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Thursday, 9 January 2025
Manuscript facsimiles & facsimiles of first and early editions for lute,
guitar, vihuela, mandora, cittern, & harp, together with a selection
of modern editions & studies. For ordering information go to Contact OMI

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ADSON, John, c.1585-1640

Courtly Masquing Ayres, Composed to 5. and 6. Parts, for Violins, Consorts, and Cornets. [Christ Church Library, Oxford University].

Performers’ Facsimiles, 293. New York, [2009]. 18 x 23 cm, 6 partbooks, 88 pp. Line-cut of T. Snodham edition, London, 1621. 20 ayres in partbook format, in mensural notation. Wrappers. $33 [item no.9094]

ARNE, Thomas A., 1710-1778

[Comus, masque] The Songs, Duet & Trio in the Masque of Comus. Set for the Violin, German Flute and Harpsichord. [private collection John H. Burkhalter III].

Britannia’s Invitation: A Treasury of 18th Century English Vocal Music, 5. Hebden Bridge, 2007. 21 x 30 cm, 23 pp. Line-cut of the London, n.d. edition. Wrappers. $20 [item no.8920]

The New Songs Sung at Vaux-Hall. [private collection John H. Burkhalter III].

Britannia’s Invitation: A Treasury of 18th Century English Vocal Music, 3. Hebden Bridge, 2007. 21 x 30 cm, 12 pp. Line-cut of the London, n.d. edition. 6 songs for voice and bc (optional guitar accompaniment also provided). Contents: “Phillis to whom”; “Hapless lover’s”; “When lately I offered”; “When Hobbinel”; “Shall I wasting in dispair”. Wrappers. $15 [item no.8918]

BACH, Carl Philipp Emanuel, 1714-1788

[Sonata, keyboard/harp, H.386] Sonate pour le clavecin, forte piano, orgue ou harpe qui représent le bataille de Bergen - 1776.

Collection FacsiMusic. Courlay, 2007. 21 x 30 cm, 12 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, [1776] edition. Programmatic music (falsely attributed to CPE Bach according to recent scholarship) depicting the beginning of a battle, the fire of the canons and musketry, the cavalry attack, and the wailing of the wounded. Wrappers. $15 [item no.8934]

BACH, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750

[Sonatas & partitas, violin, BWV 1001-1006] Sonatas & Partitas for Solo Violin BWV 1001-1006. A New Bach Series. Transcribed for Guitar by Walter Dešpalj. Fingering by István Römer.

Heidelberg, 2005. 4°, 123, 21 pp. Line-cut in reduced format (2 up per page) of the autograph ms, together with complete transcription for guitar. Wrappers. $40 [item no.9084]

BARFARK, Bálint (Valentine), 1507-1576

Bakfark Lautenbuch — Das Lautenbuch von Krakau.

Lübeck, 2011. 4°, 71 pp. Line-cut of a lute ms, the principal source for the music of Bálint Barfark. Contents: Fantasia trium vocum (VB 21, V. Fantasie) ; Fantasia 4 vocum (VB 22, VI. Fantasie) ; Fantasia 4 vocum (VB 23, VII Fantasie) / V. Bakfark; Jesu nomen santissimum, 4 vocum (VB 24) ; Erravit sicut Ovis quae perii, 4 vocum (VB 25) ; Circum dederunt me viri mendaces, 4 vocum (VB 26) / Clemens non Papa; Cantibus organicis, Christi Cecilia sponsa, 4 vocum (VB 27) ; Domine si tu es, iube me venire ad te, 4 vocum (VB 28) ; Venite filii audite me, 4 vocum (VB 29) / Nicolaus Gomberth; Exaltabo te Domine, 4 vocum / Archadelth (VB 30); Qui habitat in adiutorio altissimi, 4 vocum (VB 31) ; Faulte dargent Dest douleur non pareille, 5 vocum (VB 32) / Josquin Depres. Ring binder. $34 [item no.9460]

BASELLI, Constantino, fl.1600-1640

Il primo libro de sacri concerti [a una, a due, a tre & quatro voci con il basso continuo per l’organo], Venetia, Ricciardo Amadino 1614. [Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 4. Stuttgart, 2006. 12 x 26 cm, 5 partbooks, 160 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1614 edition. Rich collection of sacred concerti for all sorts of vocal combinations: 8 works a4, 3 works a3, 9 works a2 and 4 for solo voice, all with basso continuo and many calling for trombone or chittarone accompaniment. Wrappers, in portfolio with marbled paper boards. $59 [item no.8689]

BASSANO, Giovanni, c.1550-d.?

Madrigali et canzonette [concertate per potersi cantare con il basso, & soprano nel liuto, & istrumento da pena. Libro primo]. Venedig. [Bischöfliche Zentralbibliothek Regensburg].

Faksimile-Edition Canto e Continuo, 8. Stuttgart, 2014. 22 x 33 cm, 32 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1602 edition. 14 settings for voice with lute accompaniment, Italian lute tablature. Hardbound, with marbled paper boards. (n.b. according to the publisher of this facsimile there is a printing peculiarity in Regensburg exemplar which has been retained in this facsimile; it concerns the incorrect position of the “tavola”—table of contents—and one upside down page; the print is otherwise completely serviceable and nothing is missing) $35 [item no.9378]

BITTNER, Jacques, 17th c.

Pièces de lut, 1702. Faksimile nach dem Druck- Exemplar der Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseen Linz, Österreich. Herausgegeben von Michael Treder, Hamburg unter Mitarbeit von Francois-Pierre Goy, Paris.

Lübeck, 2009. 21 x 30 cm, xxxiv, 39, iv. Line-cut of the Linz, 1702 edition (oblong format), reproduced 3 up a page for ease of reading. The present edition contains 10 suites, in total 55 pieces for 11-course baroque lute. Introduction in Ger. Ring binder. $39 [item no.9093]

BOULEZ, Pierre, 1925

Le marteau sans maître. Fac-similé de l’épure et de la première mise au net de la partition / Facsimile of the Draft Score and the First Fair Copy of the Full Score. Édité par / Edited by Pascal Decroupet.

Eine Publikation der Paul Sacher Stiftung. Mainz, 2005. Oblong, 38 x 30 cm. 215 pp. Beautiful full-color facsimile edition of the autograph draft score and fair copy, produced on the occasion of the 80th birthday of the composer. Since its premiere 50 years ago at the 1955 Baden-Baden Festival, “Le marteau sans maître”, with its novel scoring (contralto, alto flute, viola, guitar, vibraphone, xylorimba and unpitched percussion) and poetry by René Char in four of the nine interlocked movements, has been considered one of the most outstanding serial works of the postwar avantgarde. Commentators have pointed out its wonderful hypnotic soundworld, complex rhythmic structure, and sudden bursts of instrumental crossfire, creating such a demand on the performers that some fifty rehearsals were required before its premiere. This excellent facsimile offers an exciting entry into Boulez’ “workshop”—allowing us to examine, side by side, the pencil draft score, final ink version, as well as a selection of sketch pages. Handsome binding in red linen with slipcase. $254 (more info... ) [item no.8588]

BRESCIANELLO, Gisueppe Antonio, 1690-1758

18 Suiten für Gallichone (Mandora). Mit einem Vorwort von Andreas Koch.

Lübeck, 2015. 4°, 150 pp. Line-cut reproduction of Signatur Mus.2364-V-2 from the Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden, a carefully executed copy of 18 suites for “colascione” (a type of lute) in the hand of Peter August (1726-1787). Hardbound. $69 (more info... ) [item no.9461]

CAMERLOHR, Placidus von, 1718-1782

Solo per la gallichone; Partia ex f (Gallichon, 2 violinen, Baß); Trio ex C (2 Gallichon, Violoncello). [Mss, Abtei Metten].

Faksimile-Edition Laute, 12. Stuttgart, 2015. 26 x 33 cm, 96 pp. Full-color reproduction of three works of Camerlohr, one for solo gallichone a type of bass lute, and two chamber works. Handstitched folios in portfolio with decorative paper boards and ties. $55 [item no.9429]

CAMPION, Thomas, 1567-1620

[Maske, for Lord Hayes] The Discription of a Maske Presented before the Kinges Maiestie at White-Hall, on Twelfh Night Last, in Honour of the Lord Hayes, and His Bride. [private collection].

Performers’ Facsimiles, 259. New York, [2007]. 17 x 23 cm, 40 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1607 edition, in staff notation (vocal part) and French tablature. 22 pages of texts, followed by 11 pages of music numbered I, II, III, IV, V, some notated in table book format. Wrappers. $15 [item no.8833]

CARRÉ, Antoine de la Grange, 17th c.

Livre de guitarre, Paris, 1671.

Lübeck, 2012. 4º, 29 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1671 edition, reproduced two-up on a page. Preludes, chaconnes, allemandes, sarabandes, folia & gigues, together with an instruction book written in French tablature. Comb binding. $28 [item no.9462]

CERONE, Pietro, c.1560-1625

El melopeo y maestro : (Napoles, J.B. Gargano y L. Nucci, 1613) / Pedro Cerone ; Antonio Ezquerro Esteban, ed.

Monumentos de la Música Española, 74. Madrid, 2007 23 x 32 cm, 2 vols: 1392 pp. Line-cut of the Naples, 1613 edition based on exemplars preserved in the Biblioteca “Jose Maria Lafragua” de la Benmerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla (Puebla de los Angeles, Mexico), and in the Biblioteca Publica del Estadoo “Fray Francisco de Burgoa” de la Universidad Autonoma “Benito Juarez” de Oaxaca (Oaxaca, Mexico). Huge synthesis of musical-theoretical topics divided into 22 books. Deals with plainsong, mensural theory, vocal and instrumental variation, counterpoint, canon & fugue, problems of composition, mensuration and “tonality”. The last book deals with musical enigmas and puzzle canons. Contains numerous references to composers and detailed musical examples, including a careful analysis of Palestrina’s Missa L’homme armé. Hardbound. $295 [item no.9151]

CIANCARLI, Heteroclito, fl.1602 (= Giancarli)

Compositioni musicali [intavolate per cantare et sonare nel liuto]. Venedig, Giacomo Vincenti 1602. [Regensburg, Bischöflichen Bibliothek].

Faksimile-Edition Canto e Continuo, 9. Stuttgart, 2015. 21 x 33 cm, 48 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1602 edition. Collection of 19 songs with Italian lute tablature, interestingly referred to as “Motetti, e Mad[rigali]” on the footer of each gathering. Published the same year as Caccini’s Le nuove musiche, these two collections—in the words of John Griffiths—are the meeting place of the old “oral” tradition and the new declamatory style. Giancarli’s music has never been studied or performed since the early 17th c. Hardbound, with boards in decorative paper. $40 (more info... ) [item no.9479]

CORBETTA, Francesco, c.1614-1681

Scherzi armonici. [trouvati, e facilitati in alcune curiosissime suonate sopra la chitara spagnuola]. Bologna /Giacomo Monti und Carlo Zenero 1639. [Bologna, Biblioteca G.B. Martini].

Faksimile-Edition Laute, 11. Stuttgart, 2013. 16 x 22 cm, 84, 7 pp. Line-cut of the 1639 edition. Alfabeto, with some Italian tablature. Afterword in Eng by Claire Fontijn, with transcription/translation of Corbetta’s foreword. Hardbound with decorative paper boards. $28 (more info... ) [item no.9325]

[Varii scherzi] [Guitarra española y sus diferencias de sones] zwischen 1650 und 1660. Faksimile-Ausgabe. Herausgeber: Matthias Otto Schneider. Vorwort: Monica Hall und Lex Eisenhardt.

Frankfurt, 2006. Oblong, 21 x 14 cm, 35, 84 pp. Line-cut facsimile of a recently rediscovered manuscript of Corbetta’s Varii scherzi di sonate (Brussels, 1648). This unusual “hispanified” copy came to light in 1991. Besides the music from the original edition it includes 3 other pieces by Corbetta (preludium in G minor, brando in Bb major & almanda in Bb major), an untitled piece, 2 additional variations for his own set of folia variations, and 3 unattributed “Spanish” pieces. Commentary in Ger-Eng. A careful and elegantly edited facsimile. Wrappers. $47 (more info... ) [item no.9423]

COSTE, Napoléon, 1806-1883

[=Works, v.1, guitar, Études de genre, op.38] 25 études de genre op.38 pour la guitare. Reprint of the 2nd. Richault Edition, c.1880. [Edited by Simon Wynberg].

Heidelberg, 2006. 4º, vi, 41 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1880, 2nd edition (”edition revue et corrigée”). Wrappers. $13 [item no.8875]

DUSSEK, Jan Ladislav, 1760-1812

[Duet, harp & piano/2 pianos, op.26] Duetto pour harpe et piano, ou pour deux pianos. Présentation par Fabienne Leloup (Ce.F.E. de M. Île-de-France). [British Library, London].

Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 2006. 24 x 34 cm, 2 parts, viii, 20 pp. Line-cut of the London, c.1796 edition. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $21 [item no.8796]

[Duo concertant, harp, piano, op.36] Duo pour harpe et piano, opus 36 c.1804-1805). Présentation par Jehanne Drai (Ce,F.E. de M. Île-de-France). [Bibl. Nationale, Paris].

Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 2006. 33 x 24 cm, 2 parts, vii, 14 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, [1804/5] edition. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $18 [item no.8682]

[Duo concertant, harp, piano, op.73] Duo concertant pour harpe et piano, opus 73, 1810. Présentation par les étudiants du Ce.F.E. de M. Île de France. [Bibl. Nationale, Paris].

Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 2006. 33 x 24 cm, 2 parts, 52 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, [1810] edition. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $29 [item no.8683]

FERANDIERE, Fernando, 18th c.

[Method, guitar] Arte de tocar la guitarre española por música, Madrid, 1799. Complete Facsimile Edition with an Introduction, English Translation, and Transcription of the Music by Brian Jeffery.

London, 2013 15 x 22 cm, 85, 59, 36 pp. Line-cut of the Madrid, 1799 edition. Wrappers. $38 [item no.9371]

FERRARI, Giacomo Gotifredo, 1763-1842

[Duet, harp & piano/2 pianos, op.20] 2nd Duett for the Harp & Piano Forte or Two Piano Fortes, op.20.

Biblioteca Classica, 179. Utrecht, 2006. 4º, 2 parts, 22 pp. Line-cut of the London, [after 1830] edition. Wrappers. $28 [item no.8730]

GALILEI, Michelangelo, b.?-1631

Il primo libro d’intavolatura di liuto. München 1620. [Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 13. Stuttgart, 2008. 21 x 33 cm, 116 pp. Line-cut of the Munich, 1620 edition. Printed on the recto pages only, after the original. 56 pieces (mostly dances) for ten course lute in French tablature. Hardbound, with decorative paper boards. Wrappers. $41 [item no.8962]

GAULTIER, Denis, c.1597-1672

Livre de tablature des pièces de luth sur plusieurs diferents modes, avec quelques reigles qu’il faut observer pour le bien toucher. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].

Performers’ Facsimiles, 279. New York, [2009]. Oblong, 21 x 14 cm, 88 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1680 edition. One of the main sources of the music by “Gaultier de Paris”, in French tablature, together with pieces by “Vieux Gaultier”. Begins with a short set of instructions. Wrappers. $25 [item no.9095]

GERLE, Hans, c.1500-1570

Musica teusch, auf die Instrument [der grossen unnd kleinen Geygen, auch Lautten]. Nürnberg, H. Formscheider 1532. [British Library, London].

Faksimile-Edition Laute, 10. Stuttgart, 2012. Oblong, 22 x 17 cm, 128 pp. Line-cut of the 1532 edition. Gerle introduces students to the rudiments of playing the renaissance lute, the viol and rebec, including the way they were tuned, held, and played. Musicologists have called it the first viol tutor. Hardbound with decorative paper boards. $45 [item no.9290]

GRANATA, Giovanni Battista, c.1620-1680

Novi capricci armonici musicali in vari toni per la chitarra spagnola, violino, e viola concertati, et altre sonate per chitarra sola.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/183. Bologna, 3/ 2005. 22 x 32 cm, 55 pp. Line-cut of the Giacomo Monti edition, Bologna, 1674, in mixed tablature. Wrappers. (more info... ) [item no.1050]

HECKEL, Wolff, 16th c.

Lautenbuch, Straßburg, Christian Müller 1562. RISM 1562(24). [Universitätsbiblioek Basel; Stadtbibliothek Trier].

Faksimile-Edition Laute, 9. Stuttgart, 2010. Obong, 21 x 17 cm, 2 partbooks, 228; 238 pp. Line-cut of the Straßburg, 1562 edition. Marvelous collection of pieces for two lutes—”discant & tenor”—reproduced from the surviving partbooks in Trier and Basel respectively. One of the very earliest prints of renaissance lute with 111 works notated in German tablature. Heckel’s work is comprised of four sections: “Teütsche stuck”, “Lateinische stuck”, “Frantzösische stuck”, “Italianische stuck”, “Allerley Täntz auff teütsche aufgesetzt”. Hardbound with decorative paper, with matching slipcase. $95 (more info... ) [item no.9210]

HOVE, Joachim van den, 1567-1620

Florida, sive cantiones [. . .] ad testudinis usum accommodatae (Utrecht 1601). Uitgegeven door / Edited by Taco Walstra met medewerking van / with the co-operation of David van Ooijen & Rudolf Rasch.

Utrecht, 2004 4˚, 31, 224 pp. Line-cut of the Utrecht, 1601 edition. Dutch lute music (fantasies, intabulations of Italian vocal music, gaillardes, passamezzi, allemandes, etc.) written for 7 and 8 course renaissance lute in French tablature. Cloth. $128 [item no.8529]

Lautenbuch, Leiden 1615, Gesamtfaksimile / Complete Facsimile. Faksimile nach der Lautenhandschrift in der Staatsbibliothek Berlin Signatur: Mus. ms. autogr. Hove 1. Kommentar: Ralf Jarchow.

Glinde, 2006. 21 x 30 cm, 37, 53 pp. The “Lautenbuch” is the only known manuscript by Joachim van den Hove, who, around 1600, with Emanuel Adriaenssen, Nicolas Vallet and Gregorio Huwet was counted among the most important lutenists of the Netherlands. The pieces for 6- to 10-course lute intabulated in French tablature are retrospectively closer in style to the Renaissance rather than to early Baroque and emphasize the more traditional compositional style of Hove known from the prints. Contents: Ballard, Bataille, Caccini, J. Dowland, D. M. Ferrabosco, Gastoldi, Hove, Praetorius, Hagenbach, Lasso, Robinson, Saman, A. Striggio, Vallet. Commentary in Ger-Eng. Hardbound. $66 [item no.8742]

HUME, Tobias, c.1569-1645

[Ayres, voice, lute/viola da gamba] The First Part of Ayres 1605. Edited by Frank Traficante.

Toronto c. 2014 21.5 x 35.5 cm, 120 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1605 edition. In lyra-viol tablature notation. Ring binder. $50 [item no.9614]

KIRCHER, Athanasius, 1602-1680

Mursurgia universalis. Zwei Teile in einem Band. Mit einem Vorwort, Personen-, Orts-, und Sachregister von Ulf Scharlau. [Niedersächische Landesbibl., Hannover].

Hildesheim, 4/ 2006. 20 x 27 cm, 2 vols, xxxii, 1413 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1650 edition. Linen. $429 [item no.2556]

LAMBERT, Michel, 1610-1696

[Airs, 2 voices, bc] Les airs, corrigez de nouveau de plusieurs fautes de graveure. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].

Performers’ Facsimiles, 258. New York, [2008]. Oblong, 25 x 21 cm, 85 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1669 edition. Airs for two voices and basso continuo in elegant staff notation. Contents: “Mon ame faisons un effort”; “Permettez qu’à mon dernier jour”; “Inutiles pensers”; “Il est vray son humeur”; “Mais comment avoir”; “O dieux comment se peut faire”; “Tous mes respectz attirent son couroux”; “A quoy me serttant de constance”; “Il faut aymer”; “Superbes ennemis du repos de mon âme”; “Je garde le respect”; “Hon n’aprehendez point”; “Je dirois que vous”; “Jugez si ma peine est extresme”; “Helas ne suis je pas a plaindre”; “Mon coeur qui se rendavous coups”; “Malgre la rigueur de mon sort”; “Pourquoy vous offencer”; “Au lieu d'avoir pitié”; “Quand ie voudrois celer”; “Pourquoy faut-il, belle inhumaine”; “Souffrir vostre rigueur extreme”; “Que me sert-il d'estre fidelle”; “Ah c’est trop de flatter”; “Ce seroit me tromper moy mesme”; “J'ay juré mile fois de ne jamais aymer”; “Hélas ! de mon erreur trop tard je m'apperçois”; “Puisque chacun doit aymer à son tour”; “Si c’est un mal que c’est un mal charmant”; “Jay merois mieux souffrir la morte”; “Quand ie voudrois pour me vanger”; “D'un feu secret je me sens consommer”; “Quand je mourrois pourroit”; “Puisque cett’inratte beauté”; “Mais quoy la cruelle le qu’elle est”; “Loin de vos yeux belle filuie”; “Lassé de vostre iniuste hayne”; “Il est vray Philis ie vous ayme”; “Le plaisir d’aymer est extreme”; ”Puis que labsence a trop peu de pouvoir”; “Quel que rigueur que ie puisse prevoir”; “Philis j’arreste en fin mon humeux”; “Aymons nous aymons nous”. Wrappers. $23 [item no.8968]

Airs de Monseiur Lambert non imprimez, c.1692 . Présentation par Jean Saint-Arroman. [Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal, Paris, Ms. 3043; Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, Ms. Rés 584].

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 192. Courlay, 2006. 24 x 33 cm, 47, 139 pp. Line-cut of two complementary mss (one of them prepared by the Foucault, c.1692), transmitting the later repertoire of Lambert’s Airs. Ms. 3043 resembles a printed edition and is reproduced in full size, while Ms. Rés. 584 has been reproduced in reduced format. Elegant staff notation. Preface in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $89 [item no.8795]

LUSCINIUS, Othmar, 1487-1537

Musurgia seu praxis musicae (Strassburg: Johann Schott 1536). Kommentar von Martin Kirnbauer.

Faksimile-Edition Theoretica, 7 Suttgart, 2014. Oblong, 20 x 16 cm, 108, xvi pp. Line-cut of the Strasbourg, 1536 edition. Essentially a free translation of Virdung’s Musica getutscht of 1511, preserving the dialogue format and copies of many of the original woodcuts. The translation was made upon the request of a Milanese bookseller who wanted to make Virdung’s treatise available to his Italian clientele. Besides the Virdung redux it also provides a treatise on mensural notation and polyphonic composition. Hardbound in decorative paper. $48 [item no.9408]

MEGERLE, Abraham, 1607-1680

Speculum Musico-Mortuale [Das ist: Musicalischer-Todtenspiegel], 1672. [Staatliche Bibliothek, Regenburg].

Faksimile-Edition Theoretica, 3 Suttgart, 2008. 11 x 17cm, 54 pp. Line-cut of the Salzburg, 1672 edition. Megerle was from Innsbruck and was once a choirboy under Stadlmayer, later a treble singer and organist with the court music ensemble at Innsbruck. Speculum Musico-Mortuale contains a few pages of autobiography but its extraordinary content are mainly its 12 engravings showing a human skull in the center, surrounded emblematic symbols and beautiful depictions of musical instruments (almost 50 in all). Hardbound in decorative paper. $29 [item no.9070]

MERTZ, Johann Kaspar, 1806-1856

Divertissement über Motive der Oper: Der Prophet (Meyerbeer), op.32. Flute (Violin), Viola, and Guitar. Edited by Brian Torosian.

n.p., 2008. 4°, 19, 13 pp. Line-cut of the Jos. Aibl edition, Munich, 1851, together with preface and new practical edition. Meyerbeer’s music was rarely used as a source for guitar arrangements and these works by Mertz provide a pleasing addition to the 19th-c. guitar repertoire. Wrappers. $20 [item no.9086]

Opern-Revue, Op.8, Nos.1-8. Volume I. Edited by Brian Torosian.

n.p., 2006. 4°, 11, 78 pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, 1843-1844 edition. The first 8 Hefte of “Opern-Revue. Ausgewählte Melodien für Guitare” feature exclusively the operas of Gaetano Donizetti and Vincenzo Bellini. Wrappers. $20 [item no.9087]

Opern-Revue, Op.8, Nos.9-16. Volume II. Edited by Brian Torosian.

n.p., 2007. 4°, 17, 84 pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, 1843-1844 edition. The works in this volume illustrate a significant elevation of musical and technical demands compared to those of vol. I, and represent Mertz’ longest and most virtuosic works published during his lifetime. The composers included here are: Balfe, Bellini, Donizetti, Stradella, Adam, & Verdi. Preface. Wrappers. $20 [item no.9088]

MILÁN, Luís, c.1500-d.?

Libro de música de vihuela de mano intitulado El maestro. Valencia, 1536. [Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid].

Madrid, 2008. 20 x 29 cm, xxvi, 202 pp. Full-color reproduction of the Valencia, 1536 edition. Of utmost importance not only to vihuela enthusiasts but also to renaissance lute players and modern classical guitarists. “El Maestro” (“the Teacher”) was created as a method and is the earliest known example of Spanish tablature for the vihuela in print. The music it contains is exquisite: 40 fantasies, 40 preludes, 6 pavanas, 6 Christmas carols for vihuela and voice, 4 old romances and 6 sonnets. El Maestro is presented in levels from simple to complex, so that a beginning vihuelist can proceed from elementary to more complicated pieces as he or she learns. Many are of considerable virtuosity and compositional styles vary from simple homophony to polyphonic with virtuoso passage work. One notices immediately the great care with which the work was created and engraved. Alternate passages are given for players who wish to avoid more virtuosic parts, sections of pieces are indicated as optional, and Milan provides verbal tempo indications. The "vocal" notes in the tablatures for the Christmas carols have been painstakenly printed with red ink (a precursor of Bach’s use of red ink for the Biblical texts of the St. Matthew Passion). The music of Luis Milan is popular with performers to this present-day—both classical guitarists and lutinests regard El Maestro as an integral part of their repertoire. Introduction in Spanish by Gerardo Arriaga. Beautifully hard bound, with coverboards being a replica of the original. $125 (more info... ) [item no.9156]

MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791

[Lieder, voice & piano, collected works] 30 Lieder und Gesänge für eine und mehrere Singstimmen mit Klavierbegleitung. Faksimileausgabe des Erstdrucks aus den Œuvres complettes, Leipzig 1799 herausgegeben von Ulrich Leisinger. Nachwort mit Bemerkungen zur Textgestalt.

Stuttgart, 2006. Oblong, 30 x 21 cm, 100, x pp. Line-cut of the Breitkopf & Härtel edition, Leipzig, 1799. (= Œuvres Complettes de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Cahier V, XXX). Hardbound, with decorative paper boards. $130 (more info... ) [item no.8761]

NEWSIDLER, Hans, c.1508-1563

Ein newgeordent künstlich Lautenbuch. Nürnberg, Petreius 1536. RISM 1536(12). [Musikbibliothek, Leipzig].

Faksimile-Edition Laute, 6. Stuttgart, 2004. Oblong, 19 x 15 cm, 174 pp + 3 foldouts. Line-cut of the Johan Petreius edition, Nuremberg, 1536, based on the exemplar formerly owned by Johannes Galbleber. 73 pieces for solo lute in German lute tabulature, preceded by instructions for playing the lute, including a number of musical examples. Includes additional pieces in manuscript. Hardbound with decorative paper boards. $47 [item no.8497]

PAGANINI, Niccolò, 1782-1840

[Works, guitar, complete] Complete Works for Solo Guitar Edited by Giuseppe Gazzelloni. [43 Ghiribizzi (M.S. 43); 37 Sonate (M.S. 84); Composizioni varie (M.S. 85-105)].

Heidelberg, 2006. 4º, 172, 34 pp Line-cut of the autograph (composing copy) in reduced format reproduced 2 up per page, together with a new authoritative practical edition. Introduction in Eng-It. Wrappers, in slipcase. $40 [item no.3655]

PETRUCCI, Ottaviano, 1466-1539 [publisher]

Laude libro secondo (Venezia, O. Petrucci, 1507). RISM 1508(3). [Biblioteca Colombina, Seville].

[Yellow Book Series, 7]. Højbjerg, 2006. Oblong, 23 x 16 cm, 112 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1507 edition. Contains 60 setting for 3 and 4 voices by Bartolomeo Tromboncino and his contemporaries. Wrappers. $58 (more info... ) [item no.8725]

Motetti de passione de cruce de sacramento de beato virgine et huiusmodi. B (Venezia, O. Petrucci, 1503. RISM 1503(1). [British Library, London].

[Yellow Book Series, 6]. Højbjerg, 2006. Oblong, 23 x 16 cm, 144 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1503 edition. Contains 30 motet settings by Josquin and his contemporaries. Wrappers. $72 [item no.8724]

Motetti libro quarto (Venezia, O. Petrucci, 1505). RISM 1505(2). [Wolfenbüttel, Herzog-August Bibliothek].

[Yellow Book Series, 10]. Højbjerg, 2011. Oblong, 23 x 16 cm, 4 partbooks, 256 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1505 edition. Contains 55 settings (counting separate movements) for 4 voices by Josquin, Brumel, Obrecht, Mouton and their contemporaries. Wrappers, with slipcase. $130 (more info... ) [item no.9269]

PHALÈSE, Pierre, c.1510-1574 [publisher]

[Des chansons, bk. 1] Des chansons reduictz en tablature de lut [à deux, trois, et quatre parties. Avecq une brieve & familiaire introduction pour entendre & apprendre par soy mesmes à iouer dudict lut, liure premier]. Löwen/Jaques Bathen und Reynier Velpen 1545. [Bibliothèque d’étude de conservation Besançon].

Faksimile-Edition Laute, 12. Stuttgart, 2014. Oblong, 18 x 22 cm, 96 pp. Line-cut of the Louvain, 1545 edition, the first edition of this distinguished print. 61 pieces for solo lute in French tablature, including preludes, fantasies, French chansons and Dutch songs. Comparison with the 1547 edition provides wonderful insight how the Phalèse printing house reedited the edition, using the same woodcuts but altering the metal type to create a slightly different format. Hardbound in decorative paper. $32 [item no.9365]

Theatrum musicum [in quo selectissima optimorum quorumlibet autorum. . . carmina. . . fantasiae. . . catilenae quatuor et quinque vocum. . . muteta quatuor, quinque et sex vocum], 1563. Et suppléments manuscrits Oxford, Bodleian Library. D.4.10 Art.; Utrecht, Universiteitsbibliotheek, AA-fol-28 Rariora. Introduction d’Henri Vanhulst.

Geneva, 2005. 4º, xxv, 140, 6, i pp. Line-cut of the Phalèse edition, Louvain 1563. Anthology of 140 instrumental works–fantasias, dances, transcriptions of chansons, madrigals and motets–selected with the help of Fredericus Viaera from Friesland. Seven pieces are for two lutes. Preface in Fr-Eng. Wrappers. $126 [item no.7100]

RUDE (Rudenius), Johann, c.1555-c.1615

Flores musicae... ... per Joannem Rudenium... Heidelberg, Voeglin 1600; Flores musicae a Joannem Rudenium... ... liber secundus... Heidelberg, Voeglin 1600. [Herzog-August-Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel].

Faksimile-Edition Laute, [8]. Stuttgart, 2005. 22 x 33 cm, 144; 120 pp. Line-cut of Heidelberg, 1600 edition. An extensive collection, in 2 books, of music for 8-course lute, notated in French tablature. It was intended as a companion publication to Reymann’s “Noctes musicae”. Most of the works are intabulations of vocal originals, and the list of composer’s is vast: some 40 composers, including Marenzio (9), Gabrieli (6), Ferretti (13), Hassler (10), Vecchi (10); the collection also includes 7 intradas, 1 fantasia, 30 pavan-type pieces, 21 gailliards and 1 chorea. Hardbound with marbled paper boards. $79 [item no.8639]

SCHLICK, Arnolt, c.1455-c.1525

Tabulaturen etlicher Lobgesang. Peter Schöffer / Mainz 1536. RISM 1512(2) [Stadtbibliothek, Leipzig].

Faksimile-Edition Laute, 7. Stuttgart, 2005. Oblong, 21 x 16 cm, 95 pp. Line-cut of the Peter Schöffer edition, Mainz, 1512, the earliest printed collection of keyboard tablature. Includes 12 lute pieces with “zwo stimmen zu zwicken und ein zu singen”, and 3 works for lute with “drei stimmen zu zwicken”. Schöffer’s beautiful work employs triple impression printing (as practiced by Petrucci). Harbound with decorative paper boards. $42 [item no.8587]

SCHUBERT, Franz, 1797-1828

[Songs, selections] Lieder mit Gitarrenbegleiitung / 39 Songs with Guitar Accompaniment. Faksimile aus der Handschrift des Franz von Schlechta herausgegeben von Stefan Hack / Facsimile of a Manuscript by Franz von Schlechta. Edited by Stefan Hackl.

Germolles-sur-Grosne, 2014. Oblong, 44 x 32 cm, 192 pp. Facsimile, with commentaries, of a historic document of the highest importance: a collection of 39 Schubert songs arranged for voice and guitar, transcribed by one of the composer's oldest and most faithful friends. It is not only the sole known source of one of Schubert’s compositions - Die Nacht - but moreover a unique testimony from the romantic age which once again calls attention to Schubert's relationship with the guitar. Commentary in Ger/Eng. Hardbound. $99 (more info... ) [item no.9442]

SOR, Ferdinando, 1778-1839

Les folies d’Espagne avec variations et un menuet.

Collection FacsiMusic. Courlay, 2007. 21 x 30 cm, 8 pp. Line-cut of the Simrock 2nd edition, Bonn/Cologne, c.1824-25. Wrappers. $9 [item no.8890]

TÁRREGA, Francisco, 1852-1909

The Collected Guitar Works. A Reprint Edition of the Complete Early Spanish Edition. With a Foreword and Critical Commentaries by Rafael Andiá.

Centennary Edition 1909-2009. Monte Carlo, 2007. 4º, 352 pp. Unaltered line-cut of first and early editions of Tárrega’s music published in Spain from 1902-1920. This single volume supersedes the 2-volume edition published in the 1990s.. Wrappers. $98 [item no.9329]

VIVALDI, Antonio, 1678-1741

[Concerti, RV 540, 552, 558, & Sinfonia, RV 149] Concerti con molti istromenti. Manoscritto Dresden, Sächische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Landesbibliothek. Concerto in Do maggiore per 2 violini “in tromba marina”, 2 flauti [dritti], 2 mandolini, 2 chalumeaux, 2 tiorbe, violoncello, archi e basso continuo, RV 558; Concerto in La maggiore per violino principale. 3 violini in eco, archi e basso continuo, RV 552; Concerto in Re minore per viola d’amore, liuto, archi e basso continuo, RV 540; Sinfonia in Sol maggiore per archi e basso continuo, RV 149. A cura di Karl Heller.

Archivum Musicum: Vivaldiana, 5. Florence, 2007. Oblong, 30 x 24 cm, 38, 158 pp. Halftone of a copyist MS (being the work of 2 scribes) which offers an interesting glimpse into a multi-work “concert program” rather than a single work. Introduction in It-Ger. Wrappers, in decorative paper. $81 (more info... ) [item no.8994]

WEISS, Silvius Leopold, 1686-1750

Lautenmusik aus Schloß Rohrau. Werke von Silvius Leopold Weiss und anderen. Zwei Manuskripte für Barocklaute aus der Graf Harrach’schen Familiensammlung. Als Faksimile herausgegeben und kommentiert von Michael Freimuth, Frank Legl und Markus Lutz.

Frankfurt, 2010. Oblong, 4º, xlviii, 268 pp. The world-famous art collection of the Harrach family is preserved in their castle at Rohrau near Vienna. In 2004 the curator of the collection, count Arco-Zinneberg, came across 7 manuscripts (2 of them lute tablatures) preserved together with the art collection. Christoph Angerer and Michael Freimuth were called to evaluate the mss and soon realized the value of the find, particularly of the lute tablatures. The first volume mostly contains works by Sylvius Leopold Weiss, among them 11 suites of several movements that have been previously unknown, 1 complete lute duet in 4 movements, and the suite in A that has so far survived as solo music, but here it is in the form of a trio for violin, lute and bass. The title of the second volume, "Lautenmusik von unbekannten Componisten" (lute music by unknown composers) was obviously caused by the scribe’s ignorance of the music, since already as many as 4 suites could be ascribed to Weiss by concordances. Other suites in the collection are composed in a style that is quite similar to Weiss’ style as well. Quite unexpectedly, the volume also contains 4 pieces for lute in renaissance tuning, notated in Italian tablature. The present volumes, comprising 200 pages, bridge a gap in the group of sources of lute music by Weiss, complementing other Weiss manuscripts in London and Dresden, as they mainly contain pieces of his early creative period. The 2 manuscripts in Rohrau contain a total number of 167 movements for the lute, organized in 26 suite-like sequences. Without doubt, these volumes are of the highest significance both for active lute players and for scholars. $230 (more info... ) [item no.9171]

[Works, lute, complete] Sämtliche Werke für Laute. Band 7: Die Handschrift Dresden, Übertragung. Teil I. Herausgegeben von Tim Crawford / Complete Works for Lute. Volume 7. The Dresden Manuscript, Transcription of the Tablature, Part I. Edited by Tim Crawford.

Das Erbe Deutscher Musik, 13. Kassel, 2007. Oblong, 31 x 24 cm, xii, 234 pp. Critical edition of the first 3 volumes of Dresden, Sächische Landesbibliothek, Mus. 2841-V-1. Linen. $359 (more info... ) [item no.9182]

[Works, lute, complete] Sämtliche Werke für Laute. Band 8: Die Handschrift Dresden, Übertragung der Tabulatur. Teil II. Herausgegeben von Tim Crawford / Complete Works for Lute. Volume 8. The Dresden Manuscript, Transcription of the Tablature, Part II. Edited by Tim Crawford.

Das Erbe Deutscher Musik, 14. Kassel, 2007. Oblong, 31 x 24 cm, 292 pp. Critical edition of the second section (vols. 4-6) of Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek, Mus. 2841-V-1. Linen. $373 (more info... ) [item no.9183]

[Works, lute, complete] Sämtliche Werke für Laute. Band 9: Werke aus verstreuten Handschriften. Faksimile. Herausgegeben von Tim Crawford und Dieter Kirsch / Works from Miscellaneous Manuscripts. Facsimile. Edited by Tim Crawford and Dieter Kirsch.

Das Erbe Deutscher Musik, 15. Kassel, 2013. Oblong, 31 x 24 cm, viii, 567 pp. Halftone of the miscellaneous manuscripts. Linen. $818 (more info... ) [item no.9279]

[Works, lute, complete] Sämtliche Werke für Laute. Band 10: Werke aus verstreuten Handschriften. Übertragung. Herausgegeben von Tim Crawford und Dieter Kirsch / Works from Miscellaneous Manuscripts. Transcription. Edited by Tim Crawford and Dieter Kirsch.

Das Erbe Deutscher Musik, 16. Kassel, 2012. Oblong, 31 x 24 cm, 2 vols, xiv, 288; viii 316 pp. Critical edition in staff notation of the works from miscellaneous manuscripts. Linen. $878 (more info... ) [item no.9280]


The Balcarres Lute Book. Edited by Matthew Spring.

Glasgow, 2010. 25.4 x 35.6 cm, 2 vols, 412 pp. Copied out in Scotland at the close of the 17th c., the Balcarres Lute Book is the largest and most important post-1640 British source of lute music. It contains 252 compositions arranged for the eleven-course instrument, among them settings of native Scots airs and of English popular tunes, and French baroque lute music by mid- and later 17th-c. masters. Possibly compiled by or for Margaret Campbell, fourth wife of Colin Lindsay, third Earl of Balcarres, the manuscript has remained in the Lindsay family, being owned currently by Lord Balniel, son and heir to the present Earl of Crawford and Balcarres, who has deposited it in the National Library of Scotland. It is here published for the first time in a pair of volumes comprising a black-and-white facsimile and a transcription, along with an extended introduction, notes on related musical sources, and an informative critical commentary on each individual piece. Softbound, with slipcase. (more info... ) [item no.9211]

The Chaplet, being a Collection of Twelve English Songs. [private collection John H. Burkhalter III].

Britannia’s Invitation: A Treasury of 18th Century English Vocal Music, 4. Hebden Bridge, 2007. 21 x 30 cm, 39 pp. Line-cut of the London, n.d. edition. 12 settings for voice and bc. Contents: “The Chaplet”; “A Plague”; “Life is Chequer’d”; “Ye Sons of the Platter”; “Phoebe the Rose”; “In vain the Force”; “Hence thou deceiver”; “The Flea”; “Sweet Annie”; “Jealous Amie”; “Fair Sally”; “Hob was come down”. Wrappers. $26 [item no.8919]

[Dobney, Jayson Kerr] Guitar Heroes: Legendary Craftsmen from Italy to New York. Jayson Kerr Dobney.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, Winter 2011. New York, 2011. 50 pp. Illustrated exhibition catalog with 70 color illustrations. Wrappers. Special sale price $15, regularly $25 (more info... ) [item no.9227]

[“Elisabeth’s lute book”] Lautenbuch der Elisabeth von Hessen / Elisabeth’s Lute Book. Facsimile 4° Ms. Mus. 108.1. Universitätsbibliothek Kassel. Herausgegeben von / Edited by Axel Halle. Mitarbeiterinnen / Collaborators: Angelika Horstmann (Einleitung), Betty C. Bushey, Translation.

Kassel, 2005. Oblong, 18.5 x 15 cm, 24, 200 pp. Beautiful halftone facsimile of a collection of solo lute music, German, French and Italian songs with lute accompaniment and finger exercises formerly in the possession of Elisabeth (1596-1626), the eldest daughter of the Landgraf Moritz von Hessen. The instrumental pieces are notated in French lute tablature while the vocal compositions are notated in white mensural notation. Composers include Victor de Montbuysson and George Schimmelpfennig. 7-course lute. Hardbound with coverboards that duplicate the original (sumptuously decorated with the family’s coat of arms). Few copies remaining. $125 (more info... ) [item no.8610]

[Fabricius Lute Book] Petrus Fabricius (1579–1650): Lauten- und Liederbuch, Renaissance-Laute (& Gesang). Faksimile nach der Handschrift in der Königlichen Bibliothek Kopenhagen Signatur: Thott. 4° 841. Gesamtausgaben / Complete Edition. Transkription & Kommentar: Ralf Jarchow.

Glinde, 2013. 21 x 30 cm, 2 vols, 756 pp. An important lute and song anthology from the German-Danish cultural sphere, compiled c.1605-1615 by the pastor Petrus Fabricius. Some of the pieces are unique, while others stand out for their exceptional compositional technique. In addition, the numerous, sometimes quite earthy marginal notes provide insight into the cultural milieu of Fabricius and his time as a student in Rostock. The collection shares concordances the with the Nauclerus lute book. Composer include: Aelst, Ammerbach, Azzaiolo, Babst, Balletti, Besard, Borrono, W. Brade, Brechtel, Burmeister, Cato, Dalza, Dedekind, Demantius, J. Dowland, Drusina, Elsbeth, Gerle, Fabricius, Forster, Franck, Friderici, G.L. Fuhrmann, V. Fuhrmann, Gastoldi, Gutknecht, Haussmann, Heckel, Janequin, Jobin, J. Johnson, Klug, Köpphel, Krengel, Lange, Lauremberg, Lechner, Luther, Malchinger, Meiland, H. & M. Newsidler, Phalèse, Regnart, Reymann, Rhau, Rore, Rotta, Scandello, Selnecker, Spatz, Staricius, Susato, Tertre, Thym, Vento, Waissel, Walter, Wyssenbach, and Zangius. Hardbound. $265 (more info... ) [item no.9341]

Gitarrentabular. Italien 17. Jh. [MS AN 63, Bischöfliche Bibliothek Regensberg].

Faksimile-Edition Laute, 14. Stuttgart, 2015. Oblong, 27 x 14 cm, 48 pp. Full-color reproduction a charming MS collection of 20 dance numbers for solo guitar in alfabeto notation. The title page contains the coat of arms of Domenico Romani who also might be the main scribe. The manuscript comes supposedly from the private library of Dominicus Mettenleiter. Decorative paper boards. $36 (more info... ) [item no.9438]

[Harrach Ms.] Lautenmusik aus Schloß Rohrau. Werke von Silvius Leopold Weiss und anderen. Zwei Manuskripte für Barocklaute aus der Graf Harrach’schen Familiensammlung. Als Faksimile herausgegeben und kommentiert von Michael Freimuth, Frank Legl und Markus Lutz.

Frankfurt, 2010. Oblong, 4º, xlviii, 268 pp. The world-famous art collection of the Harrach family is preserved in their castle at Rohrau near Vienna. In 2004 the curator of the collection, count Arco-Zinneberg, came across 7 manuscripts (2 of them lute tablatures) preserved together with the art collection. Christoph Angerer and Michael Freimuth were called to evaluate the mss and soon realized the value of the find, particularly of the lute tablatures. The first volume mostly contains works by Sylvius Leopold Weiss, among them 11 suites of several movements that have been previously unknown, 1 complete lute duet in 4 movements, and the suite in A that has so far survived as solo music, but here it is in the form of a trio for violin, lute and bass. The title of the second volume, "Lautenmusik von unbekannten Componisten" (lute music by unknown composers) was obviously caused by the scribe’s ignorance of the music, since already as many as 4 suites could be ascribed to Weiss by concordances. Other suites in the collection are composed in a style that is quite similar to Weiss’ style as well. Quite unexpectedly, the volume also contains 4 pieces for lute in renaissance tuning, notated in Italian tablature. The present volumes, comprising 200 pages, bridge a gap in the group of sources of lute music by Weiss, complementing other Weiss manuscripts in London and Dresden, as they mainly contain pieces of his early creative period. The 2 manuscripts in Rohrau contain a total number of 167 movements for the lute, organized in 26 suite-like sequences. Without doubt, these volumes are of the highest significance both for active lute players and for scholars. $230 (more info... ) [item no.9171]

[Holmes lute book] The Matthew Holmes Manuscripts I: Cambridge University Library MS Dd.2.11.

The Lute Society Facsimiles, 7. Guildford, 2009. 4º, 3 vols, 200, 78 pp. The crown jewels of the English renaissance lute repertoire, in a beautiful full-color facsimile. 324 pieces, mostly for 6-course lute, some for 7-course lute or bandora, by Dowland, Holborne, Cutting, Pilkington, Bacheler, Allison, Ferrabosco, Francesco da Milano and others. The unique source of 5 pieces by Dowland, and some remarkable anonymous works. A must for any serious devotee of the lute; and even includes some easy pieces for beginners, added by the scribe as page-fillers. Hardbound. $148 [item no.9206]

Intavolatura manoscritta per liuto del duomo di Castelfranco Veneto. A cura / Edited by Franco Rossi. [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/103. Bologna, 2012. 4°, 38, 216 pp; CD. Full-color facsimile (in CD format) plus B&W monochrome facsimile. This manuscript, beautifully copied by Giovanni Pacolini for an English patron, provides testimony to the repertoire intended for solo lute as well as pieces conceived for the unusual ensemble of three lutes. The collection includes music by the most important composers of the first half of the XVI century, and contains a wealth of extraordinary unica pieces, above all some works by Francesco da Milano. Introduction in It-Eng. Wrappers. (more info... ) [item no.9281]

The Kalivoda Manuscript (c. 1715 – 1723). D-Fschneider Ms 33. Music for Baroque Lute and Mandora from Prague. Edited by Matthias O. Schneider [with contributions by Miloslav Študent, Mathias Rösel, Joachim Lüdtke, & Markus Lutz].

Frankfurt, 2015. Oblong, 19 x 10 cm, 132, 52. Full-color facsimile in the original size of Ms 33 from the private library of Matthias Schneider (Frankfurt/Main) with introductory texts and a critical commentary in Ger/Eng. Ms 33, a holograph manuscript by the lutenist Georg Adalbert Kalivoda, was probably written in Prague. It contains 35 pieces for 11-course lute (partly in Partie) and a suite in three movements for 6-course mandora. Much of the early history of this lute book remains unknown. In the 20th c. it passed through the hands of collectors and researchers among them Alfred Cortot, Robert Spencer and probably Paul Nettl, who also owned at least two other lute manuscripts, which are both in American libraries today. Cloth. $67 (more info... ) [item no.9441]

[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, parts 1-6] Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, 6 vols, c.1185 pp. Line-cut, arranged chronologically, of 63 treatises on basso continuo practice by an anonymous writers, Bartolotti, Bovin, Buterne, Carre, Charpentier, Chaumont, Henry d’Anglebert, De la Barre, Delair, Feury, Marais, Nivers, Perrine/Saint-Lambert, F. Campion, T. Campion, Cheron, Clerambault, Couperin, Dandrieu, Delair, Leclair, Rameau, Dornel, Forqueray, Gervais, Goudat, Guillemain, Monnier, Monteclair, Pingre, Rameau, Serre de Rieux, Telemann, Travenol, Alembert, Blanville, Corrette, Dubugrarre/Geminiani, Laporte, Bethisy, Biferi, Clement, Dubreuil, Garnier, Gianotti, Gougelet, Labbet, Le Boeuf/Rameau, Roussier, Simon, Tapray, Bemetzrieder, Froestler, Gournay, Langle, Rodolphe, and Roussier. Wrappers. $423 [item no.8749]

[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, part 1] Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, c.240 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: Fleury: Methode pour apprendre facilement - 1660; Bartolotti: Table pour apprendre facilement - 1669; Carré: Livre de Guitarre contenant plusieurs pièces - 1671; Perrine: Livre de musique pour le Lut - 1680; Anonymous: Petites regles generalles qui peuvent servir de methode - 1680; Nivers: Motets a voix seule - 1689; Henry d’Anglebert: Pièces de clavecin - 1689; Marais: Basse-continuës des pieçes a une et a deux violes - 1689; Anonymous: (traité abrégé d’accompagnement) - c. 1690; Anonymous: Règles pour l’accompagnement - 1690; Delair: Traité d’accompagnement pour le theorbe - 1690; Charpentier: Abrégé des règles de l’accompagnement - c. 1692; Chaumont: Pieçes d’orgue sur les 8 tons - 1695; Buterne: Petites regles pour l’accompagnement - 1700; Boyvin: 2. livre d’orgue - 1700; Anonymous: Traité d’accompagnement du clavecin - c. 1700; La Barre: 1. livre de pièces pour la flûte - 1702; Saint-Lambert: Nouveau traité de l’accompagnement - 1707. Wrappers. $93 [item no.8750]

[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, part 2] Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, c.220 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: Couperin: Règles pour l’accompagnement - s.d.; Campion: Traité d’accompagnement et de composition - 1716; Clerambault: Règles d’accompagnement - 1716; Clerambault: Principes d’accompagnement - 1716; Dandrieu: Principes de l’accompagnement - 1719; Rameau: Traité de l’harmonie - 1722; Delair: Nouveau traité d’accompagnement - 1724; Leclair: 1. livre de sonates - 1723; Rameau: Nouveau système de musique théorique - 1726; Cheron: Sonates en trio - 1727; Campion: Lettre du sieur Campion a un philosophe - 1729; Campion: Addition au traité d’accompagnement - 1730. Wrappers. $85 [item no.8751]

[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, part 3] Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, c.230 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: Pingre: Traité de l’harmonie - s.d.; Rameau: Observations sur la méthode d’accompagnement - 1730; Rameau: Plan abrégé d’une méthode nouvelle - 1730; Monteclair: Réponse du second Musicien au premier - 1729; Rameau: Réplique du premier Musicien à la réponse du second - 1730; Monteclair: Réponse du second Musicien au premier Musicien - 1730; Rameau: Réplique du premier Musicien à l’écrit du second - 1730; Rameau: Dissertation sur les différentes métodes - 1732; Gervais: Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: Méthode pour l’accompagnement - 1733; Campion: 2. recueil d’airs - 1734; Serre de Rieux: Les dons des Enfans de Latone - 1734; Telemann: Nouveaux quatuors en six suites - 1738; Goudat: Principes de L'accompagnement - 1738; Travenol: 1. livre de sonates a violon seul - 1739; Guillemain: Six sonates en quatuors - 1743; Monnier le Cadet: L’art de toucher le clavecin dans son propre caractêre - c.1745; Dornel: le tour du clavier - 1745; Forqueray: Pièces de viole avec la basse continüe - 1747; Anonymous: (Méthode d’accompagnement) - s.d. Wrappers. $88 [item no.8752]

[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, part 4] Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, c.230 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: D'Alembert: Elemens de musique - 1752; Blainville: Essay sur un troisième mode - 1751; Corrette: Le maître de clavecin - 1753; La Porte: Traité théorique et pratique - 1753; Geminiani: L’art de bien accompagner - 1754; Dubugrarre: Méthode plus courte et plus facile - 1754. Wrappers. $88 [item no.8753]

[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, part 5] Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, c.210 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: Tapray: Abrège de l’accompagnement - 1755; Labbet & Leris: Sentiment d’un Harmoniphile - 1756; Clement: Essai sur l’accompagnement - 1758; Gianotti: Le guide du compositeur - 1759; Rameau: Code de musique pratique - 1760; Bethisy: Exposition de la théorie et de la pratique - 1764; Roussier: Traité des accords et de leur succession - 1764; Le Bœuf: Traité d’harmonie et règles d’accompagnement - 1766; Garnier: Nouvelle méthode pour l’accompagnement - 1767; Dubreuil: Manuel harmonique - 1767; Biferi: Traité de musique abrégé, divisé en trois parties - 1770; Simon: Théorie pratique d’accompagnement - s.d.; Gougelet: Méthode ou abrégé des règles - 1771. Wrappers. $80 [item no.8754]

[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, part 6] Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, c.255 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: Roussier: L’harmonie pratique - 1775; Corrette: Prototipes contenant des leçons d’accompagnement - 1775; Anonymous: Abrégé des règles de composition - 1777; Bemetzrieder: Nouvelles leçons de clavecin ou instructions générales - 1782; Rodolphe: Théorie d’accompagnement - c.1785; Gournay: Lettre à M. l’abbé Roussier - 1785; Langle: Traité de la basse sous le chant - 1797; Froestler: Traité d’harmonie et de modulation - 1800; Anonymous: Principes de l’accompagnement - s.d.; Anonymous: Règles d’accompagnement - s.d. Wrappers. $98 [item no.8755]

[Methods, lute, France, 1500-1800, part 1] Luth. Méthodes - Dictionnaries et encyclopédies - Ouvrages généraux. [Deux volumes réalisés par Joël Dugot]. Volume 1: Bonaventure des Périers, Fine (1-2), Le Roy (1-2), Phalèse.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2004. 4º, 192 pp. Line-cut of 6 essays or treatises on the lute, organized chronologically from Bonaventure des Périers to Phalèse. Wrappers. $71 [item no.8465]

[Methods, lute, France, 1500-1800, part 2] Luth. Méthodes - Dictionnaries et encyclopédies - Ouvrages généraux. [Deux volumes réalisés par Joël Dugot]. Volume 2: Bésard (1-2-3), Encyclopédie méthodique, Garsault, Gaultier (D.), Gaultier (D. et E.), Laborde, Mersenne, Mouton, Perinne (1-2-3), Trichet, Vallet.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2004. 4º, 200 pp. Line-cut of 15 essays or treatises on the lute, organized chronologically from Bésard to Vallet. Wrappers. $75 [item no.8466]

[“Milleran” Ms.] The Milleran Lute Book.

Lübeck, 2014. 18 x 18 cm, 120 pp. Full-color facsimile of a ms copied c.1655, considered to be the finest from the French lute school. Compiled by René Milleran, grammarian and interpreter to Louis XIV, and former student of Ch. Mouton. Pieces by Bocquet, Gallot, Gaultier & Mouton. 11-course baroque lute. Reproduced 2 up per page with black background. Hardbound. $158 (more info... ) [item no.9395]

[Nauclerus lute book] Johannes Nauclerus Lautenbuch. Gesamtfaksimile / Complete Facsimile. Faksimile nach der Lautenhandschrift in der Staatsbibliothek Berlin—Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Signatur: Mus. ms. 40141. Kommentar und Konkordanzen: Ralf Jarchow.

Glinde, 2010. 21 x 30 cm, 208 pp. The lute book of the North Frisian pastor Johannes Nauclerus (1579-1655) was copied between 1607 and c.1620 and it is one of the most frequently cited “student manuscripts” of the time. Apart from pieces for 6- to 8-course lute written in French and some in German tablature, there are 5 pieces for cittern. The extensive research for his biography shows also the acquaintance of the contemporary pastor Petrus Fabricius, to whose well-known song and lute book, there are also numerous concordances. Composers: Adriaenssen, Azzaiolo, Besard, Cutting, Denss, J. Dowland, Fabricius, Fuhrmann, Gastoldi, Haussmann, Holborne, Huet, Lechner, Lorenzini, Luther, Meiland, Nauclerus, Otto, Regnart, Reymann, Robinson, Schröter, Senfl, Thym, Vecchi, Waissel, & Walter. Commentary in Ger-Eng. Hardbound. $98 (more info... ) [item no.9197]

Osborn fb7. Edited by Stewart McCoy.

The Lute Society Facsimiles, 5. Guildford, 2007. 4º, xl, 39 pp. For 7-course lute, edited by Stewart McCoy, with Ian Harwood and John H. Robinson. A manuscript, now in the Beinecke Collection at Yale, from around 1630, with 9 pages containing 42 pieces, many of them easy. With introduction, full critical commentary on each piece, concordances and bibliography, clear modern tablature transcriptions of each piece, including reconstructions of the ensemble pieces (a lute duet and psalms for lute and voices); plus an appendix with closely related cittern solos. Wrappers. $51 (more info... ) [item no.9204]

[”Rostock Lute Mss”, III] Die Lautenhandschriften der Universitätsbibliothek Rostock. Rostock III, Ms Mus Saec XVII-18-53,1 A.

Lübeck, 2015. 21 x 30 cm, 91 pp. 79 anonymous pieces and dances for 11-course lute, French tablature-baroque tuning. Softbound. $37 [item no.9466]

[”Rostock Lute Mss”, IV] Die Lautenhandschriften der Universitätsbibliothek Rostock. Rostock IV, Ms Mus Saec XVII-18-53,1 B.

Lübeck, 2015. 21 x 30 cm, 59 pp. 43 mostly anonymous pieces and dances for 11-course lute, French tablature-baroque tuning. Softbound. $37 [item no.9467]

[“Schele” lute book] Ernst Schele Tabulaturbuch. Musica et vinum lætificant cor hominis anno 1619. Faksimile der Lautenhandschrift nach dem Exemplar der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Signatur: ND VI 3238. Kommentar: Ralf Jarchow.

Glinde, 2004. 21 x 30 cm, 40, 164 pp. Thought to have been copied by the Dutch lutenist Joachim van den Hove, and contains many of his own compositions, as well as a selection of music by his contemporaries (Aragona, Bacheler, Ballard, Besard, Bocquet, Cato, J. Dowland, Ferrabosco, Francisque, Hove, Huet, J. Johnson, Kapsberger, Lorenzini, Melii, d'Orleans, Palestrina, Philips, Quaresmine, Rude, Strobel, Tuenhuysen, Vallet, Verdelot). For 6 to 11-course lute, notated in French tablature. Commentary in Ger-Eng. Hardbound. $98 (more info... ) [item no.8741]

(Spencer, Robert) 19th-Century Songs with Guitar Accompaniments of the Period. I: Beethoven, Haydn, Schubert. Facsimile of Original Editions (1819-1833) Introduced by Robert Spencer.

Heidelberg, 2/ 2005. 4º, v, 56 pp. Line-cut. Contains Beethoven’s “Adelaide” Op.46, “Andenken” WoO 136; Haydn’s “An den Mond”; Schubert’s “Der Wanderer” Op.4,1, “Ungeduld” Op.25,7, “Der Liedler” Op.38, “Die zürnende Diana” Op.36,1, and “Nacht Stücke” Op.36,2. Wrappers. $21 [item no.719]

The Thysius Lute Book / Het Luitboek van Thysius. Facsimile Edition of Leiden, Bibliotheca Thysiana 1666. Volume I: Introduction - Jan W.J. Burgers & Louis Peter Grijp; Concordances - Louis Peter Grijp, Simon Groot & John H. Robinson; Volume II. Facsimile Edition Folios 1-233; Volume III: Facsimile Edition Folios 233v-521v.

Muziek uit de Republiek, 2. Leiden & Utrecht, 2009 23 x 33 cm, 3 vols, 158, 380, 477 pp. Halftone. The Thysius Lute Book—taking its name from the Leiden bibliophile who acquired the manuscript in the 19th c.—is the world’s most comprehensive lute volume. Compiled by Adriaen Smout from Rotterdam between the years 1595-1646, the book is a complete international repertoire comprised of Italian dances such as passamezzi and galliardas, fancies, intabulations of madrigals, chansons and motets, psalms and English, French and Dutch ballads and dances. It includes lute music by John Dowland, John Johnson, Thomas Morley, Thomas Robinson, Robin Jones and others, arrangements of chansons by Thomas Crecquillon, Pierre Sandrin, Clemens non Papa, Claudin de Sermisy and Orlando di Lasso, madrigals by Palestrina, Ferretti and Noë Faignient, motets by Peter Phillips, Pietro Lappi, Arcangelo Bussoni, Giulio Belli and others, psalm settings by Jan Pietersz Sweelinck, Claudin le Jeune and Claude Goudimel, and many anonymous settings of ballads and dances. Smout also showed great interest in popular culture and included many peasant ditties and light-hearted song tunes. There are also remarkable lute quartets. All music has been notated in seven-line French lute tablature. 3 vols, hardbound, in slipcase. $235 (more info... ) [item no.9115]

Tonini, Giuliano. Scrinium musices. La raccolta di manoscritti e stample musicali Toggenburg di Bolzano (secc. XVIII-XIX) in deposito presso l’Archivio provinciale di Bolzano. / Die Bozner Musikaliensammlung Toggenburg (18.-19. Jahrhundert) im Südtiroler Landesarchiv. Atti del convegno - Bolanzo, Sala Vivaldi, Giovedi, 14 dicembre 2006 / Akten des Vortrasabends - Bozen, Vivaldi-Saal, Donnerstag, 14. Dezember 2006. A cura di / herausgegeben von Giuliano Tonini.

Lucca, 2010. 29 x 37 cm, xxxii, 150 pp. Conference proceedings together with full-colorr reproductions of a selection of music works, including Johann Baptist Gänsbacher, Serenade pour Violon ou Flûte et Guitarre op.12 and Leonhard von Call, Serenade pour Violon ou Flûte et Guitarre op.54. Linen. $140 [item no.9159]

The Welde Lute Book. [Private collection, Lord Forrester].

The Lute Society Facsimiles, 4. Guildford, 2004. 25 x 38 cm, xxix, 66 pp. Halftone. English lute ms dating from c.1600 containing 39 pieces in lute tablature by Dowland, John Johnson, Holborne and Byrd. Commentary and inventory by Ian Harwood, Martin Shepherd, Steward McCoy, John H. Robinson & Rainer aus dem Spring. Wrappers. $48 (more info... ) [item no.8379]

The Wickhambrook Lute Manuscript : US-NH, New Haven (CT) Yale University Irving S. Gilmore Music Library Music deposit 1 : (formerly Rare Ma21 W632). Introduction by Ian Harwood; Inventory, Notes and Bibliography by John H. Robinson.

The Lute Society Facsimiles, 6. Guildford, 2008. 4º, xxii, 32 pp. Large folio-sized ms compiled in the 1590s, perhaps to collect and preserve lute music by John Johnson, who died in 1594, and whose works predominate in this source. It contains what seems to be an autograph of his son, Robert Johnson. It contains 24 pieces, all for 6-course lutes, including 2 duets; 11 by John Johnson, 4 by Dowland (this is the unique source of ŒTarleton’s Resurrection), 2 by Philip van Wilder, 1 each by Holborne, Peter Philips, and Lassus, and 5 by anon. The original hands are beautifully clear and easy to play from. Wrappers. $52 [item no.9205]


Bernardi, Stefano. Motetti in cantilena a quattro voci con alcune canzoni per sonare con ogni sorte di stromenti, con il basso per l’organo. 1613. Edizione a cura di Marco Materassi, trascrizioni: Flavio Cinquetti.

Lucca, 2012. 4º, xxiv, 105 pp. Critical edition. Wrappers. $45 [item no.6972]

Composizioni inedite dall’intavolatura d’organo tedesca di Torino. A cura / Edited by di D. Felici.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/104. Bologna, 2011. Oblong, 4°, xl, 153 pp. Transcription of toccatas and ricercari, to a large extent unpublished, taken from German tablatures for keyboard in the Foà Giordano holdings, preserved in the National Library of Turin. The manuscript contains works by Italian, German and anonymous composers which, despite the variety of styles presented, testify to the rich fabric of exchanges and mutual influences that occurred between northern and southern Europe in the first 30 years of the 17th c.. Introduction in Eng-It. Wrappers. [item no.6923]

50 Renaissance & Baroque Standards – English Version. With Variants, Examples & Advice for Playing & Improvising on Any Instrument.

Courlay, 2007. 21 x 30 cm, 144 pp. Here, brought together for the first time, are 50 renaissance and baroque ostinato basses, songs and dances upon which composers wrote variations over the course of decades or even centuries. These pieces circulated from country to country, from one publication or manuscript to another, and also served as a basis for improvisation by performing musicians of the time. Wrappers. $28 [item no.8893]

50 Standards, Renaissance & Baroque. Avec variantes examples & conseils pour jouer & improviser sur tout instruments.

Courlay, 2007. 21 x 30 cm, 144 pp. Same as above, but French version. $30 [item no.8899]

Guédron, Pierre. Les airs de cour; édition de Georgie Durosoir ; transcription des tablatures de luth par Éric Bellocq ; avant-propos de Jean-Pierre Babelon.

Versailles, 2009. 8º, xcix, 719 pp. Works for 4-5 solo voices, many also intabulated for solo voice and lute. Lute part given in tablature and staff notation. Introduction and critical notes in French with English translation; bibliographical notes that proceed each air given in French only. Wrappers. $162 [item no.6792]

[Hove, Joachim van den] Joachim van den Hove. Life and Works of a Leiden Lutenist 1567-1620. [Edited by] Jan W.J. Bergers.

Muziek uit de Republiek, 3. Leiden & Utrecht, 2013. 8°, 2 vols, 215, 527 pp, CD. The definitive book on Van den Hove. Vol. 1 covers his life, the musical sources, attribution of anonymous works, an analysis of stylistic features and work list. Vol. 2 provides a complete edition (in tablature) of his works. An accompanying CD contains transcriptions in staff notation. Linen. $160 [item no.6789]

The Mulliner Book (I). Edited by John Caldwell.

Musica Britannica, I London, 2010. 4º, xxxii, 159 pp. Modern critical edition. The Mulliner Book is published in a completely new edition on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Musica Britannica. A major source of 16th-c. keyboard music, it is also a compilation of music for cittern and gittern, plus a short vocal piece by Mulliner himself, available for the first time complete in one volume with a detailed commentary. The collection is also of importance for the light it sheds on musical tastes and attitudes at a time when the Reformation and its consequences were becoming embedded in the national psyche. Buckram. $168 [item no.6909]

Lambert, Michel. Airs from Airs de différents autheurs. Edited by Robert A. Green.

Recent Researches in the Music of the Baroque, 139. Madison, 2005. 4º, xlvii, 151 pp. New critical edition in modern score notation of 121 airs, primarily from the anthology published by Ballard between 1658 and 1694. Wrappers. $95 [item no.6600]

Libro de diferentes cifras (1705).

Cifras para Tañer, 1. Madrid, 2008. 20 x 29 cm, xxiv, 73 pp. Study and transcription by Francisco Alfonso Valdivia. Preserved in the Biblioteca Nacional in Madrid, this important manuscript for 5-string guitar dated 1705 contains 107 anonymous pieces, with the exception of one attributed to Francesco Corbetta. Gaspar Sanz is well represented, both in the literal copy of the Instucción de música as in the reuse of some of its differences; several pieces are related to works of Santiago de Murcia which could mark the first cronological source of this guitarist. There are many French inpired dances together with the genuinely Spanish ones. Wrappers. $28 [item no.6875]

Vecchi, Orazio. L’Amfiparnaso. Il testo letterario e il testo musicale. A cura di Renzo Bez.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/100. Bologna, 2007. 4°, 50, 94 pp. New critical edition (score) of the musical comedy printed by Orazio Vecchi in 1597. This polyphonic masterpiece owes part of its success over the centuries to its attempt to unite the two Parnassus’s, that of music and that of comic poetry, to which the allegorical title (”double Parnassus”) explicitly alludes. Wrappers. Special sale print $30, regularly $63 [item no.8825]


De clavicordio VII. The Clavichord and the Lute. Proceedings of the VII International Clavichord Symposium, Magnano, 7 - 10 September 2005. Edited by Bernard Brauchli, Alberto Galazzo, Judith Wardman.

Piemonte, 2006. 8º, 277 pp. Articles on all aspects of the clavichord by leading scholars, builders and performers; authors in this issue include: P. Bavington, L. Bemmann, B. Brauchli, G. Crowell, Chr. D’Alessandro, M. Erdman, E. Helenius, U. Henning, J. Heringman, Chr. Hogwood, A. Huber, D. Ledbetter, L. Libin, G. O'Brien, P. Padilla/J. L. Garcia, P. Simmonds, I. Wjuniski. Wrappers. $89 (more info... ) [item no.6617]

De clavicordio VIII. The Clavichord on the Iberian Peninsula. Proceedings of the International Clavichord Symposium, Magnano, 5 - 8 September 2007. Edited by Bernard Brauchli, Alberto Galazzo, Judith Wardman.

Piemonte, 2008. 8º, 256 pp. Articles on all aspects of the clavichord by leading scholars, builders and performers; authors in this issue include: D. Adlam, P. Bavington, L. Bemmann, J. Benson, Ch. Besnainou, B. Brauchli, Chr. D'Alessandro, D. Demel, G. Doderer, M. Erdman, S. Field, L. Gineis, E. Helenius, U. Henning, A. Huber, H. E. Svensson, M. Tsalka, C. & W. Ullrich-Eberius, P. Verbeek, and I. Wjuniski. Wrappers. $89 (more info... ) [item no.6692]

De Clavicordio X. Proceedings of the X International Clavichord Symposium Magnano, 6–10 September 2011 Edited by B. Brauchli, A. Galazzo, J. Wardman.

Piemonte, 2010. 8º, 284 pp. Articles on all aspects of the clavichord by leading scholars, builders and performers. This issue includes an article on the Swedish lute. Wrappers. $79 (more info... ) [item no.6946]

Serdoura, Miguel. Method for the Baroque Lute. A Practical Guide for Beginning and Advanced Lutenists

Bologna, 2008. 4˚, 364 pp. Comprehensive tutor for the 11- and 13-course Baroque lute, including an anthology of 250 pieces divided into 3 levels of difficulty. Wrappers. $97 [item no.6688]