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Music Theory & Music Criticism (9th to the 20th c.), including instrumental & vocal instructional books. Manuscript facsimiles and facsimiles of first and early editions, together with a selection of modern editions & studies. For ordering information go to Contact OMI

NEW ! —our theory catalog now gives you 5 different viewing options—just click the period(s) you want :

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AFFLIGEMENSIS, Johannis, 14th c.

De musica cum tonario. Edidit S. Smits van Waesberghe.

Corpus Scriptorum de Musica, 1. Rome, 1950. 8º, 207 with 15 pp. Introduction and new edition with critical commentary. Includes 15 halftone plates from various mss. Hardbound. $86 [item no.3631]


Delle rime volgari. Trattato de Antonio da Tempo, Giudice Padovano, composto nel 1332, dato in luce integralmente ora la prima volta per cura di Giusto Grion.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, V/14. Bologna, 1970. 8º, 384 pp. (Rpt. of Bologna, 1896 edition). Hardbound. $72 [item no.5389]

COUSSEMAKER, Charles Edmond, 1805-1876

Scriptorum de musica medii aevi novam seriem a Gerbertina alteram collegit nuncque primum edidit.

Hildesheim, 2/ 1988. 8º, 4 vols, 2122 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1864-76 edition. Basic collection of medieval treatises which, combined with Gerbert’s Scriptores, constitutes an almost complete library of treatises from the Middle Ages and early Renaissance. 4 vols, in linen. $552 [item no.3030]

ESTEVAN, Fernand, 14-15th c.

Reglas de canto plano è de contrapunto è de canto de organo. Primer tratado de música escrito en Castellano. Comentario, estudio, transcripción y facsímil por Ma. Pilar Escudero García.

Madrid, 1984. 17 x 24 cm, 213, with 80 pp. Halftone of a contemporary ms copy from c.1410, the first treatise on music in the Spanish language. Influenced later theorists on the peninsula, including Bartolomé Ramos de Pareja, Fray Juan Bermudo and others. Facsimiles on facing pages with diplomatic transcription. Commentary in Sp. Bibliography. Wrappers. $36 [item no.1937]

GERBERT, Martin, 1720-1793

Monumenta veteris liturgiae alemannicae.

Hildesheim, 1967. 8º, 854 pp. Line-cut of the St. Blasien, 1777-79 edition. 2 vols, in linen. $222 [item no.3868]

Scriptores ecclesiastici de musica sacra potissimum ex variis italiae, galliae et germaniae codicibus manuscriptis collecti et nunc primum publica luce donati.

Milan, [1931]. 8º, 3 vols, 1166 pp. Line-cut of the St. Blasien, 1784 edition. Basic collection of medieval treatises which, combined with Coussemaker’s Scriptorum, constitutes an almost complete library of treatises from the Middle Ages and early Renaissance. Hardbound with paper boards. $250 [item no.7547]

Scriptores ecclesiastici de musica sacra potissimum ex variis italiae, galliae et germaniae codicibus manuscriptis collecti et nunc primum publica luce donati.

Hildesheim, 1963. 8º, 3 vols, 1166 pp. Line-cut of the St. Blasien, 1784 edition, in slightly reduced format. Linen. $312 [item no.3869]

Vetus liturgia alemannica.

Hildesheim, 1967. 8º, 1048 pp. Line-cut of the St. Blasien, 1776 edition. 2 vols, in linen. $267 [item no.3870]

PLUTARCH, c. 46-d.?

Dialogue sur la musique traduit en françois avec des remarques par M. [Pierre Jean] Burette.

Geneva, 1973. 8º, 538 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1735 edition. Greek and French texts facing each other, followed by notes on the authors cited and corrections. First published in Mémoires de littérature. Hardbound. $172 [item no.4184]

PTOLEMAEUS, Claudius, c.85-c.163

Harmonicorum libri tres. A Facsimile of the Oxford, 1682 Edition.

Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/60. New York, 1977. 20 x 26 cm, 447 pp. Line-cut of the Latin translation edited by John Wallis (Oxford, 1682). Considered the most scientific and best arranged treatise on the theory of musical scales by a Greek writer. Laid paper with handsome binding in white linen. [item no.2628]

SPECHSHART, Hugo, c.1285-1359

Flores musicae [omnis cantus Gregoriani]. [Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].

Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 37. Stuttgart, 2005. 15 x 22 cm, 168 pp + 1 foldout. Color reproduction of the Strasbourg, 1488 edition. Although written in 1332, this important padagogicial work was not published until 1488. The treatise, partly in verse, comprises 4 chapters covering solmization, the monochord, intervals and the ecclesiastical modes; the division proposed for the monochord is the first based on the chromatic scale. The marvelous woodblocks include a full-page scene with men forging, a Guidonian hand, a foldout of the monochord and numerous musical examples in Hufnagel notation. Harbound. $98 (more info... ) [item no.8554]


[Avranches, Bibl. Mun., 236, 237] MSS Avranches, Bibliothèque Municipale, 236, 237. Music Theory in Medieval Normandy. Volume 1: Boethius’ De institutione musica. Edited by Alma Santosuosso.

Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 24/1. Ottawa, 1999. 22 x 31 cm, lxxxii, 242, 16 pp. Halftone of two 10th c. mss once in the possession of the abbey of Mont Saint-Michel. Mss 236, compiled for teaching purposes, contains the complete text of Botethius’ treatise on music and excerpts from Venerable Bede’s treatises on the art of poetry, the reckoning of time and a few quotations from De natura rerum. Ms 237 comprises Boethius’ De institutione musica, a short unpublished text on the modes, and six diagrams of the different species. Hardbound. $185 [item no.7739]

[Florence, Bibl. Naz., Conv. soppr. F.III.565] Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale, Conv. soppr. F.III.565. Edited by Alma Santosuosso.

Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 19. Ottawa, 1994. 8º, clxxviii, 115, 5 pp. Line-cut of an early 12th-c. composite ms transmitting theoretical texts. Includes Guido’s Micrologus, Regulae rhythmicae, Prologus in antiphonarum, & Epistola de ignoto cantu, the treatises Musicae artis disciplina and Dialogus de musica (Abbot Odo of Arezzo), plus a wide variety of miscellaneous theoretical writings, which in some instances run directly into another without a break. With inventory and general index. Hardbound. $115 [item no.7010]

(Gardner, Johann von & Erwin Koschmieder) Ein handschriftliches Lehrbuch der altrussischen Neumenschrift herausgegeben von Johann von Gardner und Erwin Koschmieder.

Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse, 57/62/68. Munich, 1963-1972. 22 x 31 cm, I: 369; II: 66; II: 288 pp Halftone of a central Russian Orthodox ms (c.1700) which teaches an oral tradition that dates back to the early dates of the Byzantine Church. Edition in modern notation with diplomatic transcription. 2 commentary vols. Wrappers. $202 [item no.1504]

Montecassino Archivio dell’Abbazia Cod. 318. Facsimile e commentarii. A cura di Mariano Dell’Omo e Nicola Tangari.

Bibliotheca Mediaevalis, 4. Lucca, 2018. 21 x 30 cm. 258, 320 pp. Color halftone of one of the most important medieval manuscripts of writings about music. MS 318, possibly copied at Montecassino, is an enormous compendium, containing the writings of Guido d’Arezzo, the famous Musica enchiriadis texts and much more. Many items are unique to this MS. There is non-musical matter as well. Contributors to commentary: Mariano Dell’Omo, Francis Newton, Giiulia Orofino, Thomas Forrest Kelly, Angelo Rusconi, Luisa Nardini, Maddalena Sparagna, Nicola Tangari. 2 vols. $179 (more info... ) [item no.9578]

München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 14965b. The Tonary of Frutolf of Michelsberg [ff.34-73v]. Introduction and Index by Rebecca Maloy.

Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 32. Ottawa, 2006. 22 x 28 cm, 68, 80 pp. Halftone of the second of two tonaries transmitted in MS 14965b, securely attributed to Frutold of Michelsberg (d. 1103) based on close textual parallels between it and the “Breviarum de musica”. The tonary, long recognized as one of the most important larger German tonaries, presents a complete list of Mass and Office chants, sequences and processional antiphons. Cloth. $130 [item no.8688]

Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, fonds latin 7211. Analysis, Inventory and Text Prepared by Alma Colk Santosuosso.

Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 18. Ottawa, 1991. 8º, xcvii, 302, iv pp. Halftone of an important composite ms transmitting 38 texts of medieval music theory. Includes Musica enchirias, Scolica enchiriadis, texts by Aurelian of Réôme, Guido of Arezzo, Isidore of Seville, and many anonymous authors. The ms is, in Lawrence Gushee’s words, “a puzzle: a crazy quilt of everything from Martianus Capella to Odo”. With new inventory, bibliography and index. Hardbound. $108 [item no.4573]

[Paris, Bibl. Nationale, lat. 10509] Paris Bibliothèque National, fonds latin 10509.

Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 24/2. Ottawa, 2003. 18 x 25 cm, 111, 130, 5 pp. Halftone of a ms transmitting medieval music and music theory from monasteries in Normandy. The first part of the ms (c.1175) contains the office for Saint Taurinus, a collection of tracts, and a composition for the Virgin Mary. An anthology of theoretical tracts comprise the second section, including two works by Guido of Arezzo. Cloth. $94 [item no.8396]

[Piacenza, Biblioteca Capitolare, 65] Il libro del Maestro - Piacenza, Biblioteca Capitolare, C.65.

Piacenza, 1997. 34 x 51 cm, 904, 273 pp. Fine color halftone of a rare 12th-c. manuscript from the Cathedral of Piacenza. One of the first ”encyclopedias” of Western Europe, with great historic, paleographic, liturgical and artistic significance, touching the history of music, theater, miniature production, medicine, agriculture and the esoteric sciences. The codex consists of a calendar, psalter, divine office, gradual (with troper-sequentiary), antiphonary, and obiturary. With commentary by Brian Møller Jensen and congress proceeding edited by Pierre Racine. Deluxe binding in full leather. (please inquire for special OMI price) (more info... ) [item no.7626]

[Porto, Biblioteca Pública Municipal, ms. 714] Porto 714: Um manuscrito precioso. Manuel Pedro Ferreira.

Porto, 2001. 15.5 x 23 cm, 240 pp. Color halftone of a lovely renaissance manuscript probably written in Ferrara around 1465. This source actually consists of two parts, a theoretical section, fols.1-50 (a tract on solmization, tones and modes and the “Libellus cantus mensurabilis” by the celebrated theorist Johannes de Muris), and a collection of polyphonic songs with Italian or French texts, fols.51-79, copied in choirbook format. The music notation for the song section—executed in solid black and red ink—figures—is unusual for this time period. The composers include Robert de Anglia (2), Galfridus de Anglia (2), John Bedyngham (3), Guillaume Dufay (8) and Gilles Joye (1). The ms features 30 decorated initials executed in gold, blue, red and green ink. Commentary and codicological remarks in Portuguese and English. Bound in dark brown cloth with embossed title. (more info... ) [item no.8594]

[Vatican, Bibl. Apost., Ottob. 3025] Der vatikanische Organum-Traktat (Ottob. lat. 3025): Organum-Praxis der frühen Notre Dame-Schule und ihre Vorstufen. [Hrsg. von] Frieder Zaminer.

Münchner Veröffentlichungen zur Musikgeschichte, 2. Tutzing, 1959. 205, with 10 & 21 dipl. trans pp. Line-cut of a manual written as a primer on the Notre Dame held-tone and copula style. With historical-stylistic study, edition, and diplomatic edition. $39 [item no.1454]


Bernhard, M. & C. Bower. Glossa maior in institutionem musicam Boethii, edd. Michael Bernhard et Calvin Bower.

Veröffentlichungen der Musikhistorischen Kommission, 9. München, 1993. 8º, lxxvi, 358 pp. Wrappers. $53 [item no.5601]

Bernhard, M. & C. Bower. Glossa maior in institutionem musicam Boethii, edd. Michael Bernhard et Calvin Bower. Editionsband II.

Veröffentlichungen der Musikhistorischen Kommission, 10. München, 1994. 8º, ix, 302 pp. Wrappers. $45 [item no.5677]

Bernhard, M. & C. Bower. Glossa maior in institutionem musicam Boethii, edd. Michael Bernhard et Calvin Bower. Editionsband III.

Veröffentlichungen der Musikhistorischen Kommission, 10. München, 1996. 8º, i, 403 pp. Wrappers. $53 [item no.6900]

Ellsworth, Oliver B. The Berkeley Manuscript. University of California Music Library, MS 744 (olim Phillipps 4450). A New Critical Text and Translation on Facing Pages, with an Introduction, Annotations, and indices verborum and nominum et rerum by Oliver B. Ellsworth.

Greek and Latin Music Theory, [2]. Lincoln, 1984. 8º, x, 317 pp. Cloth. $35 [item no.5704]


[Alamire Foundation] Yearbook of the Alamire Foundation 6. [Proceedings of “Bruges-Venice: Music in Two Urban Mosaics”, Bruges, 14-16 December 2001; and part I of the 17th International Congress of the International Musicological Society, Leuven, 1-7 August 2002].

Leuven-Neerpelt, 2008. 8º, 432 pp. Contents - Mary E. Wolinski: Drinking Motets in Medieval Artois and Flanders; Julie E. Cumming: From Variety to Repetition: The Birth of Imitative Polyphony; Eric Rice: The Role of Acoustics in the Performance of Renaissance Polyphony at the Collegiate Church of Saint Mary in Aachen; Katelijne Schiltz: Polyphony and Word-Sound in Adrian Willaert’s Laus Tibi Sacra Rubens; Luminita Florea: Virtus Scriptoris: Steps towards a Typology of Illustration Borrowing in Music Theory Treatises of the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance; C. Matthew Balensuela: Ut hec te figura docet: The Transformation of Music Theory Illustrations from Manuscripts to Print; Thomas Holme Hansen: Change and Continuity in Twentieth-Century Textbooks on Sixteenth-Century Counterpoint; Donna G. Cardamone Jackson: Orlando di Lasso et al.: A New Reading of the Roman Villanella Book (1555); Peter Bergquist: The Two Editions of Lasso’s Selectissimae Cantiones, 1568 and 1579; Richard Freedman: Who Owned Lasso’s Chansons?; Bernhold Schmid: ... Nec non tyronibus quàm eius artis peritioribus summopere inservientes. Zurgedruckten Überlieferung von Lassos Bicinien; Philippe Canguilhem: Musique et politique à Florence dans la première moitié du XVIe siècle; Le statut du madrigal à la lumière de nouvelles sources; Susan Lewis Hammond: Selling the Madrigal: Pierre Phalèse II and the Four ‘Antwerp Anthologies’. Wrappers. $69 [item no.6686]

Augustini, A. Praecepta artis musicae, edidit I. Vecchi.

Scriptores, 1. Bologna, 2/ 1986. 8º, 63 pp. Wrappers. $20 [item no.5247]

Balensuela, C. Matthew. Ars cantus mensurabilis mensurata per modos iuris / The Art of Mensurable Song Measured by the Modes of Law. A New Critical Text and Translation on Facing Pages, With an Introduction, Annotations, and indices verborum and nominum et rerum by C. Matthew Balensuela.

Greek and Latin Music Theory, 10. Lincoln, 1994. 8º, xii, 330 pp. Critical edition and translation of an anonymous fourteenth-century treatise, which appeared, incomplete, as ”Anonymous V” in vol. 3 of Coussemaker’s Scriptores de musica medii aevi. Cloth. $30 [item no.5701]

Barbera, André. Music Theory and Its Sources: Antiquity and the Middle Ages.

Notre Dame, 1990. 8º, 319 pp. Collection of essays by T.J. Mathiesen, A. Barbera, J. Solomon, A. Shiloah, N. Phillips, M. Bernhard, H. Huglo, J. Yudkin, F.A. Gallo, T. Seebass, J. Herlinger, & C.V. Palisca. Cloth. $55 [item no.5599]

Barbera, André. The Euclidean Division of the Canon. Greek and Latin Sources. New Critical texts and Translations on Facing Pages, with an Introduction, Annotations, and indices verborum and nominum et rerum by André Barbera.

Greek and Latin Music Theory, [8]. Lincoln, 1991. 8º, xi, 316 pp. Cloth. $27 [item no.5602]

Boncompagno da Signa. Testi riguardanti la vita degli studenti a Bologna nel sec. XIII (dal “Boncompagnus”, lib. I), a cura di V. Pini.

Testi per Esercitazioni, 6. Bologna, 1968. 8º, 56 pp. (Rpt. of Bologna, 1868 edition). Wrappers. $15 [item no.5136]

Bouckaert, Bruno. Cantus 21. Mémoires du chant. Le livre de musique d’Isidore de Séville à Edmond de Coussemaker. Sous la direction de Bruno Bouckaert. Contributeurs: Florence Albaret, Véronique Denolf, Sandrine Dumont, Nele Gabriëls, Valérie Guéant, Barbara Haggh-Huglo, Thiphaine Hébert, Sofie Taes, Bruno Bouckaert, Johan Eeckeloo, Michel Huglo, Gilbert Huybens, Pierre-Jacques Lamblin, Christian Meyer, Damien Top.

Cantus 21: Patrimoine Musical du Nord de la France. Neerpelt, 2007. 24 x 29 cm, 240pp. From 19 Nov. 2005 to 18 Feb. 2006 four exhibitions, entitled “Cantus21. Patrimoine musical du Nord de la France”, were organized in Cambrai (Maison Falleur/Médiathèque municipale), Douai (Bibl. municipale and Musée de la Chartreuse) and Bailleul (Musée Benoît-De-Puydt). This exceptionally beautiful and illustrated publication is the scholarly outcome of this event containing detailed descriptions of, and commentaries on more than 150 manuscripts, prints, treatises and archival documents. 2 sections are dedicated mainly to plainchant sources and liturgical manuscripts, one elaborates on sources of polyphony and music theory from the North of France and a final section is dedicated to Charles Edmond Henri de Coussemaker (1805-1876), who was a pioneer in listing and studying music sources from the North of France. A lot of attention is paid to his vast private collection (more than 1600 books, prints and mss) and to the large number of pieces which found their way into the collections of the Brussels Royal Library and the Library of the Brussels Royal Conservatory. Wrappers. $59 (more info... ) [item no.8928]

Ciconia, Johannes. Nova musica and De proportionibus. New critical Texts and Translations on Facing Pages, with an Introduction, Annotations, and indices verborum and nominum et rerum by Oliver B. Ellsworth.

Greek and Latin Music Theory, [9]. Lincoln, 1993. 8º, x, 531 pp. Cloth. $35 [item no.5613]

De Bartholomaeis, Vincenzo. Origini della poesia drammatica italiana. Ristampa anastatica dell’edizione 1952 a cura e con introduzione di Francesco Zimei.

Documenti di Storia Musicale Abruzzese, 6. Lucca, 2009. 8º, xvii, 538 pp. A seminal work on Italian poetry of the late Middle Ages. Wrappers. $65 [item no.6878]

Eggebrecht, Hans Heinrich & Frieder Zaminer. Ad organum faciendum. Lehrschriften der Mehrstimmigkeit in nachguidonischer Zeit.

Neue Studien zur Musikwissenschaft, III. Mainz, 1970. 19 x 28 cm, 242, 20 pp. Linen. $105 [item no.5658]

Gallo, F. Alberto. La teoria della notazione in Italia dalla fine del XIII all’inizio del XV secolo.

Subsida Theorica, 2. Bologna, 1966. 4º, 104 pp. Wrappers. $22 [item no.5262]

Gallo, F. Alberto. Tractatuli mensurabilis musicae prodeunt curante F. Alberto Gallo.

Scriptores, I/1. Bologna, 1966. 8º, xi, 74 pp. Critical edition of 8 complementary treatises on mensural notation. Works include Guidonis fratris: Ars musice mensurate, Petri de Amalfia: Compendium artis motectorum, and the anonymous treatises Capitulum de semibrevibus, Fragmentum de mensuris, Fragmentum de proportionibus, Capitulum de modo accipiendo, Musice compilatio & Tractatulus de figuris et temporibus. With introduction. Wrappers. $19 [item no.5242]

Gallo, F. Alberto. La tradizione dei trattati musicali di Prosdocimo de Beldemandis.

Biblioteca di “Quadrivium”, Serie Musicologica, 5. Bologna, 1964. 8º, 32, with 3 pp. Detailed inventory of sources for the writings of Prosdocimo: Florence, Bibl. Medicea Laur. Ash. 206; Bologna, Civico Museo Bibliogr. A 56; Cremona, Bibl. Governativa, 238; Catania, Bibl. riunite Civica e A. Ursino Recupero, D 39; Vatican, Bibl. Apost. Vaticana, vat. lat. 5321; and Lucca, Bibl. Governativa, 359. Wrappers. $16 [item no.5048]

Gennrich, Friedrich. Abriss der frankonischen Mensuralnotation herausgegeben von Friedrich Gennrich.

Musikwissenschaftliche Studienbibliothek, 1/2. Darmstadt, 1956. 15 x 21 cm, 35, vi, 30 pp. 2nd rev. ed. Halftones from 9 central 13th-c. motet sources as didactic material for understanding and transcribing Franconian notation. Historical introduction. Wrappers. $25 [item no.1444]

Gennrich, Friedrich. Abriss der Mensuralnotation des XIV. Jahrhunderts und der ersten Hälfte des XV. Jahrhunderts von Friedrich Gennrich.

Musikwissenschaftliche Studienbibliothek, 1/2. Nieder-Modau, 1948. 15 x 21 cm, 38, iii, 27 foldout pp. Includes 26 line-cut reproductions (in 2 colors for examples with red notation) from Paris BN fr. 146, Paris BN Picc 67, Paris BN fr. 1584, Chantilly MC 564, Munich BSB 3232a, Paris BN 1917, & Vat. BAV Rossi 215, Historical introduction. Wrappers. Ex libris Suki Thiemann [Sommer]. Wrappers. $35 [item no.8914]

[Geschichte der Musiktheorie, v.3] Rezeption des antiken Fachs im Mittelalter. Von Michael Bernhard, Arno Borst, Detlef Illmer, Albrecht Riethmüller, Klaus-Jürgen Sachs.

Geschichte der Musiktheorie, 3. Darmstadt, 1990. 8º, 338 pp. Linen. $62 [item no.5600]

[Geschichte der Musiktheorie, v.4] Die Lehre vom einstimmigen liturgischen Gesang von Michel Huglo, Charles M. Aktinson, Christian Meyer, Karlheinz Schlager, Nancy Phillips.

Geschichte der Musiktheorie, 4. Darmstadt, 2000. 8º, xiv, 681 pp. Linen. $96 [item no.6280]

[Geschichte der Musiktheorie, v.5] Die mittelalteriche Lehre von der Mehrstimmigkeit. Von Hans Heinrich Eggebrecht, F. Alberto Gallo, Max Haas, Klaus-Jürgen Sachs.

Geschichte der Musiktheorie, 5. Darmstadt, 1984. 8º, 388 pp. Linen. $71 [item no.5603]

Handlo, Robertus de & Johannes Hanboys. Regulae / The Rules. Robertus de Handlo, and Summa / The summa. Johannes Hanboys. A New Critical Text and Translation on Facing Pages, with an Introduction, Annotations, and indices verborum and nominum et rerum by Peter M. Lefferts.

Greek and Latin Music Theory, [7]. Lincoln, 1991. 8º, x, 403 pp. Cloth. $35 [item no.5709]

Hanssens, Jean Michel. Amalarii episcopi opera liturgia omnia. Edita a Ioanne Michaele Hanssens Presbytero Societatis Iesu. Tomus I: Introductio – Opera minora; Tomus II: Liber officialis; Tomus III: Liber de ordine antiphonarii – Eclogae de ordine Romano – Appendix tomi I et II – Indices.

Studi et Testi, 138-140. Città del Vaticano, 2/ 1993. 8º, 3 vols, 1454 pp. (Rpt. of Rome, 1948-50 edition). Wrappers. $104 [item no.5778]

[Jacopo da Bologna & Paolo da Firenze] Trattati teorici di Jacopo da Bologna e di Paolo da Firenze a cura di P.P. Scattolin.

Scriptores, I/2. Bologna, 1975. 8º, 80 pp. Wrappers. $15 [item no.5243]

Kromolicki, J. Die Practica artis musicae des Amerus und ihre Stellung in der Musiktheorie des Mittelalters.

Biblioteca Storico Giuridica e Artistico Letteraria: Letteratura Musica Teatro, 1. Bologna, 1972. 8º, 60 pp. (Rpt. of Berlin, 1909 edition). Wrappers. $23 [item no.5089]

Laloy, Louis. Aristoxène de Tarente et la musique de l’antiquité.

Geneva, 1973. 8º, 384 pp. (Rpt. of Paris, 1904 edition). Wrappers. $76 [item no.5511]

Laloy, Louis. Aristoxène de Tarente et la musique de l’antiquité.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, III/55. Bologna, 1979. 8º, 422 pp. (Rpt. of Paris, 1904 edition). One of the best books on ancient Greek music and the best account of Aristoxenu. Cloth. [item no.5348]

Machabey, A. De Ptolémée aux Carolingiens.

Biblioteca di “Quadrivium”, Serie Musicologica, 4. Bologna, 1964. 8º, 24 pp. Wrappers. $14 [item no.5047]

Maître, Claire. La réforme cistercienne du plain-chant: étude d’un traité théorique [par] Claire Maître.

Studia et Documenta, 6. Brecht, 1995. 8º, 453 pp. Critical edition and study of Guido d’Eu’s Regule de arte musica, considered one of the most important documents for understanding the theoretical foundations of the music of the Cistercian order. Maître describes the milieu in which the treatise was written and provides a thorough account of the two phases of chant reform carried out by the Cistercians durring the 12th c. Bilingual edition (Latin/French). Cloth. $90 [item no.6224]

Prosdocimo de’ Beldomandi. Opera Prosdocimi de Beldemandis: Expositiones tractatus pratice cantus mensurabilis magistri Johannis de Muris, prodeunt curante F. Alberto Gallo.

Scriptores, III/1. Bologna, 1966. 8º, xv, 204, with 2 illus pp. New critical edition with introduction. Wrappers. $31 [item no.5244]

Prosdocimo de’ Beldomandi. Brevis summula proportionum quantum ad musicam pertinet and Parvus tractatulus de modo monacordum dividendi / A Short Summary of Ratios Insofar as They Pertain to Music and A Little Treatise on the Method of Dividing the Monochord. A New Critical Text and Translation, with an Introduction by Jan Herlinger.

Greek and Latin Music Theory, [4]. Lincoln, 1987. 8º, 182 pp. Cloth. $25 [item no.5706]

Prosdocimo de’ Beldomandi. Contrapunctus / Counterpoint. A New Critical Text and Translation on Facing Pages, with an Introduction, Annotations, and indices verborum and nominum et rerum by Jan Herlinger.

Greek and Latin Music Theory, [1]]. Lincoln, 1984. 8º, 109 pp. Cloth. $25 [item no.5703]

Saiani, A. L’“Epithalanium Beatae Mariae Virginis” di Giovanni di Garlandia fra Adamo e Dante.

Biblioteca di “Quadrivium”, Serie Filologica, 7. Bologna, 1980. 8º, 146 pp. Wrappers. $22 [item no.5043]

Sesini, Ugo (collected essays) Musicologia e filologia. Raccolta di studi sul ritmo e sulla melica del medio evo.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, V/8. Bologna, 1971. 8º, 187 pp. Collection of 12 essays first published between 1937 and 1948 on textual problems in medieval music. Preface by Giuseppe Vecchi. Cloth. [item no.5387]

Smits van Waesberghe, Joseph. Adalbodi episcopi ultraiectensis: Epistola cum tractatu. De musica instrumentali humanaque ac mundana. [Bibl. Apost., Vatican, Ms. Barb. 283].

Divitiae Musicae Artis, A.II. Schola Palaeographica Amstelodamensi Conspirante Collectae Auspice Josepho Smits van Waesberghe. Buren, 1981. 17 x 24 cm, 11, 20, 90, 12 pp. Introduction, edition, commentary and halftone of a treatise attributed to Adalbold, Bischof of Utrecht (flourished c.1000-50). Based on a 13th-c. copy. Wrappers. $62 [item no.1516]

Smits van Waesberghe, Joseph. Bernonis augiensis abbatis de arte musica disputationes traditae. Pars A: Bernonis augiensis de mensurado monochordo; Pars B: Quae ratio est inter tria opera de arte musica bernonis augiensis.

Divitiae Musicae Artis, A.6. Schola Palaeographica Amstelodamensi Conspirante Collectae Auspice Josepho Smits van Waesberghe. Buren, 1978-79. 17 x 24 cm, 2 vols, 94, 126 pp. Introduction, edition, commentary and halftones from a nucleus of sources. Wrappers. $104 [item no.6902]

Smits van Waesberghe, Joseph. Codex oxoniensis Bibl. Bodl. Rawl. C 270. Pars A: “De vocum consonantiss” AC “De re musica” (Osberni cantuariensis?)

Divitiae Musicae Artis, A.X. Schola Palaeographica Amstelodamensi Conspirante Collectae Auspice Josepho Smits van Waesberghe. Buren, 1979-80. 17 x 24 cm, 2 vols, 72, 104 pp. Introduction, edition, commentary and halftone reproduction of Rawl. C 270. Wrappers. $102 [item no.6903]

Smits van Waesberghe, Joseph. De numero tonorum litterae episcopi A. Ad coepiscopum E. missae ac Commentum super tonos Episcopi E. (ad 1000). [Staatsbibl. Berlin, lat. 8° 265; Bibl. Nazionale, Naples, VIII D 14].

Divitiae Musicae Artis, A.I. Schola Palaeographica Amstelodamensi Conspirante Collectae Auspice Josepho Smits van Waesberghe. Buren, 1975. 17 x 24 cm, 99 pp. Introduction, edition, commentary and halftone of two complementary tonaries c.1000. Wrappers. $62 [item no.6901]

Smits van Waesberghe, Joseph. Musica domni Heinrici augustensis magistri. [Österr. Nationbibl., Vienna, Ms. cpv 51].

Divitiae musicae artis, A.VII. Schola Palaeographica Amstelodamensi Conspirante Collectae Auspice Josepho Smits van Waesberghe. Buren, 1977. 17 x 24 cm, 32, 22, 5 pp. Commentary, edition and halftone of treatise by Heinrich from Augsburg (11th c.), from a 12th-c. Austrian or South German copy. Written in the form of a teacher-student dialogue. Wrappers. $41 [item no.1543]

Smits van Waesberghe, Joseph. Tres tractatuli Guidonis Aretini: Guidonis “Prologus in antiphonarium”. [Österr. Nationalbibl., Vienna, Ms. cpv 51].

Divitiae musicae artis, A.III. Schola Palaeographica Amstelodamensi Conspirante Collectae Auspice Josepho Smits van Waesberghe. Buren, 1975. 17 x 24 cm, 55, 24, 8 pp. Introduction, edition and halftone of a 12th-c. Austrian or South German theoretical manual transmitting the doctrine of Guido. 6 concordances also in facsimile. Wrappers. $47 [item no.1562]

Stoquerus, Gaspar. De musica verbali libri duo / Two Books on Verbal Music. A New Critical Text and Translation on Facing Pages, with an Introduction, Annotations, and indices verborum and nominum et rerum by Albert C. Rotola.

Greek and Latin Music Theory, [5]. Lincoln, 1988. 8º, xii, 298 pp. Cloth. $30 [item no.5707]

Toffetti, Marina. Edizioni moderna di musica antica. Sei letture critiche a cura di Marina Toffetti. Prefazione di Maria Caraci Vela.

Didattica della Filologia Musicale, 1. Lucca, 1997. 8º, 200 pp. Wrappers. [item no.5990]

Tractatus figurarum / Treatise on Noteshapes. A New Critical Text and Translation on Facing Pages, with and Introduction, annotations, and indices verboroum and nominum et rerum by Philip E. Schreur.

Greek and Latin Music Theory, 6. Lincoln, 1989. 8º, xii, 122 pp. Cloth. $25 [item no.5708]

[Uguccione da Pisa] Il “De dubio accentu” di Uguccione da Pisa [a cura di] Giuseppe Cremascoli.

Magistri Artium, Collana di studi e testi, 1. Bologna, 1969. 8º, 92 pp. Comprehensive study of Uguccione’s grammatical doctrine (12th c.), with thorough investigation of the relationship of the surviving mss. Full critical edition of two principal redactions. Wrappers. Special sale price, $10, regularly $20 [item no.5263]

Vecchi, Giuseppe. Su la composizione del “Pomerium” di Marchetto da Padova e la “Brevis compilatio”.

Biblioteca di “Quadrivium”, Serie Musicologica, 1. Bologna, 1957. 8º, 53 pp. Wrappers. $9 [item no.5044]

Vivell, Cölestin. Initia tractatuum musices ex codicibus editorum. Collegit et ordine alphabetico disposuit.

Geneva, 1976. 8º, 360 pp. (Rpt. of Graz, 1912 edition). Collection of incipits of treatises from the Middle Ages. Hardbound. $86 [item no.5528]