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ALBRECHTSBERGER, Johann Georg, 1736-1809
[Fugues, keyboard, op.1]
Douze fugues pour le clavecin ou l’orgue. Œuvre Premier. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 172. New York, [1997]. 26 x 33 cm, 27 pp. Line-cut of the J.J. Hummer edition, Berlin & Amsterdam, n.d. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
Fundament zum Orgel und Fliegelspielen. Auth: Albrechtsberger. Ad usum. Ms. [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 21. Stuttgart, 2012. Oblong, 22 x 19 cm, 28 pp. Line-cut of a contemporary manuscript. Distilled into 6 sections (Absätze) this useful and practical manual instructs the user, “according to current convention”, on 1) clefs, 2) the notation of tempi, notes & pauses, 3) the execution of ornaments & “manieren”, 4) right & left hand fingerings 5)
chordal fingering, 6) tonality. Wrappers. $17
[item no.
[Preludes, organ]
Twelve New Easy Preludes for Organ. Facsimile Edition with an Introduction by John Brock.
London, 1979. Oblong, 31 x 23 cm, 2, 14 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, c.1800 edition. Wrappers. $13
[item no.
AMMERBACH, Nikolaus, c.1530-1597
Orgel- oder Instrument Tabulatur. Leipzig, Jakob Berwalds Erben 1571. RISM 1571(17). [Musikbibliothek, Leipzig].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 50. Stuttgart, 2005. Oblong, 19 x 16 cm, 226 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1571 edition. One of the great milestones of organ tablature (considered the first printed German organ music), where pitches are expressed in letter notation with rhythmic signs above them. Amerbach arranged the contents of this book into five progressively more difficult categories,
ranging from pieces with little or no coloration, to highly decorated pieces. “Instrument” as used in the title, includes “positive, regal, virginal, clavichord, clavicembalo, harpsichord and the like”. Most of the pieces in the collection are from vocal originals. The music section is preceded by instructions on playing the organ. Hardbound, with decorative paper boards. $63
[item no.
ANTEGNATI, Costanzo, c.1549-1624
Intavolatura de’ ricercari d’organo (Venezia, 1608) / L’arte organica (Brescia, 1608).
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/44. Bologna, 1981. 22 x 31 cm, 32 & 17 pp. Line-cut of the A. Gardano and F. Tebaldino editions. L’arte was written for Antegnati’s youngest son who became the helper of his father, the celebrated organ maker. Contains, in the form of a dialogue, the history of the Antegnati family, requirements of the church organ, methods of voicing,
registration, and descriptions of several Antegnati organs. Lists 145 organs the master had built up to that time. Cloth.
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[item no.
ANTICO, Andrea, c.1480-d.? [publisher]
Frottole intabulate da sonare organi, libro primo.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/42. Bologna, 1984. Oblong, 22 x 16 cm, xii, 76 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1517 edition. A remarkable book printed with metal-block, considered the first organ tablatures to be printed in Italy. Introduction in It by Giuseppe Radole. Cloth.
[item no.
ATTAINGNANT, Pierre, c.1494-1552 [publisher]
[Magnificats, keyboard]
Magnificat sur les huit tons avec te deum laudamus et deux préludes. Le tout mys en la tabulature des orgues, espinettes & manicordions. Présentation par Marcel Degrutère. [Bayerische Staatsbibl., Munich].
Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1998. Oblong, 17 x 12 cm, 41, 80 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1531 edition. 38 compositions for solo keyboard. Preface in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $33
[item no.
Tabulature pour le jeu dorgues, espinettes et manichordions sur le plain chant de Cunctipotens et Kyrie fons. Avec leurs Et in terra. Patrem. Sanctus et Agnus dei. Paris, 1531. Présentation par Marcel Degrutère. [Bayerische. Staatsbibl., Munich].
Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 2000. Oblong, 18 x 13 cm, li, 79 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1531. 77 numbers for keyboard solo. One of three publications of sacred keyboard works very likely edited by Pierre Mouton. Preface in Fr-Eng-Ger. Hardbound. $29
[item no.
BACH, Carl Philipp Emanuel, 1714-1788
[Method, keyboard]
Versuch über die wahre Art, das Klavier zu spielen. Erster und zweiter Teil. Faksimile-Nachdruck der 1. Auflage, Berlin 1753 und 1762, herausgegeben von Lothar Hoffmann-Erbrecht.
Leipzig, 6/ 1986. 18 x 22 cm, 501 facs, 16 pp. Line-cut of the first printed edition. “Versuch” was, in the German-speaking countries, the most important treatise of the period on playing keyboard instruments. Linen. $32
[item no.
[Method, keyboard]
Versuch über die wahre Art, das Klavier zu spielen. Erster und zweiter Teil
Reprint der 1. Auflage Berlin 1753 und 1762. Herausgegeben und mit modern geschlüsselten Notenbeispielen und einem ausführlichen Register versehen von Wolfgang Horn.
Kassel, 1994. 12˚, 592 pp. Line-cut of the first printed edition. “Versuch” was, in the German-speaking countries, the most important treatise of the period on playing keyboard instruments. Linen. $31
[item no.
[Sonata, keyboard/harp, H.386]
Sonate pour le clavecin, forte piano, orgue ou harpe qui représent le bataille de Bergen - 1776.
Collection FacsiMusic. Courlay, 2007. 21 x 30 cm, 12 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, [1776] edition. Programmatic music (falsely attributed to CPE Bach according to recent scholarship) depicting the beginning of a battle, the fire of the canons and musketry, the cavalry attack, and the wailing of the wounded. Wrappers. $15
[item no.
BACH, Johann Christian, 1735-1782
[Fuge über die Buchstaben seines Namens, keyboard]
Fuge für das Pianoforte oder die Orgel über die Buchstaben seines Names BACH.
Biblioteca Classica, 2. Rotterdam, 1986. 4º, 8 pp. Line-cut of the A. Kühnel edition, Leipzig, c.1810. Plastic ring binding. $10
[item no.
BACH, Johann Christoph, 1642-1703
[variations, keyboard, on a them by D. Eberlin]
Aria Eberliniana pro dormente camillo variata (1690). Faksimile der Handschrift im Bachhaus Eisenach mit einem Nachwort von Claus Oefner.
Leipzig, 1992. Oblong, 21 x 17 cm, 16, iv pp. Beautiful full-color halftone of the autograph issued on the 350th anniversary of the birth of Johann Christoph Bach (Johann Sebastian Bach’s great uncle). Aria with 15 variations based on a theme by the composer Daniel Eberlin (1647-1714). Wrappers. $35
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[item no.
BACH, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750
[Art of Fugue, BWV 1080]
Die Kunst der Fuge / L’arte della fuga BWV 1080. Studio introduttivo a cura di Sergio Vartolo.
Archivum Musicum: Monumenta Musicae Revocata, 37. Florence, 2008. 24 x 34 cm, 4 vols, 99, 40, 72, 20 pp. Line-cut of the autograph score and the beautifully engraved first edition issued 1751/1752. Introduction in It by Sergio Vartolo, with abstract in English. Wrappers, with portfolio in cloth and decorative paper. $155
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[item no.
[Art of Fugue, BWV 1080, ms copy]
L’art de la fuge à 4 parties. Copie par A.P.F. Boëly en 1833 avec terminaison du dernier contrepoint inachevé. [Bibl. Municipale, Versailles].
Bourg-la-Reine, 2000. Oblong, 34 x 24 cm, vi, 75, i pp. Beautiful color reproduction of the 1833 autograph of Alexandre-Pierre-François Boëly (1785-1858), respected organist of St. Germain-l’Auxerrois from 1840 to 1851. Boëly’s exceptionally perfect version (possibly based on one of the Parisian editions–Vogt, Nadermann or Richault) reduces the four staves of the original print
into two, and four clefs (soprano, alto, tenor bass) into two. Introduction (Fr-Eng) and errata list by Georges Guillard. Spiral bound for laying flat on music stand. $29
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[item no.
[Art of Fugue, BWV 1080, 1st ed.]
Die Kunst der Fuge [BWV 1080]. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 289. New York, [2009]. Oblong, 41 x 26 cm, 72 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1751/1752 edition. Wrappers. $30
[item no.
[Canonic variations, organ, BWV 769]
Die Nürnberger Musikverleger und die Familie Bach. Materialien zu einer Ausstellung des 48. Bach-Fests der Neuen Bach-Gesellschaft. Mit der Faksimile-Ausgabe des Erstdrucks der kanonischen Veränderungen über “Vom Himmel hoch” von Johann Sebastian Bach BWV 769.
Nürnberg, 1973. 23 x 33 cm, 20, 7 pp. Line-cut of the first edition and 26 bars of the autograph preserved in the Deutsche Staatsbibliothek, Berlin. Essays on the genesis of the work and Bach’s early publishers by Lothar Hoffmann-Erbrecht, Hans Klotz, & Christoph Wolff. Wrappers. $28
[item no.
[Chorales, organ, “Schübler”, BWV 645-650]
Sechs Choräle von verschiedener Art auf einer Orgel mit 2 Clavieren und Pedal vor zuspielen verfertiget von Johann Sebastian Bach. Faksimile Edition nach dem Exemplar des Originaldruckes. [Österreich. Nationalbibl., Vienna].
Dokumente zur Aufführungspraxis alter Musik, III. Innsbruck, 1985. Oblong, 28 x 17 cm, 15, 4 pp. Beautiful line-cut of the “Schübler’sche Choräle”, engraved during Bachs lifetime by Georg Schübler in Zella. Edited, with an afterword by Hans Schmidt-Mannheim. Laid paper with wrappers in decorative paper.
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[item no.
[Chorales, organ, BWV 651-668, 660a, 769]
Die Achtzehn Grossen Orgelchoräle BWV 651-668 und Canonische Veränderungen über “Vom Himmel Hoch” BWV 769. Faksimileausgabe der autographen Handschrift der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin—Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung mit Mendelssohn-Archiv. Herausgegeben und mit einer Einführung von Peter Wollny.
Meisterwerke der Musik im Faksimile, 5. Laaber, 2/ 2015. 4º, xix, 54 pp. Fine color reproduction of the autograph score of the second part of Mus. ms. Bach P 271 which includes the 18 “Great” Leipzig organ chorales, plus “Vom Himmel Hoch” (S.769) and “Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland” (S.660a). Evidence suggests that the works arose, at least in part, as a virtuoso program of organ
works that Bach performed at a number of churches including the Katharinenkirche in Hamburg, the “great organ in Cassel” and for a newly built Silbermann organ in the Dresden Frauenkirche. While the manuscript contains basically definitive versions of the chorales, as can be seen from the abundant corrections, a certain amount polishing of details took place in the preparation of
this extraordinary collection. Introduction in Ger-Eng. Hardbound. $146
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[item no.
[Clavierbüchlein, for Anna Magdalena Bach]
Klavierbüchlein für Anna Magdalena Bach 1725. Faksimile der Originalhandschrift mit einem Nachwort herausgegeben von Georg von Dadelsen. [Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin, Mus. ms. Bach P 225].
Documenta Musicologica, II/25. Kassel, 1988. Oblong, 28 x 21 cm, 146 facs. xxii pp. Superb 4-color halftone in the original format. Arias, minuets, polonaises, marches and other short pieces of “galanterie” by Bach, his children, and a few visitors in the Bach home. Pieces arranged chronologically (except for the last section) with the earliest compositions from 1725 and the latest
from the late 1740s. Almost every member of Bach family has helped to copy the Buchlein–only Wilhelm Friedemann is absent. Afterword in Ger-Eng-Fr. Index with identification of the copyist of each piece. Handsome binding with green glossy paper boards and gold trim. $72
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[item no.
[Clavierbüchlein, for Wilhelm Friedemann Bach]
Clavier-Büchlein vor Wilhelm Friedemann Bach. Edited in Facsimile with a Preface by Ralph Kirkpatrick. [Ms. Yale University].
New Haven, 1959. 21 x 19 cm, xvix, 154 including 148 pp. Fine monochrome halftone. Contains 62 compositions, some of the earliest versions of Bach’s best known keyboard works. Written for the composer’s eldest son, the Büchlein is in both the hand of the master and his pupil. Hardbound with coverboards in vellum paper.
[item no.
[Clavier-Übung, organ, part 3, BWV 552, 669-689, 802-805]
Dritter Theil der Clavier Übung (1739). A cura di M. Mencoboni e U. Pineschi. [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].
Biblioteca Classica dell’Organista, 23. Flero 1985. Oblong, 34 x 24 cm, ii, 78 facs, ii pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, [1739] edition, based on an exemplar formerly owned by G.B. Martini. One of 8 surviving copies that have been hand corrected from the first issue. Wrappers. $48
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[item no.
[Clavier-Übung, organ, part 3, BWV 552, 669-689, 802-805]
Clavier Übung 3e partie (Orgue), 1739. Présentation par Philippe Lescat. [Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris].
Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1990. Oblong, 4º, 28, 78 pp. Line-cut. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers.
[item no.
[Clavier-Übung, organ, part 3, BWV 552, 669-689, 802-805]
Dritter Theil der Clavier Übung bestehend in verschiedenen Vorspielen über die Catechismus- und andere Gesaenge, vor die Orgel.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 98. New York, [1991]. Oblong, 28 x 21 cm, 78 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, [1739] edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
Orgelbüchlein. BWV 599-644. Faksimile des Autographs. Herausgegeben von Heinz-Harald Löhlein [Deutsche Staatsbibl. Berlin, mus. ms. autogr. Bach P 283].
Documenta Musicologica, II/11. Kassel, 4/ 1999. Oblong, 20 x 17 cm, xxviii, 184 pp. 2-color collotype reproduction of the autograph manuscript. The most important and comprehensive chorale collection in the organ repertory. Codicologically the manuscript—a torso—tells us a lot about the developmental process of the collection and suggests that Bach had been compiling the
Orgelbüchlein over several years. Although an anthology of 164 chorale arrangements was intended, only about one third that amount was actually copied. Nearly all of these originate from the Weimar period (1708-1717). Introduction in German, with index. Hardbound.
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[item no.
Orgelbüchlein. BWV 599-644. Faksimile nach dem Autograph in der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Mit einer Einführung von Sven Hiemke. [Signatur Mus. ms. autogr. Bach P 283].
Meisterwerke der Musik im Faksimile, 6. Laaber, 2004. Oblong, 20 x 17 cm, xxix, 188 pp. New full-color reproduction of the autograph. The Orgelbüchlein represents the most important and comprehensive chorale collection in the organ repertory. Codicologically the manuscript (a torso) tells us a lot about the developmental process of the collection and suggests that Bach had been
compiling the Orgelbüchlein over several years. Although an anthology of 164 chorale arrangements was intended, only about one third that amount was actually copied. Nearly all of these originate from the Weimar period (1708-1717). Introduction in Ger-Eng, with a table showing the chronology and development of the collection. Hardbound, with handsome boards in decorative blue
paper. $179
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[item no.
[Prelude & fugue, organ, BWV 552, Eb major]
Präludium und Fuge Es-Dur BWV 552 aus dem 3. Teil der “Klavierübung”. Faksimile des Originaldrucks von 1739 herausgegeben und mit einer Einführung von Matthias Geuting.
Meisterwerke der Musik im Faksimile, 13. Laaber, 2008. Oblong, 4°. xii, 18 pp. New line-cut facsimile, of the first edition published in Leipzig in 1739. Bibliophile edition with commentary in Ger-Eng. Hardbound, with red paper boards and faux title etikette. $72
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[item no.
[Sonatas, organ, BWV 525-530]
Sechs Sonaten für Orgel (BWV 525-530). Faksimile nach dem Autograph der Deutschen Staatsbibliothek Berlin mit einem Vorwort von Wolfgang Goldhan. [Mus. ms. autogr. J.S. Bach P 271].
Bibliothek seltener Bücher, Neudrucke, 7. Leipzig, 1987. 22 x 36 cm, viii, 56 pp. 2-color collotype of the autograph score. This splendid autograph is considered one of the most instructive of all Bach mss, not only by the harmony of the music and its graphic depiction, but also by the way it highlights the manner in which the master copied. According to Forkel they were composed
for Bach’s eldest son, Wilhelm Friedemann. Introduction in Ger-Eng. Handsome binding in grey linen, with titles embossed in gold.
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[item no.
[Sonatas, organ, BWV 525-530]
Sechs Sonaten für Orgel (BWV 525-530). Faksimile nach dem Autograph der Deutschen Staatsbibliothek Berlin mit einem Vorwort von Wolfgang Goldhan. [Mus. ms. autogr. J.S. Bach P 271].
Documenta Musicologica, II/19. Kassel, 1988. 22 x 36 cm, viii, 56 pp. 2-color halftone of the autograph score. This splendid autograph is considered one of the most instructive of all Bach mss, not only by the harmony of the music and its graphic depiction, but also by the way it highlights the way the master copied. According to Forkel they were composed for Bach’s eldest son,
Wilhelm Friedemann. Introduction in Ger-Eng. Handsome binding in grey linen, with titles embossed in gold. (recommended alternate: OMI item no.2016)
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[item no.
[Toccata & fugue, keyboard, BWV 565, D minor]
Toccate und Fuge d-moll, BWV 565. Faksimile der ältesten überlieferten Abschrift von Johannes Ringk. Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin–Preussischer Kulturbesitz–Handschrift Ms. Mus.ms. Bach P 595. Mit einem Nachwort von Rolf-Dietrich Claus.
Cologne, 2000. 22 x 34 cm, 8 facs, 22 pp. Beautiful color halftone of the autograph of Johannes Ringk (1717-1778, a pupil of Johann Peter Kellner), the oldest surviving source of the Toccata & Fugue BWV 565. Afterword in Ger-Eng-Fr. Hardbound, in slipcase. $68
[item no.
Guillard, Georges.
Guillard. J.-S. Bach et l’orgue. Nouvelle édition révisée.
Bourg-la-Reine, 2000. 12˚, 136 pp. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
Wollny, Peter.
Generalbass- und Satzlehre, Kontrapunktstudien, Skizzen und Entwürfe. Herausgegeben von Peter Wollny. Anhang: Aria “Alles mit Gott und nichts ohn’ ihn” BWV 1127. Herausgegeben von Michael Maul.
Neue Ausgabe Sämtlicher Werke, Supplement. Kassel, 2011. 22 x 30 cm, 250 pp (incl. 77 facsimiles). Comprehensive study of Bach’s basso continue practice, documented with full-color reproductions from autograph manuscripts and sketches. Consists of teaching documents in figured bass and counterpoint, and sketches & fragments found in autograph full scores, all accompanied by modern
transcriptions. Linen. $495
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[item no.
BANCHIERI, Adriano, 1568-1634
L’organo suonarino.
Bibliotheca Organologica, 27. Buren, 1969. 4º, x, 203 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1605, 1611 & 1638 editions. Cloth. $79
[item no.
BAUMGARTEN, Karl Friedrich, c.1740-1824
Five Celebrated Fuges or Voluntarys for the Harpsichord or Organ.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 72. New York, [1990]. 26 x 33 cm, 35 pp. Line-cut of the London, c.1784 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
BEAUVARLET-CHARPENTIER, Jean-Jacques, 1734-1794
[Pièces, op.1; Magnificats, Hymnes, harpsichord]
Premier livre de pièces de clavecin, œuvre I; Deux magnificats (Journal d’orgue n°3); Quatre hymnes (Journal d’orgue n°7); Trois hymnes (Journal d’orgue n°12). Présentation par Jean Saint-Arroman. [Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris].
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 173. Courlay, 2006. Oblong & upright, 32 x 24 cm, xvi, 39, 15, 14, 25 pp. Line-cut of 4 separate titles, published in Paris respectively in 1771, 1784, 1784, & 1785. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger by Philippe Lescat. Wrappers. $51
[item no.
[Royal mass, magnificats, keyboard]
Messe royale de Dumont (Journal d’orgue no.6) / Deux magnificats (Journal d’orgue no.9).
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 59. Courlay, 1991. Oblong, 32 x 24 cm, 54, 36 pp. Line-cut of Paris, 1704 edition. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger by Philippe Lescat. Wrappers. $43
[item no.
BECKWITH, John, 1750-1809
[Voluntaries, organ/harpsichord]
Six Voluntaries for the Organ, Harpsichord, &c.
Musica Repartita, 61F. Utrecht, 1993. Oblong, 4º, 22 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1780 edition. Plastic ring binding. $20
[item no.
BÉDOS DE CELLES, François, 1709-1779
L’art du facteur d’orgues. Avec un aperçu biographique de Jean-Bernard Condate. Université de Lyon 2 – Département de Musicologie.
Geneva, 1984. 27 x 37 cm, 12, 708 facs, plus 137 facs plates pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1776-1778 edition, in a slightly reduced (-13%) format. Richly illustrated treatise on organ making, with beautifully executed plates addressing the structure of the instrument, methods of building, needs of the organist and characteristics of various instruments. Handsome binding in half
leatherette with printed boards reproducing a Bedos engraving. $546
[item no.
L’arte del costruttore di organi. Prima edizione italiana di L’art du facteur d’orgues; a cura di Enrico Cirani; consulenza e presentazione di Oscar Mischiati.
Cremona, c.1995. 2º, 2 vols pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1776-1778 edition (plates only), with accompanying texts in It. With bibliographical references and indices.
[item no.
BELLINZANI, Paolo Benedetto, c.1690-1757
Versetti per organo. Manoscritto dell’Archivio Capitolare del Duomo di Pesaro. A cura di Davide Marsano. Prefazione di Sergio Vartolo.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, VII/2. Bologna, 1997. Oblong, 4º, xxxviii, 138 pp. Bellinzani’s versetti for organ in various registers was first published in 1728. This line-cut facsimile provides the same settings in manuscript form. Wrappers. $65
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[item no.
BENDELER, Johann Philipp, c.1660-d.?
Organopoeia, oder: Unterweisung, wie eine Orgel nach ihren Haupstücken, als Mensuriren, Abtheilung derer Laden, Zufall des Windes, Stimmung oder Temperatur &c, aus wahren mathematischen Gründen zu erbauen.
Bibliotheca Organologica, 28. Buren, 1972. 15 x 19 cm, 56 facs, ix pp. Line-cut of the Frankfurt & Leipzig edition. Afterword in Dut by Rudolf Bruhin. Wrappers. $42
[item no.
BERNOULLI, Daniel, 1700-1782
Recherches physiques mécaniques et analytiques sur le son et sur les tons des tuyaux d’orgues différemment construits.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/74. Bologna, 1983. 16 x 22 cm, 56 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1764 edition. Laid paper. Cloth.
[item no.
BERTOLDO, Sperindio, c.1530-1570
Tocate, ricercari et canzoni francese intavolate per sonar d’organo.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/45. Bologna, 1971. Oblong, 25 x 17 cm, 31 pp. Line-cut of the Giacomo Vincenti edition, Venice, 1591. 6 pieces in score format. Laid paper. Hardbound.
[item no.
BIERMANN, Johann Hermann, 18th c.
Organographia Hildesiensis specialis.
Bibliotheca Organologica, 29. Buren, 1981. 8º, viii, c.72 pp. Line-cut of the Hildesheim, 1738 edition. Cloth. $71
[item no.
BIHLER (Bühler), Gregor, 1760-1823
[treatise, basso continuo]
Partitur-Regeln [in einem kurzem Auszuge für Anfänger. Nebst einem Anhange, wie man in alle Töne gehen könne]. Ms. 1793. [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 36. Stuttgart, 2017. 17 x 22 cm, 39 pp. Color reproduction of a rare manuscript on basso-continuo practice “for beginners”. Bihler was a German monastic composer; trained in the Minorite monastery in Maihingen, he was a boy soprano at the Benedictine Abbey at Neresheim and in 1801 become cathedral organist at Augsburg. Wrappers. $24
[item no.
BÖDDECKER, Phillip Jacob, 1607-1683
Höchst-schätzbares Seelen-Kleinod hangend an dem stets hell-leuchtenden geistlichen Morgenstern order Zwey schöne geistriche Lieder in einem doppelten (einfachen und fugirten) Contrapunkt. [Württembergischen Landesbibliothek, Stuttgart].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 10. Stuttgart, 1997. 24 x 29 cm, 14 pp. Line-cut of the Stuttgart, n.d. edition. Written for soprano, alto, tenor, bass and continuo, only the continuo part for organ (reproduced here) survive. Hardbound in marbled paper. $17
[item no.
BONUZZI, Antonio
Saggio di una storia dell’arte organaria in Italia nei tempi moderni.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, III/52. Bologna, 1983. 8º, 128 pp. (Rpt. of Milan, 1889 edition). Wrappers.
[item no.
BOTTAZZI, Bernardino, 16-17th c.
Choro et organo. Primo libro.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/131. Bologna, 1980. 22 x 31 cm, 135 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1614 edition. Cloth.
[item no.
BOYVIN, Jacques, c.1649-1706
[Livre d’orgue, book 1]
Premier livre d’orgue, 1690. Présentation par Marcel Degrutere. [Bibliothèque Municipale, Bordeaux].
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 155. Courlay, 2004. Oblong, 4º, xix, 121 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1690 edition. 10 sonatas. Preface in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $54
[item no.
[Livre d’orgue, book 2]
Second livre d’orgue, 1700. Présentation par Marcel Degrutere. [Bibliothèque Municipale, Bordeaux].
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 156. Courlay, 2004. Oblong, 4º, xiii, 124 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1700 edition. Preface in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $54
[item no.
[Method, keyboard accomp.]
Traité abrégé de l’accompagnement pour l’orgue et pour le clavecin avec une explication / [C.-F. Clement:] Essai sur l’accompagnement du clavecin / Essai sur la basse fondamentale.
Geneva, 2001. Oblong, 26 x 20 cm, 78 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1705, 1758, & 1762 editions. Three complementary treatises on accompanying with the organ and harpsichord. Wrappers. $71
[item no.
BULYOVSZKY, Mihaly, b.?-1711
Brevis de emendatione organi musici tractatio. Kurze Vorstellung von Verbesserung des Orgelwerkes.
Bibliotheca Organologica, 68. Buren, 1988. 11 x 18 cm, 164 pp. Line-cut of the Strasbourg, 1680 edition. Bilingual text, in Latin and German. Hardbound. $71
[item no.
BUSI, Alessandro, 1833-1895
30 componimenti per organo in istile legato di autori bolognesi del secolo XVIII. Raccolti da Alessandro Busi.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/59. Bologna, 1970. 25 x 35 cm, 73 pp. Line-cut of the n.d. edition. Works by Martini, Santelli, Giovagnoni, G.P. Colonna, Incerto and Gajani. Hardbound.
[item no.
BUUS, Jacques, b.?-1565
[Recercare, organ]
Intabolatura d’organo di recercari. Edizione della partitura a cura di Liuwe Tamminga.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/97. Bologna, 2004. 4º, 66 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1549 edition [Libro primo], with modern transcription. The 1st of the 4 ricerars included in this collection is in fact an intabulation by the composer himself of a work that had already appeared in Il secondo Libro de recercari da cantare et sonare d'organo et altri stromenti a quatro voci (A.
Gardane, 1549), in which the 4 voices making up the polyphonic texture were printed in partbook format. The appendix of the modern edition includes the partbook version in “intabulated” modern notation, giving us an opportunity to compare two authentic versions of the same piece (the intabulation adds a wealth of ornamentation, yet presents certain omissions in the action of the
voices). Intoduction in It-Eng. Wrappers in handsome portfolio.
(more info... )
[item no.
CALVI, Gian-Pietro, 18th c.
[Method, organ]
Istruzioni teorico-pratiche per l’organo e singolarmente sul modo di registrarlo.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/211. Bologna, 1972. Oblong, 32 x 22 cm, 34 pp. Line-cut of the Milan, 1833 edition. With 21 short pieces. Laid paper. Cloth.
[item no.
CARISSIMI, Gian Giacomo, 1605-1674
[Method, keyboard; method, singing & keyboard]
Vermehrter und nun zum zweytenmal in Druck befördertet kurzer jedoch gründlicher Wegweiser vermittelst welchen man nicht nur allein aus dem Grund die Kunst, die Orgel recht zu schlagen, sowol was den General-Bass... / Ars cantandi. Richtiger und außführlicher Weg, die Jugend aus dem rechten Grund in der Sing-Kunst zu unterrichten.
Faksimile-Edition Theoretica, 4 Suttgart, 2010. Oblong, 22 x 17 cm, 48; 74 pp. Line-cut of the Augsburg 1692 and 1693 editions. Ars cantandi—after a brief introduction on fundamentals and solmisation—includes an appendix of keyboard pieces (preamboli, intermezzi, versetti, toccate, tastate, variazioni, fughe). Hardbound in decorative paper. $46
[item no.
CASTELLO, Dario, 16-17th c.
[Sonate concertate, winds, strings, bc]
Sonate concertate in stil moderno, per sonar nel organo overo spineta, con diversi instrumenti a 2. e 3. voci. Venezia 1658.
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 15. Florence, 1979. 24 x 34 cm, 4 partbooks: 96 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1658 partbooks (canto I, canto II, basso), as well as the full score. Introduction in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers in decorative paper, with slipcover. $67
(more info... )
[item no.
[Sonate concertate, a1-4, winds/strings, bc, book 2]
Sonate concertate in stil moderno per sonar nel organo overo clavicembalo con diversi instrumenti a 1.2.3. & 4 voci. Libro secondo, Venezia 1644.
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 44. Florence, 1981. 24 x 34 cm, 5 partbooks, ii, 96 pp. Line-cut in the original partbook format. Consists of 17 sonatas for various instrumental combinations. Preface in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers and slipcover in decorative paper. $67
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[item no.
CAUS, Salomon de, 1576-1626
Kunst der Mechanik. Die phantastischen Erfindungen des Salomon de Caus. [Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg; Universitäts- & Landesbiblio–thek Sachsen-Anhalt].
Michaelsteiner Forschungsbeiträge, 23 Michaelstein, 2003. 25 x 38cm, 175 pp. Line-cut of Frankfurt, 1615 edition. Includes many elaborate drawings and engravings, including ones that depict a water-powered organ & organ bellows, a musical wheel, a water organ and various pipe and keyboard designs. Kunst der Mechanik also includes a madrigal by Alessandro Strigio, beautifully
engraved in keyboard tablature by Pierre Filippe. Afterword by Stefan Gugenhan. Hardbound. $55
[item no.
Les raisons des forces mouvantes, avec diverses machines tant utiles que plaisantes.
Bibliotheca Organologica, 21. Buren, 1973. 2º, Line-cut of the Frankfurt, 1615 edition. Introduction and bibliography. Cloth. $141
[item no.
CAVAZZONI, Marco Antonio, c.1490-c.1560
Recerchari / Motetti / Canzoni. Libro primo. A Facsimile of the [Venice, 1523] Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/12. New York, 1974. Oblong, 24 x 17 cm, 73 pp. Line-cut of the Bernardus Vercellensis edition, Venice, 1523, from the only complete copy known to exist (since the first impression of 1520). This collection of organ tablatures was printed with type and metal-block in two impressions, and contains the earliest known use of
chords and ties. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
CHAUMONT, Lambert, c.1630-1712
Pièces d’orgue sur les 8 tons, opus 2, 1695. Présentation par Jean Saint-Arroman. [Bibl. du Conservatorie, Liège].
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 165. Courlay, 2005. 24 x 33 cm, xii, 142 pp. Line-cut of the Liège, 1695 edition. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $65
[item no.
CIAJA, Azzolino Bernardino della, 1671-1755
[Sonatas, harpsichord]
Sonate per cembalo.
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 27. Florence, 1979. Oblong, 34 x 24 cm, iv, 77 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1727 edition. 6 sonata-toccatas, together with a “Saggi per organo”, a ricercare, and a short mass setting. Introduction in It by Laura Alvini. Wrappers in decorative paper. $34
[item no.
CIANCARLI, Heteroclito, fl.1602 (= Giancarli)
Compositioni musicali [intavolate per cantare et sonare nel liuto]. Venedig, Giacomo Vincenti 1602. [Regensburg, Bischöflichen Bibliothek].
Faksimile-Edition Canto e Continuo, 9. Stuttgart, 2015. 21 x 33 cm, 48 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1602 edition. Collection of 19 songs with Italian lute tablature, interestingly referred to as “Motetti, e Mad[rigali]” on the footer of each gathering. Published the same year as Caccini’s Le nuove musiche, these two collections—in the words of John Griffiths—are the meeting place of
the old “oral” tradition and the new declamatory style. Giancarli’s music has never been studied or performed since the early 17th c. Hardbound, with boards in decorative paper. $40
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[item no.
CLÉMENT, Charles-François, 1720-d.?
[Method, keyboard, accomp.]
Essai sur l’accompagnement du clavecin / Essai sur la basse fondamentale / [J. Boyvin:] Traité abrégé de l’accompagnement pour l’orgue et pour le clavecin avec une explication.
Geneva, 2001. Oblong, 26 x 20 cm, 78 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1705, 1758, & 1762 editions. Three complementary treatises on accompanying with the organ and harpsichord. Wrappers. $71
[item no.
CLEMENTI, Muzio, 1752-1832
Selection of Practical Harmony for the Organ or Piano Forte (unico pubblicato). [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/204. Bologna, 1974. Oblong, 32 x 22 cm, 146 pp. Line-cut of the London, n.d. edition. Voluntaries, fugues, canons and other short works. Cloth.
[item no.
CLÉRAMBAULT, Louis Nicolas, 1676-1749
[Livre d’orgue, book 1]
Premier livre d’orgue contenant deux suites du 1er et 2e ton dedié à Monsieur Raison, organiste de l’Abbaye Royale de Sainte Geneviève du Mont, et des R.R. P.P. Jacobins de la rüe St. Jaques.
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 38. Courlay, 1989. Oblong, 31 x 22 cm, xxiii, 31 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1714 edition. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger by Jean Saint-Arroman. Wrappers. $31
[item no.
[Livre d’orgue, book 1]
Premier livre d’orgue contenant deux suites du Ire et du IIe ton.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 82. New York, [1990]. Oblong, 27 x 20 cm, 30 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1714 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Motets, 1-2 voices, choir, bc]
Motets à une et deux voix pour tout le choeur avec la basse continue pour l’orgue. [Bibl. Nationale, Paris].
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 110. Courlay, 1998. 22 x 31 cm, 14, 37 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1733 edition. Introduction by Jean Saint-Arroman. Wrappers. $28
[item no.
CORELLI, Arcangelo, 1653-1713
[Concerti grossi, op.6; arr.]
Corelli’s Celebrated Twelve Concertos . . . Adapted for the Organ, Harpsichord or Piano Forte, by Thomas Billington, Opera IX.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 94. New York, [1991]. 25 x 35 cm, 58 pp. Line-cut of the G. Walker edition, London, 1605. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Trio sonatas, 2 violins, bc, op.1-2, selections; arr.]
Six Sonatas, Opera I., Adapted for the Organ; Six Sonatas, Opera II., Adapted for the Piano Forte or Harpsichord by Edward Miller.
Biblioteca Classica, 14/1-2. Rotterdam, 1993. 4º, 25 pp. Line-cut of the Longman & Broderip edition, London, c.1785. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Trio sonatas, violins, bc, op.3-4; selections; arr.]
Six sonatas, Opera III., Adapted for the Organ; Six Sonatas, Opera IV., Adapted for the Piano Forte or Harpsichord by Edward Miller.
Biblioteca Classica, 14/3-4. Rotterdam, 1993. 4º, 44 pp. Line-cut of the Longman & Broderip edition, London, c.1785. Wrappers. $22
[item no.
CORREA DE ARAUJO, Francisco, c.1576-c.1654
Libro de tientos y discursos de música práctica y teórica de órgano.
Geneva, 1981. 18 x 25 cm, 468 pp. Line-cut of the Alcala, 1626 edition. Organ tablature with a very original theoretical and technical part, followed by some 70 pieces–tientos glosas and variations. $202
[item no.
CORRETTE, Gaspard, 1671-c.1732
[Masses, organ]
Messe du 8e ton pour l’orgue (1703). [Bibl. Nationale, Paris].
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, [60]. Courlay, 1991. Oblong, 31 x 22 cm, 32, 52 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1703 edition. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger by Philippe Lescat. Wrappers. $39
[item no.
CORRETTE, Michel, 1709-1795
[Method, keyboard, accomp.]
Le maître de clavecin pour l’accompagnement.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/135. Bologna, 2/[1997]. 8º, 94 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1753 edition. Wrappers. $44
[item no.
[Method, keyboard, accomp.]
Le maître de clavecin pour l’accompagnement. A Facsimile of the Paris, 1753 Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/13. New York, 1976. 22 x 30 cm, i, 98 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1753 edition. This work was produced at various times with plates that were either corrected or added to. This edition attempts to present the “latest” state of Le maître. Laid paper, cloth.
[item no.
[Method, keyboard, accomp.]
La maître de clavecin pour l’accompagnement. Méthode théorétique et pratique.
Hildesheim, 1975. vi, 90 pp. Line-cut reproduction of the Paris, 1753 edition. A tutor based on Campion’s octave rule and Rameau’s treatise on fundamental bass. $51
[item no.
[Method, keyboard; Sonatas, violin, flute, viol]
Le maître de clavecin pour l’accompagnement / Prototipes contenant des leçons d’accompagnement.
Geneva, 1976. 4º, 130 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1753 & 1775 editions. Prototipes contains lessons in questions and answer form, and illustrative sonatas for the vln, fl, and descant viol. $76
[item no.
[Noëls, keyboard, carillon]
Nouveau livre de noëls avec un carillon, pour le clavecin ou l’orgue. [British Library].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 212. New York, [2003]. Oblong, 27 x 21 cm, 55 pp. Line-cut of the author’s edition, Paris, [1753]. Arranged into 4 suites. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Pièces, organ]
Pièces pour l’orgue dans un genre nouveau, à l’usage des Dames religieuses et à ceux qui touchent l’orgue. Avec le mélange des jeux et la manière d’imiter le tonnerre.
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 198. Courlay, 2007. 21 x 29 cm, 60 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, [1787] edition. Wrappers. $31
[item no.
COUPERIN, François, 1668-1733
[Pièces, organ, book 1]
Pièces d’orgue - Messes à l’usage des paroisses.
Collection FacsiMusic. Courlay, 2007. Oblong, 30 x 21 cm, 44 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, [1690] edition. Wrappers. $16
[item no.
[Pièces, organ, book 2]
Pièces d’orgue II: messes propre pour les couvents de religieux et religieuses. [Bibl. Inguimbertine, Carpentras].
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 5. Courlay, 1986. Oblong, 24 x 17 cm, xx, 39 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, [1690] edition. Introduction by Jean Saint-Arroman. Wrappers.
[item no.
DANDRIEU, Jean François, 1682-1738
[Pièces, organ, book 1]
Premier livre de pièces d’orgue. [Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris].
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 83. Courlay, 1994. Oblong, 32 x 23 cm, 18, 83 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1739 edition. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger by Philippe Lescat. Wrappers. $46
[item no.
DANDRIEU, Pierre, 1665-1733
[Noëls, organ or harpsichord]
Noëls. O Filii, chansons de St-Jacques, Stabat Mater et carillon. Paris (ca 1729) / [Jean-François Dandrieu:] Noëls. O Filii, chansons de St-Jacques, et carillons. Paris (1759).
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 130. Courlay, 2000. Oblong, 4º, 2 volumes, xxi, 194 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1729 and 1759 editions. Preface, in Fr-Eng-Ger by Philippe Lescat & Jean Saint-Arroman, compares the relationship of the noël settings by Pierre and Jean-François Dandrieu. Hardbound, in slipcase. $95
[item no.
DAQUIN, Louis-Claude, 1694-1772
[Noëls, organ/harpsichord, vln, fl, ob, etc, op.2]
Nouveau livre de noëls pour l’orgue et le clavecin, dont la plûpart peuvent s’éxécuter sur les violins, flutes, hautbois, &c, dédié à son altesse sérénissime Monseigneur Le Compte d’Eu, Prince Souverain de Dombes. Œuvre II.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 32. New York, [1987]. 4°, 52 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, [1757] edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Noëls, organ/harpsichord, vln, fl, ob, etc, op.2]
Nouveau livre de noëls pour l’orgue et le clavecin, dont la plûpart peuvent s’éxécuter sur les violins, flutes, hautbois, &c, dédié à son altesse sérénissime Monseigneur Le Compte d’Eu, Prince Souverain de Dombes. Œuvre II.
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 27. Courlay, 1989. 22 x 31 cm, xi, 52 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, [1757] edition. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger by Jean Saint-Arroman. Wrappers. $32
[item no.
DAVIDE DA BERGAMO, Padre, 1791-1863
[Fughette & versetti, organ]
72 fughette o versetti di stil fugato per organo a ripieno. Premessa alla ristampa di Paolo Marenzi.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/77. Bologna, 1985. Oblong, 31 x 22 cm, iv, 42 pp. Line-cut of Milan, n.d. edition. Laid paper. Cloth.
[item no.
[Musica sacra, organ]
Musica sacra per organo: Due sinfonie, suonatina, tre elevazioni, pastorale. Premessa alla ristampa di Paolo Marenzi.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/63. Bologna, 2/ 1981. Oblong, 35 x 25 cm, viii, 65 pp. Line-cut of the Ricordi, printed edition. Beautiful cloth portfolio.
[item no.
DIRUTA, Girolamo, c.1550-d.?
Il Transilvano. Part I e II.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/132. Bologna, 2/ 1997. 22 x 32 cm, vi, 139 pp. Line-cut of the Vincenti editions, Venice, 1593 & 1622. Believed to be the first thorough going method written for organists and cembalists. The author’s experience from studying with Merulo, Porta, and Zarlino, gave him great authority on contemporary Venetian keyboard technique. Introduction in It
by Luisa Cervelli. Cloth. $82
[item no.
Il Transilvano (1593, 1609). A Facsimile Edition with Introduction by Edward J. Soehnlen and Murray C. Bradshaw. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. & Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].
Bibliotheca Organologica, 44. Buren, 1983. 16 x 23 cm, 71, 176 pp. Line-cut, in reduced format, of the Venice, 1593 and Venice, 1609 editions. Cloth. $123
[item no.
DOUWES, Klaas, 1668-d.?
Grondig ondersoek van de Toonen der Musijk. With an Introduction by Peter Williams.
Early Music Theory in the Low Countries, 2. Buren, 1971. 11 x 16 cm, xxviii, 132 pp. Line-cut of the Franeker edition. An impressive book, providing instruction in the modes, builders dimensions for organ pipes, and practical insights into temperament. Wrappers. $50
[item no.
DU MAGE, Pierre, c.1674-1751
[Livre d’orgue, book 1]
Ier livre d’orgue contenant une suite du premier ton, dedié a Messieurs les vénérables Doyen Chanoines et Chapitre de l’Église Roïale de St. Quentin. [Bibl. Nationale, Paris].
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 39. Courlay, 1989. Oblong, 31 x 22 cm, xvii, 21 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1708 edition. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger by Jean Saint-Arroman. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
FANTINI, Girolamo, fl.1630-1640
[Method, trumpet]
Modo per imparare a sonare di tromba. Tanto di guerra quanto musicalmente in organo, con tromba sordina, col cimbalo, e ogn’altro istrumento (Frankfort, 1638). Facsimile Edition with a Complete English Translation and Critical Commentary by Edward H. Tarr.
Vuarmarens, 2/ 2009. 26 x 36 cm, 87, 7 pp. Line-cut of the Frankfurt (Florence?), 1638 edition. A seminal work in the history of the trumpet. Fantini was the first to introduce a new style of playing which made it possible for the trumpet to be accepted into art music. Wrappers. $75
[item no.
[Method, trumpet]
Modo per imparare a sonare di tromba. Tanto di guerra quanto musicalmente in organo, con tromba sordina, col cimbalo, e ogn’altro istrumento.
Performers’ Facsimile, 211. New York [2002] 24 x 33 cm, 87 pp. Line-cut of the Frankfurt [Florence?], 1638 edition. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
FAUCHARD, Auguste, 1881-1957
[Symphony, no.2, organ, D maj.]
Deuxième symphonie pour orgue, 1928/1929. Présentation par Michèle Guyard.
Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1996. 28 x 34 cm, 12, 48 pp. Line-cut of the autograph. Preface in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $32
[item no.
FERNÁNDEZ DE HUETE, Diego, f.1699-1704
[Method, harp/organ]
Compendio numeroso de zifras armónicas, con theorica, y practica, para harpa de una orden, de dos ordenes, y de organo. [Par] María Rosa Calvo Manzano.
Madrid, 1992. Oblong, 32 x 22 cm, 2 vols, 206, 247 pp. Line-cut of the Madrid, 1702-1704 edition. The earliest known manual devoted mainly to the harp. Gives instructions for the diatonic harp with one string row and the chromatic harp with two. Includes popular dances of the day notated in Spanish keyboardtablature. Wrappers. $88
[item no.
FÉTIS, Francois Joseph, 1784-1871
Fantasie symphonique pour orgue et orchestre par F. J. Fétis. [Ms. Bibl. du Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles].
Veurne, 1983. 25 x 35 cm, 80 pp. Line-cut. Composed in 1866 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Royal Academy and the installation of a new organ in its concert hall. An important precursor of St.-Saëns’ Symphony No.3 for organ & orchestra. Wrappers. $44
[item no.
[Masses, organ]
6 messes faciles pour l’orgue. Ouvrage composé pour l’instruction élémentaire des eléves organistes.
Veurne, 1983. 25 x 34 cm, i, 122 pp. Line-cut of the Henri Lemoine edition, Paris, 1840. Wrappers. $32
[item no.
FISCHER, Johann Caspar Ferdinand, c.1670-1746
Ariadne musica neo-organoedum per viginti praeludia, totidem fugas atque quinque ricercaras super totidem sacrorum anni temporum ecclesiasticas cantilenas e difficultatum labyrintho educens. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 197. New York, [1997]. Oblong, 28 x 20 cm, 52 pp. Line-cut of the second edition, Augsburg, 1715. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
Blumen Strauss, aus dem anmuthigsten musicalischen Kunst Garten. [Staats- & Stadtbibliothek, Augsburg].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 199. New York, [2004]. Oblong, 34 x 26 cm, 46 pp. Line-cut of the Augsburg, 1732. Preludes and fugues set on the 8 ecclesiastical tones. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
Musicalisches Blumen-Büschlein, oder Neu eingerichtes Schlag-Wercklein bestehend in unterschidlichen Galanterien: als Praeludien, Allemanden, Couranten, Sarabanden, Bouréen, Gavotten, Menueten, Chaconnen &c. Opus II. [Private collection].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 196. New York, [1997]. Oblong, 28 x 21 cm, 67 pp. Line-cut of the second edition, Augsburg, 1698. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
Musicalischer-Parnassus, oder ganz neu unter dem Nahmen der IX Musen, gleicherweiss in IX Parthien bestehend und auff das Clavier eingerichtetes Schlag-Werck. [Staats- & Stadtbibliothek, Augsburg].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 198. New York, [2004]. Oblong, 34 x 26 cm, 68 pp. Line-cut of the Augsburg, 1738. 9 suites. Wrappers. $28
[item no.
FRANCK, César, 1822-1890
Choral No.2 in B Minor for Organ. Facsimile of the Autograph Manuscript by César Franck, born December 10, 1822, in Liège, died November 8, 1890, in Paris. Introduction and Annotations by Emory Fanning.
Middlebury, 1981. 28 x 36 cm, iv, 20 pp. Halftone in original format of Franck’s autograph dated 14 Sept. 1890. Limited edition. Folder. $43
[item no.
FRANCK, George, 18th c.
Pièces choisies et partagées en différentes œuvres, accommodées dans le gout moderne pour l’orgue et le clavecin.
Clavecinistes Européens du XVIIIe Siècle, IV. Geneva, 1986. 22 x 28 cm, 31 pp. Line-cut of the Colmar edition, Munich, c.1740. 4 sonatas. Wrappers. $40
[item no.
FRESCOBALDI, Girolamo, 1583-1643
[Canzoni, a1-4, strings, winds, bc, books 1 & 2]
Il primo libro delle canzoni a una, due, tre, e quattro voci per sonar con ogni sorte de stromenti, Rome 1628 / Canzoni da sonare a una, due, tre e quattro con il basso continuo. Venezia 1634.
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 42. Florence, 1981. Oblong & upright, 34 x 24 cm, 6 partbooks & score, c.300, ii pp. Line-cut of the Paolo Masotti and Alessandro Vincenti edition (the former issued the work in score format, the latter in partbooks). Preface in It by Lapo Bramanti. Wrappers in decorative paper, in a slipcase.
(more info... )
[item no.
[Fiori musicali, keyboard/voices, op.12]
Fiori musicali [di diverse compositioni, toccate, kirie, canzoni, capricci, e recercari in partitura a quattro utili per sonatori. . . Opera duodecima], 1635. Présentation par Philippe Lescat.
Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1995. 24 x 32 cm, 29, 107 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1635 edition. For 4 unspecified singers/instruments or keyboard instrument, notated in open score. Wrappers. $57
[item no.
[Fiori musicali, keyboard/voices, op.12]
Fiori musicali. Introduzione di Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavini. [Biblioteca Communale Ariostea, Ferrara].
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/86. Bologna, 2000. 21 x 31 cm, xx, 108 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1635 edition. For 4 unspecified singers/instruments or keyboard instrument, notated in open scoreIntroduction in It-Eng. Wrappers.
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[item no.
[Toccatas, etc., keyboard, book 1]
Toccate d’intavolatura di cimbalo et organo. Partite di diverse, arie e corrente, balletti, ciaccone, passaghagli. Libro primo.
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 3. Florence, 1980. 24 x 34 cm, iii, 116 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1637 edition. Preface in It by Laura Alvini. Wrappers in decorative paper. Special sale price, $23, regularly $35
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[item no.
[Toccatas, etc., keyboard, book 2]
Il secondo libro di toccate, canzone, versi d’hinni magnificat, gagliarde, correnti, et altre partite d’intavolatura di cimbalo et organo.
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 4. Florence, 1980. 24 x 34 cm, i, 94 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1637 edition. Preface in It by Laura Alvini. Wrappers in decorative paper. Special sale price, $23, regularly $35
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[item no.
FROBERGER, Johann Jacob, 1616-1667
[Partite musicali, keyboard]
Partite musicali. Mainz, Ludwig Bourgeat 1696. [Bibl. Jagiellońska, Krakow].
Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 5. Stuttgart, 2006. Oblong, 32 x 20 cm, 28 pp. Halftone of the Amsterdam, 1696 edition. Hardbound in decorative paper. $30
[item no.
[Partite musicali, keyboard]
Diverse ingegnosissime, rarissime & non mai piu viste curiose partite di toccate, canzone, ricerate, alemande, correnti, sarabande e gique, di cimbali, organi e instromenti. [Princeton University Library].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 265. New York, [2008]. Oblong, 29 x 20 cm, 44 pp. Line-cut of the Mainz, 1693 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Partite musicali, keyboard]
Partite musicali. Prima continuatione per uso è recreatione de gli amatori di cimbali, organi, instromenti e spinetti. [Staatliche Hochschule für Musik & Darstellende Kunst, Berlin].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 266. New York, [2008]. Oblong, 29 x 20 cm, ii, 28 pp. Line-cut of the Mainz, 1696 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Suites, keyboard]
10 suittes de clavessin.
Musica Repartita, 44F. Utrecht, 1994. 4º, 42 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, c.1710 edition. Wrappers. $21
[item no.
[Suites, keyboard]
Suittes des clavessin. Amsterdam, E. Roger. [Bibl. Jagiellońska, Krakow].
Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 6. Stuttgart, 2006. Oblong, 25 x 18 cm, 40 pp. Halftone of the Amsterdam, 1710 edition. Hardbound in decorative paper. $35
[item no.
[Suites, keyboard]
10 Suittes de clavessin. [King’s College Library, University of Cambridge].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 267. New York, [2010]. Oblong, 28 x 20 cm, ii, 40 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, 1710 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
Toccatten, Suiten, Lamenti. The Manuscript SA 4450 from the Berlin Sing-Akademie zu Berlin. Facsimile and Transcription Edited by Peter Wollny and the Berlin Sing-Akademie zu Berlin.
Documenta Musicologica, II/31. Kassel, 2004. 25 x 35 cm, xxv, 75, 55 pp. Full-color reproduction of a contemporary ms copy, together with a new engraved edition. This ms resurfaced in 1999 and was returned to the archives of the Sing-Akademie in Berlin in 2001. It was probably prepared from autograph originals by the Hamburg organist Johann Kortkamp, ca.1665-1670 and contains a
total of 21 authentic Froberger compositions (6 toccatas, 13 suites, 2 lamenti). Besides providing the first reliable readings for most of the works, it also contains titles, explanations (especially elucidating the piece with “26 numbered Passages”) and dedications that shed valuable light on Froberger’s life. Preface in Ger/Eng. Hardbound.
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[item no.
[Toccatas, keyboard]
[Diverse ingegnosissime, rarissime & non maj piu viste curiose partite, di] toccate, [canzone, ricercate, alemande, correnti, sarabande e gique, cimbali, organi e instromenti]. Ludwig Bourgeat 1693. [Bibl. Jagiellońska, Krakow].
Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 7. Stuttgart, 2006. Oblong, 32 x 21 cm, 46 pp. Halftone of the Amsterdam, 1693 edition. Hardbound in decorative paper. $40
[item no.
GABRIELI, Andrea, c.1510-1586
[Intonations, organ]
Intonationi d’organo composte sopra tutti li dodeci toni della musica.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/46. Bologna, 1972. Oblong, 25 x 18 cm, 86 pp. Line-cut of the Gardano edition, Venice, 1593. 12 works by Andrea and 29 by Giovanni. Cloth.
[item no.
[Ricercari, keyboard]
Ricercari composti e tabulati per ogni sorte di stromento da tasti.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/47. Bologna, 2/ 2007 Oblong, 17 x 25 cm, 88 pp. Line-cut of the 1595 edition. Contains 13 works arranged by key. Cloth.
[item no.
GARDANO, Angelo, b.?-1610 [publisher]
[Canzoni & ricercari, keyboard, book 5]
Canzoni alla francese et ricercari ariosi [tabulate per sonar sopra istromenti da tasti. Libro quinto]. [Augsburg, Staats- & Stadtsbibliothek].
Faksimile-Edition Augsburg, 4. Stuttgart, 1997. Line-cut of the Venice, 1605 edition. 12 works in keyboard notation including works by Lasso, Crequillon and Jannequin. Hardbound in marbled paper. $54
[item no.
GARDANO, Antonio, 1509-1569 [publisher]
Intabolatura nova di varie sorte de balli da sonare.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/50a. Bologna, 1971. Oblong, 23 x 16 cm, 52 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1551 edition. 25 pieces in two-staff keyboard notation. Wrappers.
[item no.
GERVAIS, Laurent, fl.1725-1745
[Method, keyboard, accomp.]
Méthode pour l’accompagnement du clavecin, qui peut servir d’introduction à la composition, & apprendre à bien chiffrer les basses.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/142. Bologna, 1974. 23 x 32 cm, 33 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1734 edition. Cloth.
[item no.
[Method, keyboard, accomp.]
Méthode pour l’accompagnement du clavecin, qui peut servir d’introduction à la composition, et apprendre à bien chiffrer les basses.
Geneva, 1995. 21 x 30 cm, 33 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1733 edition. Wrappers. $40
[item no.
GRAUPNER, Christoph, 1683-1760
Monatliche Clavir Früchte [bestehend in Praeludien, Allemanden, Courranten, Sarabanden, Menuetten, Giguen &c, meistentheils vor Anfänger] (1722). Présentation par Oswald Bill. [Yale University, New Haven, CT].
Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 2003. Oblong, 4˚, xii, 134 pp. Line-cut of the author’s edition, Darmstadt, 1722. Consists of 12 dance suites corresponding to the 12 months of the year. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $59
[item no.
GREENE, Maurice, 1696-1755
[Voluntaries, keyboard]
Twelve Voluntarys of the Organ or Harpsichord or Spinnet. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 192. New York, [1997]. 26 x 32 cm, 36 pp. Line-cut of the London, [1779] edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
GRIGNY, Nicolas de, 1671-1703
[Masses & hymns, organ, book 1 (composite sources)]
Premier livre d’orgue [contenant une messe et les hymnes des principales fêtes de l’année]; Édition originale, 1699; Copie manuscrite de J.S. Bach; Copie manuscrite de J.G. Walther. [Bibl. Nationale de France, Paris; Stadt- & Landesbibl. Frankfurt; Staatsbibliothek Berlin].
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 139. Courlay, 2000. Oblong, 4º, 3 vols, xlviii, 207 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1699, supplemented by the manuscript copy by J.S. Bach and J.G. Walther. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger by P. Hardouin, P. Lescat. J. Saint-Arroman et J.C. Tosi. Wrappers. $114
[item no.
GUNN, Barnabus, c.1680-d.?
[Lessons, harpsichord]
Six Setts of Lessons for the Harpsichord. [King’s College, Cambridge].
Alston, 1998. Oblong, 29 x 21 cm, i, 51 pp. Line-cut of the John Johnson edition, London, c.1734. The lessons show elements of the suite, organ voluntary and the sonata. Ring binding. $32
[item no.
HANDEL, George Frideric, 1685-1759
[Concerto, oboe & orch, arr.]
Handel’s Celebrated Oboe Concertos Adapted for the Organ, Harpsichord or Piano Forte.
Reproduktionen Historische Ausgaben, 7. Berlin, c.1990. 4°. 40 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1785 (first) edition, arranged for keyboard solo. Wrappers. $28
[item no.
[Concerti, organ, orch, op.4, HWV 289-294]
Six Concertos for the Organ and Harpsicord. Opera Quarta.
Huntingdon, n.d. 4º. Xerographic reprint of the Walsh edition. Scored for Scored for org, ob 1-2, vln 1-2, vla, vc/bass, vln 1-2 rip, vc/bass rip. Wrappers. $59
[item no.
[Concerti, organ, orch, op.4, HWV 289-294]
Six Concertos for the Organ and Harpsicord. Opera Quarta.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 220. New York, [2004]. 4º, 10 partbooks, 153 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, [1738]. Unlike Walsh’s editions of Handel’s opp.1-3 which were probably pirated, the Concertos for the Organ, op.4 were issued with the composer’s cooperation (so the title-page claimed). Scored for org, ob 1-2, vln 1-2, vla, vc/bass, vln 1-2 rip, vc/bass rip. Wrappers.
[item no.
[Fugues & Voluntaries, keyboard, HWV 605-610]
Six Fugues or Voluntarys for the Organ or Harpsicord. Troisieme Ovarage. [private collection].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 272. New York, [2008]. Oblong, 34 x 24 cm, 25 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, 1735. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
HAVINGHA, Gerhardus, 1696-1753
Oorspronk en Voortgang der Orgelen, met de Voortreffelykheit van Alkmaars groote Orgel (Alkmaar, 1727). . . Facsimile-uitgave verzorgd en van inleiting voorzien door Arend Jan Gierveld.
Bibliotheca Organologica, 13. Buren, 1985. 10 x 18 cm, 105, 230 +28 +38 pp. Line-cut of the Alkmaar, 1727 edition. The first Dutch publication on organ building and organ history. Together with a facsimile of Jacob Wognum’s Verdediging tegen de lasterende Voorreden over de Oorspronk en Voortgang der Orgelen and AE.E. Veldcamps’ Onderrichtinge wegens eeinge Perioden tegens hem
Uitgegeven in het Boek, genaamt Oorsponk en Voortgang der Orgelen. Linen (also available in wrappers). $108
[item no.
HEINICHEN, Johann David, 1683-1729
Der Generalbaß in der Komposition.
Hildesheim, 2/ 1994. 8º, 960 pp. Line-cut of the Dresden, 1728 edition. Rich source of information on thorough-bass practice, skillfully written and organized. Deals with many complex issues confronting musicians in the performance and interpretation of Baroque music, including meters,embellishments, dissonance, recitative and the use of the figured bass. Linen. $267
[item no.
HENKEL, Michael, 1780-1851
24 leichte vermischte Orgelstücke, op.26.
Biblioteca Classica, 54. Rotterdam, 1988. 4º, 13 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1813 edition. Wrappers. $15
[item no.
HENRY D’ANGLEBERT, Jean, 1635-1691
[Pièces, harpsichord, Amsterdam ed.]
Pièces de clavessin avec la maniere de les jouer diverses chacconnes, ouvertures & autres airs de Monsieur Lully mis sur cet instrument Avec quelques fugues pour l’orgue. [Yale University, New Haven].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 245. New York, [2002]. 24 x 31 cm, 72 pp. Line-cut of the Roger edition, Amsterdam, c.1704, in upright format. Includes the same music as the earlier (oblong) editions, but abbreviates the appendix of ornaments. Wrappers $20
[item no.
HESS, Joachim, 1730-1810
Dispositien der merkwaardigste Kerk-orgelen, welken in de zeven Vereenigde Provincien / Brief aan den Heer Joachim Hess, ten geleide van eene naauwkeurige Beschrijving van het nieuwe en uitmuntende Orgel in de St. Stephanus of Grote Kerk binnen Nijmegen. Introduction and Notes by A.J. Gierveld.
Bibliotheca Organologica, 11. Buren, 1982. 8º, 310 pp. Line-cut of the Gouda, 1774 and Nijmegen, 1782 editions. Cloth. (also available in wrappers). $81
[item no.
Luister van het orgel, of naauwkeurige aanwijzinge, hoe men door eene gepaste registreering en geschikte bespeeling.
Bibliotheca Organologica, 10. Buren, 1976. 8º, 40, xii, 78 pp. Line-cut of the Gouda, 1772 edition. Wrappers. $37
[item no.
HEURN, Johan van, 1751-1815
De Orgelmaaker behelzende eene uitvoerige beschrijving van alle de uit- en inwendige deelen des orgels, en handleiting tot het maaken, zamenbrengen en herstellen derzelven.
Bibliotheca Organologica, 56. Buren, 1989. 8º, c.1250 pp. Line-cut of the Dordrecht, 1804-1805 edition. Cloth. 4 vols. $314
[item no.
HILLER, Johann Adam, 1728-1804
Allgemeines Choral-Melodienbuch [für Kirchen und Schulen, auch zum Privatgebrauche in vier Stimmen gesetzt: zur Bequemlichkeit der Orgel- und Clavierspieler auf zwo Linien zusammengezogen]. [Private collection].
Hildesheim, 1978. Olblong, 27 x 19 cm, 209 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, n.d. edition. Linen. $60
[item no.
HODERMAN, George Caspar, 18th c.
[Fugues, keyboard, op.1]
Six fugues pour les orgues ou le clavecin, œuvre première (c.1780). Edited in Facsimile with an Introduction by Wil Dekker. [Toonkunst-Bibliothek, Amsterdam].
Dutch Music Facsimiles, 11. Utrecht, 2002. 4º, ix, 17 pp. Line-cut of the Siegfried Markordt edition, c.1780, Amsterdam. Part of a composite volume which contained 11 organ works. Wrappers. $32
[item no.
HÜLPHERS, Abraham Abrahamsson, 1734-1798
Historisk Afhandling om Musik och Instrumenter särdeles om Orgwerks. . . With an English Introduction by Thorild Lindgren and a Note on the Organs by Peter Williams. [Musikhistoriska museet, Stockholm].
Bibliotheca Organologica, 35. Buren, 1971. 11 x 19 cm, 28, 353, plus 4 foldouts pp. Line-cut of the Westerås, 1773 edition. Cloth. $66
[item no.
KAYSER, Isfrid, 1712-1771
Cantatae sacrae [complectentes arias XVIII. cum recitativis, et alleluja plerisque anni festivitatibus accommodatas à voce sola, 2. violinis, alto viola, et organo. [Stadtbibl., Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 13. Stuttgart, 2002. 20 x 32 cm, 5 partbooks, c.270 pp. Line-cut of the Munich, c.1746 edition. Scored for solo voice, 2 vln, vla & bc (organ). Hardbound in decorative paper, with slipcase. $109
[item no.
KERLL, Johann Caspar von, 1627-1693
Modulatio organica [super magnificat octo ecclesiaticis tonis respondens]. Michael Wening / München 1686. [Proske-Bibliothek Regensburg, AN64].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 88. Stuttgart, 2020. Oblong, 24 x 19 cm, 90; 13 pp. Line-cut of the elegant Munich, 1686 edition; this particular print in the holdings of the Proske-Bibliothek includes additional music—ca. 5 toccatas—in manuscript (approx. 272 bars), added at the end; the unknown copyist has added the inscription “Gugi [or Giegi] Caspar Kerl”. Hardbound, with decorative
paper boards. $63
[item no.
KINDERMANN, Johann Erasmus, 1616-1655
Des Erlösers Christi [und sündigen Menschens heylsames Gespräch]. Nürnberg / Wolfgang Endter [1643]. [Proske-Bibliothek Regensburg, A40b].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 87. Stuttgart, 2020. 21 x 33 cm, 28, i pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1643 edition. Oratorio setting on the spiritual poetry “Salutary Conversation of the Redeemer Christ and Sinful Man”, consisting of 7-part chorus, soloists and instrumental accompaniment and instrumental “symphonias”. The print is in many ways an unrealized short score with performance
queues typical of the period. Hardbound in decorative paper boards. $39
[item no.
Harmonia organica [in tabulaturam germanicam composita: I. Praeambula per omnes tonos figurales, II. Fantasiae, III. Fuga, IV. Intonationes, V. Magnificat], Nürnberg, 1645. [Bibl. Jagiellońska, Krakow].
Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 11. Stuttgart, 2007. 21 x 32 cm, 56 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1645 edition. 25 short pieces in contrapuntal style, of which 14 are preludes in the 7 authentic and plagal modes, and 1 is a triple fugue on 3 chorale melodies. One of the first German organ collections to be engraved. Laid paper. Hardbound, with marbled paper boards. $44
[item no.
Opitianischer Orpheus, das ist musicalischer Ergetzligkeitene, erster Theil mitt 1. und 2. Stimmen ne., von dem General Baß darzu noch 3 Violn in Rittornelli. . . Cantus sive Tenor et Bassus Continuus / Opitianischer Orpheus, das ist Musicalischer Ergetzligkeiten Ander Theil mit einer signden Stimm/sampreinem amorosischen Dialogo, mit zwenen/neben
dem Basso Generali, für einen Organ-Theorb ober Lauteniisten accommodirt. . . cantus sive tenor, & Bassus continuus]. Nürnberg / Wolfgang Endter 1642. [Proske-Bibliothek Regensburg, A40a].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 86. Stuttgart, 2020. 21 x 33 cm, 26, 24, i pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1642 edition. 27 strophic settings for 1-2 voices (mainly for “cantus or tenor”, but some for tenor or baritone alone) and basso continuo. With instrumental rittornelli for violins, viols & theorbo. “Opitianischer Orpheus” = songs based on poetry by Martin Opitz. Hardbound in
decorative paper boards. $39
[item no.
KIRCHHOFF, Gottfried, 1685-1746
L’A.B.C. Musical. Contenant des preludes et des fugues de tous les tons pour l'orgue, ou le clavecin. Fort utile aux disciples pour aprendre à accompagner de la basse continue et à faire des preludes et des fugues. Faksimile Nachdruck 2004 der Originalausgabe Amsterdam ca. 1734 herausgegeben, kommentiert und Generalbaß realiziert von Anatoly Milka.
St. Petersburg, 2004 Oblong, 28 x 21, xxvii, 33, 66 pp. Line-cut of the Witvogel edition, Amsterdam, 1734. An important source for partimento. Kirchhoff provides a single figured bass line, then the performer is expected to expand this into a filled-out prelude and fugue. The importance of this—alongside such works as J.S. Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier—cannot be overstated. The work
was considered lost until a copy was found in the State Conservatory in St. Petersburg. With complete realizations of the basso continuo examples. Commentary in Rus-Ger. Hardbound. $46
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[item no.
KIRNBERGER, Johann Philipp, 1721-1783
[Fuges, keyboard]
Huit fugues pour les clavecin ou l’orgue - 1777.
Collection FacsiMusic. Courlay, 2007. 21 x 29 cm, 16 pp. Line-cut of the Hummel edition, Berlin, [1777]. Wrappers. $10
[item no.
KITTEL, Johann Christian, 1732-1809
Der angehende praktische Organist. With an Introduction by Gerard Bal.
Bibliotheca Organologica, 72. Buren, 1981. Oblong, 25 x 22 cm, 70, 305 pp. Line-cut of the Erfurt, 1801-1808 edition. Hardbound. $137
[item no.
Der angehende praktische Organist. Reprint der Ausgaben: Teil 1, Erfurt, 2. vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage 1808; Teil 2, Erfurt 1803; Teil 3, Erfurt 1808. Mit einem Nachwort von Gerard Bal. [Musikbibl. der Stadt, Leipzig].
Leipzig, 1986. Oblong, 24 x 20 cm, 313, [xvi] pp. Line-cut of the Erfurt, 1808, 1803, & 1808 edition. Linen, with slipcase in marbled paper. $42
[item no.
KNECHT, Justin Heinrich, 1752-1817
Vollständige Orgelschule für Anfänger und Geübtere. Faksimile der Ausgabe Leipzig 1795-1798, herausgegeben von Michael Ladenburger.
Wiesbaden, 1989. 4º, 3 vols, x, 472, ix pp. Line-cut of the Breitkopf & Härtel edition, Leipzig, 1795-1798. Wrappers. $82
[item no.
KNOCK, Nicolaas Arnoldi, 1759-1794
Dispositien der merkwaardigste Kerk-Orgelen welken in de Provincie Friesland, Groningen en Elders aangetroffen worden.
Bibliotheca Organologica, 24. Buren, 1972. 8º, 83, xxx pp. Line-cut of the Groningen, 1788 edition. Afterword by Herman S.J. Zandt. Wrappers. $37
[item no.
KOLB, Carlman, 1703-1765
Certamen aonium [id est Lusus vocum inter se innocuè concertantium, continens praeambula, versett: atque cadentias ab oeto tonis. Pars prima]. o.O. / o.D. [Bischöfliche Bibliothek Regensburg]
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 81. Stuttgart, 2018. Oblong, 31 x 24 cm, 49 pp. Line-cut of the Augsburg, [1733] edition. Certamen aonium consists of 8 preludes, each with 3 verses in the form of short fughettas and a cadenza; the music is reminiscent of Gottlieb Muffat. Hardbound, with decorative paper boards. $42
[item no.
KREBS, Johann Ludwig, 1713-1780
[Clavier-Übung, keyboard, part 1]
Clavier-Übung. Préludes et chorals pour orgue (1e partie) - c.1744.
Collection FacsiMusic. Courlay, 2007. 21 x 29 cm, 28 pp. Line-cut of the B. Schmid edition, Nuremberg, c.1744. Wrappers. $12
[item no.
[Clavier-Übung, keyboard, part 2]
Clavier-Übung (IIe partie - Suite pour clavecin), c. 1744.
Collection FacsiMusic. Courlay, 2007. Oblong, 29 x 21 cm, 16 pp. Line-cut of the Haffner edition, Nuremberg, c.1744. Wrappers. $10
[item no.
[Clavier-Übung, keyboard, part 3]
Clavier-Übung (IIIe partie - 6 sonatines), c. 1744.
Collection FacsiMusic. Courlay, 2007. Oblong, 29 x 21 cm, 16 pp. Line-cut of the Haffner edition, Nuremberg, c.1744. Wrappers. $10
[item no.
KRIEGER, Johann Philipp, 1649-1725
Anmuthige Clavier-Ubung bestehend in unterschiedlichen Ricercarien, Praeludien, Fugen, einer Ciacona und einer auf das Pedal gerichteten Toccata. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 162. New York, [1997]. Oblong, 28 x 20 cm, 75 pp. Line-cut of the Wolfgang Moritz Endters edition, Nuremberg, 1699. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
KÜHMSTEDT, Friedrich, 1809-1858
[Grosse Doppel-Fuge, organ, op.28, b minor]
Grosse Doppel-Fuge in H-moll als effektvolles Concertstük für die Orgel. Op.28.
Biblioteca Classica, 41. Rotterdam, 1985. Oblong, 4º, 7 pp. Line-cut of the G. Wilh. Körner edition, Erfurt & Leipzig. Wrappers. $6
[item no.
[Orgelstücke, organ, op.17]
Acht Orgelstücke verschiedener Art. Op.17.
Biblioteca Classica, 40. Rotterdam, 1985. Oblong, 4º, 7 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, first edition. Wrappers. $6
[item no.
KÜHNAU, Johann, 1669-1722
Frische Clavier Früchte, oder sieben Suonaten [von guter Invention und Manier] auff dem Claviere zu spielen. Leipzig 1696.
Archivum Musicum: Monumenta Musicae Revocata, 17. Florence, 1995. Oblong, 25 x 17 cm, 22, 103 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1696 edition. Considered the first keyboard sonatas to be published in Germany. Preface in It-Eng by Laura Alvini. Quarter linen.
[item no.
Musikalische Vorstellung einiger biblischer Historien. Leipzig 1700.
Archivum Musicum: Monumenta Musicae Revocata, 26. Florence, 2000. Oblong, 25 x 17 cm, 22, 123 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1700 edition. Preface in It-Eng by Laura Alvini. Quarter linen. $49
[item no.
Neuer Clavier Ubung. Erster Theil. Leipzig 1689.
Archivum Musicum: Monumenta Musicae Revocata, 19. Florence, 1996. Oblong, 25 x 17 cm, 22, 94 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1689 edition. Seven sonatas in suite form. Preface It-Eng by Laura Alvini. Quarter linen. $54
[item no.
Neuer Clavier-Übung. Partie I, 1689. Présentation par Philippe Lescat. [British Library, London].
Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 2001. Oblong, 4º, xiv, 91 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1689 edition. Wrappers. $39
[item no.
Neuer Clavier Ubung. Andrer Theil. Leipzig 1696.
Archivum Musicum: Monumenta Musicae Revocata, 20. Florence, 1996. Oblong, 25 x 17 cm, 89 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1696 edition. Seven sonatas in suite form and one in sonta form. Preface It-Eng by Laura Alvini. Quarter linen. $41
[item no.
LA PORTE, Claude de, 1719-1779
[Method, keyboard, accomp.]
Traité théorique et pratique de l’accompagnement du clavecin avec l’art de transposer dans tous les tons et sur tous les instruments / [Dubugrarre:] Méthode plus courte det plus facile que l’ancienne pour l’accompagnement du clavecin dediée aux Dames.
Geneva, 1972. 4º, 120 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1753 & 1754 editions. Wrappers. $56
[item no.
LASCEUX, Guillaume, 1740-1831
Annuaire de l’organiste. Fac-similé réalisé à partir du manuscrit autographe ms 2248 conservé à la Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Présentation par Jean Saint-Arroman.
Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 2006. Oblong, 33 x 24 cm. viii, 137 pp. Wrappers. $55
[item no.
Essai theorique et pratique sur l’art del’orgue. Ms conservé à la Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Présentation par Jean Saint-Arroman.
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800. Courlay, 2011 24 x 33 cm. viii, 137 pp. Facsimile of the autograph manuscript of 1809. An important theoretical section with text on organ registration. together with 23 works for organ, including a quartet, quintet, oboe concerto, flute concerto, symphonie concertante, Domine salvum fac regem, 3-part plainchant with organ
accompaniment. Wrappers. $61
[item no.
Nouveau journal de pièces d’orgue. No.1 - Messe des Grands Solemnels; No.2 - Magnificat en fa majeur’ No.3 - Trois Noëls variés. Présentation par Jean Saint-Arroman. [Bibliothèque Municipale, Bordeaux]
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 187. Courlay, 2006. Oblong, 32 x 24 cm. xi, 46 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1793, c.1785 & c.1785 editions. Wrappers. $31
[item no.
LEBÈGUE, Nicolas-Antoine, 1631-1702
[Pièces, organ & harpsichord]
Pieces d’orgue et de clavecin. Jahr-des Privilegs 1675. [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 29. Stuttgart, 2014. Oblong, 28 x 21 cm, 90 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1675 edition. Beautiful marbled paper boards. $68
[item no.
[Pièces, organ, book 1]
Les pièces d’orgue (premier livre), 1676. [Bibl. Nationale, Paris].
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 119. Courlay, 1995. Oblong, 33 x 24 cm, xii, 148 pp. Line-cut of Paris, [1676] edition. Preface in Fr-Eng-Ger by Jean Saint-Arroman. Wrappers. $59
[item no.
[Pièces, organ, book 2]
Second livre d’orgue, ca.1678 [Bibl. Municipale, Troyes].
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 91. Courlay, 1995. Oblong, 33 x 24 cm, 28, 92 pp. Line-cut of Paris, c.1678 edition. Preface in Fr-Eng-Ger by Jean Saint-Arroman. Wrappers. $53
[item no.
[Pièces, organ, book 3]
Troisième livre d’orgue (s.d. = 1685). [Bibl. Municipale, Troyes].
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 103. Courlay, 1997. Oblong, 31 x 23 cm, 13, 124 pp. Line-cut of Paris, [1685] edition. Preface in Fr-Eng-Ger by Jean Saint-Arroman. Wrappers. $56
[item no.
LECLAIR, Jean-Marie, 1697-1764
[Concerti, violin, orch, op.7]
Ier et IIme concerto a tre violino, alto, basso per organo, e violoncello. Œuvre VIIme.
Huntingdon, [1994]. 4º, 7 partbooks. Xerographic reprint of the Paris, 1737 edition. Partbooks: vln solo, vln I, vln II, vla, vc, db, kbd. Concerto no.3 can be played by flute/oboe. Wrappers. $78
[item no.
[Concerti, violin, orch, op.10]
VI concerto a tre violini, alto basso per organo, e violoncello. Œuvre Xme.
Huntingdon, [1994]. 4º, 7 partbooks. Xerographic reprint of the Paris, 1745 edition. Partbooks: vln solo, vln I, vln II, vla, vc, db, kbd. Wrappers. $79
[item no.
LEHNER, Bruno, 1721-1764
Musikalische Uebungen in verschiedenen Galanterie- oder Schlag-Stücken. [Universitätsbibl., Geneva].
Musik aus Ostbayern, 50. Altötting, 1991. Oblong, 30 x 21 cm, ii, 24 pp. Line-cut of the Augsburg, 1762 edition. Contains 14 organ works for Christmas. Preface in Ger by Konrad Ruhland. Wrappers. $16
[item no.
LOCKE, Matthew, 1630-1677
Melothesia, or Certain General Rules for Playing upon a Continued-Bass. With a Choice Collection of Lessons for the Harpsicord and Organ of all Sorts. The First Part. [Private collection].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 234. New York, [2002]. Oblong, 26 x 15 cm, 95 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1673 edition. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
LONG, Samuel, b.?-1764
[Lessons & voluntaries, keyboard]
Four Lessons and Two Voluntarys for the Harpsichord or Organ. [Univ. of Illinois, Music Library, Urbana-Champaign].
Alston, 2004. Oblong, 4º, ii, 21 pp. Line-cut of the Thompson edition, London, c.1770. Preface by Peter Holman. Ring binder. $26
[item no.
LÜBECK, Vincent, 1654-1740
Clavier Uebung bestehnd im Praeludio, Fuga, Allemande, Courante, Sarabande und Gigue. Edited by C. David Harris. [British Library, London].
Critical Facsimiles, 5. New York, 2000. 30 x 43 cm, iv, 11, iii pp. Line-cut of the author’s edition, Hamburg, 1728. A “corrected” facsimile, with critical apparatus listing emendations. Wrappers. (Special sale price $8 eff. 7/15/23, regularly $18
[item no.
MANTEL, John Christian, 1706-1761
[Lesson, harpsichord/organ]
Six Setts of Lessons for the Harpsicord or Organ, op.1. [King’s College, Cambridge].
Alston, 2002. 4º, v, 44 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1743. Introduction by Helga Brück, David Galbraith, Robert Hallmann & John Edmonds. Ring binding. $23
[item no.
MARCHAND, Louis, 1669-1732
[Pièces, organ, book 1]
Pièces choisies pour l’orgue de Feu Le Grand Marchand, Chevallier de l’ordre de Jerusalem. Livre premier.
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 41. Courlay, 1989. Oblong, 31 x 22 cm, xxi, 24 pp. Line-cut of the Paris & Lyon, 1740 edition. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger by Jean Saint-Arroman. Wrappers. $28
[item no.
[Pièces, organ, autograph]
Pièces d’orgue manuscrites (manuscrit de Versailles). [Bibl. Municipale, Versailles, ml 61,1-2].
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 53. Courlay, 1990. Oblong, 32 x 24 cm, xxxiv, 75 pp. Line-cut of the autograph. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger by Jean Saint-Arroman and Philippe Lescat. Wrappers. $48
[item no.
MARPURG, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1718-1795
Abhandlung von der Fuge. Nach den Grundsätzen und Exempeln der besten deutschen und ausländischen Meister entworfen. Mit CXXII Notentafeln. Mit einer Einführung (deutsch/englisch) von Michael Heinemann.
Laaber-Reprint, 1. Laaber, 2004. 16 x 21 cm, xvi, 542 pp. Line-cut of the Berlin, Hamburg edition. Wrappers. $109
[item no.
[Fughe e capricci, keyboard, op.1]
Fughe e capriccj pel’clavicembalo ò per l’organo composti e dedicati al celebre signore C.P.E. Bach. Opera prima.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 142. New York, [1993]. 26 x 33 cm, 18 pp. Line-cut of the Hummel edition, Berlin & Amsterdam, [1777]. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Fughe e capricci, keyboard, op.1]
Fughe e capricci pel’clavicembalo ò per l’organo, 1777. Présentation par Philippe Lescat.
Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1993. 24 x 33 cm, 13, 18 pp. Line-cut of the Hummel edition, Berlin & Amsterdam, [1777]. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $24
[item no.
[Method, keyboard]
Anleitung zum Clavierspielen (Berlin, 1765).
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/110. New York, 1969. 4º, 84 pp. Line-cut of the Berlin, 1765 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
[Method, keyboard]
Neue methode allerley Arten von Temperaturen dem Claviere aufs bequemste mitzutheilen. [Universitätsbibl., Marburg].
Hildesheim, 1970. 15 x 21 cm, 50 pp. Line-cut of the Berlin, 1790 edition. Wrappers. $30
[item no.
[Method, keyboard]
Principes de clavecin.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/136. Bologna, 2/ 2000. 8º, 138 pp. Line-cut of the Berlin, 1756 edition. Laid paper. Wrappers. $48
[item no.
[Method, keyboard]
Principes de clavecin.
Geneva, 1974. 8º, 136 pp. Line-cut of the Berlin, 1756 edition. $51
[item no.
Raccolta delle piu nuove composizioni di clavicembalo di differenti maestre ed autori per l’anno 1756 [-1757], fatta stampare del sig. F.G. Marpurg.
Clavecinistes Européens du XVIIIe Siècle, IX. Geneva, 1986. Oblong, 35 x 24 cm, 118 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1756-57 edition. Anthology including works by Agricola, C.P.E. Bach, C.H. Graun, Kirnberger, F.W. Marpurg, Nichelmann, Rackemann, Sack, Schale, Seyfarth, Silbermann, Zacharia, Duphly, Février, Rameau, & P. Martini. Wrappers. $96
[item no.
Versuch in figurirten Chorälen sowohl für die Orgel, als für das Clavichord.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 136. New York, [1993]. 26 x 33 cm, 21 pp. Line-cut of the Hummel edition, Berlin & Amsterdam, c.1792. 21 chorales variés for organ or harpsichord. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
Versuch in figurierter Chorälen.
Collection FacsiMusic. Courlay, 2007. 21 x 30 cm, 24 pp. Line-cut of the J.J. Hummel edition, Berlin/Amsterdam, c.1789. 21 chorales variés for organ or harpsichord. Wrappers. $11
[item no.
Zweiter Versuch in figurirten Chorälen und Fugen so wohl für die Orgel, als für das Clavichord.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 137. New York, [1993]. 26 x 33 cm, 18 pp. Line-cut of the Hummel edition, Berlin & Amsterdam, c.1792. 15 chorales variés and fugues for organ or harpsichord. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
Zweyter Versuch in figurierter Chorälen und Fugen.
Collection FacsiMusic. Courlay, 2007. 21 x 30 cm, 24 pp. Line-cut of the J.J. Hummel edition, Berlin/Amsterdam, c.1793. 15 chorales variés and fugues for organ or harpsichord. Wrappers. $11
[item no.
MARTINI, Giovannni Battista, 1706-1784
[Sonatas, keyboard]
Sonate d’intavolatura per l’organo e’l cembalo. A Facsimile of the Amsterdam Edition c.1742(?).
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/19. New York, 1967. 26 x 34 cm, 107 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, c.1742 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
[Sonatas, keyboard]
Sonate per l’organo e il cembalo. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. & Vassar College, Poughkeepsie].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 132. New York, [1993]. 4º, 26 pp. Line-cut of the Bologna, [1747] edition. The sonatas alternate between harpsichord and organ. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
MARTINI, Johann Paul Aegidius, 1741-1816
[Method, organ]
École d’orgue résumée d’après les ouvrages des plus célèbres organistes de l’Allemagne.
Geneva, 1974. 4º, 342 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1805 edition. Dedicated to Empress Josephine. Complete tutor, including discussion of structure, performance, repertory, accompaniment, and improvisation. Hardbound. $207
[item no.
MASCHERA, Florentio, c.1540-1584
Libro primo di canzoni a 4 voci (1584).
Thesaurus musicus, nova series, A/6. Brussels, 1979. Oblong, 31 x 23 cm, 52 pp. Line-cut of the only known printed copy. 44 compositions in score format. Cloth. $44
[item no.
MASSAINO, Tiburtio, c.1550-c.1609
[Musica per cantare, op.32]
Musica per cantare con l’organo ad una, due, & tre voci di Tiburtio Massaino. Opera trentesima seconda. [Stadtbibliothek, Augsburg].
Faksimile-Edition Augsburg, 5. Stuttgart, 1998. 14 x 19 cm, 3 partbooks, 121 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1607 edition. 20 works a1, 21 a2, and 11 a3 in mensural notation and partbook format. Wrappers, with handsome portfolio in marbled paper. $54
[item no.
MASSON, Charles, 17-18th c.
Nouveau traité des regles pour la composition de la musique par lequel on apprend à faire facilement un chant sur des paroles, à composer à 2, à 3 et à 4 parties, etc., et à chiffrer la basse-continue, suivant l’usage des meilleurs auteurs. Ouvrage très utile à ceux qui jouent de l’orgue, du clavecin, et du théorbe. Troisième édition.
Geneva, 2/ 1995. 13 x 21 cm, 135 pp. Line-cut of the third edition, Paris, 1705. Hardbound. $40
[item no.
MATTHESON, Johann, 1681-1764
Der vollkommene Kapellmeister, 1739. Faksimile-Nachdruck herausgegeben von Margarete Reimann.
Documenta Musicologica, I/5. Kassel, 5/ 1991. 14 x 23 cm, 534, ii pp. Line-cut of the Hamburg, 1739 edition. Sets forth the precepts and knowledge necessary for an 18th-c. director of a musical organization. Afterword in Ger. Coverboards in decorative paper. $85
[item no.
MELLI, Domenico Maria, 16-17th c.
Musiche di Domenico Maria Melio Reggiano. Composte sopra alcuni madrigali di diversi. Per cantare nel chittarone, clavicecembalo, & altri istromenti / Musiche di Domenico Maria Megli, Reggiano. Nelle quali si contengono madrigali, canzonette, arie, & dialoghi, à una & due voci. Per cantare nel chittarone, clavicecembalo, & altri istromenti, sì in
soprano, come in tenore, & trasportate, comode per qual parte più piace. Giacomo Vincenti, Venedig 1602.
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 88. Stuttgart, 2020. 22 x 32 cm, 20; 30; i pp. Line-cut of the 1602 & 1602 editions, respectively with 18 & 23 monodies for 1-2 voices and basso continuo in staff notation. Hardbound in decorative paper boards. $45
(more info... )
[item no.
MERULO, Claudio, 1533-1604
[Canzoni, organ, book 1]
Canzoni d’intavolatura d’organo a quattro voci, fatte alle francese (Venezia 1592). Introduzione di / Introduction by Luigi Collarile. [Öffentliche Bibliothek, Basel].
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/102. Bologna, 2009. Oblong, 24 x 17 cm, 15, 84 pp. Line-cut of the Gardano edition, Venice, 1592. This publication, featuring 9 canzoni for keyboard instrument, is the only collection of Merulo’s keyboard music published by Gardano while the composer was still alive. Wrappers.
(more info... )
[item no.
[Ricercari, organ, book 1]
Ricercari d’intabolatura d’organo. Libro primo.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/49. Bologna, 1982. Oblong, 24 x 18 cm, 80 pp. Line-cut of the Gardano edition, Venice 1605. 8 ricercars in score notation. Cloth. $39
[item no.
[Toccatas, organ, books 1 & 2]
Toccate d’intavolatura d’organo. Libro primo e secondo. Rome 1598, 1604.
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 43. Florence, 1981. 24 x 34 cm, vi, 96 pp. Line-cut of the Simone Verovio edition, Rome, 1598-1604. Introduction in It by Laura Alvini. Wrappers in decorative paper. $35
[item no.
[Toccatas, organ, book 1]
Toccate d’intavolatura d’organo libro primo. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 281. New York, [2008]. 26 x 34 cm, 47 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1598 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Toccatas, organ, book 2]
Toccate d’intavolatura d’organo libro secondo. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 282. New York, [2008]. 26 x 34 cm, 53 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1604 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
MINGUET Y YROL, Pablo, fl.1733-1775
Reglas y advertencias generales que enseñan el modo de tañer todos los instrumentos mejores, y mas usuales, como son la guitarra, tiple, vandola, cythara, clavicordio, organo, harpa, psalterio, bandurria, violin, flauta traversera, flauta dulce, y la flautilla.
Geneva, 1982. 8º, 120 pp. Line-cut of the Madrid, 1754 edition. An instrumental encyclopedia by a pupil of Sanz. Includes examples of dances in the Castillian, Italian, Catalonian and French styles, notated either in the author’s alfabeto-like notation or mensural notation. Wrappers. $35
[item no.
MOUTON, Charles, 18th c.
Concerto à 5. [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 23. Stuttgart, 2012. 21 x 32 cm, 5 partbooks, 132 pp. Line-cut of manuscript parts preserved in the library of Kremsmünster Abber in Upper Austria. 10 chamber concertos in Italianate style scored for vlh I, vln II, alto vla, tenor vla, and basso continuo (organ). Wrappers. $77
[item no.
MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791
[Andante, organ, K.616] In,
Orgelwerke IV: Fantasie in f-Moll KV 594, Fantasie in f-Moll KV 608, Andante in F-Dur KV 616. Herausgegeben und eingerichtet von Martin Haselböck. Anhang: Andante KV 616. Faksimile des Autographs.
Vienna, 1980. 4º, xv, 33, 3 pp. Practical edition (for organ) of Fantasies K.594 & 608 and the Andante, K.616. Includes halftone reproduction of K.616 and line-cut of the first page of a contemporary ms copy of K.608. Introduction in Ger-Eng-Fr. Wrappers. $27
[item no.
MUDARRA, Alonso, c.1508-1580
Tres libros de música en cifras para vihuela (1546). Complete Facsimile Edition with an Introduction by James Tyler. (Reproduced by Permission of the Biblioteca Nacional Madrid).
Monte Carlo, 1980. Oblong, 21 x 15 cm, 15, 257 pp. Line-cut of the Seville, 1546 edition. Italian lute tablature & harp (or organ) tablature, in mensural notation. 3 books, one for solo vihuela or guitar, one for solo vihuela, and one for voice and vihuela. Fantasias, dances, villancicos, romances, sonnets, glossas, versos, tientos y canciones. Wrappers. (out of print - included
only for bibliographic reference)
[item no.
MUFFAT, Georg, 1653-1704
Apparatus musico-organisticus. Faksimileausgabe nach dem Druck von 1690 herausgegeben von Karl Friedrich Wagner.
Dokumente zur Aufführungspraxis alter Musik, 1. Innsbruck, 1979. 27 x 40 cm, ii, 70, ii pp. Halftone of the Vienna, 1690 edition. Compendium of remarks and observations on the art of playing the organ. One of the finest engraved specimens of the late 17th c, showing a perfect balance of music engraving and the visual arts. Afterword in Ger. Beautiful coverboards in decorative paper
with attractive engraving of the title page. $93
[item no.
Apparatus musico-organisticus. Faksimileausgabe nach dem Druck von 1690 herausgegeben von Karl Friedrich Wagner.
Early Keyboard Music in Facsimile, 1. Innsbruck, 1994. 27 x 40 cm, 70 pp. Halftone of the Vienna, 1690 edition. $71
[item no.
Apparatus musico-organisticus liber primus. [Musikarchiv, Kremsmünster Benediktiner-Stift, Kremsmünster].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 181. New York, [1997]. 27 x 40 cm, 70 pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, 1690 edition. Wrappers. $30
[item no.
Apparatus musico organisticus. Johann Baptist Mayr, Salzburg 1690. [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 17. Stuttgart, 2008. 30 x 43 cm, 72 pp. Color facsimile of the Salzburg, 169 edition. Hardbound, with handsome decorative paper boards. $124
[item no.
MÜHLING, August, 19th c.
[Orgelstücke, op.52]
30 kurze und leichte Orgelstücke, op.52.
Biblioteca Classica, 70. Rotterdam, 1988. 4º, 17 pp. Line-cut of the Simrock, c.1836 edition. Wrappers. $16
[item no.
NIVERS, Guillaume Gabriel, 1632-1714
[Livre d’orgue, book 1]
Livre d’orgue contenant cent pièces de tous les tons de l’église.
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 13. Courlay, 1987. Oblong, 24 x 17 cm, xiv, 110 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1665 edition. The first book of keyboard music to be engraved in France. Introduction by Jean Saint-Arroman. Wrappers. $56
[item no.
[Livre d’orgue, book 2]
2. livre d’orgue contenant la messe et les hymnes de l’Église. [Bibl. Sainte-Geneviève, Paris].
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 61. Courlay, 1992. Oblong, 24 x 17 cm, 56, 105 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1665 edition. Introduction by Jean Saint-Arroman. Wrappers. $64
[item no.
[Livre d’orgue, book 3]
3. livre d’orgue des huit tons de l’église, 1675. [Bibliothèque Sainte Geneviève, Paris].
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 74. Courlay, 1994. Oblong, 30 x 22 cm, 39, 123 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1675 edition. Wrappers. $64
[item no.
[method, keyboard]
L’art d’accompagner sur la basse continue pour l’orgue & clavecin. Préface par Denis Herlin.
Geneva, 2000. Oblong, 21 x 17 cm, ii, 24 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1689 edition (pp.149-170 of “Motets à voix seule”). Introduction by in Fr-Eng. Wrappers. $35
[item no.
NOORDT, Anthoni van, b.?-1675
Tabulatuurboeck [van Psalmen en Fantasyen]. Amsterdam, Willem van Beaumont 1659. [Universitätsbibl. Krakow].
Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 1. Stuttgart, 2005. 25 x 36 cm, 68 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, 1659 edition.The only known print preserving the works of A. van Noordt. (New Groves indicates erroneously that this work was lost in WW II). Uses unusual notation where the upper parts are distributed over two six-line staves (”Anglo-Dutch” notation); the bass, probably intended for the
organ pedals, is printed under the staves in German organ tablature. Hardbound, with laid paper boards. $56
[item no.
OEHME, Fritz
Handbuch über ältere, neuere und neueste Orgelwerke im Königreiche Sachsen von 1710 an bis zur Gegenwart.
Musikwissenschaftliche Studienbibliothek Peters. Leipzig, 1978. 8º, 4 vols, 1094 pp. (Rpt. of Dresden, 1889-1897 edition). Cloth. Special sale price $45, regularly $125
[item no.
PACHELBEL, Johann, 1653-1706
Freu dich sehr o meine Seele cum 12 Variationibus für Orgel (oder Cembalo). Herausgegeben von Jolando Scarpa.
Frutti Musicali. Magdeburg, 2007. 4º, 17 pp. New practical edition, together with facsimile, in reduced format, of Gerber’s manuscript copy, making this masterwork organ partita available for the first time in its original form. Wrappers. $22
[item no.
[Hexahcordum apollinis, organ/harpsichord]
Hexachordum apollinis, sex arias exhibens, organo pneumatico, vel clavato cymbalo modulandas. [Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich].
Early Keyboard Music in Facsimile, 3. Innsbruck, 1994. Oblong, 23 x 18 cm, 51, iv pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1699 edition. Cycle of 6 arias with variations. Afterword in Ger-Eng by Rupert Gottfried Freiberger. Wrappers. $42
[item no.
[Hexahcordum apollinis, organ/harpsichord]
Hexachordum Apollinis, 1699. Présentation par Philippe Lescat. [British Library, London].
Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1996. Oblong, 31 x 22 cm, xiii, 51 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1699 edition. Preface in Fr-Eng-Ger by Philippe Lescat. Wrappers. $32
[item no.
[Hexahcordum apollinis, organ/harpsichord]
Hexachordum Apollinis, sex arias exhibens organo pneumatico, vel clavato cymbalo, modulandas, quarum singulis suae sunt subjectae variationes. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 182. New York, [1998]. Oblong, 26 x 20 cm, 51 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1699 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
PAGANELLI, Giuseppe Antonio, 1710-c.1763
[Arias, organ/harpsichord]
XXX ariae pro organo et cembalo, non solum in templis, sed etiam in musaeis musicis publicis et privatis speciatim, sub elevatione producendae, styloque tam gravi quam suavi elaboratae.
Clavecinistes Européens du XVIIIe Siècle, VIII. Geneva, 1986. 4º, 40 pp. Line-cut of the Augsburg, 1756 edition. Wrappers. $40
[item no.
PAIX, Jakob, 1556-c.1623
Ein schön Nutz und Gebreüchlich Orgel Tabulaturbuch. Reinmichel, Laugingen 1583. Herzog-August-Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 26. Stuttgart, 2001. 14 x 21 cm, 352 pp. Line-cut of the Laugingen, 1583 edition. An important source of German keyboard music from the second half of the 16th c. Contains 26 motets, 27 popular French, German and Italian songs, 30 dances and 2 canzoni alla francese and numerous passamezzos, saltarellos, pavans, galliards, branles and German dances.
Hardbound. $133
[item no.
PASTERWIZ, Georg {Giorgio), 1730-1803
Werke für Cembalo und Piano [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 39. Stuttgart, 2020. Oblong, 34 x 24 cm, 36, 2 pp. Line-cut of the autograph score containing 3 delightful compositions: Divertimento per il cembalo; XII Variazioni per il Forte piano; [17] Variazioni per il Clavi Cembalo. Hardbound with marbled boards. $37
[item no.
PERI, Jacopo, 1561-1633
Le varie musiche a una, due, e tre voci con alcune spirituali in ultimo. Per cantare nel clavicembolo, e chitarrone, & ancora la maggior parte di esse per sonare semplicemente nel organo.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 235. New York, [2000]. 25 x 35 cm, 32 pp. Line-cut of the Florence, 1609 edition. 20 monodies for 1 to 3 voices and basso continuo. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
POGLIETTI, Alessandro, b.?-1683
Compendium [oder kurtzer Begriff, und Einführung zur Musica], Ms. 1676. [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 5. Stuttgart, 2007. 26 x 31 cm, 134 pp. Color reproduction of a contemporary ms copy. Offers guidance to students of 17th-c. keyboard practice and an introduction to the art of composition. Includes 12 ricercares, models of the strict style, important compositions that stand in the tradition of Frescobaldi’s Fiori musicali and Bach’s Die Kunst der
Fuge. The compendium also includes many themes “all manner of capriccios”, variously imitating on an instrument the songs of birds and other sounds (nightingale, canary, cuckoo, cock and hen) and of the sounds of bells, work and war. Hardbound, with cloth spine. $135
[item no.
Pièces pour le clavecin ou l’orgue (Rossignolo).
Early Keyboard Music in Facsimile, 5. Innsbruck, nyp. Halftone of the undate print, second half of the 17th c.
[item no.
Rossignolo, pièces pour le clavecin ou l’orgue Présentation: Peter Waldner. [Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna].
Collections Dominantes. Courlay, 2004. 4º, x, 199. Line-cut of the autograph score and a contemporary manuscript copy. Wrappers. $79
[item no.
PRAETORIUS, Michael, 1571-1621
Syntagma musicum: Band II, De Organographia. Wolfenbüttel 1619. Faksimile-Nachdruck herausgegeben von Wilibald Gurlitt.
Kassel, 1929 17 x 24 cm, 311, iv pp. Line-cut. This volume, in German, describes the instruments known to the author and includes beautiful woodcut illustrations of them. Hardbound. $95
[item no.
Syntagma musicum: Band II, De Organographia. Wolfenbüttel 1619. Faksimile-Nachdruck herausgegeben von Wilibald Gurlitt.
Documenta Musicologica, I/14. Kassel, 6/ 1985. 17 x 24 cm, 311, iv pp. Line-cut. This volume, in German, describes the instruments known to the author and includes beautiful woodcut illustrations of them. Hardbound. $87
[item no.
Syntagma musicum: Musicae artis analecta / De Organographia / Termini musici. Reprint der Originalausgaben von 1614-15 und 1619. Herausgeben von Arno Forchert.
Kassel, 2001. 8º, 3 vols, 1153 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $95
[item no.
PUCCINI, Domenico, 1772-1815
Sonate per organo. Edition fac-simile. A cura di F. Guidotti.
Accademia a Lucchesse di Scienze, Lettere e Arti. Musica in Accademia, 1. Pisa, 2001 30 x 21 cm, 200 pp. $29
[item no.
PURCELL, Daniel, c.1660-1717
Psalms, Set Full for the Organ or Harpsicord as They are Plaid in Churches and Chappels in the mañer Given Out; as also with their Interludes of Great Variety. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 264. New York, [2008]. Oblong 35 x 24 cm, 26 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, [1718]. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
RADEKER, Johannes, 18th c.
Korte beschryving van het beroemde en prachtige orgel, in de Groote of St. Bavoos Kerk te Haerlem 1775.
Bibliotheca Organologica, 14. Buren, 1974. 8º, 60, 32 pp. Line-cut of the Haarlem, 1775 editions. Wrappers. $29
[item no.
RADINO, Giovanni Maria, fl.1575-1600
[Intavolatura di balli, lute/harpsichord]
Il primo libro d’intavolatura di balli d’arpicordo di Gio. Maria Radino, organista in S. Gio. di Verdara in Padova Venetia MDXCII. Facsimile with Transcription by Rosamond E.M. Harding. [Copy, Bibl. Royale, Brussels].
Cambridge & New York, 1949. 8º, v, 26, 45 pp. Halftone of the Venice, 1592 edition, together with new practical edition and historical introduction. First Italian collection of dances to specify the harpsichord. Hardbound. $40
[item no.
RAISON, André, b.?-1719
Livre d’orgue contenant cinq messes, 1688. [Bibl. Inguimbertine de Carpentras, Vaucluse].
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 69. Courlay, 1993. Oblong, 31 x 22 cm, 85, 126 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1688 edition. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $83
[item no.
REGER, Max, 1873-1916
Phantasie und Fuge für Orgel über B A C H. Op. 46. Faksimile des Autographs.
Vienna, 1984. 28 x 36 cm, iv, 28 pp. Beautiful 3 and 4-color halftone in original folio format. Preface in Ger-Eng by Susanne Popp and Susanne Shigihara. Protective folder. $42
[item no.
[Schumann, lieder, op.35, selections, arr.]
Zwei Lieder Robert Schumann; bearbeitet von Max Reger für tiefe Singstimme und Orgel ; mit einem Vorwort von Susanne Popp.
Stuttgart, 2011. 24 x 30 cm, 8 pp. Full-color reproduction of the Reger’s autograph Mus. Ms. 085, & Mus. Ms. 179, issued on the occasion of the bicentenary of Schumann’s birth. A curiosity arrangement of “Wer machte dich so krank?” (op.35, no.11) and “Alte Laute” (op.35, no.12)—for organ and voice—showing Reger’s admiration for Schumann. Portfolio. $26
(more info... )
[item no.
RENOTTE, Hubert, 1694-1745
Pièces de clavecin composée par Monsieur Renotte Organiste de l’Eglise Cathedrale de Liege.
Musica Repartita, 182. Utrecht, 1997. 21 x 30 cm, 106, vi pp. Line-cut of a comtemporary ms copy in the hand of J.G. Delarge. Afterword in Dut-Fr by J.H. van Krevelen. Wrappers. $46
[item no.
ROSEINGRAVE, Thomas, 1690-1766
[Fugues, organ/harpsichord]
6 Double Fugues for the Organ or Harpsichord to which is Added, Sigr. Domenico Scarlatti’s Celebrated Lesson for the Harpsichord, with Several Additions by Mr. Roseingrave. [Yale University, New Haven].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 105. New York, [1993]. Oblong, 31 x 22 cm, 25 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, c.1750. The Roseingrave pieces are concluded by Scarlatti’s K.37. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Voluntaries & fuges, organ/harpsichord]
Voluntarys and Fugues Made on Purpose for the Organ or Harpsicord.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 5. New York, 1985. 25 x 34 cm, 30 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh & Hare edition, London, c.1730. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
ROSSI, Giovanni Battista, 16-17th c.
Organo de cantori. [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/57. Bologna, 1984. 22 x 31 cm, 120 pp. Line-cut of the Gardano edition, Venice, 1618. A treatise on counterpoint, complete with music examples. Includes 4 instrumental canzonas for 4 instruments & bc and duos suitable for organ. Laid paper. Cloth. $71
[item no.
RÜHLING, Johannes, 1550-1615
Tablaturbuch [auff Orgeln und Instrument], Beyer 1583. RISM 1583(24). [Herzog-August-Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 27. Stuttgart, 2001. 21 x 32 cm, 312 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1583 edition. 85 motet arrangements, arranged by the church calendar, printed in “new” German organ tablature. Additional tablatures have been entered by hand on the front and rear flyleaves. Hardbound. $123
[item no.
RUIZ DE RIBAYAZ, Lucas, 17th c.
Luz y norte musical para caminar por las cifras de la guitarra española, y arpa, tañer y cantar á compás por canto de organo; y breve explicación del arte, con preceptos faciles, indubitables, y explicados con claras reglas por teórica, y practica.
Geneva, 1972. 8º, 172 pp. Line-cut of the Madrid, 1677 edition. Method for the guitar and harp with pieces in tablature (españoletas, turdion, matachines, galerias de amora, torneos, marionas, chaconas & passacalles). (out of print - included only for bibliographic reference)
[item no.
SAINT-LAMBERT, Michel de, b.?-c.1707
[Method, harpsichord]
Les principes du clavecin / Nouveau traité de l’accompagnement du clavecin, de l’orgue et des autres instruments.
Geneva, 1982. Oblong, 30 x 22 cm, 144 pp. Line-cut of two complementary treatises published respectively in Paris, 1702 & 1707. A valuable guide for playing French music. Lambert’s clear treatment of the subject relies primarily on the music of Chambonières, Lebèque, d’Anglebert and Marchand. Wrappers. $66
[item no.
SAMBER, J.B., c.1654-1717
Manuductio ad organum.
Bibliotheca Organologica, 54. Buren, nyp. 8º, Line-cut of the 1704-1707 edition. Cloth.
[item no.
SCHLICK, Arnolt, c.1455-c.1525
Spiegel der Orgelmacher un Organisten (Mainz 1511). Translation and Notes by Elisabeth Berry Barber.
Bibliotheca Organologica, 63. Buren, 1980. 22 x 24 cm, xvi, 122, with 57 pp. Halftone. Transcription and English translation on opposite pages from facsimile. Cloth. $69
[item no.
SCHLIMBACH, Georg Christian Friedrich, c.1760-d.?
Ueber die Structur, Erhaltung, Stimmung, Prüfung der Orgel, Leipzig 1801.
Bibliotheca Organologica, 8. Hilversum, 1966. 8º, xxxx, 306 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $62
[item no.
SCHMID, Bernhard (Elder), 1535-1592
[Neue kunstliche Tabulatur]
Orgeltabulatur 1577. Teil I: Facsimile. Herausgegeben von Clyde William Young.
Frankfurt, 1997. 4°. viii, 195 pp. Line-cut of the Bernhart Jobin edition, Strasburg, 1577. Arrangements (in 4 to 6 voices), notated in German keyboard tablature, of a broad repertoire of vocal pieces including works by Lasso, Crecquillon, Richafort, Zirler, Pathie, Clemens non Papa, Arcadelt, de Rore, Meiland, and Berchem. The “vocal” section is followed by a repertoire of 17
dances movements. Linen. $219
[item no.
[Neue kunstliche Tabulatur]
Orgeltabulatur 1577. Teil II: Übertragung. Herausgegeben von Clyde William Young.
Frankfurt, 1997. 4°, vi, 306 pp. Critical edition. Linen. $233
[item no.
SCHMID, Bernhard (Younger), 1567-1623
Tabulatur Buch von allerhand.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/52. Bologna, 1969. 18 x 25 cm, 225 pp. Line-cut of the Strasbourg, 1607 edition. Mostly transcriptions of Italian masters (the Gabrielis, Diruta, Mortaro, Massaino, etc.) featuring motets, madrigals, canzoni, toccatas, galliards and fugues. Laid paper. Hardbound.
(more info... )
[item no.
SCHMITT, Georges, 1821-1900
Le musée de l’organiste (4e livraison). Pièces de Georges Schmitt, Édouard Batiste, Félix Danjou, César Franck, Camille Saint-Saens... (1857). Présentation par Philippe Lescat.
Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1997. 4º, 31, 90 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1857 edition. Collection of 101 pieces for great organ, including transcriptions of works by the old masters, original works by older composers, and original works by Schmitt and his contemporaries. Composers include: Batiste, Beauvarlet-Charpentier, Beethoven, Boëly, Cavallo, F. Couperin, Danjou, Franck,
Gauthier, Hessé, Jomelli, Parmentier, & Saint-Saëns. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $53
[item no.
SCHMÜGEL, Johann Christoph, 1727-1798
[Preludes, fugues, organ, op.1]
Préludes, fugues, et autres pièces pour l’orgue, œuvre premier.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 81. New York, [1990]. 25 x 35 cm, 18 pp. Line-cut of the Berlin, 1778 edition. Wrappers. $15
[item no.
SCHÜBLER, Johann Jakob, 1689-1741
Neu-inventirte Hauß- und Kirchen-Orgeln. Herausgegeben von Hermann Fischer und Theodor Wohnhaas.
Documenta Organologica, 9. Berlin, 1983. 26 x 36 cm, ii, 7 pp. Beautiful line-cut of the title page and 6 copper engravings. Introduction in Ger. In protective folder. $23
[item no.
SEGER, Josef, 1716-1782
Acht Toccaten und Fugen für die Orgel. Mit einer Vorrede von Daniel Gottlob Türk.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 62. New York, [1989]. 25 x 32 cm, 31 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1793 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
SIMON, Johann Caspar, 1701-1776
[Preludes & fuges; Musikalische Nebenstunden, keyboard]
Johann Caspar Simon: a) Leichte Praeludia und Fugen; b) Leichte und wohlklingende Praeludia und Fugen Ander Theil; c) Gemüthsvergnügende musikalische Nebenstunden; d) Gemüthsvergnügende musikalische Nebenstunden Ander Theil. Augsburg, Lotter Erben. [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 9. Stuttgart, 2008. Oblong, 33 x 21 cm, 80 pp. Line-cut of two of Simon’s organ works, both in two parts, issued in Augsburg 1750-51 and 1750-52. Hardbound, with marbled paper boards. $62
[item no.
SOLER, Antonio, 1729-1783
[Quintets, strgs, organ/harpsichord, op.1]
6 quintetos con violines, viola, violoncello y órgano ô clave óbligado. Obra 1˚ (1776). Présentation par Jean-Patrice Brosse. [Ms. Bibl. del Real Monasterio de El Escorial].
Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 2004. 4º, 5 partbooks, xxiii, 368 pp. Line-cut of the manuscript parts housed at the Library of El Escorial. Wrappers. $121
[item no.
Theórica y practica del temple para los órganos y claves (Edición facsímil).
Publicaciones de la Sociedad Española de Musicología, F/1. Madrid, 1983. 23 x 31 cm, 73 pp. Line-cut of the autograph. Preface in Sp by Samuel Rubio. Wrappers. $42
[item no.
SORGE, Georg Andreas, 1703-1778
Der in Rechen und Meszkunst wohlerfahrne Orgelbaumeister, 1773. Together with Sorge’s Die Natur des Orgelklanges, 1771. Introduction and Notes by Carl O. Bleyle.
Bibliotheca Organologica, 23. Buren, nyp. 8º, Line-cut. Cloth. (also available in wrappers).
[item no.
SPETH, Johann, 1664-1709
[Ars magna consoni et dissoni, organ]
Ars magna consoni et dissoni, in vireto hoc organico-instrumentali musico, verè & practice ob oculos posita. Das ist, Organisch-Instrumentalischer Kunst- Zier- und Lust-Garten. Augsburg, 1693. [Stadt- & Landesbibl., Augsburg].
Early Keyboard Music in Facsimile, 2. Innsbruck, 1994. Oblong, 27 x 20 cm, 98, iv pp. Line-cut of the Augsburg, 1693 edition. Subdivided into three distinctive parts: toccatas (musicalische Blumen-Felder), magnificent verses, and arias with variations. Afterword in Ger-Eng by Rupert Gottfried Frieberger. Wrappers. $50
[item no.
SPONSEL, Johann U., 1721-1788
Orgelhistoire. Nürnberg 1771.
Bibliotheca Organologica, 18. Buren, 1968. 8º, 168 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $37
[item no.
STANLEY, John, 1712-1786
[Concerti, harpsichord/organ, op.2]
Six Concertos Set for the Harpsichord or Organ.
Biblioteca Classica, 96. Rotterdam, 1984. 4º, 33, i pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, 1774. Wrappers. $23
[item no.
[Concerti, keyboard, op.10]
Six Concertos for Organ, Harpsichord or Fortepiano [Opus X]. A Facsimile Edition with an Introduction by Gerald Gifford.
Oxford, 1986. 4º, xii, 39, iv pp. Line-cut of the Estienne Roger edition, Amsterdam, 1775. Unlike earlier works by Stanley, these concerti reflect a distinct classical spirit. Includes an appendix of transcriptions where the original is written in the C clef. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
STEIGLEDER, Johann Ulrich, 1593-1635
Ricercar tabulatura. [Württembergische Landesbibliothek, Stuttgart].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 3. Stuttgart, 1997. 19 x 30 cm, 40 pp. Line-cut of the [Stuttgart], 1624 edition. 12 organ ricercare notated on two five-line staves, with Scheidt’s Tabulatura nova a landmark in German keyboard music. Steigleder engraved the music himself and is credited with being one of the first to use key nomenclature over modal ones. Hardbound, in marbled paper. $56
[item no.
Tabulatur-Buch, darinen Daß Vatter unser [auff 2.3. und 4. Stimmen componiert]. [Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 8. Stuttgart, 1998. 21 x 31 cm, 149 pp. Line-cut of the Strasbourg, 1627 edition. Approximately 40 instrumental pieces in fugal style notated in open score for 2 to 4 voices. Consists of fantasies and a large number of chorale preludes with the chorale tune in various positions. Hardbound, with beautiful marbled paper. $102
[item no.
STEIN, Johann Andreas, 1728-1792
Das Notizbuch von Johann Andreas Stein : Faksimile - Transkription - Übersetzung / The Notebook of Johann Andreas Stein. Facsimile—Transcription—Translation. Edited with an Introduction and commentary by Michael Latcham.
Quellenkataloge zur Musikgeschichte, 61 Wilhelmshaven, 2014. Oblong, 21 x 30 cm, 2 vols, 342, 510. Color facsimile, together with transcriptions, a translation into English and commentary of the personal notebook of Johann Andreas Stein, one of the most important instrument makers of the 18th c. The book contains poems, sketches, anecdotes, descriptions of all his journeys and work
as a journeyman and instrument maker in Augsburg. There are references to Bartolomeo Cristofori and Frantz Jacob Spath and other interesting material such as stringing schemes for harpsichords, pianos and clavichords, improvements to the piano and clavichord, organ dispositions and lists of clients. Stein used the notebook from 1748 until 1777. The notebook contains dispositions of
various organs including that of the famous Gabler organ in Weingarten, J.A. Silbermann’s organ in the New Church in Strasbourg and Stein’s own organ in the Barfüßerkirche in Augsburg. During the period of the notebook Stein invented his “Poly-Tono-Clavichordium” an instrument combining a large harpsichord and a Hammerflügel (1769) and a small expressive melody organ he called the
“Melodica” (1772). 2 vols, clothbound, in slipcase. $558
[item no.
STORACE, Bernardo, 17th c.
[Selva di varie composizioni, harpsichord/organ]
Selva di varie composizioni d’intavolatura per cimbalo ed organo, Venezia 1664. [Bibl. del Conservatorio, Naples].
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 13. Florence, 1982. 24 x 34 cm, iii, 103 pp. Halftone of the sole surviving engraved edition. 29 compositions. Introduction in It by Laura Alvini. Wrappers in decorative paper. $52
[item no.
STROZZI, Gregorio, c.1615-d.?
[Capricci da sonare, harpsichord/organ]
Capricci da sonare cimbali et organi, Napoli 1687.
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 14. Florence, 1979. 24 x 34 cm, iii, 123 pp. Line-cut. 30 compositions a4 in score. Introduction in It by Laura Alvini. Wrappers in decorative paper. $31
[item no.
SUPPIG, Friedrich, 18th c.
Labyrinthus musicus. Calculus musicus. Facsimile of the Manuscripts Paris, Bibliothèque du Conservatoire, Rés. F 211-212 (dated Dresden, 24 June 1722).
Tuning and Temperament Library, 3. Utrecht, 1990. 8º, 190 pp. Line-cut of the 1722 ms. Series of fantasias for organ in all 24 keys followed by a treatise on tuning and intervals. $74
[item no.
TITELOUZE, Jean, 1563-1633
[Hymnes, organ]
Hymnes de l’église pour toucher sur l’orgue avec les fugues et recherches sur leur plainchant / Le magnificat ou cantique da la vierge pour toucher sur l’orgue suivant les huit tons de l’Église.
Geneva, 1987. 28 x 22 cm, 223 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1623 & 1626 edition. Wrappers. $172
[item no.
[Hymnes, organ]
Hymnes de l’église pour toucher sur l’orgue. 2e édition, 1624. Présentation par Marcel Degrutère. [Bibl. Sainte Geneviève, Paris].
Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1992. Oblong, 31 x 22 cm, 28, 103 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1624 edition. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $54
[item no.
[Magnificat, organ]
Magnificat ou cantique de la vierge, pour toucher sur l’orgue. Paris, 1626. Présentation par Marcel Degrutère.
Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1992. Oblong, 30 x 22 cm, 21, 119 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1626 edition. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $57
[item no.
TORRES, Joseph de, c.1665-1738
[Method, keyboard/harp, accomp.]
Reglas generales de acompañar, en órgano, clavicordio y harpa.
Música Facsímil, 28G. Madrid, 1983. Oblong, 17 x 12 cm, x, 288 pp. Line-cut of the Madrid 1702 & 1736 edition. Basso continuo treatises. Hardbound. $44
[item no.
TRABACI, Giovanni Maria, c.1575-1647
[Ricercate, canzone, a1-4, keyboard, books 1 & 2]
Ricercate, canzone franzese, capricci. Opere tutte da sonare, a quattro voci. Libro primo, Napoli 1603; Il secondo libro de ricercate et altri varij capricci. Libro secondo, Napoli 1615.
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 56. Florence, 1984. 24 x 34 cm, 2 books, v, 258 pp. Line-cut. Over 150 compositions, all notated in score. Introduction in It by Laura Alvini. Wrappers and slip cover in decorative paper. $53
[item no.
TÜRK, Daniel Gottlob, 1756-1813
Von den wichtigsten Pflichten eines Organisten.
Kassel. Line-cut of the Halle, 1800 edition. $50
[item no.
VALENTI, Niccolò, 18th c.
[Toccate, sonate, etc., selections]
[Raccolta di] sonate per organo.
Biblioteca Classica, 161. Rotterdam, [1985]. Oblong, 4º, 22 pp. Line-cut. Selection of 13 pieces from a ms copy dated 1765 and of Florentine provenance. Ring binding. $20
[item no.
VALLOTTI, Francescantonio, 1697-1780
Dies irae a quattro voci con strumenti. Ms. Padova 1756. [Cappella Musicale Antoniana, Padua].
Archivum Musicum: Monumenta Musicae Revocata, 18. Florence, 1996. Oblong & upright, 30 x 24 cm, 3 vols, 9, 364 pp. Line-cut of a manuscript by Vallotti’s copyist. Composed in Padua in 1756, the work consists of a full score and parts; it calls for a four-voice choir with solo parts for the arias, duets and quartet and strings, two trumpets, and organ. Wrappers in portfolio. $108
[item no.
VANHAL, Johann Baptist, 1739-1813
[Fugues, organ]
Sechs Fugen für die Orgel, oder Clavier.
Biblioteca Classica, 165. Rotterdam, 1988. Oblong, 4º, 13 pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, c.1805 edition. Plastic ring binding. $13
[item no.
[Fugues, organ, nos.7-12]
Douze fugues pour l’orgue en deux cahiers. No.2, fugues 7-12.
Biblioteca Classica, 164. Rotterdam, 1992. 4º, 32 pp. Line-cut of the Bonn, 1805 edition. Plastic ring binding. $13
[item no.
VIVALDI, Antonio, 1678-1741
[Concerti, flute, strings, op.10]
VI concerti a flauto traverso, violino primo, e secondo, alto viola, organo e violoncello. Operas decima. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 203. New York, [1999]. 23 x 31 cm, 5 partbooks, c.94 pp. Line-cut of the Le Cène edition, Amsterdam, c.1728. Concerti correspond to RV 433, 439 (including “La Notte”), 428, 435, 434, & 437. Wrappers. $60
[item no.
[Concerti, vln, strings, op.12]
Sei concerti a violino principale, violino primo e secondo, alto viola, organo e violoncello. Opera duodecima.
Huntingdon, c.1988. 4º. Xerographic reprint of the Le Cène edition, Amsterdam, [1729]. Scored for vln solo, vln I, II, vla, vc, & bc. Ryom numbers: 317, 244, 124, 173, 379, & 361. Wrappers. $58
[item no.
[Trio sonata, violin, oboe, organ/vln, bc, RV 779] in
Sonata pour hautbois et basse; Sonata pour deux hautbois et basse; Sonate pour violon, hautbois, orgue et basse. Présentation par Michel Giboureau. [Sächsische Landesbibliothek & Universitetsbiblioteket, Lund.
Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1995. 24 x 33 cm, xvi, 32 pp. Line-cut of two contemporary ms copies and one autograph. Corresponds to RV 53, 81, & 779. The trio sonata is in the hand of Vivaldi and is scored for “Signora Prudenza/viol.; Signora Pellegrina/oboe; Signora Lucietta/organo; Signora Candida/Salmoè se piace”, evidentally young girls from the Pietà. Wrappers. $26
[item no.
WAGENSEIL, Georg Christoph, 1715-1777
[Concertos, harpsichord/organ, 2 vln, bc, nos.1-3]
Six Concertos for the Harpsichord or Organ, with Accompanyments for Two Violins and a Bass.
Biblioteca Classica, 151/1. Rotterdam, 1987. 4º, 17, 3 pp. Line-cut of the London, c.1765 edition. “Tutti” and “solo” sections indicated in the score. Wrappers. $14
[item no.
WALOND, William, c.1725-1770
Six Voluntaries for Organ or Harpsichord.
Brewood, 2007. Oblong, 4°. 21 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1752 edition. Little is known of William Walond; he took his BMus at Oxford in the late 1750s and published two sets of voluntaries. The title pages of both these volumes describe him as Organist in Oxford. Ring binder. $29
[item no.
WERCKMEISTER, Andreas, 1645-1706
Erweiterte und verbesserte Orgel-Probe. [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/44. Bologna, 1984. 16 x 22 cm, 109 pp. Line-cut of the 1698 edition. Laid paper. Cloth.
[item no.
Musicalische Temperatur [oder deutlicher und warer mathematischer Unterricht, wie man durch Anweisung des Monochordi ein Clavier, sonderlich die Orgel-Wercke, Positive, Regale, Spinetten, und dergleichen wol temperiert stimmen]. (Quedlinburg, 1691). Edited by Rudolf Rasch.
Tuning and Temperament Library, 1. Buren, 1983. 15 x 22 cm, 63, 114 pp. Line-cut of the Quedlinburg, 1691 edition. The author’s most famous treatise on tuning where, for the first time in history, the circle of fifths is given as the basis of tuning. Describes six tuning methods including his well-known unequal tuning. Cloth. $61
[item no.
Musicalische Temperatur [oder deutlicher und warer mathematischer Unterricht, wie man durch Anweisung des Monochordi ein Clavier, sonderlich die Orgel-Wercke, Positive, Regale, Spinetten, und dergleichen wol temperiert stimmen]. (Quedlinburg, 1691). Edited by Rudolf Rasch.
Tuning and Temperament Library, 1. Buren, 1983. 15 x 22 cm, 63, 114 pp. Line-cut of the Quedlinburg, 1691 edition. The author’s most famous treatise on tuning where, for the first time in history, the circle of fifths is given as the basis of tuning. Describes six tuning methods including his well-known unequal tuning. Wrappers. $50
[item no.
WESLEY, Samuel, 1766-1837
Voluntaries for the Organ. Opus 6, Nos.1-6. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 217. New York, [2000]. 25 x 31 cm, 37 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1802-5 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
Voluntaries for the Organ. Opus 6, Nos.7-12. [private collection].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 218. New York, [2000]. 25 x 31 cm, 37 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1806-8 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
WILTBERGER, August, 1850-1928
Orgel-Trio op.61 und op.65. Schwann / Düsseldorf. [private collection].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 84. Stuttgart, 2019. Oblong, 21 x 16 cm, 42 pp. Line-cut of the Düsseldorf, c.1895-96 edition. Hardbound, with decorative paper boards. $27
[item no.
WOLFRAM, Johann Christian, 1766-1828
Anleitung zur Kenntniz, Beurteilung und Erhaltung der Orgeln, Gotha 1815.
Bibliotheca Organologica, 3. Amsterdam, 1972. 8º, xx, 364 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $46
[item no.
WOLTZ, Johann, c.1550-1618
Nova musices organicae tabulatura. I: Tavolatura originale.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/53. Bologna, 1970. 22 x 32 cm, 358 pp. Line-cut of the Bâle, 1617 edition. Organ tablature with 215 works, including transcriptions of motets, canzonetti and fugues by German and Italian masters. Hardbound. $147
[item no.
ZÖSCHINGER, Ludwig, 1731-1860 [pseud. ”Reschnezgi”]
Concors digitorum discordia [sue IV. Parthiae]. Augsburg / Jacob Lotter 1761. [Bischöfliche Bibliothek Regensburg].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 82. Stuttgart, 2018. Oblong, 31 x 21 cm, 31 pp. Line-cut of the Augsburg, 1761 edition. Hardbound, with decorative paper boards. $40
[item no.
Altfraunhofener Orgelbuch. Kommentar von Karl-Friedrich Wagner.
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 71. Stuttgart, 2016. Oblong, 34 x 26 cm, 8, 40 pp. Color facsimile of a charming MS collection of organ music (mostly preludes) from the early romantic period. Written in a clear and legible hand, the composer attributions include Georg Hamel, Georg Valentin Röder, Justin Heinrich Knecht, Georg Joseph Vogler & Pater Agäus. Hardbound, with decorative paper
boards. $57
[item no.
Ars componendi / Regulae componendj [1718]. [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 37. Stuttgart, 2017. Oblong, 23 x 19 cm, 87 pp. Color reproduction of 2 fascinating manuscripts on the rules of composition—shelfmark L70; one is dated 1717. Hardbound with decorative marbled boards. $69
[item no.
[Berlin, Staatsbibl. der SPKB, 40613]
Locheimer-Liederbuch und Fundamentum organisandi des Conrad Paumann. In Faksimiledruck herausgegeben von Konrad Ameln.
Berlin, 1925. 18 x 24 cm, 96, xxv pp. Superb 4-color collotype of one of the most celebrated German-produced chansonniers of the 15th c., bound together with an organ collection notated in tablature. 47 anonymous pieces with music, 44 of them are lieder: 35 a1, 2 a2, and 7 a3. Historical introduction, tables, and illustrations of the watermarks. Edition of 700 in half vellum. Rare.
[item no.
[Faenza, Bibl. Comunale, 117]
The Codex Faenza 117. Instrumental Polyphony in Late Medieval Italy Vol. I: Introductory Study; Vol. II: Facsimile Edition. Edited by Pedro Memelsdorff.
Ars Nova, Nuova Serie, 3. Lucca, 2012. 18 x 25 cm, 2 vols, 258; 212 pp. Deluxe full-color reproduction. A small unadorned parchment booklet, MS 117 of the Biblioteca Comunale Manfrediana in Faenza deals with a stunning quantity and unique quality of information on 14th- and 15th-c. Italian musical culture. The Codex is composed of two distinct and independent copying layers. The
older one contains 50 non-texted intabulated diminutions generally assumed to be instrumental and dated within the first two decades of the 15th century. They comprise diminished versions of Italian and French songs by some of the major composers of the 14th and early 15th c., Jacopo da Bologna, Bartolino da Padova, Francesco Landini, Antonio Zacara da Teramo, Guillaume de Machaut,
and Pierre des Molins, as well as polyphonic estampies and diminutions on dance-related and liturgical tenors, including the 3 earliest alternatim mass-pairs that have come down to us. The younger layer is an autograph by the Carmelite friar Johannes Bonadies, who in 1473 and 1474 used empty folios to add 16 music theory treatises, summaries or tables, and 22 mid- or
late-fifteenth-century polyphonic settings, mostly composed by John Hothby, Bernardus Ycart, and Johannes de Erfordia, aside with some anonymous settings and a short Kyrie by Bonadies himself. Hardbound.
(more info... )
[item no.
[Harmonia organica]
Ochsenhauser Orgelbuch. Harmonia organica. Quellenkritische Erstausgabe herausgegeben von Michael Gerhard Kaufmann im Auftrag der Landesakademie für die musizierende Jugend in Baden-Württemberg, der Gesellschaft der Orgelfreund, und der Stadt Ochsenhausen. [Misc. Ms. 150, Yale Music Library, New Haven].
Veröffentlichungen der Landesakademie für die musizierende Jugend in Baden-Württemberg, 1/1/2. Stuttgart, 2004. 24 x 33 cm, 2 vols, 152, 88 pp. Full-color facsimile of the 1735 edition of “Harmonia organica: seu praestantissimi in imperiali monasterio Ochsenhusano novi organi perfectus usus ac praeclara tractandi metodius”. 40 Pièces à toucher and four fuges, all of them anonymous,
written for the organ built by Joseph Gabler for the Imperial Benedictine Abbey, Ochsenhausen, in southern Germany. With commentary (Ger-Eng) and modern transcription. Hardbound, with slipcase. Limited bibliophile edition. $238
(more info... )
[item no.
Intavolatura d’organo facilissima accomodata in versetti sopra gli otto tuoni. [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/51. Bologna, 1970. Oblong, 25 x 17 cm, ii, 17 pp. Line-cut of the G. Vincenti edition, Venice, 1598. 16 pieces in keyboard score. Preface in It. Laid paper. Hardbound. $25
[item no.
Irseer-Orgeltabulatur. [Passau State Library].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 95. Stuttgart, 2021. 24 x 36 cm, 226 pp. Color facsimile of a rare and unique organ tablature MS from 1590 containing 83 pieces. According to an inscription in the book it was created for Abbot Carolus Andreae, a Benedictine monk active at the Kloster of Irsee, Ostallgäu, Bavaria (Andreae is credited with initiating the installation of a new organ by the
Irsee organ builder Daniel Hayl in 1612). The MS comprises an anthology organ adaptations of vocal music from the last decades of the 16th c., including works by Hans Leo Hassler, Orlando di Lasso, Johannes Eccard, Joachim a Burck, Michael Tonsor, Jakob Regnart, Heinricus de la Court, Philippe le Duc, Sebastian Hasenknopf, and Alexander Utendal. The aim of the intabulations (a
notation very similar to German lute tablature) is not clear—they may have been written for study, or rehearsal purposes, or most likely, for possible insertion in a liturgical setting. The MS ends with one piece in “modern” staff notation. Hardbound in decorative paper boards. $125
(more info... )
[item no.
Jambou, Louis.
Compendio de el arte de organeria. Introducción y edición a cargo de Louis Jambon.
Publicaciones de la Sociedad Española de Musicología, F/3. Madrid, 1987. 17 x 24 cm, 16, 112 pp. Halftone of a fascinating Spanish manuscript from Granada detailing organ building. Dated 1830 and clearly tied to the catedral de Granada the work bears influence of Nasarre and Kircher and is an important testimony on organ building in Spain during the first half of the 19th century.
Historical commentary in Sp. Wrappers. $49
(more info... )
[item no.
A Jefferson Music Book: Keyboard Pieces, Some with Violin Accompaniment. Facsimile Reproductions from Eighteenth-Century Editions in the Music Collection of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. With a Preface and Notes by J.S. Darling, Organist and Choirmaster of Bruton Parish Church, Williamsburg.
Williamsburg, 1986. Oblong, 31 x 23 cm, x, 42 pp. Line-cut. Contains works by Dr. Samuel Arnold, J.C. Bach, C.F. Abel, Wenzel Wodiczka, G.F. Handel, and J. Snow. Wrappers. $15
[item no.
Linzer Orgeltabulatur, 1611-1613. [Mus Hs 512 Inv.-Nr. 9647, Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseum, Linz].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 17. Stuttgart, 2002. Oblong, 20 x 14 cm, 190 pp. Line-cut of a ms transmitting 56 dance movements in organ tablature. Hardbound with marbled paper boards. $64
[item no.
Livre d’orgue de Limoges (manuscrit inédit – vers 1710-1725. Présentation par Guy Marissal. [Bibl. Municipale, Limoges].
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 90. Courlay, 1996. 4º, xvi, 50 pp. Line-cut of a contemporary ms containing works by A. Raison, G. Julien and G. Corette. Wrappers. $32
[item no.
[Lüdingworth Organ Tabulature]
Tabulatur Lüdingworth. Norddeutsche Orgelmusik des 16. Jahrhunderts. Faksimile und Übertragung herausgegeben und kommentiert von Konrad Küster.
Documenta Musicologica, II/38. Kassel, 2007. 4°, xxi, 8, 6 pp. These recently rediscovered leaves, reproduced here in a full-color facsimile edition, contain the earliest known organ chorale by a Lutheran organist (associated with the world famous Arp Schnitger organ in Lüdingworth) and documents the earliest available sources of late German organ tablature. Together with a new
critical edition. Commentary in Ger-Eng. Hardbound. $53
[item no.
[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, parts 1-6]
Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, 6 vols, c.1185 pp. Line-cut, arranged chronologically, of 63 treatises on basso continuo practice by an anonymous writers, Bartolotti, Bovin, Buterne, Carre, Charpentier, Chaumont, Henry d’Anglebert, De la Barre, Delair, Feury, Marais, Nivers, Perrine/Saint-Lambert, F. Campion, T. Campion, Cheron, Clerambault, Couperin, Dandrieu, Delair,
Leclair, Rameau, Dornel, Forqueray, Gervais, Goudat, Guillemain, Monnier, Monteclair, Pingre, Rameau, Serre de Rieux, Telemann, Travenol, Alembert, Blanville, Corrette, Dubugrarre/Geminiani, Laporte, Bethisy, Biferi, Clement, Dubreuil, Garnier, Gianotti, Gougelet, Labbet, Le Boeuf/Rameau, Roussier, Simon, Tapray, Bemetzrieder, Froestler, Gournay, Langle, Rodolphe, and Roussier.
Wrappers. $423
[item no.
[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, part 1]
Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, c.240 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: Fleury: Methode pour apprendre facilement - 1660; Bartolotti: Table pour apprendre facilement - 1669; Carré: Livre de Guitarre contenant plusieurs pièces - 1671; Perrine: Livre de musique pour le Lut - 1680; Anonymous: Petites regles generalles
qui peuvent servir de methode - 1680; Nivers: Motets a voix seule - 1689; Henry d’Anglebert: Pièces de clavecin - 1689; Marais: Basse-continuës des pieçes a une et a deux violes - 1689; Anonymous: (traité abrégé d’accompagnement) - c. 1690; Anonymous: Règles pour l’accompagnement - 1690; Delair: Traité d’accompagnement pour le theorbe - 1690; Charpentier: Abrégé des règles de
l’accompagnement - c. 1692; Chaumont: Pieçes d’orgue sur les 8 tons - 1695; Buterne: Petites regles pour l’accompagnement - 1700; Boyvin: 2. livre d’orgue - 1700; Anonymous: Traité d’accompagnement du clavecin - c. 1700; La Barre: 1. livre de pièces pour la flûte - 1702; Saint-Lambert: Nouveau traité de l’accompagnement - 1707. Wrappers. $93
[item no.
[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, part 2]
Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, c.220 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: Couperin: Règles pour l’accompagnement - s.d.; Campion: Traité d’accompagnement et de composition - 1716; Clerambault: Règles d’accompagnement - 1716; Clerambault: Principes d’accompagnement - 1716; Dandrieu: Principes de l’accompagnement - 1719;
Rameau: Traité de l’harmonie - 1722; Delair: Nouveau traité d’accompagnement - 1724; Leclair: 1. livre de sonates - 1723; Rameau: Nouveau système de musique théorique - 1726; Cheron: Sonates en trio - 1727; Campion: Lettre du sieur Campion a un philosophe - 1729; Campion: Addition au traité d’accompagnement - 1730. Wrappers. $85
[item no.
[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, part 3]
Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, c.230 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: Pingre: Traité de l’harmonie - s.d.; Rameau: Observations sur la méthode d’accompagnement - 1730; Rameau: Plan abrégé d’une méthode nouvelle - 1730; Monteclair: Réponse du second Musicien au premier - 1729; Rameau: Réplique du premier Musicien à
la réponse du second - 1730; Monteclair: Réponse du second Musicien au premier Musicien - 1730; Rameau: Réplique du premier Musicien à l’écrit du second - 1730; Rameau: Dissertation sur les différentes métodes - 1732; Gervais: Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: Méthode pour l’accompagnement - 1733; Campion: 2. recueil d’airs - 1734;
Serre de Rieux: Les dons des Enfans de Latone - 1734; Telemann: Nouveaux quatuors en six suites - 1738; Goudat: Principes de L'accompagnement - 1738; Travenol: 1. livre de sonates a violon seul - 1739; Guillemain: Six sonates en quatuors - 1743; Monnier le Cadet: L’art de toucher le clavecin dans son propre caractêre - c.1745; Dornel: le tour du clavier - 1745; Forqueray: Pièces de
viole avec la basse continüe - 1747; Anonymous: (Méthode d’accompagnement) - s.d. Wrappers. $88
[item no.
[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, part 4]
Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, c.230 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: D'Alembert: Elemens de musique - 1752; Blainville: Essay sur un troisième mode - 1751; Corrette: Le maître de clavecin - 1753; La Porte: Traité théorique et pratique - 1753; Geminiani: L’art de bien accompagner - 1754; Dubugrarre: Méthode plus
courte et plus facile - 1754. Wrappers. $88
[item no.
[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, part 5]
Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, c.210 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: Tapray: Abrège de l’accompagnement - 1755; Labbet & Leris: Sentiment d’un Harmoniphile - 1756; Clement: Essai sur l’accompagnement - 1758; Gianotti: Le guide du compositeur - 1759; Rameau: Code de musique pratique - 1760; Bethisy: Exposition de la
théorie et de la pratique - 1764; Roussier: Traité des accords et de leur succession - 1764; Le Bœuf: Traité d’harmonie et règles d’accompagnement - 1766; Garnier: Nouvelle méthode pour l’accompagnement - 1767; Dubreuil: Manuel harmonique - 1767; Biferi: Traité de musique abrégé, divisé en trois parties - 1770; Simon: Théorie pratique d’accompagnement - s.d.; Gougelet: Méthode ou
abrégé des règles - 1771. Wrappers. $80
[item no.
[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, part 6]
Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, c.255 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: Roussier: L’harmonie pratique - 1775; Corrette: Prototipes contenant des leçons d’accompagnement - 1775; Anonymous: Abrégé des règles de composition - 1777; Bemetzrieder: Nouvelles leçons de clavecin ou instructions générales - 1782; Rodolphe:
Théorie d’accompagnement - c.1785; Gournay: Lettre à M. l’abbé Roussier - 1785; Langle: Traité de la basse sous le chant - 1797; Froestler: Traité d’harmonie et de modulation - 1800; Anonymous: Principes de l’accompagnement - s.d.; Anonymous: Règles d’accompagnement - s.d. Wrappers. $98
[item no.
[Methods, organ, integrale source, parts 1-5]
Orgue. Méthodes - Ouvrages sur la facture - Ouvrages sur le mélange des jeux - Préfaces - Extraits d’ouvrages généraux - Dictionnares et encyclopédies - Cérémonials. Cinq volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman et Jean-Christophe Tosi.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 5 vols, 1,232 pp. Line-cut. Collection of theoretical writings on the organ, arranged chronologically, from the mid 16th c. to Silbermann. Indispensable resources for all students of the organ. Wrappers. $336
[item no.
[Methods, organ, integrale source, part 1]
Orgue. Méthodes - Ouvrages sur la facture - Ouvrages sur le mélange des jeux - Préfaces - Extraits d’ouvrages généraux - Dictionnaries et encyclopédies - Cérémonials. Volume I: Anonymous (1-2-3-4) - Mersenne - Nivers (1) - Sainte-Catherine - Sonnet - Titelouze (1-2) - Trichet.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 224 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $83
[item no.
[Methods, organ, integrale source, part 2]
Orgue. Méthodes - Ouvrages sur la facture - Ouvrages sur le mélange des jeux - Préfaces - Extraits d’ouvrages généraux - Dictionnaries et encyclopédies - Cérémonials. Volume II: Ancelet - D’Anglebert - Anomymes (5-6-7-8-9-10-11) - Bollioud de Mermet - Boyvin (1-2) - Chaumont - Clérambault - G. Corrette - M. Corrette (1-2-3) - Dandrieu - Dodart -
Encyclopédie - Garsault - Gigault (1-2) - Jullien - Lebégue (1-2) - Moucherel - Nivers (2-3) - Raison - Rameau - Riepp - Sauveur.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 248 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $83
[item no.
[Methods, organ, integrale source, part 3]
Orgue. Méthodes - Ouvrages sur la facture - Ouvrages sur le mélange des jeux - Préfaces - Extraits d’ouvrages généraux - Dictionnaries et encyclopédies - Cérémonials. Volume III: Dom Bédos (textes).
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 288 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $93
[item no.
[Methods, organ, integrale source, part 4]
Orgue. Méthodes - Ouvrages sur la facture - Ouvrages sur le mélange des jeux - Préfaces - Extraits d’ouvrages généraux - Dictionnaries et encyclopédies - Cérémonials. Volume IV: Anonymes (1-2) - Benault - Dom Bédos (planches) - Engramelle - Macquer.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 288 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $93
[item no.
[Methods, organ, integrale source, part 5]
Orgue. Méthodes - Ouvrages sur la facture - Ouvrages sur le mélange des jeux - Préfaces - Extraits d’ouvrages généraux - Dictionnaries et encyclopédies - Cérémonials. Volume V: Clicquot - M. Corrette (4) - Encyclopédie méthodique - Laborde - Silbermann.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 184 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $69
[item no.
[“Montreal organ book”]
Le livre d’orgue de Montréal. Présenté par Elizabeth Gallat-Morin. [Ms. Foundation Lionel-Groulx, Girouard Collection, Montréal].
Collection la Vie Musicale en Nouvelle France, 1. Montreal, 1988. Oblong, 30 x 23 cm, xv, 546, v pp. (Rpt. of Montréal, 1981 edition). Important ms collection of organ music from the period of Louis XIV brought to Montréal in 1724. 398 pieces, mostly anonymous. Historical introduction & index. Wrappers. $95
[item no.
[“Montreal organ book”]
Le livre d’orgue de Montréal. Un manuscrit de musique française classique. Étude critique et historique par Elizabeth Gallat-Morin.
Collection la Vie Musicale en Nouvelle France, II. Montreal, 1988. 8º, xiv, 459 pp. Critical commentary to above. Thematic catalog and bibliography. Wrappers. $85
[item no.
Orgeltabulatur Wappen. [Cod. 469, Staats- und Stadtbibliothek, Augsburg].
Faksimile-Edition Augsburg, 8. Stuttgart, 1998. 22 x 32 cm, 306 pp. Line-cut of rare heraldic manuscript written c.1590 with hundreds of drawings of coats of arm (Wappen) and 24 pieces in early German organ tablature copied on the blank pages (fols.50-56; 89-95); contents: 1) Wienner Dantz / nach Danntz; 2) Bin ich armes Bruederlin. Hofdantz / nach Danntz; 3) Wölches ist dir
lieber. Danntz / Nac Danntz; 4) Schwester Dorothea / Nach Danntz; 5) Der alten Weiber Dant / nachdantz; 6) Amor cecho colei; 7) Saltarello angloso; 8) Passo e mezo comun; 9) Saltarello comum; 10) Der Poland; 11) Es hat ein medlein ein schreiber hold; 12) Studentenn Dantz / nach Danntz; 13) Mit lieb bin ich umfangen; 14) Ach herzigs Hertz; 15) M. Hainehofers danntz / nach danz; 16)
Da der Deber deberin nam; 17) La cara cossa. Galliarda; 18) Chi passa. Galiarda; 19) Ich hab mir ein Medlin ausserwölt; 20) So wünsch ich Ir ain guete Nacht; 21) Es ist auf Erden kein schwereres Leiden; 22) Mir liebt der grüne Mayen; 23) Ungerischen und auch Bauern Danntz / nach Dantz; 24) Salva Puella. Dantz / nachdanz. Hardbound. $114
[item no.
Raccolta delle piu nuove composizioni di clavicembalo di differenti maestre ed autori per l’anno 1756 [-1757], fatta stampare del sig. F.G. Marpurg.
Clavecinistes Européens du XVIIIe Siècle, IX. Geneva, 1986. Oblong, 35 x 24 cm, 118 pp. Line-cut of the Breitkopf & Härtel edition, Leipzig 1756-57. Anthology with works by Agricola, C.P.E. Bach, C.H. Graun, Kirnberger, F.W. Marpurg, Nichelmann, Rackemann, Sack, Schale, Seyfurth, Silbermann, Zachariä, Duphly, Févier, Rameau, and P. Martini. Wrappers. $96
[item no.
The Preceptor for the Piano-Forte, Organ or Harpsichord. A Facsimile of the London Edition c.1785(?).
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/16. New York, 1967. Oblong, 27 x 21 cm, 35 pp. Line-cut. Explains the proper mode of fingering. Includes airs, a collection of progressive lessons and 2 celebrated lessons by James Hook. Laid paper. Cloth.
[item no.
[Sonatas, keyboard]
VII. sonate per cembalo e organo di diversi autori.
Biblioteca Classica, 162. Rotterdam, 1984. Oblong, 4º, 20 pp. Line-cut of a contemporary ms copy of Italian provenance, c.1790. Contains works by A. Botti, G. Riggoli, N. Moriani, V. Ciullini. Plastic ring binding. $18
[item no.
[Sonatas, organ]
Sonate da organo di autori varii. [Ms. Conservatorio di musica “San Pietro a Majella” Bibl., Naples].
Rome, 1975. Oblong, 29 x 21 cm, 24 pp. Line-cut of a contemporary ms copy. Transmits 18 sonatas, including works by Ziani, Pollaroli, Cherli, Bassani, Giustiniani, Schiana, Colonna, del Monari, & Aresti. With contemporary index. Wrappers. (out of print). $32
[item no.
Volentarys & Fugues Made on Purpose for the Organ or Harpsichord.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 64. New York, [1991]. 4º, 28 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1710 edition. Works by Bassani, Colonna, Giustiniani, Monari, Pasquini, Francesco, Pollaroli and Ziani. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
Werke für Tasteninstrumente (Anonyme Werke, F.X. Murschhauser). [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 42. Stuttgart, 2023 Oblong, 31 x 22 cm, 138 pp. Line-cut of a contemporary manuscript copy. One might call this important anthology the “missing volume” of Alexander Silbiger’s Seventeenth-Century Keyboard Music (Garland Publishing). Hardbound with decorative paper boards. $71
[item no.
Bach, J.S.
Pièce d’orgue BWV 572. Version originale d’après le manuscrit de J.G. Walther. Publiée par Kenneth Gilbert.
Le Grand Clavier, XIII. Monaco, 1993. 4º, xii, 10 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $10, regularly $25
[item no.
Brahms, Johannes (new critical edition)
Orgelwerke. Editor: George S. Bozarth.
Neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke, IV/2. Munich, 2015. 4º, xlix; l, 107 pp. New critical edition. Cloth. $237
[item no.
Buxtehude, Dietrich.
Keyboard Works, Part 3. Preludes, Toccatas, Fugues, and Canzonas for Organ (manualiter), Harpsichord, or Clavichord. Editions by Christoph Wolff.
Dietrich Buxtehude, The Collected Works, 17. New York, 2016. 4˚, xxvi, 128 pp. Hardbound. Special sale price $25 eff. 7/15/23, regularly $140
[item no.
Buxtehude, Dietrich.
Keyboard Works, Part 4. Suites and Variations for Harpsichord or Clavichord. Edited by Christoph Wolff.
Dietrich Buxtehude, The Collected Works, 18. New York, 2016. 4˚, xxxviii, 260 pp. Hardbound. (Special sale price eff. 7/15/23: $25) $140
[item no.
Cabezón, Antonio de.
Tientos. Edited by Charles Jacobs.
The Collected Works of Antonio de Cabezón, II. New York, 1972. Oblong, 4˚, xxxiii, 75 pp. Cloth. $38
[item no.
Cabezón, Antonio de.
Versos & Fugas. Edited by Charles Jacobs.
The Collected Works of Antonio de Cabezón, III. New York, 1976. Oblong, 4˚, iv, 40 pp. Cloth. $38
[item no.
Cabezón, Antonio de.
Hymnen & cantus firmus-Bearbeitungen und Fabordones. Edited by Charles Jacobs.
The Collected Works of Antonio de Cabezón, IV. New York, 1986. Oblong, 4˚, xxii, 83 pp. Cloth. $38
[item no.
Cabezón, Antonio de.
Intabulationen und Opera incerta / Intabulations and Opera incerta. Edited by Charles Jacobs.
The Collected Works of Antonio de Cabezón, V. New York, 1986. Oblong, 4˚, xxii, 64 pp. Cloth. $38
[item no.
Cabezón, Antonio de.
Selected Works for Keyboard. Edited by Gerhard Doderer & Miguel Bernal Ripoll.
Kassel, 1967. 4°. Modern edition. 4 vols, wrappers. $156
[item no.
Calderara, Giacinto.
Stabat mater per soli, coro, 2 corni, archi e organo. Introduzione e revision di Giuseppe Gai.
Corona di Delizie Musicali, 5. Lucca, 2003. 4º, xiii, 83 pp. Critical edition. Wrappers. $42
[item no.
Cima, Giovan Paolo.
Canzoni alla francese (1606). A cura di Elita Maule.
Monumenta Organica, B/5. Bologna, 1985. 4º, x, 38 pp. Modern edition of 16 instrumental canzoni. Preface in It. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
Cima, Giovan Paolo.
Ricercari (1605), a cura di Elita Maule.
Monumenta Organica, B/4. Bologna, 1985. 4º, viii, 29 pp. Modern edition of 7 ricercari a4. Wrappers. $17
[item no.
Composizioni inedite dall’intavolatura d’organo tedesca di Torino. A cura / Edited by di D. Felici.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/104. Bologna, 2011. Oblong, 4°, xl, 153 pp. Transcription of toccatas and ricercari, to a large extent unpublished, taken from German tablatures for keyboard in the Foà Giordano holdings, preserved in the National Library of Turin. The manuscript contains works by Italian, German and anonymous composers which, despite the variety of styles
presented, testify to the rich fabric of exchanges and mutual influences that occurred between northern and southern Europe in the first 30 years of the 17th c.. Introduction in Eng-It. Wrappers.
[item no.
Couperin, François (collected works edition)
Pièces d’orgue. Publiées par Paul Brunold et revues d’après les sources par Kenneth Gilbert et Davitt Moroney.
François Couperin: Œuvres Complètes, III. Monaco, 1982. 4º, 120 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $30, regularly $62
[item no.
Couperin, Louis.
Pièces d’orgue. Édition établie par Guy Oldham.
Monaco, 2003. 4º, vi, 135 pp. First edition ever of the complete organ works. Rediscovered in a ms nearly forty years ago, this important repertory consists of 70 pieces, all the preludes, duos, fantasies, fugues and plainsong settings that the composer is known to have written. 47 pieces are published here for the first time. Includes critical commentary and detailed preface.
Wrappers. $97
[item no.
Early Tudor Organ Music I. Edited by John Caldwell.
Early English Church Music, 65. London, 2024. 30 x 43 cm. 246 pp. EECM65 and EECM66 revisit the repertoire of the ground-breaking volumes 6 and 10 in the series, Early Tudor Organ Music, in the light of 60 years of continuing research and deeper understanding of the surviving corpus. Some 109 works are brought together here, in the order in which they appear in each manuscript:
British Library Additional MS 29996 accounting for three-quarters of the content, plus 22 works from other sources. There are settings for the Office (antiphons, hymns, the Te Deum and Magnificat) and Mass ordinary and propers (particularly the Offertory). Buckram. $154
[item no.
Early Tudor Organ Music II. Edited by John Caldwell.
Early English Church Music, 66. London, 2023. 30 x 43 cm. 210 pp. EECM65 and EECM66 revisit the repertoire of the ground-breaking volumes 6 and 10 in the series, Early Tudor Organ Music, in the light of 60 years of continuing research and deeper understanding of the surviving corpus. Some 109 works are brought together here, in the order in which they appear in each manuscript:
British Library Additional MS 29996 accounting for three-quarters of the content, plus 22 works from other sources. There are settings for the Office (antiphons, hymns, the Te Deum and Magnificat) and Mass ordinary and propers (particularly the Offertory). Buckram. $130
[item no.
English Keyboard Music c.1600-1625. Edited by Alan Brown
Musica Britannica, XCVI. London, 2014. 4º. Modern critical edition. This volume is the first of two intended to extend the coverage of keyboard music in Musica Britannica comprehensively into the first quarter of the 17th century. The present edition contains music by anonymous and a dozen or so named composers, including the complete keyboard works of Nicholas Carleton, the
surviving twenty 'Miserere' canons by Thomas Woodson, and the anonymous 'Pretty ways for young beginners to look on'. The 77 complete pieces are organized by genre, including preludes, plainsong settings, voluntaries, dances and character pieces. Drawing on 22 manuscripts which mostly also transmit music by Byrd and other noted virginalists, this residue of music from these sources
shows great diversity and a pleasing level of technical skill and musical interest, sufficient to enhance our wider view of English Renaissance music. Buckram. $175
[item no.
Franck, César.
L’organiste. Recueil de pièces pour orgue ou harmonium.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/62. Bologna, 1979. 21 x 31 cm, 117 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1889 edition. Collection of 59 pieces arranged by key groupings. Wrappers. Special sale print $10, regularly $30
[item no.
Frescobaldi, Girolamo.
Partite di Girolamo Frescobaldi trascrizione in notazione moderna di Oscar Chilesotti.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/27. Bologna, 1969. 8º, 45 pp. (Rpt. of Ricordi, c.1890 edition). Modern edition for keyboard of Frescobaldi’s Partite sopra l’aria della romanesca, Partite sopra la monicha, Partite sopra Ruggiero, and Partita sopra la follia. Hardbound.
[item no.
Frescobaldi, Girolamo.
Recercari, et canzoni franese, 1615, 1618. Edited by Kenneth Gilbert.
Girolamo Frescobaldi. Organ and Keyboard Works 1,1 Kassel, 2009. 24 x 30 cm. lxxxiii, 59 pages Critical edition. Wrappers. $58
[item no.
Froberger, Johann Jakob.
Œuvres complètes pour clavecin. Livre de 1649. Édition par Howard Schott.
Le Pupitre, 57/1. Paris, 2/ 1998. 4º, xvi, 104 pp. Wrappers. $26
[item no.
Froberger, Johann Jakob.
Œuvres complètes pour clavecin. Livres de 1656 et 1658. Édition par Howard Schott.
Le Pupitre, 57/2. Paris, 2/ 1993. 4º, xvi, 142 pp. Wrappers. $26
[item no.
Froberger, Johann Jakob.
Œuvres complètes pour clavecin. Édition par Howard Schott.
Le Pupitre, 58/1. Paris. 4º. Wrappers. $26
[item no.
Froberger, Johann Jakob.
Œuvres complètes pour clavecin. Suites et pièces diverses. Édition par Howard Schott.
Le Pupitre, 58/2. Paris, 2/ 1992. 4º, xiii, 97 pp. Wrappers. $26
[item no.
Geoffroy, Jean-Nicolas.
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Ms. Rés. 475, Works by Jean Nicolas Geoffroy Edited by Mary Tilton.
The Art of the Keyboard, 9. New York, 2007. 4˚, 2 vols, 197, 217 pp. This ms is the largest collection of 17th century French harpsichord music devoted to music by a single composer. 213 distinct pieces, including suites for harpsichord, string trios for 3 viols, quartets for harpsichord & 3 viols, & organ music. Wrappers. (Special sale price eff. 7/15/23: $25) $100
[item no.
[Goruppi, Giuliano]
Antichi e nuove melodie di natale. Elaborazioni per coro, quattro strumenti a fiato e organo di Giuliano Goruppi.
Lucca, 2009. 23 x 31.5 cm, x, 188 pp. Critical edition of 9 Christmas songs. Contents: Luciano Migliavacca “Brilla una luce in cielo”; Tradizionale, “Conventry Carol”; Enrico Capaccioli, “Lieti Pastori”; Settimio Zimarino, “Ninna nanna a Gesù bambino”; Luigi Ricci, “Pastorale”; Carlo Adolfo Bossi, “Puer natus”; Stanko Premrl, “Quem Vidistis”; Jan Kampanus Vodnansky, “Rorando caeli
defluant”; Katherine Davis, “The little drummer boy”. Wrappers. $40
[item no.
Kleber, Leonhard.
Die Orgeltabulatur des Leonhard Kleber. Erster Teil. Herausgegeben von Karin Berg-Kotterba. Mit einem Konkordanzenverzeichnis von Martin Staehelin.
Das Erber Deutscher Musik, 91. Frankfurt, 1987. 4º, xii, 116 pp. Modern edition in staff notation. Leonhard Kleber (c.1495-1556), possibly a pupil of Arnolt Schlick, produced this set of 112 tablatures—playable on organ, lute or keyboard—between 1521 and 1524; composers represented in the collection include Paul Hofhaimer, Hayne van Ghizeghem, Heinrich Isaac, Josquin des Prez,
Jacob Obrecht, Antoine Brumel, Heinrich Finck, Ludwig Senfl, Hans Buchner. Linen. $164
[item no.
Kleber, Leonhard.
Die Orgeltabulatur des Leonhard Kleber. Zweiter Teil. Herausgegeben von Karin Berg-Kotterba. Mit einem Konkordanzenverzeichnis von Martin Staehelin.
Das Erber Deutscher Musik, 92. Frankfurt, 1987. 4º, 160 pp. Part two of above. Linen. $150
[item no.
Laukvig, Jon.
Orgelschule zur historischen Aufführungspraxis. Teil 2: Orgel und Orgelspiel in der Romantik von Mendelssohn bis Reger und Widor.
Stuttgart, 1996. 4˚, 352 pp. Wrappers. $112
[item no.
Pellegrini, Vincenzo.
[Canzoni d’intavolatura d’organa], libro primo (1599), a cura di Primo Beraldo.
Monumenta Organica, B/3. Milan, 1968. 4º, xii, 47 pp. Modern edition with preface. 15 canzoni. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
Roseingrave, Thomas.
Complete Keyboard Music. Edited by H. Diack Johnstone and Richard Platt.
Musica Britannica, LXXXIV. London, 2006. 4°. xliii, 130 pp. Modern edition. Consists of 15 voluntarys and fuges from 1728, 6 double fugues from 1750, 8 setts from 1728, and 4 miscellaneous pieces. While studying in Italy Thomas Roseingrave became a disciple of Domenico Scarlatti, but in his own keyboard music he developed a personal gift for bold harmonies and modulations into a
style that confounded his contemporaries and retains its novelty to this day. He was the first organist of St George’s, Hanover Square, until mental illness overshadowed his professional life. His keyboard music remains among the most intriguing œuvres of any 18th-century British composer. Buckram. $157
[item no.
St. Gallen Orgelbuch. Die Orgeltabulatur des Fridolin Sicher (St. Gallen, Codex 530). Herausgegeben von / édité por / Edited by Hans Joachim Marz in Zusammenarbeit mit / en collaboration / in Collaboration with Thomas Warburton. Tabulaturen des XVI Jahrhunderts, Teil 3.
Schweizerische Musikdenkmäler, 8. Winterthur, 1992. 4º, 366 pp. Modern edition in staff notation. Fridolin Sicher’s (1490-1546) compilation of organ tablatures are principally arrangements of sacred vocal compositions. $375
[item no.
Scarlatti, Alessandro.
Toccate per organo o clavicembalo (Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Napoli ms. 9478). A cura di Andrea Macinanti e Francesco Tasini. Urtext.
Opera Omnia per Strumento a Tastiera / Complete Works for Keyboard, 1. Bologna, 2000. 4˚, xvi, 124 pp. New critical edition. 10 toccatas. Introduction in It-Eng. Wrappers. $77
[item no.
Vanden Gheyn, Matthias.
Preludia voor Beiaard / Preludes for Carillon. Ediderunt Gilbert Huybens & Luc Rombouts.
Monumenta Flandriae Musica, 2. Peer, 1997. 4º, 2 vols, xlv, 49, 30 pp. Critical edition of eleven preludes for carillon plus line-cut reproduction of the manuscript acquired by the Louvain University Archives in 1995. Introduction in Flem-Eng. Hardbound. Special sale price $25, regularly $65
[item no.
Versos para órgano. La escuela de órgano de La Seo de Zaragoza en el siglo XVII: Andres de Sola y Jeronimo Latorre. Introducción y transcripción: Lothar Siemens Hernandez.
Tecla Aragonesa, II. Zaragoza, 1988. Oblong, 4º, 36 pp. Wrappers. $5
[item no.
Vivaldi, Antonio (new edition)
Concerto in due cori con due violini e due organi obbligati. RV 584. Edizione critica a cura di Federico Maria Sardelli.
Antonio Vivaldi, Opere Incomplete, Edizione Critica, 3. Florence, 2003. 8º, 38 pp. New critical edition of the score prepared under the auspices of the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Istituto Italiano Antonio Vivaldi. Preface in It-Eng. Wrappers.
[item no.
Calahorra Martinez, Pedro.
La música en Zaragoza en los siglos XVI Y XVII. I: Organistas, organeros y órganos.
Zaragoza, 1977. 8º, 284 pp. Wrappers. $8
[item no.
Carchiolo, Salvatore.
Una perfezione d’armonia meravigliosa. Prassi cembalo-organistica del basso continuo italiano dalle origini all’inizio del XVIII secolo.
Lucca, 2006. 8º, xii, 395 pp. Survey and analysis of basso continuo practice from the early baroque to the beginning of the 18th c. Wrappers. $56
[item no.
Christensen, Jesper Bøke.
18th Century Continuo Playing. A Historical Guide to the Basics. Translated by J. Bradford Robinson.
Kassel, 2002. Oblong, 28 x 21 cm, 155 pp. A wonderful overview and tutor of continuo practice—1690 to 1735—based on the historical sources. Hardbound. $48
[item no.
Garbelotto, Antonio.
Pietro Nachini organaro veneto.
Bologna, 1993. 8º, 34 pp. Wrappers. $15
[item no.
Hardouin, Pierre.
Le grand orgue de l’église Saint-Gervais à Paris. Historique, description, tailles, esthétique, les facteurs.
Instruments Historiques: Monographies d’Instruments, Facteurs et Luthiers. Courlay, 1996. 8º, 95 pp. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
Jeanneret, Christine.
L’œuvre en filigrane. Une étude philologique des manuscrits de musique pour clavier à Rome au VIIIe siècle.
Historiae Musicae Cultores, 116. Florence, 2009. 8º, ix, 620 pp. Study of 74 17th-c. music manuscripts for keyboard from Frescobaldi’s circle in Rome. Besides being an important catalogue with a precise physical description, contents, concordances and analysis, it also contains the identification of several organists on the grounds of archival research. Among the so far unpublished
volumes, 4 original manuscripts of Girolamo Frescobaldi were discovered; these offer a new perspective of the Roman organists’ musical world, at a crossroads between oral and written practices. Wrappers. $76
[item no.
Muoni, Damiano.
Gli Antegnati organari insigni e serie dei maestri di cappella del Duomo di Milano.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, III/30. Bologna, 1969. 8º, 36 pp. (Rpt. of Milan, 1883 edition). History of the Antegati family, famous line of organ makers, and various maestri di cappella at the Milan Cathedral. Hardbound.
[item no.
El órgano de Longares. Zaragoza/España–1699. Una restauración historica.
Zaragoza, 1985. 4º, 215, with 154 illus pp. Wrappers. $19
[item no.
Recercare XXXIII/1-2 2021. [Rivista per lo studio e la pratica della musica antica / Journal for the Study and Practice of Early Music].
Lucca, 2021. 8º, 201 pp. Martino Zaltron: “Polso e musica negli scritti di teoria musicale tra la fine del Quattrocento e la metà del Seicento”; Adriano Giardina: “Un catalogue pour improviser: les Ricercari d’intavolatura d’organo de Claudio Merulo”; Nicola Usula: “Dafne in alloro di Benedetto Ferrari: drammaturgia ‘alla veneziana’ per Ferdinando III (Vienna, 1652)”; Inês de Avena
Braga – Claudio Ribeiro: “A newly discovered recorder sonata attributed to Vivaldi: considerations on authorship”; Marco Tanzi:
“La ‘gentildama’ e liutista bolognese Lucia Garzoni in un ritratto di Lavinia Fontana. Con una ‘Nota Storico-musicale’ di Dinko Fabris ‘Elementi musicali
nel Ritratto di Lucia Bonasoni Garzoni’”. Wrappers. $39
[item no.
Recercare XXXIV 2022. [Rivista per lo studio e la pratica della musica antica / Journal for the Study and Practice of Early Music].
Lucca, 2022. 8º, 200 pp. Wrappers. $39
[item no.
Ritter, A.G.
Zur Geschichte des Orgelspiels, vornehmlich des deutschen, im 14. bis zum Anfange des 18. Jahrhunderts.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, III/23. Bologna, 1969. 18 x 25 cm, 455 pp. (Rpt. of Leipzig, 1884 edition). 2 vols in 1, hardbound.
[item no.
Rossi, P.
Prospettiva di tecnica cembalo-organistica nel Transilvano di Girolamo Diruta. [A cura di] P. Rossi.
Biblioteca di “Quadrivium”, Studi & Estratti, 21. Bologna, 1978. 8º, 24 pp. Wrappers. $5
[item no.
Tosi, Jean-Christophe.
L’orgue de Nemours par Jean-Christophe Tosi.
Instruments Historiques: Monographies d’Instruments, Facteurs et Luthiers. Courlay, 1993. 8º, 65 pp. Wrappers. $16
[item no.