Der Liebe Lob-Gesang, auff den Hochzeitlichen Ehren-Tag. [Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 10. Stuttgart, 2008. 22 x 33 cm, 2 vols, 56 pp. Line-cut of the Königsberg, 1642-1647 edition. 2 strophic settings a5 and settings for voices, with strings, trombone and bc support. Portfolio, with decorative paper boards. $45 [item no. 8964]

Kindermann. Harmonia organica 1645 (FKK 11)
Harmonia organica [in tabulaturam germanicam composita: I. Praeambula per omnes tonos figurales, II. Fantasiae, III. Fuga, IV. Intonationes, V. Magnificat], Nürnberg, 1645. [Bibl. Jagiellońska, Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 11. Stuttgart, 2007. 21 x 32 cm, 56 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1645 edition. 25 short pieces in contrapuntal style, of which 14 are preludes in the 7 authentic and plagal modes, and 1 is a triple fugue on 3 chorale melodies. One of the first German organ collections to be engraved. Laid paper. Hardbound, with marbled paper boards. $44 [item no. 8871]

[Petrucci] Agricola & de la Rue: Misse (FKK [12])
[Masses, 1504, 1503] Alexander Agricola: Misse. Venezia, Petrucci 1504 / Pierre de la Rue: Misse. Venezia 1503. [Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, [12]. Stuttgart, 2007. Oblong, 23 x 18 cm, 4 partbooks, 192 pp. Line-cut of 2 Petrucci mass volumes, respectively by Agricola (1504) and de la Rue (1503). Contents: Misse Alexandri Agricole—Le serviteur, Je ne demande, Mal heur me bat, Primi toni, Secundi toni; Misse Petri de la Rue—De beata virgine, Puer natus, Sexti ut fa, Lomme arme, Nunquam fue pena maior. Hardbound, in decorative paper, with matching slipcase. $158 [item no. 8915]

Galilei. Primo libro d’intavolatura di liuto (FKK 13)
Il primo libro d’intavolatura di liuto. München 1620. [Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 13. Stuttgart, 2008. 21 x 33 cm, 116 pp. Line-cut of the Munich, 1620 edition. Printed on the recto pages only, after the original. 56 pieces (mostly dances) for ten course lute in French tablature. Hardbound, with decorative paper boards. Wrappers. $41 [item no. 8962]

Purcell,D. A Collection of New Songs (FKK 14)
[Pilgrim, song selections] A Collection of New Songs [with a Through Bass to Each Song for the Harpsichord]. London, Walsh 1700. [Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 14. Stuttgart, 2008. 21 x 33 cm, 5 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, 1700. Two numbers from the comedy Pilgrim (”Chronos Chronos mend mend thy pace”; “Ha! ha! ha! ha well well hast thou done”). Wrappers. $12 [item no. 8963]

Brandisius. Victoria Sveco-Saxonica (FKK 15)
Victoria Sveco-Saxonica. [Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 15. Stuttgart, 2009. 16 x 21 cm, 3 partbooks, 40 pp. Line-cut of the Gregor Ritzsch edition, Leipzig, 1631. Portfolio, with decorative paper boards. $48 [item no. 9096]

Falconieri. Sacrae modulationes (FKK 16)
Sacrae modulationes [quinque et sex vocibus]. [Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 16. Stuttgart, 2009. 17 x 23 cm, 6 parts, 120 pp. Line-cut of the Gardane/Magni edition, Venice, 1619. 14 setting for a5 & a6. Portfolio, with decorative paper boards. $68 [item no. 9097]

Keiser. Gemüths-Ergötzung (FKK 17)
Gemüths-Ergötzung [bestehend in einigen Sing-Gedichten mit einer Stimme und unterschiedlichen Instrumenten]. [Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 17. Stuttgart, 2009. Oblong, 33 x 20 cm, 3 parts, 135 pp. Line-cut of the Nicolaus Spieringk edition, Hamburg, 1698. 7 solo cantatas for various voice ranges; notated in 2-3 staves (voice with basso continuo), together with 2 supplement violin parts. Portfolio, with decorative paper boards. $65 [item no. 9098]

Löwe von Eysenach. Einstimmige neue Arien (FKK 18)
Einstimmige neue Arien [mit zweystimmigen Rittornellen, über Johann Georg Braunens / C.I.H. Weltliche Lieder]. Nürnberg, Christoph Gerhard 1682. [Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 18. Stuttgart, 2008. 21 x 32 cm, 3 vols, 86 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1682 edition. 21 arias “à voce sola con rittornello à 2. violini” . Wrappers. $60 [item no. 9143]

Schmied. Dialogus wieder böse Verfolger (FKK 19)
Dialogus wieder böse Verfolger. [Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 19. Stuttgart, 2009. 14 x 20 cm, 16 pp. Line-cut of the Daniel Starck edition, Stettin, 1665. Wrappers. $10 [item no. 9117]

Ahle. Neu-gepflanzten thür. Lust-Garten. II (FKK 20)
Neu-gepflanzten thüringischen Lust-Gartens Ander Theil. [In welschen XXX. neue geistliche musikalische Gewaechse mit und mehr Stimmen...]. Mühlhausen, Johann Hüter 1658. [Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, [20]. Stuttgart, 2010. 19 x 32 cm, 10 partbooks, c.300 pp. Line-cut of the Mühlhausen, 1658 edition. Wrappers, in slipcase. $132 [item no. 9150]

Lebèque. Les pieces de clavecin, Paris 1677 (FKK 21)
[Pièces, harpsichord, book 1] Les pieces de clavecin, Paris 1677. [Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 21. Stuttgart, 2010. Oblong, 27 x 21 cm, 94 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1677 edition. Laid paper, hardbound in decorative paper boards. $46 [item no. 9195]

Lebèque. 2. livre de clavecin, Amsterdam (FKK 22)
[Pièces, harpsichord, book 2] Second livre de clavecin, Amsterdam, E. Rogier o.D. [Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 22. Stuttgart, 2010. Oblong, 27 x 21 cm, 50 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, [1698] edition. Laid paper, hardbound with decorative paper boards. $39 [item no. 9196]

Eccard. Zween schöne und trostreiche Sprüche (FKK 23)
[& Paul Emmelius] Zween schöne und trostreiche Sprüche [von dem heiligen Ehestand aus dem 31. Cap. Salomonis mit fünff Stimmen componiert]. Königsberg 1591. [Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 23. Stuttgart, 2012. Oblong, 20 x 16 cm, 5 partbooks, 20 pp. Line-cut of the Königsberg 1591 edition. A rare source with 2 settings a5 in mensural notation, respectively by Johann Eccard and Paulus Emmelius. Portfolio. $11 [item no. 9272]

Schimpf. Mariae antiphonae et lytaniae (FKK 24)
Mariae antiphonae [et lytaniae à 2,3,4,5. vocibus è 2. Violini]. Innsbruck. Michael Wagner 1658. [Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 24. Stuttgart, 2013. Oblong, 17 x 23 cm, 4 partbooks, 148 pp. Line-cut of the Insbruck, 1658 partbook edition. Wrappers with portfolio in marbled paper. $70 [item no. 9340]

Pezel, Schöne lustiger und anmuthige Neue Arien (FKK 24)
[Neue Arien] [Schöne lustiger und anmuthige] Neue Arien [über die uberflüfzigen Gedancken von einer Vocal-Stimme begenst ihren Ritonellen, auf zwey Violinen, zwey Viole u. einen Fagot oder Violon, samt de Bc]. [Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 24. Stuttgart, 2021. 21 x 31 cm, 84 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1672 edition. 12 strophic songs in declamatory style with bc accompaniment, with separate parts for vln I, vln II, vla I, vla II, bsn/vc, bsn bound in. Hardbound with marbled paper boards. $51 [item no. 9661]

Pez. Duplex Genius. Instr. Concentus (FKK 25)
Duplex Genius. Five Gallo-Italus Instrumentorum Concentus Opus 1. [12. Constans Symphoniis, 2. Violinis cum archiviala & basso continuo]. E. Roger Marchand / Amsterdam. [Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 25. Stuttgart, 2013. 21 x 32 cm, 4 partbooks, 106 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, n.d. partbook edition. Scored for vln I, vln II, vc, bc. Wrappers with portfolio in marbled paper. $65 [item no. 9346]

Ledertz. Promptuarii musici concentus, 1 (FKM 1)
[Promptuarii musici, part 1] Promptuarii musici [concentus ecclesiasticos II. III. & IV. vocum... Pars prima]. Paul Ledertz, Straßburg 1622, RISM 1622(2). [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 1. Stuttgart, 2011. 20 x 32 cm, 4 partbooks, 369 pp. Line-cut of the Strasbourg, 1622 partbook edition (vox prima, vox secunda, vox tertia, bassus generalis). An amazingly diverse anthology of 174 sacred motets for 2, 3, and 4 voices, assembled by Johannes Donfried, rector of the Latin School of Rottenburg. Nearly every composer active in the last half of the 16th c. and first quarter of the 17th c. is represented. Hardbound, with marbled paper boards. $163 [item no. 9274]

Ledertz. Promptuarii musici concentus, 3 (FKM 2)
[Promptuarii musici, part 3] Promptuarii musici [concentus ecclesiasticos CCLXXXVI: Selectissimos II. III. & IV. vocum... Pars tertia]. Paul Ledertz, Straßburg 1627, RISM 1627(1). [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 2. Stuttgart, 2012. 20 x 32 cm, 5 partbooks, 1190 pp. Line-cut of the Strasbourg, 1627 partbook edition (vox prima, vox secunda, vox tertia, vox quarta, bassus generalis). An amazingly diverse anthology of sacred motets for 2, 3, and 4 voices, assembled by Johannes Donfried, rector of the Latin School of Rottenburg. Nearly every composer active in the last half of the 16th c. and first quarter of the 17th c. is represented. Hardbound, with marbled paper boards. $235 [item no. 9316]

Valentini. Allettamenti per camera op.8 (FKM 3)
[Sonatas, violin, bc, op.8] Allettamenti per camera a violino, e violoncello, o cembalo. Opera ottava. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 3. Stuttgart, 2007. 24 x 31 cm, 53 pp. Line-cut of the Roger edition. Amsterdam, [1714]. 12 sonatas notated in score. Hardbound, with marbled paper boards. $52 [item no. 8870]

Poglietti. Compendium Ms. 1676 (FKM 5)
Compendium [oder kurtzer Begriff, und Einführung zur Musica], Ms. 1676. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 5. Stuttgart, 2007. 26 x 31 cm, 134 pp. Color reproduction of a contemporary ms copy. Offers guidance to students of 17th-c. keyboard practice and an introduction to the art of composition. Includes 12 ricercares, models of the strict style, important compositions that stand in the tradition of Frescobaldi’s Fiori musicali and Bach’s Die Kunst der Fuge. The compendium also includes many themes “all manner of capriccios”, variously imitating on an instrument the songs of birds and other sounds (nightingale, canary, cuckoo, cock and hen) and of the sounds of bells, work and war. Hardbound, with cloth spine. $135 [item no. 8913]

Eisenhuet. Musicalisches Fundament (FKM 6)
Musicalisches Fundament. Ex Ducali Typographia Campidonensi 1682. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 6. Stuttgart, 2007. 18 x 23 cm, 73 pp. Line-cut of the Kempten, 1682. Theoretical work, organized in two parts, addressed to the music education of young boys; deals with notation, the church modes, simple vocal exercises, and exercises in solmization. Hardbound, with marbled paper boards. $45 [item no. 8905]

Ertel. Psalmodiae vesperinae (FKM 7)
Psalmodiae vespertinae [solemnibus totius anni festivitatibus octonis vocibus, et tam vocum quam variorum instrumentorum usui, accommodatae. Quibus accesserunt canticum deiparse virginis, & singulae eiusdem antiphonae, cum basso ad organum]. München, Nicolaus Heinrich 1617. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 7. Stuttgart, 2014. 16 x 21 cm, 9 partbooks, c.460 pp. Line-cut of the Munich, 1617 partbook edition (Canto/Canto, Alto/Alto, Tenore/Tenore, Basso/Basso, Organo. 22 settings for double choir. Wrappers, with slipcase covered in marbled paper. $126 [item no. 9358]

Straus. Missae & 20. (FKM 8)
Missae octo, novem, decem, undecim, duodecim, tredecim et viginti, tam vocibus, quam variis instrumentis, et basso generali ad organum accommodato. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 8. Stuttgart, 2011. 19 x 29 cm, 13 partbooks, c.989 pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, 1631 partbooks. Straus, a native Viennese, was Kapellmeister at the Court from 1612-19 and organist at St. Stephen’s Cathedral. Wrappers, in marbled paper slipcase. $295 [item no. 9247]

Simon. Leichte Praeludia und Fugen... (FKM 9)
[Preludes & fuges; Musikalische Nebenstunden, keyboard] Johann Caspar Simon: a) Leichte Praeludia und Fugen; b) Leichte und wohlklingende Praeludia und Fugen Ander Theil; c) Gemüthsvergnügende musikalische Nebenstunden; d) Gemüthsvergnügende musikalische Nebenstunden Ander Theil. Augsburg, Lotter Erben. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 9. Stuttgart, 2008. Oblong, 33 x 21 cm, 80 pp. Line-cut of two of Simon’s organ works, both in two parts, issued in Augsburg 1750-51 and 1750-52. Hardbound, with marbled paper boards. $62 [item no. 9004]

Maichelbeck. Die auf dem Clavier lehrende (FKM 10)
Die auf dem Clavier lehrende Caecilia op.2. Lotter, Augsburg 1738. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 10. Stuttgart, 2008. 33 x 21 cm, 100 pp. Line-cut of the Augsburg, 1738 edition. Maichelbeck’s most important work, directed towards the amateur keyboard player, presents both theoretical instruction and compositions for performance. One of the earliest examples in a printed work where the use of the thumb is designated in keyboard patterns. Hardbound, with handsome decorative paper boards. $115 [item no. 8977]

Biber. Sonatae Violino solo 1681 (FKM 11)
[Sonatas, violin, bc, 1681 ed.] Sonatae Violino solo 1681. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 11. Stuttgart, 2009. Oblong, 33 x 25 cm, 63 pp. Line-cut of the Salzburg, 1681 edition. Wrappers. Hardbound, with marbled paper boards. $58 [item no. 9112]

Stadelmair. Missae concertatae (FKM 12)
Missae concertatae a X. et XII, vocibus et instrumentis cum quatuor partibus pro secundo choro. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 12. Stuttgart, 2010. 15 x 20 cm, 17 partbooks, c.500 pp. Line-cut of the Michael Wagner edition, 1642. 4 concerted masses, two a10 and two a12. Wrappers, with marbled paper slipcase. $115 [item no. 9180]

Stadelmair. Musica super cantum gregor. (FKM 13)
Musica super cantum gregorianum. Pars prima: Ravensburg J. Schröter 1625; Pars secunda: Ravensburg J. Schröter 1626. RISM S4289. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 13. Stuttgart, 2010. 16 x 21 cm, 6 partbooks, c.360 pp. Line-cut of the Ravensburg, 1625 & 1626 editions. 102 introit and 9 Gloria Patri settings for 5 voices with bc in mensural notation. Hardbound, with marbled paper boards; slipcase. $239 [item no. 9152]

Cazzati. Messe brevi a otto voce (FKM 14)
[Masses a8, op.28] Messe brevi a otto voce [con una concertata a 4. e suoi ripieni à beneplacito, & una à otto da capella]. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 14. Stuttgart, 2011. 16 x 21 cm, 11 partbooks, c.390 pp. Line-cut of the Antonio Pifarri edition, Bologna, 1662. Wrappers, with slipcase with marbled paper. $74 [item no. 9253]

Stadelmair. Missae concertatae a 6. voc. (FKM 15)
Missae concertatae [a VI. adiuncto choro secundo sive ripieni, ut vocant, pro beneplacito itidem 6. vocum] Innsbruck, Johann Gäch 1631. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 15. Stuttgart, 2011. 17 x 22 cm, 13 partbooks, 582 pp. Line-cut of the Innsbruck, 1631 partbooks. Wrappers, in marbled paper slipcase. $99 [item no. 9249]

Stadelmair. Missae duodenis vocibus (FKM 16)
Missae duodenis vocibus, [cum triplici basso ad organum accommodato]. Liber secundus, Wien, Formica 1616. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 16. Stuttgart, 2011. 17 x 22 cm, 13 partbooks, 436 pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, 1616 partbooks. Wrappers, in marbled paper slipcase. $85 [item no. 9248]

Muffat,Ge. Apparatus musico organisticus (FKM 17)
Apparatus musico organisticus. Johann Baptist Mayr, Salzburg 1690. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 17. Stuttgart, 2008. 30 x 43 cm, 72 pp. Color facsimile of the Salzburg, 169 edition. Hardbound, with handsome decorative paper boards. $124 [item no. 8981]

Kinninger. Cythara David (FKM 18)
Cythara David [excitans, Das ist: Kürzlich doch besser gegründete Erweckung unter der Leitter von einen vollkommenen Unterricht zur edlen Choral-Music traumenden Jacob, genaue Reglen untersucht, und mit Fundamenten unterstüzt, zum bessten der in erwhneter Choral-Music sich exerirend - auch die Passiv-Instruction angehende Jungen, allen Fählern vorzubiegen, heraus gegeben]. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 18. Stuttgart, 2011. Oblong, 25 x 17 cm, 90 pp. Line-cut of the Linz, 1745 edition. A little known treatise on choral music. Hardbound with decorative paper boards. $46 [item no. 9254]

Prinz. Exercitationum musicarum (FKM 19)
Exercitationum musicarum. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 19. Stuttgart, 2011. 16 x 31 cm, 55 pp. Line-cut of the Frankfurt & Leipzig, 1687 edition. Hardbound with marbled paper boards. $27 [item no. 9256]

Sale. Officiorum missalium (FKM 20)
Officiorum missalium [Tripertiti operis, quibus introitus, alleluia et comuniones de omnibus omnium sactorum, per totum anni circulum, dicbus & sollenibus quinque & sex vocum continentus]. Prag, Georg Nigrinus 1596. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 20. Stuttgart, 2011. Oblong, 18 x 15 cm, 5 partbooks, 240 pp. Line-cut of the Prague, 1596 edition. 22 settings for 4 to 6 voices in mensural notation. Partbook format (cantus, altus, tenor, bassus, quintus/sextus). Wrappers, with slipcase in decorative paper. $62 [item no. 9261]

Albrechtsberger. Fundament z. Orgel & Fliegelspielen (FKM 21)
Fundament zum Orgel und Fliegelspielen. Auth: Albrechtsberger. Ad usum. Ms. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 21. Stuttgart, 2012. Oblong, 22 x 19 cm, 28 pp. Line-cut of a contemporary manuscript. Distilled into 6 sections (Absätze) this useful and practical manual instructs the user, “according to current convention”, on 1) clefs, 2) the notation of tempi, notes & pauses, 3) the execution of ornaments & “manieren”, 4) right & left hand fingerings 5) chordal fingering, 6) tonality. Wrappers. $17 [item no. 9307]

Bertali. Instruction musicalis. Ms (FKM 22)
Instruction musicalis [Domini Antonÿ Bertalli, 1676]. Ms. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 22. Stuttgart, 2012. 17 x 24 cm, 50 pp. Color reproduction of a manuscript dated 1676. Bertali’s Regulae compositionis is a short instruction and guide to the thoroughbass. In the copy from 1676 it is called Instuctio musicalis; it partly adheres to Carissimi's widespread theory of composition. Wrappers. $28 [item no. 9302]

Mouthon. Concerto à 5 (FKM 23)
Concerto à 5. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 23. Stuttgart, 2012. 21 x 32 cm, 5 partbooks, 132 pp. Line-cut of manuscript parts preserved in the library of Kremsmünster Abber in Upper Austria. 10 chamber concertos in Italianate style scored for vlh I, vln II, alto vla, tenor vla, and basso continuo (organ). Wrappers. $77 [item no. 9315]

Bernardi. Encomia sacra op.15 (FKM 23)
Encomia sacra. Binis, ternis, quaternis, quintus, senisque vocibus concinenda], op.15. Salzburg / Gregor Kyrner 1634. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 23. Stuttgart, 2013. 23 x 31 cm, 6 partbooks, 188 pp. Line-cut of the Salzburg, 1634 partbooks (cantus 1, cantus 2, altus, tenor, bassus, bc). Collection of sacred motets, 9 setting a2, 17 a3 (mostly cantus/bass), 4 a4, and 5 a6. Wrappers with portfolio in marbled paper. $74 [item no. 9336]

Thadei. Psalmi vespertini (FKM [24])
Psalmi vespertini. Venedig/ Gardane, Magni 1628. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, [24]. Stuttgart, 2013. 16 x 21 cm, 9 partbooks, c.306 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1628 partbooks. Wrappers with slipcase in marbled paper. $114 [item no. 9320]

Gessner. Psalmi (FKM 24)
Psalmi. [Magnificat. Antiphonae, cum adjunctis litaniis B.V.M.]. Michael Rictius 1632. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 24. Stuttgart, 2013. 23 x 31 cm, 10 partbooks, 228 pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, 1632 partbooks (cantus 1, cantus 2, altus 1, altus 2, tenor 1, tenor 2, bassus 1, bassus 2, bc). Collection of sacred music for double choir. Wrappers with portfolio in marbled paper. $88 [item no. 9337]

Stadelmair. Cantici mariani (FKM 25)
Cantici mariani [septies variati. liber quartus, vocum duodecim, dum triplici basso ad organum accommodato]. Innsbruck / Daniel Agricola 1618. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 25. Stuttgart, 2013 16 x 21 cm, 13 partbooks, 436 pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, 1618 partbooks. Wrappers, in marbled paper slipcase. $148 [item no. 9338]

Stadelmair. Missae breves (FKM 40)
Missae breves [a. IV. cum una pro defunctis, et alia. V. voc: concertatae]. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 25. Stuttgart, 2021 16 x 21 cm, 5 partbooks, 172 pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, 1618 partbooks (cantus, altus, tenor, bassus, bassus continuus). Wrappers, in marbled paper portfolio. $59 [item no. 9646]

Pichelmair. Sacra psalmodia (FKM 27)
Sacra psalmodia [octonis vocibus concinenda]. Regensburg. Christoph Fischer 1637. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 27. Stuttgart, 2013 21 x 25 cm, 9 partbooks, 208 pp. Line-cut of the Regensburg, 1637 partbooks. Wrappers, in marbled paper slipcase. $98 [item no. 9339]

Grandi. Salmi a otto brevi (FKM 28)
Salmi a otto brevi. Venedig / Alessandro Vincenti 1629. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 28. Stuttgart, 2013. 16 x 21 cm, 9 partbooks, c.200 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1629 partbook edition (Canto/Canto, Alto/Alto, Tenore/Tenore, Basso/Basso, Basso cont. 19 settings for double choir. Wrappers, with slipcase covered in marbled paper. $105 [item no. 9344]

Lebeque. Pieces d’orgue et de clavecin (FKM 29)
[Pièces, organ & harpsichord] Pieces d’orgue et de clavecin. Jahr-des Privilegs 1675. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 29. Stuttgart, 2014. Oblong, 28 x 21 cm, 90 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1675 edition. Beautiful marbled paper boards. $68 [item no. 9357]

Conforti. Passaggi sopra tutti li salmi (FKM 30)
Passaggi sopra tutti li salmi [che ordinariamente canta santa chiesa, ne i vesperi della dominica, & ne i giorni festiui di tutto l’anno. Con il basso sotto per sonare, & cantare con organo, ò con altri stromenti]. Venedig, Angelo Gardano & Fratelli 1607. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 30. Stuttgart, 2014. 16 x 22 cm, 56 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1607 edition. This fascinating ornamentation treatise—unlike the autor’s Rome c.1593 edition—is printed entirely in movable type and addresses the sacred repertoire. Hardbound, in marbled paper. $32 [item no. 9363]

Kern. Hortus Marianus (FKM 31)
Hortus Marianus [consistens in selectissimus 24. antiphonis beatissimae mariae virginis, per annum integrum. Nempe 6. Ave regina, 6. Regina coeli, 6. Salve regina, 6. Alma redempt. 4. vocibus. 2. violinis. 1. viola, cum duplici basso continuo. Ad primum salve regina, cum 2. clarinis & tympano. Praeterquam, ad primum Ave regina, primum Regina coeli, & primum Alma, cum clar. & tymp. ad libitum]. Hals, Johann Anton Pustätt 1746. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 31. Stuttgart, 2014. 16 x 21 cm, 10 partbooks, 178 pp. Line-cut of the Passau, 1746 partbook edition (Canto/Alto/Tenore/Basso/Violino I/Violino II/Viola/Organo/Clarino/Tympano. 24 Marian settings for choir plus intruments. Kern was Fürstbischöflicher Kammer-Kompositeur in Passau. Wrappers, with portfolio covered in marbled paper. $82 [item no. 9380]

Kraf. Virginis parentis canticum (FKM 32)
Virginis parentis canticum. . . Rohrschach / Johann Schrötter / Canticum deiparae virginis. . . Ravensburg / Johann Schröter 1623. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 32. Stuttgart, 2014. 16 x 21 cm, 9 partbooks, 718 pp. Line-cut of the Rohrschach (n.d.) and Ravensburg, 1623 partbook edition. (cantus/altus/tenor/bassus/quinta vox/ sexta vox/septima vox/octava vox/bas: contin:). Wrappers, with portfolio covered in marbled paper. $156 [item no. 9416]

Valentini. Missae quatuor partim octonis (FKM [33])
Missae quatuor partim octonis [partim oconis, partim duodenis vocibus unà cum basso generali ad placitum]. Venedig, Alessandro Vincenti, 1621. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, [33]. Stuttgart, 2016. 16 x 23 cm, 13 partbooks, 352 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1621 partbook edition. Contents: Missa Stabat Mater dolorosa; Missa Susanna; Missa Diligam te Domine; Missa Sine Nomine. Wrappers, with portfolio covered in marbled paper. $89 [item no. 9531]

Ertel. Sacrosanctum magnae.. (FKM [34])
Sacrosanctum magnae [et intemeratae virginis canticum. Octonis vocibus, cum intonationibus psalmorum ad octo vsitatos tonos duobus choris una cum clausula Gloria Patri &e. quà instrumentis, quà viuis vocibus cum duplici basso ad organum accommodato, compositum & iam primum in lucem editum.] München / Nicolaus Heinrich 1615. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, [34]. Stuttgart, 2015. 15 x 19 cm, 9 partbooks, 996 pp. Line-cut of the Munich, 1625 partbook edition (cantus, altus, tenor, bassus, V vox, VI vox, VII vox, VIII vox, partitura. Contents: 15 settering for magnificat. Wrappers, with slipcase covered in marbled paper. $204 [item no. 9537]

Valentini. Salmi, Hinni, Magnificat (FKM [34])
Salmi, hinni, magnificat, [antiifone, falsibordoni, et motetti. Concertati a una, due, tre, & quattro voci]. Venedig, Giacomo Vincenti, 1618. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, [34]. Stuttgart, 2015. 17 x 24 cm, 4 partbooks, 144 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1618 partbook edition (cantus, alto, tenor, bassus). Contents: sixteen settings a4, three a3, and three a2. Wrappers, with portfolio covered in marbled paper. $58 [item no. 9540]

Bartolini. Messe concertate (FKM 35)
Messe concertate [a 5. 8. & 9. voci, & motteti à 1. 2. 3. & 8. col basso continuo per l’organo]. Venedig, Bartholomeo Magni, 1634. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 35. Stuttgart, 2015. 17 x 25 cm, 10 partbooks, 308 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1621 partbook edition. Contents: Missa Stabat Mater dolorosa; Missa Susanna; Missa Diligam te Domine; Missa Sine Nomine. Wrappers, with portfolio covered in marbled paper. $79 [item no. 9532]

Bihler. Partitur-Regeln (FKM 36)
[treatise, basso continuo] Partitur-Regeln [in einem kurzem Auszuge für Anfänger. Nebst einem Anhange, wie man in alle Töne gehen könne]. Ms. 1793. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 36. Stuttgart, 2017. 17 x 22 cm, 39 pp. Color reproduction of a rare manuscript on basso-continuo practice “for beginners”. Bihler was a German monastic composer; trained in the Minorite monastery in Maihingen, he was a boy soprano at the Benedictine Abbey at Neresheim and in 1801 become cathedral organist at Augsburg. Wrappers. $24 [item no. 9556]

Ars componendi / Regulae componendj (FKM 37)
Ars componendi / Regulae componendj [1718]. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 37. Stuttgart, 2017. Oblong, 23 x 19 cm, 87 pp. Color reproduction of 2 fascinating manuscripts on the rules of composition—shelfmark L70; one is dated 1717. Hardbound with decorative marbled boards. $69 [item no. 9557]

Stadelmair. Psalmi integri a 4 vocibus (FKM 38)
Psalmi integri [a quatuor vocibius concertantibus quatuor aliis accessoriis ad libitum accinendis cum 2, cornet: sive violin.] Wagner/Innsbruck 1641. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 38. Stuttgart, 2017. 17 x 22 cm, 11 partbooks, 368 pp. Line-cut of the Innsbruck, 1641 partbooks. Scoring: SATB soli, SATB ripieni, violin, viol (or horn 1), viol (or horn 2). Wrappers, in marbled paper slipcase. $85 [item no. 9563]

Diminuierte Vertonungen 1617 (FKM 39)
[monodies, ornamented, 1617] Diminuierte Vertonungen von Gedichten Petrarcas und Bembos. Italien 1617. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 39. Stuttgart, 2018. Oblong, 29 x 16 cm, 40 pp. Color reproduction of MS L736 Stift Kremsmünster (Austria) containing rare examples of monodies with ornaments fully written out on texts by Petrarca and Bembo. Hardboard with art paper boards. $52 [item no. 9572]

Pasterwiz. Werke für Cembalo und Piano (FKM 39)
Werke für Cembalo und Piano [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 39. Stuttgart, 2020. Oblong, 34 x 24 cm, 36, 2 pp. Line-cut of the autograph score containing 3 delightful compositions: Divertimento per il cembalo; XII Variazioni per il Forte piano; [17] Variazioni per il Clavi Cembalo. Hardbound with marbled boards. $37 [item no. 9616]

Italienische geistliche Konzerte (FKM 39)
Italienische geistliche Konzerte. [Stifts Kremsmünster, Ms. I.76].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 39. Stuttgart, 2021. Oblong, 22 x 18 cm, 162 pp. Fascinating manuscript collection of 24 motet settings in monodic style for 1 and 2 voices and basso continuo. For the most part all of the passaggiate and ornaments are written out, shedding light on contemporary performance practice. Hardbound with marbled boards. $65 [item no. 9645]

Werke für Tasteninstrumente (FKM 42)
Werke für Tasteninstrumente (Anonyme Werke, F.X. Murschhauser). [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 42. Stuttgart, 2023 Oblong, 31 x 22 cm, 138 pp. Line-cut of a contemporary manuscript copy. One might call this important anthology the “missing volume” of Alexander Silbiger’s Seventeenth-Century Keyboard Music (Garland Publishing). Hardbound with decorative paper boards. $71 [item no. 9721]

P. Lechler. Manuskript geistlicher Werke (FKM 42)
Manuskript geistlicher Werke und Instrumentalwerke. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 42. Stuttgart, 2024 28 x 37 cm, 379, i pp. Full color reproduction of Codex L14. P. Benedikt Lechler, student at the Imperial College in Vienna 1607 to 1615—repeating what Heinrich Schütz had done 20 years earlier, aided by a bursary or at least by leave of absence from his employers—traveled to Italy for the purpose of musical study and collecting music. MS L14, one of three autograph manuscripts that Lechler left behind, is a compilation of Italian sacred (masses, canzone, motets) and instrumental music, no fewer than 48 pieces. It’s an astonishing testament to Lechler’s insatiable appetite for collecting and preserving the music of the early 17th-c. Italian masters, and bringing it back north over the Alps for use at Kremsmünster in upper Austria. Hardbound with decorative paper boards. $240 [item no. 9753]

Kress. Musikalische Seelenbelustigung (FKS 1)
Musicalische Seelen-Belustigung [oder Geistliche Concerten mit vier nothwendigen Vocal-Stimmen und Sechs Instrumenten, welche nach Belieben können ausgelassen werden]. Stuttgart, Paul Treu 1681. [Bibl. Jagiellońska, Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Kress, 1. Stuttgart, 2004. 20 x 21 cm, 10 partbooks, 414 pp. Line-cut of the Stuttgart, 1681 edition. 14 settings for 4 voices and 6 instrumental parts (scored for SATB, 2 vln, 3 vla, & bc.). Wrappers, with slipcase. $162 [item no. 8530]

Kress. Der süsse Nahme Jesu (FKS 2)
Der süsse Nahme Jesu, oder Teutscher Iubilus Bernhardi [mit dreyen Stimmen gesetzt]. Stuttgart, Paul Treu 1681. [Universitätsbibliothek Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Kress, 2. Stuttgart, 2006. 16 x 22 cm, 5 partbooks, 230 pp. Line-cut of the Stuttgart, 1681 edition. 15 settings a3 with basso continuo. Wrappers, with slipcase covered in marbled paper. $75 [item no. 8659]

Neusidler. Teütsch Lautenbuch, 1574 (FL 1)
Teütsch Lautenbuch [darinnenn kunstliche muteten, lieblich italianische, französische, teütsche Stuck fröliche teütsche Täntz...]. Straßburg, Berhard Jobin 1574, RISM 1574(13). [Universitätsbibl. Heidelberg].

Faksimile-Edition Laute, 1. Stuttgart, 1999. Oblong, 21 x 34 cm, 108 pp. Line-cut of the Strasbourg, 1574 edition. 46 compositions for solo lute notated in German lute tablature. Hardbound in decorative paper. $72 [item no. 7698]

Neusidler. 1.-2. libro. Intabolatura di liuto (FL 2)
Il primo libro intabolatura. . . RISM 1566(29). Il secondo libro intabolatura. . . RISM 1566(39). Venedig, Gardano 1566. [British Library].

Faksimile-Edition Laute, 2. Stuttgart, 1999. 20 x 29 cm, 92 pp. Line-cut of the Gardano editions, both issued in Venice, 1566. 24 & 23 compositions for solo lute notated in Italian lute tablature. Includes madrigals, canzon, pass’e mezi and recercari. Hardbound in decorative paper. $54 [item no. 7726]

[Barley] A new Booke of Tabliture (FL 3)
[Barley, William] A new Booke of Tabliture, [containing sundrie easie and familiar Instructions, shewing howe to attaine to the knowlege, to guide and dispose thy hand to play on sundry Instruments, as the Lute, Orpharion, and Bandora: Together with divers new Lessons to each of these Instruments]. [British Library, London].

Faksimile-Edition Laute, 3. Stuttgart, 2000. Oblong, 20 x 17 cm, 108 pp. Line-cut of three companion methods printed for William Barley, respectively for lute, orpharion, and bandora. Hardbound in decorative paper. $54 [item no. 7785]

Ochsenkun. Tabulaturbuch auff die Lauten (FL 4)
Tabulaturbuch auff die Lauten [von Moteten, frantzösischen, welschen und teütschen geystlichen und weltlichen Liedern], Heidelberg, J. Kohlen 1558. [Herzog-August-Bibl., Wolfenbüttel].

Faksimile-Edition Laute, 4. Stuttgart, 2001. 22 x 31 cm, 187 pp. Line-cut of the Heidelberg, 1558 edition. 76 pieces for solo lute notated in German lute tablature. The intabulations of German lieder include several stanzas of text for each piece. Works by Josquin, Petschin, Senfel, Crequillon, Isaac, Hofhaimer, Mouton, Archadelt & others. Hardbound with decorative paper. $98 [item no. 7941]

Hove. Delitiae musicae (FL 5)
Delitiae musicae [sive cantiones, e quamplurimis praestantissimorum nostri aevi musicorum libris selectae]. Utrecht, de Roy 1612, RISM 1612(18). [Stadtbibliothek, Mainz].

Faksimile-Edition Laute, 5. Stuttgart, 2002. 20 x 32 cm, 136 pp. Line-cut of the Utrecht, 1612 edition. Contains c.40 works by Hove, plus intabulations of a number of Italian masters. Preludes, pavans, passamezzi, galliards, etc., in French tablature. Hardbound with decorative paper. $95 [item no. 8157]

Neusidler. Ein newgeordent künst. Lautenbuch (FL 6)
Ein newgeordent künstlich Lautenbuch. Nürnberg, Petreius 1536. RISM 1536(12). [Musikbibliothek, Leipzig].

Faksimile-Edition Laute, 6. Stuttgart, 2004. Oblong, 19 x 15 cm, 174 pp + 3 foldouts. Line-cut of the Johan Petreius edition, Nuremberg, 1536, based on the exemplar formerly owned by Johannes Galbleber. 73 pieces for solo lute in German lute tabulature, preceded by instructions for playing the lute, including a number of musical examples. Includes additional pieces in manuscript. Hardbound with decorative paper boards. $47 [item no. 8497]

Schlick. Tabulaturen etlicher Lobgesang (FL 7)
Tabulaturen etlicher Lobgesang. Peter Schöffer / Mainz 1536. RISM 1512(2) [Stadtbibliothek, Leipzig].

Faksimile-Edition Laute, 7. Stuttgart, 2005. Oblong, 21 x 16 cm, 95 pp. Line-cut of the Peter Schöffer edition, Mainz, 1512, the earliest printed collection of keyboard tablature. Includes 12 lute pieces with “zwo stimmen zu zwicken und ein zu singen”, and 3 works for lute with “drei stimmen zu zwicken”. Schöffer’s beautiful work employs triple impression printing (as practiced by Petrucci). Harbound with decorative paper boards. $42 [item no. 8587]

Rude. Flores musicae; Flores musicae, liber 2 [FL 8]
Flores musicae... ... per Joannem Rudenium... Heidelberg, Voeglin 1600; Flores musicae a Joannem Rudenium... ... liber secundus... Heidelberg, Voeglin 1600. [Herzog-August-Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel].

Faksimile-Edition Laute, [8]. Stuttgart, 2005. 22 x 33 cm, 144; 120 pp. Line-cut of Heidelberg, 1600 edition. An extensive collection, in 2 books, of music for 8-course lute, notated in French tablature. It was intended as a companion publication to Reymann’s “Noctes musicae”. Most of the works are intabulations of vocal originals, and the list of composer’s is vast: some 40 composers, including Marenzio (9), Gabrieli (6), Ferretti (13), Hassler (10), Vecchi (10); the collection also includes 7 intradas, 1 fantasia, 30 pavan-type pieces, 21 gailliards and 1 chorea. Hardbound with marbled paper boards. $79 [item no. 8639]

Heckel. Lautenbuch Straßburg 1562 (FL 9)
Lautenbuch, Straßburg, Christian Müller 1562. RISM 1562(24). [Universitätsbiblioek Basel; Stadtbibliothek Trier].

Faksimile-Edition Laute, 9. Stuttgart, 2010. Obong, 21 x 17 cm, 2 partbooks, 228; 238 pp. Line-cut of the Straßburg, 1562 edition. Marvelous collection of pieces for two lutes—”discant & tenor”—reproduced from the surviving partbooks in Trier and Basel respectively. One of the very earliest prints of renaissance lute with 111 works notated in German tablature. Heckel’s work is comprised of four sections: “Teütsche stuck”, “Lateinische stuck”, “Frantzösische stuck”, “Italianische stuck”, “Allerley Täntz auff teütsche aufgesetzt”. Hardbound with decorative paper, with matching slipcase. $95 [item no. 9210]

Gerle. Musica teusch (FL 10)
Musica teusch, auf die Instrument [der grossen unnd kleinen Geygen, auch Lautten]. Nürnberg, H. Formscheider 1532. [British Library, London].

Faksimile-Edition Laute, 10. Stuttgart, 2012. Oblong, 22 x 17 cm, 128 pp. Line-cut of the 1532 edition. Gerle introduces students to the rudiments of playing the renaissance lute, the viol and rebec, including the way they were tuned, held, and played. Musicologists have called it the first viol tutor. Hardbound with decorative paper boards. $45 [item no. 9290]

Corbetta. Scherzi armonici (FL 11)
Scherzi armonici. [trouvati, e facilitati in alcune curiosissime suonate sopra la chitara spagnuola]. Bologna /Giacomo Monti und Carlo Zenero 1639. [Bologna, Biblioteca G.B. Martini].

Faksimile-Edition Laute, 11. Stuttgart, 2013. 16 x 22 cm, 84, 7 pp. Line-cut of the 1639 edition. Alfabeto, with some Italian tablature. Afterword in Eng by Claire Fontijn, with transcription/translation of Corbetta’s foreword. Hardbound with decorative paper boards. $28 [item no. 9325]

[Phalèse] Des chansons red. en tabl, bk. 1 (FL 12)
[Des chansons, bk. 1] Des chansons reduictz en tablature de lut [à deux, trois, et quatre parties. Avecq une brieve & familiaire introduction pour entendre & apprendre par soy mesmes à iouer dudict lut, liure premier]. Löwen/Jaques Bathen und Reynier Velpen 1545. [Bibliothèque d’étude de conservation Besançon].

Faksimile-Edition Laute, 12. Stuttgart, 2014. Oblong, 18 x 22 cm, 96 pp. Line-cut of the Louvain, 1545 edition, the first edition of this distinguished print. 61 pieces for solo lute in French tablature, including preludes, fantasies, French chansons and Dutch songs. Comparison with the 1547 edition provides wonderful insight how the Phalèse printing house reedited the edition, using the same woodcuts but altering the metal type to create a slightly different format. Hardbound in decorative paper. $32 [item no. 9365]

Camerlohr. Solo per la gallichone... (FL 13)
Solo per la gallichone; Partia ex f (Gallichon, 2 violinen, Baß); Trio ex C (2 Gallichon, Violoncello). [Mss, Abtei Metten].

Faksimile-Edition Laute, 12. Stuttgart, 2015. 26 x 33 cm, 96 pp. Full-color reproduction of three works of Camerlohr, one for solo gallichone a type of bass lute, and two chamber works. Handstitched folios in portfolio with decorative paper boards and ties. $55 [item no. 9429]

Gitarrentabular. Italien 17. Jh. (FL 14)
Gitarrentabular. Italien 17. Jh. [MS AN 63, Bischöfliche Bibliothek Regensberg].

Faksimile-Edition Laute, 14. Stuttgart, 2015. Oblong, 27 x 14 cm, 48 pp. Full-color reproduction a charming MS collection of 20 dance numbers for solo guitar in alfabeto notation. The title page contains the coat of arms of Domenico Romani who also might be the main scribe. The manuscript comes supposedly from the private library of Dominicus Mettenleiter. Decorative paper boards. $36 [item no. 9438]

Lautentabulatur Italien um 1600 (FL 15)
Lautentabulatur Italien um 1600. [Trento, Biblioteca Comunale].

Faksimile-Edition Laute, 15. Stuttgart, 2016. 27 x 36 cm, 45 pp. Halftone of Trento Ms. 1947 No.5 [RISM B VII, p.333-334] containing 57 pieces for lute and theorbo in French tablature. Decorative paper boards $41 [item no. 9523]

[Berg]. Psalmorum selectorum. Tomus I (FPM 1)
Psalmorum selectorum... Tomus primus. [Bayerische Staatsbibl., Munich].

Faksimile-Editionen Psalmen und Motetten, 1. Stuttgart, 2002. Oblong, 17 x 13 cm, 4 partbooks, c.512 pp. Line-cut of the Berg & Neuber edition, Nuremberg, 1553. Collection of vocal (or instrumental) psalm settings a4 by Josquin, Gombert, Clemens no Papa, and their contemporaries. Hardbound with decorative paper and matching slipcase. $142 [item no. 8134]

Moderne. 3. liber mottetorum ad 5-6 voces [FPM 2]
[Motets, a5 & a6] Tertius liber mottetorum ad quinque e sex voces. Lyon, Moderne. RISM 1538(2).

Faksimile-Editionen Psalmen und Motetten, 2. Stuttgart, 2002. Oblong, 25 x 18 cm, 4 partbooks, c.224 pp. Line-cut of the Lyon, 1538 edition. Collection of 26 vocal (or instrumental) motets by Gombert, Archadelt, Verdelot and their contemporaries. Hardbound with decorative paper and matching slipcase. $124 [item no. 8160]

[Berg]. Thesauri musici tomus quintus (FPM 3)
Thesauri musici tomus [quintus, et utimus, continens sacras harmonias quatuor vocibus compositas]. Nürnberg, Berg und Neuber. RISM 1564(5). [Bayerische Staatsbibl., Munich].

Faksimile-Editionen Psalmen und Motetten, 3. Stuttgart, 2006. Oblong, 19 x 15 cm, 4 partbooks, c.416 pp. Line-cut of the Berg & Neuber edition, Nuremberg, 1564. Collection of 41 vocal (or instrumental) psalm settings a4 by Clemens non Papa (10), Crequillon (2), Galli (2), Lasso (4), Riuulo (2), Vaet (4), and their contemporaries. Hardbound with decorative paper and matching slipcase. $130 [item no. 8667]

Böddecker. Manuductio (FR 1)
Manuductio [nova methodico-practica ad bassum generalem, das ist: Neue vortheilhaffte reale Handleitung zu dem General-Bass]. [Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 1. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 19 cm, 44 pp. Line-cut of the Stuttgart, 1701 edition. Treatise on general bass published by Böddecker’s son Phillip Jakob. Hardbound. $46 [item no. 7391]

Böddecker. Sacra Partitura (FR 2)
Sacra Partitura. [Württembergischen Landesbibliothek, Stuttgart].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 2. Stuttgart, 1997. 20 x 30 cm, 72 pp. Line-cut of the rare Strasbourg, 1651 print. 12 pieces for solo voice and bc in the style of Italian monody, including “O mira, ò magna” by Casati and “Ecce sacrum paratum” by Monteverdi; the collection ends with two very interesting instrumental sonatas by Böddecker: “Sonata. Violino solo” & “Sonate. sopra la Monica. Fagotto solo”, among the earliest known German examples of the genre. Hardbound. $44 [item no. 7441]

Steigleder. Ricercar tabulatura (FR 3)
Ricercar tabulatura. [Württembergische Landesbibliothek, Stuttgart].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 3. Stuttgart, 1997. 19 x 30 cm, 40 pp. Line-cut of the [Stuttgart], 1624 edition. 12 organ ricercare notated on two five-line staves, with Scheidt’s Tabulatura nova a landmark in German keyboard music. Steigleder engraved the music himself and is credited with being one of the first to use key nomenclature over modal ones. Hardbound, in marbled paper. $56 [item no. 7498]

Liederbuch des Arndt von Aich Köln 1519 (FR 4)
Liederbuch des Arndt von Aich Köln 1519. [In diessem Buechlein fynt mann LVVV. hübscher Lieder myt Discant, Alt, Bas, und Tenor lustick zu syngen. Auck etlich zu sleiten, schwegelen, und an deren musicalisch Instrumenten artlichen zugebrauchten]. [Universitätsbibliothek, Basel].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 4. Stuttgart, 1997. Oblong, 15 x 10 cm, 4 partbooks, 432 pp. Line-cut of the Cologne, 1519 print. Beautiful wood-block printed collection of 80 lieder, a4, appropriate for voices and/or instruments. The tenor partbook contains the complete texts of each lied. Composers include Hofhaimer, Isaac, Rener and Grefinger. Hardbound in decorative paper with matching slipcase. $95 [item no. 8331]

Petreius. Guter seltzamer.. Gesang (FR 5)
Guter seltzamer und künstreicher teutscher Gesang [sonderlich ettliche künstliche Quodlibet, Schlacht und der gleichen mit vier oder fünff Stimmen biß her im Truck nicht gesehen]. [Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 5. Stuttgart, 1997. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 4 partbooks, c.610 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1544 edition. 25 settings a4, for voices with or without instruments. Hardbound in vegetable vellum, with matching slipcase. $174 [item no. 7495]

Böddecker. Trauerklang und Trostgesang (FR 6)
Trauerklang und Trostgesang. [Das ist: zwei Sterblieder: deren das erste vor das ander nach gehaltener Leichpredigt gesungen werden]. [Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Preußischer Kulterbesitz, Berlin].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 6. Stuttgart, 1998. 15 x 21 cm, 76 pp. Line-cut of the Stuttgart, 1661 edition. $7 [item no. 7643]

Liederbuch des Johannes Herr von Glarus (FR 7)
[Saint Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 462] Das Liederbuch des Johannes Herr von Glarus.

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 7. Stuttgart, 1999. Oblong, 26 x 20 cm, 172, i pp. St. Gall 462 appears to be the copybook of Johannes Heer, a musician and citizen of Glarus, and student in Paris. Contains many famous chansons from the 15th and 16th centuries, lacking attributions; included among them is Josquin’s royal piece with a complete French text and marginal note at the end of the bass part “Parisius 1510 pro festo corpore”, Harbound, with vellum paper boards. $144 [item no. 7735]

Steigleder. Tabulatur-Buch.. Daß Vatter unser (FR 8)
Tabulatur-Buch, darinen Daß Vatter unser [auff 2.3. und 4. Stimmen componiert]. [Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 8. Stuttgart, 1998. 21 x 31 cm, 149 pp. Line-cut of the Strasbourg, 1627 edition. Approximately 40 instrumental pieces in fugal style notated in open score for 2 to 4 voices. Consists of fantasies and a large number of chorale preludes with the chorale tune in various positions. Hardbound, with beautiful marbled paper. $102 [item no. 7584]

Roth. Couranten-Lustgärtlein 1625 (FR 9)
Couranten-Lustgärtlein, RISM 1625(10). [Stadtbibliothek, Bautzen].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 9. Stuttgart, 1998. Oblong, 20 x 24 cm, 5 partbooks, c.180 pp. Line-cut of Wolff Seiffert edition, Dresden, 1625. 74 pieces for wind or string instruments. Wrappers, with slipcase in marbled paper. $78 [item no. 7575]

Böddecker. Höchst-schätzbares Seelen (FR 10)
Höchst-schätzbares Seelen-Kleinod hangend an dem stets hell-leuchtenden geistlichen Morgenstern order Zwey schöne geistriche Lieder in einem doppelten (einfachen und fugirten) Contrapunkt. [Württembergischen Landesbibliothek, Stuttgart].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 10. Stuttgart, 1997. 24 x 29 cm, 14 pp. Line-cut of the Stuttgart, n.d. edition. Written for soprano, alto, tenor, bass and continuo, only the continuo part for organ (reproduced here) survive. Hardbound in marbled paper. $17 [item no. 7542]

Fundamenta. Amberger Mandora-Tabl. (FR 11)
Fundamenta der Gallichon. “Amberger Mandora-Tabulatur”. [Stadtarchiv, Amberg, HS 39].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 11. Stuttgart, 1998. Oblong, 22 x 17 cm, 230 pp. Line-cut of c.1650 mandora manuscript containing a large anthology of dance pieces (menuets, arias, bourée, gavotas, entrees, rigadons, rondeaux, etc.). Hardbound. $76 [item no. 7574]

Schütz. Zwölff geistliche Gesänge, op.13 (FR 12)
[Geistliche Gesänge, SATB choir, bc, SWV 420-431] Zwölff geistliche Gesänge. Seyffert, Dresden 1657. RISM S 2297, SWV 420-431. [Herzog-August-Bibl., Wolfenbüttel].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 12. Stuttgart, 1999. 21 x 27 cm, 5 partbooks, c.140 pp. Line-cut of the Dresden, 1657 edition. 12 sacred settings for different choral combinations, with bc ad libitum. Wrappers, with hardcover portfolio in marbled paper. $75 [item no. 7701]

Böddecker. Jairi Todten-Post.. Trauerklang (FR 15)
Jairi Todten-Post/Seuffzer/Trauerklang. [Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Preußischer Kulterbesitz, Berlin].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 15. Stuttgart, 1998. 15 x 21 cm, 76 pp. Line-cut of the Stuttgart, 1661 edition. Contains two musical settings by Böddecker, one a4 & bc, the other a3 & bc. Bound together with Jairi Todten-Post und Christ Hertzen-Trost (Stuttgart, 1661) and Seuffzer und Thränen und klägliches Sehnen, for the funeral of Maria Agnes Müller. Hardbound in marbled paper. $20 [item no. 7576]

Rost. XXX newer lieblicher Galliardt (FR 16)
[Galliards] XXX newer lieblicher Galliardt [mit schönen lustigen Texten]. [Der ander Theil newer lieblicher Galliardt mit schönen lustigen Texten [Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 16. Stuttgart, 2000. 17 x 21 cm, 4 partbooks, c.320 pp. Line-cut of the Altenburg, 1593 edition. 58 German galliards for 4 voices, suitable for voices and instrumentals or instruments alone. Hardbound in marbled paper, with matching slipcase. $146 [item no. 7820]

Linzer Orgeltabulatur, 1611-1613 (FR 17)
Linzer Orgeltabulatur, 1611-1613. [Mus Hs 512 Inv.-Nr. 9647, Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseum, Linz].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 17. Stuttgart, 2002. Oblong, 20 x 14 cm, 190 pp. Line-cut of a ms transmitting 56 dance movements in organ tablature. Hardbound with marbled paper boards. $64 [item no. 8328]

Böddecker. Melos irenicum (FR 18)
Melos irenicum. 2 Cant, Alt, 2 Ten, Bass, 2 Violin et Fagott, cum 3 Tromb. et Capella à 6. [Bibl. Nationale, Paris].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 18. Stuttgart, 1998. 21 x 31 cm, 42 pp. Line-cut of the Strasbourg, 1650 edition. Setting of Te deum laudamus. Harbound. $39 [item no. 7630]

Knöfel. Newe teutsche Liedlein a 5 (FR 19)
Newe teutsche Liedlein [mit fünff Stimmen, welche den mehrern Theil den Brauch diser Welt beschreiben und anzeigen als nemlich von untrew der Leute von vil zusagen und wenig halten von guten worten und falschem her]. Nürnberg, Katharina Gerlach und Johann vom Berg Erben 1581. [Bayerische Staatsbibl., Munich].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 19. Stuttgart, 2000. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 4 partbooks, 280 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1581 edition. 23 settings for five voices, with or without instruments. Hardbound in decorative paper, with matching slipcase. $128 [item no. 8247]

[Vincenti]. Seconda raccolta de sacri canti (FR 20)
Seconda raccolta de sacri canti a una, due, tre, e quattro voci de diversi eccellentissimi autori. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 20. Stuttgart, 1998. 16 x 22 cm, 5 partbooks, 266 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1624 edition. Sacred vocal settings with basso continuo, 8 a1, 26 a2, 7 a3 and 10 a4. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $78 [item no. 7657]

Wannenmacher. Bicinia sive duo germanica (FR 21)
Bicinia sive duo germanica [ad aequales. Tütsche Psalmen unnd andre Lieder durch Joannum Vannium mit zweyen Stimmen zusammen gsetzt]. Bern: Apiarius, 1533. RISM 1553(11).

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 21. Stuttgart, 1998. Oblong, 18 x 15 cm, 2 partbooks, 80 pp. Line-cut of the Bern, 1533 edition. 16 settings of psalms for two equal voices/instruments. Wrappers in handsome portfolio in marbled paper. $43 [item no. 7703]

Acc.Bizzarro. 2. libro de concertati a2-4 voci (FR 22)
Secondo libro de trastulli estivi concertati à due, tre, & quattro voci con il basso continuo del bizarro Accademico capriccioso. [Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 22. Stuttgart, 1998. 14 x 21 cm, 4 partbooks, 92 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1621 edition. Vocal settings with basso continuo, ten a2, six a3 and two a4 plus 2 violins. One piece is by Girolamo Avanzolini and one of the instrumental works is by Massimiliano Fredutii. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $59 [item no. 7658]

Ghirlanda sacra. Scielta (FR 23)
Ghirlanda sacra [da diversi eccellentissimi compositori de varii motetti a voce sola. Libro primo. Opera seconda per Leonardo Simonetti]. Venetia, Gardano 1625. [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 23. Stuttgart, 1999. Oblong, 23 x 11 cm, 2 partbooks, 307 pp. Line-cut of the Gardano edition, Venice, 1625. Wonderful collection of 45 motets for solo voice & bc by Monteverdi, Priuli, Volpe, Grandi, Berti, Finetti, Castello and others. Hardbound with marbled paper boards and matching slipcase. $110 [item no. 8329]

Purcell,D. 6 Sonata’s or Solos (FR 24)
[Sonatas, violin, bc; Sonatas, recorder, bc] Six Sonata’s or Solos [Three for a Violin, and Three for the Flute, with a Through Bass for the Harpsicord]. [British Library, London].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 24. Stuttgart, 1997. 20 x 31cm, 14 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, [1698]. Wrappers. $14 [item no. 8330]

Waissel. Tabulatura continens insignes.. (FR 25)
Tabulatura continens insignes et selectissimas quasque cantiones. [Herzog-August-Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 25. Stuttgart, 2001. 21 x 31 cm, 96 pp. Line-cut of the Frankfurt a.d. Oder, 1573 edition. 52 pieces for solo lute in German lute tablature. Includes transcription of vocal music (Clemens non Papa, Sermisy, Senfl, Arcadelt, etc.) and numerous dance numbers. Hardbound, with decorative paper boards. $85 [item no. 7948]

Paix. Ein schön Nutz & Gebreüchlich Orgel (FR 26)
Ein schön Nutz und Gebreüchlich Orgel Tabulaturbuch. Reinmichel, Laugingen 1583. Herzog-August-Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 26. Stuttgart, 2001. 14 x 21 cm, 352 pp. Line-cut of the Laugingen, 1583 edition. An important source of German keyboard music from the second half of the 16th c. Contains 26 motets, 27 popular French, German and Italian songs, 30 dances and 2 canzoni alla francese and numerous passamezzos, saltarellos, pavans, galliards, branles and German dances. Hardbound. $133 [item no. 7913]

[Rühling] Tablaturbuch auff Orgeln (FR 27)
Tablaturbuch [auff Orgeln und Instrument], Beyer 1583. RISM 1583(24). [Herzog-August-Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 27. Stuttgart, 2001. 21 x 32 cm, 312 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1583 edition. 85 motet arrangements, arranged by the church calendar, printed in “new” German organ tablature. Additional tablatures have been entered by hand on the front and rear flyleaves. Hardbound. $123 [item no. 8158]

[Ott]. 115 guter newer Liedlein mit 4.5.6. (FR 28)
[Lieder, 4-6 voices, 1544] Hundert und fünfftzehen guter newer Liedlein [mit vier, fünff, sechs Stimmen, vor nie im cruck außgangen. Deutsch, Französisch, welsch und Lateinisch lustig zu singen und auff die Instrument dienstlich von den berhümbtesten diser Kunst gemacht]. RISM 1544(20). [SPKB, Berlin].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 28. Stuttgart, 2000. Oblong, 18 x 14 cm, 4 partbooks, c.750 pp. Line-cut of Nuremberg, 1544 edition. Wonderful anthology of German secular songs by Isaac, Senfl, Stoltzer. Müller & others. Hardbound in decorative paper, with matching slipcase. $229 [item no. 7822]

Choice Collection of Ayres.. Harpsichord (FR 29)
A Choice Collection of Ayres for the Harpsichord or Spinett, with very Plain and Easey Directions for Young Beginners. [British Library, London].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 29. Stuttgart, 1999. Oblong, 23 x 18 cm, 24 pp. Line-cut of the John Young edition, London, 1700. Hardbound, in marbled paper. $31 [item no. 7744]

Tornioli. Canzonette spirituali a tre voci (FR 30)
Canzonette spirituali a tre voci. [British Library, London].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 30. Stuttgart, 1999. 16 x 22 cm, 3 partbooks, 72 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1607 edition. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $49 [item no. 7743]

Sangiorgio. Il primo libro de capricci (FR 31)
[Capricci, 2 voices] Il primo libro de capricci [a due voci]. [British Library, London].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 31. Stuttgart, 1999. 16 x 22 cm, 2 partbooks, 80 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1608 edition. 36 duos for unspecified treble instrument and bass. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $39 [item no. 7745]

Josquin. Missarum [libri 2]; Frag. missarum (FR 32)
[Masses, book 2; Mass fragments] Missarum [libri secundi] Josquin, Venetiis, Petrucci, 1505; Fragmenta missarum, Venezia, Petrucci 1505. [Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 32. Stuttgart, 2002. Oblong, 24 x 16 cm, 4 partbooks, c.200 pp. Line-cut of two separate Petrucci partbooks, Venice, 1505/1505. Contains the masses Ave maris stella, Hercules dux ferrarie, Malheur me bat, La mi baudichon, Una musque de Buscaya, and Dung aultre amer. Hardbound, in decorative paper, with matching slipcase. $194 [item no. 8137]

Chiocchia. Del metallo ricercari a due voci (FR 33)
Del metallo ricercari a due voci per sonare, e cantare. [British Library, London].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 33. Stuttgart, 2002. 16 x 23 cm, 2 partbooks, 104 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1674 edition. 39 duos for various vocal or instrumental ranges. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $34 [item no. 8097]

Playford. Musicks Recreation.. Lyra Viol (FR 34)
Musicks Recreation: on the Lyra Viol. Playford 1652. RISM 1652(7). [British Library, London].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 34. Stuttgart, 2000. Oblong, 22 x 17 cm, 86 pp. Line-cut of the first edition, London, 1652. Hardbound with marbled paper boards. $55 [item no. 8327]

Attaignant. Liber 1.-13.. motets/magnificats (FR 35)
[Motet & magnificat collections, books 1-13] 1) Liber primus quinque et viginti musicales... 2) Liber secundus... 3) Liber tertius... 4) Liber quartus... 5) Liber quintus... 6) Liber sextus... 7) Liber septimus... 8) Liber octavus... 9) Lib. nonus... 10) Lib. decimus... 11) Lib. undecimus... 12) Lib. duodecimus... 13) Lib. decimus tertius... [Universitäts-Bibl., Jena].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 35. Stuttgart, 2003. Oblong, 21 x 16 cm, 4 partbooks, c.1700 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1534 edition. Fantastic motet & magnificat collection for 3 to 8 voices by a wonderful cross section of European masters including Gombert, Verdelot, Richafort, Mouton, De la Fage, Josquin, Certon, Manchicourt, etc. Over 260 works in choirbook format. Hardbound in decorative paper with matching slipcase. $379 [item no. 8332]

Playford. Musicks Hand-maide (FR 36)
Musicks Hand-maide. Presenting new and pleasant Lessons for the Virginals or Harpsycon. [British Library, London].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 36. Stuttgart, 2000. Oblong, 20 x 17 cm, 60 pp. Line-cut of the John Playford edition, London, 1663. Works by Ben Sandley, William Lawes, Ben Rogers, Matthew Locke, & John Moyse, together with anonymous numbers, Hardbound, in marbled paper. $44 [item no. 7786]

Lambardi. 1. libro de madrigali a 4 voci (FR 37)
Il primo libro de madrigali a quattro voci. [Biblioteca del Conservatorio, Naples].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 37. Stuttgart, 2002. 16 x 23 cm, 4 partbooks, 84 pp. Line-cut of the Naples, 1600 edition. 21 madrigals a4. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $42 [item no. 8102]

Lacorcia. Il terzo libro de madrigali (FR 38)
Il terzo libro de madrigali a cinque voci. [Biblioteca del Conservatorio, Naples].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 38. Stuttgart, 2002. 16 x 23 cm, 5 partbooks, 115 pp. Line-cut of the Naples, 1620 edition. A rare print containing 17 madrigals for five voices. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $43 [item no. 8098]

Dentice. 4. libro de madrigali à 5 voci (FR 39)
Il quarto libro de madrigali à cinque voci. [Biblioteca del Conservatorio, Naples].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 39. Stuttgart, 2002. 16 x 23 cm, 5 partbooks, c.120 pp. Line-cut of the Naples, 1602 edition. A rare print containing 19 madrigals for five voices. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $54 [item no. 8133]

Lacorcia. Il secondo libro de madrigali (FR 40)
Il secondo libro de’ madrigali à cinque voci. [Biblioteca del Conservatorio, Naples].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 40. Stuttgart, 2002. 16 x 23 cm, 5 partbooks, 115 pp. Line-cut of the Naples, 1616 edition. A rare print with 19 madrigals for five voices. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $44 [item no. 8099]

Lasso. Teutsche Psalmen (FR 41)
Teutsche Psalmen. [Geistliche Psalmen mit dreyen Stimmen welche mit alain lieblich zu singen sonder auch auff aller hand art Instrumenten zugebrauchen.] [Archiv, Freiherrn von Fürstenberg Herdringen].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 41. Stuttgart, 2003. Oblong, 19 x 14 cm, 3 partbooks, 150 pp. Line-cut of the A. Berg edition, Munich, 1588. 50 setting a3, suitable for voices or instruments. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $47 [item no. 8202]

Görlitz. Fugarum libellus (FR 42)
Fugarum libellus [liebliche Fugen und geistlich Lieder allen kunstliebenden Musicus zu gefallen auff mancherley Art, mit drey, vier, fünff, und mehr Stimmen]. Frankfurt/Oder, F. Hartmann 1601. [Herzog-August-Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 42. Stuttgart, 2003. 19 x 25cm, 32 pp. Line-cut of the Frankfurt an der Oder, 1601 edition. Wrappers. $15 [item no. 8363]

Quaranta madrigali di Ihan Gero.. 1543 (FR 43)
[Madrigals/Canzoni francese, Ihan Gero/Clement Janequin] Quaranta madrigali di Ihan Gero insiema trenta canzoni francese di Clement Ianequin. RISM(22). Venezia, A. Gardane 1543. [Trent, Biblioteca Comunale & Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Universitätsbibliothek].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 43. Stuttgart, [2015]. Oblong, 22 x 16 cm, 3 partbooks, 118 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1534 edition containing madrigals by Gero and Canzoni francese by Janequin. No complete source of this print survives but this facsimile, by combining the incomplete Cantus and Bassus partbooks from Trent and the incomplete Tenor partbook from Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, is able to provide the music for nos. 9-55 of the Cantus; nos. 41-55 of the Tenor and nos. 11-55 of the Bassus, or 15 complete settings. Some of the missing parts can be completed from concordances found in other collections. Hardbound, in decorative paper with matching slipcase. $74 [item no. 9478]

[Petrucci] Motetti A, numero trentatre (FR 44)
Motetti A, numero trentatre. Petrucci, Venezia 1502. [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 44. Stuttgart, 2004. Oblong, 24 x 17 cm, 112, 22 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1502 edition. Motets a4, choirbook format, by Josquin, Compere, Agricola, Brumel and their contemporaries. In this particular Petrucci print from the CMBM four additional pieces were added in manuscript in 1850. Hardbound, in decorative paper. $62 [item no. 8425]

[Petrucci] Lamentationum Jeremie, liber 1-2 (FR 45)
Lamentationum Jeremie... liber primus und secundus. Venezia, O. Petrucci 1506. [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 45. Stuttgart, 2004. Oblong, 24 x 17 cm, 204 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1506/1506 edition. Two books of lamentations settings a4, notated in choirbook format, by Agricola, Tinctoris, Bernhard Ycart, Marbrianus de Orto, Johannes de Quadris, Tromboncino, Gaspar, Francesco d’Ana, Erasmus Lapicida and others. Hardbound, in decorative paper. $64 [item no. 8439]

Czerny, Neue Pianoforte-Schule Wien 1834 (FR 46)
Neue Pianoforte-Schule Wien 1834. Ms. deutsch/tschechisch “Aus den Musikalien des Jos. Linhart”. [private collection].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 46. Stuttgart, 2004. Oblong, 25 x 24 cm, 57 pp. Line-cut of a carefully copied ms “from the music collection of Jos. Linhart”. Hardbound, in decorative paper. $54 [item no. 8428]

Brumel. Missae, 1503 (FR 47)
Missae. Petrucci, Venedig 1503. [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 47. Stuttgart, 2004. Oblong, 23 x 17 cm, 4 partbooks, 132 pp. Line-cut of the Petrucci edition, Venice, 1503. Five Antoine Brumel masses a4: “Je nay dueul”; “Berzerette savoyenne”; “Ut re mi fa sol la”; “Lomme arme”; “Victime paschali”. Hardbound, in decorative paper with slipcase. $74 [item no. 8498]

Victorinus. Siren coelestis centum harm. (FR 48)
Siren coelestis centum harmoniarum [duarum, trium et quatuor vocum] München, Berg Wwe. 1622.

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 48. Stuttgart, 2005. 15 x 20 cm, 4 partbooks, c.550 pp. Line-cut of the Berg (widow) edition, Munich, 1622, edited by the composer Georg Victorinus. 100 setting altogether, 27 a2, 65 a3, and 7 a4. Composers include Victorinus himself (5), and numerous others, among them Finet, Cornazzani, Ursini, Cifra, Agazzari, Tomasi, Banchieri, Viadani, Aichmiller, Mezzogori, & Rudolph de Lasso. It also includes 2 works by Catterina Assandra. Hardbound, in decorative paper with slipcase. $115 [item no. 8614]

Hertel. Sonate à violino solo & bc, op.1 (FR 49)
[Sonatas, violin, bc, op.1] Sonate [à violino solo col violon ò cimbalo] op.1. Michele Carlo de Cene / Amsterdam 1727. [Universitetsbibl., Uppsala].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 49. Stuttgart, 2005. Oblong, 35 x 25 cm, 33 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, 1727 edition. The only known published music of Hertel, one of the best viol players of his time. Hardbound with beautiful paper boards and pasted etiquette. $57 [item no. 8647]

Amerbach. Orgel- oder Instrument Tabulatur (FR 50)
Orgel- oder Instrument Tabulatur. Leipzig, Jakob Berwalds Erben 1571. RISM 1571(17). [Musikbibliothek, Leipzig].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 50. Stuttgart, 2005. Oblong, 19 x 16 cm, 226 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1571 edition. One of the great milestones of organ tablature (considered the first printed German organ music), where pitches are expressed in letter notation with rhythmic signs above them. Amerbach arranged the contents of this book into five progressively more difficult categories, ranging from pieces with little or no coloration, to highly decorated pieces. “Instrument” as used in the title, includes “positive, regal, virginal, clavichord, clavicembalo, harpsichord and the like”. Most of the pieces in the collection are from vocal originals. The music section is preceded by instructions on playing the organ. Hardbound, with decorative paper boards. $63 [item no. 8645]

Antico. Liber quindecim missarum (FR 52)
Liber quindecim missarum electarum quae per excellentissimos musicos compositae fuerunt (Rom: Andrea Antico 1516) (RISM 1516[1]). [Stadtbibl. Baden/Schweiz].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 52. Stuttgart, 2006. 29 x 42 cm, 326, iii pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1516 edition. This exquisite choirbook—executed entirely with woodblock engraving—is the first sacred music printed in Rome. In the dedication to Pope Leo X Antico mentions he spent three years laborious preparing the woodcuts for this publication. The graphic artist responsible for the cover page designs as well as numerous illustrations that appear throughout the print was probably Giovanbattista Columba. A gem for music historian and performer alike. The volume contains 15 masses, 3 by Josquin, 3 by Brumel (including Missa de beata virgine), 3 by Fevin, 2 each by de la Rue and Mouton, and 1 each by Pippelare and Rossell. Afterword by Martin Kirnbauer. Hardbound in decorative paper. $190 [item no. 8744]

Neumark. Poetisch & Musikal. Lustwäldchen (FR 53)
Poetisch und Musikalisches Lustwäldchen [In welches erster Abtheilung abgesonderliche geist- und weltliche wie auch keusche Ehren- und Liebeslieder mit beygefügten Melodien nach itziger neuen Ahrt. In der andern aber unterschiedliche ganze Gedichte, Hochzeits, Traut-Glückwünschungs und Lobschriften. Und in der dritten allerhand kurze Sinnlehr und Wehtsprüche etc. so wol geist- als weltliche enthalten sind]. [Stadtbibl. Leipzig].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 53. Stuttgart, 2005. 8 x 13 cm, 228 pp. Line-cut of Hamburg, 1652 edition. Includes 29 songs and several pairs of dances for 3 tpt/vln, alto trb, 2 tenor tbn, bc. Hardbound in decorative paper. $46 [item no. 8721]

[Egenolf] Geminae undeviginti odarum (FR 55)
Geminae undeviginti odarum horatii [melodiae, quatuor vocibus probè adornatæ...]. Frankfurt, C. Egenolph 1551. RISM 1551/17. [Musikbibliothek Leipzig].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 55. Stuttgart, 2008. 10 x 14 cm, 221 pp. Line-cut of the Frankfurt, 1551 edition. 53 polyphonic settings a4 on the odes of the Roman poet Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus, 65 BC - 8 BC). Hardbound with decorative paper boards. $37 [item no. 9059]

Huberty. Neu Method-Messige Viol d’amore (FR 56)
[Method, viola d’amore] Neu Method-Messige Viol d’amore Stüke. Wien. Mit einem Kommentar und Inhaltsverzeichnis von Marianne Rônez. [Sibley Library, Rochester, NY].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 56. Stuttgart, 2008. Oblong, 25 x 18 cm, 3 vols, 220, 23 pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, c.1790 edition, based on the unique copy preserved in the Sibley Library. This rare and fascinating publication, by a professional double bass player and publisher, offers a treatise on the viola d’amore, together with a rich collection of music: genre pieces (short dances or character pieces), 9 sonatas, 1 duo, pieces with bc accompaniment, pieces with voice. Introduction in Ger-Eng. Hardbound in decorative paper, with handsome slipcase. $175 [item no. 8953]

Gardano. Novi thesauri musici liber primus (FR 57)
Novi thesauri musici liber primus. Venedig. A. Gardane 1568. [Landesbibliothek Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Schwerin].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 57. Stuttgart, 2008. 17 x 24 cm, 6 partbooks, c.968 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1568 edition, consisting of cantus, altus, tenor, quintus, sextus, & bassus partbooks. The first of five volumes published in 1568 containing a magnificent collection of 254 5 & 6-voice motets, financed and overseen by Pietro Giovanelli, a member of a wealthy family from the Bergamo region of Italy. Liber primus presents 87 beautifully engraved motets preceded by striking initials in woodblock. The compilation consists of music written by the composers stationed at the Hofkapellen of Graz, Innsbruck, Prague, as well as the Imperial Hofkapelle in Vienna. Besides well-known composers such as Regnart, Vaet, & Lasso the collection contains many outstanding composers who are still virtually unknown today and only known in this collection. Wrapperr, with slipcase covered in decorative paper. $275 [item no. 8975]

Corelli. Sonate a tre, op.1, 2, 3 & 4 (FR 58)
[Trio sonatas, 2 violins, bc, op.1-4] Sonate a tre. London, Richard Meares. Op.1 RISM C3682; Op.2 RISM C3719; Op.3 RISM C3749; Op.4 RISM C3782. [private collection].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 58. Stuttgart, 2008. 24 x 29 cm, 4 vols, 328 pp. Line-cut of the Richard Meares edition, London, c.1720. The Meares firm became one of Walsh’s chief rivals and its publications rank among the finest of the period. Four partbooks (vln I, vln II, vc, org), with slipcase. $130 [item no. 9005]

Antico. Canzoni nove con alcune scelte (FR 59)
Canzoni nove con alcune scelte de vari libri. Rom, 1510. [Universitätsbibliothek Basel].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 59. Stuttgart, 2009. Oblong, 27 x 20 cm, 86, ivi pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1510 edition. A unique print—Andrea Antico’s first—in the possession of the Basel University Library, with title page in woodcut that immortalizes the purchaser and first owner of the volume: the humanist Bonifacius Amerbach. The collection, comprised of 41 motets for 4 voices is engraved with incredible skill on wood blocks. Tromboncino is the best represented composer in the collection (18 works). Afterword by Martin Kirnbauer. Hardbound in decorative paper. $36 [item no. 9069]

Locke. Original Music in Macbeth (FR 60)
[Macbeth, voice, piano, arr.] The Original Music in Macbeth. Arranged from the Score and Adapted for the Piano Forte by B. Jacobs.

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 60. Stuttgart, 2010. 24 x 31 cm, 16 pp. Line-cut of the London, n.d. edition. Wrappers. $16 [item no. 9173]

Hake. Ander Theil neuer Pavanen, Sonaten (FR 61)
Ander Theil newer Pavanen, [Sonaten, Arien, Balletten, Brandlen, Couranten, und Sarabanden, mit und 8-Instrumenten mit dem basso continuo]. Stade 1654 / Elias Holwein. [British Library, London & Stadtbibliothek Växjö].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 61. Stuttgart, 2010. 16 x 21 cm, 5 partbooks, 222 pp. Line-cut of the Stade, 1654 edition. Wonderful collection of 43 dance movements for various string and wind instrumental groupings (a2 to a5), including 4 for 2 cornetti & 3 trombones and 2 for 5 trombones. Wrappers, with portfolio. $76 [item no. 9174]

Haiden. Ganz neue lustige Täntz vnd Leidlein (FR 80)
Ganz neue lustige Täntz vnd Leidlein, [deren Text mehrer theils auff Namen gerichtet, mit vier Stimmen, nicht allein zu singen, sondern auch auff allerhand Instrumenten zu gebrauchen]. Nürnberg / Paul Kauffmann 1601. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 61. Stuttgart, 2018. 17 x 20 cm, 4 partbooks, 108 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1601 edition. Wonderful collection of 23 dance numbers (all texted) for various string and wind instrumental groupings. Partbooks: cantus, altus, tenor, bassus) Wrappers, with portfolio. $75 [item no. 9579]

Franck. Viridarium musicum (FR 62)
Viridarium musicum [continens amaenissiomos et fragrantissimo ex sacra scriptura decerptos flosculos, quos ad dei ter optimi maximi laudem, ecclesiae usum quotidianum, depellendamque animae tristissimae melancholiam internam, & 10. vocibus, harmonia suavissima composuit, & illustravit, Ducalis Capellae Saxo Coburgicae Praefectus]. Nürnberg, Georg Fuhrmann 1613. [Zentralbibliothek Zürich].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 62. Stuttgart, 2012. 16 x 21 cm, 8 partbooks, 320 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1613 edition. 43 settings with sacred texts including 18 a5, 7 a6, 2 a7, 13 a8, 2 a9, and 3 a10. Wrappers, with slipcase in decorative paper. $104 [item no. 9271]

Selich. Opus novum (FR 64)
[Concerti, voices/instruments] Opus novum. [Geistlicher Lateinisch und Teutscher Concerten und Psalmen Dauids mit II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. IIX. IX. X. XI. XII. & c. Stimmen Nebenst dem Basso Continuo vor die Orgel Lauten Chitaron etc. Also daß dieselbe nicht allein in Fuerst: Capellen sondern auch in andern wolbestalten Stadtkirchen nach beliebung fueglich koennen gebraucht vnd Musiciret werden]. Hamburg/ Michael Hering 1625. [Universitätsbibliothek, Frankfurt].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 64. Stuttgart, 2013. 22 x 32 cm, 9 partbooks, c.306 pp. Line-cut of the Hamburg, 1625 edition. 24 sacred concertos. Wrappers, with slipcase in decorative paper. $205 [item no. 9319]

Banchieri. Fantaisie ov. Canzoni alla fran. (FR 65)
Fantaisie overo Canzoni alla francese. Venedig, Ricciardo Amadino 1603.

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 65. Stuttgart, 2014. 17 x 23 cm, 4 partbooks, 96 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1603 edition. 21 instrumental canzoni suitable for strings/winds. Wrappers, with portfolio in decorative paper. $42 [item no. 9356]

Ms. A.R. 775-777 Proske-Bibliothek Regenburg (FR 66)
[Regensburg, Bischöflichen Zentralbibliothek, Ms. A.R. 775-777] Ms. A.R. 775-777 Proske-Bibliothek Regensburg. Vorwort von Raymond Dittrich.

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 66. Stuttgart, 2015. 21 x 30 cm, 6 partbooks, vi, 718 pp. Line-cut of one the three most precious music manuscripts in the possession of the Proske-Bibliothek of the BZB. Of a total of 120 settings Lasso is represented by 34 pieces, Alessandro Striggio by 18, along with works by Cambio, Merulo, Vaet, Clemens non Papa, Meiland, Truthaer, Verdelot, Wert, Crécquillon, Deprez, Hollander, Prenner Corteccia, Gosswinus, Faignient, Bischoff, Monte, Padovano, Utendal, Claudius, Palestrina, Langius, A. Gabrieli, Fabricius, Ruffo, & Lange. The partbook MS—Discantus, Altus, Tenor, Bassus, Vagant, Sexta Vox— carries the title “1579 - Orlandi Lassi Sexta Vocum”, a reference to the Angelo Gardano print from which the first 11 Lasso works derive. The manuscript has received the attention of a number of musicologists, Armin Brinzing for localization, dating and repertorial makeup, and Eric Fiedler for important evidence regarding wind band performing practice. Includes CD recording “In Principio - Musik der Grazer Hofkapelle” which includes a number of works from A.R.775-777. Hardbound in decorative paper, with matching slipcase. $375 [item no. 9431]

Mozart. Requiem KV 626 Breitkopf & Härtel, 1800 (FR 67)
[Requiem mass, K.626, 1st ed.] Requiem KV 626 - W.A. Mozarti: Missa pro defunctis / W.A. Mozarts Seelenmesse. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig [1800]. Herausgegeben und mit einem Nachwort von Markus Eberhardt. [Archiv des Bistrums Passau].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 67. Stuttgart, 2015. Oblong, 35 x 26 cm, 178, vi pp. Line-cut of the first edition, Leipzig, 1800. Although there have been many attempts of reconstructing the text of the Requiem, the 1800 printed version, largely based on Süssmayr’s work, remains the prime historical document. It is interesting that Breitkopf & Härtel provides no credit to Süssmayr for the completion of the work although correspondence in early 1800 between Gottfreid Christoph Härtel and Süssmayr clearly establishes the extent of his role. Hardbound in decorative paper which reproduces the original 1800 binding. $100 [item no. 9443]

Silvestri. Ariette di musica a 1-2 voci, 1646 (FR 68)
Ariette di musica, [a una, e due voci, di eccellentissimi autori. Raccolte dal canonico D. Florido de Silvestris da Barbarano]. Bracciano, Andrea Fei 1646. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 68. Stuttgart, 2016. Oblong, 22 x 11 cm, 153 pp. Line-cut of the Bracciano, 1646 edition. A lovely little book consisting of 10 settings for solo voice and accompaniment (harpsichord or lute), and 6 for for two voices and accompaniment. The arias, each with attribution, is edited by Florido Silestri: Mazzocchi (4), Savioni (2), Boccarini, Cecchelli (2), Luigi Rossi (2), Marciani (2), Silvestri, Carissimi (2), Hardbound, in decorative paper with matching slipcase. $53 [item no. 9487]

Altfraunhofener Orgelbuch (FR 71)
Altfraunhofener Orgelbuch. Kommentar von Karl-Friedrich Wagner.

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 71. Stuttgart, 2016. Oblong, 34 x 26 cm, 8, 40 pp. Color facsimile of a charming MS collection of organ music (mostly preludes) from the early romantic period. Written in a clear and legible hand, the composer attributions include Georg Hamel, Georg Valentin Röder, Justin Heinrich Knecht, Georg Joseph Vogler & Pater Agäus. Hardbound, with decorative paper boards. $57 [item no. 9488]

Zuchini. Promptuarium harmonicum (FR 72)
Promptuarium harmonicum. Venidig, Iacob Vincenti 1616. [Bischöfliche Bibliothek, Regensburg].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 72. Stuttgart, 2016. 19 x 25 cm, 5 partbooks, 288 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1616 edition partbook edition (after the sole surviving copy). 5-voice settings consisting of 2 masses, 12 vespers, 6 motets, & 7 canzoni per sonare with titles “La Barbissona”, “La Massa”, La Montignana”, La Restella”, “La Terhaga”, “La Giordana”, “La Grilla” (apparently nicknames), suitable for strings/winds. Wrappers, with portfolio in decorative paper. $69 [item no. 9524]

Buus. 1 [-2] libro di canzoni francese (FR [73])
[Canzoni francese] Il primo libro di canzoni francese. Venedig 1543 / Il secondo libro di ricercari. Venedig, Antonio Gardane 154 [Stadtbibliothek Lübeck & Bischöfliche Bibliothek, Regensburg].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, [73]. Stuttgart, 2016. Oblong, 21 x 16, 6 partbooks, 316 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1543 & 1549 partbook editions comprised of 30 settings with French texts, and 8 textless ricercari suitable for string & wind ensembles. Decorative paper boards with matching slipcase. $148 [item no. 9525]

Anerio. Canzonette a quattro voci (FR 74)
Canzonette a quattro voci [libro primo]. [Bischöfliche Bibliothek, Regensburg].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 74. Stuttgart, 2016. 18 x 22 cm, 4 partbooks, 88 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1586 edition partbook edition. 22 4-voice settings (canto I, canto II, alto, basso). First ever facsimile of a publication solely dedicated to this important Roman madrigalist. Wrappers, with portfolio in decorative paper. $42 [item no. 9526]

Synopsis Musicae or the Musical Inventory (FR [75])
Synopsis musicae [or The Musical Inventory. Being a Collection of the choicest and newest Ayres, Jiggs, Borrees, Alemands, Gavots, Entries, Round O’s Horn-pipes, Trumpet Tunes and Scotch Tunes, for the Recorder or Flute. To which are added several new Songs and Catches Compos’d by the most able Masters]. London/Thomas Cross 1693. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, [75]. Stuttgart, 2016. Oblong, 25 x 12.5 cm, 64 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1693 edition. 24 instrumental works and 5 with texts. Attributions to James Hart and Anne Morcott. Hardbound with decorative paper boards. $27 [item no. 9529]

Posch. Musicalische Ehrenfreudt (FR 76)
Musicalische Ehrenfreudt. [Das ist: Alleyley neuer Balleten, Gagliarden/Couranten und Täntzen teutscher arth, mit 4. Stimmen, wie solche auff wie II solche auff adelichen Panqueten, auch andern ehrlichen Convivijs und Hochzeyten gemusiciert und auff allen instrumentalischen Sayttenspilen, u. zur Fröligkeit gebraucht werden mögen: Erster Theil]. Regenburg 1618. [Bischöfliche Bibliothek, Regensburg].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 76. Stuttgart, 2017. 18 x 22 cm, 4 partbooks, 160 pp. Line-cut of the Regensburg, 1618 partbook edition. 34 4-voice instrumental settings (canto I, canto II, alto, basso). Wrappers, with portfolio in decorative paper. $46 [item no. 9538]

Jobst von Brandt, 1. Theil geistlicher Psalmen (FR 77)
Der erste Theil geistlicher Psalmen und teutscher Kirchengeseng [Mit reichem Geist durch hocherleuchte Menner, zur Ehr Gottes, und trost der Christenheit zierlich, lustig und schön gemacht, durch den edlen, vehsten, und fürtrefflichen Componisten Jobsten von Brandt, mit vier fünff, sechtz, siben, acht und neun stim[m]en auff Instrumentent, Posaunen und menschlicher stim[m]e zu gebrauchen sehr künstlich gesetzet. Dergleichen biss auff diese Zeit durch den Druck noch nicht an Tag kommen]. Eger/Hanns Bürger 1573.

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 77. Stuttgart, 2017. Oblong, 23 x 18 cm, 4 partbooks, 1224 pp, 40 pp. Line-cut of the 1572 partbook edition Discantus, Altus, Tenor, Bassus). 45 settings for 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 9 voices and/or instruments. Hardbound. $122 [item no. 9607]

[Petrucci] Frottole libro secondo / libro tertio (FR 78)
Frottole Libro secondo. Venedig Ottaviano Petrucci 1507 / Frottole libro tertio Venedig Ottaviano Petrucci 1507. [Bischöfliche Bibliothek, Regensburg].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 78. Stuttgart, 2018. Oblong, 24 x 17 cm, 111; 127 pp. Line-cut of Petrucci’s 2nd vand 3rd books of frottole both published in Venice, 1507. Comprising 53 & 61 frottole respectively—the word means “trifles” or “unimportant things”—these two books are a repetorial goldmine, with composers such as Rossinus Mantuanus (R.M.), Francesco d’Ana, Nicolo Patavino, Cara, Tromboncino, Pesenti, Honophrius Antenoreus, Peregrinus Cesena, Antonius Rossetus, and others. Notated in quasi score format (if frottola fits on single page) or choirbook format (if spread over an opening). Hardbound, in decorative paper. $88 [item no. 9569]

Verschiedene Werke für Viola da Gamba, Durham MS A27 (FR 79)
[Viola da Gamba, selected works] Verschiedene Werke für Viola da Gamba und B.C. [Durham Cathedral, Durham].

Faksimile-Edition Rara., 79 Stuttgart, 2018. Oblong, 28 x 22 cm, 340 pp. Line-cut reproduction of MS A27 from Durham Cathedral, an anthology of works by Marais, Schenk, Snep, Hacquart, Heudeline, Blancourt, Simpson, du Faut, Colombe le fils, Colombe le pere, Doubihon, Fiore. Hardbound with decorative paper boards. $114 [item no. 9574]

Kolb. Certamen aonium (FR 81)
Certamen aonium [id est Lusus vocum inter se innocuè concertantium, continens praeambula, versett: atque cadentias ab oeto tonis. Pars prima]. o.O. / o.D. [Bischöfliche Bibliothek Regensburg]

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 81. Stuttgart, 2018. Oblong, 31 x 24 cm, 49 pp. Line-cut of the Augsburg, [1733] edition. Certamen aonium consists of 8 preludes, each with 3 verses in the form of short fughettas and a cadenza; the music is reminiscent of Gottlieb Muffat. Hardbound, with decorative paper boards. $42 [item no. 9610]

Zöschinger. Concors digitorum discordia (FR 82)
Concors digitorum discordia [sue IV. Parthiae]. Augsburg / Jacob Lotter 1761. [Bischöfliche Bibliothek Regensburg].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 82. Stuttgart, 2018. Oblong, 31 x 21 cm, 31 pp. Line-cut of the Augsburg, 1761 edition. Hardbound, with decorative paper boards. $40 [item no. 9611]

Reschnezgi. XII. Menuet und Trio (FR 83)
[Minuet & Trio] XII. Menuet und Trio [welch auf dem Clavi-cembalo mit Accompanierung einer Hand-Gamb, Violin, oder Flauto-Traversiere samt einem Bassetel nach belieben können prudicirt werden, woey zu erinnern, daß der XI. Menuet den Schlag einer Wachtel, und das darauf folgende Trio das Geschrey eines Guggu immitiret]. Augsburg, Johann Jacob Lotter sel.Erben 1760.

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 83. Stuttgart, 2018. Oblong, 21 x 18 cm, 28 pp. Line-cut of the Augsburg, 1760 edition. Harbound with decorative paper boards. $24 [item no. 9608]

Wiltberger. Orgel-Trio op.61 & op.65 (FR 84)
Orgel-Trio op.61 und op.65. Schwann / Düsseldorf. [private collection].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 84. Stuttgart, 2019. Oblong, 21 x 16 cm, 42 pp. Line-cut of the Düsseldorf, c.1895-96 edition. Hardbound, with decorative paper boards. $27 [item no. 9612]

Kindermann. Cantiones pathetikai (FR 85)
Cantiones pathetikai [h.e. Ad memoriam passionis domini nostre Jesus Christi, dei & hominis repraesentandam, ternis 7 quaternis vocibus, etiam cum basso continuo]. Nürnberg / Johannes Friedrich Sartori 1639. [Proske-Bibliothek Regensburg, AR.9].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 85. Stuttgart, 2020. 20 x 33 cm, 4 partbooks, 64 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1639 partbook edition (cantus/altus/tenor/bassus-bassus ad organum). Wonderful collection of 23 dance numbers (all texted) for various string and wind instrumental groupings. Wrappers, with portfolio with marbled boards. $43 [item no. 9617]

Chansonnier von Zeghere van Male (FR 86)
[Cambrai, Mediathèque Municipale, MSS 125-128] Der Chansonnier von Zeghere van Male.

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 86. Stuttgart, 2018. Oblong, 28 x 20 cm, 4 partbooks, 1224 pp, 40 pp. The Songbook of Zeghere van Male, also known by its call number MS 125-128 in Cambrai's Mediathèque Municipale, consists of four complementary part-books: Superius, Altus, Tenor, & Bass. The chansonnier became part of this public collection after the French Revolution, beforehand it was in the Bibliothèque de Saint-Sépulcre, also in Cambrai.The MS contains 229 compositions, extremely varied, some of them present only in this source. The special aspect of this manuscript is its marriage of music, art and culture: drawings adorn each folio. Executed by quill and with lively colors the drawings describe realistic scenes of daily life, leisurely activities, and include animals and monstrous creatures, obscene depictions and vegetal decorations. With mixed elements inherited from the Middle-Ages, the Antiquity and the vogue of the grotesque, they are a testimony of the prevailing taste in Flemish civil society in the first half of the 16th century. Commentary Ger-Fr-Eng by Fabien Laforge. Hardbound with decorative paper boards and slipcase. $680 [item no. 9571]

Kindermann. Opitianischer Orpheus, 1-2 Theil (FR 86)
Opitianischer Orpheus, das ist musicalischer Ergetzligkeitene, erster Theil mitt 1. und 2. Stimmen ne., von dem General Baß darzu noch 3 Violn in Rittornelli. . . Cantus sive Tenor et Bassus Continuus / Opitianischer Orpheus, das ist Musicalischer Ergetzligkeiten Ander Theil mit einer signden Stimm/sampreinem amorosischen Dialogo, mit zwenen/neben dem Basso Generali, für einen Organ-Theorb ober Lauteniisten accommodirt. . . cantus sive tenor, & Bassus continuus]. Nürnberg / Wolfgang Endter 1642. [Proske-Bibliothek Regensburg, A40a].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 86. Stuttgart, 2020. 21 x 33 cm, 26, 24, i pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1642 edition. 27 strophic settings for 1-2 voices (mainly for “cantus or tenor”, but some for tenor or baritone alone) and basso continuo. With instrumental rittornelli for violins, viols & theorbo. “Opitianischer Orpheus” = songs based on poetry by Martin Opitz. Hardbound in decorative paper boards. $39 [item no. 9619]

Kindermann. Des Erlösers Christi (FR 87)
Des Erlösers Christi [und sündigen Menschens heylsames Gespräch]. Nürnberg / Wolfgang Endter [1643]. [Proske-Bibliothek Regensburg, A40b].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 87. Stuttgart, 2020. 21 x 33 cm, 28, i pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1643 edition. Oratorio setting on the spiritual poetry “Salutary Conversation of the Redeemer Christ and Sinful Man”, consisting of 7-part chorus, soloists and instrumental accompaniment and instrumental “symphonias”. The print is in many ways an unrealized short score with performance queues typical of the period. Hardbound in decorative paper boards. $39 [item no. 9620]

Krobrich. XII Pange lingua (FR 87)
XII. Pange lingua. Augsburg / Johann Jacob Lotter 1783. [Private collection].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 87. Stuttgart, 2020. 21 x 34 cm, 80 pp. Line-cut of the Augsburg, 1783 edition. 12 strophic settings on the medieval Latin hymn “Pange lingua”. Set of parts bound together: SATB voices, vln I, vln II, clarino I, clarino II, organ/violoncello bc. Hardbound, in decorative paper boards. $69 [item no. 9625]

Musiche di Domenico Maria Melli, libro 1-2 (FR 88)
Musiche di Domenico Maria Melio Reggiano. Composte sopra alcuni madrigali di diversi. Per cantare nel chittarone, clavicecembalo, & altri istromenti / Musiche di Domenico Maria Megli, Reggiano. Nelle quali si contengono madrigali, canzonette, arie, & dialoghi, à una & due voci. Per cantare nel chittarone, clavicecembalo, & altri istromenti, sì in soprano, come in tenore, & trasportate, comode per qual parte più piace. Giacomo Vincenti, Venedig 1602.

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 88. Stuttgart, 2020. 22 x 32 cm, 20; 30; i pp. Line-cut of the 1602 & 1602 editions, respectively with 18 & 23 monodies for 1-2 voices and basso continuo in staff notation. Hardbound in decorative paper boards. $45 [item no. 9621]

Kerll. Modulatio organica & ms addendum (FR 88)
Modulatio organica [super magnificat octo ecclesiaticis tonis respondens]. Michael Wening / München 1686. [Proske-Bibliothek Regensburg, AN64].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 88. Stuttgart, 2020. Oblong, 24 x 19 cm, 90; 13 pp. Line-cut of the elegant Munich, 1686 edition; this particular print in the holdings of the Proske-Bibliothek includes additional music—ca. 5 toccatas—in manuscript (approx. 272 bars), added at the end; the unknown copyist has added the inscription “Gugi [or Giegi] Caspar Kerl”. Hardbound, with decorative paper boards. $63 [item no. 9624]

Kradenthaller. Sing-Ode (FR 89)
[Die Sieg-prachtende Liebe und Beherrscherin der ganzen Welt in einer] Sing-Ode. Christoff Fischer / Regenburg 1672. [Proske-Bibliothek Regensburg, AN87].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 89. Stuttgart, 2020. 16 x 21 cm, 4, i pp. Line-cut of the Regensburg, 1672 edition. Aria for canto solo with basso continuo. Stiff paper binding with exposed thread. $8 [item no. 9622]

[Ballard] Recueil d’airs serieux et a boire (FR 90)
Recueil d’airs [serieux et a boire de differents auteurs pour l’anne - 1702]. Paris / Ballard 1702. [Bibliothèque de Toulouse].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 90. Stuttgart, 2020. Oblong, 16 x 13 cm, 22, i pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1702 edition. For solo voice and basse-continue in staff notation (plucked or other continuo instrument). Humorous settings by De la Tour, Dubuisson, Hubert, Monsieur G..., Du Parc, Dubreuil, Duplessis, & 2 anonymous sources. Hardbound with decorative paper boards. $15 [item no. 9623]

Des Prez. Missarum liber primus (FR 94)
[Masses, book 1] Liber primus missarum. Ottaviano Petrucci / 29. Mai 1516. [Library of Congress, Washington DC].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 94. Stuttgart, [2021]. Oblong, 8º, 4 partbooks, 126 pp. Line-cut of the Petrucci edition, Venice, 1516 [RISM J668]. An immensely popular set of masses which went through six separate printings. Contents: L’homme armé super voces musicales;; Gaudeamus; Fortuna desperata; L’homme armé sextitoni. Wrappers with portfolio covered with decorative paper and tie strings. $54 [item no. 9644]

Brückner. Zweyfaches Zehen (FR 94)
Zweyfaches Zehen [ordentlicher Sonn- und Fest-Täglicher Evangelien Gott dem Allerhöchsten zu gebührenden Ehren dann Music liebenen Herzen zuschuldigem Gefallen mit und 8. Stimmen neben dem Basso Continuo beydes Vocaliter und Instrumentaliter zu gebrauchen aufgeseztet. Erfurt / Johann Birckner, Friedrich Melchio Dedekind 1656. [Pfarachiv Mügeln].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 94. Suttgart, 2021. 16 x 20 cm, 8 partbooks, 48 pp. Line-cut of the Erfurt 1656 partbook edition. 20 (2x Zehen) religious settings for 8 voices with bc and strings. Wrappers with slipcase in decorative paper. $112 [item no. 9693]

Irseer-Orgeltabulatur (FR 95)
Irseer-Orgeltabulatur. [Passau State Library].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 95. Stuttgart, 2021. 24 x 36 cm, 226 pp. Color facsimile of a rare and unique organ tablature MS from 1590 containing 83 pieces. According to an inscription in the book it was created for Abbot Carolus Andreae, a Benedictine monk active at the Kloster of Irsee, Ostallgäu, Bavaria (Andreae is credited with initiating the installation of a new organ by the Irsee organ builder Daniel Hayl in 1612). The MS comprises an anthology organ adaptations of vocal music from the last decades of the 16th c., including works by Hans Leo Hassler, Orlando di Lasso, Johannes Eccard, Joachim a Burck, Michael Tonsor, Jakob Regnart, Heinricus de la Court, Philippe le Duc, Sebastian Hasenknopf, and Alexander Utendal. The aim of the intabulations (a notation very similar to German lute tablature) is not clear—they may have been written for study, or rehearsal purposes, or most likely, for possible insertion in a liturgical setting. The MS ends with one piece in “modern” staff notation. Hardbound in decorative paper boards. $125 [item no. 9662]

Tettamanzi. Breve metodo per fondatamente (FR 95)
Breve metodo per fondatamente. [e con facilità apprendere Il canto fermo. Division in tre libri]. Mailand / Stampe degl’ Agnelli 1706. [private collection].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 95. Stuttgart, 2021. 17 x 22 cm, 154 pp. Line-cut of the Milan, 1706 edition (first published in 1686). Includes a full page Guidonian hand—a nice corpulent baroque example—originally engraved in copper. Coverboards in decorative paper. $50 [item no. 9692]

Friebert. Missa Pastoritia. Ms. Passau 1773 (FR 96)
Missa Pastor[itia in D]. Ms. Passau. [Archiv, Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 96. Stuttgart, 2020. 25 x 34 cm, 113 pp. Line-cut of the ms, scored for SATB, 2 vln, 2 vla, 2 clarini, tympano & organ. Little is known of this composer stationed in Passau, RISM has cataloged a total of 6 works. Hardbound in decorative paper. $50 [item no. 9694]

Canacci. Il primo libro delli madrigali (FR 100)
Il primo libro delli madrigali [a cinque voci] Rom / Valerio Dorico, 1564. [Library of Congress, Washington DC].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 100. Stuttgart, 2022. Oblong, 8º, 5 partbooks, 160 pp. Line-cut of the Dorico edition, Rome, 1564 (= RISM A/I C 763) based on the sole surviving source. 33 madrigal settings in partbook format (Canto, Alto, Tenore, Basso, Quinto). Parts hand stitched, in portfolio covered with decorative paper and tie strings. $41 [item no. 9695]

Pfendner. Motectorum liber secundus (FR 101)
[motets] Motectorum liber secundus. Würzburg / Johann Volmar 1623. [Bischöfliche Zentralbibliothek Regensburg].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 101. Stuttgart, 2022. 16 x 21 cm. 5 partbooks, 206 pp. Line-cut of the Volmar, 1623 edition. 19 motet settings in partbook format (Cantus, Altus, Tenor, Bassus, Partitura)—the use of the word “partitura” instead of “basso continuo” is an interesting departure. The distribution/scoring of the motets: 1 a2, 2 a3, 3 a4, 1 a5, 1 a6, 11 a8. Wrappers with portfolio covered with decorative paper and tie strings. $65 [item no. 9707]

Mouton. Missae 1515. Liber primus (FR 102)
[Masses, 4 voices] Missae Ioannis Mouton [Liber primus]. Fossombrone / Ottaviiano Petrucci 1515. [Library of Congress, Washington DC].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 102. Stuttgart, 2022. Oblong, 24 x 16 cm. 4 partbooks, 128 pp. Line-cut of the 1515 Petrucci edition. Five masses in partbook format (Superius, Altus, Tenor, Bassus). Contents: Missa Comme, Missa Alleluya, Missa Alma redemptoris, Missa Itez alia sine nomine, & Missa Regina mearum. Wrappers with portfolio covered with decorative paper and tie strings. $57 [item no. 9706]

Kapsberger. Libro primo de Motetti passegiati (FR 103)
[motets] Libro primo de motetti passegiati [à una voce]. Rom 1612. [Library of Congress, Washingon, DC].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 103. Stuttgart, 2023 23 x 32 cm. 24 pp. Color reproduction of the Rome, 1612 edition. Hardbound with decorative paper boards. $40 [item no. 9720]

Füger. Christliche Vers und Gesänge (FR 105)
Christliche Vers und Gesänge [lateinisch und deudsch / von dem groswichtigem / hochnötigem Werck der auffgerichten Concordien, in dieser Lande Kirchen und Schulen. Auff fünff Stimmen componiert]. Dreßden 1580. [Library of Congress, Washington DC].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 105. Stuttgart, 2023. 18 x 22 cm. 44 pp. Line-cut of the Dresden, 1580 edition. Hardbound with decorative paper boards. $26 [item no. 9729]

Galliard. 6 Sonatas for the Bassoon or Cello (FR 107)
[Sonatas, bassoon/violoncello, bc] Six Sonatas for the Bassoon or Violoncello with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsichord.

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 107. Stuttgart 2023 22 x 30 cm, 29 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, [1733]. Hardbound with handsome art paper boards. $36 [item no. 9732]

Hildebrand. Krieges-Angst-Seufftzer (FR 108)
Krieges-Angst-Seufftzer. [Mit 1. Stimme/sampt bey gefügten Basso Continuo]. Friedrich Lanckisch S. Erben / Leipzig 1645. [Stadtbibliothek Leipzig]

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 108 Stuttgart, 2023. 18 x20 x 24 cm. 36 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1645 edition. 7 songs for voice and bc, and 6 songs a4 and bc. Hardbound with decorative paper boards. $26 [item no. 9730]

Belli. Missarum quatuor, liber primus (FR 109)
Missarum quatuor vocibus liber primus. [Longianensis ecclesiae cathedralis]. Venedig / Angelo Gardano 1599. [Library of Congress, Washington DC].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 109. Stuttgart, 2023. 21 x 24 cm. 4 partbooks, 112 pp. Line-cut of the A. Gardano Venice, 1599 partbook edition. Contents: Missa Tue es pastor ovium, Missa Iste confessor, Missa brevis, Missa pro defunctis. Wrappers with portfolio covered with decorative paper and tie strings. $40 [item no. 9731]

Donfrid, Promptuarii musici, pars altera (FR 110)
Promptuarii musici, pars altera. Augustae Trebocorum / Paul Ledertz 1623. [Universitätsbibl. Regensburg; Württembergische Landesbibliothek Stuttgart; Proske-Bibliothek Regensburg].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 110. Stuttgart, 2023. Upright & oblong, 22 x 32; 16 x 21 cm, 5 partbooks, 1030 pp. Line-cut of the Strasbourg, 1623 partbook edition, the second of three enormous sacred song collections published by Paul Ledertz under the title Promptuarii musici. RISM lists 16 libraries that possess 1 or more volumes of this rare work, attesting to the contemporary reception of the work. “Par altera” contains 233 settings for 2, 3 & 4 voices plus basso continuo. The composers, mostly Italian but also German, are: Agazzari, Aichinger, Allegri, Anerio, Antonelli, Archangeli, Baccinetti, Badi, Balbi, Banchieri, Belli, Benn, Bernardi, Bollius, Borsaro, Brunelli, Brunetti, Burlini, Capello, Castro, Biondi, Cifra, Cornale, Croce, Corsi, Fabricius, Fattorini, Finetti, Fontana, Grandi, De Grandis, Gussago, Hassler, Klingenstein, Lappi, Lasso, F., Lasso, Rudolph di, Leoni, Loth, Marazzi, Marenzio, Massiccio, Mezzogorri, Montesardo, Mortaro, Nanino, Pfendner, Porta, C., Porta, E., Dal Pozzo, Racholdinger, Scaletta, Spinello, Stadlmayr, Tarditi, Uffererii, Vecchi, Veneri, Vernizzi, Marchesi, Moro, Viadana, Victorinus, Zucchini. Hardbound with decorative paper boards. $330 [item no. 9722]

Weigel. La famille Suisse - Die schweizer Familie (FR 110)
[La famille Suisse, arr. string quartet] La famille Suisse [Die Schweizer-Familie arrangée pour deux violons, alto et violoncelle. [private collection].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 110. Stuttgart, 2023. 25 x 30 cm, 4 partbooks, 75 pp. Line-cut of the Simrock, Bonn c.1811 edition. Arrangement of Weigel’s opera “La famille Suisse” for string quartet with text references to the opera numbers. Wrappers with portfolio with decorative paper boards and ties. $79 [item no. 9725]

Kopp. Der Groß-Wunderhätigen Mutter Gottes Hülff (FR 111)
Der Groß=Wunderhätigen Mutter Gottes Hülff Lob=Gesang. [Gerichtet auff all ihre hohe Fest und auff die Sonntag des ganzten Jahrs]. Passau/ Georg Höller 1659. [Bischöfliche Bibliothek, Passau].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 111. Stuttgart, 2023 10 x 16 cm. 377 pp. Line-cut of the 1659 edition. Hardbound with decorative paper boards. $53 [item no. 9723]

Leonarda. Motetti opera sesta (FR 114)
Motetti [a voce sola, parte con isttomenti, e parte senza] opera sesta. Gardano / Venedig 1675. [Library of Congress, Washington DC].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 114. Stuttgart, 2024. 22 x 31 cm. 126 pp. Line-cut of the Gardano, Venice, 1676 score. 12 settings for solo voice and basso continuo, three of which call for violins. Hardbound with decorative paper boards. $62 [item no. 9739]

Staden. Haußmusic geistlicher Gesäng (FR 113)
Haußmusic [geistlicher Gesäng. Darunter etliche auff die fürnembsten Fest deß Jahrs: ein theils aber in gemeintäglich von Gottliebenden hertzen nußlich zu gebrauchen]. Nürnberg / Johann Friedrich Sartorius 1623. [Library of Congress, Washington DC].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 114. Stuttgart, 2024. 17 x 23 cm. 4 partbooks, 120 pp. Line-cut of the Sartorius, Nuremberg, 1623 partbook edition. 22 strophic settings for Cantus-Altus-Tenor-Bassus. Wrappers & portfolio covered with decorative paper. $68 [item no. 9740]

Strozzi. Sacri musicali affetti (FS 1)
[Sacri musicali affetti, libro 1, op.5] I sacri musicali affetti. [Bibl. Uniwersytecka We Wroclawiu].

Faksimile-Edition Strozzi, 1. Stuttgart, 1998. Oblong, 21 x 16 cm, 2 vols, 214 + 108 pp. Line-cut of the Gardano, edition, Venice, 1655. Reproduces both the score and separate vocal part. Hardbound, in marbled paper. $112 [item no. 7642]

Strozzi. Ariette a voce sola, op.6 (FS 2)
[Arias, voice, bc, op.6] Ariette a voce sola. Opera sexta. Venetia, Francesco Magni 1625[sic]. [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].

Faksimile-Edition Strozzi, 2. Stuttgart, 1999. Oblong, 22 x 15 cm, 136 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1657 edition. Hardbound, in marbled paper. $52 [item no. 7699]

Strozzi. Diporti di Euterpe (FS 3)
[Cantatas, Diporti di Euterpe, voice, bc, op.7] Diporti di Euterpe overo cantate & ariette a voce sola. Opera settima. [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].

Faksimile-Edition Strozzi, 3. Stuttgart, 1999. Oblong, 22 x 15 cm, 169 pp. Line-cut of the Francesco Magni edition, Venice, 1659. Collection of 15 cantatas. Hardbound, in marbled paper. $56 [item no. 7700]

Strozzi. Arie, op.8 (FS 4)
[Arias, voice, bc, op.8] Arie, Venetia, Magni/Gardane 1659. RISM S 6989. [Hessische Landesbibliothek Fulda].

Faksimile-Edition Strozzi, 4. Stuttgart, 2000. Oblong, 27 x 19 cm, 166 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1664 edition. Hardbound, in decorative paper. $67 [item no. 7787]

Strozzi. Arie a voce sola de diversi autori (FS 5)
[Arias, voice, bc, w/o opus no.] Arie a voce sola de diversi autori. [British Library, London].

Faksimile-Edition Strozzi, 5. Stuttgart, 1999. Oblong, 22 x 15 cm, 92 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1656 edition. 27 arias by Strozzi (2), Cavalli (2), Tarditti (7), Cazzati (4), Ziani (2), Chinelli (2), Lucio (4), Pozzi (2), & Agneletti (2) (exact contents available on request). Hardbound, in marbled paper. $56 [item no. 7746]

Strozzi. Cantate, ariette a 1.2. e 3. voci (FS 6)
[Cantatas & arias, op.3] Cantate, ariette a una, due e tre voci. Opera terza.

Faksimile-Edition Strozzi, 6. Stuttgart, 2000 / 2003. 17 x 23 cm, 58 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1654 edition. $52 [item no. 8386]

Strozzi. Cantate, ariette e duetti, op.2 (FS 7)
[Cantatas & arias, voice, bc, op.2] Cantate, ariette e duetti... opera seconda. Venezia, Gardano 1651. RISM S6984. [British Library, London].

Faksimile-Edition Strozzi, 7. Stuttgart, 2000. 23 x 32 cm, 80 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1651 edition. Hardbound, in marbled paper. $63 [item no. 8244]

Strozzi. 1.libro de’madrigali a 2-5. voci, op.1 (FS 8)
[Madrigals, 2, 3, 4 & 5 voices, bc, op.1] Il primo [libro] de’ madrigali a due, tre, quattro, e cinque voci. [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].

Faksimile-Edition Strozzi, 8. Stuttgart, 2002. 17 x 23 cm, 5 partbooks, c.225 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1644 edition. 9 madrigals a2, 3 a3, 4 a4, and 5 a5, the last of which calls for 2 violins. Wrappers, w/ portfolio in marbled paper. $61 [item no. 8132]

Strozzi. Sacra corona (FS 9)
Sacra corona [motetti a due, e trè voci di diversi eccelentissimi autori moderni, novamente raccolti & dati in luce da Bartolomeo Marcesso]. Venedig, Francesco Magni, 1656. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].

Faksimile-Edition Strozzi, 9. Stuttgart, 2013. 17 x 21 cm, 4 partbooks, 294 pp. Line-cut of the Francesco Magni edition, Venice, 1656 edition. Edited by Bartolomeo Barcesso, this wonderful anthology features 23 motets for 3 and 2 voices (in various pairings), with basso continuo. Composers include Giovanni Rovetta, Maximiliano Neri, Pietr'Andrea Ziani, Barbara Strozzi (“Quis dabit mihi”), Francesco Cavalli, Biago Marini, Simone Vesi, Horatio Tarditi, Stefano Filippini, Maurizio Cazzati & Natale Monferato. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $68 [item no. 9314]

Lyttich. Venus-Glöcklein (FSB 1)
Venus-Glöcklein, oder Newe weltliche Gesänge mit anmuthtigen Melodien und lustigen Texten auff vier und fünff Stimmen. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 1. Stuttgart, 1996. 14 x 19 cm, 5 partbooks, 350 pp. Line-cut of the Johan Weidner edition, Jena, 1610. 20 songs a4 & a5, and 13 instrumental pieces. Mensural notation. Wrappers, with handsome slipcase in marbled paper. $83 [item no. 7295]

Lyttich. Venus-Glöcklein (FSB 1-kart)
Venus-Glöcklein, oder Newe weltliche Gesänge mit anmuthtigen Melodien und lustigen Texten auff vier und fünff Stimmen. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 1. Stuttgart, 1996. 14 x 19 cm, 5 partbooks, 350 pp. Line-cut of the Johan Weidner edition, Jena, 1610. 20 songs a4 & a5, and 13 instrumental pieces. Mensural notation. Wrappers. $67 [item no. 7296]

Forster. Teutsche Leidlein, Bände 1-2 (FSB 2)
[Teutsche Liedlein, parts 1 & 2] Georg Forsters Lieder-Sammlung Bände 1 und 2. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 2. Stuttgart, 1996. Oblong, 18 x 12 cm, 4 partbooks, 470 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg editions (v. 1 is based on the 4th edition and v. 2 on the 3rd edition. Forster, a doctor and composer, put together an excellent anthology of the best secular pieces of the period, including such beloved works as Isaac’s “Innsbruck, ich muß dich lassen”. This is the 1st and 2nd parts of Forster’s enomous 5-part work. Hardbound in vellum paper, with matching slipcase. $184 [item no. 7299]

Guggumos. Mottecta (FSB 3)
Mottecta III. V. et VI vocum. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 3. Stuttgart, 1996. 17 x 22 cm, 7 partbooks, c.160 pp. Line-cut of the Magni edition, Venice, 1612. Four motets a4, seven a5, and seven a6. Mensural notation. Wrappers, with handsome slipcase in marbled paper. $122 [item no. 7336]

Guggumos. Mottecta (FSB 3-kart)
Mottecta III. V. et VI vocum. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 3. Stuttgart, 1996. 17 x 22 cm, 7 partbooks, c.160 pp. Line-cut of the Angelo Gardano edition, Venice, 1612. Four motets a4, seven a5, and seven a6. Mensural notation. Wrappers. $84 [item no. 7337]

Keifferer. Iubilus Bernardi (FSB 4)
Iubilus Bernardi [Ex melitissimo D. Bernhardi iubilio delibatus modisque musicis tribus vocibus]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 4. Stuttgart, 1996. 15 x 19 cm, 3 partbooks, 72 pp. Line-cut of the Dillingen, 1611 edition. 18 sacred songs a3 in mensural notation. Wrappers, with handsome slipcase in marbled paper. $58 [item no. 7301]

Keifferer. Iubilus Bernardi (FSB 4-kart)
Iubilus Bernardi [Ex melitissimo D. Bernhardi iubilio delibatus modisque musicis tribus vocibus]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 4. Stuttgart, 1996. 15 x 19 cm, 3 partbooks, 72 pp. Line-cut of the Dillingen, 1611 edition. 18 sacred songs a3 in mensural notation. Wrappers. $44 [item no. 7302]

Staden. Venus-Kräntzlein (FSB 5)
Venus-Kräntzlein [newer musicalischer Gesäng und Lieder]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 5. Stuttgart, 1996. 15 x 19 cm, 4 partbooks, 112 pp. Line-cut of the Jena, 1610 edition. 32 songs a4, 18 with texts and 14 without. Wrappers, with handsome slipcase in marbled paper. $64 [item no. 7303]

Staden. Venus-Kräntzlein (FSB 5-kart)
Venus-Kräntzlein [newer musicalischer Gesäng und Lieder]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 5. Stuttgart, 1996. 15 x 19 cm, 4 partbooks, 112 pp. Line-cut of the Jena, 1610 edition. 32 songs a4, 18 with texts and 14 without. Wrappers. $59 [item no. 7304]

Widmann. Musicalischer Tugendspiegel (FSB 6)
Musicalischer Tugendspiegel [gantz newer Gesäng mit schönen historischen und poetischen Texten sehr nutzlich zu lesen und lieblich zu singen]. [[Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 6. Stuttgart, 1996. 15 x 19 cm, 5 partbooks, 170 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1613 edition. 40 secular settings a4 & 5 suitable for voices and instruments. Wrappers, with handsome slipcase in marbled paper. $69 [item no. 7305]

Widmann. Musicalischer Tugendspiegel (FSB 6-kart)
Musicalischer Tugendspiegel [gantz newer Gesäng mit schönen historischen und poetischen Texten sehr nutzlich zu lesen und lieblich zu singen]. [[Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 6. Stuttgart, 1996. 15 x 19 cm, 5 partbooks, 170 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1613 edition. 40 secular settings a4 & 5 suitable for voices and instruments. Wrappers. $55 [item no. 7306]

Banchieri. Canzonette a tre voci (FSB 7)
Canzonette a tre voci. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 7. Stuttgart, 1996. 15 x 19 cm, 3 partbooks, 72 pp. Line-cut of the Amadino edition, Venice, 1597. 21 settings. Wrappers, with handsome slipcase in marbled paper. $63 [item no. 7340]

Banchieri. Canzonette a tre voci (FSB 7-kart)
Canzonette a tre voci. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 7. Stuttgart, 1996. 15 x 19 cm, 3 partbooks, 72 pp. Line-cut of the Amadino edition, Venice, 1597. 21 settings. Wrappers. $46 [item no. 7341]

Franck. Fasciculus quodlibeticus (FSB 8)
Fasciculus quodlibeticus. New musicalisch Werklein, darinnen de quodlibet, so bißhero unterschiedlich außgangen, jetzo aber mit noch andern gantz newen vermehret, alle zusammen getruckt, unnd von vier fünff unnd sechs Stimmen componirt. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 8. Stuttgart, 1996. 15 x 19 cm, 4 partbooks, 120 pp. Line-cut of the Coburg, 1611 edition. Secular settings, four a4, one a6 and one a5, suitable for voices and instruments. Wrappers, with handsome slipcase in marbled paper. $76 [item no. 7342]

Franck. Fasciculus quodlibeticus (FSB 8-kart)
Fasciculus quodlibeticus. New musicalisch Werklein, darinnen de quodlibet, so bißhero unterschiedlich außgangen, jetzo aber mit noch andern gantz newen vermehret, alle zusammen getruckt, unnd von vier fünff unnd sechs Stimmen componirt. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 8. Stuttgart, 1996. 15 x 19 cm, 4 partbooks, 120 pp. Line-cut of the Coburg, 1611 edition. Secular settings, four a4, one a6 and one a5, suitable for voices and instruments. Wrappers. $60 [item no. 7343]

[Cavaglieri]. Della novi metamorfosi (FSB 9)
[Nova metamorfosi, book 2] Della novi metamorfosi de diversi autori. Libro secondo à cinque voci. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 9. Stuttgart, 1996. 17 x 24 cm, 80 pp. Line-cut of the Agostino Tradate edition, Milan, 1605. 21 sacred setting a5, notated in score. Compositions by Micheli, Malvezzi, Palestrina, Gabucci, Nenna, Marenzio, Molinaro, Arnone, Nanino, Rivolta, Scaletta, Rognone, Monte, and Artemanio. Beautiful marbled paper boards. $34 [item no. 7344]

[Ballard]. VII. livre d’airs de cour, 1626 (FSB 10)
[Airs de cour, book 7, 1626 ed.] VII. livre d’airs de cour, et de differents auteurs. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 10. Stuttgart, 1996. 11 x 15 cm, 116 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1626 edition. 40 airs de cour, 10 airs à boirs, and 7 airs espagnols. Composers include Roy, La Reyne, Moulinié, Boesset, Richar, Boccan, Boyer, Barberon, Bataille, Fevre, and others. Staff notation (voice part only). Beautiful marbled paper boards. $26 [item no. 7345]

LeVavasseur. Airs (FSB 11)
Airs à III. IIII. et V. parties. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 11. Stuttgart, 1996. Oblong, 13 x 9 cm, 5 partbooks, c.325 pp. Line-cut of the Pierre Ballard edition, Paris, 1623. 27 airs for three, four and five parts, suitable for voices or instruments. Wrappers, with handsome slipcase in marbled paper. $78 [item no. 7347]

LeVavasseur. Airs (FSB 11-kart)
Airs à III. IIII. et V. parties. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 11. Stuttgart, 1996. Oblong, 13 x 9 cm, 5 partbooks, c.325 pp. Line-cut of the Pierre Ballard edition, Paris, 1623. 27 airs a5 suitable for voices or instruments. Wrappers. $79 [item no. 7348]

Banchieri. La pazzia senile. Libro secondo (FSB 12)
[La pazzia senile, book 2] La pazzia senile [ragionamenti vaghi, et dillettevoli, a tre voci. Libro secondo]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 12. Stuttgart, 1997. 16 x 20 cm, 3 partbooks, c.90 pp. Line-cut of the second edition, Venice, 1599, containing significant variants, additions & cuts. Hardbound, with slipcase. $53 [item no. 7379]

Banchieri. La pazzia senile, Libro secondo (FSB 12-kart)
[La pazzia senile, book 2] La pazzia senile [ragionamenti vaghi, et dillettevoli, a tre voci. Libro secondo]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 12. Stuttgart, 1997. 16 x 20 cm, 3 partbooks, c.90 pp. Line-cut of the Amadino edition, Venice, 1599. 19 settings a3 in mensural notation. Wrappers. $36 [item no. 7380]

Tänze für 2 Violen (FSB 13)
Tänze für 2 Violen. Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm, Sign. misc 130].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 13. Stuttgart, 1997. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 2 partbooks, c.296 pp. Line-cut of a ms from Ulm(?) from c.1615-1620, containing 60 dance numbers for two gambas. Wrappers, with slipcase in marble paper. $76 [item no. 7463]

Tänze für 2 Violen (FSB 13-ktn)
Tänze für 2 Violen. Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm, Sign. misc 130].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 13. Stuttgart, 1997. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 2 partbooks, c.296 pp. Line-cut of a ms from Ulm(?) from c.1615-1620, containing 60 dance numbers for two gambas. Wrappers. $47 [item no. 7464]

Jeep. Studentengärtlein (FSB 14)
Studentengärtleins [erster Theil. Neuer lustiger weltlicher Liedlein mit 3.4. und 5. Stimmen]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 14. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 19 cm, 4 partbooks, c.98 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1614 edition. 34 entirely homophonic strophic setting in mensural notation. Considered among the finest songs composed in the wake of Hassler. Hardbound, in slipcase. $85 [item no. 7381]

Jeep. Studentengärtlein (FSB 14-kart)
Studentengärtleins [erster Theil. Neuer lustiger weltlicher Liedlein mit 3.4. und 5. Stimmen]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 14. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 19 cm, 4 partbooks, c.98 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1614 edition. 34 entirely homophonic, strophic setting in mensural notation. Considered among the finest songs composed in the wake of Hassler. Wrappers. $67 [item no. 7382]

Lagkner. Flores jessaei musicis (FSB 15)
Flores jessaei [musicis modulis & sere tribus paribus adaptati]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 15. Stuttgart, 1997. 14 x 19 cm, 3 partbooks, c.60 pp. Line-cut of the Paulus Kauffmann edition, Nuremberg, 1606. 28 sacred Protestant works a3 (for boys’ voices). Wrappers, with slipcase. $52 [item no. 7435]

Lagkner. Flores jessaei musicis (FSB 15-kart)
Flores jessaei [musicis modulis & sere tribus paribus adaptati]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 15. Stuttgart, 1997. 14 x 19 cm, 3 partbooks, c.60 pp. Line-cut of the Paulus Kauffmann edition, Nuremberg, 1606. 28 sacred Protestant works a3 (for boys’ voices). Wrappers. $48 [item no. 7436]

Metzger. Venusblümlein (FSB 16)
Venusblümlein [erster Theil neuer lustiger Liedlein mit vier Stimmen welche nicht allein lieblich zu singen sondern auch auff hand Instrumentis artlich zu gebrauchen]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 16. Stuttgart, 1997. 14 x 20 cm, 4 partbooks, 128 pp. Line-cut of the G.L. Fuhrmann edition, Nuremberg, 1611. 25 secular settings a4. Hardbound in vellum paper, with matching slipcase. $68 [item no. 7443]

Metzger. Venusblümlein (FSB 16-kart)
Venusblümlein [erster Theil neuer lustiger Liedlein mit vier Stimmen welche nicht allein lieblich zu singen sondern auch auff hand Instrumentis artlich zu gebrauchen]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 16. Stuttgart, 1997. 14 x 20 cm, 4 partbooks, 128 pp. Line-cut of the G.L. Fuhrmann edition, Nuremberg, 1611. 25 secular settings a4. Wrappers. $50 [item no. 7444]

Meiland. Cantiones aliquot (FSB 17)
Cantiones aliquot [novae, quas vulgo motetas vocant, quinque vocibus summo studio compositae: quibus adiuncta sunt officia duo]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 17. Stuttgart, 1997. Oblong, 20 x 17 cm, 5 partbooks, 240 pp. Line-cut of the Frankfurt, 1576 edition. 21 motet settings a5. Hardbound in vellum paper, with matching slipcase. $129 [item no. 7445]

Meiland. Cantiones aliquot (FSB 17-kart)
Cantiones aliquot [novae, quas vulgo motetas vocant, quinque vocibus summo studio compositae: quibus adiuncta sunt officia duo]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 17. Stuttgart, 1997. Oblong, 20 x 17 cm, 5 partbooks, 240 pp. Line-cut of the Frankfurt, 1576 edition. 21 motet settings a5. Wrappers. $99 [item no. 7446]

Gerle. Ein newes sehr künstl. Lautenbuch (FSB 18)
Ein newes sehr künstliches Lautenbuch, Formschneider 1552 / [Newsidler]: Das ander Buch, Laub 1549; Das dritt Buch, Günther 1544. [Schmermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 18. Stuttgart, 1997. Oblong, 19 x 15 cm, c.460 pp. Line-cut of one book of lute music edited by Gerle (Nuremberg, 1552), and two edited by Hans Newsidler (Nuremberg, 1549 & 1544). German tablature. Hardbound. $89 [item no. 7437]

Lautenbuch Ms. Ulm 1556 (FSB 19)
Lautenbuch Ms. Ulm 1556. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm, Sign. 113b].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 19. Stuttgart, 1997. Oblong, 23 x 17 cm, 22 pp. Line-cut of a facsinating lute manuscript in German tablature notation. The scribe, Matthäus Gregg (1540-1590), was a member of a patrician family from Ulm. Hardbound. $33 [item no. 7383]

Ms. Motetten und Deutsche Lieder um 1575 (FSB 20)
[Ulm, Stadtbibliothek, Schermar-Bibl. Sign. 235] Ms. Motteten und Deutsche Lieder, Ulm(?) um 1575.

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 20. Stuttgart, 2002. Oblong, 15 x 11 cm, 4 partbooks, c.864 pp. Line-cut of a late 16th ms transmitting motets and German songs. Hardbound, with slipcase. $165 [item no. 8081]

Dressler. Opus select. sacr. cantionum (FSB 21)
Opus selectissimum sacrarum cantionum [quinque et pluribus vocibus in gratiam musicorum compositarum]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 21. Stuttgart, 1997. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 5 partbooks, c.690 pp. Line-cut of the Gerlach edition, Nuremberg, 1574. 37 sacred settings a4, 38 a5, 2 a6 and 1 a8, for voices with or without instruments. Hardbound in vellum paper, with matching slipcase. $184 [item no. 7513]

Dressler. Opus select. sacr. cantionum (FSB 21-kart)
Opus selectissimum sacrarum cantionum [quinque et pluribus vocibus in gratiam musicorum compositarum]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 21. Stuttgart, 1997. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 5 partbooks, c.675 pp. Line-cut of the Gerlach edition, Nuremberg, 1574. 37 sacred settings a4, 38 a5, 2 a6 and 1 a8, for voices with or without instruments. Wrappers. $92 [item no. 7489]

Cantone. Sacrae cantiones (FSB 22)
Sacrae cantiones, [sive motecta, tum ad instrumenta omnia, tum ad vocis modulationem aptissima]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 22. Stuttgart, 1997. 16 x 23 cm, 5 partbooks, c.120 pp. Line-cut Gardano edition, Venice, 1596. 20 sacred settings a5, for voices with or without instruments. Wrappers, with slipcase. $79 [item no. 7438]

Cantone. Sacrae cantiones (FSB 22-kart)
Sacrae cantiones, [sive motecta, tum ad instrumenta omnia, tum ad vocis modulationem aptissima]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 22. Stuttgart, 1997. 16 x 23 cm, 5 partbooks, c.120 pp. Line-cut Gardano edition, Venice, 1596. 20 sacred settings a5, for voices with or without instruments. Wrappers. $47 [item no. 7439]

Gumpelzhaimer. Compendium musicae (FSB 23)
Compendium musicae. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 23. Stuttgart, 1997. 17 x 20 cm, 163 pp. Line-cut of the Valentin Schoenig edition, Augsburg, 1611. Extremely popular textbook on the rudiments of music which was issued in 13 editions over a period of 90 years. Written for the author’s students at St. Anna’s in Augsburg, it is largely based on Heinrich Faber’s Compendium musicae, but with parallel texts in Latin and German and a greatly expanded musical section. Hardbound. $51 [item no. 7440]

Marenzio. Villanelle, ed. V. Haussmann (FSB 24)
[Villanelle, a3, selections, book 4, w/German texts] Außzug auß Lucae Marentii vier Theilen seiner italianischen dreystimmigen Villanellen und Napolitanien so zuvor in Teutschland nicht vil gesehen worden . Dem Autori zu Ehren und denen so der italianischen Sprach nicht kundig zu besserm gebrauch jetzo mit teutschen Texten gezieret... [von Valentin Haussmann].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 24. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 20 cm, 3 partbooks, c.155 pp. Line-cut of the Paulus Kauffmann edition, Nuremberg, 1606. 51 villanelle a3, set with German texts. Wrappers, with slipcase. $73 [item no. 7393]

Marenzio. Villanelle, ed. V. Haussmann (FSB 24-kart)
[Villanelle, a3, selections, book 4, w/German texts] Außzug auß Lucae Marentii vier Theilen seiner italianischen dreystimmigen Villanellen und Napolitanien so zuvor in Teutschland nicht vil gesehen worden . Dem Autori zu Ehren und denen so der italianischen Sprach nicht kundig zu besserm gebrauch jetzo mit teutschen Texten gezieret... [von Valentin Haussmann].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 24. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 20 cm, 3 partbooks, c.155 pp. Line-cut of the Paulus Kauffmann edition, Nuremberg, 1606. 51 villanelle a3, set with German texts. Wrappers. $47 [item no. 7394]

Haussmann. Melodien unter weltl. Texte (FSB 25)
Melodien unter weltliche Texte, da jeder einen besondern Namen anzeiget, umb ein guten Theil vermehret und von neuem auffgelegt. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 25. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 19 cm, 5 partbooks, c.260 pp. Line-cut of the Paul Kauffmann edition, Nuremberg, 1608. 51 works a5, with German texts. Wrappers, with handsome portfolio in marbled paper. $115 [item no. 7485]

Haussmann. Melodien unter weltl. Texte (FSB 25-kart)
Melodien unter weltliche Texte, da jeder einen besondern Namen anzeiget, umb ein guten Theil vermehret und von neuem auffgelegt. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 25. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 19 cm, 5 partbooks, c.260 pp. Line-cut of the Paul Kauffmann edition, Nuremberg, 1608. 51 works a5, with German texts. Wrappers. [item no. 7486]

Haussmann. Außzug aus V. Haußmanns (FSB 26)
[Dances, German & Polish] Außzug aus Valentini Haußmanns [Gerbipol. zweyen unterschiedlichen Wercken als der teutschen Täntz mit 4. Stimmen und des ersten Theils polnischer Täntz so Venusgarten tituliert mit 5. Stimmen mit und ohne Text in ein Opusculum zusammen gebracht durch V. Haußmann]. Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 26. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 19 cm, 5 partbooks, c.284 pp. Line-cut of the Balthasar Scherff edition, Nuremberg, 1609. 11 dances a4, 28 a5, plus 59 purely instrumental dances a4. Wrappers, with handsome portfolio in marbled paper. $115 [item no. 7524]

Haussmann. Außzug aus V. Haußmanns (FSB 26-kart)
[Dances, German & Polish] Außzug aus Valentini Haußmanns [Gerbipol. zweyen unterschiedlichen Wercken als der teutschen Täntz mit 4. Stimmen und des ersten Theils polnischer Täntz so Venusgarten tituliert mit 5. Stimmen mit und ohne Text in ein Opusculum zusammen gebracht durch V. Haußmann]. Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 26. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 19 cm, 5 partbooks, c.284 pp. Line-cut of the Balthasar Scherff edition, Nuremberg, 1609. 11 dances a4, 28 a5, plus 59 purely instrumental dances a4. Wrappers. $84 [item no. 7525]

Hoezlin. Sacrarum melodiarum (FSB 27)
Sacrarum melodiarum [tribus vocibus]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 27. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 19 cm, 3 partbooks, 72 pp. Line-cut of the Abraham Wagenmann edition, Nuremberg, 1605. 19 settings a3 with sacred texts. Wrappers, with handsome portfolio in marbled paper. $58 [item no. 7526]

Hoezlin. Sacrarum melodiarum (FSB 27-kart)
Sacrarum melodiarum [tribus vocibus]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 27. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 19 cm, 3 partbooks, 72 pp. Line-cut of the Abraham Wagenmann edition, Nuremberg, 1605. 19 settings a3 with sacred texts. Wrappers. $34 [item no. 7527]

Lasso. Fasciculi aliq.sacr.cantionum (FSB 28)
Fasciculi aliquot [sacraerum cantionum cum quatuor, quinque, sex & octo vocibus, antea quidem separatim excusi, nunc vero auctoris contensu in unum corpus redacti].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 28. Stuttgart, 1997. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 6 partbooks, 888 pp. Line-cut of the Dietrich Gerlach edition, Nuremberg, 1582. Magnificent collection of 85 sacred songs and motets for 4, 5, 6 & 8 voices. Wrappers. $211 [item no. 7535]

Lasso. Fasciculi aliq.sacr.cantionum (FSB 28-kart)
Fasciculi aliquot [sacrarum cantionum cum quatuor, quinque, sex & octo vocibus, antea quidem separatim excusi, nunc vero auctoris contensu in unum corpus redacti].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 28. Stuttgart, 1997. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 6 partbooks, 888 pp. Line-cut of the Dietrich Gerlach edition, Nuremberg, 1582. Magnificent collection of 85 sacred songs and motets for 4, 5, 6 & 8 voices. Wrappers. $110 [item no. 7528]

Regnart. Newe kurtzweilige teut. Lieder (FSB 29)
Newe kurtzweilige teutsche Lieder / Deutsche Lieder und Motteten, Ms. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm, sign. misc. 122].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 29. Stuttgart, 1997. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 5 partbooks, c.390 pp. Line-cut of two editions, one printed by Gerlach (Nuremberg, 1580), and the other a contemporary manuscript, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm, sign. misc. 122. Contains 16 settings a5 from the printed collection, plus 29 settings a4 and 4 a5 from the manuscript source. Hardbound in vellum paper, with matching slipcase. $152 [item no. 7514]

Regnart. Newe kurtzweilige teut. Lieder (FSB 29-kart)
Newe kurtzweilige teutsche Lieder / Deutsche Lieder und Motteten, Ms. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm, sign. misc. 122].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 29. Stuttgart, 1997. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 5 partbooks, c.390 pp. Line-cut of two editions, one printed by Gerlach (Nuremberg, 1580), and the other a contemporary manuscript, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm, sign. misc. 122. Contains 16 settings a5 from the printed collection, plus 29 settings a4 and 4 a5 from the ms. Wrappers. [item no. 7515]

Rore. 1.[-2] libro de madregali a 4 (FSB 30)
[Madrigals, a4, book 1-2, 1557] Il primo libro de madregali a quatro voci; Il secondo libro de madregali a quatro voci. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 30. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 20 cm, 4 partbooks, c.220 pp. Line-cut of the Gardano editions, Venice 1557/1557. Respectively 26 and 23 settings for four voices; this particular exemplar from the Schermar-Bibliothek contains additional ms material entered on the empty pages at the end of each partbook. Hardbound in vegetable vellum, with matching slipcase. $112 [item no. 7510]

Rore. 1.[-2] libro de madregali a 4 (FSB 30-kart)
[Madrigals, a4, book 1-2, 1557] Il primo libro de madregali a quatro voci; Il secondo libro de madregali a quatro voci. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 30. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 20 cm, 4 partbooks, c.220 pp. Line-cut of the Gardano editions, Venice 1557/1557. Respectively 26 and 23 settings for four voices; this particular exemplar from the Schermar-Bibliothek contains additional ms material entered on the empty pages at the end of each partbook. Wrappers. $63 [item no. 7511]

Turini. Cantiones admodum devotae (FSB 31)
Cantiones admodum devotae. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibl., Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 31. Stuttgart, 1997. 17 x 22 cm, 4 partbooks, c.136 pp. Line-cut of the Raverio edition, Venice, 1606. 27 sacred settings a4, for voices with or without instruments. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $68 [item no. 7563]

Turini. Cantiones admodum devotae (FSB 31-kart)
Cantiones admodum devotae. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibl., Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 31. Stuttgart, 1997. 17 x 22 cm, 4 partbooks, c.136 pp. Line-cut of the Raverio edition, Venice, 1606. 27 sacred settings a4, for voices with or without instruments. Wrappers. $42 [item no. 7564]

Canzonette mit 3 Stimmen Vecchi (FSB 32)
[& Gemignani Capi Lupi] Canzonette mit dreyen Stimmen Horatii Vecchi unnd Gemignani Capi Lupi [zuvor mit Italianischen Texten jetzo aber zu besserm mit Teutschen Texten belegt und inn Truck gegeben durch Valentin Haußmann]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtsbibl., Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 32. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 20 cm, 3 partbooks, c.129 pp. Line-cut of the Paulus Kauffmann edition, Nuremberg, 1606. 34 secular settings a3, with German texts, for voices with or without instruments. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $61 [item no. 7490]

Canzonette mit 3 Stimmen Vecchi (FSB 32-kart)
[& Gemignani Capi Lupi] Canzonette mit dreyen Stimmen Horatii Vecchi unnd Gemignani Capi Lupi [zuvor mit Italianischen Texten jetzo aber zu besserm mit Teutschen Texten belegt und inn Truck gegeben durch Valentin Haußmann]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtsbibl., Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 32. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 20 cm, 3 partbooks, c.129 pp. Line-cut of the Paulus Kauffmann edition, Nuremberg, 1606. 34 secular settings a3, with German texts, for voices with or without instruments. Wrappers. $37 [item no. 7491]

Zangius. Weltliche Lieder Teile 1-3 (FSB 33)
[Schöne newe außerlesene] weltliche Lieder [mit drey Stimmen auff ein newe Art und Manier lustig zu singen unnd auff allerley Instrumenten zugebrauchen, zuvor nie in Druck außgangen]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibl., Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 33. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 20 cm, 3 partbooks, c.324 pp. Line-cut of the Martin Guthen edition, Berlin, 1617. 56 secular settings a3, for voices with or without instruments. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $122 [item no. 7492]

Zangius. Weltliche Lieder Teile 1-3 (FSB 33-kart)
[Schöne newe außerlesene] weltliche Lieder [mit drey Stimmen auff ein newe Art und Manier lustig zu singen unnd auff allerley Instrumenten zugebrauchen, zuvor nie in Druck außgangen]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibl., Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 33. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 20 cm, 3 partbooks, c.324 pp. Line-cut of the Martin Guthen edition, Berlin, 1617. 56 secular settings a3, for voices with or without instruments. Wrappers. $66 [item no. 7493]

Anleitung zur Intavolierung (FSB 34)
Anleitung zur Intavolierung. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm, sign.132].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 34. Stuttgart, 1997. 22 x 19 cm, 72 pp + 14 foldouts. Line-cut of an anonymous ms dating from c.1610. Facsinating manual for transcribing pieces in white mensural notation into French lute tablature. Hardbound in vegetable vellum. $34 [item no. 7512]

Mandora-Tabulatur (FSB 35)
Mandora-Tabulatur. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm, sign. Misc.133a/b].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 35. Stuttgart, 1997. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 2 vols, 218 pp. Line-cut of an anonymous ms dating from c.1600 in French tablature with 123 dance numbers (courants, branles, voltes, galliards, etc.). Hardbound & supplement in wrappers. $64 [item no. 7543]

2 Ms: Brieg 1565-70 / 1570-75 (FSB 36)
[Ulm, Stadtbibliothek, Schermar-Bibl. Sign. 236] 2 Ms: Brieg 1565-70/Süddeutschland 1570-75.

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek, Ulm, 36. Stuttgart, 1998. Oblong, 18 x 12 cm, 4 partbooks, c.550 pp. Line-cut of the two contemporary mss containing 140 southern German lieder and dance pieces. The second ms is copied on the empty folios of the first, proceeding back to front. Hardbound with slipcase. $152 [item no. 7637]

2 Ms: Brieg 1565-70 / 1570-75 (FSB 36/ppb)
[Ulm, Stadtbibliothek, Schermar-Bibl. Sign. 236] 2 Ms: Brieg 1565-70/Süddeutschland 1570-75.

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 36. Stuttgart, 1998. Oblong, 18 x 12 cm, 4 partbooks, c.550 pp. Line-cut of the two contemporary mss containing 140 southern German lieder and dance pieces. The second ms is copied on the empty folios of the first, proceeding back to front. Wrappers. $89 [item no. 7638]

Ms. Motetten, Lieder, Chansons, Brügge(?) (FSB 37)
[Ulm, Stadtbibliothek, Schermar-Bibl. Sign. 237] Ms. Motetten, Lieder, Chanson. Brügge(?) um 1515-1538.

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 37. Stuttgart, 1998. Oblong, 15 x 10 cm, 4 partbooks, c.675 pp. Line-cut of an early 16th-c. manuscript in partbook format (discantus, altus, tenor, bassus) believed to be of Flemish provenance. Hardbound in vellum paper, with matching slipcase. $124 [item no. 7664]

Laroussière. Mandor Buch (FSB 38)
Mandor Buch. Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm, Sign. misc 239].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 38. Stuttgart, 1997. Oblong, 15 x 10 cm, 112 pp. Line-cut of a ms collection for mandora, c.1620, in French tablature. Contains fantasies, sarabands, pavanes, gavottes, brandles, etc. Hardbound, in vegetable vellum. $44 [item no. 7465]

Gumpelzhaimer. Neue teutsche Lieder (FSB 39)
Neue teutsche geistliche Lieder mit dreien Stimmen. [Schermar Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 39. Stuttgart, 1998. 16 x 20 cm, 3 partbooks, c.120 pp. Line-cut of the Valentin Schönigf edition, Augsburg, 1591. 27 secular settings a3 in the Italian style. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $52 [item no. 7572]

Gumpelzhaimer. Neue teutsche Lieder (FSB 39/kart)
Neue teutsche geistliche Lieder mit dreien Stimmen. [Schermar Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 39. Stuttgart, 1998. 16 x 20 cm, 3 partbooks, c.120 pp. Line-cut of the Valentin Schönigf edition, Augsburg, 1591. 27 secular settings a3 in the Italian style. Wrappers. $40 [item no. 7573]

Gastoldi. Tricinia.. mit ital. Texten (FSB 40)
Tricinia, welche zuvor mit italianischen Texten componiert. [Schermar Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 40. Stuttgart, 1998. 15 x 22 cm, 3 partbooks, c.150 pp. Line-cut of the Valentin Haußmann edition, Nuremberg, 1607. 47 works for 3 voices by Gastoldi, Affettuoso, Invaghito, and H. Vecchi. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $69 [item no. 7568]

Gastoldi. Tricinia.. mit ital. Texten (FSB 40/kart)
Tricinia, welche zuvor mit italianischen Texten componiert. [Schermar Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 40. Stuttgart, 1998. 15 x 22 cm, 3 partbooks, c.150 pp. Line-cut of the Valentin Haußmann edition, Nuremberg, 1607. 47 works for 3 voices by Gastoldi, Affettuoso, Invaghito, and H. Vecchi. Wrappers. $42 [item no. 7569]

Franck. Flores musicales. Neue anmutige (FSB 41)
Flores musicales. [Neue anmutige musicalische Blumen zu allerhand Luft und Fröligkeit lieblich zu gebrauchen mit sonderbarem Fleiß ausammen getragen und mit 4.5.6. und 8 Stimmen]. [Schermar Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 41. Stuttgart, 1998. 16 x 20 cm, 5 partbooks, c.120 pp. Line-cut of the Balthasar Scherff/David Kauffmann edition, Nuremberg, 1610. 10 settings a4, 8 a5, and 5 a8, for voices, with or without instruments. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $65 [item no. 7578]

Franck. Flores musicales. Neue anmutige (FSB 41/kart)
Flores musicales. [Neue anmutige musicalische Blumen zu allerhand Luft und Fröligkeit lieblich zu gebrauchen mit sonderbarem Fleiß ausammen getragen und mit 4.5.6. und 8 Stimmen]. [Schermar Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 41. Stuttgart, 1998. 16 x 20 cm, 5 partbooks, c.120 pp. Line-cut of the Balthasar Scherff/David Kauffmann edition, Nuremberg, 1610. 10 settings a4, 8 a5, and 5 a8, for voices, with or without instruments. Wrappers. $48 [item no. 7579]

Franck. Tricinia nova (FSB 42)
Tricinia nova lieblicher amorosischer Gesänge mit schönen boëtischen Texten gezieret und ettlicher massen nach Italienischer Art mit Fleiß componiert. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 42. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 19 cm, 3 partbooks, 86 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1611 edition. 18 secular settings for 3 voices suitable for voices and instruments. Wrappers, with handsome portfolio in marbled paper. $50 [item no. 7551]

Franck. Tricinia nova (FSB 42-kart)
Tricinia nova lieblicher amorosischer Gesänge mit schönen boëtischen Texten gezieret und ettlicher massen nach Italienischer Art mit Fleiß componiert. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 42. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 19 cm, 3 partbooks, 86 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1611 edition. 18 secular settings for 3 voices suitable for voices and instruments. Wrappers. $33 [item no. 7552]

Faber. Cantiones aliq. sacrae trium voc. (FSB 43)
Cantiones aliquot sacrae trium vocum. [Schermar Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 43. Stuttgart, 1998. 15 x 19 cm, 3 partbooks, c.84 pp. Line-cut of the Abraham Wagenmann edition, Nuremberg, 1607. 10 sacred settings for 3 voices. Wrappers with portfolio in marbled paper. $66 [item no. 7570]

Faber. Cantiones aliq. sacrae trium voc. (FSB 43/kart)
Cantiones aliquot sacrae trium vocum. [Schermar Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 43. Stuttgart, 1998. 15 x 19 cm, 3 partbooks, c.84 pp. Line-cut of the Abraham Wagenmann edition, Nuremberg, 1607. 10 sacred settings for 3 voices. Wrappers. $38 [item no. 7571]

Ulhard/Rhau. Cantiones selectissimae (FSB 44)
Cantiones selectissimae quatuor vocum / [Rhau:] Officiorum (ut vocant) de nativitate. Tomus primus / [Rhau:] Postremum vespertini officii opus... Magnificat octo modorum seu tonorum numero XXV.

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 44. Stuttgart, 1997. Oblong, 19 x 15 cm, 4 partbooks, c.580 pp. Line-cut of the 1549 edition. 11 motets by Clemens non papa. Bound together with two important sacred anthologies by Georg Rhau with works by Stoltzer, Reneri, Senfl, Gallicus, Dietrich, Finck, and Isaac, Hardbound, with slipcase. $182 [item no. 7606]

Ulhard/Rhau. Cantiones selectissimae (FSB 44-kart)
Cantiones selectissimae quatuor vocum / [Rhau:] Officiorum (ut vocant) de nativitate. Tomus primus / [Rhau:] Postremum vespertini officii opus... Magnificat octo modorum seu tonorum numero XXV.

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 44. Stuttgart, 1997. Oblong, 19 x 15 cm, 4 partbooks, c.580 pp. Line-cut of the 1549 edition. 11 motets by Clemens non papa. Bound together with two important sacred anthologies by Georg Rhau with works by Stoltzer, Reneri, Senfl, Gallicus, Dietrich, Finck, and Isaac. Wrappers. $115 [item no. 7607]

Hassler. Lustgarten, 1610 (FSB 45)
Lustgarten neuer teutscher Gesäng. Balletii, Galliarden und Intraden mit 4.5.6. und 8. Stimmen. [Schermar Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 45. Stuttgart, 1998. 16 x 20 cm, 4 partbooks, c.230 pp. Line-cut of the Paul Kauffmann edition, Nuremberg, 1610. 15 settings a4, 13 a5, 8 a6, 3 a8 and 6 instrumental Intraden a6. Tenor, altus, quinta and sexta partbooks only. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $72 [item no. 7608]

Hassler. Lustgarten neuer teut. Gesang (FSB 45/kart)
Lustgarten neuer teutscher Gesäng. Balletii, Galliarden und Intraden mit 4.5.6. und 8. Stimmen. [Schermar Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 45. Stuttgart, 1998. 16 x 20 cm, 4 partbooks, c.230 pp. Line-cut of the Paul Kauffmann edition, Nuremberg, 1610. 15 settings a4, 13 a5, 8 a6, 3 a8 and 6 instrumental Intraden a6. Wrappers. $33 [item no. 7609]

Hassler. Venusgarten, 1615 (FSB 46)
Venusgarten [oder Neue lustige liebliche Täntz teutscher und polnischer art auch Galliarden und Intraden mit 4.5.6. Stimmen mit und ohne Text]. [Schermar Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 46. Stuttgart, 1998. 15 x 21 cm, 3 partbooks, c.240 pp. Line-cut of the Paul Kauffmann edition, Nuremberg, 1615. 36 texted settings a5 and 11 a4 textless settings by J.L. Hassler and Valintin Haussmann. For voices, with or without instruments. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $58 [item no. 7582]

Hassler. Venusgarten/neue lust.lieb.Täntz (FSB 46/kart)
Venusgarten [oder Neue lustige liebliche Täntz teutscher und polnischer art auch Galliarden und Intraden mit 4.5.6. Stimmen mit und ohne Text]. [Schermar Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 46. Stuttgart, 1998. 15 x 21 cm, 3 partbooks, c.240 pp. Line-cut of the Paul Kauffmann edition, Nuremberg, 1615. 36 texted settings a5 and 11 a4 textless settings by J.L. Hassler and Valintin Haussmann. For voices, with or without instruments. Wrappers. $40 [item no. 7583]

Müller. Newe teutsche Canzonetten (FSB 47)
Newe teutsche Canzonetten [mit dreyen Stimmen von den fürtrefflichsten italianischen Componisten auff ihre Sprach componiert und hiehevor in Italia zusammen getruckt. An zetzo aber mit unser Sprach den teutschen Musicus, Instrumentisten und andern der Music Liebhabern zu Gefallen].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 47. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 20 cm, 3 partbooks, 90 pp. Line-cut of the Wolffgang Richter edition, Frankfurt, 1608. 26 settings a3 (with German texts) by Palestrina, Soriano, Zucchelli, Petrino, Giovanelli, Crivello, Nanino, Stabile, Anerio, Ricordi, Orlandino, Quagliato, Cossa, Locatello, Marenzio, & Müller. Wrappers, with slipcase in marbled paper. $55 [item no. 7462]

Müller. Newe teutsche Canzonetten (FSB 47-kart)
Newe teutsche Canzonetten [mit dreyen Stimmen von den fürtrefflichsten italianischen Componisten auff ihre Sprach componiert und hiehevor in Italia zusammen getruckt. An zetzo aber mit unser Sprach den teutschen Musicus, Instrumentisten und andern der Music Liebhabern zu Gefallen].

Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 47. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 20 cm, 3 partbooks, 90 pp. Line-cut of the Wolffgang Richter edition, Frankfurt, 1608. 26 settings a3 (with German texts) by Palestrina, Soriano, Zucchelli, Petrino, Giovanelli, Crivello, Nanino, Stabile, Anerio, Ricordi, Orlandino, Quagliato, Cossa, Locatello, Marenzio, & Müller. Wrappers. $37 [item no. 7395]

Staden. Musicalischer Friedens-Gesänger (FSN 1)
Musicalischer Friedens-Gesänger. [Stadtbibliothek, Nuremberg].

Faksimile-Edition Stadtbibliothek Nürnberg, 1. Stuttgart, 2000. 17 x 21 cm, 7 partbooks, 84 pp. Line-cut of the Endter edition, Nuremberg, 1651. 12 sacred and secular composition of which 9 are strophic. Scored for 3 voices plus 2 violins & basso continue. Wrappers, in marbled portfolio. $59 [item no. 7756]

Staden. Hertzen-Trosts Musica (FSN 2)
Hertzens-Trosts Musica geistlicher Meditationen mit einer Stim. neben dem Basso Continuo, für einen Org. Theorb. oder Lautenisten. [Stadtbibliothek, Nuremberg, Will II, 436a].

Faksimile-Edition Stadtbibliothek Nürnberg, 2. Stuttgart, 1998. 21 x 32 cm, 13 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1630 edition, 12 strophic songs for tenor/cantus with basso continuo accompaniment (organ/theorbo/lute), concluding with a fugue a3 at the unison. This exemplar includes a page of organ tablature entered in manuscript on the last page. Hardbound in marbled paper. $23 [item no. 7660]

Erlebach. VI Sonate, Nürnberg, 1694 (FSN 3)
[Sonatas, violin, gamba, bc] VI Sonate. Nürnberg, Endter 1694. [Stadtbibliothek, Nürnberg].

Faksimile-Edition Stadtbibliothek Nürnberg, 3. Stuttgart, 2000. 22 x 34 cm, 3 partbooks, 96 pp. Line-cut of the Endter edition, Nuremberg, 1694. Some pieces call for scordatura tuning. The exemplar upon which this facsimile is based lacks sonata no.6. Wrappers, in portfolio. $79 [item no. 7911]

[Streicher] Spielen, Stimmen & Erhalten.. (FT 2)
[Kurze Bemerkungen über das] Spielen, Stimmen und Erhalten der Pianoforte. Wien 1802. [Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin].

Faksimile-Edition Theoretica, 2 Suttgart, 2008. 11 x 19 cm, 40, 46 pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, 1802 edition. Streicher, a music teacher and pianoforte maker, married Nannette Stein, founder of the famous pianoforte manufacturer in Vienna. In due course the firm became Streicher & Sohn. Every purchaser of a Streicher piano received a copy of this delightful booklet on piano playing, tuning and maintenance. Afterword in Ger-Eng by Christophe Öhm-Kühnle. Hardbound in decorative paper. $42 [item no. 9032]

Megerle. Speculum Musico-Mortuale (FT 3)
Speculum Musico-Mortuale [Das ist: Musicalischer-Todtenspiegel], 1672. [Staatliche Bibliothek, Regenburg].

Faksimile-Edition Theoretica, 3 Suttgart, 2008. 11 x 17cm, 54 pp. Line-cut of the Salzburg, 1672 edition. Megerle was from Innsbruck and was once a choirboy under Stadlmayer, later a treble singer and organist with the court music ensemble at Innsbruck. Speculum Musico-Mortuale contains a few pages of autobiography but its extraordinary content are mainly its 12 engravings showing a human skull in the center, surrounded emblematic symbols and beautiful depictions of musical instruments (almost 50 in all). Hardbound in decorative paper. $29 [item no. 9070]

Carissimi. Wegweiser / Ars cantandi (FT 4)
[Method, keyboard; method, singing & keyboard] Vermehrter und nun zum zweytenmal in Druck befördertet kurzer jedoch gründlicher Wegweiser vermittelst welchen man nicht nur allein aus dem Grund die Kunst, die Orgel recht zu schlagen, sowol was den General-Bass... / Ars cantandi. Richtiger und außführlicher Weg, die Jugend aus dem rechten Grund in der Sing-Kunst zu unterrichten.

Faksimile-Edition Theoretica, 4 Suttgart, 2010. Oblong, 22 x 17 cm, 48; 74 pp. Line-cut of the Augsburg 1692 and 1693 editions. Ars cantandi—after a brief introduction on fundamentals and solmisation—includes an appendix of keyboard pieces (preamboli, intermezzi, versetti, toccate, tastate, variazioni, fughe). Hardbound in decorative paper. $46 [item no. 9194]

[Ganassi] Regola che insegna sonar de uiola (FT 4)
[Method, viol, part 1] Regola che insegna. Sonat de uiola darcho Tastada... Venedig 1542. [Library of Congress, Washington DC].

Faksimile-Edition Theoretica, 4 Suttgart, 2022. Oblong, 22 x 17 cm, 48 pp. Line-cut of the 1542 edition. Earliest known tutor on playing the viol named after the author’s aristocratic pupil, Roberto Strozzi. Hardbound in art paper. $28 [item no. 9691]

Aufschnaitter. Regulae comp. fundamentalis (FT 5)
Regulae compositionis fundamentalis musurgiae.

Faksimile-Edition Theoretica, 5 Suttgart, 2011. 22 x 32 cm, 14, 151 pp. Line-cut of the c.1730 manuscript. Rules on composing “good music” by the successor of Georg Muffat as Hof- and Domkapellmeister in Passau. Introduction by Markus Eberhardt. Hardbound in decorative paper. $75 [item no. 9255]

Schubart’s Karakter von seinem Sohn.. (FT 6)
Schubart’s Karakter von seinem Sohn Ludwig Schubart.

Faksimile-Edition Theoretica, 6 Suttgart, 2011. 11 x 16 cm, 176, xx pp. Line-cut of the 1798 Erlangen edition. Schubart was an outspoken German critic, poet, musician and finally music director in Stuttgart; this is his son’s account of this turbulent life. Afterword by Christoph Öhm-Kühnle. Hardbound in decorative paper. $38 [item no. 9263]

Luscinius. Musurgia seu praxis musicae 1536 (FT 7)
Musurgia seu praxis musicae (Strassburg: Johann Schott 1536). Kommentar von Martin Kirnbauer.

Faksimile-Edition Theoretica, 7 Suttgart, 2014. Oblong, 20 x 16 cm, 108, xvi pp. Line-cut of the Strasbourg, 1536 edition. Essentially a free translation of Virdung’s Musica getutscht of 1511, preserving the dialogue format and copies of many of the original woodcuts. The translation was made upon the request of a Milanese bookseller who wanted to make Virdung’s treatise available to his Italian clientele. Besides the Virdung redux it also provides a treatise on mensural notation and polyphonic composition. Hardbound in decorative paper. $48 [item no. 9408]

Burtius. Opusculum musicum. 1487 (FT 8)
Opusculum musicum. Ugo Rugeri / Bologna 1487 [private collection].

Faksimile-Edition Theoretica, 8 Stuttgart, 2021 Oblong, 16 x 22 cm, 133 pp. Full color facsimile of the Bologna, 1487 incunabulum, printed by Ugo de Rugeriis. Contains the earliest example of polyphonic music, complete with staves, printed by woodblock. Defends the system of hexachords as used by Guido d’Arezzo. Preface in It. Hardbound in decorative paper. $52 [item no. 9643]

Handel. Orlando, an Opera (FU 1)
[Orlando, opera, HWV 31] Orlando, an Opera as it is Perform’d at the Kings Theatre in the Hay Market. [Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition, Ulm 1. Stuttgart, 1998. 22 x 36 cm, 90 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh full score edition, London, c.1733. Hardbound. $88 [item no. 7567]

Rosiers. XI livre des libertez (FU 2)
XI livre des libertez.

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 2. Stuttgart, 1998. 10 x 16 cm, 88 pp. Line-cut of the Robert Ballard edition, Paris, 1662. 39 popular drinking songs notated in clear mensural notation. Hardbound, in marbled paper. $21 [item no. 8246]

Störl. Schlag-Gesang- und Notenbuch (FU 3)
[Neu- bezogenes Davidisches Harpfen- und Psalter-Spiel, oder: neu- aufgesetztes Würtembergisch vollständiges, nach der genauersten und reinesten Sing- und Schlag-Kunst eingerichtetes] Schlag-Gesang- und Notenbuch. [Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 3. Stuttgart, 1998. Oblong, 21 x 17 cm, c.424 pp. Line-cut of the Metzler edition, Stuttgart, 1744. 399 textless hymns set for discant & bass, apparently for for voice and basso continuo or solo keyboard. Hardbound, in marbled paper. $109 [item no. 7639]

Kayser. 6. Missae a 4. vocibus ordinaris (FU 4)
[Masses, SATB chorus, orch] VI. missae a 4. vocibus ordinaris. Rieger, Augsburg 1743 (Druck Wagner Ulm). [Stadtbibl., Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 4. Stuttgart, 2004. 20 x 32 cm, 11 partbooks, 427 pp. Line-cut of the Ulmg, 1743 edition. Scored for SATB, 2 vln, vc, timp, 2 trp, bc (organ). Hardbound in decorative paper, with slipcase. $156 [item no. 8490]

Königsperger. Sacrae ruris deliciae.. 6 missae (FU 5)
[Sacrae ruris, op.6] Sacrae ruris deliciae seu sex missae rurales. [Stadtbibl., Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 5. Stuttgart, 2001. 20 x 32 cm, 11 partbooks, 209 pp. Line-cut of the Ulm, 1744 edition. 6 masses for SATB, 2 tpt/hrn, timp, 2 vln, vc, org/bc. Wrappers with portfolio. $93 [item no. 7926]

Königsperger. Chordae chorda trahentes (FU 6)
[Sonatae concertantes, op.9] Chordae corda trahentes, seu XII. Sonatae concertantes pro missis solemnibus [Stadtbibl., Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 6. Stuttgart, 2004. 20 x 32 cm, 6 partbooks, 224 pp. Line-cut of the Ulm, 1745 edition. Scored for vln solo, 2 vln, vc, timp, bc (organ). Hardbound in decorative paper, with slipcase. $97 [item no. 8492]

Königsperger. Cymbala jubilationis.. 6 missae (FU 7)
[Cymbala jubilationis, op.10] Cymbala jubilationis [sive VI. missae solemniores, unà cum hymno ambrosiano Te deum laudamus, 4. vocibus obligatis, 2. violinis necessariis, alto viola, 2. clarinis, vel cornibus & tympanis ad libitum, ac duplici basso generali. Opus X. [Stadtbibl., Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 7. Stuttgart, 2004. 20 x 32 cm, 11 partbooks, 429 pp. Line-cut of the Ulm, 1747 edition. 6 masses for SATB, 2 tpt/hrn, timp, 2 vln, vla, vc, org/bc. Wrappers with slipcase. $154 [item no. 8462]

Königsperger. Sacrificium vespertinum (FU 8)
[Sacrae ruris, op.5] Sacrae ruris deliciae seu sex missae rurales. [Stadtbibl., Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 8. Stuttgart, 2006. 20 x 32 cm, 11 partbooks, 299 pp. Line-cut of the Ulm, 1743 edition. 4 vesper settings for SATB, 2 tpt, timp, 2 vln, vc, org/bc. Wrappers with slipcase. $134 [item no. 8776]

Kayser. Psalmi longiores & breves in vespras (FU 9)
Psalmi longiores, & breves in vesperas. . . a quatuor vocibus ordinariis canto, alto, tenore, basso, II. violinis necessar, II. Lituis ac tymp. ex diversis clavibus ad libitus colludentibus. [Stadtbibl., Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 9. Stuttgart, 2002. 20 x 32 cm, 11 partbooks, c.450 pp. Line-cut of the Ulm, 1746 edition. Five vesper sets scored for SATB chorus, 2 vln, 2 tpt, timp, vc, org/bc. Wrappers with slipcase. $160 [item no. 8100]

Münster. Solsequium obsequii XII. concert.(FU 10)
[Concerti, 2 tpt, timp, 2 vlns, vc, org, bc, op.5] Solsequium obsequii seu XII. concertationes brevis ac faciles. [Stadtbibl., Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 10. Stuttgart, 2000. 20 x 32 cm, 7 partbooks, 117 pp. Line-cut of the Ulm, 1744 edition. 12 concerti for two trumpets/horns, timpani, 2 violins, violoncello, organ/bc. Wrappers with portfolio. $74 [item no. 7927]

Cygnus terrestris (FU 11)
Cygnus terrestris alaudae coelesti [obstrepens 3, hoc est: Alaudae coelestis pars III. Seu Concentus funebres, sex missarum de requiem... Hercinia silva camoenis St. Georgij]. Ulm Beurlein 1709 / Druck Wagner. [Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 11. Stuttgart, 2010. 16 x 21 cm, 11 parts, c.880 pp. Line-cut of the Beurlin edition, Ulm, 1709. 6 anonymous funeral masses for 1 to 5 voices, strings & bc. Partbooks: cantus 1, cantus 2, altus, tenor, bassus, violinum 1, violinum 2, viola 1, viola 2, violone/fagotto organum. According to Eitner—“Silva, Hercinia, ein Benediktiner-Monch”—was a person-composer, however the words “hercinia silva” on the title page is actually a reference to the Black Forest where the monastery “Camoenis St. Georgij” was located. The monastery was relocated to Villingen; the church at Villingen still exists and originally had an organ by Johann Andreas Silbermann. Wrappers, in slipcase. $159 [item no. 9149]

Königsperger. Threnodia Davidica (FU 12)
[Threnodia Davidica, op.3] Threnodia Davidica et Mariana, sue Psalmus miserere, & planctus stabat mater, ille sexies, iste bis in modulos musicos. [Stadtbibl., Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 12. Stuttgart, 2001. 20 x 32 cm, 10 partbooks, c.210 pp. Line-cut of the Ulm, 1743 edition. 6 miserere and 2 stabat mater settings for 4 voices with instrumental accompaniment. Wrappers, with portfolio. $138 [item no. 7986]

Kayser. Cantatae sacrae (FU 13)
Cantatae sacrae [complectentes arias XVIII. cum recitativis, et alleluja plerisque anni festivitatibus accommodatas à voce sola, 2. violinis, alto viola, et organo. [Stadtbibl., Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 13. Stuttgart, 2002. 20 x 32 cm, 5 partbooks, c.270 pp. Line-cut of the Munich, c.1746 edition. Scored for solo voice, 2 vln, vla & bc (organ). Hardbound in decorative paper, with slipcase. $109 [item no. 8119]

Hahn. Cornucopiae Musicum (FU 14)
[Cornucopiae Musicum, 2 voices, 2 violins/flutes, bc] Cornucopiae Musicum in se sono vocali instrumentali continens cantilenas triginta duas. Nimirum arias XX. tam latinas tam germanicas per totum annum en ecclesia decantari folitas, et threnodias XII... [Stadtbibl., Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 14. Stuttgart, 2000. 20 x 32 cm, 5 partbooks, 190 pp. Line-cut of the Augsburg, 1735 edition. 32 pieces for two sopranos, two violins, & bc. Wrappers with portfolio in marbled paper. $118 [item no. 7816]

Teller. Musica sacra, 1733 (FU 15)
Musica sacra [stylo plane Italico & Cromatico pro compositionis amatoribus]. P. und M. Veith & Joannis Fratrum Her. Augsburg. Druck Wagner Ulm 1733. [Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 15. Stuttgart, 2017. 21 x 31 cm, 13 partbooks, 512 pp. Line-cut of the 1733 partbook edition. This rare print contains 4 masses & 4 motets scored for concerto/ripieno voices plus strings. Partbooks: canto concert, canto ripieno, alto concert, alto ripieno, tenore concert, tenore ripieno, basso concert, basso ripieno, vln I, vln II, vla, bsn, bc). Wrappers, with slip case in marbled paper. $150 [item no. 9555]

Notenbuch Julius von Ponikau 1820 (FU 16)
Notenbuch Julius von Ponikau 1820. [Stadtbibl., Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 16. Stuttgart, 2001. Oblong, 33 x 24 cm, 82 pp. Line-cut of a manuscript that contains a selection of movements (andantinos, menuets, adagios, waltzes, marches, contredanses), arranged for various instrumental duets, including flageolet, guitar, & posthorn. Hardbound. $62 [item no. 7901]

Duos für 2 Flöten (FU 17)
Duos f. 2 Flöten. 3 Drucke von Auguste Vern. G.A. Schneider und F.A. Böhm. [Stadtbibl., Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 17. Stuttgart, 2001. 23 x 31 cm, 2 partbooks, 66 pp. Wrappers. $23 [item no. 7902]

[Ebel]. Geistliche Gebetter und Gesänger (FU 22)
Geistliche Gebetter [und Gesänger zu Gebrauch der heiligen Mission zusammen getragen], Mindelheim 1724(?). RISM DKL 1724(02).Th MissMindh nach 1723. [Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 22. Stuttgart, 2000. 9 x 14 cm, 144 pp. Line-cut of the Mindelheim, c.1724 edition. Hardbound in marbled paper. $34 [item no. 7757]

[Wittel]. Fragen & Satzreden (FU 23)
Fragen und Satzreden von der Haserey, 1593; Secundus cursus in Hasione, 1592; Sätze von der Lefferey, 1593; Rennplatz der Haasen mit der Leimstangen, 1594. [Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 23. Stuttgart, 1999. 15 x 20 cm, 112 pp. Line-cut of the 1592-1593 editions. Comic texts on rabbits, rabbit hunting, etc., with occasional music and very humorous woodcuts. Even the publishing credits (“unter Herrn Fabian Leimstenler von Hasfeld” or “Narraverunt & Kelberi facti sunt”) are tongue-and-cheek. Hardbound. $29 [item no. 7758]

Berg. Gesang und Psalmenbuch (FU 24)
Gesang und Psalmenbuch. Auff die fürnembste Fest durch gantze Jahr inn der Kirchen auch bei Processionen Greutzgäng Kirch und Walfahrten nützlich zu gebrauchen. [Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 24. Stuttgart, 1999. Oblong, 10 x 8 cm, 496 pp. Line-cut of the Munich, 1607 edition. Berg became a Catholic in 1569 after being jailed for his religious beliefs, and rose to be the leading Bavarian printer of the Counter-Reformation. Hardbound, with cloth spine and vellum paper boards. $59 [item no. 7727]

Gugl. Fundamenta partiturae 1757/1777 (FU 25)
Fundamenta partiturae. Kurtzer und gründlicher Unterricht, den General-Bass, oder Partitur, nach denen Reglen richt und wohl schlagen zu lernen. [Stadtbibl., Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 25. Stuttgart, 2002. Oblong, 22 x 18 cm, 52 + 52 pp. Line-cut of the Augsburg & Innsbruck, 1757 edition, and the Augsburg, 1777 edition. Hardbound. $42 [item no. 8080]

Lederer. Neue & erleichterte Art, 1763 (FU 26)
Neue und erleichterte Art zu Solmisiren. [Stadtbibl., Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 26. Stuttgart, 2001. Oblong, 33 x 24 cm, 64 pp. Line-cut of the G. Groschopff edition, Ulm, 1763. The second edition to Neue und erbaulich Art zu solmisiren (1756), and product of Lederer’s teaching activities in the Augustinian seminary “Zu den Wengen”. Hardbound with board in marbled paper. $35 [item no. 7916]

Schmelz. Fundamenta musica (FU 27)
Fundamenta musica cantus artificialis, Das ist: musicalisch-Regular gestelltes, zwey theilig, Figural- und Choral-künstliches Sing-Fundament für all 4. Stimmen. [Stadtbibl., Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 27. Stuttgart, 2002. Oblong, 21 x 18 cm, 64 pp. Line-cut of the Ulm, 1752 edition. Hardbound in decorative paper. $35 [item no. 7988]

Stözel. Neu bezogenes Davidisches (FU 28)
Neu bezogenes Davidisches Harpfen- und Psalter-Spiel... nach dem Würtembergischen Landgesangbuch eingerichtetes Choral-Buch. [Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 28. Stuttgart, 2011. Oblong, 22 x 18 cm, 268 pp. Line-cut of the Stuttgart, 1777 edition. 245 German chorales notated in keyboard score (soprano clef and basso continuo with F-clef). Part of a long tradition of chorale books beginning with Daniel Speer’s Choralbuch of 1692, Stötzel expanded the repertoire with quite a few songs chiefly from from the Gesangbuch of Johann Anatasius Freylinghausen. Hardbound, in marbled paper. $75 [item no. 9221]

Zesen. Salomons Hohes Lied (FU 29)
Salomons Hohes Lied / Filip Zesens Gekreutzigter Liebsflammen. [Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 29. Stuttgart, 2002. 8 x 14 cm, 181 + 85 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, 1657 edition and Hamburg, 1653 edition. Two complementary publications of the work of Zesen, set to music under his supervision by Siebenhaar, Weckmann & Johann Schop (some tunes taken from Dutch and French songbooks). Hardbound, in marbled paper. $36 [item no. 8082]

Der bethende und singende Katholick (FU 30)
Der bethende und singende Katholick [bey Anhörung des h. Meßopfers zur Erbauung christkatholischer Landkirchen]. Reichsstift Roggenburg 1782/ Druck Wagner Ulm. [Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 30. Stuttgart, 2004. 17 x 22 cm, 32 pp. Line-cut of the Ulm, 1782 edition. Includes 6 strophic settings for two voices and bc. Hardbound in marbled paper. $20 [item no. 8406]

[Gaum] Gast-Predigt (FU 31)
Gast-Predigt am IV. Sonntag nach Epiph. 1781 in der Barfüsser Kirche in Ulm aus Gelegenheit einer in diese Kirche von Herrn Johann Friederich Gaum, des Raths daselbe, gestifteten Orgel, über Psalm 92, I-5. [Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 31. Stuttgart, 2004. 17 x 21 cm, 16 pp. Line-cut of the Ulm, 1781 edition. Wrappers. $5 [item no. 9289]

[Weiße] Ein Gesang der Brüder in Behemen (FU 21)
Ein Gesang der Brüder in Behemen und Merhern [die man auß haß vnd neyd, Pickharden, Waldenses, &c. nennet. Von jnen auff ein newes (sonderlich vom Sacrament des Nachtmals) gebessert, vnd etliche schöne newe Geseng hintzu gethan]. Nürnberg / Johann Günther 1644. [Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 31. Stuttgart, 2024. 10 x 16 cm, 478 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1644 edition. With musical notes in both black and white (mensural) notation.. Hardbound, in decorative paper. $79 [item no. 9751]

Knecht. Erklärung einiger von einem (FU 32)
Erklärung... [einiger von einem der R.G.B. in Erlangen angetasteten aber mißverstandenen Grundsätze aus der Voglerschen Theorie] von Justin Heinrich Knecht. Biberach 1785 / Druck Wagner Ulm. Anh. Anmerkungen über Herrn Löhleins. [Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 32. Stuttgart, 2004. 17 x 21 cm, 35 pp. Line-cut of the Ulm, 1785 edition. Wrappers. $12 [item no. 8407]

Knecht. Kleines alphabetisches Wörterbuch (FU 33)
Kleines alphabetisches Wörterbuch [der vornehmsten und interessanten Artikel aus der Musikalischen Theorie]. Ulm 1795 / Druck Wagner. [Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 33. Stuttgart, 2004. 11 x 18 cm, 127 pp. Line-cut of the Ulm, 1795 edition. Knecht was one of the last theorists to explain chordal construction in terms of aggregations of 3rds. Hardbound in marbled paper. $27 [item no. 8403]

Miro. Kurtze Fragen aus der Musica Sacra (FU 34)
Kurtze Fragen aus der Musica Sacra [worinnen denen Liebhabern bey Lesung der biblischen Historien, eine Sonderbahre Nachricht]. Dresden 1715 / J.C. Zimmermann. [Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 34. Stuttgart, 2004. 10 x 14 cm, 187 pp. Line-cut of the Dresden 1715 edition. Hardbound in marbled paper. $33 [item no. 8404]

Kuhn/Krieth/Fladt. Flageolet duo (FU 35)
Kuhn: 4 duettines op.13, Gombart Augsburg / Krieth: VI allemandes op.112, Gombart Ausgabe / Fladt: Petites airs, Gombart Augsburg. [Stadtbibl. Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 35. Stuttgart, 2004. Oblong, 25 x 16 cm, 2 partbooks, 32 pp. 3 compositions for flageolet duo. Wrappers. $13 [item no. 8411]

Spechshart. Flores musicae (FU 37)
Flores musicae [omnis cantus Gregoriani]. [Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 37. Stuttgart, 2005. 15 x 22 cm, 168 pp + 1 foldout. Color reproduction of the Strasbourg, 1488 edition. Although written in 1332, this important padagogicial work was not published until 1488. The treatise, partly in verse, comprises 4 chapters covering solmization, the monochord, intervals and the ecclesiastical modes; the division proposed for the monochord is the first based on the chromatic scale. The marvelous woodblocks include a full-page scene with men forging, a Guidonian hand, a foldout of the monochord and numerous musical examples in Hufnagel notation. Harbound. $98 [item no. 8554]

Türk. Lieder und Gedichte (FU 38)
Lieder und Gedichte aus dem Sigwart. Leipzig und Halle, Auf Kosten des Autors. 1780. [Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 38. Stuttgart, 2006. Oblong, 28 x 20 cm, 40 pp. Line-cut of the Berlin & Halle, edition. Charming edition comprising 18 settings for voice with keyboard accompaniment. Coverboards in marbled paper with pasted title etikette. $35 [item no. 8665]

Schaeffer. Sämtliche Werke (FU 39)
Sämtliche Werke in: a) Laurus Philosophica’ b) Eadem Epitaphia Musicis. Tübingen, Georg Gruppenbach 1593. [Ratsschulbibliothek Zwickaul Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 39. Stuttgart, 2008. 17 x 22 cm, 2 vols, 28, 66 pp. Line-cut of the Tübingen, 1593 edition. Contains 4 settings a4 and 3 settings a3 in notated in mensural notation. Portfolio with ties. $49 [item no. 8955]

Kopp. Melodien einiger alten & neuen Lieder (FU 40)
Melodien einiger alten & neuen Lieder [so theils schon in andern Gesang-Büchern zu finden, theils aufs neue verfertiget sind]. [Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 40. Stuttgart, 2009. 11 x 16 cm, 116 pp. Line-cut of the Daniel Bartholomäi edition, Ulm, 1717. Anthology of 175 German songs with their complete melodies notated. Handbound with decorative paper boards. $29 [item no. 9099]

Seidel. De musicae morumque cognatione (FU 41)
De musicae morumque cognatione. [Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 41. Stuttgart, 2009. 18 x 22 cm, 8 pp. Line-cut of the Hessel edition, Altdorf, 1765. Wrappers. $13 [item no. 9116]

[Kradenthaller] Die mit teutschen Saiten.. (FU 42)
Die mit teutschen Saiten überzogene Heilige Kron=Harffe, [oder, Verfassung des gantzen Psalter Davids in teutsche Reim-Gebände : vermittelst sonderbarer darzu mit dem basso continuo, neu-verfertigter Kunst- Melodeyen]. [Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 42. Stuttgart, 2015. 13 x 18 cm, 545 pp. Line-cut of the Michale & Johann Friedrich Endter edition, Nuremberg, 1680. This amazing psalter with music by the Regensburg organist & composer Hieronymus Kradenthaller and paraphrase of the psalms by W.H. von Hohberg, is richly illustrated with 300 fine engravings, half of them plant and flower drawings—almost encyclopedic in nature—the rest devoted to natural history and scenes typical of emblem books of the period. Hardbound, in marbled paper. $89 [item no. 9447]

Arnold. Psalmi vespertini (FV 1)
Psalmi vespertini [a 4, 2, vocibus & violinis concerttantibus, vel 7. 10. aut etiam 15. ad placitum]. Johann Elias Höffling / Wolfgang Eberhard Felsecker, 1663. [Stadtbibliothek Västerås].

Faksimile-Edition Västerås, 1. Stuttgart, 2013. Oblong, 21 x 17 cm, 6 partbooks, 100 pp. Line-cut of the Bamberg, 1663 edition. 6 partbooks (cantus primus, cantus secundus, altus, tenor, bassus, bassus pro organo). Portfolio. $84 [item no. 9347]

Hofmann. Geistlike olde Ostergesenge (FV 2)
[Vyff] Geistlike olde Ostergesenge [van der fröliken vperstandinge van de Doden vnses Heren vnde heilandes Jesu Christi mit 4. stemmen gesettet]. Rostock/ Augustin Ferber 1579. [Stadtbibliothek Västerås].

Faksimile-Edition Västerås, 2. Stuttgart, 2012. Oblong, 21 x 17 cm, 4 partbooks, 76 pp. Line-cut of the Rostock, 1579 edition. 4 partbooks (discantus, altus, tenor, bassus). Portfolio. $18 [item no. 9317]

Knabe. Wann soll doch mein Leid sich end? (FV 3)
Concert [von drey Stimmen / zusampt dem Basso Continuo, über das bekandte Klaglied dess langwirigen Kriegswesens:] Wenn soll doch mein Lied [sich enden?] Halle/Melchor Oelschlegel 1635. [Stadtbibliothek Västerås].

Faksimile-Edition Västerås, 3. Stuttgart, 2012. 20 x 29 cm, 34 pp. Line-cut of the Halle, 1635 edition. 4 partbooks (cantus 1, cantus 2, bassus, basso continuo) printed in 1 volume. Knabe was organist at Weißenfels and second-generation student of Heinrich Schütz. $25 [item no. 9308]

Gastritz. Newe symbola etlicher Fürsten (FV 4)
Newe symbola etlicher Fürsten [und Herrn, neben andern mehr schönen liedlein mit fünff und vier Stimmen, auf alle Instrument zu gebrauchen]. Dietrich Gerlatz 1571. [Stadtbibliothek Västerås].

Faksimile-Edition Västerås, 4. Stuttgart, 2016. 17 x 21 cm, 5 partbooks, 204 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg 1571 edition. 5 partbooks (discantus, altus, tenor, vagans, bassus) with 36 settings. Wrappers, with portfolio in decorative paper. $67 [item no. 9530]

Bodenschatz. Florilegium portense (FV 5)
Florilegium [selectissimarum cantionum, praestantisimorum aetatis nostrae autorum, & 8. vocum] portense. Leipzig / Abraham Lamberg 1603. [Stadtbibliothek Västerås].

Faksimile-Edition Västerås, 5. Stuttgart, 2018. 16 x 20 cm, 8 partbooks, 1486 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1603 partbook edition (discantus, altus, tenor, bassus, quinta vox, sexta vox, septima vox, octava vox) with 365 motets by 58 composers. Florilegium portense—literally “anthology from Schulpforta” (where Bodenschatz was cantor)—is a monumental work indispensable for the study of 17th-c. choral music in Saxony and Thuringia. Bach is known to have used it for the Thomanerchor while he was Thomaskantor. This particular exemplar contains contemporary ms entries. Hardbound, with decorative paper boards and matching slipcase. $295 [item no. 9576]

Miroglio. Sonata a violino e basso, op.1 (FVC 1)
Sonata a violino e basso. [Opera prima. Gravées par Mle. V[e]ndôme]. Paris. Kommentar von Ernst Kubitschek. [Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris].

Faksimile-Edition Violino e Continuo, 1 Stuttgart, 2010. 29 x 37 cm, 28, ii pp. Line-cut of the author’s edition, Paris, c.1750. 6 sonatas. Hardbound, with marbled paper boards. $48 [item no. 9175]

Schenck. Suonate a Violino e Violone o Cimbalo op.7 (FVC 2)
[Sonatas, violin, bc, op.7] Suonate a Violino e Violone o Cimbalo op.7 . Amsterdam / Estienne Roger. [Bibliothek der Kathedrale, Durham].

Faksimile-Edition Violino e Continuo, 2. Stuttgart, 2015. 19 x 31 cm, 2 partbooks, 52 pp. Line-cut of the Roger edition, Amsterdam, [1699] edition. 18 sonatas. Wrappers with handsome marbled paper boards with ties. $43 [item no. 9452]

Ferrari. 6 sonate a violin seul avec basse op.5 (FVC 3)
[Sonatas, violin, bc, op.5] Six sonate a violin seul ave basse op.5. Paris, Huberty. [Bibliothèque d’étude et de Conservation Besançon].

Faksimile-Edition Violino e Continuo, 3. Stuttgart, 2014. 25 x 33 cm, 27 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, [c.1762-1778] edition, engraved by Chambon. Wrappers in laid paper. $29 [item no. 9503]

Kradenthaler. Musicalische Recreation (FVC 4)
[Musicalische Recreation; Musicalische Recreation Anderer Theil, violin, bc] Musicalische Recreation [von Alleman, den Sarabanden Gavotten und Boure. Allen Liebhabern und Incipienten der Music componirt und vorgestellet Violino solo è Basso continuo]. Regensburg 1672. [Proske-Bibliothek Regensburg].

Faksimile-Edition Violino e Continuo, 4. Stuttgart, 2017. Oblong, 21 x 16 cm, 2 partbooks, 180 pp. Line-cut of the Regensburg, 1672 edition (includes both parts). 119 settings altogether, including several sonatinas. 4 magnificent woodblock title pages. Hardbound in decorative paper with matching portfolio. $72 [item no. 9539]

Carolo. X Sonates à 2 violes de gambe (FVG 1)
X Sonates [à 2 violes de gambe & 1 basse continue également bons à jouer sur 2 bassons ou basses de violon]. Rogier, Amsterdam. [Bibliothek des Mariengymnasiums Jever].

Faksimile-Edition Viola da Gambe, 1. Stuttgart, 2014. 21 x 33 cm, 3 partbooks, 42 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, n.d. edition. Wrappers with hardbound porfolio covered in marbled paper. $44 [item no. 9367]

Bach. Six Solos ou Etudes pour le Violoncelle (FVG 2)
[Suites, violoncello, BWV 1007-1012] Six Solos [ou Etudes] pour le Violoncelle. [Ouvrage posthume de J.S. Bach avec le doigter et les coups d’archet indiqués par J.J.F. Dotzauer]. Leipzig, Breitkopf und Härtel. [Bibliothek der Musik- och teaterbiblioteket Stockholm].

Faksimile-Edition Viola da Gambe, 2. Stuttgart, 2014. 26 x 34 cm, 29 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig [1826] edition. considered the first detailed performing edition of the suites. Justus Johann Friedrich Dotzauer (1783-1860), the editor of this edition, successfully combined a concert and teaching career, with long stints with the Gewandhaus Orchestra and the Dresden Chapel, and played under Carl Maria von Weber and Richard Wagner. He spoke of the importance of musical taste based on simplicity. Wrappers. $36 [item no. 9374]

Caix d’Hervelois. 1.[-2.] Pièces de viole (FVG 3)
[Pièces, viol, bc, books 1-2] Premier [-deuxième] livre de pieces de viole, Paris. [Bibliothèque de Toulouse].

Faksimile-Edition Viola da Gambe, 3. Stuttgart, 2014. 28 x 19 cm, 312 pp. Line-cut of the author’s & Foucault edition, Paris, n.d. Hardbound in decorative paper with matching slipcase. $145 [item no. 9409]

Schenck. Sonaten für Viola da Gamba (FVG 4)
[Sonatas, bass viol, bc, op.2] Sonaten für Viola da Gamba und b.c. op.2. Amsterdam / Estienne Roger, 1688. [Bibliothek der Kathedrale, Durham].

Faksimile-Edition Viola da Gambe, 4. Stuttgart, 2015. 24 x 35 cm, 2 partbooks, 66 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, 1688 edition. 15 sonatas for solo bass viol and bc which stand midway between the French suite and the Italian sonata. The set is beautifully engraved and includes an elaborate frontis piece. Handsome marbled paper boards. $60 [item no. 9439]

Schenck. Scherzi musicali op.6 (FVG 5)
[Scherzi musicali, viol, bc ad lib., op.6] Scherzi musicali op.6 [per la viola di gamba con basso continuo ad libitum]. [Cathedral Library, Durham].

Faksimile-Edition Viola da Gambe, 5. Stuttgart, 2015. Oblong, 35 x 24 cm, 2 partbooks, 84 pp. Line-cut of the Roger edition, Amsterdam, c.1710 edition. 12 sonatas. Wrappers, with handsome marbled paper boards with ties. $47 [item no. 9493]

Schenck. Le nymphe di Rheno op.8 (FVG 6)
[Le nymphe di Rheno, sonatas, 2 viols, op.8] Le nymphe di Rheno per due Viole di Gamba Sole op.8. Amsterdam / Estienne Roger. [Cathedral Library, Durham].

Faksimile-Edition Viola da Gambe, 6. Stuttgart, 2015. 22 x 34 cm, 2 partbooks, 68 pp. Line-cut of the Roger edition, Amsterdam, c.1710 edition. 12 sonatas. Wrappers, with handsome marbled paper boards with ties. $43 [item no. 9450]

Schenck. L’echo du Danube op.9 (FVG 7)
[L’echo du Danube, sonatas, viol, bc, op.9] L’echo du Danube [dont les deux premières sont à 1 viole de gambe et 1 basse continue, les deux suivantes à 1 viole de gambe & 1 basse continue ad libitum, & les deux dernières à 1 viole de gambe seule]. op.9. Amsterdam / Estienne Roger. [Cathedral Library, Durham].

Faksimile-Edition Viola da Gambe, 7. Stuttgart, 2015. Oblong, 35 x 24 cm, 50 pp. Line-cut of the Roger edition, Amsterdam, c.1710 edition. 12 sonatas. Wrappers, with handsome marbled paper boards with ties. $49 [item no. 9480]

Hely. The Compleat Violist (FVG 8)
The Compleat Violist [or An Introduction to ye Art of Playing oon ye Bass Viol wherein the Necessary Rules & Directions are Laid down in a Plain & Familiar Method. With A Collection of the Psalm Tunes Set to the Viol, as They are Now in Use in the Churces where there are Organs. To Which are Added Some Select Aires & Tunes, Set According to ye divers manners of Playing by the Cliffs the C.sol.fa.ut Cliff, & ye Fa.ut Cliff. Also Several Lessons. viz. Almans, Sarabands, Courants, Jiggg & Compos’d for the Instrument by ye Late Famous Master Mr. Benjamin Hely]. I. Hare / London ca. 1700. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].

Faksimile-Edition Viola da Gambe, 8. Stuttgart, 2015. Oblong, 22 x 18 cm, 19 pp. Line-cut of the London, [1699] edition. Handsome marbled paper boards. $22 [item no. 9451]

Cappus. 1. livre de pieces de viole (FVG 9)
[Pièces de viole, book 1] Premier livre de pieces de viole [et la basse-continüe]. Paris 1730. [Bibliothèque National de France, Paris].

Faksimile-Edition Viola da Gambe, 9. Stuttgart, 2016. Oblong, 34 x 27 cm, 2 partbooks, 56 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, [1730] edition. Handsome marbled paper boards. $48 [item no. 9533]

Schöffer. Fünnf und sechzig teütscher Lieder (FZ 1)
Fünnf und sechzig teütscher Lieder [vormals im Truck nie ußgangen]. Straßburg / P. Schöffer und M. Apiarius. [Ratsschulebibliothek, Zwickau].

Faksimile-Edition Zwickau, 1. Stuttgart, 2005. Oblong, 13 x 12 cm, 5 partbooks, c.450 pp. Line-cut of the Schöffer and Apiarius edition, Strasbourg, 1538. SATB + Vagans partbooks. Wonderful 16th-c. German songbook. Composers include: Alderinus (3), Bruck, Arthopius (4), Eckel (3), Grefinger (3), Greitter (5), Hofhaimer, St. Mahu, Senfl (7), Sporer (6), Stoltzer (3), Spengler, Wannenmacher, & Wüst (10). Hardbound in decorative paper. $105 [item no. 8722]

[Finck] Schöne auszerlesene Lieder 1536 (FZ 2)
Schöne auszerlesene Lieder [des hoch berümpten Heinrich Finckens sampt andern newen Liedern von den fürnesten dieser Kunst gesetzt/lustig zu singen/und auff die Instrument dienstlich vor nie im Druck außgegangen]. Nürnberg/Formschneider 1536. RISM 1536(9). [Ratsschulebibliothek, Zwickau].

Faksimile-Edition Zwickau, 2. Stuttgart, 2006. Oblong, 14 x 10 cm, 4 partbooks, 456 pp. Line-cut of the Formschneider edition, Nuremberg, 1536. 55 lieder in SATB partbook format. Beautifully printed German songbook, an anthology devoted exclusively to Heinrich Finck. Hardbound in decorative paper. $124 [item no. 8778]

[Ott] 121 newe Lieder (FZ 3)
[Lieder, 4-5 voices, 1534] Der erst Teil: Hundert ainund zweintzig newe Lieder... Nürnberg/Formschneider 1534. [Ratsschulebibliothek, Zwickau].

Faksimile-Edition Zwickau, 3. Stuttgart, 2006. Oblong, 15 x 9 cm, 5 partbooks, c.936 pp. Line-cut of the Formschneider edition, Nuremberg, 1534. A wonderful collection devoted mainly to German secular songs, and a primary source for the music of Ludwig Senfl. Hardbound in decorative paper, matching slipcase. $174 [item no. 8816]

[Chrisoponus] Bicinia nova (FZ 4)
Bicinia nova. Prag, Typis nigricianis 1579. RISM 1579(7). [Ratsschulebibliothek, Zwickau].

Faksimile-Edition Zwickau, 4. Stuttgart, 2006. Oblong, 20 x 14 cm, 2 partbooks, 380 pp. Line-cut of the Prague, 1579 edition. 102 compositions for two voices with Latin/Czech texts. Suitable for different voice ranges, with or without instrumental accompaniment. Hardbound in decorative paper, matching slipcase. $86 [item no. 8775]

Rhau. Sacrarum hymnorum liber primus (FZ 6)
Sacrarum hymnorum liber primus. Wittenberg/ Georg Rhau 1542. RISM 1542(12). [Ratsschulebibliothek, Zwickau].

Faksimile-Edition Zwickau, 6. Stuttgart, 2012. Oblong, 19 x 15 cm, 4 partbooks, 550 pp. Line-cut of the Wittemberg, 1542 edition. Major collection of polyphonic settings of Latin hymns for 4-6 voices. The preface is dedicated to the mayor and council of Joachimstal, and credits Mathesius as having proposed and encouraged the work. Thomas Stoltzer is represent by 39 works. Hardbound in decorative paper, with matching slipcase. $164 [item no. 9276]

Ottmayr. Bicinia sacra. Schöne geist. Lieder (FZ 7)
Bicina sacra. [Schöne geistliche Lieder unnd Psalmen mit zwo Stimmen lieblich zu singen]. Gestelt durch Caspar Orthmayr. Nürnberg/ Berg und Neuber. [Ratsschulebibliothek, Zwickau].

Faksimile-Edition Zwickau, 7. Stuttgart, 2009. Oblong, 18 x 15 cm, 2 partbooks, 136 pp. Line-cut of the Berg & Neuber edition, Nuremberg, 1547. Wonderful collection 32 duets for instruments or voices. Hardbound in decorative paper, matching portfolio. $64 [item no. 9113]

[Berg] Diphona amoena et florida (FZ 8)
Diphona amoena et florida, selectore Erasmo Rotenbuchero, boiaro. Nürnberg/ J. Montanus & U. Neuber. [Ratsschulebibliothek, Zwickau].

Faksimile-Edition Zwickau, 8. Stuttgart, 2011. Oblong, 22 x 17 cm, 2 partbooks, 248 pp. Line-cut of the Berg & Neuber edition, Nuremberg, 1549. Wonderful anthology of 99 duos (diphonorum) for soprano & tenor pairings in mensural notation. Composers include Agricola, Fevin, Josquin, Isaac, Ockeghem, Lampadius. Hardbound in decorative paper, matching slipcase. $87 [item no. 9262]