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SERIES LISTING, arranged numerically (view items of this series by library location)

Friday, 28 March 2025   
  MMM = Publications of Mediæval Musical Manuscripts
  n.b. Items without price are out of print and not deliverable at the present time

Cabezón. Tientos (CWAC 2)
Cabezón, Antonio de. Tientos. Edited by Charles Jacobs.
The Collected Works of Antonio de Cabezón, II. New York, 1972. Oblong, 4˚, xxxiii, 75 pp. Cloth. $38 [item no. 6910]

Cabezón. Versos & Fugas (CWAC 3)
Cabezón, Antonio de. Versos & Fugas. Edited by Charles Jacobs.
The Collected Works of Antonio de Cabezón, III. New York, 1976. Oblong, 4˚, iv, 40 pp. Cloth. $38 [item no. 6911]

Cabezón. Hymnen & cantus firmus-Bearbeitungen (CWAC 4)
Cabezón, Antonio de. Hymnen & cantus firmus-Bearbeitungen und Fabordones. Edited by Charles Jacobs.
The Collected Works of Antonio de Cabezón, IV. New York, 1986. Oblong, 4˚, xxii, 83 pp. Cloth. $38 [item no. 6912]

Cabezón. Intabulations & Opera incerta (CWAC 5)
Cabezón, Antonio de. Intabulationen und Opera incerta / Intabulations and Opera incerta. Edited by Charles Jacobs.
The Collected Works of Antonio de Cabezón, V. New York, 1986. Oblong, 4˚, xxii, 64 pp. Cloth. $38 [item no. 6913]

Madrid 20486. Facsimile Reproduction (MMM 1)
[Madrid, Bibl. Nacional, 20.486] Madrid 20486. Facsimile Reproduction of the Manuscript with an Introduction by Luther Dittmer.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 1. New York, 1957. 4º, 75 pp. Halftone on glossy paper. The fourth of the central Notre Dame sources transmitting organum, conductus and motet. Wrappers. [item no. 1499]

Wolfenbüttel 1099 Helmstadiensis - (1206). W2 (MMM 2)
Wolfenbüttel 1099 Helmstadiensis–(1206). W2. Facsimile Reproduction of the Manuscript. With an Introduction by Luther Dittmer.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 2. Brooklyn, 1960; 1969. 13 x 19 cm, 12, 507 pp. Superb collotype in original format. The second largest repository of Notre Dame music with organum, conductus and motet. Printed in Germany. Linen. Very rare. [item no. 1453]

Dittmer. Zentrale Quelle der Notre-Dame Musik (MMM 3) [Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibl., gallo-rom. 42; fragments, former library Johannes Wolf]
Eine zentrale Quelle der Notre-Dame Musik / A Central Source of Notre Dame Polyphony. Faksimile, Wiederherstellung, Catalogue raisonne, Besprechung und Transcription von / Facsimile, Reconstruction, Catalogue raisonne, Discussion and Transcriptions by Luther Dittmer.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 3. Brooklyn, 1959. 8º, 269 pp. Limited edition of 600 copies. Wrappers. [item no. 8691]

Paris B.N. nouv. acq. fr. 13521 & 11411 (MMM 4)
[Paris, Bibl. Nationale, 13521 & lat. 11411] Paris 13521 & 11411. Facsimile, Introduction, Index and Transcriptions from the Manuscripts Paris Bibl. Nat. nouv. acq. fr. 13521 (La Clayette) and Lat. 11411 by Luther Dittmer.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 4. New York, 1959. 18 x 25 cm, 14, 48, 12 pp. Halftone of the musical portion of “La Clayette” and portion of Ms. lat. 11411 containing polyphonic works. Central motet source. Wrappers. $26 [item no. 1446]

Worcester 68; Westminster 33327; Madrid 192 (MMM 5)
Worcester add. 68, Westminster Abbey 33327, Madrid, Bibl. nac. 192.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 5. New York, 1959. 89 pp. Halftone. Introduction, index and transcriptions. Wrappers. $31 [item no. 1486]

Oxford D20; London 25031; Chicago 654 App. (MMM 6)
Oxford, Latin Liturgical D20; London, Add. Ms. 25031; Chicago, Ms. 654 App. Facsimile, Introduction, Index and Transcriptions.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 6. New York, 1960. 17 x 25 cm, 30, 45 pp. Halftone. Wrappers. $40 [item no. 1485]

Faugues. Opera omnia Faugues. Facsimile (MMM 7)
Opera omnia Faugues. Facsimile of the Compositions of Faugues from the Manuscripts Trent 88–Trent 91, Cappella Sistina 14, Cappella Sistina 51, Verona DCCLXI, Modena alpha M.1.13, with an Introduction by George C. Schuetze, J.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 7. New York, 1959. Oblong, 25 x 17 cm, xii, 100 pp. Halftone of all the works of Faugues (from Italian sources), a contemporary of Ockeghem. Wrappers. $45 [item no. 1434]

Sevilla 5-I-43 & Paris, 4379, Facsimile (MMM 8)
[Seville, Bibl. Colombina, 5-I-43] Sevilla 5-I-43 & Paris n.a. fr. 4379 (Pt. I). Facsimile Reproduction of the Manuscripts with an Introduction by Dragan Plamenac.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 8. New York, 1962. 21 x 32 cm, 6, 91 pp. Halftone on glossy paper of two late 15th-c. sources that originally formed one chansonnier. Reproduced in reduced format with 4 plates per page. Cloth. $51 [item no. 1403]

Carmina Burana. Facsimile Reproduction (MMM 9)
[Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibl., clm 4660/4660a] Carmina Burana. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München Clm 4660+4660a hrsg. im Jahre 1967 von Bernhard Bischoff.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 9. Munich, 1967. 8º, 40, 238 pp. Deluxe color collotype facsimile of a 13th c. ms from the Monastery of Benedictbeuren in Southwest Germany. Secular Latin songs mostly of French origin, including songs from the Crusades, drinking, chess, dice songs, satirical verses against the Roman Curia, plays (Christmas, Passion), a parody mass, as well as a whole variety of love songs, a portion of them with neumes. Limited bibliophile edition of 600 copies (300 for the Institute of Mediaeval Music) bound in half parchment and decorative paper. (The IMM edition was numbered #301-600) [item no. 1467]

Florence, Bibl. Mediceo-Laur. Plut. 29, I (MMM 10-11)
[Florence, Bibl. Mediceo-Laurenziana, pl. 29,1] Firenze, Biblioteca Mediceo-Laurenziana, Pluteo 29,1. Facsimile Reproduction of the Manuscript. Edited by Luther Dittmer. 2 vols.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 10-11. New York, 1966-1967. 18 x 26 cm, 2 vols: 802, 7 pp. Halftone on glossy paper. Largest and most important source of Notre Dame music (copied c.1250), with organum, conductus and motet. Linen. 2 vols. [item no. 1442]

Dijon Bibliothèque Publique Ms. 517 (MMM 12)
Dijon Bibliothèque Publique, Manuscrit 517. With an Introduction by Dragan Plamenac.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 12. New York, 1971. 13 x 18 cm, 12, 398 pp. Halftone of a c.1460 Burgundian chansonnier. Rich repository of the chansons of Busnois, Ockeghem, and their contemporaries. Introduction in Ger-Eng. $141 (more info... ) [item no. 1399]

Canberra, National Lib. of Australia Ms. 4052 (MMM 13)
Canberra, National Library of Australia Ms. 4052/2 1-16 (The Musico-Liturgical Fragments from the Nan-Kivell Collection). Edited by Gordon A. Anderson and Luther A. Dittmer.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 13. Henryville, 1981. 17 x 25 cm, 19, 38 pp. Halftone with 2 plates in full color. Contains leaves that once had their origin in a dismantled English choirbook, one similar in scope and style to the Old Hall manuscript. Linen. $50 [item no. 1426]

Paris, B.N. fond lat. 1139 (ed. Gillingham) (MMM 14)
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, fonds latin 1139 d’après les manuscrits conservés à la Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris. Phot. Bibl. Nat. Paris. Facsimile Reproduction of the Manuscript Prepared by Bryan Gillingham.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 14. Ottawa, 1987. 8º, viii, 460, 4 pp. Halftone. A late 11th-early 13th c. composite source once in the possession of the Library at St. Martial. The ms, known as StM-A, contains a 11th-c. proser written apparently for an Abbey dependant on Cluny, a late 12th-c. proser from St. Martial, and votive offices for the B.V.M. Includes a handful of polyphonic works. Index. Hardbound. $110 [item no. 1901]

Paris, B.N. fond lat. 3719 (ed. Gillingham) (MMM 15)
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, fonds latin 3719. Facsimile Reproduction of the Manuscript Prepared by Bryan Gillingham.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 15. Ottawa, 1987. 8º, viii, 236, 2 pp. Halftone. A late 12th-c. source (StM-C) once in the library at St. Martial. Contains conductus, sequences, ordinary tropes and love songs for 1 and 2 voices. Index. Hardbound. $95 [item no. 1902]

Paris, B.N. lat. 3549 / London B.L. add. 36881 (MMM 16)
Paris, B.N., fonds latin 3549 and London, B.L., add. 36,881. Facsimile Reproduction of the Manuscript prepared by Bryan Gillingham.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 16. Ottawa, 1987. 8º, viii, 97, 2 pp. Halftone. Two 12th- and early 13th-c. mss (respectively StM-A & StM-D), the former of which was once in the possession of the Library at St. Martial. StM-A transmits mainly conductus for 1 and 2 voices while StM-D is a troper. Index. Hardbound. $60 [item no. 1903]

Cambridge Univ. Lib. Ff.i.17(1) (MMM 17)
Cambridge, University Library Ff.i.17(1).
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 17. Ottawa, 1989. 8º, xxxii, 116 pp. Halftone of a 12th-c. source containing tropes and conductus for 2 and 3 voices notated in score. Notation similar to Saint Gall, Stiftsbibliothek 383 (StG A), being halfway between neumatic and square notation. Index. Hardbound. $67 [item no. 3164]

Paris, B.N. fonds latin 7211 (MMM 18)
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, fonds latin 7211. Analysis, Inventory and Text Prepared by Alma Colk Santosuosso.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 18. Ottawa, 1991. 8º, xcvii, 302, iv pp. Halftone of an important composite ms transmitting 38 texts of medieval music theory. Includes Musica enchirias, Scolica enchiriadis, texts by Aurelian of Réôme, Guido of Arezzo, Isidore of Seville, and many anonymous authors. The ms is, in Lawrence Gushee’s words, “a puzzle: a crazy quilt of everything from Martianus Capella to Odo”. With new inventory, bibliography and index. Hardbound. $108 [item no. 4573]

Florence, Bibl. Naz., Conv. soppr. F.III.565 (MMM 19)
[Florence, Bibl. Naz., Conv. soppr. F.III.565] Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale, Conv. soppr. F.III.565. Edited by Alma Santosuosso.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 19. Ottawa, 1994. 8º, clxxviii, 115, 5 pp. Line-cut of an early 12th-c. composite ms transmitting theoretical texts. Includes Guido’s Micrologus, Regulae rhythmicae, Prologus in antiphonarum, & Epistola de ignoto cantu, the treatises Musicae artis disciplina and Dialogus de musica (Abbot Odo of Arezzo), plus a wide variety of miscellaneous theoretical writings, which in some instances run directly into another without a break. With inventory and general index. Hardbound. $115 [item no. 7010]

Oxford, Bodleian Library MS lat.lit.b.5 (MMM 20)
Oxford, Bodleian Library, Ms. Lat. liturg. b.5. Edited by David Hiley.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 20. Ottawa, 1995. 28 x 44 cm, xviii, 280 pp. Line-cut of a gradual, in its original 2º format, containing chants for the proper and ordinary of the mass as sung in the parish church of East Drayton, Nottinghamshire, in the archdiocese of York, in the 15th c. The ms is the only surviving book with music of the chants reflecting York use. Invaluable source for both the study of York liturgical practice and polyphonic repertories that bear on it. Hardbound. $320 [item no. 7175]

Utrecht, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniv.406 (MMM 21)
Utrecht, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit, MS 406 (3.J.7). Introduction by Ike de Loos, Index by Charles Downey, Edited by Ruth Steiner.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 21. Ottawa, 1997. 28 x 44 cm, liii, 512 pp. Halftone of one of the oldest extant notated liturgical mss of the Netherlands. Containing both an antiphonary and tonary, the ms was written in Utrecht in the late 12th c., probably for the chapter church of St. Mary’s. It employs a subtle staff notation that besides expressing the normal modal system, includes devices for indicating chromatic alteration and micro-chromatic tones. Indices. $252 [item no. 7366]

National Library of Wales MS. 20541 E (MMM 22)
[Wales, National Library, ms. 20541 E] National Library of Wales MS. 20541 E. The Penpont Antiphonal. Introduction and Indices Prepared by Owain Tudor Edwards.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 22. Ottawa, 1997. 25 x 41 cm, 122, 623 pp. Sharp halftone of an important antiphonal of Sarum use, prepared for a non-monastic Welsh church in the mid 14th c. Its name, “Penpont Antiphonal” is after the manor of that name in south Wales with which it was connected and where is was kept until itssale at a Sotheby auction in 1960. Hardbound. $400 [item no. 7454]

Oxford, Bodleian Library Ms. e Mus. 126 (MMM 23)
Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. e Mus. 126 (The York Processional). Edited by David Hiley.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 23. Ottawa, 1998. 23 x 30 cm, xxiv, 168 pp. Halftone of a 14th c. processional from York. Important witness for processional ceremonies and chants for York use. Hardbound. $215 [item no. 7665]

MSS Avranches, Bibl. Municipale, 236,237 (MMM 24/1)
[Avranches, Bibl. Mun., 236, 237] MSS Avranches, Bibliothèque Municipale, 236, 237. Music Theory in Medieval Normandy. Volume 1: Boethius’ De institutione musica. Edited by Alma Santosuosso.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 24/1. Ottawa, 1999. 22 x 31 cm, lxxxii, 242, 16 pp. Halftone of two 10th c. mss once in the possession of the abbey of Mont Saint-Michel. Mss 236, compiled for teaching purposes, contains the complete text of Botethius’ treatise on music and excerpts from Venerable Bede’s treatises on the art of poetry, the reckoning of time and a few quotations from De natura rerum. Ms 237 comprises Boethius’ De institutione musica, a short unpublished text on the modes, and six diagrams of the different species. Hardbound. $185 [item no. 7739]

Paris Bibliothèque National, fonds latin 10509 (MMM 24/2)
[Paris, Bibl. Nationale, lat. 10509] Paris Bibliothèque National, fonds latin 10509.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 24/2. Ottawa, 2003. 18 x 25 cm, 111, 130, 5 pp. Halftone of a ms transmitting medieval music and music theory from monasteries in Normandy. The first part of the ms (c.1175) contains the office for Saint Taurinus, a collection of tracts, and a composition for the Virgin Mary. An anthology of theoretical tracts comprise the second section, including two works by Guido of Arezzo. Cloth. $94 [item no. 8396]

Lambeth Palace Sion College MS.LI (MMM 25/1-2)
[London, Lambeth Palace, Sion College, MS L1] Lambeth Palace Sion College MS. L1. The Noted Breviary of York (Olim Sion College ms Arc.L.40.2/L.1). Volume 1: Tempore, Kalendar, and Psalter; Volume 2: Sanctorale and Common of Saints. Edited by Andrew Hughes.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 25/1-2. Ottawa, 2000. 4º, 2 vols, viii, 910 pp. Halftone of a 14-15th c. notated breviary for the Use of York. Hardbound. $425 [item no. 7929]

Paris, Bibl. Nationale, fonds latin 1143 (MMM 26)
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, fonds latin 1143. Edited by Vicent Corrigan.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 26. Ottawa, 2001. 21 x 28 cm, xxiii, 78 pp. Halftone of a late 13th-c. ms, in a meticulous hand, transmitting the Mass and Office for Corpus Christi. Hardbound. $109 [item no. 7930]

Salamanca, Archivo de la Catedral, Ms.5 (MMM 27/1)
Salamanca, Archivo de la Catedral, Ms.5. Edited by James Boyce, O. Carm.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 27/1. Ottawa, 2002. 25 x 35 cm, vii, 94, 4 pp. Halftone of a pre-Trent Council chant source from Salamanca, an important Diocese following the Christian reconquest of Spain. Hardbound. $109 [item no. 8112]

Salamanca, Archivo de la Catedral, Ms.6 (MMM 27/2)
Salamanca, Archivo de la Catedral, Ms.6. Edited by James Boyce, O. Carm.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 27/2. Ottawa, 2002. 25 x 35 cm, iii, 439, 5 pp. Halftone of a pre-Trent Council chant source from Salamanca, an important Diocese following the Christian reconquest of Spain. Cloth. $155 [item no. 8175]

Salamanca, Archivo de la Catedral, Ms.7 (MMM 27/3)
Salamanca, Archivo de la Catedral, Ms.7. Edited by James Boyce, O. Carm.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 27/3. Ottawa, 2003. 25 x 35 cm, iii, 180, 2 pp. Halftone of a pre-Trent Council chant source from Salamanca, an important Diocese following the Christian reconquest of Spain. Cloth. $135 [item no. 8196]

Salamanca, Archivo de la Catedral, Ms.8 (MMM 27/4)
Salamanca, Archivo de la Catedral, Ms.8. Edited by James Boyce, O. Carm.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 27/4. Ottawa, 2003. 25 x 35 cm, iii, 198, 3 pp. Halftone. (Continuation of above). $135 [item no. 8197]

Liber sequentiarum et sacramentarium de Sibenik (MMM 28)
[Sibenik, Franciscan Monastery] Liber sequentiarum et sacramentarium de Sibenik. Edited by Dujka Smoje.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 28. Ottawa, 2003. 22 x 29 cm, lxvi, 59 pp. Halftone of a 11th c. manuscript (sequentiary and sacramentary section) from the Franciscan monastery of Sibenik (Yugoslavia). St. Gall-type neume notation. Cloth. $85 [item no. 8201]

Vilnius, Lithuanian Acad. of Sciences F22-95 (MMM 29)
[Vilnius, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, F22-95] Vilnius, Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Department of Manuscripts, F22-95. Edited by Ike de Loos and Victoria Goncharova.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 29. Ottawa, 2003. 19 x 26 cm, xiii, 480, 23 pp. Halftone of a processional-hymnal (copied 1556) transmitting the rite of the Devotio Moderna, an influential spiritual movement created in the Low Countries in the 14th c. “Hufnagel”-type notation. Contains both chant and primitive 2-part polyphony. Cloth. $124 [item no. 8395]

L’antiphonaire de la Paix des Princes chrétiens (MMM 30)
L’antiphonaire de la Paix des Princes chrétiens. Calligraphié à Saint-Omer par Sire Michel Reymbault enluminé à Lille par Sœur Françoise de Heuchin, ca.1550-1561
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 30. Ottawa, 2003. 18 x 25 cm, cxxxi, 520 pp. Halftone of an antiphonary transmitting the rite of the Collégiale Notre-Dame, Diocese of Thérouanne (Flanders). Cloth. $210 [item no. 8454]

Utrecht, Universiteitsbibliothek, Hs. 16 H 34 (MMM 31)
Utrecht, Universiteitsbibliothek, Hs. 16 H 34. Vorbereitet von/Prepared by Ulrike Hascher-Burger.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 31. Ottawa, 2004. 14 x 20 cm, xxxviii, 277 pp. Halftone of a facsinating composite manuscript transmitting Latin songs for 1 to 3 voices and Dutch Christmas carols for 2 voices. The 15th c. ms, believed to have been copied in the Ijssel Valley in the Netherlands, contains both white mensural and German neume notation. Cloth. $158 [item no. 8460]

München, Bay. Staatsbibl. Clm 14965b (MMM 32)
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 14965b. The Tonary of Frutolf of Michelsberg [ff.34-73v]. Introduction and Index by Rebecca Maloy.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 32. Ottawa, 2006. 22 x 28 cm, 68, 80 pp. Halftone of the second of two tonaries transmitted in MS 14965b, securely attributed to Frutold of Michelsberg (d. 1103) based on close textual parallels between it and the “Breviarum de musica”. The tonary, long recognized as one of the most important larger German tonaries, presents a complete list of Mass and Office chants, sequences and processional antiphons. Cloth. $130 [item no. 8688]

Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Selden supr. 17 (MMM 33)
Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Selden Supra 27. Prosaire-Tropaire de Heidenheim. Edited by Dujka Smoje.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 33. Ottawa, 2006. 22 x 28 cm, 112, 214 pp. Halftone of a small-format codex containing a collection of sequences, proses and tropes, written in the mid-11th c. at the Monastery of Heidenheim in the diocese of Eichstätt. Its physical size and repertoire suggest that it was meant to be used as a private handbook of a cantor. The folios show signs of everyday use and there are later corrections and additions by several hands from the 12th and 13th c. The ms consists two clearly delimited parts: the prosarium (66 sequences and proses, and two additional sequences at the end of the book; and the troparium, with 492 pieces, including five parts of a Missa Graeca. Cloth. $220 [item no. 8696]

Linz, Upper Austrian State Library Codex 290 (183) (MMM 34)
Linz, Upper Austrian State Library (olim Bundesstaatliche Studienbibliothek), Codex 290 (183). Introduction and Indices by Martin Czernin.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 34. Ottawa, 2006. 23 x 30 cm, 2 vols, ii, 183, 881 pp. Halftone of the “Breviarium Monasticum”, written during the second half of the 12th c. at the scriptorium of the Benedictine abbey of Kremsmünster. The abbey, the second oldest in Austria, was established in 777 as a colonial and missonary center by Tassilo III, duke of Bavaria and a member of the Agilofing family. The MS contains both the liturgical texts for the daily canons of the monks of Kremsmünster of the late 12th c following the rite Hirsau and the melodies of nearly all chants notated in adiastematic German neumes. Hardbound. $396 [item no. 8777]

Tallin, Historical Museum, MS 237.1.228a (MMM 35)
Tallin, Eesti Ajaloomuuseum (Tallin, Historical Museum), MS 237.1.228a (XIX.184; 240750. Herausgegeben von / Edited by Victoria Goncharova.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 35. Ottawa, 2008. 27 x 40, xli, 630 pp. Halftone of a Antiphonal-Gradual from Preetz (near Kiel), copied c. 1525. Written in in “Hufnagel” script, Ms 237.1.228a is a witness to the liturgical practice of one of the largest and most influential Benedictine convents in Schleswig-Holstein. Hardbound. $305 [item no. 8965]

Offices & Masses of St. Knud Lavard (MMM 35)
[Kiel, Universitätsbibliothek, S.H. 8 A.8°] The Offices & Masses of St. Knud Lavard (✝1131) (Kiel, Univ. Lib. MS S.H. 8 A.8°). Reproduced in Facsimile, Transcribed and Edited by John Bergsagel. Volume 1: Facsimile; Vol. 2: Edition. With an Essay on the Historical Background by Thomas Riis.
Musicological Studes, 65/17. Ottawa, 2010. 21 x 30, 2 vols, viii, 145, 72 pp. Full color reproduction of MS Kiel, Universitätsbibliothek S.H. 8 A 8°, compiled around 1202. Preserves the music for the complete monastic cycle of the Office of the Translation of St. Knud Lavard (25 June), as well as for the feast of his Passion (7 January), together with the proper items of their respective Masses..There can be little doubt that it records the words and music that were sung at the Translation of St. Knud Lavard on 25 June, 1170, and that the liturgical celebration of the Feast of the Passion, which was his major feast throughout the Middle Ages, was composed at the same time by the same composer (or team). This remarkable document is probably the earliest music composed in Denmark. Hardbound. $265 [item no. 9190]