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Saturday, 8 February 2025   

  Paléographie Musicale
  n.b. Items without price are out of print and not deliverable at the present time

Kelly, Thomas Forrest.
Les témoins manuscrits du chant Bénéventain.
Paléographie Musicale, I/21. Solesmes, 1992. 25 x 33 cm, 451, with 330 pp. The first new volume from the series Paléographie Musicale after a pause of ten years. Kelly’s long awaited study on the Beneventan sources, including halftone reproductions from mss Baltimore W6; Cologny, Bod. 74; Benevento 35; Lucca 606, Vat. Reg. 334; Zadar, Ord. 38; Rome, Vall. C 9; and Vat. lat. 10657. Wrappers. Special sale price $25, regularly $118 [item no.4630]

Mocquereau, Dom André.
Le répons-graduel, justus ut palma, reproduit en fac-similé d’après plus de deux cents antiphonaires manuscrits d’origines diverses du IXe au XVIIe siècle. Premier [-2.] partie. [fueilles].
Paléographie Musicale, I/2-3. Bern, 1974. 4º, 88, 107 plates pp. (Rpt. of Tournai, 1891 edition). Halftones of the Gradual responsory “Justus ut palma” from about 200 mss. Preface by Dom André Mocquereau. Loose fascicles. $68 [item no.8521]

[Benevento, Bibl. Capit., V/21]
Antiphonaire monastique. Benevento, Bibl. cap. 21 (XII-XIIIe).
Paléographie Musicale, I/22. Solesmes, 2001. 4˚, 74, 609 pp. Halftone of a late 12th c. manuscript from San Lupo. Introduction and inventory by Jean Mallet and Daniel Saulnier. Wrappers. $238 [item no.4676]

[Benevento, Bibl. Capit., VI 34]
Le codex VI. 34 de la Bibliothèque Capitulaire de Bénévent (XIe-XIIe siècle). Graduel de Bénévent avec prosaire et tropaire.
Paléographie Musicale, I/15. Solesmes, 1992. 25 x 33 cm, 35, 291 pp. (Rpt. of Tournai, 1937 edition). Halftone in reduced format with one opening per page. Historical introduction. $112 [item no.7073]

[Chartres, Bibl. munic., 47]
Antiphonale missarum Sancti Gregorii, Xe siècle, codex 47 de la Bibliothèque de Chartres.
Paléographie Musicale, I/11. Solesmes, 1972. 25 x 33 cm, 8, 134 pp. (Rpt. of Tournai, 1912 edition). Halftone. Introduction compares the notations of Chartres, St. Gall, and Metz. Wrappers. $65 [item no.7071]

[Einsiedeln, Benediktinerkloster, Bibl., 121]
Le codex 121 de la Bibliothèque d’Einsiedeln (Xe-XIe siècle). Antiphonale missarum Sancti Gregorii.
Paléographie Musicale, I/4. Bern, 1974. 25 x 33 cm, 215, 112 pp. (Rpt. of Solesmes, 1894 edition). Halftone in reduced format with one opening per page. Liturgically and musically very similar to Ms. St. Gall 339. Regarded as the oldest complete manuscript of Gregorian chant missal propers. Wrappers. $51 [item no.7229]

[Laon, Bibl., 239]
Antiphonale missarum Sancti Gregorii, IXe-Xe siècle, codex 239 de la Bibliothèque de Laon.
Paléographie Musicale, I/10. Solesmes, 1992. 25 x 33 cm, 29, 178, 7 pp. (Rpt. of Tournai, 1909 edition). Wrappers. $79 [item no.4977]

[London, British Library, add. 34209]
Antiphonarium ambrosianum du Musée Britannique (XIIe siècle), codex additional 34209.
Paléographie Musicale, I/5. Bern, 1972. 25 x 33 cm, 200, 136 pp. (Rpt. of Tournai, 1896-1900 edition). Halftone. Introduction. Hardbound. $79 [item no.1551]

[London, British Library, add. 34209]
Antiphonarium ambrosianum du Musée britannique (XIIe siècle), codex additional 34209. Transcription.
Paléographie Musicale, I/6. Bern, 1972. 25 x 33 cm, 336 pp. (Rpt. of Solesmes, 1900 edition). Transcription vol. to above with introduction into the Milanese liturgy. Hardbound. [item no.1552]

[London, British Library, add. 34209]
Antiphonaire ambrosien de la British Library. Codex additional 34209 (XIIe siècle).
Paléographie Musicale, I/5-6. Solesmes, 1996. 25 x 33 cm, 26, 136, 334 pp. (Rpt. of Solesmes, 1900 edition). Transcription vol. to above with introduction into the Milanese liturgy. Hardbound. $149 [item no.9076]

[Lucca, Bibl. Capit., 601]
Antiphonaire monastique, XIIe siècle. Codex 601 de la Bibliothèque Capitulaire de Lucques.
Paléographie Musicale, I/9. Solesmes, 1974. 25 x 33 cm, 40, 281 plates pp. (Rpt. of Tournai, 1906 edition). Halftone. Historical introduction and comparison of contents with ms Toledo 48-14. Softbound. $78 [item no.7070]

[Montecassino, Archivio della Badia, ms. 542]
Montecassino, Archivio dell'Abbazia, Ms. 542. Antiphonaire, 12eme siècle. Katarina Livljanić.
Paléographie Musicale, I/23. Solesmes, 2014. 4˚, 194 pp. Facsimile, in color, of a 12th c. antiphoner from Montecassino. Beneventan notation on dry-point staff, the manuscript is devoted almost entirely to chants of the Gregorian tradition. Introduction and inventory by Katrina Livljanić. Wrappers. $126 (moreinfo... ) [item no.9343]

[Montpellier, Bibl. de l’École de Médecine, H 159]
Antiphonarium tonale missarum (XIe siècle). Codex H. 159 de la Bibliothèque de l’Ecole de Médecine de Montpellier.
Paléographie Musicale, I/7. Bern, 1972. 25 x 33 cm, 377 pp. (Rpt. of Solesmes, 1901 edition). Commentary to facsimile. Hardbound. $95 [item no.1521]

[Montpellier, Bibl. de l’École de Médecine, H 159]
Antiphonarium tonale missarum (XIe siècle). Codex H. 159 de la Bibliothèque de l’Ecole de Médecine de Montpellier.
Paléographie Musicale, I/7 & I/8. Solesmes, 1972. 25 x 33 cm, 25, 323 pp. (Rpt. of Solesmes, 1901 edition). $74 [item no.7069]

[Noyon, Château du Mont-Renaud]
L’antiphonaire du Mont-Renaud, antiphonaire de la messe et de l’office, Xe siècle, collection privée.
Paléographie Musicale, I/16. Solesmes, 1989. 25 x 33 cm, 36, 133, xxix pp. (Rpt. of Solesmes, 1955-56 edition). $112 [item no.4979]

[Paris, Bibl. Nationale, lat. 903]
Le codex 903 de la Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris (XIe siècle). Graduel de Saint-Yrieix.
Paléographie Musicale, I/13. Solesmes, 1992. 25 x 33 cm, 62, 265 pp. (Rpt. of Tournai, 1925 edition). Halftone in reduced format of a Gradual once in the possession of the Chapter of Saint Martial de Limoges. Introduction into liturgy and history of Aquitanian notation. Hardbound. $114 [item no.7072]

[Rome, Bibl. Angelica, 123]
Le codex 123 de la Bibliothèque Angelica de Rome (XIe siècle). Graduel et tropaire de Bologne.
Paléographie Musicale, I/18. Bern, 1969. 25 x 32 cm, 72, 268 plates pp. Halftone in reduced format with one opening per page. Introduction by Dom Jacques Froger. Loose fascicles in slip cover. [item no.1553]

[Saint Gall, Stiftsbibl., 339]
Le Codex 339 de la Bibliothèque de Saint-Gall (Xe siècle), Antiphonale missarum sancti Gregorii.
Paléographie Musicale, I/1. Solesmes, 1992. 25 x 33 cm, 27, 173 fac, 6 pp. (Rpt. of Solesmes, 1889 edition). Halftone of a complete 10-11th c. Gregorian gradual from the celebrated school of St. Gall. Consists of four parts: calendar, gradual, breviary (supplementing the gradual), & sacramentary. Historical introduction. Wrappers. $64 [item no.7068]

[Saint Gall, Stiftsbibl., 359]
Cantatorium No.359 de la Bibliothèque de Saint-Gall, IXe siècle.
Paléographie Musicale, II/2. Solesmes, 1988. 26 x 33 cm, 23, 142, 5 pp. (Rpt. of Tournai, 1924 edition). Halftone. Introduction. Wrappers. $59 [item no.7075]

[Saint Gall, Stiftsbibl., 390-391]
Antiphonaire de Hartker, manuscrits Saint-Gall 390-391. Nouvelle édition par Dom Jacques Froger, moine des Solesmes.
Paléographie Musicale, II/1. Solesmes, 1992. 25 x 31 cm, 87, 458 pp. (Rpt. of Solesmes, 1900/1970 edition). Halftone in reduced format. Copied c.800. With new introduction by Dom Jacques Froger. Wrappers. $182 [item no.7074]

[Vatican, Bibl. Apost., lat. 10673]
Le codex 10673 de la Bibliothèque Vaticane, fonds latin (XIe siècle) graduel Bénéventain.
Paléographie Musicale, I/14. Solesmes, 1971. 25 x 33 cm, 16, 117 plates pp. (Rpt. of Tournai, 1931-36 edition). Wrappers. $114 [item no.4978]

[Worcester, Cathedral Library, F. 160]
Antiphonaire monastique, XIIIe siècle, codex F. 160 de la Bibliothèque de la Cathedrale de Worcester.
Paléographie Musicale, I/12. Bern, 1971. 25 x 33 cm, 180, 230 pp. (Rpt. of Tournai, 1922 edition). Halftone of one of the most important liturgical documents from England. Shows the full office as it was celebrated c.1300. Wrappers. $110 [item no.7173]