Saturday, 8 February 2025
Music Theory & Music Criticism (9th to the 20th c.), including
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ADAM, Louis, 1758-1848
[Method, piano]
Méthode de piano.
Méthodes Instrumentales, VII. Geneva, 1974. 4º, 246 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1805 edition. Hardbound. $160
[item no.2772]
ALARD, Jean-Delphin, 1815-1888
[Method, violin]
École du violon. Méthode complète et progressive à l’usage du conservatoire. [Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris].
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2001. 4º, 115 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1842 edition. Wrappers. $45
[item no.7957]
ALTENBURG, Johann Ernst, 1734-1801
[Method, trumpet]
Versuch einer Anleitung zur heroisch-musikalischen Trompeter- & Paukerkunst.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/36. New York, 1967. 8º, 144 pp. Line-cut of the Halle, 1795 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.2925]
[Method, trumpet]
Versuch einer Anleitung zur heroisch-musikalischen Trompeter- und Paukerkunst. Faksimile der Ausgabe von 1795 mit einem Nachwort in Deutsch und Englisch von Frieder Zschoch.
Leipzig, 1972. 19 x 20 cm, 144 facs, x pp. Line-cut of the Halle, 1795 edition. $45
[item no.3162]
[Method, trumpet]
Versuch einer Anleitung zur heroisch-musikalischen Trompeter- und Paukerkunst. Reprint der Ausgabe von 1795. Nachwort von Frieder Zschoch. [Städtische Bibliothek, Leipzig].
Dokumentationen, Reprints, 31. Michaelstein, 1993. 17 x 19 cm, 144 facs, x pp. Line-cut of the Halle, 1795 edition. Wrappers. $38
[item no.4662]
AMIOT, Joseph-Marie, 1718-d.?
Mémoire sur la musique des chinois tant anciens que modernes. Avec des notes, des observations et une table des matières, par l’Abbé Roussier.
Geneva, 2/ 2004. 8º, 322 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1779 edition. Observations written by a Jesuit missionary in Peking; discusses the eight kinds of sounds, “lu” (twelve semitones within the octave), and the tones. With 30 plates. Wrappers. $116
[item no.4246]
ARNOLD, Ignaz Ferdinand, 1774-1812
Gallerie der berühmtesten Tonkünstler des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts. Ihre kurzen Biografieen, karaktersierende Anekdoten und ästhetische Darstellung ihrer Werke.
Buren, 1984. 8º, 767 pp. Line-cut of the Erfurt, 1810 edition. Linen. $149
[item no.7004]
ARTEAGA, Esteban, 1747-1799
[& J.N. Forkel]
Geschichte der italiänischen Oper. Aus dem Italiänischen übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von Johann Nicolaus Forkel.
Hildesheim, 1973. 11 x 17 cm, 887 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1789 edition. Linen. $222
[item no.3857]
AUGUSTIN FLORENCIO, Francisco, 18th c.
Crotologia o ciencia de las castañuelas.
Colección Biblioteca Valeciana. Valencia, n.d. 11 x 16 cm, 126 pp. Line-cut of the Valencia, 1792 edition. Wrappers. $22
[item no.7239]
Impugnación literaria a la crotalogia erudita, o ciencia de las castañuelas para vaylar el bolero, que en IV. reimpresiones.
Colección Biblioteca Valeciana. Valencia, n.d. 11 x 16 cm, 64 pp. Line-cut of the Valencia, 1792 edition. Wrappers. $19
[item no.7240]
BACKOFEN, Johann Georg Heinrich, 1768-1830
[Method, clarinet & basset horn]
Anweisung zur Klarinette nebst einer kurzen Abhandlung über das Bassett-Horn. Reprint der Ausgabe Leipzig 1803, herausgegeben und mit einem Vorwort versehen von Karl Ventzke.
Celle, 1986. 8º, i, 38 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1803 edition. Wrappers. $15
[item no.4330]
BACQUOY-GUÉDON, Alexis, 18th c.
Bacquoy-Guédon, Alexis.
Méthode pour exercer l’oreille à mesure dans l’art de la danse.
Geneva, 2/ 1995. 13 x 21 cm, 78 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam & Paris, c.1784 edition. Wrappers. $30
[item no.3232]
BAILLOT, Pierre-Marie-François, 1771-1842
[Method, violin, 1834]
L’art du violon. Nouvelle méthode. [Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris].
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2001. 4º, iv, 277 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1834 edition. Wrappers. $100
[item no.7954]
[Method, violoncello]
Méthode de violoncelle et de basse d’accompagnement.
Méthodes Instrumentales, VI. Geneva, 1974. 4º, 230 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1804 edition. Authors include Levasseur, Catel & Baudot. Hardbound. $157
[item no.3241]
BEETHOVEN, Ludwig van, 1770-1827
[sketchbooks, composition studies with Haydn, Albrechtsberger, Salieri]
Kompositionsstudien bei Joseph Haydn, Johann Georg Albrechtsberger und Anton Salieri. Herausgegeben von Julia Ronge. 1. Transkriptionen; 2. Kritischer Bericht; 3. Reproduktionen der Handschriften.
Beethoven Werke, XIII/1. Munich, 2014. Oblong, 31 x 27 cm, 3 vols, xv, 307; 93; 201 pp. When Beethoven moved to Vienna in 1792, almost immediately, and likely pre-arranged, he started composition studies with Haydn, who had been freed from his post with the Esterhazys and was now living in Vienna. The studies—exercises in free counterpoint but also concerned with the conception of a piece, movement structure, proportions of the various parts and the art of “sketching”—lasted until 1794 when his teacher recommended additional studies with Albrechtsberger; with him Beethoven acquired a wide range of technical and compositional tools building on the earlier study. In 1801 Beethoven then turned to Salieri to learn the technique of setting primarily Italian texts to music, an area not covered in the preceding studies. The present volume reproduces for the first time the surviving manuscripts that record those studies. These are remarkable witnesses showing Beethoven under the watchful eyes of his teachers with illuminating comments, corrections or alternative passages. Facsimile, transcription and commentary, 3 volumes, linen bound. $833
(more info... )
[item no.9393]
[Method, thoroughbass]
Ludwig van Beethovens Studien im Generalbaß, Contrapunkt und in der Compositionslehre, aus dessen handschriftlichem Nachlaß gesammelt und herausgegeben [von] Ignaz von Seyfried. 2. revidierte und im Text vervollständigte Ausgabe von Henry Hugh Pierson.
Hildesheim, 1967. 8º, xiv, 446 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1853 edition. (Bound together with Nottebohm, Beethoveniana II, Leipzig, 1892). Linen.
[item no.4681]
[Method, thoroughbass]
Studii di Beethoven, ossia trattato d’armonia e composizione. Prima versione italiana con note di Fétis e Rossi.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/77. Bologna, 3/ 2003. 18 x 25 cm, 424 pp. Line-cut of the G. Canti edition, Milan, 1855. Italian edition of Ludwig van Beethoven’s Studien im Generalbasse, edited by Ignaz von Seyfried and first published in 1832. An extremely interesting treatment of the subject, illustrated with hundreds of musical examples. The Italian edition includes a
fold-out facsimile of a page from a Beethoven sketchbook, one of the earliest examples of a Beethoven facsimile in the history of photo-lithography. Cloth.
[item no.4001]
BELOSELSKY, Prince de, 18th c.
La musique en Italie.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, III/42. Bologna, 1969. 16 x 22 cm, 38 pp. Line-cut of the The Hague, 1778 edition. Laid paper. Hardbound.
[item no.4082]
BÉRIOT, Charles-Auguste de, 1802-1870
Méthode de violon.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2001. 4º, 254 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1857 edition. Wrappers. $90
[item no.8057]
BERNHARDI, Wilhelm, 1800-1878
Allgemeines deutsches Lieder-Lexikon oder vollständige Sammlung aller bekannten deutschen Lieder und Volksgesänge in alphabetischer Folge. [Hrsg. von] Wilhelm Bernhardi.
Hildesheim, 1968. 8º, 4 vols, 1277 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1844-46 edition. Linen. $222
[item no.3867]
BIHLER (Bühler), Gregor, 1760-1823
[treatise, basso continuo]
Partitur-Regeln [in einem kurzem Auszuge für Anfänger. Nebst einem Anhange, wie man in alle Töne gehen könne]. Ms. 1793. [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 36. Stuttgart, 2017. 17 x 22 cm, 39 pp. Color reproduction of a rare manuscript on basso-continuo practice “for beginners”. Bihler was a German monastic composer; trained in the Minorite monastery in Maihingen, he was a boy soprano at the Benedictine Abbey at Neresheim and in 1801 become cathedral organist at Augsburg. Wrappers. $24
[item no.9556]
BLASIS, Carlo, 1803-1878
L’uomo fisico, intellettuale e morale. A cura / Edited by Ornella Di Tondo e / and Flavia Pappacena.
Chorégraphie, Rivista di Ricerca Danza, nuova serie, 5/2005. Lucca, 2007. 8º, 120, 331 pp. Line-cut of the 1868 edition. Preface in It-Eng. Wrappers. [item no.9045]
Studi sulle arti imitatrici.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, III/83. Bologna, 1971. 16 x 22 cm, 94 pp. Line-cut of the Milan, 1844 edition. Hardbound. $29 [item no.4096]
Traité de l’art de la danse.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/107. Bologna, 1969. 8º, c.120 pp. Line-cut of the 1820 edition. Laid paper. Wrappers. $45 [item no.3727]
BÖHM, Théobald, 1794-1881
[Method, flute]
La flûte et son jeu dans ses aspects accoustique, techniques et artistique – 1871 & De la fabrication et des derniers perfectionnements des flûtes – 1847. Préface d’Alain Marion. Présentation de Philippe Allain-Dupré. Traduction, avertissement, Notice biographique et notes de Thierry Labat. 1ère Édition française intégrale.
Paris, 1994. 4º, 111 pp. Line-cut of plates of the original German edition, with a new French translation. Indispensable study on the design and construction of the Böhm flute. Cloth. $53 [item no.8387]
BORDET, Toussaint, 18th c.
[Method, flute]
Méthode raisonée pour apprendre la musique. . . suivi d’un recueil d’airs en duo, livre premier. Paris S.D. [1755].
Archivum Musicum: L’Art de la Flûte Traversière, 46. Florence, 1993. Oblong, 28 x 21 cm, vii, 85 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1755 edition. Introduction in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers in decorative paper. $35 [item no.4577]
BOSANQUET, Robert H.M., 19th c.
Elementary Treatise on Musical Intervals and Temperament. Edited by Rudolf Rasch.
Tuning and Temperament Library, 4. Utrecht, c.1990. 8º, Line-cut of the London, 1876 edition. $71 [item no.7164]
BREITKOPF, Johann Gottlob Immanuel, 1719-1794
The Breitkopf Thematic Catalogue: The Six parts and Sixteen Supplements, 1762-1787. Edited and with an Introduction and Indexes by Barry S. Brook.
New York, 1966. Oblong, 27 x 22 cm, xxvii, 888 col, lv pp. Line-cut of the famous Breitkopf catalogs–the very first of its kind–originally published over a period of a quarter of a century, from 1762 to 1787. Contains almost 15,000 incipits, each providing genre, composer, title, & instrumentation, plus text underlay for some 1300 vocal works. It reflects the panorama of musical life in its time and is an eloquent testimony regarding musical taste and sociology. Provides valuable information on the production and dissemination of both mss and prints. Cloth. $155
[item no.4610]
BURNEY, Charles, 1726-1814
Catalogue of the Music Library of Charles Burney, Sold in London, 8 August 1814. With an Introduction by A. Hyatt King.
Auction Catalogues of Music, 2. Amsterdam, 1973. 8º, viii, 42 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1814 edition. Burney— as stipulated in his will—describes his collection thus: “My collection of music, printed and manuscript, I wish to be sold by auction. It was most of it good in its day, thought now some of it is out of fashion, but there are many curious scare and excellent compositions for voices... and for instruments....” Wrappers. $42
[item no.3665]
The Present State of Music in France and Italy. A Facsimile of the 1773 London Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/70. New York, 1969. 15 x 22 cm, 426 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1773 edition. Laid paper, clothbound. [item no.2625]
The Present State of Music in Germany, the Netherlands, and United Provinces. A Facsimile of the 1775 London Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/117. New York, 1969. 15 x 22 cm, 742 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1775 edition. A mine of information about European music and musical conditions, embodying a high degree of technical knowledge, historical inquiry, personal observation and literary skill, the latter attribute lacking in Hawkins’ history. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.2626]
Tagebuch einer musikalischen Reise. Vollständige Ausgabe. Herausgegeben von Christoph Hust.
Documenta Musicologica, I/19. Kassel, 2003. Oblong, 21 x 17 cm, 19, 355 pp. Line-cut of the Hamburg, 1772 edition. Introduction in Ger. Coverboards in decorative paper. (Special sale price: $15) $52
[item no.8333]
CALVI, Gian-Pietro, 18th c.
[Method, organ]
Istruzioni teorico-pratiche per l’organo e singolarmente sul modo di registrarlo.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/211. Bologna, 1972. Oblong, 32 x 22 cm, 34 pp. Line-cut of the Milan, 1833 edition. With 21 short pieces. Laid paper. Cloth.
[item no.3984]
CAMBINI, Giuseppe Maria, 1746-1825
[Method, flute]
Tre metodi per flauto del Neoclassicismo francese: F. Devienne, Nouvelle méthode, Paris c. 1794 / J.M. Cambini, Nouvelle méthode, Paris c.1796 / A. Vanderhagen, Nouvelle méthode, Paris c.1798.
Archivum Musicum: L’Art de la Flûte Traversière, 29. Florence, 1984. 24 x 33 cm, 15, 229 pp. Line-cut. 3 complementary method books. Preface in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers in decorative paper with slipcover. $51
[item no.804]
CARCASSI, Matteo, c.1792-c.1853
[Method, guitar]
Méthode complète pour la guitarre divisée en trois parties. Les deux premières parties contiennent: les principes élémentaires de musique, la théorie de l’instrument, les exemples et les leçons nécessaires classés successivement pour en faciliter l’application. La troisième renferme cinquante morceaux choisis de différents caractères.
Geneva, 1972. 4º, 120 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, [1836] edition. Important guitar tutor with 50 progressive pieces, including marches, waltzes, rondos, chasses, theme & variations. Wrappers. $45
[item no.1607]
CARULLI, Ferdinando, 1770-1841
Méthode complète pour le décacorde, nouvelle guitare, op.293.
Archivum Musicum: L’Arte della Chitara, 14. Florence, 1981. 23 x 30 cm, 78 pp. Line-cut. Carulli’s method for the ten string guitar. Wrappers in decorative paper. $20
[item no.984]
CHABANON, Michel-Paul Guy de, c.1729-1792
De la musique considérée en elle-même et dans ses rapports avec la parole, les langues, la poésie et le théâtre.
Geneva, 1969. 14 x 22 cm, 461 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1785 edition. Buckram. $130 [item no.3564]
Observations sur la musique et principalement sur la métaphysique de l’art.
Geneva, 1969. 14 x 22 cm, 237 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1779 edition. Buckram. $72 [item no.3565]
Sur le sort de la poésie en ce siècle philosophe.
Geneva, 1970. 8º, 79 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1764 edition. Buckram. $33 [item no.3566]
CHORON, Alexandre Étienne, 1771-1834
[& Fayolle, F.J.]
Dictionnaire historique des musiciens, artistes et amateurs, morts ou vivans. Précédé d’un sommaire de l’histoire de la musique. [Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich].
Hildesheim, 1971. 13 x 20 cm, 2 vols, 905 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1810-11 edition. Linen. $237 [item no.3860]
CLEMENTI, Muzio, 1752-1832
[Method, piano, French ed.]
Méthode pour le piano forte.
Biblioteca Classica, 13. Rotterdam, 1986. 4º, 63 pp. Line-cut of the Pleyel edition, Paris, c.1803. Wrappers. $30 [item no.4905]
[Method, piano, Italian ed.]
Metodo completo pel piano-forte. [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/217. Bologna, 1974. 22 x 31 cm, 197 pp. Line-cut of the Bologna, n.d. edition. Cloth. $69 [item no.2447]
Selection of Practical Harmony for the Organ or Piano Forte (unico pubblicato). [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/204. Bologna, 1974. Oblong, 32 x 22 cm, 146 pp. Line-cut of the London, n.d. edition. Voluntaries, fugues, canons and other short works. Cloth. [item no.2448]
CLINTON, JOHN, 1810-1864
A Code of Instruction for the Fingering of the Equisonant Flute by the Inventor & Patentee. With an Introduction by Karl Ventzke.
The Flute Library, 14. Buren, 1990. 8º, xiii, 34 pp. Line-cut of the London, c.1860 edition. Hardbound. $62 [item no.4994]
COMPAN, Charles, c.1740-d.?
Dictionnaire de danse. A Facsimile of the Paris, 1787 Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/84. New York, 1974. 13 x 20 cm, 410 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1787 edition. Laid paper, clothbound. [item no.2633]
Dictionnaire de danse, contenant l’histoire, les règles et les principes de cet art, avec des réflexions critiques, et des anecdotes curieuses concernant la danse ancienne et moderne; le tout tiré des meilleurs auteurs qui ont écrit sur cet art.
Geneva, 1980. 12 x 17 cm, 410 pp. (Rpt. of Paris & Berlin, 1906 edition). Line-cut. A pioneering attempt to draw together material on the history of dance from a wide variety of sources, including Noverre, Cahusac, Beauchamp and many others, with attention to technique, choreography, musiern–he characterizes the ballet of the time of Lully as cold and without character. Wrappers. $76
[item no.3262]
CORRI, Domenico, 1746-1825
[A Select Collection]
A Select Collection of the Most Admired Songs, Duetts &c. From Operas in the Highest Esteem, and from Other Works, in Italian, English, French, Scotch, Irish, &c. &c. In Three Books. Edizione e traduzione italiana a cura di Paola Bernardi e Gino Nappo.
Associazione Clavicembalistica Bolognese, 9/I-II-III. Rome, 1990-1992. 4º, 3 vols, 28, 357, 37 pp. Line-cut of the Edinburgh, c.1778 edition. Afterword in It-Eng. Wrappers. $135 [item no.4572]
COUSINEAU, Jacques Georges, 1760-1824
Méthode de harpe (Paris, c.1786).
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/86. New York, 1968. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1786 edition. Laid paper, clothbound. [item no.1775]
COUSSEMAKER, Charles Edmond, 1805-1876
Catalogue of the Music Library of Charles Edmond Henri de Coussemaker Sold at Brussels 1877. With an Introduction by A. Hyatt King.
Auction Catalogues of Music, 4. Amsterdam, 1977. 20 x 27 cm, viii, 207 pp. Line-cut of the Bruxelles, 1877 edition. Considered one of the most interesting auctions in the last quarter of the 19th c., this collection of valuable printed music, music manuscripts and instruments, once owned by the eminent Belgian musicologist Edmond de Coussemaker was, to a large extent, acquired by the Bibliothèque Royale Albert I. Wrappers. $60
[item no.8604]
CZERNY, Carl, 1791-1857
Briefe über den Unterricht auf dem Pianoforte vom Anfange bis zur Ausbildund als Anhang zu jeder Clavierschule.
Straubenhardt, 1988. 16 x 23 cm, 84 pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, c.1839 edition by Diabelli. Wrappers. $19 [item no.2721]
Letters to a Young Lady on the Art of Playing the Pianoforte, from the Earliest Rudiments to the Highest Stage of Cultivation; Written as an Appendix to Every School for the Instrument. Translated by J.A. Hamilton.
New York, 1982. 14 x 22 cm, 87 pp. Line-cut of the New York, 1837-41 edition. Ten letters on various aspects of piano technique and performance pratice. Cloth. [item no.4425]
Neue Pianoforte-Schule Wien 1834. Ms. deutsch/tschechisch “Aus den Musikalien des Jos. Linhart”. [private collection].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 46. Stuttgart, 2004. Oblong, 25 x 24 cm, 57 pp. Line-cut of a carefully copied ms “from the music collection of Jos. Linhart”. Hardbound, in decorative paper. $54
[item no.8428]
[School of Practical Composition, op.600]
School of Practical Composition. Complete Treatise on the Composition of All Kinds of Music, both Instrumental and Vocal. Together with a Treatise on Instrumentation in Three Volumes by Carl Czerny, Opus 600. Translated and Preceded by a Memoir of the Author and a Complete List of His Works by John Bishop.
New York, 1979. 23 x 31 cm, 3 vols, 563 pp. Line-cut of the London, c.1848 edition. Cloth.
[item no.4426]
[Systematische Anleitung, op.200]
Systematische Anleitung zum Fantasieren auf dem Pianoforte, op.200. Faksimile-Ausgabe, herausgegeben und mit einer Einleitung versehen von Ulrich Mahlert.
Wiesbaden, 1993. 23 x 31 cm, xv, 211 pp. Line-cut of the second edition, Vienna, c.1846. Wrappers. $51
[item no.7165]
[Vollständige theoretisch-praktische Pianoforte-Schule, Op.500, selection]
Von dem Vortrage (1839). Dritter Teil aus Vollständige theoretisch-praktische Pianoforte-Schule, Op.500. Faksimile-Ausgabe herausgegeben und mit einer Einleitung versehen von Ulrich Mahlert.
Wiesbaden, 1991. 23 x 31 cm, xi, 99 pp. Line-cut of the second edition, Vienna, c.1846. Wrappers. $48
[item no.4062]
DELLE SEDIE, Enrico, 1824-1907
L’art lyrique. Traité complet de chant et de déclamation lyrique.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/219. Bologna, 1979. 25 x 34 cm, 234 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1874 edition. Cloth.
[item no.5380]
DOISY, Charles, 18-19th c.
[Method, guitar]
Principes généraux de la guitarre dédiés à Madame Bonaparte.
Geneva, 1979. 4º, 92 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1801 edition. Wrappers. $44
[item no.3264]
DROUET, Louis, 1792-1873
[Method, flute]
Method of Flute Playing Intended for Those Who Have Already Made Some Progess on the Instrument. With an Introduction by Stephen Preston and Rudolf Rasch.
Flute Library, 17. Buren, 1988. 8º, xxiv, 113 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1830 edition. Cloth. $100
[item no.3584]
[Method, flute]
Drouët’s Method of Flute Playing, London, 1830. Facsimile Edition with Introduction by Janice Dockendorff Boland.
Historical Flute Tutor, 2. Marion, 1992. 4º, vi, 113 pp. Line-cut. $22
[item no.4627]
DUSSEK, Jan Ladislav, 1760-1812
[Method, piano]
Méthode pour pianoforte [par Pleyel et Dussek]. Paris s.d.
Archivum Musicum: L’Arte del Fortepiano, 6. Florence, 1993. 24 x 34 cm, 69 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1797 edition. Wrappers in decorative paper. $36
[item no.3191]
DUVERNOY, Frédéric, 1765-1838
[Method, horn]
Méthode pour le cor.
Méthodes Instrumentales, I. Geneva, 1974. 4º, 76 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1802 edition. Wrappers. $61
[item no.3268]
EXIMENO Y PUJADES, Antonio, 1729-1808
Dell’ origine delle regole della musica colla storia del suo progresso, decadenza e rinnovazione.
Hildesheim, 1983. 8º, 468 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1774 edition. Linen. $132
[item no.2541]
FALLA, Manuel de, 1876-1946
Apuntes de harmonía. Dietario de París (1908). Edición a cargo de Yvan Nommick. Apuntes de harmonía: estudio de Yvan Nommick. Dietario de París (1908): estudio y transcripción de Francesc Bonastre.
Colección “Facsímiles”, Serie “Documentos”, 1 Granada, 2001. 17 x 24 cm, 387 pp. Full-color reproduction of two fascinating autograph documents, one (202 pp.) containing rules on orchestration and harmony, notes on numerous musical subjects, plus personal expense tallies (including income from sales of scores), and the other (100 pp.) showing the composer’s personal expenses during
his stay in Paris in 1908. Commentary in Sp. Limited numbered edition of 500 copies. Cloth. $143
[item no.8356]
FAYOLLE, François Joseph, 1774-1852
[& Choron, A.É.]
Dictionnaire historique des musiciens, artistes et amateurs, morts ou vivans. Précédé d’un sommaire de l’histoire de la musique. [Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich].
Hildesheim, 1971. 13 x 20 cm, 2 vols, 905 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1810-11 edition. Linen. $237
[item no.3860]
FÉTIS, Francois Joseph, 1784-1871
Histoire générale de la musique depuis les temps les plus anciens jusqu’à nos jours. [Universitätsbibliothek, Freiburg].
Hildesheim, 1983. 8º, 5 vols, 2458 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1869 edition. Linen. 5 vols. $387
[item no.3586]
[& J. Moscheles]
Méthode des méthodes de piano. Traité de l’art de jouer de cet instrument basé sur l’analyse des meilleurs ouvrages.
Geneva, 1973. 22 x 30 cm, 172 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1840 edition. Observations based on works by Dussek, Clementi, Hummel and Kalkbrenner. Also examines the technique of contemporary virtuosi such as Cramer, Moscheles, Chopin, Thalberg and Liszt. Wrappers. $81
[item no.2759]
[Méthode des méthodes, collected etudes, piano]
Méthode des méthodes pour le piano. F.J. Fétis et J. Moschelès/ 18 études de perfectionnement composées par Thalberg, Mendelssohn, Chopin, etc. Présentation: Alex Szilasi.
Collection Esther. Courlay, 2004. 4º, 12 booklets, 63 pp. Line-cut. The collected etudes from Fétis’ “Méthode”: works by Julius Benedict, Chopin, Theodore Döhler, Stephen Heller, Adolph von Henselt, Liszt, Mendelssohn, Amédée Mereaux, Mocheles, Johann Georg Rosenhain, Sigismund Thalberg, & Edouard Wolff, Wrappers. $38 [item no.8468]
FIORONI, Gianandrea, 1716-1778
[Regole per il contraponto], in Ottavio Beretta:
Una nuova fonte della trattatistica musicale settecentesca : Le Regole per il contraponto del Signor Fioroni Maestro di Capela de Milano.
Musurgiana: Sources and Materials for the History and Theory of Music, 8-9. Lucca, 2010. 8°, xxii, 76, 57 pp. Recently rediscovered manuscript—the only theoretical work of Fiorini, a pupil of Leonardo Leo)—reproduced in facsimile with modern transcription and notes. Wrappers. $68 [item no.9216]
FORKEL, Johann Nikolaus, 1749-1818
Allgemeine Geschichte der Musik. Herausgegeben und mit einer Einführung (deustch-englisch) von Claudia maria Knispel.
Laaber-Reprint, 8. Laaber, 2005. 15 x 21 cm, 2 vols, xviii, 1449 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1788-1801 edition. Wrappers. $231 [item no.8509]
Musikalisch-kritische Bibliothek.
Hildesheim, 1964. 8º, xl, 1066 pp. Line-cut of the Gotha, 1778-79 edition. Collection of essays, reviews, literary announcements & musical reports, including an essay on setting Klopstock’s poetry to music. Linen, 3 vols in 1. $237 [item no.2936]
Musikalischer Almanach für Deutschland auf das Jahr 1782, desgleichen 1783, 1784 und 1789.
Hildesheim, 1974. 8º, xxvii, 849 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1781-88 edition. Linen. $209 [item no.2937]
FRIEDMANN, Aron, 1855-1936
Der synagogale Gesang.
Musikwissenschaftliche Studienbibliothek Peters. Leipzig, 1978. 8º, 150, xvii pp. (Rpt. of Berlin, 1908 edition). Cloth. Special sale price $15, regularly $35 [item no.6136]
GALIN, Pierre, 1786-1821
Rationale for a New Way of Teaching Music (from Exposition d’une nouvelle méthode, 1818). Translated and Introduced by Bernarr Rainbow.
Classic Texts in Music Education, 8. Kilkenny, 1983. 13 x 19 cm, 93, with 39 pp. Line-cut. An exciting analysis of the learning process common to language and music. Introduction by Bernarr Rainbow. Hardbound. $36 [item no.2720]
GALL, Joseph, 18-19th c.
Clavier-Stimmbuch oder deutliche Anweisung wie jeder Musikfreund sein Clavier-Flügel, Forte-Piano und Flügel-Piano selbst stimmen, repariren, und bestmöglichst gut erhalten könne.
Straubenhardt, 1988. 12 x 18 cm, 145 pp. Line-cut of the Carl Kupffer edition, Vienna 1805. Coverboards in decorative paper. $33 [item no.2722]
GARDETON, César, 1786-1831
Annales de la musique, ou almanach musical pour l’an 1819 et 1820.
Archives de l’Édition Musicale Française, V. Geneva, 1978. 22 x 15 cm, 325 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1819-1820 edition. Wrappers. $96 [item no.3276]
Annales de la musique, ou almanach musical pour l’an 1819 et 1820 [par] César Gardeton.
Archives de l’Édition Musicale Française, V. Geneva, 1978. 22 x 15 cm, 325 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1819-1820 edition. Wrappers. $96 [item no.3276]
Bibliographie musicale de la France et de l’étranger ou répertoire général systématique de tous les traités et œuvres de musique vocale et instrumentale, imprimés ou gravés en Europe jusqu’à de jour, avec l’indication des lieux de l’impression, des marchands et des prix.
Archives de l’Édition Musicale Française, VI. Geneva, 1978. 8º, 620 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1822 edition. Wrappers. $152 [item no.3277]
GARNIER, François-Joseph, 1755-1825
[Method, oboe]
A Systematic Method for the Oboe. Facsimile Edition with English Translation by Peter Hedrick.
Historical Oboe Tutor Series, III. Columbus, 1987. 21 x 27 cm, xxiii, 103 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $35 [item no.3116]
GERVASONI, Carlo, 1762-1819
La scuola della musica in tre parti divisa.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/69. Bologna, 1969. 14 x 22 cm, xiii, 554, plus 100 musical ex pp. Line-cut of the Piacenza, 1800 edition. Introduction in It by Sergio Martinotti. Hardbound. [item no.4003]
GOTTSCHED, Johann Christoph, 1700-1766
Nöthiger Vorrath zur Geschichte der deutschen dramatischen Dichtkunst, oder Verzeichniß aller deutschen Trauer-, Lust-, und Sing-Spiele, die im Druck erschienen, von 1450 bis zur Hälfte des jetzigen Jahrhunderts gesammelt und ans Licht gestellt / [G.C. Freiesleben:] Kleine Nachlese zu Herrn Gottscheds nöthigem Vorrathe.
Hildesheim, 1970. 8º, 414 & 302 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1757-65, and 1760 editions. Linen. $150 [item no.3872]
GRÉTRY, André-Ernest-Modeste, 1741-1818
Mémoires ou essais sur la musique.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, III/43. Bologna, 1978. 12 x 17 cm, 997 pp. Line-cut of the Bruxelles, Paris, 1829 edition. Cloth. $75 [item no.3735]
Méthode simple pour apprendre à préluder.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/102. New York, 1968. Line-cut of the Paris, 1801-1802 edition. Laid paper, clothbound. [item no.2928]
GRUBER, Johann Siegmund, 1759-1805
Litteratur der Musik oder systematische Anleitung zur Kenntnis der vorzüglichen musikalischen Bücher für Liebhaber der musikalischen-Litteratur bestimmt.
Leipzig, 1981. 11 x 18 cm, 146 pp. Line-cut of the 2nd enlarged edition, Frankfurt, 1792. Delightful compendium of music literature systematically organized into introductions, general surveys, composition theory, singing theory and instrumental theory. Within each section the author offers many subdivisions, such as theory, modes, canons, harmony, mensuration, thorough bass, counterpoint, composition. Hundreds of citations of important but lesser-known works. Linen. $31
[item no.4130]
HABENECK, François-Antoine, 1781-1849
[Method, violin]
Méthode théorique et pratique de violon. [Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris].
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2001. 4º, 178 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1842 edition. Wrappers. $64 [item no.7956]
HANSLICK, Eduard, 1825-1904
Vom Musikalisch-Schönen. Ein Beitrag zur Revision der Ästhetik der Tonkunst.
Darmstadt, 1981. 16º, vii, 104 pp. Line-cut of the first edition, Leipzig, 1854. Linen. $26 [item no.3537]
HEINSE, Johann Jakob Wilhelm, 1746-1803
Musikalische Dialogen, oder: Philosophische Unterredungen berühmter Gelehrten, Dichter und Tonkünstler über den Kunstgeschmack in der Musik. Ein Nachlaß.
Hildesheim, 1977. 8º, 238 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1805 edition. Linen. $54 [item no.3873]
HEURN, Johan van, 1751-1815
De Orgelmaaker behelzende eene uitvoerige beschrijving van alle de uit- en inwendige deelen des orgels, en handleiting tot het maaken, zamenbrengen en herstellen derzelven.
Bibliotheca Organologica, 56. Buren, 1989. 8º, c.1250 pp. Line-cut of the Dordrecht, 1804-1805 edition. Cloth. 4 vols. $314 [item no.3562]
HINDEMITH, Paul, 1895-1963
[Ludus tonalis, piano]
Ludi Leonum. Faksimile-Ausgabe eines von Paul Hindemith kolorierten Exemplares des “Ludus tonalis” aus dem Jahre 1950.
Mainz, 1994. 23 x 31 cm, 60, iv pp. Full-color facsimile of the illustrated Schirmer edition (New York, 1950), issued on the occasion of the 100 birthday of the composer. Written in New Haven in 1942, Ludus tonalis is P.H.’s longest, most important and ambitious piano composition. On its publication in 1950 the composer personally illustrated a copy with lions in hundreds of disguises & positions related to the musical structure. It was presented to his wife, Gertrud, born under the sign of Leo, on her 50th birthday. Afterword in Eng-Ger-Fr-Sp-Jap by Giselher Schubert. Handsome paper boards with colored illustration of a lion playing a piano. $58 (more info... )
[item no.7129]
HINRICHS, Johann Christian, 1760-d.?
Entstehung, Fortgang und ietzige Beschaffenheit der russischen Jagdmusik.
Leipzig, 1974. 8º, 38 pp. Line-cut of the St. Peterburg, 1796 edition. This is the only contemporary account of the fascinating and long extinct phenomenon of the Russian Horn Band. Includes detailed illustrations of the horns and six musical examples. Quarter linen. $42 [item no.4131]
HOYLE, John, b.?-c.1797
A Complete Dictionary of Music, Containing a Full and Clear Explanation, Divested of Technical Phrases, of All the Words and Terms, English, Italian, etc. Made Use of in that Science, Speculative, Practical and Historical. The Whole Compiled from the Best Ancient and Modern Authors, and Particularly Adapted to Scholars, as Well as Proficient.
Geneva, 1975. 16 x 23 cm, 163 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1791 edition. One of the rare glossaries of musical terms published in England in the course of the 18th c. Hardbound. $45 [item no.3281]
Dictionarium musica. A Facsimile of the London, 1770 Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/83. New York, 1976. 15 x 24 cm, 115 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1770 edition. Laid paper, clothbound. [item no.2632]
HUGOT, Antoine, 1761-1803
[Method, flute (completed by Jean-Georges Wunderlich)]
Méthode de flûte.
Méthodes Instrumentales, V. Geneva, 1974. 4º, 169 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1804 edition. Hardbound. $131
[item no.3283]
HUMMEL, Johann Nepomuk, 1778-1837
[Method, piano]
Ausführliche theoretische-practische Anweisung zum Piano-Forte-Spiel vom ersten Elementar-Unterrichte an bis zur vollkommensten Ausbildung.
Straubenhardt, 1989. 25 x 31 cm, iv, 480 pp. Line-cut of the second edition, Vienna 1838 by Tobias Haslinger. One of the most important pedagogical works devoted to the piano from this period. With preface in Ger by Andreas Eichhorn. Hardbound. $139
[item no.2899]
[Method, piano]
Méthode complète théorique et pratique pour le piano-forte. Traitant de tout ce qui a rapport à cet instrument depuis les premiers éléments jusqu’au plus haut degré de perfection.
Geneva, 1982. 4º, 480 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1838 edition. Hardbound. $253
[item no.2737]
JUAN MARTINEZ, José de, 19th c.
[Method, trumpet]
Método de clarín (1830). Edición de Beryl Kenyon de Pascual. [Ms. S/1288, Real Conservatorio Superior de Música, Madrid].
Madrid, 1990. 4º, xi, 72 pp. New edition, with musical portions of the manuscript reproduced in facsimile. Wrappers. $25
[item no.7086]
KASTNER, Georges, 1810-1867
Manuel général de musique militaire a l’usage des armée françaises.
Geneva, 1973. 23 x 16 cm, 509 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1848 edition. Comprehensive survey on all aspects of military music. Wrappers. $172
[item no.3286]
Katholische Kirchenlieder, Hymnen, Psalme
Aus den ältesten deutschen gedruckten Gesangs- und Gebetbüchern zusammengestellt.
Hildesheim, 1965. 8º, 3 vols, 2062 pp. Line-cut of the Würzburg, 1859-1865 edition. 4 vols in 3. Linen. $353 [item no.9044]
KINKEL, Johanna, 1810-1858
Acht Briefe an eine Freundin über Clavier-Unterricht.
Straubenhardt, 1989. 11 x 19 cm, 86 pp. Line-cut of the Stuttgart & Tübingen, 1852 edition. Coverboards in decorative paper. $15 [item no.3523]
KITTEL, Johann Christian, 1732-1809
Der angehende praktische Organist. With an Introduction by Gerard Bal.
Bibliotheca Organologica, 72. Buren, 1981. Oblong, 25 x 22 cm, 70, 305 pp. Line-cut of the Erfurt, 1801-1808 edition. Hardbound. $137 [item no.2194]
Der angehende praktische Organist. Reprint der Ausgaben: Teil 1, Erfurt, 2. vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage 1808; Teil 2, Erfurt 1803; Teil 3, Erfurt 1808. Mit einem Nachwort von Gerard Bal. [Musikbibl. der Stadt, Leipzig].
Leipzig, 1986. Oblong, 24 x 20 cm, 313, [xvi] pp. Line-cut of the Erfurt, 1808, 1803, & 1808 edition. Linen, with slipcase in marbled paper. $42 [item no.2980]
KNECHT, Justin Heinrich, 1752-1817
Erklärung... [einiger von einem der R.G.B. in Erlangen angetasteten aber mißverstandenen Grundsätze aus der Voglerschen Theorie] von Justin Heinrich Knecht. Biberach 1785 / Druck Wagner Ulm. Anh. Anmerkungen über Herrn Löhleins. [Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 32. Stuttgart, 2004. 17 x 21 cm, 35 pp. Line-cut of the Ulm, 1785 edition. Wrappers. $12 [item no.8407]
Kleines alphabetisches Wörterbuch [der vornehmsten und interessanten Artikel aus der Musikalischen Theorie]. Ulm 1795 / Druck Wagner. [Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 33. Stuttgart, 2004. 11 x 18 cm, 127 pp. Line-cut of the Ulm, 1795 edition. Knecht was one of the last theorists to explain chordal construction in terms of aggregations of 3rds. Hardbound in marbled paper. $27 [item no.8403]
KOCH, Heinrich Christoph, 1749-1816
Kurzgefaßtes Handwörterbuch der Musik [für praktische Tonkünstler und Dilettanten]. [Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich].
Hildesheim, 1981. 13 x 19 cm, 423 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1807 edition. Linen. $150 [item no.2557]
Musikalisches Lexikon, welches die theoretische und praktische Tonkunst encyklopädisch bearbeitet, alle alten und neuen Kunstwörter erklärt und die alten und neuen Instrumente beschrieben enthält. 2 Teile in 1 Band.
Hildesheim, 2/ 1985. 15 x 23 cm, 929 pp. Line-cut of the Frankfurt, 1802 edition. One of the first German dictionaries of terms especially important for definitions pertaining to late baroque and classical music and instruments. Linen. $192 [item no.2558]
Musikalisches Lexikon (Frankfurt am Main 1802). Herausgeben von Nicole Schwindt.
Kassel, 2000. 12º, 929 pp. Line-cut of the Frankfurt, 1802 edition. Wrappers. $68 [item no.7936]
Versuch einer Anleitung zur Composition.
Hildesheim, 4/ 2008, 8º, 3 vols: xliv, 374; viii, 464; xii, 465 pp. Line-cut of the Rudolstadt, 1782, 1787 and 1793 editions. Linen. $398 [item no.2559]
KRUMPHOLTZ, Jan Krtitel, 1742-1790
[Method, harp]
Principes pour la harpe avec des exercices et des préludes d’une difficulté graduelle. Recueillis et mis au jour par J.M. Plane.
Geneva, 1977. 4º, 76 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1809 edition. An important tutor dealing with all aspects of harp playing. Wrappers. $56 [item no.3287]
LACÉPÈDE, Bernard-Germain-Étienne de La Ville, 1756-1825
La poétique de la musique.
Geneva, 1970. 8º, 754 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1785 edition. Hardbound. $195 [item no.3570]
LA FAGE, Adrien de, 1805-1862
Essais de diphtérographie musicale ou notices, descriptions, analyses, extraits et reproductions de manuscrits relatifs à la pratique, à la théorie et à l’histoire de la musique.
Buren, 1964. 12º, 568 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1864 edition. Cloth. $74 [item no.4995]
Histoire générale de la musique et de la dance. Antiquité I-II.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, III/84. Bologna, 1970. 16 x 22 & 22 x 31 cm, 3 vols, 1079, 28 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1844 edition. Though planned as an immense multi-volume history of music, La Fage finished only the first two volumes, treating “Musique des Chinois”, “Musique des Indiens”, and “Musique des Égyptiens et des Hébreux”. Hardbound, in 2 volumes with 1 volume of examples and plates.
[item no.4004]
Miscellanées musicales.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, III/29. Bologna, 1969. 14 x 22 cm, 532 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1844 edition. Hardbound. [item no.4005]
LASCEUX, Guillaume, 1740-1831
Essai theorique et pratique sur l’art del’orgue. Ms conservé à la Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Présentation par Jean Saint-Arroman.
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800. Courlay, 2011 24 x 33 cm. viii, 137 pp. Facsimile of the autograph manuscript of 1809. An important theoretical section with text on organ registration. together with 23 works for organ, including a quartet, quintet, oboe concerto, flute concerto, symphonie concertante, Domine salvum fac regem, 3-part plainchant with organ accompaniment. Wrappers. $61
[item no.9236]
LEBLOND, Gaspard Michel, 18th c.
Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire de la révolution opérée dans la musique par M. le Chevalier Gluck. [Municipal Museum, The Hague].
Amsterdam, 1967. 12º, 495 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1781 edition. “Memoires useful to the history of the musical revolution carried out by M. le chevalier Gluck”. Cloth. $85 [item no.1317]
LE ROUX DE LINCY, Antoine Jean Victor, 1806-1869
Recueil de chants historiques français, depuis le XIIe jusqu’au XVIIIe siècle. Avec des notices et une introduction.
Geneva, 1969. 8º, 2 vols, 1093 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1841-1842 edition. Hardbound. $286 [item no.3571]
LICHTENTHAL, Pietro, 1780-1853
Dizionario e bibliografia della musica.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, I/6. Bologna, 1970. 8º, 4 vols: 1584 pp. Line-cut of the Milan, 1836 edition. The first two volumes are a dictionary of terms, the last two, a bibliography of music literature based on Forkel’s Allgemeine Literatur. Cloth, in 4 volumes. [item no.3989]
Estetica, ossia dottrina del bello e delle arti belle.
Biblioteca Storico Giuridica e Artistico Letteraria: Letteratura Musica Teatro, 21. Bologna, 1971. 16 x 21 cm, 455 pp. Line-cut of the Milan, 1831 edition. Wrappers. Special sale price, $15, regularly $38 [item no.3990]
Estetica, ossia dottrina del bello e delle arti belle, 1831. [Parte speciale:] La musica.
[Biblioteca Storico Giuridica e Artistico Letteraria: Letteratura Musica Teatro, 24]. Bologna, 1971. 14 x 21 cm, ix, 67 pp. Line-cut of the Milan, 1831 edition. Introduction in It by Osvaldo Gambassi. Wrappers. Special sale price, $10, regularly $24 [item no.3991]
Trattato dell’influenza della musica sul corpo umano e del suo uso in certe malattie.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/68. Bologna, 3/ 2002. 15 x 21 cm, 110 pp. Line-cut of the Milan, 1811 edition. Wrappers. [item no.3992]
LIPOWSKY, Felix Joseph, 18-19th c.
Baierisches Musik-Lexikon.
Hildesheim, 1982. 8º, 338 pp. Line-cut of the Munich, 1811 edition. Linen. $67 [item no.3876]
LISZT, Franz, 1811-1886
Franz Liszt. Accademico Filarmonico nel centenario della morte. Atti convegno.
Miscellanee Saggi Convegni, 37. Bologna, 1987. 8º, 151 pp. Congress report issued on the occasion of the centennial of Liszt’s death. Contributors include Kanceff, Poniatowska, Mioli, Dalmonte, Poli, Colombati Donadoni Omodeo. Wrappers. Special sale price, $5, regularly $30 [item no.5240]
LOBE, Johann Christian, 1797-1881
Compositions-Lehre, oder umfassende Theorie von der thematischen Arbeit und den modernen instrumentalformen, [aus den Werken der besten Meister entwickelt und durch die mannichfaltigsten Beispiele erklärt]. [Stadtbibliothek, Wuppertal].
Hildesheim, 1988. 17 x 22 cm, 287 pp. Line-cut of the Weimar, 1844 edition. Wrappers in linen paper. $75 [item no.3877]
MANFREDINI, Vincenzo, 1737-1799
Difesa della musica moderna e de’ suoi celebri esecutori.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/73. Bologna, 1972. 13 x 17 cm, 208 pp. Line-cut of the Bologna, 1788 edition. A work written in answer to Artega’s criticism of the respective values of ancient and modern music. Hardbound.
[item no.3736]
Regole armoniche. A Facsimile of the 1775 Venice Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/10. New York, 1966. 20 x 27 cm, 96, plus 16 foldout pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1775 edition. Laid paper, clothbound. $52
[item no.2618]
MARTINI, Giovannni Battista, 1706-1784
Compendio della teoria de’numeri per uso del musico.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/63. Bologna, 1984. 17 x 24 cm, iv, 14 pp. Line-cut of the Bologna, 1769 edition. Basso continuo treatise. Preface in It by Giuseppe Vecchi. Laid paper. Wrappers.
[item no.2938]
MARTINI, Johann Paul Aegidius, 1741-1816
[Method, organ]
École d’orgue résumée d’après les ouvrages des plus célèbres organistes de l’Allemagne.
Geneva, 1974. 4º, 342 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1805 edition. Dedicated to Empress Josephine. Complete tutor, including discussion of structure, performance, repertory, accompaniment, and improvisation. Hardbound. $207
[item no.2760]
MAZAS, Jacques-Féréol, 1782-1849
[method, violin]
Méthode de violon suivie d’un traité des sons harmoniques en simple et double-cordes.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2001. 4º, 132 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1830 edition. Wrappers. $45
[item no.8056]
MERCADANTE, Saverio, 1795-1870
12 melodie preparatorie al canto drammatico con accompagnamento di pianoforte dedicate a Adelaide Gambaro. Napoli–Milano ca.1864.
Essercizî di Musica, 6. Lucca, 1991. 23 x 31 cm, xiii, 40 pp. Line-cut. Introduction in It-Eng by Paola Pisa. Complete program of exercises for the voice by one of Italy’s most prolific opera composers. Wrappers. $21 [item no.4203]
12 melodie preparatorie al canto drammatico con accompagnamento di pianoforte dedicate a Therese Tietjens. Napoli–Milano ca.1864.
Essercizî di Musica, 7. Lucca, 1991. 23 x 31 cm, xiii, 54 pp. Line-cut. Introduction in It-Eng by Paola Pisa. Complete program of exercises for the voice. Wrappers. $21 [item no.4204]
MILLER, Edward, 1735-1807
[Solos, flute/violin/oboe, bc, op.1]
Six Solos for a German Flute, with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsichord or Violoncello.
Alston, 1995. Oblong, 29 x 21 cm, i, 27 pp. Line-cut of the John Johnson edition, London, c.1761. Preceded by “Remarks on the German Flute”. Ring binding. $23 [item no.7804]
MOMIGNY, Jérome-Joseph de, 1762-1842
La seule vraie théorie de la musique utile à ceux qui excellent dans cet art comme à ceux qui en sont aux premiers élémens, ou moyen le plus court pour devenir mélodiste, harmoniste, contrepointiste et compositeur.
Geneva, 1980. 22 x 30 cm, 207 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1821 edition. Wrappers. $101 [item no.3309]
La sola e vera teorica della musica. Versione dal francese di E.M.E. Santerre.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/66. Bologna, 1969. 22 x 32 cm, 240 pp. Line-cut of the Bologna, 1823 edition. Laid paper. Cloth. [item no.4019]
MONZANI, Tebaldo, 1762-1839
[method, flute]
Instructions for the German Flute. London s.d.; New and Enlarged Edition of Monzani’s Instructions for the German Flute. London s.d.
Archivum Musicum: Ottocento, 2. Florence, 2008. 24 x 34 cm, 2 vols, x, 50, 72 pp. Line-cut of the London, [1801] and London, [1819] editions. Preface in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers, in decorative paper with matching portfolio. $68
[item no.9056]
MORETTI, Ferdinando, 18th c.
[Method, guitar]
[Principj per la chitarra]. [Ms., Bibl. Estense, Modena].
Archivum Musicum: L’Arte della Chitarra, 10. Florence, 1983. Oblong, 30 x 23 cm, iv, 27 pp. Line-cut of a carefully produced ms copy of the Naples, 1792 edition. 17 tables, frets, scales, chords, ornaments, accompaniments, etc. Introduction in It by Mirko Caffagni. Wrappers in decorative paper. $26
[item no.1091]
MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791
[Musikalisches Würfelspiel, piano]
Anleitung, Walzer oder Schleifer mit zwei Würfeln zu componieren, so viele man will, ohne etwas von der Musik oder Composition zu verstehen = Instructions to compose without the least knowledge of music so much German Walzer or Schleifer as one pleases, by throwing a certain number with two dice.
Ampleforth, 2000. 4º, 6 pp. Line-cut of the N. Simrock edition, Bonn, 1798. 176 bars of music for piano, to be performed in an order determined by the throwing of dice. Foreword in English by Fritz Spiegl. Wrappers. (The Mozart scholar Neal Zaslow has recently disproven Mozart’s authorship of this work; nevertheless it is included here as a curiosity piece which relates to other published treatises of the time using chance as a compositional device) $17
[item no.8601]
[Prelude, piano, K.269c]
Praeludium (ohne Köchel-Nummer). Faksimile-Ausgabe, Erstdruck, herausgegeben und mit einem Vorwort von Imre Sulyok. [Ms. formerly in the collection of Dr. Vilmos Schulek, now Ms. mus. 6.341, Music Collection of the National Széchényi Library, Budapest].
Budapest, 1977. 22 x 34 cm, 8, 2 pp. Halftone of the c.1776-77 autograph copied on the verso side of the last page of an exercise copybook. The MS originally owned by Mozart’s sister, Nannerl, and its history can be reconstructed in some detail: At the bottom of the fully written side of the leaf, one sees the signature of the composer’s son, Carl Mozart. From him the MS apparently came in the hands of Josepha Baroni Castiglione, since at the bottom of the other side of the leaf (which includes figured bass exercises in Nannerl’s hand) there is a remark, according to which the autograph of ‘the immortal Mozart’ was presented by Josepha Baroni Castiglione to Luigia Branca on July 23, 1846: “Vienne le 23 de Juillet 846. /Autographe de l’immortel W. A. Mozart. / Offèrt à Mselle Louise Branca par J. Baroni Castiglione”. The MS was for a while in the possession of the niece of Luigia Branca’s husband, Melánia Fuchs, and eventually came from the estate of his husband, Vilmos Schulek, in the hands of their grandson, Imre Sulyok. In the decades that have passed since the publication of the facsimile edition, it has also been clarified that this folio was originally part of a bifolio, the rest of which has also survived: the manuscript K. Anh. C 15.11 preserved in the Krakow Biblioteka Jagellonska, bound in a collection under shelf mark autogr Moz 624/5 Kadenzen. Both the characteristics of the handwriting and the type of the paper suggest that Mozart wrote this modulating prelude in 1776–1777, for his sister Nannerl. (The bass clef and the six chords, all in black pencil, above the prelude were presumably notated by Mozart’s father, Leopold). Introduction in Ger-Eng-Hung, together with a practical edition. Hardbound. (adapted from notes by the NSL, Budapest) $35
[item no.448]
Barbara Ployers und Franz Jakob Freystädtlers Theorie- und Kompositionsstudien bei Mozart. Vorgelegt von Hellmut Federhofer und Alfred Mann.
Supplement zur Neuen Mozart Ausgabe, X/30/2. Kassel, 1989. Oblong, 4º, xvi, 160, 50 pp. Facsimile of the exercises of two of Mozart’s composition students, Barbara Ployer and Franz Jakob Freystädtler (resp. Österreichischen Nationalbibl. Wien, Cod. 17.559 and Bibl. der Internationalen Stiftung Mozarteum, Salzburg, Ms. Freystädtler). Both mss contain a substantial amount of material in Mozart’s hand and provide a facsinating glimpse into the teaching of composition of the time. Linen, with commentary in wrappers. $155
[item no.7706]
Nannerl Notenbuch. Vollständiges Faksimile aller erhaltenen Teile der Handschrift. Mit einer Einführung und einem Nachwort von Ulrich Leisinger.
Denkmäler der Musik in Salzburg, Faksimile-Ausgaben, 16. Munich, 2010. Oblong, 8°, 120 pp, 2 audio CDs. Full-color facsimile. This famous music book not only documents the musical training of Anna Maria (Nannerl) Mozart and her brother Wolfgang, but also provides the first glimpse of the exceptional talent of the young composer, showing the astounding development from an improvisation, written at the age of 5, to an ambitious sonata and concerto movement penned when he was almost 8. Leopold Mozart used the book to instruct his children up to about 1766; later Nannerl began to copy various works of Mozart as a souvenir of her brother. The volume contains altogether 27 works, most of them by Wolfgang, but there are also works by Leopold Mozart, Georg Christoph Wagenseil, Anton Cajetan Adlgasser, Johann Jakob Paul Küffner, Johann Niklaus Tischer, & Johann Joachim Agrell. With 2 audio CD, performed by Florian Birsak, a respected harpsichord and fortepiano soloist. $150
(more info... )
[item no.9202]
Niemetschek, Franz Xaver.
“Ich kannte Mozart”. Leben des k.k. Kapellmeisters Wolfgang Gottlieb Mozart nach Originalquellen beschrieben. Herausgegeben und kommentiert von Jost Perfahl.
Munich, 4/ 1991. 8º, viii, 90, 28 pp. Line-cut of the Prague, 1808 edition, together with additional material first published by E. Rychnovsky in his 1905 reprint. Afterword in Ger. Bibliography. Hardbound. $18
[item no.4147]
Nissen, Georg Nikolaus.
Biographie W.A. Mozarts [nach Originalbriefen, Sammlungen alles über ihn Geschriebenen, mit vielen neuen Beylagen, Steindrücken, Musikblättern und einem Facsimile. Nach dessen Tode herausgegeben von Constanze Wittwe von Nissen, früher Wittwe Mozart. Mit einem Vorworte vom Dr. Feuerstein]. Mit einem Vorwort von Rudolph Angermüller.
Hildesheim, 2/ 1984. 8º, xvi, 44, 702, 220 pp. Line-cut of the Breitkopf & Härtel edition, Leipzig, 1828. First authoritative bibliography on Mozart. This edition contains the first printed reproduction of a Mozart autograph (the soprano aria “In te spero”, K.383h). This “Fac-Simile” is not the result of any photographic process, but rather, is a handmade “copy” done by an engraver. Linen. $117
[item no.4553]
NOVELLO, Vincent, 1781-1861
Catalogue of the Music Library of Vincent Novello Sold in London 25 June 1852 and 3 September 1862. With an Introduction by A. Hyatt King.
Auction Catalogues of Music, 5. Amsterdam, 1975. 20 x 27 cm, xi, 99 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1852-1862 auction catalogs (annotated with sale prices). Novello’s collection, though not a large one, was rich in some rare Italian partbooks from the 16th and 17th centuries. Wrappers. $30
[item no.8605]
NOVERRE, Jean-Georges, 1727-1810
Lettres sur la danse, et sur les ballets.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/47. New York, 1967. Line-cut of the Stuttgart, 1760 edition. Most important ballet text of the 18th c. by one of the leading authorities of dancing and the chief reformer of the French ballet. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.2647]
Lettere sulla danza, su balletti e sulle arti (1803). A cura di Flavia Pappacena. Traduzione di Alessandra Alberti.
Chorégraphie, Rivista di Ricerca Danza, nuova serie, 6. Lucca, 2012. 17 x 24 cm, 77, 250 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1803 edition. Introduction in Eng. Wrappers. $69
[item no.6966]
Lettere sulla danza, su balletti e sulle arti (1803). A cura di Flavia Pappacena. Traduzione di Alessandra Alberti.
Chorégraphie, Rivista di Ricerca Danza, nuova serie, 7. Lucca, 2011. 17 x 24 cm, lxi, 217 pp. New Italian translation with extensive commentary. Wrappers. $44
[item no.6960]
OZI, Étienne, 1754-1813
[Method, bassoon]
Neue Fagot-Schule von E. Ozi. Mitglied des Konservatoriums der Musik in Paris mit einem Nachwort von Günter Angerhöfer.
Dokumentationen, Reprints, 18. Michaelstein, 1988. 21 x 30 cm, 62, vii pp. Halftone of the Leipzig, 1806 edition. Wrappers. $26
[item no.4220]
PAISIELLO, Giovanni, 1740-1816
[method, basso continuo practice]
Regole per bene accompagnare il partimento o sia il basso fondamentale sopra il Cembalo. Neuedition und Transkription nach der Ausgabe St. Petersburg 1782 und der Handschrift Rari 3-4-17 des Conservatoria di Musica Napoli. Herausgegeben von Ludwig Holtmeier, Johannes Menke und Felix Diergarten.
Quellenkataloge zur Musikgeschichte, 43; Praxis und Theorie des Partimentospiels, 1. Wilhelmshaven, 2009. 21 x 39 cm, 160 pp (44 facs). Color facsimile and new edition of the St. Petersburg, 1782 manuscript (possibly holograph). Paisiello wrote his Regole per bene accampagnare il partimento for the Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna (née Sophia Dorothea von Württenberg) while serving as the maestro di cappella for the Empress Catherine II of Russia. The work is a complete course in partimento, including both rules and exercises. Cloth. $194 (more info... )
[item no.9131]
PASTERWIZ, Georg {Giorgio), 1730-1803
Werke für Cembalo und Piano [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 39. Stuttgart, 2020. Oblong, 34 x 24 cm, 36, 2 pp. Line-cut of the autograph score containing 3 delightful compositions: Divertimento per il cembalo; XII Variazioni per il Forte piano; [17] Variazioni per il Clavi Cembalo. Hardbound with marbled boards. $37
[item no.9616]
PERAUT, Mathieu, 18-19th c.
[Method, flute]
Méthode pour la flûte. Enrichie de plusieurs exemples démonstratifs et graduels, pour parvenir à bien jour de cet instrument. De douze airs, avec accompagement, de six duos, de six sonates le tout précédé de nombreux préludes, et d’instructions pour les coup de langue. Terminée six grands caprices . . . .
Archivum Musicum: L’Art de la Flûte Traversière, 37. Florence, 1987. 24 x 34 cm, ix, 100 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1800 edition. Introduction in It by Marcello Castelliani. Wrappers in decorative paper. $35
[item no.1803]
PETRI, Johann Samuel, 1738-1808
Anleitung zur praktischen Musik. Faksimile-Nachdruck der zweiten, stark erweiterten Auflage Leipzig 1782.
Munich, 2/ 1999. 4º, 484 pp. Line-cut of the second, expanded edition of 1782. Linen. $92
[item no.2526]
PIERRE, Constant, 1855-1918
Le Magasin de Musique à l’usage des fêtes nationales et du conservatoire.
Archives de l’Édition Musicale Française, VIII. Geneva, 1973. 8º, 186 pp. Line-cut of Paris, 1895 edition. History of the revolutionary organization dealing with the publishing of music from 1794 to 1797. Appendices give the catalogs of the production, with dates of publication when missing from the originals. Hardbound. $51
[item no.4263]
PLEYEL, Ignaz, 1757-1831
[Method, piano]
Méthode pour pianoforte [par Pleyel et Dussek]. Paris s.d.
Archivum Musicum: L’Arte del Fortepiano, 6. Florence, 1993. 24 x 34 cm, 69 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1797 edition. Wrappers in decorative paper. $34
[item no.3191]
PORRO, Pierre-Jean, c.1759-1831
[Sonatas, guitar, violin, op.11]
6 sonates pour la guitare avec accompagnement de violon op.11; Dixième ouverture en sonate pour guitare et violon d’Iphigénie en Aulide de Gluck. Complete Facsimile Edition with an Introduction by Robert Spencer (Reproduced from Copies Owned by Robert Spencer).
Heidelberg, 1981. Oblong, 31 x 23 cm, iii, 31 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, n.d. editions. Wrappers. $20
[item no.1118]
REICHARDT, Johann Friedrich, 1752-1814
Über die deutsche comische Oper nebst einem Anhange eines freundschaftlichen Briefes über die musikalische Poesie. Faksimile-Nachdruck der Ausgabe Hamburg 1774. Mit einem Nachwort und einem Register von Walter Salmen.
Schriften zur Musik: Facsimilia, 2. Munich, 1977. 8º, 123, x pp. Line-cut of the Hamburg, 1774 edition. Wrappers. $35
[item no.3483]
RIMBAULT, Edward Francis, 1816-1876
Catalogue of the Music Library of Edward Francis Rimbault Sold at London 31 July - 7 August 1877. With the Library of Dr. Rainbeau. Introduction by A. Hyatt King.
Auction Catalogues of Music, 6. Amsterdam, 1975. 20 x 27 cm, ix, 170 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1877 auction catalog (annotated with sale prices). The bulk of Rimbault’s collection concentrated on English history, literature, and antiquities. It was reported gloomily in “The Musical Times” 1 Sept. 1877 that “all [the English unica] should have been purchased for the British
Museum; now unfortunately it is too late, as a large proportion are on their way to New York” (the winning bidder was Joseph W. Drexel, who later bequeathed his collection to the New York Public Library). Wrappers. $55
[item no.8606]
ROZE, Abbé Nicolas, 18-19th c.
[Method, serpent]
Méthode de serpent pour le service du culte et le service militaire.
Méthodes Instrumentales, IX. Geneva, 2/ 2003. 23 x 31 cm, 38 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1814 edition. Wrappers. $51
[item no.3304]
SABBATINI, Luigi Antonio, 1739-1809
La vera idea delle musicali numeriche segnature.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/65a. Bologna, 1969. 18 x 25 cm, 186 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1799 edition. Laid paper. Hardbound. $55
[item no.3744]
SAINT-LÉON, Arthur, 1815-1870
La sténochorégraphie. A cura / Edited by Flavia Pappacena.
Chorégraphie, Rivista di Ricerca Danza, nuova serie, 4/2004. Lucca, 2006. 8º, 115, 98 pp. Line-cut of the 1852 edition, together with introduction and translations in It-Eng. Saint-Léon invented a system of dance notation using a five-line staff for leg positions, with a single line above it for head and arm positions, over which were notated modified stick figures. “La
sténochorégraphie” includes movements from La Vivandiér, Giselle and Il Basilico. Wrappers. $44
(more info... )
[item no.8704]
SAND, George, 1804-1876
Essai sur le drame fantastique: Goethe, Byron, Mickiewicz.
Biblioteca Storico Giuridica e Artistico Letteraria: Letteratura Musica Teatro, 69. Bologna, 1979. 17 x 24 cm, 54, vii pp. Line-cut of the 19th-c. edition. Afterword in It by Annarosa Poli. Wrappers. Special sale price, $5, regularly $18
[item no.4045]
SAUZAY, Charles Eugène, 1809-1901
L’école de l’accompagnement. Ouvrage faisant suite à l’étude sur le quatuor par Eug. Sauzay.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/210. Bologna, 1972. 16 x 22 cm, 276 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1869 edition. Hardbound.
[item no.4011]
SCHEIDMAYER, Johann David & Johann Lorenz (1753-1805; 1786-1860)
Das Notizbuch von Johann David Schiedmayer und seinem Sohn Johann Lorenz : Faksimile - Transkription - Übersetzung / The Notebook of Johann David Scheidmayer & His Son Johann Lorenz. Facsimile—Transcription-Translation. Edited and Annotated with an Introduction by Michael Latcham.
Quellenkataloge zur Musikgeschichte, 49. Wilhelmshaven, 2010. Oblong, 21 x 30 cm, 508 pp. Color facsimile of the notebook of this esteemed piano maker active in Erlangen and Nuremberg. 4 years after his death his son Johann Lorenz, together with Carl Wilhelm Friedrich Dieudonné founded the firm of piano makers Dieudonné & Scheidmayer in Stuttgart. The two Scheidmayers, father and
son, made use of this small notebook, comprising 192 pages, most jotting down remarks and records in relation to their work. While Johann David used the book to record wages he was paid as an apprentice to Johann Andreas Stein, other income and notes on the construction of instruments, Johann Lorenz used it to to keep notes on the construction of pianos, both grand and square,
record tunings he had carried out and the construction costs of a new building complex in Stuttgart for the firm. The whole document provides an extrordinary account of instrument making, on social life and on the relationship between apprentice and master. Clothbound. $356
[item no.9426]
SCHENKER, Heinrich, 1867-1935
[Schenkerian analysis]
Der Dreiklang. Monatsschrift für Musik. Herausgegeben von Oswald Jonas und Felix Salzer. Heft 1-9, Jahrgang 1937-1938.
Hildesheim, 1989. 17 x 24 cm, 213 pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, 1937-38 edition. Wrappers. $60
[item no.3590]
SCHLIMBACH, Georg Christian Friedrich, c.1760-d.?
Ueber die Structur, Erhaltung, Stimmung, Prüfung der Orgel, Leipzig 1801.
Bibliotheca Organologica, 8. Hilversum, 1966. 8º, xxxx, 306 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $62
[item no.3550]
SCHOENBERG, Arnold, 1874-1951
[Arnold Schönberg Center]
Arnold Schönberg. Spiele, Konstruktionen, Bricolagen / Games, Constructions, Bricolages.
Vienna, 2004. 18 x 22 cm, 80 pp, w/ 86 color illus. Beautifully illustrated catalog produced on the occasion of the exhibit “Arnold Schönbergs Schachzüge—Dodekaphonie und Spiele-Konsruktionen”, Arnold Schönberg Center and the Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, 7 May, 13 September 2004. Wrappers. $25 (more info... )
[item no.9049]
[Arnold Schönberg Center]
Schönberg. Pierrot Lunaire Companion. Elke Fess, Therese Muxeneder.
Vienna, 2012. 15 x 22 cm, 80 pp, w/ 42 color illus. Beautifully illustrated catalog produced on the occasion of composition of Arnold Schoenberg’s Pierrot lunaire in Berlin in 1912. The work was commissioned by Albertine Zehme, whose recitations were marked by a highly individual aesthetic, aiming to “recapture the ear’s prerogative in life”. In terms of its genre, Pierrot lunaire was historically unique at the time Schoenberg composed it and marks the high point of his expressionistic period. The famous melodrama is placed in the extreme danger zone of post-Romantic composition. Pierrot, “with waxen countenance”, is a bizarre and nervous figure, enticed into a counterworld of nighttime phantasms and hopeless passions. A cosmos of tonal shading in the colorful realm between singing and speaking. Ger/Eng. Wrappers. $15
(more info... )
[item no.9312]
SCHUBART, Christian Friedrich Daniel, 1739-1791
Schubart’s Karakter von seinem Sohn Ludwig Schubart.
Faksimile-Edition Theoretica, 6 Suttgart, 2011. 11 x 16 cm, 176, xx pp. Line-cut of the 1798 Erlangen edition. Schubart was an outspoken German critic, poet, musician and finally music director in Stuttgart; this is his son’s account of this turbulent life. Afterword by Christoph Öhm-Kühnle. Hardbound in decorative paper. $38
[item no.9263]
SPOHR, Louis, 1784-1859
[method, violin, WoO 45]
Violinschule. Reprint der Erstausgabe Wien, T. Haslinger 1833.
Munich, 2000. 25 x 33 cm, 250, vi pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, 1833 edition. Afterword in Ger by Kai Köpp. Cloth. $135
[item no.7953]
[method, violon]
Gran metodo per violino. Novara s.d.
Archivum Musicum: Ottocento, 1. Florence, 2008. 24 x 34 cm, 11, 247 pp. Line-cut of the Italian edition, Novara, [1832]. Preface in It by Franco Pavan. Wrappers, in decorative paper. $82
[item no.9055]
STEIN, Johann Andreas, 1728-1792
Das Notizbuch von Johann Andreas Stein : Faksimile - Transkription - Übersetzung / The Notebook of Johann Andreas Stein. Facsimile—Transcription—Translation. Edited with an Introduction and commentary by Michael Latcham.
Quellenkataloge zur Musikgeschichte, 61 Wilhelmshaven, 2014. Oblong, 21 x 30 cm, 2 vols, 342, 510. Color facsimile, together with transcriptions, a translation into English and commentary of the personal notebook of Johann Andreas Stein, one of the most important instrument makers of the 18th c. The book contains poems, sketches, anecdotes, descriptions of all his journeys and work
as a journeyman and instrument maker in Augsburg. There are references to Bartolomeo Cristofori and Frantz Jacob Spath and other interesting material such as stringing schemes for harpsichords, pianos and clavichords, improvements to the piano and clavichord, organ dispositions and lists of clients. Stein used the notebook from 1748 until 1777. The notebook contains dispositions of
various organs including that of the famous Gabler organ in Weingarten, J.A. Silbermann’s organ in the New Church in Strasbourg and Stein’s own organ in the Barfüßerkirche in Augsburg. During the period of the notebook Stein invented his “Poly-Tono-Clavichordium” an instrument combining a large harpsichord and a Hammerflügel (1769) and a small expressive melody organ he called the
“Melodica” (1772). 2 vols, clothbound, in slipcase. $558
[item no.9425]
STREICHER, Johann Andreas, 1761-1833
[Kurze Bemerkungen über das] Spielen, Stimmen und Erhalten der Pianoforte. Wien 1802. [Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin].
Faksimile-Edition Theoretica, 2 Suttgart, 2008. 11 x 19 cm, 40, 46 pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, 1802 edition. Streicher, a music teacher and pianoforte maker, married Nannette Stein, founder of the famous pianoforte manufacturer in Vienna. In due course the firm became Streicher & Sohn. Every purchaser of a Streicher piano received a copy of this delightful booklet on piano playing,
tuning and maintenance. Afterword in Ger-Eng by Christophe Öhm-Kühnle. Hardbound in decorative paper. $42
[item no.9032]
THIÉMÉ, Frédéric, b.?-1802
Nouvelle théorie sur les différens mouvemens des airs, fondée sur la pratique de la musique moderne, avec le projet d’un nouveau chronomètre.
Geneva, 1972. 8º, 82 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1801 edition. An extremely rare treatment of tempi, with the number of chronometrical vibrations per minute for each. Eleven full-page engravings illustrate the system he proposes for composers, conductors and soloists. Hardbound.
[item no.3340]
TOMEONI, Pellegrino, 1729-1816?
Regole pratiche per accompagnare il basso continuo.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/205. Bologna, 1972. 8º, c.40 pp. Line-cut of the 1795 edition. Basso continuo treatise. Laid paper. Wrappers. $24
[item no.3752]
TULOU, Jean-Louis, 1786-1865
[Method, flute]
Méthode de flûte progressive et raisonnée adoptée par le Comité d’Enseignment du Conservatoire National de Musique.
Geneva, 1973. 22 x 30 cm, 131 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1851 edition. Wrappers. $91
[item no.3344]
TÜRK, Daniel Gottlob, 1756-1813
Anweisung zum Generalbaßspielen. Herausgegeben und mit einer Einführung (deutsch/englisch) von Rainer Bayreuther.
Laaber-Reprint, 6. Laaber, 2005. 16 x 21 cm, xxxvi, 402 pp. Line-cut of the Halle, 1800 edition. With introduction in Ger-Eng. Wrappers. $102 [item no.8506]
Catalogue of the Music Library of Daniel Gottlob Türk, Sold in Halle, 13 January 1817. With an Introduction by A. Hyatt King.
Auction Catalogues of Music, 3. Amsterdam, 1973. 14 x 21 cm, ix, 74 pp. Line-cut of the Halle, 1816 edition. Türk, though undistinguished as a composer, was a man of considerable intellectual distinction as is evidenced by this list of 1439 music items from his estate, including a considerable number of multiple lots. Wrappers. $46 [item no.3664]
Klavierschule oder Anweisung zum Klavierspielen für Lehrer und Lernende. Faksimile-Reprint der 1. Ausgabe 1789 herausgegeben von Siegbert Rampe.
Kassel, 1997. 8º, xiii, 442, 15 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig & Halle, 1789 edition. Wrappers. $26 [item no.7459]
Von den wichtigsten Pflichten eines Organisten.
Kassel. Line-cut of the Halle, 1800 edition. $50 [item no.943]
VANDENBRŒCK, Othon, 1758-1832
Traité général de tous les instrumens à vent à l’usage des compositeurs.
Geneva, 1973. 8º, 65 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1794 edition. Examines the range of the horn in every key played in unison with the violin. Also discusses the clarinet, trumpet, trombone, timpani, oboe, flute, bassoon and serpent. Hardbound. $86 [item no.3234]
VANDERHAGEN, Amand, 1753-1822
[Method, clarinet]
Méthode nouvelle raisonée pour la clarinette divisée en deux parties / [V. Roeser:] Essai d’instruction à l’usage de ceux qui composent pour la clarinette et le cor. Avec des remarques sur l’harmonie et des exemples à deux clarinettes, deux cors et deux bassons.
Geneva, 1972. Oblong, 4º, 54 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1798 & 1764 editions. Two complementary treatises on wind instruments. Wrappers. $40 [item no.3324]
[Method, oboe]
Méthode nouvelle et raisonnée pour le hautbois en deux parties / [J.-P. Freillon-Poncein:] La véritable manière d’apprendre à jouer en perfection du hautbois, de la flûte et du flageolet.
Geneva, 1974. Oblong, 4º, 160 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1792 & 1770 edition. Two complementary treatises on wind instruments. Wrappers. $51 [item no.3275]
VILLOTEAU, Guillaume-André, 1759-1839
Recherches sur l’analogie de la musique avec les arts qui ont pour objet l’imitation du langage. Pour servir d’introduction à l’étude des principes naturels de cet art.
Geneva, 1970. 8º, 2 vols, 1275 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1807 edition. Hardbound. $332 [item no.3574]
VOGLER, Georg Joseph, 1749-1814
Betrachtungen der Mannheimer Tonschule.
Hildesheim, 1974. 8º, 1759 pp. Line-cut of the Mannheim, 1778-81 edition. Linen, in 3 vols. $351 [item no.2578]
Tonwissenschaft und Tonsetzkunst. [Niedersächsische Staats- & Universitätsbibl., Göttingen].
Hildesheim, 1970. 11 x 17 cm, 95 pp. Line-cut of the Mannheim, 1776 edition. Linen. $30 [item no.2579]
WAGNER, Richard, 1813-1883
[Barth, H., D. Mack, & E. Voss]
Wagner. A Documentary Study. Compiled and Edited by Herbert Barth, Dietrich Mack, Egon Voss. Preface by Pierre Boulez. With 296 Illustrations, 73 in Color.
New York, 1975. 23 x 31 cm, 256 pp. One of the best picture documentaries ever assemblied on the composer, including scenes from operas, drawings, letters, photographs and musical autographs. Essays on Wagner’s life and works. Linen. $55
[item no.1592]
[Barth, H., D. Mack, & E. Voss]
Wagner. Sein Leben, sein Werk und seine Welt in zeitgenössischen Bildern und Texten. Biography in Documents. Vorwort von Pierre Boulez.
Vienna, 1975. 23 x 31 cm, 256 pp. One of the best picture documentaries ever assemblied on the composer, including scenes from operas, drawings, letters, photographs and musical autographs. Essays on Wagner’s life and works. In Ger. Linen. $65
[item no.1617]
[Barth, H., D. Mack, & E. Voss]
Wagner. Sein Leben, sein Werk und seine Welt in zeitgenössischen Bildern und Texten. Biography in Documents. Vorwort von Pierre Boulez.
Mainz, 1982. 256 pp. One of the best picture documentaries ever assemblied on the composer, including scenes from operas, drawings, letters, photographs and musical autographs. Essays on Wagner’s life and works. In Ger. Linen. $20
[item no.1772]
(Drusche, Esther)
Richard Wagner. Ein Bildbuch. Biographische Skizzen, Dokumente, Zeittafeln herausgegeben von Esther Drusche.
Wiesbaden, 1983. 21 x 30 cm, 230, with 198 illus pp. Beautiful picture documentary with many full color facsimiles. Linen. $37
[item no.2332]
Kapp, Julius.
Richard Wagner: Sein Leben, sein Werk, seine Welt in 260 Bildern.
Berlin-Schöneberg, 1933. 18 x 25 cm, iv, 160 pp. Rich picture documentary with numerous halftone and line-cut facsimiles of music autographs, letters, photographs, and contemporary documents. Linen. $45
[item no.2712]
WEBERN, Anton, 1883-1945
Sketches (1926-1945). Facsimile Reproductions from the Composer’s Autograph Sketchbooks in the Moldenhauer Archive. Commentary by Ernst Krenek with a Foreword by Hans Moldenhauer.
New York, 1968. Oblong, 37 x 30 cm, 16, 47 pp. Fine line-cut reproduction of the autograph. Webern made preliminary drafts for his compositions which show stages of evolution and the unending thought and care that he bestowed upon them. While Stravinsky called the finished products “those dazzling diamonds”, this volume allows us a glimspe into the composer’s workshop. These
fascinating sketches, extracted from five sketchbooks from the Webern Archive, illustrate the meticulous step-by-step process of the composer’s 12-tone technique. Compositions include op.19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 31 and several unidentified works. Handsome binding in beige and brown linen, with slipcase. $70
(more info... )
[item no.671]
WIECK, Friedrich, 1785-1873
Clavier und Gesang. Didaktisches und Polemisches.
Facsimile Series, V/1. Peer, 1995. 15 x 22 cm, 152 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1853 edition. Popular manual consisting of critical, polemical, satirical and novel-like texts. Afterword by Greta Haenen. Wrappers. Special sale price $10, regularly $28
[item no.7156]
WOLDEMAR, Michel, 1750-1815
[Method, violin]
Grande méthode ou étude élémentaire pour le violon / L’art du violon par abonnement / Les commandements du violon. [Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris].
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2001. 4º, 133 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1800 edition (Grande méthode was first published as Méthode pour le violon, 1798). Wrappers. $45
[item no.7955]
WOLFRAM, Johann Christian, 1766-1828
Anleitung zur Kenntniz, Beurteilung und Erhaltung der Orgeln, Gotha 1815.
Bibliotheca Organologica, 3. Amsterdam, 1972. 8º, xx, 364 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $46
[item no.3549]
Agenda musical pour l’année 1836 ou indicateur des amateurs, artistes et commerçants en musique de Paris, de la province et de l’étranger, par Planque, 1re-3e année.
Archives de l’Édition Musicale Française, XI. Geneva, 1981. 8º, 352 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1836-1837 edition. Rare musical annual of Paris dealing with orchestras, lyric theaters, publishers, instrument makers, amateurs, etc. Wrappers. $91
[item no.5490]
Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung, neue Folge.
Amsterdam, 1969. 8º, 3 vols, 1360 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1863-1865 edition (Jahrgänge 1-3). Linen. $481 [item no.7001]
Allgemeine Wiener Musik-Zeitung. Herausgegeben von August Schmidt.
Hildesheim, 1976. 8º, 4784 pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, 1841-48 edition. 4 vols, in linen. $1407 [item no.3859]
Ars componendi / Regulae componendj [1718]. [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 37. Stuttgart, 2017. Oblong, 23 x 19 cm, 87 pp. Color reproduction of 2 fascinating manuscripts on the rules of composition—shelfmark L70; one is dated 1717. Hardbound with decorative marbled boards. $69 [item no.9557]
Correspondance des amateurs musiciens rédigée par le cit. Cocatrix, suivie de la correspondance des professeurs et amateurs de musique.
Geneva, 1972. 4º, 680 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1802-1805 edition. A weekly periodical containing articles on instruments, composers, announcements of new publications, theatrical performances and concerts, reviews, lessons, etc. Wrappers. $364 [item no.4249]
Leipziger Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung.
Amsterdam, 1969. 8º, 17 vols, 8660 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1866-1882 edition (Jahrgänge 1-17). Linen. $3154 [item no.7002]
Magazin der Musik. Herausgegeben von Carl Friedrich Cramer.
Hildesheim, 1971-1974. 8º, 2884 pp. Line-cut of the Hamburg, 1783-86 edition. 4 vols, in linen. $672
[item no.3878]
[Methods, bassoon, France, 1800-1860, integrale edition, parts 1-4]
Basson – Méthodes – Traités d’instrumentation – Dictionnaires – Cours de compositions – Périodiques. Quatre volumes réalisés par Michel Giboureau.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 4 vols, 912 pp. Complete theoretical writings on the bassoon, arranged chronologically. Includes essays or treatises by Ozy, Reicha, Castil-Blaze, Fétis, Kuffner, Berr, Choron, Kastner, Blumer, Berlioz, Willent, Corrette, Dupart, Héral, and Jancourt (see individual volumes for precise contents). Wrappers. $255
[item no.8631]
[Methods, bassoon, France, 1800-1860, integrale edition, part 1]
Basson – Méthodes – Traités d’instrumentation – Dictionnaires – Cours de compositions – Périodiques. Quatre volumes réalisés par Michel Giboureau. Volume 1.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 200 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on the bassoon from these sources: Ozy: Nouvelle méthode de basson - 1803; Reicha: Cours de composition musicale - 1816; Castil-Blaze: Dictionnaire de la musique moderne - 1821; Fétis: Revue musicale - 1828; Kuffner: Principes élémentaires - 1828. Wrappers. $71
[item no.8632]
[Methods, bassoon, France, 1800-1860, integrale edition, part 2]
Basson – Méthodes – Traités d’instrumentation – Dictionnaires – Cours de compositions – Périodiques. Quatre volumes réalisés par Michel Giboureau. Volume 2.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 224 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on the bassoon from these sources: Berr: Méthode complète de basson - 1836; Choron: Manuel complet de musique - 1836; Choron & Lafage: Nouveau manuel de musique - s.d.; Kastner: Traité général d’instrumentation - 1836; Fétis: Manuel des compositeurs - 1837; Kastner: Cours d’instrumentation
-c.1837; Kastner: Supplément au cours d’instrumentation - c.1837; Kastner: Supplément au traité d’instrumentation - after 1837; Blumer: Nouvelle méthode facile et progressive - 1840. Wrappers. $79
[item no.8633]
[Methods, bassoon, France, 1800-1860, integrale edition, part 3]
Basson – Méthodes – Traités d’instrumentation – Dictionnaires – Cours de compositions – Périodiques. Quatre volumes réalisés par Michel Giboureau. Volume 3.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 232 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on the bassoon from these sources: Ozy: Méthode de basson - 1843; Berlioz: Grand traité d’instrumentation - 1844; Willent, J. & J.B. Bordogni: Méthode complète pour le basson - 1844; Cornette: Méthode de basson - c.1854; Dupart: Méthode polyphonique - 1859; Héral et Ozy: Petite méthode de basson - s.d. Wrappers. $80
[item no.8634]
[Methods, bassoon, France, 1800-1860, integrale edition, part 4]
Basson – Méthodes – Traités d’instrumentation – Dictionnaires – Cours de compositions – Périodiques. Quatre volumes réalisés par Michel Giboureau. Volume 4.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 256 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on the bassoon from these sources: Eugène Jancourt: Méthode théorique et pratique - 1847. Wrappers. $88
[item no.8635]
[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, parts 1-6]
Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, 6 vols, c.1185 pp. Line-cut, arranged chronologically, of 63 treatises on basso continuo practice by an anonymous writers, Bartolotti, Bovin, Buterne, Carre, Charpentier, Chaumont, Henry d’Anglebert, De la Barre, Delair, Feury, Marais, Nivers, Perrine/Saint-Lambert, F. Campion, T. Campion, Cheron, Clerambault, Couperin, Dandrieu, Delair, Leclair, Rameau, Dornel, Forqueray, Gervais, Goudat, Guillemain, Monnier, Monteclair, Pingre, Rameau, Serre de Rieux, Telemann, Travenol, Alembert, Blanville, Corrette, Dubugrarre/Geminiani, Laporte, Bethisy, Biferi, Clement, Dubreuil, Garnier, Gianotti, Gougelet, Labbet, Le Boeuf/Rameau, Roussier, Simon, Tapray, Bemetzrieder, Froestler, Gournay, Langle, Rodolphe, and Roussier. Wrappers. $423
[item no.8749]
[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, part 5]
Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, c.210 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: Tapray: Abrège de l’accompagnement - 1755; Labbet & Leris: Sentiment d’un Harmoniphile - 1756; Clement: Essai sur l’accompagnement - 1758; Gianotti: Le guide du compositeur - 1759; Rameau: Code de musique pratique - 1760; Bethisy: Exposition de la théorie et de la pratique - 1764; Roussier: Traité des accords et de leur succession - 1764; Le Bœuf: Traité d’harmonie et règles d’accompagnement - 1766; Garnier: Nouvelle méthode pour l’accompagnement - 1767; Dubreuil: Manuel harmonique - 1767; Biferi: Traité de musique abrégé, divisé en trois parties - 1770; Simon: Théorie pratique d’accompagnement - s.d.; Gougelet: Méthode ou abrégé des règles - 1771. Wrappers. $80
[item no.8754]
[Methods, continuo, France, 1600-1800, part 6]
Basse Continue-France 1600-1800. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Six volumes réalisés par Jean Saint-Arroman.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2006. 4º, c.255 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on continuo practice from these sources: Roussier: L’harmonie pratique - 1775; Corrette: Prototipes contenant des leçons d’accompagnement - 1775; Anonymous: Abrégé des règles de composition - 1777; Bemetzrieder: Nouvelles leçons de clavecin ou instructions générales - 1782; Rodolphe: Théorie d’accompagnement - c.1785; Gournay: Lettre à M. l’abbé Roussier - 1785; Langle: Traité de la basse sous le chant - 1797; Froestler: Traité d’harmonie et de modulation - 1800; Anonymous: Principes de l’accompagnement - s.d.; Anonymous: Règles d’accompagnement - s.d. Wrappers. $98
[item no.8755]
[Methods, flute, France, 1600-1800, part 1]
Flûte traversière. Méthodes et traités. Dictionnaires.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2001. 4º, 296 pp. Line-cut. Contents: Mersenne: Harmonie Universelle - 1636; Trichet: Traité des instruments - c.1640; Furetière: Dictionnaire universel - 1690; Brossard: Dictionnaire de musique - 1703; Hotteterre: Principes de la flûte traversière - 1707; Hotteterre: L'art de préluder - 1719; Béthisy: Exposition de la théorie - 1754; Bordet: Méthode raisonnée pour apprendre - 1755; Anon.: Découverte de l'embouchure - 1756; Ancelet: Observations sur la musique - 1757; Mahaut: Nouvelle méthode pour apprendre en peu de temps à jouer de la flûte traversière - 1759; Garsault: Notionnaire ou Mémorial raisonné - 1761; Lusse: L'art de la flûte traversière - 1761; Francoeur Le Neveu: Diapason général de tous les instruments à vent - 1772; Corrette: Méthode raisonnée (2e édition) - 1773; Roeser: Gamme pour la flûte traversière - 1777. Wrappers. $99
[item no.8058]
[Methods, flute, France, 1600-1800, part 2]
Flûte traversière. Méthodes et traités. Dictionnaires.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2001. 4º, 304 pp. Line-cut. Contents: Mussard: Nouveaux principes pour apprendre à jouer de la flûte traversière - 1778; Laborde: Essai sur la musique - 1780; Encyclopédie méthodique: Edition Panckoucke et Plomteux (reprend le texte de l'Encyclopédie) - 1788; Anon.: Principe de flûte pour apprendre à jouer sans maître - c.1790; Vandenbrock: Traité général de tous les instruments à vent - c.1793; Devienne: Nouvelle méthode théorique et pratique pour la flûte - 1794; Cambini: Méthode pour la flûte traversière - c.1795; Van der Hagen: Nouvelle méthode de flûte - 1798. Wrappers. $101
[item no.8059]
[Methods, flute, France, 1800-1860, parts 1-7]
Flûte traversière. Méthodes et traités. Réalisés par Ariette Biget et Michel Giboureau. 7 volumes.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 7 vols, 2,264 pp. Line-cut. Treatises on the transverse flute, arranged chronologically, by Holtzappfel, Hugot/Wunderlich, Michel, Perault, Trézy, Berbiguier, Miroir, Reicha, Wunderlich, Bigot, Coche, Drouët, Farrenc, Fétis, Kastner, Vaillant, Walckiers, Camus, Coche, Berlioz, Bretonnière, Kastner, Nadaud, Dorus, Soussman, Tulou, Bousquet, Cornette, and Gattermann. Wrappers. $578
[item no.8649]
[Methods, flute, France, 1800-1860, part 1]
Flûte traversière. Méthodes et traités. Réalisés par Ariette Biget et Michel Giboureau. Vol. 1.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 328 pp. Line-cut. Contents: Perault: Méthode pour la flûte - c.1800; Michel: Nouvelle méthode de flûte - 1802; Trezy: Doigter de la flûte - c.1802; Hugot et Wunderlich: Méthode de flûte du conservatoire - 1804; Holtzappfel: Par brevet d’invention - c.1810. Wrappers. $104
[item no.8650]
[Methods, flute, France, 1800-1860, part 2]
Flûte traversière. Méthodes et traités. Réalisés par Ariette Biget et Michel Giboureau. Vol. 2.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 400 pp. Line-cut. Contents: Wunderlich: Principes élémentaires - c.1812; Reicha: Cours de composition - 1816; Miroir: La clef de l’orchestre - 1818; Berbiguier: Nouvelle méthode pour la flûte - c.1818. Wrappers. $124
[item no.8651]
[Methods, flute, France, 1800-1860, part 3]
Flûte traversière. Méthodes et traités. Réalisés par Ariette Biget et Michel Giboureau. Vol. 3.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 336 pp. Line-cut. Contents: Vaillant: Nouvelle méthode de flûte - c.1826; Douët: Méthode pour la flûte - c.1827; Walckiers: Méthode de flûte - c.1829; Bigot: Solfège pour la flûte - after 1832; Fetis: Exposition des produits de l’industrie - 1834; Kastner: Traité Général - 1836; Kastner: Supplément Traité Général - c.1837; Coche: Examen critique - 1838; Farreng: Flûte Boehm - 1838. Wrappers. $104
[item no.8652]
[Methods, flute, France, 1800-1860, part 4]
Flûte traversière. Méthodes et traités. Réalisés par Ariette Biget et Michel Giboureau. Vol. 4.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 320 pp. Line-cut. Contents: Camus: Méthode pour la nouvelle flûte - 1839; Coche: Méthode pour servir - 1839. Wrappers. $101
[item no.8653]
[Methods, flute, France, 1800-1860, part 5]
Flûte traversière. Méthodes et traités. Réalisés par Ariette Biget et Michel Giboureau. Vol. 5.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 312 pp. Line-cut. Contents: Bretonnière: Méthode complète théorique et pratique - 1840; Nadaud: Méthode de flûte - 1841; Kastner: Méthode élémentaire - 1844; Berlioz: Grand traité d’instrumentation - 1844. Wrappers. $99
[item no.8654]
[Methods, flute, France, 1800-1860, part 6]
Flûte traversière. Méthodes et traités. Réalisés par Ariette Biget et Michel Giboureau. Vol. 6.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 328 pp. Line-cut. Contents: Dorus: L’étude de la nouvelle flûte - 1845; Soussmani: Ecole pratique de la flûte - 1850; Tulou: Méthode de flûte - 1851. Wrappers. $104
[item no.8655]
[Methods, flute, France, 1800-1860, part 7]
Flûte traversière. Méthodes et traités. Réalisés par Ariette Biget et Michel Giboureau. Vol. 7.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 240 pp. Line-cut. Contents: Gattermann: Méthode de flûte - c.1851; Cornette: Méthode de flûte - 1855; Bousquet: Méthode de flûte - 1858; Gattermann: Méthode précédée des principes - c.1861. Wrappers. $81
[item no.8656]
[Methods, harp, France, 1600-1800, part 3]
Harpe. Méthodes – Traites – Dictionnaires et Encyclopédies – Ouvages généraux. Volume III: Anonyme (2), Bürckhoffer, Cousineau, Encyclopédie méthodique, Krumpholz (1-2), Martini, Petrini (1-2).
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2002. 4º, 210 pp. Line-cut. Contents: Krumpholz: Deux simphonies pour la harpe - 1787; Encyclopédie: Encyclopédie méthodique - 1788; Petrini: Etude de la main gauche - 1788; Bürckhoffer: Huitième livre contenant la gamme - 1789; Anon. Méthode et gamme de harpe - c. 1790; Martini: Mélopée moderne - 1792; Petrini: Abrégé de la méthode de harpe - 1796; Krumpholz: Principes pour la harpe - 1800; Cousineau: Méthode de harpe (2e édition) - c.1803. Wrappers. $75
[item no.8168]
[Methods, oboe, France, 1800-1860, part 1]
Hautbois – Méthodes -Traités – Dictionnaires & Encyclopédies. Ouvrages généraux. Volume I: Brod, Castil-Blaze, Chalon, Choron (1), Reichi, Vogt. Volume réalisé par Michel Giboureau.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2003. 4º, 321 pp. 6 treatises or contributions pertaining to the oboe published between 1802 and 1826/35. Wrappers. $103
[item no.8337]
[Methods, oboe, France, 1800-1860, part 2]
Hautbois – Méthodes -Traités – Dictionnaires & Encyclopédies. Ouvrages généraux. Volume II: Berlioz, Choron (2), Kastner (1-2), Miller, Raoulx, Sellner, Veny. Volume réalisé par Michel Giboureau.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2003. 4º, 269 pp. 8 treatises or contributions pertaining to the oboe published between 1828 and 1844. Wrappers. $94
[item no.8338]
[Methods, oboe, France, 1800-1860, part 3]
Hautbois – Méthodes -Traités – Dictionnaires & Encyclopédies. Ouvrages généraux. Volume III: Barret, Corret, Dupart, Verroust. Volume réalisé par Michel Giboureau.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2003. 4º, 318 pp. 4 treatises or contributions pertaining to the oboe published between 1850 and 1859. Wrappers. $101
[item no.8339]
[Methods, oboe, Great Britain, 1600-1860, parts 1-2]
Oboe-Great Britain 1600-1860. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Deux volumes réalisés par Geoffrey Burgess.
Méthodes et Traités, VI. Courlay, 2006. 4º, 2 vols, 544 pp. Line-cut, arranged chronologically, of 16 treatises on the oboe by an anonymous writer, Banister, Braun, Busby, Chambers, Danneley, Gehot, Hawkins, Hogarth, Mandel, Prelleur, Sadler, Tans’ur, Wragg, Wilson, and Barret. Wrappers. $181
[item no.8735]
[Methods, oboe, Great Britain, 1600-1860, part 1]
Oboe-Great Britain 1600-1860. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Volume I: anonymous, Banister, Braun, Busby, Chambers, Danneley, Gehot, Hawkins, Hogarth, Mandel, Prelleur, Sadler, Tans’ur, Wragg, Wilson.
Méthodes et Traités, VI. Courlay, 2006. 4º, 315 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $111
[item no.8736]
[Methods, oboe, Great Britain, 1600-1860, part 2]
Oboe-Great Britain 1600-1860. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Volume II: Barret.
Méthodes et Traités, VI. Courlay, 2006. 4º, 229 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $91
[item no.8737]
[Methods, piano, France, 1600-1800, part 1]
Piano Forte – Méthodes et leçons pour piano-forte ou clavecin.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2000. 4º, iv, 237 pp. Composite collection of theoretical writings on the piano forte and clavecin. Contents: Despréaux: Cours d’éducation de clavecin ou pianoforte; J.C. Bach & Ricci: Méthod our recueil de connoissances; Ricci: Recueil de connoissances élémentaires; Ducray-Duminil: Clavier et gamme de clavecin ou pianoforte; Encyclopédie méthodique, (édition de Panckoucke); Bemetzrieder: Nouvelles leçons de clavecin ou pianoforte; Viguerie: L’art de toucher le piano-forte; Dreux: Principes du clavecin ou du piano forte; Thiémé: Principes abrégés de musique pratique pour le fortepiano; Nonot: Leçons méthodiques de clavecin ou de forte piano. Wrappers. $74
[item no.7879]
[Methods, piano, France, 1600-1800, part 2]
Piano Forte – Méthodes et leçons pour piano-forte ou clavecin.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2000. 4º, iv, 239 pp. Composite edition of theoretical writings on the piano forte and clavecin. Contents: Pleyel & Dussek: Méthode pour le pianoforte, and Adam & Lachnitz: Méthode ou principe général du doigté (1801). Wrappers. $74
[item no.7880]
[Methods, recorder, Europe, part 1]
Flûte à bec. Quatre volumes réalisés par Susi Möblmeier et Frédérique Thouvenot.
Méthodes et Traités, III. Courlay, 2001. 4º, 202 pp. Line-cut. Treatises by Agricola, anonymous, Ganassi, Jambe de Fer, Mersenne, Praetorius, Trichet, Virdung and Virgiliano. Wrappers. $70
[item no.8060]
[Methods, recorder, Europe, part 2]
Flûte à bec. Quatre volumes réalisés par Susi Möblmeier et Frédérique Thouvenot.
Méthodes et Traités, III. Courlay, 2001. 4º, 306 pp. Line-cut. Treatises by anonymous, Bismantova, Carr, Hudgebut, Loulié, Salter, & Eyck. Wrappers. $101
[item no.8061]
[Methods, recorder, Europe, part 3]
Flûte à bec. Quatre volumes réalisés par Susi Möblmeier et Frédérique Thouvenot.
Méthodes et Traités, III. Courlay, 2001. 4º, 227 pp. Line-cut. Treatises by 4 anonymous writers, Brossard, Eisel, Encyclopédie méthodique, Louis-Joseph Francoeur, Freillon-Poncein, Garsault, Hotteterre-le-Romain, Laborde, Majer, Prelleur, Schickhardt, Tans’ur & Weigel. Wrappers. $75
[item no.8062]
[Methods, recorder, Europe, part 4]
Flûte à bec. Quatre volumes réalisés par Susi Möblmeier et Frédérique Thouvenot.
Méthodes et Traités, III. Courlay, 2006. 4º, 227 pp. Line-cut. Treatises by 6 anonymous writers, Bonanni, Douwes, Freillon-Poncein, Hawkins, Hotteterre-le-Romain, Minguet y Yrol, Sadler, Stanesby, Tans’ur, Verschuere Reijnvaen, Wather, & Wright. Wrappers. $104
[item no.8717]
[Methods, viol (par-dessus), France, 1600-1800]
Alto par-dessus de viole – Méthodes et traités – Dictionnaires. Ancelet, Béthisy, Brijon, Michel Corrette, Cupis, Encyclopédie, Encyclopédie méthodique, Garsault, Laborde, Mersenne, Woldemar.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2000. 4º, 5, 135 pp. Complete theoretical writings for alto par-dessus de viole. Hardbound. $44
[item no.7117]
[Methods, violin. Germany-Austria, 1600-1800, part 2]
Violon. The Complete Theoretic Documentation on the Violin in 4 Books. Realisation by Siegbert Rampe & Dominik Sackmann.
Méthodes et Traités, VII. Courlay, 2007. 4º, 304 pp. Line-cut of Leopold Mozart’s treatise on the violin. Wrappers. $91
[item no.8862]
[Methods, violin. Germany-Austria, 1600-1800, part 3]
Violon. The Complete Theoretic Documentation on the Violin in 4 Books. Realisation by Siegbert Rampe & Dominik Sackmann.
Méthodes et Traités, VII. Courlay, 2007. 4º, 200 pp. Line-cut of 3 original articles or treatises on the violin, including works by George Simon Löhlein, Johann Friedrich Reichardt, and Karl Tauber von Tauberfurt. Wrappers. $73
[item no.8863]
[Methods, violin. Germany-Austria, 1600-1800, part 4]
Violon. The Complete Theoretic Documentation on the Violin in 4 Books. Realisation by Siegbert Rampe & Dominik Sackmann.
Méthodes et Traités, VII. Courlay, 2007. 4º, 304 pp. Line-cut of 6 original articles or treatises on the violin, including works by Francesco Geminiani, Giuseppe Tartini, F.A.W. (anonymous), Johann Adam Hiller, Ignaz Schweigl, and George Simon Löhlein. Wrappers. $91
[item no.8864]
[Methods, violin. Italy, 1600-1800, part 3]
Violon. Trois volumes réalisés par Alessandro Moccia. Méthodes – Traités – Ouvrages généraux. Volume III: Campagnoli (2), Fanzago, Tartini (4-5).
Méthodes et Traités, IV. Courlay, 2002. 4º, 265 pp. Line-cut of 4 original articles or treatises on the violin, from Fanzago (1792) to Campagnoli (1797). Wrappers. $80
[item no.8165]
[Methods, violoncello, France, 1800-1860, parts 1-7]
Violoncelle. France 1800-1860. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Sept volumes réalisés par Philippe Muller.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2006. 4º, 7 vols, 1,792 pp. Line-cut, arranged chronologically, of 18 treatises on the violoncello by Bideau, Aubert, Breval, Baillot, Levasseur, Catel & Baudiot, Duport, Muntz Berger, Stiastny, Depas, Dotzauer, Hus-Desforges, Miné, Romberg, Berlioz, Anspach & Chevillard. Wrappers. $474
[item no.8709]
[Methods, violoncello, France, 1800-1860, part 1]
Violoncelle. France 1800-1860. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Sept volumes réalisés par Philippe Muller.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2006. 4º, 224 pp. Line-cut of treatises on the violoncello: Bideau: Grande et nouvelle méthode raisonnée - c.1802; Aubert: Méthode ou nouvelles études - 1803. Wrappers. $80
[item no.8710]
[Methods, violoncello, France, 1800-1860, part 2]
Violoncelle. France 1800-1860. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Sept volumes réalisés par Philippe Muller.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2006. 4º, 304 pp. Line-cut of treatises on the violoncello: Breval: Traité du violoncelle - 1804; Baillot, Levasseur, Catel & Baudiot: Méthode violoncelle - 1805. Wrappers. $93
[item no.8711]
[Methods, violoncello, France, 1800-1860, part 3]
Violoncelle. France 1800-1860. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Sept volumes réalisés par Philippe Muller.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2006. 4º, 280 pp. Line-cut of Duport, Essai sur le doigté du violoncelle - c.1806. Wrappers. $85
[item no.8712]
[Methods, violoncello, France, 1800-1860, part 4]
Violoncelle. France 1800-1860. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Sept volumes réalisés par Philippe Muller.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2006. 4º, 200 pp. Line-cut of treatises on the violoncello: Muntz Berger: Nouvelle méthode pour le violoncelle - c.1820; Baudiot, Méthode de violoncelle, 1. partie - 1826. Wrappers. $71
[item no.8713]
[Methods, violoncello, France, 1800-1860, part 5]
Violoncelle. France 1800-1860. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Sept volumes réalisés par Philippe Muller.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2006. 4º, 312 pp. Line-cut of treatises on the violoncello: Baudiot: Études pour le violoncelle - c.1826; Méthode de violoncelle, 2. partie - 1827. Wrappers. $94
[item no.8714]
[Methods, violoncello, France, 1800-1860, part 6]
Violoncelle. France 1800-1860. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Sept volumes réalisés par Philippe Muller.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2006. 4º, 216 pp. Line-cut of treatises on the violoncello: Stiastny: Méthode pour le violoncelle - 1832, Depas: Méthode élémentaire pour violoncelle - n.d.; Dotzauer: Méthode de violoncelle - 1838. Wrappers. $78
[item no.8715]
[Methods, violoncello, France, 1800-1860, part 7]
Violoncelle. France 1800-1860. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Sept volumes réalisés par Philippe Muller.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2006. 4º, 256 pp. Line-cut of treatises on the violoncello: Hus-Desforges: Méthode de violoncelle - c.1838; Miné: Méthode de basse ou violoncelle, c.1840; Romberg: Méthode de violoncelle - c.1840; Berlioz, Grand traité d’instrumentation - 1844; Anspach/Miné, Méthode élémentaire et facile - c.1845; Chevillard, Méthode complète de violoncelle c.1850. Wrappers. $90
[item no.8716]
[Methods, voice, integrale source, parts 1-7]
Chant. Les grandes méthodes romantiques de chant: Cinti-Damoreau - Concone - Conservatoire - Crescentini (1-2) - Duprez - Fétis - Garaudé - Garcia (père - fils) - Lablache - Panofka (1-2) - Panserson (1-2) - Romagnesi - Rossini. 7 volumes réalisés par Jeanne Roudet.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 7 vols, 2,512 pp. Line-cut. Collection of theoretical writings on voice from the Romantic period, arranged chronologically, from Cinti to Rossini. Indispensable resource for singers and theorists. Wrappers. $630
[item no.8526]
[Methods, voice, integrale source, part 1]
Chant. Les grandes méthodes romantiques de chant. . . Volume I: Méthode du Conservatoire - Crescentini.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 376 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $115
[item no.8511]
[Methods, voice, integrale source, part 2]
Chant. Les grandes méthodes romantiques de chant. . . Volume II: Crescentini -Garaudé.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 408 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $124
[item no.8512]
[Methods, voice, integrale source, part 3]
Chant. Les grandes méthodes romantiques de chant. . . Volume III: Garcia (père) - Duprez - Rossini.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 360 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $115
[item no.8513]
[Methods, voice, integrale source, part 4]
Chant. Les grandes méthodes romantiques de chant. . . Volume IV: Garcia (fils) - Cinti-Damoreau - Concone.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 384 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $115
[item no.8514]
[Methods, voice, integrale source,part 5]
Chant. Les grandes méthodes romantiques de chant. . . Volume V: Lablache - Romagnesi.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 168 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $65
[item no.8515]
[Methods, voice, integrale source, part 6]
Chant. Les grandes méthodes romantiques de chant. . . Volume VI: Panseron.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2005. 4º, c.400 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $124
[item no.8516]
[Methods, voice, integrale source,part 7]
Chant. Les grandes méthodes romantiques de chant. . . Volume VII: Panofka - Fétis.
Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 416 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $124
[item no.8517]
Musikalische Bibliothek [und musikalische Anthologie für Kenner und Liebhaber]. 2 Stücke in 1 Band. Herausgegeben von Hans Adolf Freiherr von Eschstruth. [Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich].
Hildesheim, 1977. 8º, 585 pp. Line-cut of the Marburg and Gießen, 1784 edition. Linen. $141
[item no.3855]
Musikalische Realzeitung für das Jahr 1788 [-1789, -1790] und Musikalische Anthologie für Kenner und Liebhaber. Der musikalischen Realzeitung praktischen Theils. Herausgegeben von Heinrich Philipp Carl Boßler. [Staatliche Bibliothek, Regensberg].
Hildesheim, 1971. 17 x 21 cm, 3 vols, 415 pp. Line-cut of the Speyer, 1788-90 edition. Linen. $237
[item no.3856]
Le pianiste. Avec un index établi par M.F. Berne.
Geneva, 1972. 4º, 460 pp. Line-cut of Meudon et Vaugirard, 1833-1835 edition. Unique periodical devoted exclusively to the pianoforte, its construction and its repertory. Hardbound. $242 [item no.4261]
Tablettes de polymnie. Journal consacré à tout ce qui intéresse l’art musical.
Geneva, 1971. 8º, 540 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1810-11 edition. Monthly periodically with announcements of new musical publications, accompanied by ratings, reviews, anecdotes, and original articles. Hardbound. $152 [item no.3332]
Wiener allgemeine musikalische Zeitung, 2.1 – 29.12. 1813. Herausgegeben von Ignaz Franz von Schönholz. Mit einem Vorwort von Othmar Wessely und Personen- und Sachregister von Peter Krause und Ute Schippel.
Leipzig, 1986. 21 x 26 cm, 420 pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, 1813 edition. Linen. $107 [item no.4134]
Addessi, Anna Rita & Roberto Agostini.
Il giudizio estetico nell’epoca dei mass media. Musica, cinema, teatro. A cura di Anna Rita Addessi e Roberto Agostini.
Lucca. 2003. 12º, xiv, 156 pp. Articles by Mario Baroni, Simon Frith, Tullia Magrini, François Jost, Antonio Boschi, Ugo Volli, Marco De Marinis, Piero Bertolini (& Marco Dallari), Eugenia Casini Ropa, Jean Molino and Paolo Gozza. Wrappers. $24 [item no.6529]
Allain-Dupre, Philippe.
Les flûtes de Claude Rafi, fleustier lyonnais au XVIe siècle. Historique, description, tailles, esthéthique.
Instruments Historiques: Monographies d’Instruments, Facteurs et Luthiers. Courlay, 2000. 8º, 55 pp. Wrappers. $16 [item no.6316]
Ammetto, Fabrizio.
Materiales didácticos. Que apoyan el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de disciplinas musicales y musicológicas (con un CD de audio adjunto). Cuerpo Académico de Musicología de la Universidad de Guanajunato, México. Fabrizio Ammetto (ed.).
Lucca, 2012. 12º, viii, 143 pp. Wrappers. $38
[item no.6981]
Ausseil, Louis & Laurent Pie.
Le carillon de la cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Perpignan. Chronologie, historique, méchanique, Relevé épigraphique, iconographique et métrologique, pièces justificatives.
Instruments Historiques: Monographies d’Instruments, Facteurs et Luthiers. Courlay, 2001. 8º, 73 pp. Wrappers. $16
[item no.6314]
Barbieri, Daniele, Luca Marconi & Francesco Spampinato.
L’ascolto musicale. Condotte, pratiche, grammatiche. A cura di Daniele Barbieri, Luca Marconi, Francesco Spampinato.
Lucca, 2008. 17 x 24 cm, xi, 373 pp. Wrappers. $59
[item no.6731]
Baroni, Mario.
L’insegnamento come scienza. Ricerce sull didattia della musica a cura di Mario Baroni.
Manuali d’Analisi e Teoria Musicale, Collana del G.A.T.M., 3 Lucca, 2009. 8º, xv, 148 pp. Wrappers. $32
[item no.6868]
Baroni, Mario.
L’orecchio intelligente. Guida all’ascolto di musiche non familiari.
Manuali d’Analisi e Teoria Musicale, Collana del G.A.T.M., 1 Lucca, 2004. 8º, xii, 268 pp, 2 CDs. A guide to listening to non-familiar music, from the medieval period to the present time. Wrappers. $32
[item no.6556]
Baroni, Mario & C. Jacoboni.
Verso una grammatica della melodia.
Acustica, Armonia, Contrappunto, 4. Bologna, 1976. 8º, 154 pp. Wrappers. $15
[item no.5146]
Bastianelli, Giannotto.
Gli scherzi di Saturno. Carteggio 1907-1927. A cura di Marcello de Angelis.
Hermes, Musica e Spettacolo nel Novecento, 1. Lucca, 1991. 8º, lxv, 339 pp. The correspondence of one of the leading figures in the revival of Italian musicology. Wrappers.
[item no.5556]
Bédarida, Henri.
Parme et le France de 1748 à 1789.
Bibliothèque de la Revue de Littérature Comparée, 45. Geneva, 1977. 8º, 660 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1928 edition. Hardbound. $163
[item no.5628]
Bertrand, Daniel.
La vina d’Inde du sud. Une vina de Mysore du facteur Puttadasappa et une vina de Tanjore de l’atelier Ramjee (S. Ramanathan) à Tiruchchirappalli.
Instruments Historiques: Monographies d’Instruments, Facteurs et Luthiers. Courlay, 2001. 8º, 55 pp. Wrappers. $16
[item no.6313]
Bianchi, Stefano.
La musica futurista. Ricerche e documenti.
Musica Ragionata, 8. Lucca, 1995. 12º, 247 pp. Wrappers. $34
[item no.5823]
Borio, Gianmario & Gabrio Taglietti.
Itinerari della musica americana.
Nuovi Percorsi Musicale, 1. Lucca, 1997. 8º, 196 pp. Wrappers. $42
[item no.5994]
Calabretto, Roberto.
Andrej Tarkovskij e la musica. A cura di Marco Vincenzi.
Quaderni di Musica/Realtà, 58. Lucca, 2010. 8˚, 309 pp. Wrappers. $46
[item no.6954]
Cannata, David Butler.
Rachmaninoff and the Symphony.
Bibliotheca Musicologica Universität Innsbruck, 4. Lucca, 2000. 8º, 170 pp. First in depth study of the composer based on the primary sources, including previously censored material. Wrappers. $39
[item no.6276]
Caporaletti, Vincenzo.
I processi improvvisativi nella musica. Un approccio globale.
Quaderni di Musica/Realtà, 54. Lucca, 2005. 8˚, xii, 508 pp. Wrappers. $48
[item no.6585]
Cerchio, Bruno.
Il suono filosofale. Musica e alchimmia. Postfazione di Maurizio Barrancano.
Musica Ragionata, 2. Lucca, 1993. 12º, 151 pp. Wrappers. $26
[item no.5609]
Chilesotti, Oscar.
L’evoluzione della musica.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, III/62. Bologna, 1979. 8º, 168 pp. (Rpt. of Turin, 1911 edition). Wrappers.
[item no.5355]
Civra, Ferruccio.
Musica poetica. Introduzione alla retorica musicale.
Musica Ragionata, 1. Lucca, 2/ 2009. 12º, 215 pp. Wrappers. $37
[item no.5608]
Dalmonte, Rossana.
Liszt Pädadogium. Composizioni pianistiche di Franz Liszt. Con varianti, aggiunte e cadenze tratte dall’insegnamento del maestro e notate da Lina Ramann. A cura di Rossana Dalmonte.
Lucca, 2011. Oblong, 14 x 21 cm, xxix, 211 pp. Wrappers. $45
[item no.6750]
Dalmonte, Rossana.
Il nuovo in musica. Estetiche tecnologie linguaggi. Atti del convegno (Trento, 18-20 gennaio 2008). A cura di Rossana Dalmonte, Francesco Spampinato.
Lucca, 2008. 17 x 21 cm, xii, 317 pp. Proceedings of the international conference, Trento, January 18-20, 2008. Wrappers. $48
[item no.6850]
Dalmonte, Rossana.
Riletture: Nuovi libri e nuove idee. A cura di Rossana Dalmonte.
Rivista di Analisi e Teoria Musicale, Anno 2003/1 Lucca, [2004]. 8º, vii, 160 pp. Congress proceedings with sessions “Analyzing Bach Cantatas” (Eric Chafe), “Tonal pitch space” (Fred Lerhdahl), “Rap music and the poetics of identity” (Adam Krims), “The science and psychology of music performance. Creative strategies for teaching and learning” (Richard Paarncutt & Gary E. McPherson), “Virtual music, computer synthesis of musical style” (David Cope), and “Representing musical time. A temporal-logic approach” (Alan Marsden). Wrappers. $26
[item no.6496]
Dellaborra, Mariateresa.
Alessandro Rolla. Un caposcuola dell’arte violinistica lombarda. Atti del covegno di studi Pavia, Università degli Studi, 4-6 Maggio 2007. A cura di Mariateresa Dellaborra.
Strumenti della Ricerca Musicale, 15. Lucca, 2010. 8º, x, 400 pp. Congress proceedings dedicated to the life and influence of Alessandro Rolla (1757-1841) teacher of Paganini and important innovator of violin and viola technique. Wrappers. $64
[item no.6952]
Della Croce, Vittorio
Cherubini, e i musicisti italiani del suo tempo. Contributo per la musica strumentale di Luigi Della Croce. I: Biografia; II: Epistolario.
Turin, 1986. 12º, 2 vols, c.1250 pp. Wrappers. $28
[item no.5781]
Delume, Caroline & Ann-Dominique Merlet.
La musique du xxe siècle de Arnold Schoenberg à nos jours. Par Caroline Delume, Ann-Dominique Merlet. 95 Plans. Context historique, point de mémoire, compositeurs, œuvres, terminologie, caractéristiques.
Mnemosis – Mémoire de la Musique. Courlay, 2001. 8º, v, 148 pp. General survey on western music. Wrappers. $23
[item no.6372]
De Santis, Mila.
Dallapiccola. Letture e prospettive. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi (Empoli-Firenze, 16-19 febbraio 1995) promosso e organizzato dal Centro Studi Musicali Ferruccio Busoni di Empoli. A cura di Mila De Santis. Prefazione di Talia Pecker Berio.
Le Sfere, 28. Lucca, 1997. 8º, 498 pp. Proceedings of a congress held in 1995. Wrappers. $40
[item no.5997]
The Harpsichord and its Repertoire. Proceedings of the International Harpsichord Symposium, Utrecht 1990. Edited by Pieter Dirksen.
Utrecht, 1992. 8º, 284 pp. 12 papers on harpsichord construction, matters of performance practice, and subjects relating to the harpsichord music of J.J. Froberger & J.S. Bach. Contributors include: G. O’Brien, H. Henkel, J. Tournay, W. Vermeulen, D. Ledbetter, H. Hoeren, B. Scheibert, R. Rasch, C. Wolff, P. Dirksen, W. Breig, & P. Schleuning (most articles in Eng). Indispensable collection of essays for both performer and instrument maker. Wrappers. $44
[item no.5615]
Drabkin, William & Susanna Pasticci, Egidio Pozzi.
Analisi schenkeriana. Per un’interpretazione organica della struttura musicale.
Quaderni di Musica/Realtà, 32. Lucca, 1995. 8º, 165 pp. Wrappers. $30
[item no.5858]
Dufourt, Hugues.
Musica, potere, scrittura.
Le Sfere, 30. Lucca, 1997. 8º, 387 pp. Wrappers. $48
[item no.5999]
Fassone, Alberto.
Carl Orff.
Musica Ragionata, 6. Lucca, 1994. 12º, 446 pp. Wrappers. $29
[item no.5660]
Fassone, Alberto.
Carl Orff. Nuova edizione, riveduta ed ampliata.
Musica Ragionata, 18. Lucca, 2009. 12º, 661 pp. 2nd revised and enlarged edition. Wrappers. $58
[item no.6872]
Fassone, Alberto.
Come un suono di natura.. Saggi su Mahler
Musica Ragionata, 20. Lucca, 2015. 12º, 401 pp. Wrappers. $38
[item no.6801]
Fink, Monica.
Der Ball. Eine Kulturgeschichte des Gesellschaftstanzes im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert.
Bibliotheca Musicologica Universität Innsbruck, 1. Lucca, 1996. 8º, 237 pp. Wrappers. $42
[item no.5963]
Fornari, Giacomo.
Mozart: gli orientamenti della critica moderna / Mozart: The Bearings of Modern Criticism. Proceedings of the International Congress, Cremona, 24-26 November, 1991. Edited by Giacomo Fornari.
Studi e Testi Musicali, 1. Cremona, 1994. 8º, 267 pp. Wrappers. $35
[item no.5682]
Gagliardi, Maurizio.
Sulle ali di un grande vascello. Idee e percorsi storico-musicali per la formzione di base.
Lucca, 2011. 14 x 21 cm, xii, 123 pp. Wrappers. $30
[item no.6752]
[Geschichte der Musiktheorie, v.10]
Die Musiktheorie im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Erster Teil: Grundzüge einer Systematik [von] Carl Dahlhaus.
Geschichte der Musiktheorie, 10. Darmstadt, 1984. 8º, viii, 181 pp. Linen. $35
[item no.5679]
[Geschichte der Musiktheorie, v.11]
Die Musiktheorie im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Zweiter Teil: Deutschland. Herausgegeben von Ruth E. Müller.
Geschichte der Musiktheorie, 11. Darmstadt, 1989. 8º, x, 290 pp. Linen. $48
[item no.5680]
Hardouin, Pierre.
Le grand orgue de l’église Saint-Gervais à Paris. Historique, description, tailles, esthétique, les facteurs.
Instruments Historiques: Monographies d’Instruments, Facteurs et Luthiers. Courlay, 1996. 8º, 95 pp. Wrappers. $18
[item no.6317]
Insolia, Riccardo & Antonino Marcellino.
Alfredo Sangiorgi. A cura di Riccardo Insolia e Antonino Marcellino.
Quaderni dell’Istituto Musicale Vincenzo Bellini di Catania, III-2003. Lucca, 2004. 8º, 284 pp. Proceedings of a congress dedicated to Italian composer Alfredo Sangiorgi (1894-1962), one-time pupil of Schoenberg Wrappers. $32
[item no.6555]
Jeltsch, Jean.
La clarinette à six clés. Un jeu de clarinettes du facteur parisien Jean-Jacques Baumann par Jean Jeltsch.
Instruments Historiques: Monographies d’Instruments, Facteurs et Luthiers. Courlay, 1997. 8º, 57 pp. Wrappers. $16
[item no.5981]
Mioli, Piero.
Padre Martini. Musicista e musicografo de Bologna all’Europa (1706-1784).
Lucca, 2006. 12º, 125 pp. Wrappers. $21
[item no.6631]
Miscia, Gianfranco.
Fedele Fenaroli. Il didatta e il compositore. Atti del Convegno Nazionale, Lanciano, 15-16 novembre 2008. A cura di Gianfranco Miscia. Prefazione di Giudo Salvetti.
Strumenti della Ricerca Musicale, 16. Lucca, 2011. 8º, xvi, 315 pp. Congress proceedings dedicated to the life and influence of Fedele Fenaroli (1730-1818), composer and pedagogue. Wrappers. $64
[item no.6979]
Pasticci, Susanna.
Sinfonia di Salmi: l’esperienza del sacro in Stravinskij.
Musicalia, 9. Lucca, 2012. 17 x 24 cm, vi, 192 pp. Wrappers. $43
[item no.6998]
Pestalozza, Alessandro.
Dizionario della popular music. Gli strumenti. A cura di Alessandro Pestalozza..
Akademos Tascabili Musica, 6. Lucca, 1996. 8º, 102 pp. Wrappers. $14
[item no.5910]
Poniatowska, I.
Sur l’écriture pianistique de M. Clementi.
Biblioteca Storico Giuridica e Artistico Letteraria: Letteratura Musica Teatro, 20. Bologna, 1974. 8º, 20 pp. Wrappers. $6
[item no.5107]
Quattrocchi, Arrigo.
Studi su Luigi Dallapiccola. Un seminario. A cura di Arrigo Quattrocchi.
Musicalia, 4. Lucca, 1993. 8º, 201 pp. Contributions by P. Petrobelli, F. Bruni, A.M. Vitali, G. Brioschi & A. Pezzotti, L. Mancini, G. Magnani, A. Quattrocchi, G. Mattietti & B. Sciacca and G. Vetere. Wrappers. $34
[item no.5573]
Rudzinski, Witold.
Il ritmo musicale. Teoria e storia. A cura di Rosy Moffa.
Musica Ragionata, 3. Lucca, 1993. 12º, 237 pp. Wrappers. $29
[item no.5610]
Salzer, Felix.
Ascolto strutturale. Coerenza tonale in musica. A cura di Matilde Bufano.
Lucca, 2004. 8º, 2 vols, xvii, 299, xviii, 348 pp. New translation (into Italian) of Salzer’s seminal work “Structural Hearing”. Wrappers. $64
[item no.6554]
Savart, Félix.
Mémoire sur la construction des instruments à cordes et à archet. Lu à l’Académie des Sciences, le 31 mai 1819. Suivi du rapport qui en a été fait aux deux Académies des Sciences et des Beaux-Arts, par MM Haüy, Charles, de Prony, Cherubini, Catel, Berton, Le Sueur, Biot rapporteur.
Geneva, 1972. 8º, 128 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1819 edition. Wrappers. $40
[item no.3327]
Sestili, Daniele.
Musica Giapponese. Storia e teoria. A cura di Daniele Sestili.
Musica Ragionata, 11. Lucca, 1996. 12º, 220 pp. Wrappers. $24
[item no.5898]
Sibire, Sébastien-André.
La chélonomie, ou le parfait luthier.
Geneva, 1984. 16º, 164 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1823 edition. Wrappers. $40
[item no.3329]
Stefani, Gino and Stefania Guerra Lisi.
Dizionario de Musica nella Globalità dei Linguaggi.
Musica Ragionata, 15. Lucca, 2004. 12º, 286 pp. Wrappers. $35
[item no.6552]
Tonini, Giuliano.
Ferruccio Busoni. Aspetti biografici, estetici e compositivi inediti. A cura di Giuliano Tonini.
Quaderni di Musica/Realtà, 57. Lucca, 2010. 14 x 21 cm, 27, 399 pp. Wrappers. $50
[item no.6997]
Torrefranca, Fausto.
Le origini italiane del romanticismo musicale. I primitivi della sonata moderna.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, III/18. Bologna, 1969. 8º, 779 pp. (Rpt. of Turin, 1930 edition). Hardbound.
[item no.5324]
Tortora, Daniela.
Nuova consonanza. Trent’anni di musica contemporanea.
Musicalia, 2. Lucca, 1991. 8º, 250 pp. Wrappers. $38
[item no.5558]
Tortora, Daniela.
Nuova consonanza, 1989-1994. Trent’anni di musica contemporanea.
Musicalia, 2a. Lucca, 1994. 8º, 207 pp. Wrappers. $32
[item no.5811]
Veroli, Patrizia.
Milloss. Un maestro della coreografia tra espressionismo e classicità. Con uno scritto di Roman Vlad.
Musica Ragionata, 9. Lucca, 1996. 12º, 659 pp. Wrappers. $46
[item no.5897]
Villanis, Luigi Alberto.
L’arte del pianoforte in Italia (da Clementi a Sgambati).
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, III/107. Bologna, 1970. 8º, 266 pp. (Rpt. of Turin, 1907 edition). Hardbound.
[item no.5364]
Vincenzi, Marco.
Drammaturgie musicali del Novecento. Teorie e testi. A cura di Marco Vincenzi.
Quaderni di Musica/Realtà, 56. Lucca, 2008. 8˚, 397 pp. Wrappers.
[item no.6736]