Monday, 3 March 2025
Manuscript facsimiles & facsimiles of first and early editions for lute,
guitar, vihuela, mandora, cittern, & harp, together with a selection
of modern editions & studies.
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ALISON, Richard, b.?-c.1609
The Psalmes of David in Meter 1599. Edited by Ian Harwood. [British Library, K.7.f.10].
English Lute Songs, 1597-1632: A Collection of Facsimile Reprints, 1. London, 2/ 1980. 26 x 37 cm, iii, 152 pp. Line-cut. A much admired collection of pieces a4, mainly for voice and lute, but with alternative methods of performance possible. Notated in French lute tablature, cittern tablature and mensural notation and printed in table book format. Wrappers. $82
[item no.
BACH, Carl Philipp Emanuel, 1714-1788
[Sonata, harp, H.563/Wq.139, G major]
Sonata in G Major for Harp (“Solo für die Harfe”), Wq 139/H.563. Facsimile Edition with an Introduction by Darrell M. Berg.
Utrecht, 1992. 4º, iv, 11 pp. Halftone of a contemporary ms copy. Wrappers. $13
[item no.
[Sonata, keyboard/harp, H.386]
Sonate pour le clavecin, forte piano, orgue ou harpe qui représent le bataille de Bergen - 1776.
Collection FacsiMusic. Courlay, 2007. 21 x 30 cm, 12 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, [1776] edition. Programmatic music (falsely attributed to CPE Bach according to recent scholarship) depicting the beginning of a battle, the fire of the canons and musketry, the cavalry attack, and the wailing of the wounded. Wrappers. $15
[item no.
BALDANO, Giovanni Lorenzo, 1576-1660
[Method on tuning the sordellina]
Libro per scriver l’intavolatura per sonare sopra le sordelline (Savona 1600). Facsimile del manoscritto e studi introduttivi a cura di Maurizio Tarrini, Giovanni Farris, John Henry van der Meer.
Studi e Fonti per la Storia della Musica in Liguria, 2. Savona, 1995. Oblong, 21 x 30 cm, 220, 73 pp. Unique source of music (in tablature notation) for the sordellina (fols. 1-31) and buttafuoco (fols. 145-149), two instruments typical in Neopolitan circles of the 16th and 17th centuries. It is the only ms containing instructions for tuning the sordellina, a type of Italian
drawing-room bagpipe. The buttafuoco is a dulcimer-like instrument. Introduction in It, with modern transcriptions of 89 works. Wrappers. $82
[item no.
BARBELLA, Emanuele, 1718-1777
[Duets, violins/mandolines, bc ad lib.]
Six Duettos for 2 Violins or 2 Mandolines with an optional Bass. A Facsimile of the Original Printing with Notes by Neil Gladd. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Arlington, 1983. 22 x 29 cm, 3 parts: ii, 34 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, late 18th-c. edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
BISMANTOVA, Bartolomeo, 17th c.
Compendio musicale, Ferrara 1677. [Biblioteca Municipale di Reggio Emilia].
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 1. Florence, 1978. 17 x 24 cm, v, 121 pp. Line-cut of the holograph. Bismantova touches on many issues in his little compendium: notation, counterpoint, thoroughbass, and all sorts of wind, string, and keyboard instruments, including instructions for articulation and ornamentation on wind instruments and advice on violin bowing. Wrappers
in decorative paper. $33
[item no.
BONI, Pietro Giuseppe Gaetano, 18th c.
[Divertimenti, violin/violone/cembalo/recorder/mandola]
Divertimenti per camera à violino, violone, cimbalo, flauto e mandola. Roma s.d.
Archivum Musicum: Flauto Traversiere, 2. Florence, 1985. Oblong, 32 x 23 cm, v, 43 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, c.1717-27 editions. 12 divertimenti. Introduction in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers, in decorative paper. $34
[item no.
BRESCIANELLO, Gisueppe Antonio, 1690-1758
18 Suiten für Gallichone (Mandora). Mit einem Vorwort von Andreas Koch.
Lübeck, 2015. 4°, 150 pp. Line-cut reproduction of Signatur Mus.2364-V-2 from the Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden, a carefully executed copy of 18 suites for “colascione” (a type of lute) in the hand of Peter August (1726-1787). Hardbound. $69
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[item no.
BROSSARD, Sébastien de, 1655-1730
Dictionaire de musique, contenant une explication des termes grecs, latins, italiens & françois, les plus usitez dans la musique, seconde édition, 1705. Eingeleitet von Harald Heckmann.
Dictionarium Musicum, 1. Hilversum, 1965. 17 x 24 cm, xviii, 390 pp. Halftone of the second edition, Paris, 1705. Cloth (also available in wrappers). $116
[item no.
BUONANNI, Filippo, 1638-1725
Descrizione degl’istromenti armonici d’ogni genere.
Leipzig, 1975. 20 x 28 cm, 256 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1726 edition. Extremely informative treatise on organology with altogether 140 extended descriptions provided in Italian and French. Bilingual indices. Accompanied by 142 superb woodcuts of scenes of musicians with their instruments. Linen. Special sale price $50, regularly $125
[item no.
CERONE, Pietro, c.1560-1625
El melopeo y maestro : (Napoles, J.B. Gargano y L. Nucci, 1613) / Pedro Cerone ; Antonio Ezquerro Esteban, ed.
Monumentos de la Música Española, 74. Madrid, 2007 23 x 32 cm, 2 vols: 1392 pp. Line-cut of the Naples, 1613 edition based on exemplars preserved in the Biblioteca “Jose Maria Lafragua” de la Benmerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla (Puebla de los Angeles, Mexico), and in the Biblioteca Publica del Estadoo “Fray Francisco de Burgoa” de la Universidad Autonoma “Benito Juarez” de
Oaxaca (Oaxaca, Mexico). Huge synthesis of musical-theoretical topics divided into 22 books. Deals with plainsong, mensural theory, vocal and instrumental variation, counterpoint, canon & fugue, problems of composition, mensuration and “tonality”. The last book deals with musical enigmas and puzzle canons. Contains numerous references to composers and detailed musical examples,
including a careful analysis of Palestrina’s Missa L’homme armé. Hardbound. $295
[item no.
CERRETO, Scipione, c.1551-c.1633
Della prattica musica, vocale, et strumentale. [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/30. Bologna, 2/ 2003. 16 x 22 cm, v, 344 pp. Line-cut of the Naples, 1601 edition. Preface in It by Giuseppe Vecchi. Cloth.
[item no.
CORRETTE, Michel, 1709-1795
[Method, mandoline]
Nouvelle méthode pour apprendre à jouer en très peu de temps de la mandoline. Préface de François Lesure.
Geneva, 1984. 17 x 24 cm, vii, 50 pp. Line-cut of the Lyon & Dunkerque edition, Paris, 1772. Discusses the hold, tuning and fingering of the instrument, as well as “coups de plume”, ornamentation and realization of figured bass. Pieces for 2 mandolines or for mandoline and bass. Wrappers. $39
[item no.
COUSINEAU, Jacques Georges, 1760-1824
Méthode de harpe (Paris, c.1786).
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/86. New York, 1968. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1786 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
CRAMER, John Baptist, 1771-1858
[Duets, harp & piano/harpsichord, op.45]
Duett for the Harp & Piano Forte. Op.45.
Biblioteca Classica, 15. Rotterdam, 1986. 4º, 2 parts, 30 pp. Line-cut of the Birchall edition, London, c.1810. Wrappers. $22
[item no.
DONI, Giovanni Battista, 1594-1647
Palisca, Claude V.
G.B. Doni’s Lyra Barberina. Commentary and Iconographical Study; Facsimile Edition with Critical Notes.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/151b. Bologna, 2/ 1981. 17 x 25 cm, viii, 194 pp. Critical commentary to Lyra Barberina, with numerous plates and a facsimile of the chapters specifically on the “lyra Barberina”. Cloth.
[item no.
DOWLAND, John, 1562-1626
[Songs, voices/viols, lute, book 1, 1613 ed.]
The First Booke of Songs 1613. Edited by Diana Poulton. [British Library, London].
English Lute Songs, 1597-1632: A Collection of Facsimile Reprints, 15. London, 3/ 1985. 26 x 37 cm, iii, 48 pp. Line-cut of the Humfrey Lownes edition (London, 1613), in table book format. Believed to represent Dowland’s own revisions. 21 songs a4 with lute/orpharion/viol accompaniment, plus 1 galliard for two lutes. French tablature. Wrappers. Ex-library copy. $35
[item no.
[Songs, voices/viols, lute, book 1, 1613 ed.]
The First Booke of Songs or Ayres of Foure Parts, with Tableture for the Lute. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 127. New York, [1994]. 24 x 35 cm, 47 pp. Line-cut of the Humfrey Lownes edition (London, 1613), in table book format. Believed to represent Dowland’s own revisions. 21 songs a4 with lute/orpharion/viol accompaniment, plus 1 galliard for two lutes. French tablature. Wrappers. $20
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[item no.
[Songs, voices/viols, lute, book 2]
The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres 1600. Edited by Diana Poulton. [Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C.].
English Lute Songs, 1597-1632: A Collection of Facsimile Reprints, 16. London, 3/ 1985. 26 x 37 cm, iii, 50 pp. Line-cut of the Thomas Este edition (London, 1600), in table book format. 22 songs a2, a4 & a5 with lute/orpharion/viol accompaniment. French tablature. Wrappers. $36
[item no.
[Songs, voices/viols, lute, book 2]
The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres of Foure Parts, with Tableture for the Lute. [Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 128. New York, [1994]. 24 x 35 cm, 49 pp. Line-cut of the Thomas Este edition (London, 1600), in table book format. 22 songs a2, a4 & a5 with lute/orpharion/viol accompaniment. French tablature. Wrappers. $20
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[item no.
[Songs, voices/viols, lute, books 3 & 4]
The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Ayres 1603. Edited by Diana Poulton. [Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C.].
English Lute Songs, 1597-1632: A Collection of Facsimile Reprints, 17. London, 2/ 1985. 26 x 37 cm, iii, 47 pp. Line-cut of the Thomas Adams edition, London, 1603, in table book format. 21 songs a4 & 5, with lute/orpharion/viol accompaniment. French tablature. Wrappers. $34
[item no.
DUSSEK, Jan Ladislav, 1760-1812
[Duet, harp & piano/2 pianos, op.26]
Duetto pour harpe et piano, ou pour deux pianos. Présentation par Fabienne Leloup (Ce.F.E. de M. Île-de-France). [British Library, London].
Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 2006. 24 x 34 cm, 2 parts, viii, 20 pp. Line-cut of the London, c.1796 edition. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $21
[item no.
[Duo concertant, harp, piano, op.36]
Duo pour harpe et piano, opus 36 c.1804-1805). Présentation par Jehanne Drai (Ce,F.E. de M. Île-de-France). [Bibl. Nationale, Paris].
Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 2006. 33 x 24 cm, 2 parts, vii, 14 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, [1804/5] edition. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Duo concertant, harp, piano, op.73]
Duo concertant pour harpe et piano, opus 73, 1810. Présentation par les étudiants du Ce.F.E. de M. Île de France. [Bibl. Nationale, Paris].
Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 2006. 33 x 24 cm, 2 parts, 52 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, [1810] edition. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $29
[item no.
FERNÁNDEZ DE HUETE, Diego, f.1699-1704
[Method, harp/organ]
Compendio numeroso de zifras armónicas, con theorica, y practica, para harpa de una orden, de dos ordenes, y de organo. [Par] María Rosa Calvo Manzano.
Madrid, 1992. Oblong, 32 x 22 cm, 2 vols, 206, 247 pp. Line-cut of the Madrid, 1702-1704 edition. The earliest known manual devoted mainly to the harp. Gives instructions for the diatonic harp with one string row and the chromatic harp with two. Includes popular dances of the day notated in Spanish keyboardtablature. Wrappers. $88
[item no.
FERRARI, Giacomo Gotifredo, 1763-1842
[Duet, harp & piano/2 pianos, op.20]
2nd Duett for the Harp & Piano Forte or Two Piano Fortes, op.20.
Biblioteca Classica, 179. Utrecht, 2006. 4º, 2 parts, 22 pp. Line-cut of the London, [after 1830] edition. Wrappers. $28
[item no.
FORD, Thomas, c.1580-1648
Musicke of Sundrie Kindes 1607. Edited by David Greer.
English Lute Songs, 1597-1632: A Collection of Facsimile Reprints, 21. London, 2/ 1978. 27 x 37 cm, iii, 48 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1607 edition, in table book format. Songs a2 and a4 with lute/orpharion/viol accompaniment. Duets for lutes/viols. French tablature. Wrappers. $39
[item no.
Musicke of Sundrie Kindes Set Forth in Two Books. [British Library, London].
Performer’s Facsimiles, 219. New York, [1998]. 25 x 36 cm, 48 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1607 edition, in table book format. Songs a2 and a4 with lute/orpharion/viol accompaniment. Duets for lutes/viols. French tablature. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
GEMINIANI, Francesco, c.1680-1762
[method, guitar]
The Art of Playing the Guitar or Cittra containing Several Compositions with a Bass for the Violoncello or Harpsichord. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 216. New York, [1999]. 4º, 52 pp. Line-cut of the Edinburgh, 1760 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[method, guitar]
The Art of Playing the Guitar or Cittra. A cura di Carlo Mascigli Migliorini. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Musurgiana: Sources and Materials for the History and Theory of Music, 20. Lucca, 2002. 4º, vi, 52, 26 pp. Line-cut of the Edinburgh, 1760 edition, together with a new practical edition (on single clef) of the 11 music examples. Preface in It. Wrappers. $42
[item no.
HOFFMANN, Ernst Theodor Amadeus, 1786-1822
[Quintet, harp, strings]
Quinette pour harpe e quatuor à cordes (manuscrit autographe), 1807. Présentation par Norbert Kaltz. [Hoffmann, E.T., 14 AKZ Nr.M.1185, Deutsche Staatsbibliothek, Berlin].
Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1998. Oblong, 32 x 23 cm, 23, 29 pp. Line-cut of the autograph fair copy. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $29
[item no.
JANOVKA, Tomas, 1669-1741
Clavis ad thesaurum magnae artis musicae. . . Prag 1701. [Bibliothèque Royale Albert II, Brussel].
Dictionarium Musicum, 2. Buren, 1973. 15 x 23 cm, 343 pp. Line-cut of the Prag, 1701 edition. Along with Brossard’s Dictionnaire de musique one of the first modern dictionaries of musical terms. Wrappers. $66
[item no.
KÄRGEL, Sixt, c.1540-d.?
[Nova exque artificiosa, cittern]
Nova exque artificiosa et valde commoda ratio ludendae cytharae.
Geneva, 1990. 8º, 80 pp. Line-cut of the Jobin edition, Strasbourg, 1575. Anthology of 48 pieces for the cittern written in the Italian tablature: fantasias, French, Italian, German chansons and dances (Arcadelt, Rore, Senfl, Lassus, etc.). Wrappers. $32
[item no.
KRUMPHOLTZ, Jan Krtitel, 1742-1790
[Method, harp]
Principes pour la harpe avec des exercices et des préludes d’une difficulté graduelle. Recueillis et mis au jour par J.M. Plane.
Geneva, 1977. 4º, 76 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1809 edition. An important tutor dealing with all aspects of harp playing. Wrappers. $56
[item no.
Mandor Buch. Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm, Sign. misc 239].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 38. Stuttgart, 1997. Oblong, 15 x 10 cm, 112 pp. Line-cut of a ms collection for mandora, c.1620, in French tablature. Contains fantasies, sarabands, pavanes, gavottes, brandles, etc. Hardbound, in vegetable vellum. $44
[item no.
LEMOINE, Antoine Marcel, 1763-1817
[Method, guitar]
Nouvelle méthode courte et facile pour la guitarre à l’usage des commençans. [A. Bailleux:] Méthode de guittarres par musique et tablature.
Geneva, 1972. 4º, 104 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, n.d. edition and Paris, 1773 edition. Two complementary methods on playing the guitar. Staff notation. Wrappers. $45
[item no.
LIETO (Panhormitano), Bartolomeo, 16th c.
Dialogo quarto di musica [dove si ragiona sotto un piacevole discorso sulle cose pertinenti per intavolare le opere di musica et esercitarle con la viola a mano over liuto con sue tavole ordinate per diversi gradi alti e bassi]. A cura di Patrizio Barbieri.
Musurgiana: Sources and Materials for the History and Theory of Music, 10. Lucca, 1993. 15 x 20 cm, xxvii, 43, ii pp. Line-cut of the Naples, 1559 edition. Short treatise explaining how to transcribe any contrapuntal score into tabulature for viola a mano or lute. Includes 14 tables showing the gamut, clefs, staves, accidentals, and the corresponding signs for Italian lute
tablature. Introdution in It-Eng. Bibliography. Cloth. $27
[item no.
MACE, Thomas, c.1613-1709
Musick’s Monument. A Facsimile of the 1676 London Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/17. New York, 1966. 22 x 33 cm, 291 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1676 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
MAJER, Joseph Friedrich Bernhard Caspar, 1689-1768
Neu-eröffneter theoretisch- und praktischer Music-Saal, das ist: Kurze, doch vollständige Methode, so wohl die Vocal- als Instrumental-Music gründlich zu erlernen.
Dokumentationen, Reprints, 23. Michaelstein, 1990. Oblong, 21 x 15 cm, 125 pp. Halftone of the Nuremberg, 1741 edition (second, vastly reset edition of Museum Musicum). Fascinating treatment of music theory, including 10 woodcuts of instruments and a glossary of musical terms taken from Greek, Latin, Italian and French. Wrappers. $24
[item no.
MARTINI, Giovannni Battista, 1706-1784
Compendio della teoria de’numeri per uso del musico.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/63. Bologna, 1984. 17 x 24 cm, iv, 14 pp. Line-cut of the Bologna, 1769 edition. Basso continuo treatise. Preface in It by Giuseppe Vecchi. Laid paper. Wrappers.
[item no.
MEGERLE, Abraham, 1607-1680
Speculum Musico-Mortuale [Das ist: Musicalischer-Todtenspiegel], 1672. [Staatliche Bibliothek, Regenburg].
Faksimile-Edition Theoretica, 3 Suttgart, 2008. 11 x 17cm, 54 pp. Line-cut of the Salzburg, 1672 edition. Megerle was from Innsbruck and was once a choirboy under Stadlmayer, later a treble singer and organist with the court music ensemble at Innsbruck. Speculum Musico-Mortuale contains a few pages of autobiography but its extraordinary content are mainly its 12 engravings showing
a human skull in the center, surrounded emblematic symbols and beautiful depictions of musical instruments (almost 50 in all). Hardbound in decorative paper. $29
[item no.
MERSENNE, Marin, 1588-1648
Harmonicorum libri XII. In quibus agitur de sonorum natura, causis, et effectibus: de consonantiis, dissonantiis, rationibus, generibus, modis, cantibus, compositione, orbisque totius harmonicis instrumentis.
Geneva, 1973. 22 x 30 cm, 367 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1648 edition. Complements the Harmonie universelle. The copy used for this facsimile includes many manuscript notes and corrections in the author’s hand. Hardbound.
[item no.
MORALES, Cristóbal, 1500-1553
Magnificat omnitonum cum quatuor vocibus. RISM 1562(1)/M3597. [Brussels, Konikklijke Bibliotheek].
[Yellow Book Series, 11]. Højbjerg, 2015. 28 x 41 cm, 128 pp. Line-cut of the Antonio Gardano edition, Venice, 1562. 16 settings (mostly a4) by Morales, with additional works by Carpentras (2), Iachet (1), and Richafort (1), beautifully and clearly printed in choirbook format. Wrappers $120
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[item no.
PETRUCCI, Ottaviano, 1466-1539 [publisher]
Canti B numero cinquanta. A Facsimile of the Venice, 1501/2 Edition. [Unique copy, Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/23. New York, 1975. Oblong, 26 x 17 cm, 111 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1501/2 edition. Continuation of Harmonice musices odhecaton A. Laid paper, handsomely bound in white linen.
[item no.
Canti C numero cento cinquanta. A Facsimile of the Venice, 1503/4 Edition. [Copy, Österreichische Nationalbibl., Vienna].
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/25. New York, 1978. Oblong, 26 x 17 cm, 334 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1503/4 edition. Continuation of Odhecaton A and Canti B. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
Harmonice musices odhecaton A. Introduzione di / Introduction by Iain Fenlon. [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/95. Bologna, 2003 Oblong, 26 x 17 cm, xxviii, 210 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1501 edition. Contains the earliest part-music printed from type, and produced by a triple impression process (staves, then text, then music); it is also the earliest instance of a complete volume of part-music. Includes works by the most important composers of the day:
Issac, Ockeghem, Obrecht, Josquin, Hayne, de la Rue, Compère, Tinctoris, Agricola, and others. Introduction in It-Eng. Wrappers.
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[item no.
Harmonice musices odhecaton A. Edited by Stanley Boorman and Ellen S. Beebe. Introduction by Stanley Boorman. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Critical Facsimiles, 7. New York, 2001. Oblong, 26 x 17 cm, xvii, 234 pp. Line-cut of the third edition, Venice, 1504. “Corrected” facsimile edition reflecting the views of the editors. With critical apparatus listing all errors and inconsistencies. Laid paper, wrappers. (Special sale price eff. 7/15/23: $15) $45
[item no.
Laude libro primo, Venezia 1508. Ristampa Anastatica, presentazione di Giulio Cattin e introduzione di Francesco Luisi.
Serie VII, A: Ottaviano Petrucci, 1. Venice, 2001. Oblong, 28 x 17 cm, 83, 130 pp. Halftone reproduction of the Venice, 1508 edition, from the copy preserved at the Biblioteca Capitolare Colombina, Seville. The only anthology of lauda (66) published by Petrucci devoted to a single composer—Innocentius Dammonis, a prior of San Salvador in Venice. This is the "second" edition (the
1506 “first” edition survives incomplete). Introduction in It-Sp-Eng. Hardbound. $100
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[item no.
Laude libro secondo (Venezia, O. Petrucci, 1507). RISM 1508(3). [Biblioteca Colombina, Seville].
[Yellow Book Series, 7]. Højbjerg, 2006. Oblong, 23 x 16 cm, 112 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1507 edition. Contains 60 setting for 3 and 4 voices by Bartolomeo Tromboncino and his contemporaries. Wrappers. $58
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[item no.
Motetti de passione de cruce de sacramento de beato virgine et huiusmodi. B (Venezia, O. Petrucci, 1503. RISM 1503(1). [British Library, London].
[Yellow Book Series, 6]. Højbjerg, 2006. Oblong, 23 x 16 cm, 144 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1503 edition. Contains 30 motet settings by Josquin and his contemporaries. Wrappers. $72
[item no.
Motetti libro quarto (Venezia, O. Petrucci, 1505). RISM 1505(2). [Wolfenbüttel, Herzog-August Bibliothek].
[Yellow Book Series, 10]. Højbjerg, 2011. Oblong, 23 x 16 cm, 4 partbooks, 256 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1505 edition. Contains 55 settings (counting separate movements) for 4 voices by Josquin, Brumel, Obrecht, Mouton and their contemporaries. Wrappers, with slipcase. $130
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[item no.
Strambotti, ode, frottole, sonetti, et modo de cantar versi latini e capituli. Libro quarto. RISM 1507(2).
[Yellow Book Series, 3]. Højbjerg, 1991. Oblong, 23 x 16 cm, 112 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1507 edition. Includes 91 Italian secular songs in four parts; choirbook format with mensural notation. Wrappers. $44
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[item no.
PHALÈSE, Pierre, c.1510-1574 [publisher]
Liber primus leviorum carminum. Premier livre de danseries. Löwen, P. Phalèse und Antwerpen, J. Bellère 1571. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].
Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 2. Stuttgart, 1995. Oblong, 19 x 15 cm, 4 partbooks, 438 pp. Line-cut of the Louvain, 1571 edition. Liber primus leviorum carminum—or “first book of easy songs”—consists of 103 dances a4 intended for all instruments. Mostly by Jean d’Estrée, the works include pavane-galliard pairs, allemandes and numerous branles, all written in mensural notation
in partbook format. Hardbound in vegetable vellum. Slipcase. $126
[item no.
PIERRE, Constant, 1855-1918
Les facteurs d’instruments de musique. Les luthiers et la facture instrumentale. Précis historique.
Geneva, 1971. 8º, 460 pp. Line-cut of Paris, 1893 edition. Treats French musical instrument makers, covering the period from the 15th to the 19th century. Wrappers. $61
[item no.
PILKINGTON, Francis, c.1562-1638
The First Booke of Songs or Ayres of 4. Parts: with Tableture for the Lute or Orpherian, with the Violl de Gamba. [Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 95. New York, [1991]. 25 x 35 cm, 46 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1605 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
RODRIGUES CŒLHO, Manuel, c.1555-c.1635
Flores de música para o instrumento de tecla & harpa.
Geneva, 1986. 17 x 24 cm, 250 pp. Line-cut of the P. Craesbeeck edition, Lisbonne, 1620. For harpsichord or harp. 24 tientos and 4 suzanas (variations Lasso’s famous chanson spirituelle). Wrappers. $182
[item no.
ROSSETER, Philip, 1568-1623
A Booke of Ayres, 1601.
English Lute Songs, 1597-1632: A Collection of Facsimile Reprints, 36. London, 2/ 1977. 23 x 35 cm, i, 48 pp. Line-cut. Songs by Thomas Campion arranged for voice, lute and bass viol in table-book format. Wrappers. $36
[item no.
A Booke of Ayres, Set Foorth to be Sung to the Lute, Orpherian, and Base Violl.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 119. New York, [1992]. 24 x 36 cm, 48 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1601 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
RUIZ DE RIBAYAZ, Lucas, 17th c.
Luz y norte musical para caminar por las cifras de la guitarra española, y arpa, tañer y cantar á compás por canto de organo; y breve explicación del arte, con preceptos faciles, indubitables, y explicados con claras reglas por teórica, y practica.
Geneva, 1972. 8º, 172 pp. Line-cut of the Madrid, 1677 edition. Method for the guitar and harp with pieces in tablature (españoletas, turdion, matachines, galerias de amora, torneos, marionas, chaconas & passacalles). (out of print - included only for bibliographic reference)
[item no.
STEIBELT, Daniel, 1765-1823
[Airs varié, harp, piano (or 2 pianos), op.32]
Airs varié “Enfant cheri des dames” pour Harpe et Piano. Œuvre 32.
Biblioteca Classica, 121. Rotterdam, 1986. 4º, 16 pp. Line-cut of the Pleyel edition, Paris, c.1800 edition. Wrappers. $8
[item no.
STEPAN, Josef Antonin, 1726-1797
[Concertos, harpsichord/harp, flute/violins & bc, op.3,4]
Six Concertos pour clavecin ou harpe avec accompagnement, op.3, no.4.
Biblioteca Classica, 157. Rotterdam, 1986. 4º, 20 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1772 edition. Wrappers. $13
[item no.
TORRES, Joseph de, c.1665-1738
[Method, keyboard/harp, accomp.]
Reglas generales de acompañar, en órgano, clavicordio y harpa.
Música Facsímil, 28G. Madrid, 1983. Oblong, 17 x 12 cm, x, 288 pp. Line-cut of the Madrid 1702 & 1736 edition. Basso continuo treatises. Hardbound. $44
[item no.
VIRGILIANO, Aurelio, 17-18th c.
Il Dolcimelo. Variati passaggi e diminutioni cosi per voci. Riproduzione eseguita dall’esemplare del Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale di Bologna.
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 11. Florence, 1979. 24 x 34 cm, v, 113 pp. Halftone of a rare manuscript illustrating ornamentation “tutti modi da sonar qualfiuoglia istrumento”. Introduction in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers in decorative paper. $42
[item no.
VIVALDI, Antonio, 1678-1741
[Concerti, RV 540, 552, 558, & Sinfonia, RV 149]
Concerti con molti istromenti. Faksimiledruck nach der Musikhandschrift 2389-0-4 der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek Dresden. Mit einem Nachwort von Karl Heller.
Leipzig, 1978. Oblong, 22 x 17 cm, 163, xi pp. Extremely clear halftone. Concerto RV 540 is scored for viola d’amore and lute, RV 552 for 4 violins, 558 for 2 violins and orchestra. Linen. $95
[item no.
[Concerti, RV 540, 552, 558, & Sinfonia, RV 149]
Concerti con molti istromenti. Manoscritto Dresden, Sächische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Landesbibliothek. Concerto in Do maggiore per 2 violini “in tromba marina”, 2 flauti [dritti], 2 mandolini, 2 chalumeaux, 2 tiorbe, violoncello, archi e basso continuo, RV 558; Concerto in La maggiore per violino principale. 3 violini in eco, archi e basso
continuo, RV 552; Concerto in Re minore per viola d’amore, liuto, archi e basso continuo, RV 540; Sinfonia in Sol maggiore per archi e basso continuo, RV 149. A cura di Karl Heller.
Archivum Musicum: Vivaldiana, 5. Florence, 2007. Oblong, 30 x 24 cm, 38, 158 pp. Halftone of a copyist MS (being the work of 2 scribes) which offers an interesting glimpse into a multi-work “concert program” rather than a single work. Introduction in It-Ger. Wrappers, in decorative paper. $81
(more info... )
[item no.
WEIGEL, Johann Christopf, 1661-1726
Musicalisches theatrum . . . auf welchem alle zu dieser edlen Kunst gehörige Instrummenta in anmuthigen Posituren lebhafft gezeiget. Faksimile-Nachdruck herausgegeben von Alfred Berner.
Documenta Musicologica, I/22. Kassel, 1/ 1961. 22 x 36 cm, 36, xii pp. Line-cut of the original copper engravings of musicians with their instruments. This facsimile brings together for the first time four separate groups of surviving single sheets from this publisher. Mattheson’s Das neu-eröffnete Orchestre (specifically the chapter “Von den musicalischen Instrumenten”) evidently
served as a guide for its planning. The engravings date from c.1715-1725. Afterword in Ger-Eng-Fr. Coverboards and slipcase in decorative paper. $95
[item no.
Musicalisches theatrum . . . auf welchem alle zu dieser edlen Kunst gehörige Instrummenta in anmuthigen Posituren lebhafft gezeiget. Faksimile-Nachdruck herausgegeben von Alfred Berner.
Documenta Musicologica, I/22. Kassel, 2/ 1964. 22 x 36 cm, 36, xii pp. Line-cut of the original copper engravings of musicians with their instruments. This facsimile brings together for the first time four separate groups of surviving single sheets from this publisher. $77
[item no.
Art du faiseur d’instruments de musique et lutherie extrait de l’Encyclopédie méthodique, Arts et métiers mécaniques.
Geneva, 1972. 8º, 240 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1785 edition. Historical and technical articles on musical instruments with 38 original plates. Wrappers. $61
[item no.
[Barley, William]
A new Booke of Tabliture, [containing sundrie easie and familiar Instructions, shewing howe to attaine to the knowlege, to guide and dispose thy hand to play on sundry Instruments, as the Lute, Orpharion, and Bandora: Together with divers new Lessons to each of these Instruments]. [British Library, London].
Faksimile-Edition Laute, 3. Stuttgart, 2000. Oblong, 20 x 17 cm, 108 pp. Line-cut of three companion methods printed for William Barley, respectively for lute, orpharion, and bandora. Hardbound in decorative paper. $54
[item no.
Celestial Airs of Antiquity. Music of the Seven-String Zither of China. Edited by Bell Yung.
Recent Researches in the Oral Traditions of Music, 5. Madison, 1997. 4º, 93, 64, 5 pp. Introduction, transcription into modern staff notation, and facsimile of six compositions for quqin (7-string zither) preserved in a three volume collection of notation called Shenqi Mipu (Celestial Airs of Antiquity). Includes CD recording of the works performed by Yao Bingyan (1920-1983), a
noted master of the guqin. Wrappers. $81.55
[item no.
[Dobney, Jayson Kerr]
Guitar Heroes: Legendary Craftsmen from Italy to New York. Jayson Kerr Dobney.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, Winter 2011. New York, 2011. 50 pp. Illustrated exhibition catalog with 70 color illustrations. Wrappers. Special sale price $15, regularly $25
(more info... )
[item no.
Fundamenta der Gallichon. “Amberger Mandora-Tabulatur”. [Stadtarchiv, Amberg, HS 39].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 11. Stuttgart, 1998. Oblong, 22 x 17 cm, 230 pp. Line-cut of c.1650 mandora manuscript containing a large anthology of dance pieces (menuets, arias, bourée, gavotas, entrees, rigadons, rondeaux, etc.). Hardbound. $76
[item no.
[Holmes lute book]
The Matthew Holmes Manuscripts I: Cambridge University Library MS Dd.2.11.
The Lute Society Facsimiles, 7. Guildford, 2009. 4º, 3 vols, 200, 78 pp. The crown jewels of the English renaissance lute repertoire, in a beautiful full-color facsimile. 324 pieces, mostly for 6-course lute, some for 7-course lute or bandora, by Dowland, Holborne, Cutting, Pilkington, Bacheler, Allison, Ferrabosco, Francesco da Milano and others. The unique source of 5 pieces by
Dowland, and some remarkable anonymous works. A must for any serious devotee of the lute; and even includes some easy pieces for beginners, added by the scribe as page-fillers. Hardbound. $148
[item no.
The Königsberg Manuscript. A Facsimile of Manuscript 285-MF-LXXIX (olim Preußisches Staatsarchiv, Königsberg, Msc. A 116. fol.). Central Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Science, Vilnius. With an Introduction, Inventory and Index by Arthur J. Ness and John M. Ward.
Columbus, 1989. 4º, 208 pp with 153 plates. Halftone of an early 17th-c. anthology of pieces for lute and bandora from the Brandenburg Court at Königsberg. Nearly 260 works in all, including compositions by Dowland, Johnson and Hoskins. Hardbound. $97
[item no.
[Ladys Entertainment, book 1]
The 1st Book of the Ladys Entertainment or Banquet of Musick Being a Choice Collection of the Newest and Most Airy Lessons for the Harpsicord or Spinnet. [Nederlands Musiek Instituut, The Hague].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 204. New York, [2001]. 22 x 32 cm, 26 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, n.d. Works by Amadori, Simonelli and others (title page note: lessons can also be preformed on the lute or harp). Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Ladys Entertainment, book 2]
The 1st Book of the Ladys Entertainment or Banquet of Musick Being a Choice Collection of the Newest and Most Airy Lessons for the Harpsicord or Spinnet. [Nederlands Musiek Instituut, The Hague].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 205. New York, [2001]. 22 x 32 cm, 26 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, n.d. Works by Fontana, D. Purcell, H. Hall, Richardson and others (title page note: lessons can also be performed on the lute or harp). Wrappers. $18
[item no.
Lutherie. Encyclopédie sciences et arts liberaux.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/101. Bologna, 1981. 25 x 35 cm, 46, with 34 illus pp. Line-cut of the Livorno, 1774 edition. Beautiful full-page illustrations of instruments. Cloth.
[item no.
Mandora. Recueil de pièces pour la mandore, en tablature française XVIIIe siècle. [Brussels, Bibl. Conservatoire Royal, mus. ms. 5619].
Thesaurus musicus, nova series, A/2. Brussels, 1979. 23 x 31 cm, 204 pp. Line-cut of ms collection, c.1700-50. 7 preludes and “harpeggio”, followed by 198 numbered pieces, predominately dances. Elegantly notated in French tablature with letters on 5 lines. Cloth. $66
[item no.
Mandora-Tabulatur. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm, sign. Misc.133a/b].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 35. Stuttgart, 1997. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 2 vols, 218 pp. Line-cut of an anonymous ms dating from c.1600 in French tablature with 123 dance numbers (courants, branles, voltes, galliards, etc.). Hardbound & supplement in wrappers. $64
[item no.
[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, parts 1-6]
Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, 6 vols, c.1185 pp. Line-cut, arranged chronologically, of 63 treatises on basso continuo practice by an anonymous writers, Bartolotti, Bovin, Buterne, Carre, Charpentier, Chaumont, Henry d’Anglebert, De la Barre, Delair, Feury, Marais, Nivers, Perrine/Saint-Lambert, F. Campion, T. Campion, Cheron, Clerambault, Couperin, Dandrieu, Delair,
Leclair, Rameau, Dornel, Forqueray, Gervais, Goudat, Guillemain, Monnier, Monteclair, Pingre, Rameau, Serre de Rieux, Telemann, Travenol, Alembert, Blanville, Corrette, Dubugrarre/Geminiani, Laporte, Bethisy, Biferi, Clement, Dubreuil, Garnier, Gianotti, Gougelet, Labbet, Le Boeuf/Rameau, Roussier, Simon, Tapray, Bemetzrieder, Froestler, Gournay, Langle, Rodolphe, and Roussier.
Wrappers. $423
[item no.
[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, part 1]
Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, c.240 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: Fleury: Methode pour apprendre facilement - 1660; Bartolotti: Table pour apprendre facilement - 1669; Carré: Livre de Guitarre contenant plusieurs pièces - 1671; Perrine: Livre de musique pour le Lut - 1680; Anonymous: Petites regles generalles
qui peuvent servir de methode - 1680; Nivers: Motets a voix seule - 1689; Henry d’Anglebert: Pièces de clavecin - 1689; Marais: Basse-continuës des pieçes a une et a deux violes - 1689; Anonymous: (traité abrégé d’accompagnement) - c. 1690; Anonymous: Règles pour l’accompagnement - 1690; Delair: Traité d’accompagnement pour le theorbe - 1690; Charpentier: Abrégé des règles de
l’accompagnement - c. 1692; Chaumont: Pieçes d’orgue sur les 8 tons - 1695; Buterne: Petites regles pour l’accompagnement - 1700; Boyvin: 2. livre d’orgue - 1700; Anonymous: Traité d’accompagnement du clavecin - c. 1700; La Barre: 1. livre de pièces pour la flûte - 1702; Saint-Lambert: Nouveau traité de l’accompagnement - 1707. Wrappers. $93
[item no.
[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, part 2]
Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, c.220 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: Couperin: Règles pour l’accompagnement - s.d.; Campion: Traité d’accompagnement et de composition - 1716; Clerambault: Règles d’accompagnement - 1716; Clerambault: Principes d’accompagnement - 1716; Dandrieu: Principes de l’accompagnement - 1719;
Rameau: Traité de l’harmonie - 1722; Delair: Nouveau traité d’accompagnement - 1724; Leclair: 1. livre de sonates - 1723; Rameau: Nouveau système de musique théorique - 1726; Cheron: Sonates en trio - 1727; Campion: Lettre du sieur Campion a un philosophe - 1729; Campion: Addition au traité d’accompagnement - 1730. Wrappers. $85
[item no.
[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, part 3]
Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, c.230 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: Pingre: Traité de l’harmonie - s.d.; Rameau: Observations sur la méthode d’accompagnement - 1730; Rameau: Plan abrégé d’une méthode nouvelle - 1730; Monteclair: Réponse du second Musicien au premier - 1729; Rameau: Réplique du premier Musicien à
la réponse du second - 1730; Monteclair: Réponse du second Musicien au premier Musicien - 1730; Rameau: Réplique du premier Musicien à l’écrit du second - 1730; Rameau: Dissertation sur les différentes métodes - 1732; Gervais: Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: Méthode pour l’accompagnement - 1733; Campion: 2. recueil d’airs - 1734;
Serre de Rieux: Les dons des Enfans de Latone - 1734; Telemann: Nouveaux quatuors en six suites - 1738; Goudat: Principes de L'accompagnement - 1738; Travenol: 1. livre de sonates a violon seul - 1739; Guillemain: Six sonates en quatuors - 1743; Monnier le Cadet: L’art de toucher le clavecin dans son propre caractêre - c.1745; Dornel: le tour du clavier - 1745; Forqueray: Pièces de
viole avec la basse continüe - 1747; Anonymous: (Méthode d’accompagnement) - s.d. Wrappers. $88
[item no.
[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, part 4]
Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, c.230 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: D'Alembert: Elemens de musique - 1752; Blainville: Essay sur un troisième mode - 1751; Corrette: Le maître de clavecin - 1753; La Porte: Traité théorique et pratique - 1753; Geminiani: L’art de bien accompagner - 1754; Dubugrarre: Méthode plus
courte et plus facile - 1754. Wrappers. $88
[item no.
[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, part 5]
Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, c.210 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: Tapray: Abrège de l’accompagnement - 1755; Labbet & Leris: Sentiment d’un Harmoniphile - 1756; Clement: Essai sur l’accompagnement - 1758; Gianotti: Le guide du compositeur - 1759; Rameau: Code de musique pratique - 1760; Bethisy: Exposition de la
théorie et de la pratique - 1764; Roussier: Traité des accords et de leur succession - 1764; Le Bœuf: Traité d’harmonie et règles d’accompagnement - 1766; Garnier: Nouvelle méthode pour l’accompagnement - 1767; Dubreuil: Manuel harmonique - 1767; Biferi: Traité de musique abrégé, divisé en trois parties - 1770; Simon: Théorie pratique d’accompagnement - s.d.; Gougelet: Méthode ou
abrégé des règles - 1771. Wrappers. $80
[item no.
[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, part 6]
Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, c.255 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: Roussier: L’harmonie pratique - 1775; Corrette: Prototipes contenant des leçons d’accompagnement - 1775; Anonymous: Abrégé des règles de composition - 1777; Bemetzrieder: Nouvelles leçons de clavecin ou instructions générales - 1782; Rodolphe:
Théorie d’accompagnement - c.1785; Gournay: Lettre à M. l’abbé Roussier - 1785; Langle: Traité de la basse sous le chant - 1797; Froestler: Traité d’harmonie et de modulation - 1800; Anonymous: Principes de l’accompagnement - s.d.; Anonymous: Règles d’accompagnement - s.d. Wrappers. $98
[item no.
[Methods, harp, France, 1600-1800, part 1]
Harpe. Méthodes – Traites – Dictionnaires et Encyclopédies – Ouvrages généraux. Volume I: Cardon, Corbelin, Encyclopédie, Garsault, Hochbrücker, Laborde, Macquer, Mersenne, Meyer (1-2), Trichet.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2002. 4º, 255 pp. Line-cut of 11 original articles or treatises on the harp, from Mersenne (1636) to Cardon (1784). Wrappers. $89
[item no.
[Methods, harp, France, 1600-1800, part 2]
Harpe. Méthodes – Traites – Dictionnaires et Encyclopédies – Ouvrages généraux. Volume II: Anonyme (1), Cousineau (1), Ragué (1-2).
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2002. 4º, 282 pp. Line-cut of 4 original articles or treatises on the harp, from Cousineau (1784) to an anonymous work (1787). Wrappers. $93
[item no.
[Methods, harp, France, 1600-1800, part 3]
Harpe. Méthodes – Traites – Dictionnaires et Encyclopédies – Ouvages généraux. Volume III: Anonyme (2), Bürckhoffer, Cousineau, Encyclopédie méthodique, Krumpholz (1-2), Martini, Petrini (1-2).
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2002. 4º, 210 pp. Line-cut. Contents: Krumpholz: Deux simphonies pour la harpe - 1787; Encyclopédie: Encyclopédie méthodique - 1788; Petrini: Etude de la main gauche - 1788; Bürckhoffer: Huitième livre contenant la gamme - 1789; Anon. Méthode et gamme de harpe - c. 1790; Martini: Mélopée moderne - 1792; Petrini: Abrégé de la méthode de harpe - 1796;
Krumpholz: Principes pour la harpe - 1800; Cousineau: Méthode de harpe (2e édition) - c.1803. Wrappers. $75
[item no.
[Nauclerus lute book]
Johannes Nauclerus Lautenbuch. Gesamtfaksimile / Complete Facsimile. Faksimile nach der Lautenhandschrift in der Staatsbibliothek Berlin—Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Signatur: Mus. ms. 40141. Kommentar und Konkordanzen: Ralf Jarchow.
Glinde, 2010. 21 x 30 cm, 208 pp. The lute book of the North Frisian pastor Johannes Nauclerus (1579-1655) was copied between 1607 and c.1620 and it is one of the most frequently cited “student manuscripts” of the time. Apart from pieces for 6- to 8-course lute written in French and some in German tablature, there are 5 pieces for cittern. The extensive research for his biography
shows also the acquaintance of the contemporary pastor Petrus Fabricius, to whose well-known song and lute book, there are also numerous concordances. Composers: Adriaenssen, Azzaiolo, Besard, Cutting, Denss, J. Dowland, Fabricius, Fuhrmann, Gastoldi, Haussmann, Holborne, Huet, Lechner, Lorenzini, Luther, Meiland, Nauclerus, Otto, Regnart, Reymann, Robinson, Schröter, Senfl, Thym,
Vecchi, Waissel, & Walter. Commentary in Ger-Eng. Hardbound. $98
(more info... )
[item no.
Osborn fb7. Edited by Stewart McCoy.
The Lute Society Facsimiles, 5. Guildford, 2007. 4º, xl, 39 pp. For 7-course lute, edited by Stewart McCoy, with Ian Harwood and John H. Robinson. A manuscript, now in the Beinecke Collection at Yale, from around 1630, with 9 pages containing 42 pieces, many of them easy. With introduction, full critical commentary on each piece, concordances and bibliography, clear modern
tablature transcriptions of each piece, including reconstructions of the ensemble pieces (a lute duet and psalms for lute and voices); plus an appendix with closely related cittern solos. Wrappers. $51
(more info... )
[item no.
Ryan’s Mammoth Collection: 1050 Reels and Jigs, Hornpipes, Clogs, Walk-arounds, Essences, Strathspeys, Highland Flings and Contra Dances, with Fugues, and How to Play Them by Patrick Sky. Bowing and Fingering Marked together with Forty Introductory Studies for the Violin, with Explanations of Bowing, etc.
Pacific, 1995. 4°, 176 pp. This comprehensive book is a line-cut facsimile edition of the original collection published by William Bradbury Ryan in 1883. It has survived over the years because it is one of the richest and most interesting of the 19th c. instrumental collections as well as a resource for students of American vernacular music. Examining the cultural exchange between
minstrel show, ethnic music and even classical music influenced some of the genres of what we now call American music. A special section containing historical notes and comments is included. Wrappers. $23
[item no.
Textes sur les instruments de musique au XVIIIe siècle.
Geneva, 1972. 8º, 242 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1756-1782 editions. Large number of little-known documents concerning musical instruments. Authors of booklets include P.-J. Roussier, M. de Laborde, Trouflaut, C. Moucherel, G. de Cryseul, & J.-B. Domenjoud. Hardbound. $71
[item no.
The Wickhambrook Lute Manuscript : US-NH, New Haven (CT) Yale University Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Music deposit 1 : (formerly Rare Ma21 W632). Introduction by Ian Harwood; Inventory, Notes and Bibliography by John H. Robinson.
The Lute Society Facsimiles, 6. Guildford, 2008. 4º, xxii, 32 pp. Large folio-sized ms compiled in the 1590s, perhaps to collect and preserve lute music by John Johnson, who died in 1594, and whose works predominate in this source. It contains what seems to be an autograph of his son, Robert Johnson. It contains 24 pieces, all for 6-course lutes, including 2 duets; 11 by John
Johnson, 4 by Dowland (this is the unique source of ŒTarleton’s Resurrection), 2 by Philip van Wilder, 1 each by Holborne, Peter Philips, and Lassus, and 5 by anon. The original hands are beautifully clear and easy to play from. Wrappers. $52
[item no.
50 Renaissance & Baroque Standards – English Version. With Variants, Examples & Advice for Playing & Improvising on Any Instrument.
Courlay, 2007. 21 x 30 cm, 144 pp. Here, brought together for the first time, are 50 renaissance and baroque ostinato basses, songs and dances upon which composers wrote variations over the course of decades or even centuries. These pieces circulated from country to country, from one publication or manuscript to another, and also served as a basis for improvisation by performing
musicians of the time. Wrappers. $28
[item no.
50 Standards, Renaissance & Baroque. Avec variantes examples & conseils pour jouer & improviser sur tout instruments.
Courlay, 2007. 21 x 30 cm, 144 pp. Same as above, but French version. $30
[item no.
Gaultier, D.
La rhétorique des dieux. Edited by David J. Buch
Recent Researches in the Music of the Baroque Era, LXII. Madison, 1990 23 x 30, xxi, 92 pp. Critical edition in modern score notation. Wrappers. $48
[item no.
The Mulliner Book (I). Edited by John Caldwell.
Musica Britannica, I London, 2010. 4º, xxxii, 159 pp. Modern critical edition. The Mulliner Book is published in a completely new edition on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Musica Britannica. A major source of 16th-c. keyboard music, it is also a compilation of music for cittern and gittern, plus a short vocal piece by Mulliner himself, available for the first time complete
in one volume with a detailed commentary. The collection is also of importance for the light it sheds on musical tastes and attitudes at a time when the Reformation and its consequences were becoming embedded in the national psyche. Buckram. $168
[item no.
[Lasso, Orlando di, et al]
Orlando di Lasso et al. Canzoni Villanesche and Villanelle. Edited by Donna G. Gardamone.
Recent Researches in the Music of the Renaissance, 82-83. Madison, 1991. 4º, lxi, 149 pp. Critical transcription of the canzoni villanesche and villanelle repertoire; nos. 29-35 are for lute, 36-40 for four-course cittern, and 41-43 for six-course cittern. Both modern and tabulature notation. Wrappers. $69
[item no.
Morphy, G. ed.,
Les luthistes espagnols du XVIe siecle. Volume I[-II].
New York, 1967. 4º, liv, 252 pp. Reprint of the Breitkopf & Härtel edition, Leipzig, 1902 edition. Edition, in modern staff notation of: Luis Milan, “El Maestro” (1536), Luis de Narvaez, “Delfin para vihuela” (1538), Alonso de Mudarra, “Tres libros de música en cifras” (1546), Anriquez de Valderrábano, “Silva de Sirenes” (1547), Diego Pisador, “Libro de música de vihuela” (1552),
Miguel de Fuenllana, “Orphénica lira” (1554), Venegas de Hinestrosa, “copla de Jorge Manrique” (1557), and Esteban Daza, Villancicos (1576). Cloth. $95
[item no.
Milán, Luis.
Libro de música de vihuela de mano intitulado del maestro. Compuesto por Luys Milan. In der Originalnotation und einer Übertragung herausgegeben von Leo Schrade.
Publikationen Älterer Musik, II. Hildesheim, 1976. 17 x 23 cm, xxx, 382 pp. (Rpt. of Leipzig, 1927 edition). Diplomatic transcription of the original tablature, side by side with a modern edition in staff notation. Wrappers. $147
[item no.
Music for Mixed Consort. Edited and Reconstructed by Warwick Edwards.
Musica Britannica, XL. London, 1977. 4º, xxvii, 163 pp. Critical edition. One of the main modern sources of English instrumental ensemble music. 15 pieces from the Walsingham Consort Book of 1588 and 19 pieces from Matthew Holmes's Consort Books, c.1575 represent music for mixed consort, a colorful and eclectic genre that played an important role in Elizabethan and Jacobean secular
music-making. Composers include Allison, Bachiler, Johnson, Reade, Nicholson, Morley, Baxter, Campion, and Lupo. Wrappers. $154
[item no.
Ruiz de Ribayaz, Lucas.
Luz y norte musical. Harp Tablature Transcribed and Edited with a Summary of the Introduction by Astrid Nielsch and Andrew Lawrence-King.
Huntingdon, n.d. 8º, 36 pp. New practical edition. Wrappers. $15
[item no.
Schoenberg, Arnold.
Arrangements of Funiculi-Funicula (Luigi Denza); Ständchen (Franz Schubert). Weil I a alter Drahrer bin (Johann Sioly)
Pacific Palisades, 1974 4˚, 12, 18 pp. Score and parts. Scored respecitively for vln, mandolin, cl, vla, guitar & vc; cl, bsn, mandolin, guitar, vln I/II, vla, vc; vln, mandolin, cl, vla, guitar, vc. $30
[item no.
Bertrand, Daniel.
La vina d’Inde du sud. Une vina de Mysore du facteur Puttadasappa et une vina de Tanjore de l’atelier Ramjee (S. Ramanathan) à Tiruchchirappalli.
Instruments Historiques: Monographies d’Instruments, Facteurs et Luthiers. Courlay, 2001. 8º, 55 pp. Wrappers. $16
[item no.
Bruni, Antonio Bartolomeo.
Un inventaire sous la Terreur. Etat des instruments de musique relevé chez les émigrés et condamnés. Introduction, notices biographiques et notes par J. Gallay.
Geneva, 1984. 8º, 280 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1890 edition. Inventories harpsichords, fortepianos, violins, violas, flutes, guitars, harps, etc. seized from the homes of emigrants in an official report in 1794. Includes names of makers and sometimes the date of the instruments. Wrappers. $76
[item no.
De clavicordio VIII. The Clavichord on the Iberian Peninsula. Proceedings of the International Clavichord Symposium, Magnano, 5 - 8 September 2007. Edited by Bernard Brauchli, Alberto Galazzo, Judith Wardman.
Piemonte, 2008. 8º, 256 pp. Articles on all aspects of the clavichord by leading scholars, builders and performers; authors in this issue include: D. Adlam, P. Bavington, L. Bemmann, J. Benson, Ch. Besnainou, B. Brauchli, Chr. D'Alessandro, D. Demel, G. Doderer, M. Erdman, S. Field, L. Gineis, E. Helenius, U. Henning, A. Huber, H. E. Svensson, M. Tsalka, C. & W. Ullrich-Eberius, P.
Verbeek, and I. Wjuniski. Wrappers. $89
(more info... )
[item no.
Guizzi, Febo.
Gli strumenti della musica popolare in Italia.
Alia Musica, 8. Lucca, 2002. 8º, lviii, 502 pp. Invaluable survey of popular instruments in use in Italy, ranging from percussion, wind and plucked instruments to various noise makers. Numerous drawings and plates. Wrappers. $72
[item no.
La lutherie lorraine et français depuis ses origines jusqa’à nos jours, d’après les archives locales.
Vie Musicale dans les Provinces Françaises, 5. Geneva, 1985. 17 x 24 cm, 387 pp. (Rpt. of Paris, 1912 edition). Largely original work based on research in the Mirecourt and Nancya archives. Illustrations of instruments, violin labels, maker’s marks, portraits, etc. Wrappers. $126
[item no.
Piccolellis, Giovanni de.
Liutai antichi e moderni. Note critico-biografiche.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, III/22. Bologna, 3/ 1985. 18 x 25 cm, 239 pp with 24 illus. (Rpt. of Florence, 1885-86 edition). Cloth. Special sale print $20, regularly $53
[item no.
Regazzi, Roberto.
The Complete Luthiers Library. A Useful International Critical Bibliography for the Maker and Connoisseur of Stringed and Plucked Instruments Collected and Compiled by Roberto Regazzi. With a Foreword by Charles Beare. Revision of the English Text by Jane Helen Johnson.
Bologna, 1990 8˚, xviii, 556 pp Limited edition of 600 copies. $225
[item no.
Savart, Félix.
Mémoire sur la construction des instruments à cordes et à archet. Lu à l’Académie des Sciences, le 31 mai 1819. Suivi du rapport qui en a été fait aux deux Académies des Sciences et des Beaux-Arts, par MM Haüy, Charles, de Prony, Cherubini, Catel, Berton, Le Sueur, Biot rapporteur.
Geneva, 1972. 8º, 128 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1819 edition. Wrappers. $40
[item no.
Van Schaik, Martin.
Aspects of the Historical Harp. Proceedings of the International Historical Harp Symposium, Utrecht 1992. Edited by Martin van Schaik.
Utrecht, 1994. 8º, 140 pp. Contributions on the harp in Naples, harp builders in Madrid, the role of the harp in early opera, etc. Papers by C. Bordas, S. Capp, H. Devaere, J. Keppel, S. Leopold, N. van Ree Bernard, J. Rimmer, M. van Schaik. Bibliography. Wrappers. $44
[item no.