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Manuscript facsimiles (autographs & copyist manuscripts), facsimiles
of first editions & primary source materials, together with a selection of
modern editions & studies.
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Our keyboard catalog now gives you 5 different viewing options—just click the instrument(s) you want :

keyboard theoretical works  •  all keyboard  •  organ  •  harpsichord, spinnet, virginal  •  piano, forte-piano, clavichord

ADAM, Louis, 1758-1848

[Method, piano] Méthode de piano.

Méthodes Instrumentales, VII. Geneva, 1974. 4º, 246 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1805 edition. Hardbound. $160 [item no.2772]

AGAZZARI, Agostino, 1578-1640

Del sonare sopra’l basso con tutti li stromenti e dell’uso loro nel conserto.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/37. Bologna, 1985. 18 x 25 cm, 12 pp. Line-cut of the Siena, 1607 edition. One of first treatises to adopt figured bass. Deals with chordal and single-line improvisation from a basso continuo and makes an important distinction between “fundamental” and “ornamental” instrumental classes. Wrappers. [item no.2415]

AGRICOLA, Martin, 1486-1556

Musica figuralis deudsch (1532). Im Anhang: Musica instrumentalis deudsch (1529); Musica choralis deudsch (1533); Rudimenta musices (1539). [Bayerische Staatsbibl., Munich & Bibliothek des Alten Gymnasiums, Flenburg].

Hildesheim, 1985. 10 x 16 cm, 412 pp. Line-cut of 4 of Agricola’s most famous treatises written in German. Musica instrumentalis was the second of its type (following Virdung’s Musica getuscht, 1511). Rich with woodcut illustrations and examples in Gothic and German lute tablature. Linen. $89 [item no.2531]

ALBRECHTSBERGER, Johann Georg, 1736-1809

Fundament zum Orgel und Fliegelspielen. Auth: Albrechtsberger. Ad usum. Ms. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 21. Stuttgart, 2012. Oblong, 22 x 19 cm, 28 pp. Line-cut of a contemporary manuscript. Distilled into 6 sections (Absätze) this useful and practical manual instructs the user, “according to current convention”, on 1) clefs, 2) the notation of tempi, notes & pauses, 3) the execution of ornaments & “manieren”, 4) right & left hand fingerings 5) chordal fingering, 6) tonality. Wrappers. $17 [item no.9307]

AMMERBACH, Nikolaus, c.1530-1597

Orgel- oder Instrument Tabulatur. Leipzig, Jakob Berwalds Erben 1571. RISM 1571(17). [Musikbibliothek, Leipzig].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 50. Stuttgart, 2005. Oblong, 19 x 16 cm, 226 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1571 edition. One of the great milestones of organ tablature (considered the first printed German organ music), where pitches are expressed in letter notation with rhythmic signs above them. Amerbach arranged the contents of this book into five progressively more difficult categories, ranging from pieces with little or no coloration, to highly decorated pieces. “Instrument” as used in the title, includes “positive, regal, virginal, clavichord, clavicembalo, harpsichord and the like”. Most of the pieces in the collection are from vocal originals. The music section is preceded by instructions on playing the organ. Hardbound, with decorative paper boards. $63 [item no.8645]

BACH, Carl Philipp Emanuel, 1714-1788

[Method, keyboard] Versuch über die wahre Art, das Klavier zu spielen. Erster und zweiter Teil. Faksimile-Nachdruck der 1. Auflage, Berlin 1753 und 1762, herausgegeben von Lothar Hoffmann-Erbrecht.

Leipzig, 6/ 1986. 18 x 22 cm, 501 facs, 16 pp. Line-cut of the first printed edition. “Versuch” was, in the German-speaking countries, the most important treatise of the period on playing keyboard instruments. Linen. $32 [item no.19]

[Method, keyboard] Versuch über die wahre Art, das Klavier zu spielen. Erster und zweiter Teil Reprint der 1. Auflage Berlin 1753 und 1762. Herausgegeben und mit modern geschlüsselten Notenbeispielen und einem ausführlichen Register versehen von Wolfgang Horn.

Kassel, 1994. 12˚, 592 pp. Line-cut of the first printed edition. “Versuch” was, in the German-speaking countries, the most important treatise of the period on playing keyboard instruments. Linen. $31 [item no.8324]

BACH, Johann Christian, 1735-1782

[Method, keyboard] Méthode ou recueil de connaissances élémentaires pour le forte-piano ou clavecin. Œuvre melé de theorie et de pratique divisé en deux parties pour le Conservatoire de Naple.

Geneva, 1974. Oblong, 30 x 22 cm, 91 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1876 edition. Examines basic musical concepts, notational symbols, shades of expression, musical forms, and rules for performance. A second section provides 118 examples, mostly whole pieces. Wrappers. $37 [item no.3238]

BANCHIERI, Adriano, 1568-1634

Conclusioni del suono dell’organo. A Facsimile of the Bologna, 1609 Edition.

Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/101. New York, 1975. 17 x 25 cm, 72 pp. Line-cut of the Bologna, 1609 edition. Laid paper, clothbound. $50 [item no.1776]

L’organo suonarino.

Bibliotheca Organologica, 27. Buren, 1969. 4º, x, 203 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1605, 1611 & 1638 editions. Cloth. $79 [item no.2134]

BÉDOS DE CELLES, François, 1709-1779

L’art du facteur d’orgues. Avec un aperçu biographique de Jean-Bernard Condate. Université de Lyon 2 – Département de Musicologie.

Geneva, 1984. 27 x 37 cm, 12, 708 facs, plus 137 facs plates pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1776-1778 edition, in a slightly reduced (-13%) format. Richly illustrated treatise on organ making, with beautifully executed plates addressing the structure of the instrument, methods of building, needs of the organist and characteristics of various instruments. Handsome binding in half leatherette with printed boards reproducing a Bedos engraving. $546 [item no.2141]

L’arte del costruttore di organi. Prima edizione italiana di L’art du facteur d’orgues; a cura di Enrico Cirani; consulenza e presentazione di Oscar Mischiati.

Cremona, c.1995. 2º, 2 vols pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1776-1778 edition (plates only), with accompanying texts in It. With bibliographical references and indices. [item no.7384]

BEETHOVEN, Ludwig van, 1770-1827

[sketchbooks, composition studies with Haydn, Albrechtsberger, Salieri] Kompositionsstudien bei Joseph Haydn, Johann Georg Albrechtsberger und Anton Salieri. Herausgegeben von Julia Ronge. 1. Transkriptionen; 2. Kritischer Bericht; 3. Reproduktionen der Handschriften.

Beethoven Werke, XIII/1. Munich, 2014. Oblong, 31 x 27 cm, 3 vols, xv, 307; 93; 201 pp. When Beethoven moved to Vienna in 1792, almost immediately, and likely pre-arranged, he started composition studies with Haydn, who had been freed from his post with the Esterhazys and was now living in Vienna. The studies—exercises in free counterpoint but also concerned with the conception of a piece, movement structure, proportions of the various parts and the art of “sketching”—lasted until 1794 when his teacher recommended additional studies with Albrechtsberger; with him Beethoven acquired a wide range of technical and compositional tools building on the earlier study. In 1801 Beethoven then turned to Salieri to learn the technique of setting primarily Italian texts to music, an area not covered in the preceding studies. The present volume reproduces for the first time the surviving manuscripts that record those studies. These are remarkable witnesses showing Beethoven under the watchful eyes of his teachers with illuminating comments, corrections or alternative passages. Facsimile, transcription and commentary, 3 volumes, linen bound. $833 (more info... ) [item no.9393]

BENDELER, Johann Philipp, c.1660-d.?

Organopoeia, oder: Unterweisung, wie eine Orgel nach ihren Haupstücken, als Mensuriren, Abtheilung derer Laden, Zufall des Windes, Stimmung oder Temperatur &c, aus wahren mathematischen Gründen zu erbauen.

Bibliotheca Organologica, 28. Buren, 1972. 15 x 19 cm, 56 facs, ix pp. Line-cut of the Frankfurt & Leipzig edition. Afterword in Dut by Rudolf Bruhin. Wrappers. $42 [item no.3558]

BERNOULLI, Daniel, 1700-1782

Recherches physiques mécaniques et analytiques sur le son et sur les tons des tuyaux d’orgues différemment construits.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/74. Bologna, 1983. 16 x 22 cm, 56 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1764 edition. Laid paper. Cloth. [item no.3726]

BIERMANN, Johann Hermann, 18th c.

Organographia Hildesiensis specialis.

Bibliotheca Organologica, 29. Buren, 1981. 8º, viii, c.72 pp. Line-cut of the Hildesheim, 1738 edition. Cloth. $71 [item no.3559]

BISMANTOVA, Bartolomeo, 17th c.

Compendio musicale, Ferrara 1677. [Biblioteca Municipale di Reggio Emilia].

Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 1. Florence, 1978. 17 x 24 cm, v, 121 pp. Line-cut of the holograph. Bismantova touches on many issues in his little compendium: notation, counterpoint, thoroughbass, and all sorts of wind, string, and keyboard instruments, including instructions for articulation and ornamentation on wind instruments and advice on violin bowing. Wrappers in decorative paper. $33 [item no.1250]

BOYVIN, Jacques, c.1649-1706

[Method, keyboard accomp.] Traité abrégé de l’accompagnement pour l’orgue et pour le clavecin avec une explication / [C.-F. Clement:] Essai sur l’accompagnement du clavecin / Essai sur la basse fondamentale.

Geneva, 2001. Oblong, 26 x 20 cm, 78 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1705, 1758, & 1762 editions. Three complementary treatises on accompanying with the organ and harpsichord. Wrappers. $71 [item no.2764]

BROSSARD, Sébastien de, 1655-1730

Dictionaire de musique, contenant une explication des termes grecs, latins, italiens & françois, les plus usitez dans la musique, seconde édition, 1705. Eingeleitet von Harald Heckmann.

Dictionarium Musicum, 1. Hilversum, 1965. 17 x 24 cm, xviii, 390 pp. Halftone of the second edition, Paris, 1705. Cloth (also available in wrappers). $116 [item no.2112]

BULYOVSZKY, Mihaly, b.?-1711

Brevis de emendatione organi musici tractatio. Kurze Vorstellung von Verbesserung des Orgelwerkes.

Bibliotheca Organologica, 68. Buren, 1988. 11 x 18 cm, 164 pp. Line-cut of the Strasbourg, 1680 edition. Bilingual text, in Latin and German. Hardbound. $71 [item no.3089]

BUONANNI, Filippo, 1638-1725

Descrizione degl’istromenti armonici d’ogni genere.

Leipzig, 1975. 20 x 28 cm, 256 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1726 edition. Extremely informative treatise on organology with altogether 140 extended descriptions provided in Italian and French. Bilingual indices. Accompanied by 142 superb woodcuts of scenes of musicians with their instruments. Linen. Special sale price $50, regularly $125 [item no.2703]

CALVI, Gian-Pietro, 18th c.

[Method, organ] Istruzioni teorico-pratiche per l’organo e singolarmente sul modo di registrarlo.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/211. Bologna, 1972. Oblong, 32 x 22 cm, 34 pp. Line-cut of the Milan, 1833 edition. With 21 short pieces. Laid paper. Cloth. [item no.3984]

CARISSIMI, Gian Giacomo, 1605-1674

[Method, keyboard; method, singing & keyboard] Vermehrter und nun zum zweytenmal in Druck befördertet kurzer jedoch gründlicher Wegweiser vermittelst welchen man nicht nur allein aus dem Grund die Kunst, die Orgel recht zu schlagen, sowol was den General-Bass... / Ars cantandi. Richtiger und außführlicher Weg, die Jugend aus dem rechten Grund in der Sing-Kunst zu unterrichten.

Faksimile-Edition Theoretica, 4 Suttgart, 2010. Oblong, 22 x 17 cm, 48; 74 pp. Line-cut of the Augsburg 1692 and 1693 editions. Ars cantandi—after a brief introduction on fundamentals and solmisation—includes an appendix of keyboard pieces (preamboli, intermezzi, versetti, toccate, tastate, variazioni, fughe). Hardbound in decorative paper. $46 [item no.9194]

CAUS, Salomon de, 1576-1626

Kunst der Mechanik. Die phantastischen Erfindungen des Salomon de Caus. [Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg; Universitäts- & Landesbiblio–thek Sachsen-Anhalt].

Michaelsteiner Forschungsbeiträge, 23 Michaelstein, 2003. 25 x 38cm, 175 pp. Line-cut of Frankfurt, 1615 edition. Includes many elaborate drawings and engravings, including ones that depict a water-powered organ & organ bellows, a musical wheel, a water organ and various pipe and keyboard designs. Kunst der Mechanik also includes a madrigal by Alessandro Strigio, beautifully engraved in keyboard tablature by Pierre Filippe. Afterword by Stefan Gugenhan. Hardbound. $55 [item no.8351]

Les raisons des forces mouvantes, avec diverses machines tant utiles que plaisantes.

Bibliotheca Organologica, 21. Buren, 1973. 2º, Line-cut of the Frankfurt, 1615 edition. Introduction and bibliography. Cloth. $141 [item no.2171]

CERONE, Pietro, c.1560-1625

El melopeo y maestro : (Napoles, J.B. Gargano y L. Nucci, 1613) / Pedro Cerone ; Antonio Ezquerro Esteban, ed.

Monumentos de la Música Española, 74. Madrid, 2007 23 x 32 cm, 2 vols: 1392 pp. Line-cut of the Naples, 1613 edition based on exemplars preserved in the Biblioteca “Jose Maria Lafragua” de la Benmerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla (Puebla de los Angeles, Mexico), and in the Biblioteca Publica del Estadoo “Fray Francisco de Burgoa” de la Universidad Autonoma “Benito Juarez” de Oaxaca (Oaxaca, Mexico). Huge synthesis of musical-theoretical topics divided into 22 books. Deals with plainsong, mensural theory, vocal and instrumental variation, counterpoint, canon & fugue, problems of composition, mensuration and “tonality”. The last book deals with musical enigmas and puzzle canons. Contains numerous references to composers and detailed musical examples, including a careful analysis of Palestrina’s Missa L’homme armé. Hardbound. $295 [item no.9151]

CERRETO, Scipione, c.1551-c.1633

Della prattica musica, vocale, et strumentale. [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/30. Bologna, 2/ 2003. 16 x 22 cm, v, 344 pp. Line-cut of the Naples, 1601 edition. Preface in It by Giuseppe Vecchi. Cloth. [item no.1634]

CLÉMENT, Charles-François, 1720-d.?

[Method, keyboard, accomp.] Essai sur l’accompagnement du clavecin / Essai sur la basse fondamentale / [J. Boyvin:] Traité abrégé de l’accompagnement pour l’orgue et pour le clavecin avec une explication.

Geneva, 2001. Oblong, 26 x 20 cm, 78 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1705, 1758, & 1762 editions. Three complementary treatises on accompanying with the organ and harpsichord. Wrappers. $71 [item no.2764]

CLEMENTI, Muzio, 1752-1832

[Method, piano, French ed.] Méthode pour le piano forte.

Biblioteca Classica, 13. Rotterdam, 1986. 4º, 63 pp. Line-cut of the Pleyel edition, Paris, c.1803. Wrappers. $30 [item no.4905]

[Method, piano, Italian ed.] Metodo completo pel piano-forte. [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/217. Bologna, 1974. 22 x 31 cm, 197 pp. Line-cut of the Bologna, n.d. edition. Cloth. $69 [item no.2447]

Selection of Practical Harmony for the Organ or Piano Forte (unico pubblicato). [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/204. Bologna, 1974. Oblong, 32 x 22 cm, 146 pp. Line-cut of the London, n.d. edition. Voluntaries, fugues, canons and other short works. Cloth. [item no.2448]

COLONNA, Fabio, c.1567-1650

La sambuca lincea, overo dell’istromento musico perfetto, lib. iii. [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/152. Bologna, 1980. 16 x 22 cm, 121 pp. Line-cut of the Naples, 1618 edition. Describes a new instrument (invented by Colonna) called the “Pentecontachordon” which divides the octave into 17 parts. Cloth. [item no.1259]

La sambuca lincea overo dell’istromento musico perfetto. Con annotazioni critiche manoscritte di Scipione Stella (1618-1622). A cura di Patrizio Barbieri.

Musurgiana: Sources and Materials for the History and Theory of Music, 24. Lucca, 1991. 16 x 22 cm, lxxi, 122 pp. Line-cut of the Naples, 1618 edition. The sambuca lincea was an enharmonic harpsichord with 31 key octaves built in Naples and based on the example of Vicentino’s archicembalo. It is actually a blatant plagiarism of a design by Scipione Stella, whose annotations in his copy of the Sambuca lincea (Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.) have been produced in full in this edition. Introduction in It-Eng. Bibliography & index. Cloth. $50 [item no.3809]

CORREA DE ARAUJO, Francisco, c.1576-c.1654

Libro de tientos y discursos de música práctica y teórica de órgano.

Geneva, 1981. 18 x 25 cm, 468 pp. Line-cut of the Alcala, 1626 edition. Organ tablature with a very original theoretical and technical part, followed by some 70 pieces–tientos glosas and variations. $202 [item no.812]

CORRETTE, Michel, 1709-1795

[Method, keyboard, accomp.] Le maître de clavecin pour l’accompagnement.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/135. Bologna, 2/[1997]. 8º, 94 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1753 edition. Wrappers. $44 [item no.828]

[Method, keyboard, accomp.] Le maître de clavecin pour l’accompagnement. A Facsimile of the Paris, 1753 Edition.

Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/13. New York, 1976. 22 x 30 cm, i, 98 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1753 edition. This work was produced at various times with plates that were either corrected or added to. This edition attempts to present the “latest” state of Le maître. Laid paper, cloth. [item no.1782]

[Method, keyboard, accomp.] La maître de clavecin pour l’accompagnement. Méthode théorétique et pratique.

Hildesheim, 1975. vi, 90 pp. Line-cut reproduction of the Paris, 1753 edition. A tutor based on Campion’s octave rule and Rameau’s treatise on fundamental bass. $51 [item no.827]

[Method, keyboard] Les Amusements du Parnasse [Methode courte et facile pour apprendre à toucher la clavecin avec les plus jolis airs a la mode où les doigts sont chiffés pour les commençans]. Livre 1er. 1749. [Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris].

Collection FacsiMusic. Courlay, 2007. Oblong, 29 x 21 cm, 34 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1749 edition. Wrappers. $18 [item no.8802]

COUPERIN, François, 1668-1733

[Method, keyboard] L’art de toucher le clavecin.

Geneva, 1986. 22 x 28 cm, 77 pp. Line-cut of the Couperin, Boivin, & Le Clerc edition, Paris, 1717. Deals with fingering, ornamentation, agréments and accompaniment. Develops a whole code of ethics for playing the instrument. With 8 preludes. Wrappers. $66 [item no.832]

[Method, keyboard] L’art de toucher le clavecin. A Facsimile of the Paris 1717 Edition.

Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/23. New York, 1969. 26 x 34 cm, 76 pp. Line-cut of another surviving print of the Paris, 1717 edition (this print is possibly earlier than no. 832, with slight differences in the addresses on the title page, a different “Privilege Général” and no “Prix des ouvrages”). Laid paper with handsome binding in cloth. [item no.1781]

[Method, keyboard] L’art de toucher le clavecin. Édition de 1717. Règles pour l’accompagnement (manuscrit). [Bibl. Nationale, Paris].

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 95. Courlay, 1996. 4º, 15, 82 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1717 edition, along with two manuscript versions of Règles pour l’accompagnement, one by an unidentified copyist, the other in the hand of Sébastien de Brossard. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger by Philippe Lescat. Wrappers. $50 [item no.7330]

CZERNY, Carl, 1791-1857

Briefe über den Unterricht auf dem Pianoforte vom Anfange bis zur Ausbildund als Anhang zu jeder Clavierschule.

Straubenhardt, 1988. 16 x 23 cm, 84 pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, c.1839 edition by Diabelli. Wrappers. $19 [item no.2721]

Letters to a Young Lady on the Art of Playing the Pianoforte, from the Earliest Rudiments to the Highest Stage of Cultivation; Written as an Appendix to Every School for the Instrument. Translated by J.A. Hamilton.

New York, 1982. 14 x 22 cm, 87 pp. Line-cut of the New York, 1837-41 edition. Ten letters on various aspects of piano technique and performance pratice. Cloth. [item no.4425]

Neue Pianoforte-Schule Wien 1834. Ms. deutsch/tschechisch “Aus den Musikalien des Jos. Linhart”. [private collection].

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 46. Stuttgart, 2004. Oblong, 25 x 24 cm, 57 pp. Line-cut of a carefully copied ms “from the music collection of Jos. Linhart”. Hardbound, in decorative paper. $54 [item no.8428]

[School of Practical Composition, op.600] School of Practical Composition. Complete Treatise on the Composition of All Kinds of Music, both Instrumental and Vocal. Together with a Treatise on Instrumentation in Three Volumes by Carl Czerny, Opus 600. Translated and Preceded by a Memoir of the Author and a Complete List of His Works by John Bishop.

New York, 1979. 23 x 31 cm, 3 vols, 563 pp. Line-cut of the London, c.1848 edition. Cloth. [item no.4426]

[Systematische Anleitung, op.200] Systematische Anleitung zum Fantasieren auf dem Pianoforte, op.200. Faksimile-Ausgabe, herausgegeben und mit einer Einleitung versehen von Ulrich Mahlert.

Wiesbaden, 1993. 23 x 31 cm, xv, 211 pp. Line-cut of the second edition, Vienna, c.1846. Wrappers. $51 [item no.7165]

[Vollständige theoretisch-praktische Pianoforte-Schule, Op.500, selection] Von dem Vortrage (1839). Dritter Teil aus Vollständige theoretisch-praktische Pianoforte-Schule, Op.500. Faksimile-Ausgabe herausgegeben und mit einer Einleitung versehen von Ulrich Mahlert.

Wiesbaden, 1991. 23 x 31 cm, xi, 99 pp. Line-cut of the second edition, Vienna, c.1846. Wrappers. $48 [item no.4062]

DIRUTA, Girolamo, c.1550-d.?

Il Transilvano. Part I e II.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/132. Bologna, 2/ 1997. 22 x 32 cm, vi, 139 pp. Line-cut of the Vincenti editions, Venice, 1593 & 1622. Believed to be the first thorough going method written for organists and cembalists. The author’s experience from studying with Merulo, Porta, and Zarlino, gave him great authority on contemporary Venetian keyboard technique. Introduction in It by Luisa Cervelli. Cloth. $82 [item no.842]

Il Transilvano (1593, 1609). A Facsimile Edition with Introduction by Edward J. Soehnlen and Murray C. Bradshaw. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. & Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].

Bibliotheca Organologica, 44. Buren, 1983. 16 x 23 cm, 71, 176 pp. Line-cut, in reduced format, of the Venice, 1593 and Venice, 1609 editions. Cloth. $123 [item no.841]

DONI, Giovanni Battista, 1594-1647

Lyra Barberina.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/151. Bologna, 1974. 22 x 32 cm, 2 vols: 858 pp. Line-cut of the Antonio Francesco Gori edition (Florence, 1763). Description of Doni’s newly invented instrument and history of the Greek lyre, kithara and similar instruments, the most ambitious history of these instruments ever written. Laid paper. Cloth, in 2 vols. [item no.3732]

Palisca, Claude V. G.B. Doni’s Lyra Barberina. Commentary and Iconographical Study; Facsimile Edition with Critical Notes.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/151b. Bologna, 2/ 1981. 17 x 25 cm, viii, 194 pp. Critical commentary to Lyra Barberina, with numerous plates and a facsimile of the chapters specifically on the “lyra Barberina”. Cloth. [item no.3733]

DUSSEK, Jan Ladislav, 1760-1812

[Method, piano] Méthode pour pianoforte [par Pleyel et Dussek]. Paris s.d.

Archivum Musicum: L’Arte del Fortepiano, 6. Florence, 1993. 24 x 34 cm, 69 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1797 edition. Wrappers in decorative paper. $36 [item no.3191]

FANTINI, Girolamo, fl.1630-1640

[Method, trumpet] Modo per imparare a sonare di tromba. Tanto di guerra quanto musicalmente in organo, con tromba sordina, col cimbalo, e ogn’altro istrumento (Frankfort, 1638). Facsimile Edition with a Complete English Translation and Critical Commentary by Edward H. Tarr.

Vuarmarens, 2/ 2009. 26 x 36 cm, 87, 7 pp. Line-cut of the Frankfurt (Florence?), 1638 edition. A seminal work in the history of the trumpet. Fantini was the first to introduce a new style of playing which made it possible for the trumpet to be accepted into art music. Wrappers. $75 [item no.9126]

[Method, trumpet] Modo per imparare a sonare di tromba. Tanto di guerra quanto musicalmente in organo, con tromba sordina, col cimbalo, e ogn’altro istrumento.

Performers’ Facsimile, 211. New York [2002] 24 x 33 cm, 87 pp. Line-cut of the Frankfurt [Florence?], 1638 edition. Wrappers. $25 [item no.8153]

FÉTIS, Francois Joseph, 1784-1871

[& J. Moscheles] Méthode des méthodes de piano. Traité de l’art de jouer de cet instrument basé sur l’analyse des meilleurs ouvrages.

Geneva, 1973. 22 x 30 cm, 172 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1840 edition. Observations based on works by Dussek, Clementi, Hummel and Kalkbrenner. Also examines the technique of contemporary virtuosi such as Cramer, Moscheles, Chopin, Thalberg and Liszt. Wrappers. $81 [item no.2759]

[Méthode des méthodes, collected etudes, piano] Méthode des méthodes pour le piano. F.J. Fétis et J. Moschelès/ 18 études de perfectionnement composées par Thalberg, Mendelssohn, Chopin, etc. Présentation: Alex Szilasi.

Collection Esther. Courlay, 2004. 4º, 12 booklets, 63 pp. Line-cut. The collected etudes from Fétis’ “Méthode”: works by Julius Benedict, Chopin, Theodore Döhler, Stephen Heller, Adolph von Henselt, Liszt, Mendelssohn, Amédée Mereaux, Mocheles, Johann Georg Rosenhain, Sigismund Thalberg, & Edouard Wolff, Wrappers. $38 [item no.8468]

FOUCQUET, Pierre-Claude, 1694-1772

[Pieces, harpsichord, op.1] Les caractères de la paix. Pièces de clavecin. Œuvre Per - 1752. [Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris].

Collection FacsiMusic. Courlay, 2007. Oblong, 29 x 21 cm, 17 pp. Line-cut of Paris, [1752] edition. An eight-movement piece (two movements with violin and one with viol & violin accompaniment), preceded by a method. Wrappers. $15 [item no.8804]

GALL, Joseph, 18-19th c.

Clavier-Stimmbuch oder deutliche Anweisung wie jeder Musikfreund sein Clavier-Flügel, Forte-Piano und Flügel-Piano selbst stimmen, repariren, und bestmöglichst gut erhalten könne.

Straubenhardt, 1988. 12 x 18 cm, 145 pp. Line-cut of the Carl Kupffer edition, Vienna 1805. Coverboards in decorative paper. $33 [item no.2722]

GASPARINI, Francesco, 1668-1727

L’armonico pratico al cimbalo.

Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/14. New York, 1967. Line-cut of the Venice, 1708 edition. Laid paper, clothbound. $48 [item no.2621]

GERVAIS, Laurent, fl.1725-1745

[Method, keyboard, accomp.] Méthode pour l’accompagnement du clavecin, qui peut servir d’introduction à la composition, & apprendre à bien chiffrer les basses.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/142. Bologna, 1974. 23 x 32 cm, 33 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1734 edition. Cloth. [item no.860]

[Method, keyboard, accomp.] Méthode pour l’accompagnement du clavecin, qui peut servir d’introduction à la composition, et apprendre à bien chiffrer les basses.

Geneva, 1995. 21 x 30 cm, 33 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1733 edition. Wrappers. $40 [item no.2766]

GUGL, Matthäus, c.1683-1721

Fundamenta partiturae. Kurtzer und gründlicher Unterricht, den General-Bass, oder Partitur, nach denen Reglen richt und wohl schlagen zu lernen. [Stadtbibl., Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 25. Stuttgart, 2002. Oblong, 22 x 18 cm, 52 + 52 pp. Line-cut of the Augsburg & Innsbruck, 1757 edition, and the Augsburg, 1777 edition. Hardbound. $42 [item no.8080]

HAVINGHA, Gerhardus, 1696-1753

Oorspronk en Voortgang der Orgelen, met de Voortreffelykheit van Alkmaars groote Orgel (Alkmaar, 1727). . . Facsimile-uitgave verzorgd en van inleiting voorzien door Arend Jan Gierveld.

Bibliotheca Organologica, 13. Buren, 1985. 10 x 18 cm, 105, 230 +28 +38 pp. Line-cut of the Alkmaar, 1727 edition. The first Dutch publication on organ building and organ history. Together with a facsimile of Jacob Wognum’s Verdediging tegen de lasterende Voorreden over de Oorspronk en Voortgang der Orgelen and AE.E. Veldcamps’ Onderrichtinge wegens eeinge Perioden tegens hem Uitgegeven in het Boek, genaamt Oorsponk en Voortgang der Orgelen. Linen (also available in wrappers). $108 [item no.3474]

HEINICHEN, Johann David, 1683-1729

Neu erfundene und Gründliche Anweisung zu vollkommener Erlesung des General-Basses.

Documenta Musicologica, I/40. Kassel, 1999. 8º, Line-cut of the Hamburg, 1711 edition. Introduction in Ger-Eng-Fr. Hardbound. $70 [item no.7874]

HESS, Joachim, 1730-1810

Dispositien der merkwaardigste Kerk-orgelen, welken in de zeven Vereenigde Provincien / Brief aan den Heer Joachim Hess, ten geleide van eene naauwkeurige Beschrijving van het nieuwe en uitmuntende Orgel in de St. Stephanus of Grote Kerk binnen Nijmegen. Introduction and Notes by A.J. Gierveld.

Bibliotheca Organologica, 11. Buren, 1982. 8º, 310 pp. Line-cut of the Gouda, 1774 and Nijmegen, 1782 editions. Cloth. (also available in wrappers). $81 [item no.3552]

Luister van het orgel, of naauwkeurige aanwijzinge, hoe men door eene gepaste registreering en geschikte bespeeling.

Bibliotheca Organologica, 10. Buren, 1976. 8º, 40, xii, 78 pp. Line-cut of the Gouda, 1772 edition. Wrappers. $37 [item no.3551]

HEURN, Johan van, 1751-1815

De Orgelmaaker behelzende eene uitvoerige beschrijving van alle de uit- en inwendige deelen des orgels, en handleiting tot het maaken, zamenbrengen en herstellen derzelven.

Bibliotheca Organologica, 56. Buren, 1989. 8º, c.1250 pp. Line-cut of the Dordrecht, 1804-1805 edition. Cloth. 4 vols. $314 [item no.3562]

HILLER, Johann Adam, 1728-1804

Allgemeines Choral-Melodienbuch [für Kirchen und Schulen, auch zum Privatgebrauche in vier Stimmen gesetzt: zur Bequemlichkeit der Orgel- und Clavierspieler auf zwo Linien zusammengezogen]. [Private collection].

Hildesheim, 1978. Olblong, 27 x 19 cm, 209 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, n.d. edition. Linen. $60 [item no.3874]

HINDEMITH, Paul, 1895-1963

[Ludus tonalis, piano] Ludi Leonum. Faksimile-Ausgabe eines von Paul Hindemith kolorierten Exemplares des “Ludus tonalis” aus dem Jahre 1950.

Mainz, 1994. 23 x 31 cm, 60, iv pp. Full-color facsimile of the illustrated Schirmer edition (New York, 1950), issued on the occasion of the 100 birthday of the composer. Written in New Haven in 1942, Ludus tonalis is P.H.’s longest, most important and ambitious piano composition. On its publication in 1950 the composer personally illustrated a copy with lions in hundreds of disguises & positions related to the musical structure. It was presented to his wife, Gertrud, born under the sign of Leo, on her 50th birthday. Afterword in Eng-Ger-Fr-Sp-Jap by Giselher Schubert. Handsome paper boards with colored illustration of a lion playing a piano. $58 (more info... ) [item no.7129]

HÜLPHERS, Abraham Abrahamsson, 1734-1798

Historisk Afhandling om Musik och Instrumenter särdeles om Orgwerks. . . With an English Introduction by Thorild Lindgren and a Note on the Organs by Peter Williams. [Musikhistoriska museet, Stockholm].

Bibliotheca Organologica, 35. Buren, 1971. 11 x 19 cm, 28, 353, plus 4 foldouts pp. Line-cut of the Westerås, 1773 edition. Cloth. $66 [item no.3561]

HUMMEL, Johann Nepomuk, 1778-1837

[Method, piano] Ausführliche theoretische-practische Anweisung zum Piano-Forte-Spiel vom ersten Elementar-Unterrichte an bis zur vollkommensten Ausbildung.

Straubenhardt, 1989. 25 x 31 cm, iv, 480 pp. Line-cut of the second edition, Vienna 1838 by Tobias Haslinger. One of the most important pedagogical works devoted to the piano from this period. With preface in Ger by Andreas Eichhorn. Hardbound. $139 [item no.2899]

[Method, piano] Méthode complète théorique et pratique pour le piano-forte. Traitant de tout ce qui a rapport à cet instrument depuis les premiers éléments jusqu’au plus haut degré de perfection.

Geneva, 1982. 4º, 480 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1838 edition. Hardbound. $253 [item no.2737]

JANOVKA, Tomas, 1669-1741

Clavis ad thesaurum magnae artis musicae. . . Prag 1701. [Bibliothèque Royale Albert II, Brussel].

Dictionarium Musicum, 2. Buren, 1973. 15 x 23 cm, 343 pp. Line-cut of the Prag, 1701 edition. Along with Brossard’s Dictionnaire de musique one of the first modern dictionaries of musical terms. Wrappers. $66 [item no.2115]

KINKEL, Johanna, 1810-1858

Acht Briefe an eine Freundin über Clavier-Unterricht.

Straubenhardt, 1989. 11 x 19 cm, 86 pp. Line-cut of the Stuttgart & Tübingen, 1852 edition. Coverboards in decorative paper. $15 [item no.3523]

KIRCHER, Athanasius, 1602-1680

Mursurgia universalis. Zwei Teile in einem Band. Mit einem Vorwort, Personen-, Orts-, und Sachregister von Ulf Scharlau. [Niedersächische Landesbibl., Hannover].

Hildesheim, 4/ 2006. 20 x 27 cm, 2 vols, xxxii, 1413 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1650 edition. Linen. $429 [item no.2556]

KITTEL, Johann Christian, 1732-1809

Der angehende praktische Organist. With an Introduction by Gerard Bal.

Bibliotheca Organologica, 72. Buren, 1981. Oblong, 25 x 22 cm, 70, 305 pp. Line-cut of the Erfurt, 1801-1808 edition. Hardbound. $137 [item no.2194]

Der angehende praktische Organist. Reprint der Ausgaben: Teil 1, Erfurt, 2. vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage 1808; Teil 2, Erfurt 1803; Teil 3, Erfurt 1808. Mit einem Nachwort von Gerard Bal. [Musikbibl. der Stadt, Leipzig].

Leipzig, 1986. Oblong, 24 x 20 cm, 313, [xvi] pp. Line-cut of the Erfurt, 1808, 1803, & 1808 edition. Linen, with slipcase in marbled paper. $42 [item no.2980]

KNOCK, Nicolaas Arnoldi, 1759-1794

Dispositien der merkwaardigste Kerk-Orgelen welken in de Provincie Friesland, Groningen en Elders aangetroffen worden.

Bibliotheca Organologica, 24. Buren, 1972. 8º, 83, xxx pp. Line-cut of the Groningen, 1788 edition. Afterword by Herman S.J. Zandt. Wrappers. $37 [item no.3557]

LA BORDE, Jean Benjamin de, 1734-1794

Le clavessin électrique; avec une novelle théorie du méchanisme et des phénomènes de l’électricité.

Geneva, 1997. 12 x 17 cm, 179 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1761 edition. Description of a harpsichord activated by a dead load and which must have produced a tremolo effect similar to an organ. Wrappers. $56 [item no.7095]

LA PORTE, Claude de, 1719-1779

[Method, keyboard, accomp.] Traité théorique et pratique de l’accompagnement du clavecin avec l’art de transposer dans tous les tons et sur tous les instruments / [Dubugrarre:] Méthode plus courte det plus facile que l’ancienne pour l’accompagnement du clavecin dediée aux Dames.

Geneva, 1972. 4º, 120 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1753 & 1754 editions. Wrappers. $56 [item no.2753]

LA ROUSSELIÈRE, Jean Baptiste Charles de, 17th c.

[Method, keyboard] Traitté des languettes impérialles pour la perfection du clavecin. Ouvrage dont la connaissance est très utile tant aux françois qu’aux estrangers qui sont amateurs de la simphonie, en ce qui regarde le clavecin ou épinettes, non seulement aux maistres qui enseignent à toucher ces nobles instruments de musique, mais encores à ceux qui l’apprennent.

Geneva, 2/ 1996. 11 x 15 cm, 188 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1679 edition. General observations on the manufacture and the art of playing the harpsichord, followed by a survey of the defects of ordinary-tongued jacks. Definition of the different sorts of “imperial” tongues and practical advice for the care of harpsichords and spinets. Wrappers. $45 [item no.877]

LASCEUX, Guillaume, 1740-1831

Essai theorique et pratique sur l’art del’orgue. Ms conservé à la Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Présentation par Jean Saint-Arroman.

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800. Courlay, 2011 24 x 33 cm. viii, 137 pp. Facsimile of the autograph manuscript of 1809. An important theoretical section with text on organ registration. together with 23 works for organ, including a quartet, quintet, oboe concerto, flute concerto, symphonie concertante, Domine salvum fac regem, 3-part plainchant with organ accompaniment. Wrappers. $61 [item no.9236]

LOCKE, Matthew, 1630-1677

Melothesia. A Facsimile of the London, 1673 Edition.

Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/30. New York, 1975. Oblong, 26 x 14 cm, 95 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1673 edition. Laid paper, clothbound. [item no.2620]

Melothesia, or Certain General Rules for Playing upon a Continued-Bass. With a Choice Collection of Lessons for the Harpsicord and Organ of all Sorts. The First Part. [Private collection].

Performers’ Facsimiles, 234. New York, [2002]. Oblong, 26 x 15 cm, 95 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1673 edition. Wrappers. $25 [item no.8073]

MAICHELBECK, Franz Anton, 1702-1750

Die auf dem Clavier lehrende Caecilia op.2. Lotter, Augsburg 1738. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 10. Stuttgart, 2008. 33 x 21 cm, 100 pp. Line-cut of the Augsburg, 1738 edition. Maichelbeck’s most important work, directed towards the amateur keyboard player, presents both theoretical instruction and compositions for performance. One of the earliest examples in a printed work where the use of the thumb is designated in keyboard patterns. Hardbound, with handsome decorative paper boards. $115 [item no.8977]

MAJER, Joseph Friedrich Bernhard Caspar, 1689-1768

Neu-eröffneter theoretisch- und praktischer Music-Saal, das ist: Kurze, doch vollständige Methode, so wohl die Vocal- als Instrumental-Music gründlich zu erlernen.

Dokumentationen, Reprints, 23. Michaelstein, 1990. Oblong, 21 x 15 cm, 125 pp. Halftone of the Nuremberg, 1741 edition (second, vastly reset edition of Museum Musicum). Fascinating treatment of music theory, including 10 woodcuts of instruments and a glossary of musical terms taken from Greek, Latin, Italian and French. Wrappers. $24 [item no.4221]

MARPURG, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1718-1795

[Method, keyboard] Anleitung zum Clavierspielen (Berlin, 1765).

Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/110. New York, 1969. 4º, 84 pp. Line-cut of the Berlin, 1765 edition. Laid paper, clothbound. [item no.1777]

[Method, keyboard] Neue methode allerley Arten von Temperaturen dem Claviere aufs bequemste mitzutheilen. [Universitätsbibl., Marburg].

Hildesheim, 1970. 15 x 21 cm, 50 pp. Line-cut of the Berlin, 1790 edition. Wrappers. $30 [item no.2567]

[Method, keyboard] Principes de clavecin.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/136. Bologna, 2/ 2000. 8º, 138 pp. Line-cut of the Berlin, 1756 edition. Laid paper. Wrappers. $48 [item no.884]

[Method, keyboard] Principes de clavecin.

Geneva, 1974. 8º, 136 pp. Line-cut of the Berlin, 1756 edition. $51 [item no.2736]

MARTINI, Giovannni Battista, 1706-1784

Compendio della teoria de’numeri per uso del musico.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/63. Bologna, 1984. 17 x 24 cm, iv, 14 pp. Line-cut of the Bologna, 1769 edition. Basso continuo treatise. Preface in It by Giuseppe Vecchi. Laid paper. Wrappers. [item no.2938]

MARTINI, Johann Paul Aegidius, 1741-1816

[Method, organ] École d’orgue résumée d’après les ouvrages des plus célèbres organistes de l’Allemagne.

Geneva, 1974. 4º, 342 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1805 edition. Dedicated to Empress Josephine. Complete tutor, including discussion of structure, performance, repertory, accompaniment, and improvisation. Hardbound. $207 [item no.2760]

MATTHESON, Johann, 1681-1764

Das neu-eröffnete Orchestre [oder universelle und gründliche Anleitung, wie ein Galant Homme einen vollkommenen Begriff von der Hoheit und Würde der edlen Musik erlangen, seinen Gout darnach formiren, die Terminos technicos verstehen und geschicklich von dieser vortrefflichen Wissenschaft raisonnieren möge]. [Niedersächsische Landesbibl., Hannover].

Hildesheim, 3/ 2002 9 x 15 cm, 364 pp. Line-cut of the Hamburg, 1713 edition. Linen. $93 [item no.2572]

MEGERLE, Abraham, 1607-1680

Speculum Musico-Mortuale [Das ist: Musicalischer-Todtenspiegel], 1672. [Staatliche Bibliothek, Regenburg].

Faksimile-Edition Theoretica, 3 Suttgart, 2008. 11 x 17cm, 54 pp. Line-cut of the Salzburg, 1672 edition. Megerle was from Innsbruck and was once a choirboy under Stadlmayer, later a treble singer and organist with the court music ensemble at Innsbruck. Speculum Musico-Mortuale contains a few pages of autobiography but its extraordinary content are mainly its 12 engravings showing a human skull in the center, surrounded emblematic symbols and beautiful depictions of musical instruments (almost 50 in all). Hardbound in decorative paper. $29 [item no.9070]

MERSENNE, Marin, 1588-1648

Harmonicorum libri XII. In quibus agitur de sonorum natura, causis, et effectibus: de consonantiis, dissonantiis, rationibus, generibus, modis, cantibus, compositione, orbisque totius harmonicis instrumentis.

Geneva, 1973. 22 x 30 cm, 367 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1648 edition. Complements the Harmonie universelle. The copy used for this facsimile includes many manuscript notes and corrections in the author’s hand. Hardbound. [item no.2754]

MINGUET Y YROL, Pablo, fl.1733-1775

Reglas y advertencias generales que enseñan el modo de tañer todos los instrumentos mejores, y mas usuales, como son la guitarra, tiple, vandola, cythara, clavicordio, organo, harpa, psalterio, bandurria, violin, flauta traversera, flauta dulce, y la flautilla.

Geneva, 1982. 8º, 120 pp. Line-cut of the Madrid, 1754 edition. An instrumental encyclopedia by a pupil of Sanz. Includes examples of dances in the Castillian, Italian, Catalonian and French styles, notated either in the author’s alfabeto-like notation or mensural notation. Wrappers. $35 [item no.3308]

MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791

[Musikalisches Würfelspiel, piano] Anleitung, Walzer oder Schleifer mit zwei Würfeln zu componieren, so viele man will, ohne etwas von der Musik oder Composition zu verstehen = Instructions to compose without the least knowledge of music so much German Walzer or Schleifer as one pleases, by throwing a certain number with two dice.

Ampleforth, 2000. 4º, 6 pp. Line-cut of the N. Simrock edition, Bonn, 1798. 176 bars of music for piano, to be performed in an order determined by the throwing of dice. Foreword in English by Fritz Spiegl. Wrappers. (The Mozart scholar Neal Zaslow has recently disproven Mozart’s authorship of this work; nevertheless it is included here as a curiosity piece which relates to other published treatises of the time using chance as a compositional device) $17 [item no.8601]

[Prelude, piano, K.269c] Praeludium (ohne Köchel-Nummer). Faksimile-Ausgabe, Erstdruck, herausgegeben und mit einem Vorwort von Imre Sulyok. [Ms. formerly in the collection of Dr. Vilmos Schulek, now Ms. mus. 6.341, Music Collection of the National Széchényi Library, Budapest].

Budapest, 1977. 22 x 34 cm, 8, 2 pp. Halftone of the c.1776-77 autograph copied on the verso side of the last page of an exercise copybook. The MS originally owned by Mozart’s sister, Nannerl, and its history can be reconstructed in some detail: At the bottom of the fully written side of the leaf, one sees the signature of the composer’s son, Carl Mozart. From him the MS apparently came in the hands of Josepha Baroni Castiglione, since at the bottom of the other side of the leaf (which includes figured bass exercises in Nannerl’s hand) there is a remark, according to which the autograph of ‘the immortal Mozart’ was presented by Josepha Baroni Castiglione to Luigia Branca on July 23, 1846: “Vienne le 23 de Juillet 846. /Autographe de l’immortel W. A. Mozart. / Offèrt à Mselle Louise Branca par J. Baroni Castiglione”. The MS was for a while in the possession of the niece of Luigia Branca’s husband, Melánia Fuchs, and eventually came from the estate of his husband, Vilmos Schulek, in the hands of their grandson, Imre Sulyok. In the decades that have passed since the publication of the facsimile edition, it has also been clarified that this folio was originally part of a bifolio, the rest of which has also survived: the manuscript K. Anh. C 15.11 preserved in the Krakow Biblioteka Jagellonska, bound in a collection under shelf mark autogr Moz 624/5 Kadenzen. Both the characteristics of the handwriting and the type of the paper suggest that Mozart wrote this modulating prelude in 1776–1777, for his sister Nannerl. (The bass clef and the six chords, all in black pencil, above the prelude were presumably notated by Mozart’s father, Leopold). Introduction in Ger-Eng-Hung, together with a practical edition. Hardbound. (adapted from notes by the NSL, Budapest) $35 [item no.448]

Nannerl Notenbuch. Vollständiges Faksimile aller erhaltenen Teile der Handschrift. Mit einer Einführung und einem Nachwort von Ulrich Leisinger.

Denkmäler der Musik in Salzburg, Faksimile-Ausgaben, 16. Munich, 2010. Oblong, 8°, 120 pp, 2 audio CDs. Full-color facsimile. This famous music book not only documents the musical training of Anna Maria (Nannerl) Mozart and her brother Wolfgang, but also provides the first glimpse of the exceptional talent of the young composer, showing the astounding development from an improvisation, written at the age of 5, to an ambitious sonata and concerto movement penned when he was almost 8. Leopold Mozart used the book to instruct his children up to about 1766; later Nannerl began to copy various works of Mozart as a souvenir of her brother. The volume contains altogether 27 works, most of them by Wolfgang, but there are also works by Leopold Mozart, Georg Christoph Wagenseil, Anton Cajetan Adlgasser, Johann Jakob Paul Küffner, Johann Niklaus Tischer, & Johann Joachim Agrell. With 2 audio CD, performed by Florian Birsak, a respected harpsichord and fortepiano soloist. $150 (more info... ) [item no.9202]

MUFFAT, Georg, 1653-1704

Apparatus musico-organisticus. Faksimileausgabe nach dem Druck von 1690 herausgegeben von Karl Friedrich Wagner.

Dokumente zur Aufführungspraxis alter Musik, 1. Innsbruck, 1979. 27 x 40 cm, ii, 70, ii pp. Halftone of the Vienna, 1690 edition. Compendium of remarks and observations on the art of playing the organ. One of the finest engraved specimens of the late 17th c, showing a perfect balance of music engraving and the visual arts. Afterword in Ger. Beautiful coverboards in decorative paper with attractive engraving of the title page. $93 [item no.892]

Apparatus musico-organisticus. Faksimileausgabe nach dem Druck von 1690 herausgegeben von Karl Friedrich Wagner.

Early Keyboard Music in Facsimile, 1. Innsbruck, 1994. 27 x 40 cm, 70 pp. Halftone of the Vienna, 1690 edition. $71 [item no.7168]

Apparatus musico-organisticus liber primus. [Musikarchiv, Kremsmünster Benediktiner-Stift, Kremsmünster].

Performers’ Facsimiles, 181. New York, [1997]. 27 x 40 cm, 70 pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, 1690 edition. Wrappers. $30 [item no.7448]

Apparatus musico organisticus. Johann Baptist Mayr, Salzburg 1690. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 17. Stuttgart, 2008. 30 x 43 cm, 72 pp. Color facsimile of the Salzburg, 169 edition. Hardbound, with handsome decorative paper boards. $124 [item no.8981]

NARES, James, 1715-1783

[Method, harpsichord] Il Principio or a Regular Introduction to Playing on the Harpsichord. A Facsimile of the Original Edition of 1760 with Introductory Notes by Robin Langley.

London, 1981. Oblong, 28 x 22 cm, 9, 37 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1760 edition. Teaching pieces by the virtuoso organist at the Chapel Royal similar to Bach’s instructional books for Anna Magdalena and Wilhelm Friedemann. 3 essays and 8 lessons (2-movt works). Wrappers. $15 [item no.896]

NIVERS, Guillaume Gabriel, 1632-1714

[method, keyboard] L’art d’accompagner sur la basse continue pour l’orgue & clavecin. Préface par Denis Herlin.

Geneva, 2000. Oblong, 21 x 17 cm, ii, 24 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1689 edition (pp.149-170 of “Motets à voix seule”). Introduction by in Fr-Eng. Wrappers. $35 [item no.7798]

[Motets, 1 & 2 voices, bc] Motets à voix seule, accompagnée de la basse continue. Paris, 1689. [Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris].

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 75. Courlay, 1994. Oblong, 31 x 22 cm, 49, 196 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1689 edition. Concludes with Nivers’ treatise on basso continuo pratice–“L’art d’accompagner sur la basse continue” (pp.149-170). Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger by Philippe Lescat. Introduction includes Niver’s explanations on ornamentation as given in his Manière de toucher l’orgue dans toute la propreté et la delicatesse qui est en usage aujourd’hui à Paris (Ms. Bibliothèque de l’Arnsenal, Paris). Wrappers. $94 [item no.4812]

OEHME, Fritz

Handbuch über ältere, neuere und neueste Orgelwerke im Königreiche Sachsen von 1710 an bis zur Gegenwart.

Musikwissenschaftliche Studienbibliothek Peters. Leipzig, 1978. 8º, 4 vols, 1094 pp. (Rpt. of Dresden, 1889-1897 edition). Cloth. Special sale price $45, regularly $125 [item no.6132]

ORTIZ, Diego, c.1510-c.1570

[Treatise, ornamentation] El primo libro nel quale si tratta delle glose sopra le cadenze et altre sorte de punti in la musica del violone.

Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 57. Florence, 1984. Oblong, 24 x 17 cm, vi, 121 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1553 edition. Rules on ornamentation with examples in mensural notation. Divided into two books, part I for the performer of consort music for viols; part II presents several different kinds of compositions for one viol and cimbalo. Total of 29 works. Introduction by Marco Di Pasquale. Wrappers. $43 (more info... ) [item no.2228]

PAISIELLO, Giovanni, 1740-1816

[method, basso continuo practice] Regole per bene accompagnare il partimento o sia il basso fondamentale sopra il Cembalo. Neuedition und Transkription nach der Ausgabe St. Petersburg 1782 und der Handschrift Rari 3-4-17 des Conservatoria di Musica Napoli. Herausgegeben von Ludwig Holtmeier, Johannes Menke und Felix Diergarten.

Quellenkataloge zur Musikgeschichte, 43; Praxis und Theorie des Partimentospiels, 1. Wilhelmshaven, 2009. 21 x 39 cm, 160 pp (44 facs). Color facsimile and new edition of the St. Petersburg, 1782 manuscript (possibly holograph). Paisiello wrote his Regole per bene accampagnare il partimento for the Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna (née Sophia Dorothea von Württenberg) while serving as the maestro di cappella for the Empress Catherine II of Russia. The work is a complete course in partimento, including both rules and exercises. Cloth. $194 (more info... ) [item no.9131]

PETRI, Johann Samuel, 1738-1808

Anleitung zur praktischen Musik. Faksimile-Nachdruck der zweiten, stark erweiterten Auflage Leipzig 1782.

Munich, 2/ 1999. 4º, 484 pp. Line-cut of the second, expanded edition of 1782. Linen. $92 [item no.2526]

PLEYEL, Ignaz, 1757-1831

[Method, piano] Méthode pour pianoforte [par Pleyel et Dussek]. Paris s.d.

Archivum Musicum: L’Arte del Fortepiano, 6. Florence, 1993. 24 x 34 cm, 69 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1797 edition. Wrappers in decorative paper. $34 [item no.3191]

POGLIETTI, Alessandro, b.?-1683

Compendium [oder kurtzer Begriff, und Einführung zur Musica], Ms. 1676. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 5. Stuttgart, 2007. 26 x 31 cm, 134 pp. Color reproduction of a contemporary ms copy. Offers guidance to students of 17th-c. keyboard practice and an introduction to the art of composition. Includes 12 ricercares, models of the strict style, important compositions that stand in the tradition of Frescobaldi’s Fiori musicali and Bach’s Die Kunst der Fuge. The compendium also includes many themes “all manner of capriccios”, variously imitating on an instrument the songs of birds and other sounds (nightingale, canary, cuckoo, cock and hen) and of the sounds of bells, work and war. Hardbound, with cloth spine. $135 [item no.8913]

PRAETORIUS, Michael, 1571-1621

Syntagma musicum: Band II, De Organographia. Wolfenbüttel 1619. Faksimile-Nachdruck herausgegeben von Wilibald Gurlitt.

Kassel, 1929 17 x 24 cm, 311, iv pp. Line-cut. This volume, in German, describes the instruments known to the author and includes beautiful woodcut illustrations of them. Hardbound. $95 [item no.8126]

Syntagma musicum: Band II, De Organographia. Wolfenbüttel 1619. Faksimile-Nachdruck herausgegeben von Wilibald Gurlitt.

Documenta Musicologica, I/14. Kassel, 6/ 1985. 17 x 24 cm, 311, iv pp. Line-cut. This volume, in German, describes the instruments known to the author and includes beautiful woodcut illustrations of them. Hardbound. $87 [item no.1889]

Syntagma musicum: Musicae artis analecta / De Organographia / Termini musici. Reprint der Originalausgaben von 1614-15 und 1619. Herausgeben von Arno Forchert.

Kassel, 2001. 8º, 3 vols, 1153 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $95 [item no.7972]

RADEKER, Johannes, 18th c.

Korte beschryving van het beroemde en prachtige orgel, in de Groote of St. Bavoos Kerk te Haerlem 1775.

Bibliotheca Organologica, 14. Buren, 1974. 8º, 60, 32 pp. Line-cut of the Haarlem, 1775 editions. Wrappers. $29 [item no.3553]

ROSSI, Giovanni Battista, 16-17th c.

Organo de cantori. [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/57. Bologna, 1984. 22 x 31 cm, 120 pp. Line-cut of the Gardano edition, Venice, 1618. A treatise on counterpoint, complete with music examples. Includes 4 instrumental canzonas for 4 instruments & bc and duos suitable for organ. Laid paper. Cloth. $71 [item no.3741]

SAINT-LAMBERT, Michel de, b.?-c.1707

[Method, harpsichord] Les principes du clavecin / Nouveau traité de l’accompagnement du clavecin, de l’orgue et des autres instruments.

Geneva, 1982. Oblong, 30 x 22 cm, 144 pp. Line-cut of two complementary treatises published respectively in Paris, 1702 & 1707. A valuable guide for playing French music. Lambert’s clear treatment of the subject relies primarily on the music of Chambonières, Lebèque, d’Anglebert and Marchand. Wrappers. $66 [item no.921]

SAMBER, J.B., c.1654-1717

Manuductio ad organum.

Bibliotheca Organologica, 54. Buren, nyp. 8º, Line-cut of the 1704-1707 edition. Cloth. [item no.7176]

SAUZAY, Charles Eugène, 1809-1901

L’école de l’accompagnement. Ouvrage faisant suite à l’étude sur le quatuor par Eug. Sauzay.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/210. Bologna, 1972. 16 x 22 cm, 276 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1869 edition. Hardbound. [item no.4011]

SCHEIDMAYER, Johann David & Johann Lorenz (1753-1805; 1786-1860)

Das Notizbuch von Johann David Schiedmayer und seinem Sohn Johann Lorenz : Faksimile - Transkription - Übersetzung / The Notebook of Johann David Scheidmayer & His Son Johann Lorenz. Facsimile—Transcription-Translation. Edited and Annotated with an Introduction by Michael Latcham.

Quellenkataloge zur Musikgeschichte, 49. Wilhelmshaven, 2010. Oblong, 21 x 30 cm, 508 pp. Color facsimile of the notebook of this esteemed piano maker active in Erlangen and Nuremberg. 4 years after his death his son Johann Lorenz, together with Carl Wilhelm Friedrich Dieudonné founded the firm of piano makers Dieudonné & Scheidmayer in Stuttgart. The two Scheidmayers, father and son, made use of this small notebook, comprising 192 pages, most jotting down remarks and records in relation to their work. While Johann David used the book to record wages he was paid as an apprentice to Johann Andreas Stein, other income and notes on the construction of instruments, Johann Lorenz used it to to keep notes on the construction of pianos, both grand and square, record tunings he had carried out and the construction costs of a new building complex in Stuttgart for the firm. The whole document provides an extrordinary account of instrument making, on social life and on the relationship between apprentice and master. Clothbound. $356 [item no.9426]

SCHLICK, Arnolt, c.1455-c.1525

Spiegel der Orgelmacher un Organisten (Mainz 1511). Translation and Notes by Elisabeth Berry Barber.

Bibliotheca Organologica, 63. Buren, 1980. 22 x 24 cm, xvi, 122, with 57 pp. Halftone. Transcription and English translation on opposite pages from facsimile. Cloth. $69 [item no.2253]

SCHLIMBACH, Georg Christian Friedrich, c.1760-d.?

Ueber die Structur, Erhaltung, Stimmung, Prüfung der Orgel, Leipzig 1801.

Bibliotheca Organologica, 8. Hilversum, 1966. 8º, xxxx, 306 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $62 [item no.3550]

SOLER, Antonio, 1729-1783

Theórica y practica del temple para los órganos y claves (Edición facsímil).

Publicaciones de la Sociedad Española de Musicología, F/1. Madrid, 1983. 23 x 31 cm, 73 pp. Line-cut of the autograph. Preface in Sp by Samuel Rubio. Wrappers. $42 [item no.1870]

SORGE, Georg Andreas, 1703-1778

Der in Rechen und Meszkunst wohlerfahrne Orgelbaumeister, 1773. Together with Sorge’s Die Natur des Orgelklanges, 1771. Introduction and Notes by Carl O. Bleyle.

Bibliotheca Organologica, 23. Buren, nyp. 8º, Line-cut. Cloth. (also available in wrappers). [item no.3556]

SPONSEL, Johann U., 1721-1788

Orgelhistoire. Nürnberg 1771.

Bibliotheca Organologica, 18. Buren, 1968. 8º, 168 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $37 [item no.3554]

STEIN, Johann Andreas, 1728-1792

Das Notizbuch von Johann Andreas Stein : Faksimile - Transkription - Übersetzung / The Notebook of Johann Andreas Stein. Facsimile—Transcription—Translation. Edited with an Introduction and commentary by Michael Latcham.

Quellenkataloge zur Musikgeschichte, 61 Wilhelmshaven, 2014. Oblong, 21 x 30 cm, 2 vols, 342, 510. Color facsimile, together with transcriptions, a translation into English and commentary of the personal notebook of Johann Andreas Stein, one of the most important instrument makers of the 18th c. The book contains poems, sketches, anecdotes, descriptions of all his journeys and work as a journeyman and instrument maker in Augsburg. There are references to Bartolomeo Cristofori and Frantz Jacob Spath and other interesting material such as stringing schemes for harpsichords, pianos and clavichords, improvements to the piano and clavichord, organ dispositions and lists of clients. Stein used the notebook from 1748 until 1777. The notebook contains dispositions of various organs including that of the famous Gabler organ in Weingarten, J.A. Silbermann’s organ in the New Church in Strasbourg and Stein’s own organ in the Barfüßerkirche in Augsburg. During the period of the notebook Stein invented his “Poly-Tono-Clavichordium” an instrument combining a large harpsichord and a Hammerflügel (1769) and a small expressive melody organ he called the “Melodica” (1772). 2 vols, clothbound, in slipcase. $558 [item no.9425]

STREICHER, Johann Andreas, 1761-1833

[Kurze Bemerkungen über das] Spielen, Stimmen und Erhalten der Pianoforte. Wien 1802. [Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin].

Faksimile-Edition Theoretica, 2 Suttgart, 2008. 11 x 19 cm, 40, 46 pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, 1802 edition. Streicher, a music teacher and pianoforte maker, married Nannette Stein, founder of the famous pianoforte manufacturer in Vienna. In due course the firm became Streicher & Sohn. Every purchaser of a Streicher piano received a copy of this delightful booklet on piano playing,tuning and maintenance. Afterword in Ger-Eng by Christophe Öhm-Kühnle. Hardbound in decorative paper. $42 [item no.9032]

TODINI, Michele, 1636-d.?

Dichiarazione della Galleria Armonica, Roma, 1676. Edizione a curae di Patrizio Barbieri.

Musurgiana: Sources and Materials for the History and Theory of Music, 2. Lucca, 1988. 11 x 16 cm, xxii, 92 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1676 edition. Introduction, bibliography and index. Cloth. $21 [item no.2895]

TOMEONI, Pellegrino, 1729-1816?

Regole pratiche per accompagnare il basso continuo.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/205. Bologna, 1972. 8º, c.40 pp. Line-cut of the 1795 edition. Basso continuo treatise. Laid paper. Wrappers. $24 [item no.3752]

TORRES, Joseph de, c.1665-1738

[Method, keyboard/harp, accomp.] Reglas generales de acompañar, en órgano, clavicordio y harpa.

Música Facsímil, 28G. Madrid, 1983. Oblong, 17 x 12 cm, x, 288 pp. Line-cut of the Madrid 1702 & 1736 edition. Basso continuo treatises. Hardbound. $44 [item no.2258]

TÜRK, Daniel Gottlob, 1756-1813

Anweisung zum Generalbaßspielen. Herausgegeben und mit einer Einführung (deutsch/englisch) von Rainer Bayreuther.

Laaber-Reprint, 6. Laaber, 2005. 16 x 21 cm, xxxvi, 402 pp. Line-cut of the Halle, 1800 edition. With introduction in Ger-Eng. Wrappers. $102 [item no.8506]

Klavierschule oder Anweisung zum Klavierspielen für Lehrer und Lernende. Faksimile-Reprint der 1. Ausgabe 1789 herausgegeben von Siegbert Rampe.

Kassel, 1997. 8º, xiii, 442, 15 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig & Halle, 1789 edition. Wrappers. $26 [item no.7459]

Von den wichtigsten Pflichten eines Organisten.

Kassel. Line-cut of the Halle, 1800 edition. $50 [item no.943]

WEIGEL, Johann Christopf, 1661-1726

Musicalisches theatrum . . . auf welchem alle zu dieser edlen Kunst gehörige Instrummenta in anmuthigen Posituren lebhafft gezeiget. Faksimile-Nachdruck herausgegeben von Alfred Berner.

Documenta Musicologica, I/22. Kassel, 1/ 1961. 22 x 36 cm, 36, xii pp. Line-cut of the original copper engravings of musicians with their instruments. This facsimile brings together for the first time four separate groups of surviving single sheets from this publisher. Mattheson’s Das neu-eröffnete Orchestre (specifically the chapter “Von den musicalischen Instrumenten”) evidently served as a guide for its planning. The engravings date from c.1715-1725. Afterword in Ger-Eng-Fr. Coverboards and slipcase in decorative paper. $95 [item no.4622]

Musicalisches theatrum . . . auf welchem alle zu dieser edlen Kunst gehörige Instrummenta in anmuthigen Posituren lebhafft gezeiget. Faksimile-Nachdruck herausgegeben von Alfred Berner.

Documenta Musicologica, I/22. Kassel, 2/ 1964. 22 x 36 cm, 36, xii pp. Line-cut of the original copper engravings of musicians with their instruments. This facsimile brings together for the first time four separate groups of surviving single sheets from this publisher. $77 [item no.2861]

WERCKMEISTER, Andreas, 1645-1706

Erweiterte und verbesserte Orgel-Probe. [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/44. Bologna, 1984. 16 x 22 cm, 109 pp. Line-cut of the 1698 edition. Laid paper. Cloth. [item no.948]

Musicalische Temperatur [oder deutlicher und warer mathematischer Unterricht, wie man durch Anweisung des Monochordi ein Clavier, sonderlich die Orgel-Wercke, Positive, Regale, Spinetten, und dergleichen wol temperiert stimmen]. (Quedlinburg, 1691). Edited by Rudolf Rasch.

Tuning and Temperament Library, 1. Buren, 1983. 15 x 22 cm, 63, 114 pp. Line-cut of the Quedlinburg, 1691 edition. The author’s most famous treatise on tuning where, for the first time in history, the circle of fifths is given as the basis of tuning. Describes six tuning methods including his well-known unequal tuning. Cloth. $61 [item no.2127]

Musicalische Temperatur [oder deutlicher und warer mathematischer Unterricht, wie man durch Anweisung des Monochordi ein Clavier, sonderlich die Orgel-Wercke, Positive, Regale, Spinetten, und dergleichen wol temperiert stimmen]. (Quedlinburg, 1691). Edited by Rudolf Rasch.

Tuning and Temperament Library, 1. Buren, 1983. 15 x 22 cm, 63, 114 pp. Line-cut of the Quedlinburg, 1691 edition. The author’s most famous treatise on tuning where, for the first time in history, the circle of fifths is given as the basis of tuning. Describes six tuning methods including his well-known unequal tuning. Wrappers. $50 [item no.4892]

WIECK, Friedrich, 1785-1873

Clavier und Gesang. Didaktisches und Polemisches.

Facsimile Series, V/1. Peer, 1995. 15 x 22 cm, 152 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1853 edition. Popular manual consisting of critical, polemical, satirical and novel-like texts. Afterword by Greta Haenen. Wrappers. Special sale price $10, regularly $28 [item no.7156]

WIEDEBURG, Michael Johann Friedrich, 1720-1800

Der sich selbst informirende Clavierspieler, oder, Deutlicher und leichter Unterricht zur Selbstinformation im Clavierspielen / Michael Johann Friedrich Wiedeburg ; herausgegeben, Harald Vogel ; mit einem biographischen Beitrag von Reinhard Ruge

Quellenkataloge zur Musikgeschichte, 37. Wilhelmshaven, 2006. 18 x 26 cm, 254 pp. Cloth. $229 [item no.9127]

Anderer Theil des sich selbstinformierenden Clavierspielers oder deutlicher und gründlicher Unterricht zur Selbstinformation im Generalbaß. Faksimile des Erstdrucks Halle 1767. Mit einem Vorwort und Kommentar herausgegben von Harald Vogel.

Quellenkataloge zur Musikgeschichte, 38. Wilhelmshaven, 2006. 18 x 26 cm, 560 pp. Cloth. $307 [item no.9128]

Dritter Theil des sich selbstinformierenden Clavier-Spielers, worin gezeiget wird wie ein Liebhaber der Music bey fleißiger Selbst-Information nicht allein nach und nach zum Fantasiren auf der Orgel und dem Clavier, sondern auch zu einer Geschicklichkeit, allerley musicalische Stücke zu seinem und anderer Vergnügen zu verfertigen und zu Componiren gelangen kan ... Faksimile des Erstdrucks Halle 1775. Herausgegeben von Harald Vogel.

Quellenkataloge zur Musikgeschichte, 39. Wilhelmshaven, 2008. 18 x 26 cm, 2 vols, 948 pp. Line-cut of the Halle, 1775 edition. Cloth. $548 [item no.9129]

WOLFRAM, Johann Christian, 1766-1828

Anleitung zur Kenntniz, Beurteilung und Erhaltung der Orgeln, Gotha 1815.

Bibliotheca Organologica, 3. Amsterdam, 1972. 8º, xx, 364 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $46 [item no.3549]


A Choice Collection of Ayres for the Harpsichord or Spinett. With very Plain & Easey Directions for Young Beginners. [British Library, London].

Performers’ Facsimiles, 201. New York, [1998]. Oblong, 26 x 20 cm, 24 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1700 edition. Pieces by Blow, Piggot, J. Clarke, Barrett, Croft and others. Also contains Clarke’s “Prince of Denmark’s March”, also known as “Trumpet Voluntary”, erroneously attributed to Purcell. Wrappers. $18 [item no.7559]

The Continuo Companion. Sources for Basso Continuo Instruction in Facsimile. [Edited by] Nanette Gomory Lunde.

Columbus, 1988. 24 x 32 cm, viii, 204 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. [item no.3117]

Jambou, Louis. Compendio de el arte de organeria. Introducción y edición a cargo de Louis Jambon.

Publicaciones de la Sociedad Española de Musicología, F/3. Madrid, 1987. 17 x 24 cm, 16, 112 pp. Halftone of a fascinating Spanish manuscript from Granada detailing organ building. Dated 1830 and clearly tied to the catedral de Granada the work bears influence of Nasarre and Kircher and is an important testimony on organ building in Spain during the first half of the 19th century. Historical commentary in Sp. Wrappers. $49 (more info... ) [item no.1960]

Lutherie. Encyclopédie sciences et arts liberaux.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/101. Bologna, 1981. 25 x 35 cm, 46, with 34 illus pp. Line-cut of the Livorno, 1774 edition. Beautiful full-page illustrations of instruments. Cloth. [item no.4008]

[Methods, clavecin, France, 1600-1800, part 1] Clavecin. Méthodes – Traités – Dictionnaires et Encyclopédies – Ouvrages généraux. Volume I: Anonyme, d’Anglebert, Chambonnières, Couperin (1-2), Corrette (1), Dagincourt, Dandrieu, Daquin, Denis, Dieupart, Dornel, Forqueray, Furetière, Jollage, Lebèque, Le Gallois, Le Roux, Mersenne, Mondonville, Rameau (1-2-3), Saint-Lambert, Royer, Van Helmont.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2002. 4º, 213 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on the harpsichord from these sources: Mersenne: Harmonie universelle - 1636; Denis: Traité de l’accord de l’espinette - 1650; Chambonnières: Les pièces de clavessin - 1670; Anonymous: Tablature pour le clavecin - s.d.; Lebègue: Les pieces de clavessin - 1677; Le Gallois: Lettre de Mr Le Gallois - 1680; Henry d'Anglebert: Pièces de clavecin - 1689; Furetière: Dictionnaire universel - 1690; Dieupart: Six suittes de clavessin - 1701; Saint-Lambert: Les principes du clavecin - 1702; Leroux: Pièces de clavessin - 1705; Couperin: Pieces de clavecin - 1713; Couperin: L’art de toucher le clavecin - 1717; Rameau: Pieces de clavecin - 1724; Dandrieu: Livre de pieces de clavecin - 1724; Rameau; Nouvelles suites de pièces de clavecin - 1728; Dornel: Pieces de clavecin - 1731; Dagincourt: Pieces de clavecin - 1733; Corrette: 1. livre de pieces de clavecin - 1734; Daquin: 1. livre de pieces de clavecin - 1735; Rameau: Pieces de clavecin - 1736; Helmont: Pieces de clavecin - 1737; Jollage: 1. livre de pieces de clavecin - 1738; Royer: Pieces de clavecin - 1737; Forqueray: Pieces de viole (…) mises en pieces de clavecin - 1747; Mondonville: Pieces de clavecin avec voix ou violon - 1748. Wrappers. $78 [item no.8169]

[Methods, clavecin, France, 1600-1800, part 2] Clavecin. Méthodes – Traités – Dictionnaires et Encyclopédies – Ouvrages généraux. Volume II: Ancelet, Bemetzrieder (1-2), Béthisy, Corrette (2), Diderot, Duphly (1-2), Encyclopédie, Encyclopédie méthodique, Francœur, Foucquet (1-2), Garsault, Laborde, Macquer, Marpurg, Rameau (4), Rousseau, Simon.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2002. 4º, 231 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on the harpsichord from these sources: Corrette: Les amusements du Parnasse - 1749; Foucquet Pierre Claude: Les caractères de la paix - 1749; Foucquet: 2. livre de pieces de clavecin - 1751; Encyclopédie: Encyclopédie ou dictionnaire raisonné - 1751/1772; Duphly: 3. livre de pieces de clavecin - 1756; Ancelet: Observations sur la musique - 1757; Rameau: Code de musique pratique - 1760; Garsault: Notionnaire - 1761; Simon: Pieces de clavecin - 1761; Béthisy: Exposition de la théorie - 1764; Rousseau: Dictionnaire de la musique - 1768; Duphly: Du doigter - c.1769; Diderot: Manuscrit autographe - s.d.; Bemetzrieder: Leçons de clavecin - 1771; Francoeur: Diapason général - 1772; Macquer: Dictionnaire raisonné - 1773; Laborde: Essai sur la musique - 1780; Bemetzrieder: Nouvelles leçons de clavecin - 1783; Encyclopédie: Encyclopédie méthodique, arts et métiers mécaniques - 1788; Marpurg Friedrich Wilhelm: L’art de toucher le clavecin - c.1797. Wrappers. $84 [item no.8170]

[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, parts 1-6] Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, 6 vols, c.1185 pp. Line-cut, arranged chronologically, of 63 treatises on basso continuo practice by an anonymous writers, Bartolotti, Bovin, Buterne, Carre, Charpentier, Chaumont, Henry d’Anglebert, De la Barre, Delair, Feury, Marais, Nivers, Perrine/Saint-Lambert, F. Campion, T. Campion, Cheron, Clerambault, Couperin, Dandrieu, Delair, Leclair, Rameau, Dornel, Forqueray, Gervais, Goudat, Guillemain, Monnier, Monteclair, Pingre, Rameau, Serre de Rieux, Telemann, Travenol, Alembert, Blanville, Corrette, Dubugrarre/Geminiani, Laporte, Bethisy, Biferi, Clement, Dubreuil, Garnier, Gianotti, Gougelet, Labbet, Le Boeuf/Rameau, Roussier, Simon, Tapray, Bemetzrieder, Froestler, Gournay, Langle, Rodolphe, and Roussier. Wrappers. $423 [item no.8749]

[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, part 1] Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, c.240 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: Fleury: Methode pour apprendre facilement - 1660; Bartolotti: Table pour apprendre facilement - 1669; Carré: Livre de Guitarre contenant plusieurs pièces - 1671; Perrine: Livre de musique pour le Lut - 1680; Anonymous: Petites regles generalles qui peuvent servir de methode - 1680; Nivers: Motets a voix seule - 1689; Henry d’Anglebert: Pièces de clavecin - 1689; Marais: Basse-continuës des pieçes a une et a deux violes - 1689; Anonymous: (traité abrégé d’accompagnement) - c. 1690; Anonymous: Règles pour l’accompagnement - 1690; Delair: Traité d’accompagnement pour le theorbe - 1690; Charpentier: Abrégé des règles de l’accompagnement - c. 1692; Chaumont: Pieçes d’orgue sur les 8 tons - 1695; Buterne: Petites regles pour l’accompagnement - 1700; Boyvin: 2. livre d’orgue - 1700; Anonymous: Traité d’accompagnement du clavecin - c. 1700; La Barre: 1. livre de pièces pour la flûte - 1702; Saint-Lambert: Nouveau traité de l’accompagnement - 1707. Wrappers. $93 [item no.8750]

[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, part 2] Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, c.220 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: Couperin: Règles pour l’accompagnement - s.d.; Campion: Traité d’accompagnement et de composition - 1716; Clerambault: Règles d’accompagnement - 1716; Clerambault: Principes d’accompagnement - 1716; Dandrieu: Principes de l’accompagnement - 1719; Rameau: Traité de l’harmonie - 1722; Delair: Nouveau traité d’accompagnement - 1724; Leclair: 1. livre de sonates - 1723; Rameau: Nouveau système de musique théorique - 1726; Cheron: Sonates en trio - 1727; Campion: Lettre du sieur Campion a un philosophe - 1729; Campion: Addition au traité d’accompagnement - 1730. Wrappers. $85 [item no.8751]

[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, part 3] Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, c.230 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: Pingre: Traité de l’harmonie - s.d.; Rameau: Observations sur la méthode d’accompagnement - 1730; Rameau: Plan abrégé d’une méthode nouvelle - 1730; Monteclair: Réponse du second Musicien au premier - 1729; Rameau: Réplique du premier Musicien à la réponse du second - 1730; Monteclair: Réponse du second Musicien au premier Musicien - 1730; Rameau: Réplique du premier Musicien à l’écrit du second - 1730; Rameau: Dissertation sur les différentes métodes - 1732; Gervais: Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: Méthode pour l’accompagnement - 1733; Campion: 2. recueil d’airs - 1734; Serre de Rieux: Les dons des Enfans de Latone - 1734; Telemann: Nouveaux quatuors en six suites - 1738; Goudat: Principes de L'accompagnement - 1738; Travenol: 1. livre de sonates a violon seul - 1739; Guillemain: Six sonates en quatuors - 1743; Monnier le Cadet: L’art de toucher le clavecin dans son propre caractêre - c.1745; Dornel: le tour du clavier - 1745; Forqueray: Pièces de viole avec la basse continüe - 1747; Anonymous: (Méthode d’accompagnement) - s.d. Wrappers. $88 [item no.8752]

[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, part 4] Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, c.230 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: D'Alembert: Elemens de musique - 1752; Blainville: Essay sur un troisième mode - 1751; Corrette: Le maître de clavecin - 1753; La Porte: Traité théorique et pratique - 1753; Geminiani: L’art de bien accompagner - 1754; Dubugrarre: Méthode plus courte et plus facile - 1754. Wrappers. $88 [item no.8753]

[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, part 5] Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, c.210 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: Tapray: Abrège de l’accompagnement - 1755; Labbet & Leris: Sentiment d’un Harmoniphile - 1756; Clement: Essai sur l’accompagnement - 1758; Gianotti: Le guide du compositeur - 1759; Rameau: Code de musique pratique - 1760; Bethisy: Exposition de la théorie et de la pratique - 1764; Roussier: Traité des accords et de leur succession - 1764; Le Bœuf: Traité d’harmonie et règles d’accompagnement - 1766; Garnier: Nouvelle méthode pour l’accompagnement - 1767; Dubreuil: Manuel harmonique - 1767; Biferi: Traité de musique abrégé, divisé en trois parties - 1770; Simon: Théorie pratique d’accompagnement - s.d.; Gougelet: Méthode ou abrégé des règles - 1771. Wrappers. $80 [item no.8754]

[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, part 6] Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, c.255 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: Roussier: L’harmonie pratique - 1775; Corrette: Prototipes contenant des leçons d’accompagnement - 1775; Anonymous: Abrégé des règles de composition - 1777; Bemetzrieder: Nouvelles leçons de clavecin ou instructions générales - 1782; Rodolphe: Théorie d’accompagnement - c.1785; Gournay: Lettre à M. l’abbé Roussier - 1785; Langle: Traité de la basse sous le chant - 1797; Froestler: Traité d’harmonie et de modulation - 1800; Anonymous: Principes de l’accompagnement - s.d.; Anonymous: Règles d’accompagnement - s.d. Wrappers. $98 [item no.8755]

[Methods, organ, integrale source, parts 1-5] Orgue. Méthodes - Ouvrages sur la facture - Ouvrages sur le mélange des jeux - Préfaces - Extraits d’ouvrages généraux - Dictionnares et encyclopédies - Cérémonials. Cinq volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman et Jean-Christophe Tosi.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 5 vols, 1,232 pp. Line-cut. Collection of theoretical writings on the organ, arranged chronologically, from the mid 16th c. to Silbermann. Indispensable resources for all students of the organ. Wrappers. $336 [item no.8531]

[Methods, organ, integrale source, part 1] Orgue. Méthodes - Ouvrages sur la facture - Ouvrages sur le mélange des jeux - Préfaces - Extraits d’ouvrages généraux - Dictionnaries et encyclopédies - Cérémonials. Volume I: Anonymous (1-2-3-4) - Mersenne - Nivers (1) - Sainte-Catherine - Sonnet - Titelouze (1-2) - Trichet.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 224 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $83 [item no.8532]

[Methods, organ, integrale source, part 2] Orgue. Méthodes - Ouvrages sur la facture - Ouvrages sur le mélange des jeux - Préfaces - Extraits d’ouvrages généraux - Dictionnaries et encyclopédies - Cérémonials. Volume II: Ancelet - D’Anglebert - Anomymes (5-6-7-8-9-10-11) - Bollioud de Mermet - Boyvin (1-2) - Chaumont - Clérambault - G. Corrette - M. Corrette (1-2-3) - Dandrieu - Dodart -Encyclopédie - Garsault - Gigault (1-2) - Jullien - Lebégue (1-2) - Moucherel - Nivers (2-3) - Raison - Rameau - Riepp - Sauveur.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 248 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $83 [item no.8533]

[Methods, organ, integrale source, part 3] Orgue. Méthodes - Ouvrages sur la facture - Ouvrages sur le mélange des jeux - Préfaces - Extraits d’ouvrages généraux - Dictionnaries et encyclopédies - Cérémonials. Volume III: Dom Bédos (textes).

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 288 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $93 [item no.8534]

[Methods, organ, integrale source, part 4] Orgue. Méthodes - Ouvrages sur la facture - Ouvrages sur le mélange des jeux - Préfaces - Extraits d’ouvrages généraux - Dictionnaries et encyclopédies - Cérémonials. Volume IV: Anonymes (1-2) - Benault - Dom Bédos (planches) - Engramelle - Macquer.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 288 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $93 [item no.8535]

[Methods, organ, integrale source, part 5] Orgue. Méthodes - Ouvrages sur la facture - Ouvrages sur le mélange des jeux - Préfaces - Extraits d’ouvrages généraux - Dictionnaries et encyclopédies - Cérémonials. Volume V: Clicquot - M. Corrette (4) - Encyclopédie méthodique - Laborde - Silbermann.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 184 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $69 [item no.8536]

[Methods, piano, France, 1600-1800, part 1] Piano Forte – Méthodes et leçons pour piano-forte ou clavecin.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2000. 4º, iv, 237 pp. Composite collection of theoretical writings on the piano forte and clavecin. Contents: Despréaux: Cours d’éducation de clavecin ou pianoforte; J.C. Bach & Ricci: Méthod our recueil de connoissances; Ricci: Recueil de connoissances élémentaires; Ducray-Duminil: Clavier et gamme de clavecin ou pianoforte; Encyclopédie méthodique, (édition de Panckoucke); Bemetzrieder: Nouvelles leçons de clavecin ou pianoforte; Viguerie: L’art de toucher le piano-forte; Dreux: Principes du clavecin ou du piano forte; Thiémé: Principes abrégés de musique pratique pour le fortepiano; Nonot: Leçons méthodiques de clavecin ou de forte piano. Wrappers. $74 [item no.7879]

[Methods, piano, France, 1600-1800, part 2] Piano Forte – Méthodes et leçons pour piano-forte ou clavecin.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2000. 4º, iv, 239 pp. Composite edition of theoretical writings on the piano forte and clavecin. Contents: Pleyel & Dussek: Méthode pour le pianoforte, and Adam & Lachnitz: Méthode ou principe général du doigté (1801). Wrappers. $74 [item no.7880]

Textes sur les instruments de musique au XVIIIe siècle.

Geneva, 1972. 8º, 242 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1756-1782 editions. Large number of little-known documents concerning musical instruments. Authors of booklets include P.-J. Roussier, M. de Laborde, Trouflaut, C. Moucherel, G. de Cryseul, & J.-B. Domenjoud. Hardbound. $71 [item no.3338]


Couperin, F. Œuvres didactiques (Règle pour l’accompagnement; L’art de toucher le clavecin).

François Couperin: Œuvres Complètes, I. Monaco, nyp. 4º, Wrappers. [item no.5451]

Ortiz, Diego. Tratado de glosas. Edited by Annette Otterstedt. Translated by Hans Reiners.

Kassel, 2003. Oblong, 25 x 16 cm, 126 pp. Complete edition in modern notation with a selection of line-cut reproductions. Introduction and translation in Ger-Sp-It-Eng. Hardbound. $78 [item no.8362]

Ruiz de Ribayaz, Lucas. Luz y norte musical. Harp Tablature Transcribed and Edited with a Summary of the Introduction by Astrid Nielsch and Andrew Lawrence-King.

Huntingdon, n.d. 8º, 36 pp. New practical edition. Wrappers. $15 [item no.6221]


Ausseil, Louis & Laurent Pie. Le carillon de la cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Perpignan. Chronologie, historique, méchanique, Relevé épigraphique, iconographique et métrologique, pièces justificatives.

Instruments Historiques: Monographies d’Instruments, Facteurs et Luthiers. Courlay, 2001. 8º, 73 pp. Wrappers. $16 [item no.6314]

Barthel, Laura, & Alain Roudier. Mon bien cher Oncle: Correspondence de Pierre Erard à Sebastien Erard. II - 1818-1821.

Etobon, 2010. 8°, 239 pp. Wrappers. $58 [item no.9382]

Barthel, Laura, & Alain Roudier. Mon bien cher Oncle: Correspondence de Pierre Erard à Sebastien Erard. III- 1822-1831.

Etobon, 2009. 8°, 239 pp. Wrappers. (in process of continuation, standing orders invited) $58 [item no.9383]

Bruni, Antonio Bartolomeo. Un inventaire sous la Terreur. Etat des instruments de musique relevé chez les émigrés et condamnés. Introduction, notices biographiques et notes par J. Gallay.

Geneva, 1984. 8º, 280 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1890 edition. Inventories harpsichords, fortepianos, violins, violas, flutes, guitars, harps, etc. seized from the homes of emigrants in an official report in 1794. Includes names of makers and sometimes the date of the instruments. Wrappers. $76 [item no.4247]

Carchiolo, Salvatore. Una perfezione d’armonia meravigliosa. Prassi cembalo-organistica del basso continuo italiano dalle origini all’inizio del XVIII secolo.

Lucca, 2006. 8º, xii, 395 pp. Survey and analysis of basso continuo practice from the early baroque to the beginning of the 18th c. Wrappers. $56 [item no.6634]

Christensen, Jesper Bøke. 18th Century Continuo Playing. A Historical Guide to the Basics. Translated by J. Bradford Robinson.

Kassel, 2002. Oblong, 28 x 21 cm, 155 pp. A wonderful overview and tutor of continuo practice—1690 to 1735—based on the historical sources. Hardbound. $48 [item no.6620]

Dalmonte, Rossana. Liszt Pädadogium. Composizioni pianistiche di Franz Liszt. Con varianti, aggiunte e cadenze tratte dall’insegnamento del maestro e notate da Lina Ramann. A cura di Rossana Dalmonte.

Lucca, 2011. Oblong, 14 x 21 cm, xxix, 211 pp. Wrappers. $45 [item no.6750]

The Harpsichord and its Repertoire. Proceedings of the International Harpsichord Symposium, Utrecht 1990. Edited by Pieter Dirksen.

Utrecht, 1992. 8º, 284 pp. 12 papers on harpsichord construction, matters of performance practice, and subjects relating to the harpsichord music of J.J. Froberger & J.S. Bach. Contributors include: G. O’Brien, H. Henkel, J. Tournay, W. Vermeulen, D. Ledbetter, H. Hoeren, B. Scheibert, R. Rasch, C. Wolff, P. Dirksen, W. Breig, & P. Schleuning (most articles in Eng). Indispensable collection of essays for both performer and instrument maker. Wrappers. $44 [item no.5615]

Hardouin, Pierre. Le grand orgue de l’église Saint-Gervais à Paris. Historique, description, tailles, esthétique, les facteurs.

Instruments Historiques: Monographies d’Instruments, Facteurs et Luthiers. Courlay, 1996. 8º, 95 pp. Wrappers. $18 [item no.6317]

La lutherie lorraine et français depuis ses origines jusqa’à nos jours, d’après les archives locales.

Vie Musicale dans les Provinces Françaises, 5. Geneva, 1985. 17 x 24 cm, 387 pp. (Rpt. of Paris, 1912 edition). Largely original work based on research in the Mirecourt and Nancya archives. Illustrations of instruments, violin labels, maker’s marks, portraits, etc. Wrappers. $126 [item no.4257]

Méreaux, Amédée. Histoire du clavecin. Portraits et biographies des célèbres clavecinistes avec exemples et notes sur le style et l’exécution de leurs œuvres. Oeuvres choises classées dans leur ordre chronologique, revues, doigtées & accentuées avec les agréments & ornements du temps traduits en toutes notes.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, III/41a. Bologna, 1969. 4º, 86, 17 illus pp. (Rpt. of Paris, 1867 edition). Study of the history of the instrument, problems in musical execution as well as its leading exponents. Hardbound. [item no.4032]

Méreaux, Amédée. Histoire du clavecin. Portraits et biographies des célèbres clavecinistes . . .

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, III/41b. Bologna, 1969. 25 x 35 cm, 3 vols: 898 pp. (Musical edition to above). Line-cut of the Paris, 1867 edition. Ambitious anthology–one of the first presenting the older keyboard masters in modern edition–arranged in chronological order. Vol.I = Frescobaldi to Marcello, II = Scarlatti to Christian Bach, III = Clementi to Cramer. Hardbound. [item no.4033]

Poniatowska, I. Sur l’écriture pianistique de M. Clementi.

Biblioteca Storico Giuridica e Artistico Letteraria: Letteratura Musica Teatro, 20. Bologna, 1974. 8º, 20 pp. Wrappers. $6 [item no.5107]

Rapin, Eugène. Histoire du piano et des pianistes.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, III/104. Bologna, 1969. 8º, 508 pp. (Rpt. of Lausanne & Paris, 1904 edition). Hardbound. [item no.5361]

Ritter, A.G. Zur Geschichte des Orgelspiels, vornehmlich des deutschen, im 14. bis zum Anfange des 18. Jahrhunderts.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, III/23. Bologna, 1969. 18 x 25 cm, 455 pp. (Rpt. of Leipzig, 1884 edition). 2 vols in 1, hardbound. [item no.5326]

Rossi, P. Prospettiva di tecnica cembalo-organistica nel Transilvano di Girolamo Diruta. [A cura di] P. Rossi.

Biblioteca di “Quadrivium”, Studi & Estratti, 21. Bologna, 1978. 8º, 24 pp. Wrappers. $5 [item no.5085]

Savart, Félix. Mémoire sur la construction des instruments à cordes et à archet. Lu à l’Académie des Sciences, le 31 mai 1819. Suivi du rapport qui en a été fait aux deux Académies des Sciences et des Beaux-Arts, par MM Haüy, Charles, de Prony, Cherubini, Catel, Berton, Le Sueur, Biot rapporteur.

Geneva, 1972. 8º, 128 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1819 edition. Wrappers. $40 [item no.3327]

Sibire, Sébastien-André. La chélonomie, ou le parfait luthier.

Geneva, 1984. 16º, 164 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1823 edition. Wrappers. $40 [item no.3329]

Tosi, Jean-Christophe. L’orgue de Nemours par Jean-Christophe Tosi.

Instruments Historiques: Monographies d’Instruments, Facteurs et Luthiers. Courlay, 1993. 8º, 65 pp. Wrappers. $16 [item no.5980]

Villanis, Luigi Alberto. L’arte del clavicembalo.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, III/106. Bologna, 1969. 8º, 608 pp. (Rpt. of Turin, 1901 edition). Hardbound. [item no.5363]

Villanis, Luigi Alberto. L’arte del pianoforte in Italia (da Clementi a Sgambati).

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, III/107. Bologna, 1970. 8º, 266 pp. (Rpt. of Turin, 1907 edition). Hardbound. [item no.5364]