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Friday, 28 March 2025
Music for recorder, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, cornetto, trumpet,
& trombone (sackbutt). Includes manuscript facsimiles—autographs &
copyist manuscripts—, facsimiles of first and early editions, together
with a selection of modern editions & studies. For ordering information go to Contact OMI

Our winds catalog now gives you 5 different viewing options—just click the period(s) you want :
oboe & bassoon  •  clarinet, cornetto, sacbut, horn, etc.  •  all winds  •  recorder family  •  transverse flute

AGRICOLA, Martin, 1486-1556

Musica figuralis deudsch (1532). Im Anhang: Musica instrumentalis deudsch (1529); Musica choralis deudsch (1533); Rudimenta musices (1539). [Bayerische Staatsbibl., Munich & Bibliothek des Alten Gymnasiums, Flenburg].

Hildesheim, 1985. 10 x 16 cm, 412 pp. Line-cut of 4 of Agricola’s most famous treatises written in German. Musica instrumentalis was the second of its type (following Virdung’s Musica getuscht, 1511). Rich with woodcut illustrations and examples in Gothic and German lute tablature. Linen. $89 [item no. 2531]

ARNE, Thomas A., 1710-1778

[Cantatas, voice, strgs/winds, bc] Six Cantatas for a Voice and Instruments Set to Musick.

Huntingdon, 1986. 4º. 70 pp. Xerographic reprint of the c.1755 edition. Contains “The School of Anacreon”, “Lydia from Sappho”, “Folick and Free”, “Bacchus and Ariadne”, “The Morning”, & “Delia”. Various scoring, including oboes, horns, flute, strings & bc. Wrappers. $24 [item no. 7038]

BABELL, William, c.1690-1723

[Solos, vln/ob, bc, part 1] XII Solos for a Violin or Hoboy: with a Bass, figur’d for the Harpsicord, with Proper Graces Adapted to Each Adagio by the Author. Part the First of his Posthumous Works. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].

Performers’ Facsimiles, 186. New York, [1997]. 24 x 31 cm, 61 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, c.1725. The unaligned ornamental figures in this edition, almost impossible to transcribe, make the facsimile indispensable for performance practice. Wrappers. $20 [item no. 7507]

[Solos, vln/ob, bc, part 1] XII Solos, For a Violin or Hautboy with a Bass, figur’d for the Harpsicord with proper Graces adapted to each Adagio by the Author. [British Library, London].

Alston, 1996/ 2000. 4º, i, 61 pp. Line-cut of the London, c.1725 edition. Preface by Peter Holman. Ring binder. $36 [item no. 7834]

[Solos, vln/ob/fl, bc, part 2] XII Solos for a Violin, Hoboy or German Flute with a Bass figur’d for the Harpsicord... Part the Second of his Posthumous Works. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].

Performers’ Facsimiles, 187. New York, [1996]. 24 x 31 cm, 52 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, c.1725. The unaligned ornamental figures in this edition, almost impossible to transcribe, make the facsimile indispensable for performance practice. Wrappers. $20 [item no. 7351]

[Solos, vln/ob/fl, bc, part 2] XII Solos, For a Violin or Hautboy with a Bass, figur’d for the Harpsicord with proper Graces adapted to each Adagio by the Author. Part the Second of His Posthumous Works. [British Library, London].

Alston, 1996/ 2000. 4º, i, 52 pp. Line-cut of the London, c.1725 edition. Preface by Peter Holman. Ring binder. $36 [item no. 7864]

BACH, Johann Christian, 1735-1782

[Quartets, winds/strings, op.19, W B61-64] Four Quartettos, Two for Two Flutes, a Tenor and Violoncello, One for Two Flutes a Violin and Violoncello, and One for a Flute, Hoboy, or Two Flutes, a Tenor, Violoncello. Opera XIX.

Huntingdon, n.d. 4º. 4 partbooks, 45 pp. Xerographic reprint of the London, 1784 edition. Nos. 1-2 for 2 fl, vla, vc; no.3 for 2 fl, vln, vc; no.4 for f/ob, fl, vla, vc. Wrappers. $24 [item no. 8309]

BACH, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750

[Cantata 105] Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht (BWV 105). Faksimile nach dem Partiturautograph der Deutschen Staatsbibliothek Berlin mit einem Nachwort von Robert L. Marshall.

Leipzig, 1984. 23 x 37 cm, x, 24 pp. Halftone of the 1723 autograph score in the original loose gathering format. Scored for solo SATB, SATB chorus, horn, oboes, strings & continuo. Commentary in Ger-Eng. Handsome portfolio in blue linen. $72 (more info... ) [item no. 2009]

[Brandenburg Concerti, BWV 1046-1051] Brandenburgische Konzerte. Faksimile des Autographen. Faksimileausgabe nach dem Autograph Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußische Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung, Am.B.78.

Leipzig, 4/ 1996. Oblong, 33 x 26 cm, 170 pp. Halftone monochrome of the dedication autograph score—dated 24 March 1721—for Christian Ludwig, Margrave of Brandenburg. Bach's elegantly penned title "Concerts avec plusieurs instruments" (concertos with several instruments) is a somewhat modest description of the concertos to follow, in that many different combinations of instruments and sonorities are exploited, perhaps deliberately to get the Margrave's attention and approval, not unlike the way Mozart used his Gran Partita to introduce himself to the Viennese public. Sadly the autograph score was left unused in the Margrave's library until his death in 1734, the reason being (it is believed) that he lacked the musicians to perform the concertos. One of the great gems of Western music, this facsimile is a perfect gift for any wind or string player, harpsichordist, conductor or music lover. “Sonder-Ausgabe” issued on the occasion of the 200th anniversary C-F. Peters for Bach-Jahr 2000. Bound in green buckram with gold lettering. $285 (more info... ) [item no. 8986]

[Concerti, harpsichord, strgs, BWV 1052, -53, -54, -55, -56, -57, -58, -59] Concerti a Cembalo obligato BWV 1052-1059. Autograph Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Commentary by / Kommentar von Christoph Wolff, Martina Rebmann.

Documenta Musicologica, II/57. Kassel, 2021. 24 x 40 cm, viii, 106, 28 pp. Deluxe 4-color facsimile of the autograph (collective) score mus. ms. aut. Bach P. 234. Johann Sebastian Bach composed not only for the nobility and the church, but also for bourgeois musical culture. Among these works are the harpsichord concertos, “music for a Leipzig ‘coffee house”. They are notated in a 1738 manuscript that is a unique and probably the most important document for the instrumental repertoire of the Leipzig “Collegium Musicum”. The concerto movements are arranged in such a way that the harpsichord is given a solo part that exploits the instrument’s “clavieristic” possibilities to the full. These works thus fix a decisive moment in the early history of the piano concerto genre which received significant impulses from Bach and his circle of students. Hardbound, with leather spine and decorative paper boards. 10% discount for early subscribers. $345 (more info... ) [item no. 9665]

BANISTER, John, II, 17-18th c.

[Method, oboe] The Sprightly Companion. Complete Facsimile Edition from the Copy in the British Library. Preface: Peter Hedrick.

Historical Oboe Tutor Series, I. Columbus, 1987. Oblong, 28 x 21 cm, vi, 19 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, 1695. Wrappers. $18 [item no. 3115]

BARSANTI, Francesco, c.1690-1775

[Sonatas, flute/oboe/violin, bc, op.2] VI sonate per la traversiera, o german flute, con basso per violone o cembalo, opera seconda.

Archivum Musicum: Flauto Traversiere, 4. Florence, 1985. 22 x 31 cm, v, 33 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1728 edition. Introduction in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers, in decorative paper. $39 [item no. 2139]

BÂTON, Charles, b.?-1758

[Suites, 2 viols/musettes/flutes/recorder/oboes; Suites, treble inst, bc] Premier œuvre contenant trois suites pour deux viéles, muzettes, flûtes traversieres, flûtes a bec, hautbois, et trois suites avec la basse continüe. [Collection Paul Fustier].

Béziers, 2003. 20 x 29 cm, ii, 28 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, [1733]. Introduction in Fr by Paul Fustier. Wrappers. $26 [item no. 8214]

BERTHEAUME, Isidore, c.1752-1802

Deux symphonies concertantes opus VI. La première pour deux violons, La seconde pour deux violons et alto ou cor. 1787. Présentation par les étudiants de la formation supérieure aux métiers de l’orchestre de musiques classiques et romantiques. Abbaye aux Dames - Saintes.

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 141. Courlay, 2001. 4º, 14 vols, xiii, c.120 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1787 edition. Scored for solo vlnI/vlnII/vla/hn and vlnI/vlnII/vla/bass/obI/obII,hnI/hnII. Preface in Fr-Eng-Ger by Helen Shillito, Anneke Scott & Anna Starr. Wrappers. $63 [item no. 7940]

BICKHAM, George (younger), c.1706-1771 [engraver]

The Musical Entertainer. A Facsimile of the 1740 London Edition.

Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/6. New York, 1965. 4˚. 102 + 102 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1740 edition. Approximately 200 songs, each adorned with a beautiful engraving, by various composers, chiefly for high voice with figured bass; most have part for flute printed at end. Printed (as the original) on recto pages. Laid paper, clothbound. [item no. 706]

BITTI, M. 17-18th c.

[Sonatas, flute/oboe/violin, bc] VI sonate da camera a flauto traversa, haubois o violino solo. Amsterdam s.d.

Archivum Musicum: Flauto Traversiere, 1. Florence, 1984. 22 x 31 cm, iv, 21 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, c.1708-1712 edition. 4 sonatas by Haym and 2 by Bitti. Introduction in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers, in decorative paper. $27 [item no. 774]

BLOCHWITZ, Johann Martin, fl.1711-1740

[Arias, flute/violin/oboe, bc] Sechtzig Arien eingetheilet in funffzehn Suitten per flauto traverso, violino o oboe e basso continuo. Freiberg s.d.

Archivum Musicum: Monumenta Musicae Revocata, 23. Florence, 1998. 4º, 2 vols, 65 pp. Line-cut of the Freiberg, c.1720-1725 edition. Introduction in It-Eng by Giuliano Furlanetto. Wrapper with portfolio. $62 [item no. 7686]

BOISMORTIER, J.B. Bodin de, 1691-1755

[Ballets, trios, 2 musettes/viols/rec/vln/ob/fl, bc, op.52] IV balets de village en trio pour les musettes, vieles, flutes à bec, violons, haubois, ou flutes traversières. Œuvres 54, 1734.

Les Plaisirs Champêtres. Paris, 1991. 4˚, 3 partbooks, ii, 36 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1752 edition. Preface in Fr-Eng by Jean-Christophe Maillard. Wrappers. $28 [item no. 8726]

Motets à voix seule mêlés de simphonies. Œuvre 23. 1728 [Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris].

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 148. Courlay, 2002. 4º, x, 27 pp. Line-cut of the author’s edition, Paris, 1728. Preface in Fr-Eng-Ger by Jean Saint-Arroman. Wrappers. $24 [item no. 8142]

[Sonatas, 2 bassoons/violoncelli/viols, op.14, 40; Petites sonates, op.66] Œuvres pour deux bassoons, violoncelli ou violes. Opus 14, 40 & 66. [Bibl. Nationale de France, Paris].

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 131. Courlay, 2000. 4º, xii, 3 vols, 26+23+26 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1726, 1732, & 1737 editions. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger by Stephan Perreau. Wrappers. $46 [item no. 7883]

[Sonatas, 2 bassoons/violoncelli/viols, op.40] 6 sonates. . . op.40.

Huntingdon, [1994]. 4º, Line-cut of the Paris, 1732 edition. Wrappers. $12 [item no. 4849]

[Sonatas, 2 violoncelli/viols/bassoons, bc, op.26 & op.50] Cinq sonates, un concerto. Opus 26 (violoncelle, viole ou basson); Six sonates, un trio. Opus 50 (violoncelle, viole ou basson). Présentation par Stéphan Perreau.

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 132. Courlay, 2000. 4º, vii, 52 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1729 and 1734 editions. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Hardbound. $42 [item no. 7823]

[Trio sonatas, 2 flutes/violin/oboes, bc, op.12] Sonates en trio pour les flûtes-traversières, violons, ou haubois avec la baße, œuvre douzième.

Archivum Musicum: L’Art de la Flûte Traversière, 19. Florence, 1981. 20 x 28 cm, 3 parts, vi, 123 pp. Line-cut of the Paris 1726 edition. Together with Naudot’s Sonates en trio pour deux flûtes, op.2 and Braun’s Troisième œuvre contenans six sonates en trio pour deux flutes. Preface in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers in decorative paper with matching slipcase. $58 [item no. 753]

[Trio sonatas, 2 ob/fl/vln, bc; bass/bassoon, bc, op.28/37] Six sonates en trio, opus 28 / Cinq sonates en trio, suivies d’un concerto, opus 37. Présentation par les élèves du Ce. F.E. de M. de Rueil-Malmaison.

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 134. Courlay, 2000. 4º, xv, 78 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1730 and 1722 editions. Preface in Fr-Eng-Ger by Nathalie Lechat, Karen Daniau, Céline Morandeau & Marie-Hélène Landreau. Wrappers, in slipcase. $57 [item no. 8120]

[Trio sonatas, flute/violin, bass/bassoon, bc, op.37] XXXVIIe Œuvre contenans V sonates en trio pour un deßus & deux baßes; suivica d’un concerto à cinq parties pour une flûte, un violon, un haubois, un baßon, & la baße.

Huntingdon, [1994]. 4º, 3 parts, 32 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, [1732] edition. Wrappers. $20 [item no. 4859]

BOND, Capel, 1730-1790

[Concerti, strings, bc; trumpet, bassoon, strings, bc] Six Concertos in 7 Parts for Four Violins, a Tenor Violin, a Violoncello, with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsicord... The First is for a Trumpet, the Sixth a Bassoon Concerto. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].

Alston, 2005. 4º. 9 partbooks, ii, 113 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1766 edition. Nos. 2-5 are concerti grossi for strings & bc, while Nos. 1 & 6 are solo concertos for trumpet and bassoon. Preface by Peter Holman. Ring binder. $63 [item no. 8622]

BORGHI, Luigi, b.?-c.1806

Six Violin Concertos and Sixty Four Cadenzas. With an Introduction by Frederick Neumann. With Performance Notes by Gabriel Banat.

Masters of the Violin, 1. New York, 1981. 27 x 37 cm, xii, 162 pp. Line-cut. For solo violin, string orchestra, 2 ob & 2 hn. Wrappers, with protective box. $85 [item no. 1173]

BRAUN, Jean Daniel, 18th c.

[Sonatas, 2 bassoons/cellos/basses] Six sonates pour deux bassons ou deux basses. Présentation: Département de Musique Ancienne du Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de de Danse de Paris.

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 176. Courlay, 2005. 4º, ix, 31 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $23 [item no. 8518]

[Trio sonatas, 2 flutes/violins/oboe, bc, op.3] Troisième œuvre contenans six sonates en trio pour 2 flutes-traversière, violons, ou haubois, avec la baße.

Archivum Musicum: L’Art de la Flûte Traversière, 19. Florence, 1981. 20 x 28 cm, 3 parts, vi, 123 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1728 edition. Includes Boismortier’s Sonates en trio (1726) and Naudot’s Sonates en trio (1726). Preface in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers in decorative paper with slipcover. [item no. 753]

BROSSARD, Sébastien de, 1655-1730

Dictionaire de musique, contenant une explication des termes grecs, latins, italiens & françois, les plus usitez dans la musique, seconde édition, 1705. Eingeleitet von Harald Heckmann.

Dictionarium Musicum, 1. Hilversum, 1965. 17 x 24 cm, xviii, 390 pp. Halftone of the second edition, Paris, 1705. Cloth (also available in wrappers). $116 [item no. 2112]

BRUNNENMÜLLER, Elias, b.?-1762

Fasciculus musicus (1711). Introduction by Rudolf Rasch.

Dutch Music Facsimiles, 8. Utrecht, 1991. 4º, iv, 44 pp. Line-cut of the Leeuwarden, c.1711 edition. Contains 3 keyboard suites, 3 solos with figured bass (resp. for oboe, recorder and violin) and 4 songs with figured bass and oboe ad libitum (3 with Italian texts and 1 with German text). Introduction in Eng.Wrappers. $32 [item no. 4345]

BUONANNI, Filippo, 1638-1725

Descrizione degl’istromenti armonici d’ogni genere.

Leipzig, 1975. 20 x 28 cm, 256 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1726 edition. Extremely informative treatise on organology with altogether 140 extended descriptions provided in Italian and French. Bilingual indices. Accompanied by 142 superb woodcuts of scenes of musicians with their instruments. Linen. Special sale price $50, regularly $125 [item no. 2703]

BUTERNE, Charles, 17-18th c.

[Sonatas, winds/strings, bc, op.2] Six sonates pour la vielle, musette, violon, flutes, hautbois et pardessus de violles; quatre avec la basse continue, et deux en duo. Œuvre IIe. [Bibl. Municipale, Nimes].

Béziers, 1985. 29 x 21 cm, 29 pp. Line-cut of the 1745 edition. Sonatas for viel/mus/vln/fl/rec/ob/viol, bc, and 2 viel/mus/vln/fl/rec/ob/viol, without bc. Laid paper, with wrappers. $20 [item no. 2149]

CAROLO, 17th c.

X Sonates [à 2 violes de gambe & 1 basse continue également bons à jouer sur 2 bassons ou basses de violon]. Rogier, Amsterdam. [Bibliothek des Mariengymnasiums Jever].

Faksimile-Edition Viola da Gambe, 1. Stuttgart, 2014. 21 x 33 cm, 3 partbooks, 42 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, n.d. edition. Wrappers with hardbound porfolio covered in marbled paper. $44 [item no. 9367]

CASA, Girolamo dalla, c.1543-c.1601

Il vero modo di diminuir, con tutte le sorti di stromenti.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/23. Bologna, 1980. 22 x 31 cm, iii, 104 pp. Line-cut of the Angelo Gardano edition, Venice, 1584. Introduction in It by Giuseppe Vecchi. Gives curious sidelight on how contemporary music was performed, including examples of brilliant and very difficult divisions on the individual voice parts of popular madrigals. Laid paper, wrappers. (more info... ) [item no. 1261]

CHARPENTIER, Marc-Antoine, 1643-1704

[Complete works, from autographs] Mélanges autographes. Volume 1. Fac-similé du manuscrit Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Rés. Vm1 259.

Manuscrits, 3: Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Œuvres Complètes, I/1. Geneva, 1990. 23 x 35 cm, 159 pp. Halftone of the autograph score. Cloth. $111 (more info... ) [item no. 3052]

[Complete works, from autographs] Mélanges autographes. Volume 3. Fac-similé du manuscrit Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Rés. Vm1 259.

Manuscrits, 3: Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Œuvres Complètes, I/3. Geneva, 1995. 23 x 35 cm, 273 pp. Halftone of the autograph. Cloth. $111 (more info... ) [item no. 3054]

[Complete works, from autographs] Mélanges autographes. Volume 10. Fac-similé du manuscrit Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Rés. Vm1 259.

Manuscrits, 3: Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Œuvres Complètes, I/10. Geneva, 1997. 23 x 35 cm, 177 pp. Halftone of the autograph. Cloth. $111 (more info... ) [item no. 3061]

[Complete works, from autographs] Mélanges autographes. Volume 22. Fac-similé du manuscrit Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Rés. Vm1 259.

Manuscrits, 3: Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Œuvres Complètes, I/22. Geneva, 2002. 23 x 35 cm, 200 pp. Halftone of the autograph. Cloth. $111 (more info... ) [item no. 3073]

[Complete works, from autographs] Mélanges autographes. Volume 23. Fac-similé du manuscrit Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Rés. Vm1 259.

Manuscrits, 3: Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Œuvres Complètes, I/23. Geneva, 2002. 23 x 35 cm, 123 pp. Halftone of the autograph. Cloth. $111 (more info... ) [item no. 3074]

[Complete works, from autographs] Mélanges autographes. Volume 24. Fac-similé du manuscrit Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Rés. Vm1 259.

Manuscrits, 3: Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Œuvres Complètes, I/24. Geneva, 2003. 23 x 35 cm. Halftone of the autograph. Cloth. $111 (more info... ) [item no. 3075]

[Complete works, from autographs] Mélanges autographes. Volume 25. Fac-similé du manuscrit Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Rés. Vm1 259.

Manuscrits, 3: Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Œuvres Complètes, I/25. Geneva, 2003. 23 x 35 cm. Halftone of the autograph. Cloth. $111 (more info... ) [item no. 3076]

CHAUVON, François, fl.1712-1736

[Tibiades, flute/oboe, bc; Sonatas, violin, bc] Tibiades, nouveau genre de pièces pour la flûte, et le hautbois, avec quelques sonates pour le violon. Paris, 1717. [Bibl. Nationale, Paris].

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 92. Courlay, 1995. Oblong, 31 x 22 cm, 10, 72 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1717 edition. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger by Jean Saint-Arroman and Philippe Lescat. Wrappers. $47 [item no. 7225]

CHÉDEVILLE, Nicolas, 1705-1782

[Sonatas, flute/oboe/violin, bc, op.7] Six sonates pour la flûte traversière, hautbois ou violon, avec la basse. Œuvre VIIe. Paris s.d. [c.1739].

Archivum Musicum: L’Art de la Flûte Traversière, 67. Florence, 2008. 24 x 34 cm, iv, 26 pp. Line-cut of the author’s edition, Paris, 1739. Discusses transposition for the musette. Wrappers. Introduction in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers, in decorative paper. $42 [item no. 8991]

[Sonatas, musette/flute/oboe, bc] VIII sonate per musette, flûte traversière o hautbois e basso continuo. Paris s.d.

Archivum Musicum: Flauto traversiere, 33. Florence, 1998. 24 x 34 cm, vii, 48 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1740 edition. Set of 8 sonatas with 35 movements arranged by Chédeville, 27 of which are from E.F. Dall’Abaco’s “Opera Quarta”. Introduction in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers. $31 [item no. 7688]

[Sonatas, musette/vielle/fl/rec/ob/vln, bc] Il pastor fido, sonates pour la musette, viele, flûte, hautbois, violon, avec la basse continüe, Opera XIII. Réimpression de l’édition de Paris, Boivin, 1737. Source: München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, cote 4729/4. RISM: V. 2233. Catalogue: P. Ryom RV 54-59.

Collection Facsimiles, B1. Gland, 1991. 4º, 40, 8 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1737 edition. Together with an introduction in Fr-Eng by Peter Ryom entitled “An Authentic Case of Falsification” which reproduces a document from the Archives Nationales de France clearly identifying N. Chédeville as the composer/arranger of the six sonatas. Limited edition of 500 numbered copies. Linen slipcase. $40 [item no. 4302]

[Sonatas, musette/vielle/fl/rec/ob/vln, bc] Il pastor fido, sonates, pour la musette, viele, flûte, hautbois, violon, avec la basse continüe. Opera XIII. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].

Performers’ Facsimiles, 111. New York, [1992]. 24 x 31 cm, 41 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1737 edition. Wrappers. $20 [item no. 4481]

[Sonatas, musette/vielle/fl/rec/ob/vln, bc] Il pastor fido (œuvre attribuée à Antonio Vivaldi), 1737. Présentation par Philippe Lescat. [Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek].

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 78. Courlay, 1994. 24 x 33 cm, 21, 38 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1737 edition. Preface in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $31 [item no. 4804]

CHÉRON, André, 1695-1766

[Trio sonatas, 2 fl/ob/vln, bc, op.1] Sonates en trio p. deux flûtes traversières avec la basse continue. Premier œuvre.

Collection FacsiMusic. Courlay, 2008. 21 x 30 cm, 3 parts, 84 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1727 edition. Wrappers. $43 [item no. 9038]

CONFORTI, Giovanni Luca, c.1560-d.?

Breve et facile maniera d’essercitarsi . . . a far passaggi. A Facsimile of the Rome, 1593[?] Edition.

Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/115. New York, 1978. Oblong, 20 x 14 cm, 40 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, c.1593 edition. Laid paper, cloth. [item no. 1635]

Breve et facile maniera d’essercitarsi a far passaggi. Roma, 1593.

Prattica di Musica, A/1. Rome, 1986. 24 x 30 cm, iv, 10 pp. Halftone, reproduced 2 original pages per page. Introduction in It by Giancarlo Rostirolla. Bibliography. Wrappers. $18 [item no. 3520]

The Joy of Ornamentation by Giovanni Luca Conforto, Being Conforto’s Treatise on Ornamentation (Rome, 1593) with a Preface by Sir Yehudi Menuhin and an Introduction by Denis Stevens.

White Plains, 1989. 16 x 23 cm, 40, with 21 pp. Line-cut, reproducing 2 original pages per page. Historical commentary, with bibliography. Wrappers. $12 [item no. 4030]

Passaggi sopra tutti li salmi [che ordinariamente canta santa chiesa, ne i vesperi della dominica, & ne i giorni festiui di tutto l’anno. Con il basso sotto per sonare, & cantare con organo, ò con altri stromenti]. Venedig, Angelo Gardano & Fratelli 1607. [Stift Kremsmünster].

Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 30. Stuttgart, 2014. 16 x 22 cm, 56 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1607 edition. This fascinating ornamentation treatise—unlike the autor’s Rome c.1593 edition—is printed entirely in movable type and addresses the sacred repertoire. Hardbound, in marbled paper. $32 [item no. 9363]

CORBETT, William, c.1675-1748

[Trios, 2 flutes/violins, bc, op.1] XII Sonatae à tre. Due Violins & Violoncello col basso per l’organo. Opera I. [King’s College, Cambridge]

Alston, [2003]. 4º. 4 partbooks, iii, 80 pp. Line-cut of the London, c.1700 edition. Introduction by Peter Holman. No. 1 is scored for vln, bass viola da gamba obbligato & bc and no.12 is for tpt/vln, ob/vln, vc & bc. Ring binder. $32 [item no. 8367]

CORRETTE, Michel, 1709-1795

[Sonatas, violoncello/viol/bassoon, bc, op.20] Les délices de la solitude, sonates, pour le violloncelle, viole, basson. Avec la basse continüe chiffrée. Œuvre XX.

Huntingdon, [1992]. 4º, 26 pp. Xerographic reprint of the Paris, 1740 edition. Wrappers. $18 [item no. 4771]

[Sonatas, violoncello/viol/bassoon, bc, op.20] Les délices de la solitude, sonates, pour le violloncelle, viole, basson. Avec la basse continüe chiffrée. Œuvre XX.

Collection FacsiMusic. Courlay, 2008. 21 x 30 cm, 26 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1740 edition. Wrappers. $17 [item no. 9039]

COUPERIN, François, 1668-1733

[Apothéose de Corelli & Lully, winds/strings] Apothéose de Corelli; Apothéose de Lully.

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 35. Courlay, 1989. 24 x 33 cm, x, 45 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1725 edition. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger by Jean Saint-Arroman. Wrappers. $35 (more info... ) [item no. 2908]

[Apothéose de Lully, winds/strings] Concert instrumental sous le titre d’Apothéose composé à la mémoire immortelle de l’incomparable Monsieur de Lully. [Nederlands Muziek Instituut, The Hague].

Performers’ Facsimiles, 248. New York, [2001]. 26 x 34 cm, 29 pp. Line-cut of another surviving print of the Paris, 1725 edition. Wrappers. $20 [item no. 7942]

[Concerts royaux; Goûts réunis, nos.1-14] Concerts royaux; Les goûts réunis ou nouveaux concerts à l’usage de toutes les sortes d’instrumens de musique.

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 36. Courlay, 1989. 24 x 33 cm, x, 91 pp. Line-cut of the Paris 1722 & 1724 editions. 14 concerts for unspecified intruments and basso continuo, notated in keyboard format. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger by Jean Saint-Arroman. Wrappers. $61 (more info... ) [item no. 2909]

[Concerts royaux, nos.1-4] Concerts royaux.

Música Facsímil, 18. Madrid, 1988. 21 x 30 cm, 29 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1722 edition. Wrappers. $16 [item no. 1936]

[Concerts royaux, nos.1-4] Concerts royaux. [Rowe Music Library, King’s College, Cambridge].

Basel, c.1980. 25 x 35 cm, 29 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1722 edition. Wrappers. $18 [item no. 3644]

[Goûts réunis, nos.5-14] Les goûts réunis du 5e au 14e concerts.

Paris, 1990. 4º, 64 pp. Line-cut of the author’s edition, Boivin, Paris, 1724. $64 [item no. 4492]

[Goûts réunis, nos.5-14] Les goûts-réünis ou noveaux concerts à l’usage de toutes les sortes d’instruments de musique augmentés d’une grande sonade en trio intitulée Le Parnasse ou l’Apothéose de Corelli. [Nederlands Muziek Instituut, The Hague].

Performers’ Facsimiles, 249. New York, [2001]. 26 x 34 cm, 82 pp. Line-cut of another surviving print of the Paris, 1724 edition. Wrappers. $28 [item no. 7922]

[Goûts réunis, nos.10, 12 & 13] 12e, 13e et 10e concerts extraits des “Goûts réunis ou Nouveaux concerts”.

Musique pour Viole de Gambe, 1 Paris, 1981. 4º, i, 13 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1724 edition. Preface in Fr by Jean-Louis Charbonnier. Wrappers. $23 [item no. 3833]

[Nations, 2 violins/flutes, bc] Les nations. Édition de 1726: La Françoise – L’Espagnole – La Piémontaise; Manuscrit de Lyon: La Pucelle – La Visionnaire – L’Astrée – La Steinkerque – La Sultane – La Superbe; Manuscrit de Paris: La Pucelle – La Visionnaire – L’Astrée – La Steinkerque.

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 68. Courlay, 1993. 24 x 33 cm, 9 partbooks, 44, 296 pp. Line-cut of the engraved edition from the Bibl. Nationale in Paris and two non-autograph manuscripts (resp. Bibl. Nationale, Paris and Bibl. Municipale, Lyon); both of which pre-date the printed edition. Commentary by Jean Saint-Arroman and Philippe Lescat. Wrappers, in portfolio. $103 [item no. 4682]

[Nations, 2 violins/flutes, bc] Musique de chambre – 3. Les Nations. Publiées par Amédée Gastoué et revues d’après les sources par Kenneth Gilbert et Davitt Moroney.

François Couperin: Œuvres Complètes, IV/3. Monaco, 1987. 4º, 224, 4 partbooks: 128 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1726 edition, together with newly revised critical edition. 2 vols, wrappers. $138 [item no. 5548]

[Nations, 2 violins/flutes, bc] Les nations. Sonades; et suites de simphonies en trio.

Performers’ Facsimiles, 40. New York, [1988]. 22 x 28 cm, 4 partbooks, 129 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1726 edition. Wrappers, with folder. $45 [item no. 1687]

[Sonatas, 2 melody inst, bc (Sonades inédites)] In, Musique de chambre – 4. Apothéose de Corelli; Apothéose de Lully; Pièces de violes; Sonades inédites. Publiées par Amédée Gastoué et revues d’après les sources par Kenneth Gilbert et Davitt Moroney.

François Couperin: Œuvres Complètes, IV/4. Monaco, 1992. 4º, 214, with 48 pp. Line-cut of the first three sonatas from “Six sonades inédites”, from Brossard’s score (Bibl. Nationale, Ms. Vm7 1156), with sonatas entitled “La Pucelle”, “La Visionaire” and “L’Astrée”. Together with practical edition of the Apothéoses and Pièces de violes. Critical notes. Wrappers. $124 [item no. 5549]

DAQUIN, Louis-Claude, 1694-1772

[Noëls, organ/harpsichord, vln, fl, ob, etc, op.2] Nouveau livre de noëls pour l’orgue et le clavecin, dont la plûpart peuvent s’éxécuter sur les violins, flutes, hautbois, &c, dédié à son altesse sérénissime Monseigneur Le Compte d’Eu, Prince Souverain de Dombes. Œuvre II.

Performers’ Facsimiles, 32. New York, [1987]. 4°, 52 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, [1757] edition. Wrappers. $20 [item no. 1688]

[Noëls, organ/harpsichord, vln, fl, ob, etc, op.2] Nouveau livre de noëls pour l’orgue et le clavecin, dont la plûpart peuvent s’éxécuter sur les violins, flutes, hautbois, &c, dédié à son altesse sérénissime Monseigneur Le Compte d’Eu, Prince Souverain de Dombes. Œuvre II.

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 27. Courlay, 1989. 22 x 31 cm, xi, 52 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, [1757] edition. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger by Jean Saint-Arroman. Wrappers. $32 [item no. 2170]

DEVIENNE, François, 1759-1803

[Duos concertants, 2 bassoons, op.3] Six duos concertants pour deux bassoons. Opus 3.

Collection FacsiMusic. Courlay, 2007. 21 x 29 cm, 32 pp. Line-cut of the Sieber edition, Paris, n.d. Wrappers. $13 [item no. 8849]

[Symphonie concertante, 1789] Quatrième symphonie concertante (pour flûte - hautbois - cor et basson) Présentation par les étudiants de la formation supérieure aux métiers de l’orchestre des musiques classiques et romantiques. Abbaye aux Dames - Saintes. [Universitätsbibl., Münster].

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 153. Courlay, 2003. 4º, xx, 12 parts, 41, 63 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1789, edition (parts), and newly edited full score. Scored for solo hn, fl, ob & bsn solo, plus vln I-II, vla, bass, ob I-II, hn I-II, Preface in Fr-Eng-Ger. Portfolio. $56 [item no. 8366]

DORNEL, Louis Antoine, c.1685-1765

[Trio sonatas, 2 fl/vln/ob, bc; Sonata, 3 fl/vln/ob; op.3] Sonates en trio pour les flûtes allemandes, violons, hautbois, &c, œuvre IIIe.

Archivum Musicum: L’Art de la Flûte Traversière, 9. Florence, 1980. Oblong, 28 x 21 cm, 3 partbooks, vii, 54 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1713 edition. Introduction in It by Marcello Castellano. Wrappers in decorative paper with slipcover. $48 [item no. 773]

FALLA, Manuel de, 1876-1946

[Concerto, harpsichord/piano, fl, ob, cl, vln, vc] Concerto per clavicembalo (ou pianoforte), flauto, oboe, clarinetto, violino, e violoncello. Edición crítica de la partitura y facsímil de los manuscritos fundamentales del Archivo Manuel de Falla y del Archivo de Valentín Fuiz-Aznar. Editión y estudio de Yvan Nommick.

Colección “Facsímiles”, Serie “Manuscritos”, 3. Granada, [2004]. 25 x 35 cm. lxxxviii, 193 pp. Full-color reproduction of the autograph sketches, composing copy and fair copy (including extensive revisions), plus new critical edition. The work was written in hommage to Wanda Landowsky for her indispensable role in the 20th century resurgence of the harpsichord. Commentary in Sp. Limited edition of 500 copies. Cloth. $187 (more info... ) [item no. 8441]

FERRANDINI, Giovanni Battista, 1710-1791

[Sonatas, flute/oboe/violin, bc, op.2] VI sonate a flauto traversiere o oboé, o violino, basso continuo, opera seconda.

Archivum Musicum: Flauto Traversiere, 8. Florence, 1986. 21 x 30 cm, v, 32 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1740 edition. Introduction in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers, in decorative paper. $31 [item no. 1805]

FINGER, Godfrey, c.1660-1730

[Trio sonatas, 2 vln, bc, op.5] X suonate à tre due violini e violoncello o basso continuo. Opera quinta. [Royal College of Music, London].

Alston, 1998. 4º, i, 5 partbooks, c.48 pp. Line-cut of the Roger edition, Amsterdam, 1702. No.10 is scored for violin, violone or fagotto obbligato and continuo. Introduction by Peter Holman. Ring binding. $27 [item no. 7829]

FISCHER, Johann Caspar Ferdinand, c.1670-1746

[Musicalisch Divertissement, rec/fl/ob/vln/bsn, bc] Musicalisch Divertissement (flûte à bec ou flûte traversière ou hautbois ou violon et basse).

Collection FacsiMusic. Courlay, 2007. 21 x 29 cm, 32 pp. Line-cut of the J. Riedeln edition, Dresden, 1699/1700. Wrappers. $13 [item no. 8850]

FISCHER, Johann Christian, 1733-1800

[Method, oboe] New and Complete Instructions for the Oboe or Hoboy. Complete Facsimile Edition of the Copy from the Library of Congress. Preface: Peter Hedrick.

Historical Oboe Tutor Series, II. Columbus, 1987. Oblong, 28 x 21 cm, ix, 38 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $23 [item no. 3114]

FREILLON-PONCEIN, Jean-Pierre, 17th c.

[Method, oboe, recorder, & flageolet] La véritable manière d’apprendre à jouer en perfection du hautbois, de la flûte et du flageolet / [A. Van der Hagen:] Méthode nouvelle et raisonnée pour le hautbois en deux parties.

Geneva, 1974. Oblong, 24 x 17 cm, 145 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1700 & c.1792 edition. Two complementary treatises on wind instruments. Wrappers. $51 [item no. 3275]

GALLIARD, Johann Ernst, c.1680-1749

[Sonatas, bassoon/violoncello, bc] Six Sonatas for the Bassoon or Violoncello with a Thorough [Bass] for the Harpsichord.

Musique de Chambre, 8. Geneva, 1995. 21 x 30 cm, 28 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, [1733]. Wrappers. $30 [item no. 7094]

[Sonatas, bassoon/violoncello, bc] Six Sonatas for the Bassoon or Violoncello with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsichord. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].

Performers’ Facsimiles, 255. New York, [2007]. 24 x 31 cm, 26 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, [1733]. Wrappers. $18 [item no. 8811]

[Sonatas, bassoon/violoncello, bc] Six Sonatas for the Bassoon or Violoncello with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsichord.

Faksimile-Edition Rara, 107. Stuttgart 2023 22 x 30 cm, 29 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, [1733]. Hardbound with handsome art paper boards. $36 [item no. 9732]

GARNIER, François-Joseph, 1755-1825

[Method, oboe] A Systematic Method for the Oboe. Facsimile Edition with English Translation by Peter Hedrick.

Historical Oboe Tutor Series, III. Columbus, 1987. 21 x 27 cm, xxiii, 103 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $35 [item no. 3116]

GREENE, Maurice, 1696-1755

[Overtures, orch] Six Overtures.

Huntingdon, n.d. 4˚. Xerographic reproduction of the London, 1745. Scored for 2 vln, vla, vc, db, 2 ob/fl, bsn, kbd (flutes in slow movts of nos. 3 & 5). Wrappers $60 [item no. 8287]

GUILLEMANT, Benoît, 18th c.

[Pièces, 2 bassoons/violoncellos, op.3] Pièces à deux bassons ou violoncelles — Opus 3.

Collection FacsiMusic. Courlay, 2007. 21 x 30 cm, 32 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1748 edition. 6 sonatas for 2 bassoons or violoncellos without bc. Wrappers. $13 [item no. 8883]

HANDEL, George Frideric, 1685-1759

[Musick for the Royal Fireworks, orch, HWV 351; Concerti, orch, HWV 335a & 335b] The Musick for the Royal Fireworks / Feuerwerksmusik, HWV 351. Concerti HWV 335a & 335b. British Library Manuscript R.M. 20.g.7. Facsimile. Introduction and Commentary by Christoher Hogwood / Eingeleitet und kommentiert von Christopher Hogwood.

Documenta Musicologica, II/32. Kassel, 2004. 4˚, 26, 70 pp. Handel's great outdoor piece for strings and wind band. Halftone of the 1749 autograph score, composed for the celebration of the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle. The overture is the longest single instrumental movement that Handel wrote and is scored for tpt 1-3 (x3), hn 1-3 (x3), ob 1-3 (x12, x8, x4), bsn 1-2 (x8, x4), timp (3 pairs), & bc. The manuscript also includes 2 concerti, HWV 335a and 335b, intended as interludes during oratorio performances, scored for strings, 2 ob, 2 tpt (only HWV 335a), 4 hn, bsn, timp, & bc (organ). This is a fascinating score, in Handel’s forceful script, showing his erasures by smudging, his clarifications by writing note letters over a correction, and his normal abbreviations for colla parte using custodes. The manuscript also bears evidence of arguments over scoring that went on with the civil servants organizing the spectacle. Preface in Ger/Eng. Hardbound. $68 (more info... ) [item no. 8448]

[Musick for the Royal Fireworks, orch, HWV 351, 1st ed.] The Musick for the Royal Fireworks in all its Parts, viz. French Horns, Trumpets, Kettle Drums, Violin, Hoboys, Violoncello, & Bassoons with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsicord or Organ. [British Library, London].

Performers’ Facsimiles, 120. New York, [1993]. 4º, 11 partbooks: 37 pp. Line-cut of the original Walsh printed parts, London, [1749]. Scored for 2 vln, 3 ob, 3 hns, 3 tpt, timp, bsn & bc. Wrappers. $40 [item no. 4530]

[Trio sonatas, 2 violins/oboes/flutes, bc, op.2, HWV 386b-391] VI sonates à deux violons, deux haubois ou deux flutes traversieres & basse continue. Second ouvrage.

Huntingdon, [1990]. 4º, 4 partbooks, c.80 pp. Line-cut of the John Walsh edition, London, c.1733. 6 sonatas: B minor; G minor; Bb major; F major; G minor; G major. Wrappers. $30 [item no. 7019]

[Trio sonatas, 2 violins/oboes/flutes, bc, op.2, HWV 386b-391] VI sonates à deux violons, deux haubois ou deux flutes traversieres & basse continue. Second Ouvrage. [Miller Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].

Performers’ Facsimiles, 170. New York, [1997]. 4º, 3 partbooks, 71 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, c.1733. 6 sonatas: B minor; G minor; Bb major; F major; G minor; G major. Wrappers. $38 [item no. 7472]

[Water Music, orchestra, HWV 348-350] The Celebrated Water Musick in Seven Parts, viz., Two French Horns, Two Violins or Hoboys, a Tenor, and a Thorough Bass for the Harpsichord or Bass Violin.

Performers’ Facsimiles, 70. New York, [1990]. 24 x 36 cm, 7 partbooks, 36 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, [1733]. Wrappers. $40 [item no. 3690]

HAYDN, Johann Michael, 1737-1806

Marcia turchese à più stromenti (1795). Faksimile der autographen Partitur aus dem Besitz der Erzabtei St. Peter Salzburg. Einführung von Gerhard Croll. [Sign. Hay 1890.I].

Denkmäler der Musik in Salzburg, Faksimile-Ausgaben, 9. Salzburg, 2001. Oblong, 31 x 22 cm, 8, vii pp. Beautiful halftone of the autograph score. Scored for 2 tpt, 2 hn, 2 fl, 2 ob, 2 cl, 2 bsn, Turkish piatelli & tamburo. Vienna, 1806 edition. Introduction in Ger. Wrappers. $26 [item no. 8111]

HAYM, Nicola, c.1679-1729

[Sonatas, flute/oboe/violin, bc] VI sonate da camera a flauto traversa, haubois o violino solo. Amsterdam s.d.

Archivum Musicum: Flauto Traversiere, 1. Florence, 1984. 22 x 31 cm, iv, 21 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, c.1708-1712 edition. 4 sonatas by Haym and 2 by Bitti. Introduction in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers, in decorative paper. $27 [item no. 774]

HOTTETERRE, Jacques Martin, 1674-1763

[L’art de préluder, flute/recorder/oboe] L’art de préluder sur la flûte traversière sur la flûte à bec, sur le hautbois et autres instrumens de dessus pour les flûtes traversières, flûtes a bec, haubois, & muzettes, œuvres VIII.

Archivum Musicum: L’Art de la Flûte Traversière, 55. Florence, 1999. Oblong, 29 x 21 cm, ix, 67 pp. Line-cut of the Paris 1719 edition. Preface in It by Marcello Castelliani. Wrappers in decorative paper. $37 [item no. 7775]

[Method, flute, recorder, oboe] Principes de la flûte traversière de la flûte à bec et du haut-bois. Paris 1707.

Archivum Musicum: L’Art de la Flûte Traversière, 53. Florence, 1998. 21 x 30 cm, ii, 57 pp. Line-cut of the Paris 1707 Paris edition. Preface in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers. $35 [item no. 7685]

[Method, flute, recorder, oboe] Principes de la flûte traversière ou flute d’allemagne, de la flûte à bec ou flûte douce, et du haut-bois par le Sieur Hotteterre-le Romain. Deutsche Übertragung von Hans Joachim Hellwig.

Documenta Musicologica, I/34. Kassel, 2/ 1965. 12 x 19 cm, 51, 48 & 5 foldouts pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, 1710 edition, together with a complete translation and afterword in German. Wrappers. $31 [item no. 777]

[Method, flute, recorder, oboe] Principes de la flûte traversière / [Charles de Lusse:] L’art de la flûte traversière.

Geneva, 1973. 18 x 25 cm, 110 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1721 & 1761 editions. Hardbound. $86 [item no. 778]

[Method, flute, recorder, oboe] Principes de la flûte. Reprint der Amsterdamer Ausgabe von 1728. Mit deutscher Übersetzung von Hans Joachim Hellwig und einer Einleitung von Vera Funk.

Kassel, 1998. 12 x 19 cm, xii, 55, 52 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, 1728 edition, together with a complete translation and afterword in German. Wrappers. $16 [item no. 8322]

[Suites, 2 flutes/recorders/viols/oboes, bc, op.4, 6 & 8] Première suitte de pièces à deux dessus, sans basse continue, œuvre quatrièsme; Deuxième suitte de pièces à deux dessus pour les flûtes-traversières, flûtes-a-bec, violes, &e, œuvres VIe; Troisième suitte de pièces a deux deßus.

Archivum Musicum: L’Art de la Flûte Traversière, 40. Florence, 1989. Oblong, 29 x 21 cm, viii, 49 pp. Line-cut of the Paris 1712, 1717 & 1722 edition. Introduction in It by Marcello Castellano. Wrappers in decorative paper. $35 [item no. 3182]

[Suite, flutes/recorders/viols, (bc), op.6] Deuxième suitte de pièces à deux dessus pour les flûtes traversières, flûtes-à-bec, violes, etc. Avec une basse adjoutée séparément et sans altération des dessus, laquelle on y pourra joindre dans le concert. Œuvre VIe.

Musique de Chambre, 14. Geneva, 1991. Oblong, 25 x 17 cm, 18 pp. Line-cut of the edition published by the composer and Boivin, Paris, 1717. Pieces dedicated by the the author to his pupil, the chamberlain to the Duke of Orleans. Wrappers. $25 [item no. 3104]

[Trio sonatas, 2 flutes/recorders/violins/oboes, bc, op.3] Sonates en trio pour les flûtes traversières, flûtes a bec, violons, hautbois, &c, livre premier, œuvre troisième.

Archivum Musicum: L’Art de la Flûte Traversière, 3. Florence, 1980. Oblong, 24 x 22 cm, 3 partbooks, vii, 75 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1712 edition. Introduction in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers in decorative paper. $49 [item no. 779]

HOTTETERRE, Jean, b.?-1720

[Pièces, musette/flute/oboe, bc, op. post.] Pièces pour la muzette qui peuvent aussi se jouer sur la flûte, œuvre posthume. Paris 1722.

Archivum Musicum: L’Art de la Flûte Traversière, 66. Florence, 2007. Oblong, 29 x 21 cm, viii, 46 pp. Line-cut of the edition published by Jacques Martin Hotteterre and Boivin, Paris, 1722. The suite is by Jacques Martin Hotteterre. Introduction in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers, in decorative paper. $38 [item no. 8987]

JACQUET DE LA GUERRE, Élisabeth, 1659-1729

[Trio sonatas, 2 vlns,viol/bsn, bc] Quatre sonates en trio (partition). Présentation par Catherine Cessac. [Ms Vm7 1110, Bibl. Nationale, Paris].

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800 164. Courlay, 2005. 24 x 33 cm, vii, 83 pp. Line-cut of a unique manuscipt score (autograph?), a source which the theorist Brossard alludes to in his catalog. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. [item no. 8559]

JANOVKA, Tomas, 1669-1741

Clavis ad thesaurum magnae artis musicae. . . Prag 1701. [Bibliothèque Royale Albert II, Brussel].

Dictionarium Musicum, 2. Buren, 1973. 15 x 23 cm, 343 pp. Line-cut of the Prag, 1701 edition. Along with Brossard’s Dictionnaire de musique one of the first modern dictionaries of musical terms. Wrappers. $66 [item no. 2115]

KELLER, Godrey, b.?-1704

[Trio sonatas, tpt, ob (2 vln), bc; 2 fl, 2 ob (2 vln), bc] Six Sonatas. The First Three for a Trumpett, Houbois, or Violins, with Doubble Basses. The Other Three for Two Flutes, and Two Houbois, or Two Violins, with Doubble Basses. [British Library, London].

Alston, 2002. 4º, 7 partbooks, c.70 pp. Line-cut of the Roger edition, Amsterdam, 1700. Preface by Peter Holman. Ring binder. $58 [item no. 8078]

[Trio sonatas, 2 fl/vln, bc; 2 fl, vln/ob, bc] 8 Sonatas a 3 Pties. Dont 5 sont a 2 flûtes ou violons & 2 basse & 3 a 2 flûte 2 violon ou hautbois & 2 basse le 4me est de la composition de Mr. Robert Orme Ecuyer & les 7 autres de celle de Monsr. Godefroy Keller. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].

Alston, 2002. 4º, 4 partbooks, c.35 pp. Line-cut of the Roger edition, Amsterdam, 1700. Preface by Peter Holman. Ring binder. $28 [item no. 8079]

LA BARRE, Michel de, 1674-1744

[Trios, violins/flutes/oboes, book 1] Premier livre des trio.

Huntingdon, [1993]. 4º, Xerographic reprint of the Paris, [1694 & 1707] editions. Wrappers. $30 [item no. 4861]

[Trios, violins/flutes/oboes, book 2] Pièces en trio, livre second.

Huntingdon, [1993]. 4º, Xerographic reprint of the Paris, [1700] edition. Wrappers. $30 [item no. 4862]

[Trios, violins/flutes/oboes, book 3] Troisième livre des trio. Mêlez de sonates pour la flûte traversière.

Archivum Musicum: L’Art de la Flûte Traversière, 2. Florence, 1980. Oblong, 24 x 22 cm, 3 partbooks, vii, 152 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1707 edition. Introduction in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers in decorative paper, with slipcase. $35 [item no. 767]

LALANDE, Michel-Richard de, 1657-1726

[Noëls, 2 flutes/violins/oboes, bc, book 1] Noëls en trio avec un carillon, pour les flûtes, violins, et hautbois. Ier livre. [Bibl. Nationale de France, Paris].

Performers’ Facsimiles, 213. New York, [2001]. 4º, 3 partbooks, 33 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, n.d., edition. Wrappers. $25 [item no. 4632]

LECLAIR, Jean-Marie, 1697-1764

[Concerti, violin, orch, op.7] Ier et IIme concerto a tre violino, alto, basso per organo, e violoncello. Œuvre VIIme.

Huntingdon, [1994]. 4º, 7 partbooks. Xerographic reprint of the Paris, 1737 edition. Partbooks: vln solo, vln I, vln II, vla, vc, db, kbd. Concerto no.3 can be played by flute/oboe. Wrappers. $78 [item no. 4865]

[Concerti, violin, orch, op.7] Six concertos pour violon et orchestre – Opus VII, 1737. Présentation par Jean Saint-Arroman. [Bibl. Nationale, Paris].

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 178. Courlay, 2006. 24 x 33 cm, 5 partbooks, viii, 116 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1743 edition. Concerto no.3 can be played by flute/oboe. Preface in Fr-Eng-Ger by Jean Saint-Arroman. Wrappers. [item no. 8677]

LŒILLET, John Baptiste (John “of London”), 1680-1730

[Trio sonatas, recorder, oboe, bc; 2 flutes, bc, op.1] Sonata’s for Variety of Instruments. Opera prima. London, Walsh, 1722. Présentation par Susi Möhlmeier, Fréderique Thouvenot. [British Library, London].

Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1999. 4º, 5 vols, xvi, 52 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, 1722. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $37 [item no. 7694]

[Trio sonatas, vln/fl/ob, bc, op.2] XII Sonatas in Three Parts. Opera Secunda. London, Walsh, ca 1725. Présentation par Susi Möhlmeier, Fréderique Thouvenot. [British Library, London].

Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1999. 4º, 3 partbooks, xvii, 75 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, c.1725. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers, with slipcase. $44 [item no. 7713]

MAJER, Joseph Friedrich Bernhard Caspar, 1689-1768

Neu-eröffneter theoretisch- und praktischer Music-Saal, das ist: Kurze, doch vollständige Methode, so wohl die Vocal- als Instrumental-Music gründlich zu erlernen.

Dokumentationen, Reprints, 23. Michaelstein, 1990. Oblong, 21 x 15 cm, 125 pp. Halftone of the Nuremberg, 1741 edition (second, vastly reset edition of Museum Musicum). Fascinating treatment of music theory, including 10 woodcuts of instruments and a glossary of musical terms taken from Greek, Latin, Italian and French. Wrappers. $24 [item no. 4221]

MARCELLO, Alessandro, 1684-1750

[Concerti, “La Cetra”, 2 ob/vln, strings, bc] La cetra. Concerti [da Eterio Stinfalico. Parte prima. Oboe primo ò traversiere col violono principale]. [Staats- & Stadtbibliothek, Augsburg].

Performers’ Facsimiles, 233. New York, [2004]. Oblong, 38 x 28 cm, 6 partbooks, 72 pp. Line-cut of the Augsburg, c.1740 edition. 6 concerti scored for oboe I/violin I solo, oboe II/violin II solo, 2 violin I rip, 2 violins II rip, 2 violas, violoncello, cembalo & bc. Wrappers. $75 [item no. 8488]

MASSE, Jean-Baptiste, 18th c.

[Sonatas, 2 violoncelli, op.1] Sonates a deux violonchelles. Œuvre 1er.

Performers’ Facsimiles, 6. New York, 1985. 28 x 36 cm, 28 pp. Line-cut of the author’s, Boivin, & Le Clerc edition, Paris, c.1736. 6 sonatas that can also be played by 2 bassoons, violas or violins. Wrappers. $18 [item no. 1215]

[Sonatas, 2 violoncelli, op.1] Sonates a deux violoncelles (Violoncelle et basse continue), 1736. Présentation: Maëlle Trouvé. [Bibl. Nationale, Paris].

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 162 Courlay, 2005. 24 x 33 cm, ix, 27 pp. Line-cut of the author’s, Boivin, & Le Clerc edition, Paris, c.1736. 6 sonatas that can also be played by 2 bassoons, violas or violins. Wrappers. $28 [item no. 8560]

MATTHES, Carl Ludwig, 18th c.

[Sonatas, oboe, bc] Deux sonates pour hautbois et basse continue.

Collection FacsiMusic. Courlay, 2008. 21 x 30 cm, 16 pp. Line-cut of the Hamburg, 1770 edition (extracted from Musikalisches Vielerley). Wrappers. $14 [item no. 9041]

MATTHESON, Johann, 1681-1764

Das neu-eröffnete Orchestre [oder universelle und gründliche Anleitung, wie ein Galant Homme einen vollkommenen Begriff von der Hoheit und Würde der edlen Musik erlangen, seinen Gout darnach formiren, die Terminos technicos verstehen und geschicklich von dieser vortrefflichen Wissenschaft raisonnieren möge]. [Niedersächsische Landesbibl., Hannover].

Hildesheim, 3/ 2002 9 x 15 cm, 364 pp. Line-cut of the Hamburg, 1713 edition. Linen. $93 [item no. 2572]

MERCI, Luigi, 1685-1750

[Sonatas, bassoon/violoncello, bc, op.3] VI sonate a fagoto ò violoncello col’basso continue. Opera terza, c.1735. Présentation par Marc Vallon.

Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 2006. Oblong, 33 x 24 cm, vii, 16 Line-cut of the Paris, c.1735 edition. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $25 [item no. 8772]

MERSENNE, Marin, 1588-1648

Harmonicorum libri XII. In quibus agitur de sonorum natura, causis, et effectibus: de consonantiis, dissonantiis, rationibus, generibus, modis, cantibus, compositione, orbisque totius harmonicis instrumentis.

Geneva, 1973. 22 x 30 cm, 367 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1648 edition. Complements the Harmonie universelle. The copy used for this facsimile includes many manuscript notes and corrections in the author’s hand. Hardbound. [item no. 2754]

MILLER, Edward, 1735-1807

[Solos, flute/violin/oboe, bc, op.1] Six Solos for a German Flute, with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsichord or Violoncello.

Alston, 1995. Oblong, 29 x 21 cm, i, 27 pp. Line-cut of the John Johnson edition, London, c.1761. Preceded by “Remarks on the German Flute”. Ring binding. $23 [item no. 7804]

MONTÉCLAIR, Michel Pinolet de, 1667-1737

[Concerti, flute/violin/oboe,recorder, bc] Concerts pour la flûte traversière avec la basse. Paris 1724, 1725. [Bibl. Nationale, Paris].

Archivum Musicum: L’Art de la Flûte Traversière, 11. Florence, 1981. 20 x 29 cm, v, 94 pp. Line-cut of the Boivin edition, Paris, 1724-1725. Preface in It by Marcello Castelliani. Wrappers, in decorative paper. $35 [item no. 797]

[Concerti, flute/violin/oboe/recorder, bc] Concert pour la flûte traversière avec la basse chiffrée, 1724. Présentation par Anne Prichard.

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 151. Courlay, 2003. 4º, xiii, 98 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1724 edition. Preface in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $52 [item no. 8239]

[Serenade, melody instrument, bc or trio] Serenade ou concert, divisé en trois suites de pieces pour les violons, flûtes & hautbois composées d’airs de fanfares, d’airs de fanfares, d’airs tendres, & d’airs champêtres, propres à danser, 1697. Présentation: Département de Musique Ancienne du Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris.

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 153. Courlay, 2003. 4º, 3 partbooks, xii, 104 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1697 edition. According to composer these pieces are suitable for dancing. Preface in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $68 [item no. 8240]

MOURET, Jean-Joseph, 1682-1738

Concert de chambre [à deux et trois parties, pour les violons, flutes, et hautbois]. Suivi u’une suite d’Airs à danser. Premier livre. 1737. Présentation: Département de musique ancienne du Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris.

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 158. Courlay, 2004. 24 x 33 cm, 4 vols, xix, 33 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1737. Introduction (with dance choreography) in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $33 [item no. 8467]

[Fanfares, winds/strings] Fanfares pour des trompettes timbales violons et hautbois avec une suitte de simphonies melées de cors de chasse. Livre second. [Bibl. Nationale, Paris].

Performers’ Facsimiles, 109. New York, [1993]. 4º, 23 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1729 edition. Wrappers. $18 [item no. 4529]

[Fanfares, winds/strings] Fanfares pour des trompettes, timbales, violons et hautbois avec une suite de symphonies melées de cors de chasse — livre second.

Collection FacsiMusic. Courlay, 2007. 21 x 30 cm, 28 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1729 edition. Wrappers. $12 [item no. 8887]

MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791

[Masonic Funeral Music, K.477] L’autografo della musica funebre massonica KV 477 (479a) della Musikabteilung della Staatsbibliothek (Preußischer Kulturbesitz) di Berlino. Das Autograph der “Maurerische Trauermusik KV 477 (479a) der Musikabteilung der Staatsbibliothek (Preußischer Kulturbesitz) von Berlin. Edizione in facsimile a cura di Giacomo Fornari.

Lucca, 2006. Color facsimile of the autograph issued on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the composer’s birth. Composed around November 1785, and scored for strings, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 horns & basset horn, Masonic Funeral Music was written for the Masonic Lodge “Zur gekrönten Hoffnung” in Vienna, and was dedicated to the memory of Esterházy, a fallen brother. The composer’s autograph includes the characteristic Mason symbol (a square and compass); the “corno di bassetto” (basset horn) has special significance in the mason tradition. (in preparation) [item no. 8708]

[Quartet, oboe, strgs, K.370 (368b)] Quatuor pour hautbois, violon, alto et violoncelle, K.370 (368b). Manuscrit autographe de 1781. Édition originale de 1800. Présentation par Michel Giboureau.

Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1997. Oblong & upright, 4º, 5 vols, 36, 34 pp. Line-cut of the autograph score (1781) and first edition published by J. André (Offenbach, 1800). Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $32 [item no. 4406]

[Quintet, piano & winds K.452] Quintette pour piano, hautbois, clarinette, cor et basson, K.452. Manuscrit autographe 1784, Esquisses et fragments (manuscrits autographes). Présentation par Michel Giboureau.

Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1999. Oblong, 4º, xxvi, 9 + 32 pp. Line-cut of the autograph score and sketch (Ms. 221 & 250, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris) and autograph fragment (Ms. Fot. 2449, Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin). Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $43 (more info... ) [item no. 7429]

[Serenade, winds, K.361, Bb major] Gran Partita, K.361 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. A Facsimile of the Holograph in the Whittall Foundation Collection. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].

Chicago, 2008. Oblong, 35 x 27 cm, 11, 98 pp. “Reissue” of Library of Congress 1976 facsimile edition using new full-color digital photography. The autograph score dates from c.1780. Known as the “Great Wind Serenade” or “Serenade for 13 Wind Instruments”, this brilliant 7-movement piece is Mozart’s first major work composed in Vienna. Scored for 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 basset horns, 2 pairs of horns, 2 bassoons and a contrabass, Mozart exploits all the possible mixtures of sonorities—no instrument is treated in true concertante fashion, but rather each instrument strives to distinguish itself, true to it own character. The beautifully crafted serenade—intimate, cheerful, witty and symphonic in style—was obviously written to impress and “open doors” in the composer’s new city. New (second) introduction by Richard Floyd. Handsome two-tone cloth binding. $95 (more info... ) [item no. 9019]

Skizzen und Entwürfe herausgegeben von Ulrich Konrad.

Supplement zur Neuen Mozart Ausgabe, X/30/3. Kassel, 1997. Oblong, 4º, 192, c.145 pp. A rare opportunity to enter the “workshop” of Mozart. Virtually every sketch and draft that has survived—192 pages—has been assembled and collated in chronological order for this superb facsimile edition reproduced in full color. Like Band 44 of the Bachgesellschaft edition which contained only reproductions of Bach manuscripts, this publication marks the culmination of the Neue Mozart Edition. The facsimiles are accompanied by careful transcriptions and critical commentary (Ger), making them accessible to both layman and specialist. Deluxe edition with clamshell case covered in burgundy linen and titles in gold lettering. An indispensable resource for any Mozart enthusiast. $395 (more info... ) [item no. 7487]

MULLER, Jean-Michel, 1683-1743

[Sonatas, oboe/violin, viola, bc] XII sonates. Hautbois solo. Hautbois ou violon 1 – Hautbois ou violon 2, alto viola – basse continue. Présentation par Michel Giboureau. [Universitetsbibl., Lund].

Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 2003. 4˚, 5 partbooks, viii, 106 pp. Line-cut of the Roger edition, Amsterdam, c.1712. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $59 [item no. 8206]

ORTIZ, Diego, c.1510-c.1570

[Treatise, ornamentation] El primo libro nel quale si tratta delle glose sopra le cadenze et altre sorte de punti in la musica del violone.

Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 57. Florence, 1984. Oblong, 24 x 17 cm, vi, 121 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1553 edition. Rules on ornamentation with examples in mensural notation. Divided into two books, part I for the performer of consort music for viols; part II presents several different kinds of compositions for one viol and cimbalo. Total of 29 works. Introduction by Marco Di Pasquale. Wrappers. $43 (more info... ) [item no. 2228]

OZI, Étienne, 1754-1813

[Method, bassoon] Neue Fagot-Schule von E. Ozi. Mitglied des Konservatoriums der Musik in Paris mit einem Nachwort von Günter Angerhöfer.

Dokumentationen, Reprints, 18. Michaelstein, 1988. 21 x 30 cm, 62, vii pp. Halftone of the Leipzig, 1806 edition. Wrappers. $26 [item no. 4220]

PEPUSCH, John Christopher, 1667-1752

[Concerti, 2 flutes/recorders/oboes/violins, bc, op.8] VI concerts à 2 flûtes à bec, 2 flûtes traversières, hautbois ou violons et basse continue. Présentation per Susi Möhlmeier et Frédérique Thouvenot. [Universitetsbibliothek, Uppsala].

Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1993. 4º, 5 partbooks, 32, 61 pp. Line-cut of a Roger edition, Amsterdam, n.d. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $46 [item no. 4600]

PHILIDOR, André Danican, 1681-1728

[Pièces, fl/rec/ob/vln, bc] 1. livre de pièces pour la flûte traversiere, flûte a bec, violons et hautbois, avec la basse continue, 1712. [Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris].

Collection FacsiMusic. Courlay, 2007. Oblong, 29 x 21 cm, 25 pp. Line-cut of the author’s, Roussel & Foucault edition, Paris, 1712. Wrappers. $14 [item no. 8807]

PHILIDOR, François Danican, 1689-c.1717

[Quartets, ob/fl/vln, 2 vln, bc] L’art de la modulation; Quatuors pour un hautbois, deux violons et basse (la partie de hautbois peut se jouer sur la flûte ou le violon). 1755. Présentation par les élèves de l’I.F.E. de M. de Rueil-Malmaison.

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 108. Courlay, 1998. 4º, 4 partbooks, 13, 52 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1755 edition. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $45 [item no. 7586]

PHILIDOR, Pierre Danican, 1681-1731

[Suites, 2 flutes; Suites, oboe/flute/violin, bc, op.1] Premier œuvre.

Musica Musica, S/14. Basel, c.1980. 49 pp. Line-cut of the printed score. Wrappers. $34 [item no. 2231]

[Suites, 2 flutes; Suites, oboe/flute/violin, bc, op.1] Premier œuvre contenant III. suittes a II. flûtes traversieres seules avec III. autres suittes dessus et basse, pour les hautbois, flûtes, violons, &c. [private collection].

Performers’ Facsimiles, 275. New York, [2007]. Oblong, 27 x 21 cm, 52 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1717 edition. Wrappers. $20 [item no. 8902]

[Suites, 2 flutes; Suites, oboe/flute/violin, bc, op.2] Deuxiéme œuvre contenant II. suittes a 2. flûtes-traversieres seules avec II. autres suittes deßus et baßse, pour les hautbois, flûtes, violons, &c. [private collection].

Performers’ Facsimiles, 276. New York, [2007]. Oblong, 27 x 21 cm, 26 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1718 edition. Wrappers. $15 [item no. 8903]

[Suite, 2 flutes; Suite, oboe/flute/violin, bc, op.3] Troisiéme œuvre contenant une suitte a deux flûtes-traversieres seules, et une autre suitte dessus et basse, pour les hautbois, flûtes, violons, &c. Avec une réduction de la chaße. [private collection].

Performers’ Facsimiles, 277. New York, [2007]. Oblong, 27 x 21 cm, 22 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1718 edition. Wrappers. $13 [item no. 8904]

PIERRE, Constant, 1855-1918

Les facteurs d’instruments de musique. Les luthiers et la facture instrumentale. Précis historique.

Geneva, 1971. 8º, 460 pp. Line-cut of Paris, 1893 edition. Treats French musical instrument makers, covering the period from the 15th to the 19th century. Wrappers. $61 [item no. 4262]

PLAYFORD, Henry, 1657-c.1709

Apollo’s Banquet, Newly Reviv’d: Containing New and Easie Instructions for the Treble-Violin with Variety of the best and choicest Ayres, Tunes, Jiggs, Minuets, Sarabrands, Chacones and Cybells, that have been Perform’d at both Theatres, and other Publick Places. To which are added, The Newest French Dances, now in use at Court, and in Dancing-Schools.

Alston, 1999. Oblong, 4º, ii, 66 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1701 edition. A collection of choice tunes, many traceable to the suites of incidental music written for plays by Henry Purcell, John Eccles, William Croft, Thomas Tollett, Thomas Morgan and others. Novel new engraving font (“NewTy’d Character” or “new London character”, developed by the printer William Pearson. Preface by Peter Holoman. Ring binding. $29 [item no. 7833]

RAMEAU, Jean-Philippe, 1683-1764

Les Indes galantes. Ballet réduit à quatre grands concerts. 1735-1736. Présentation par Pascal Duc. [Bibl. Municipale, Lyon].

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 166. Courlay, 2005. Oblong, 31 x 23 cm, xxxi, 230 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1735-1736 edition (short score). Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $93 [item no. 8572]

Les Indes galantes. Paris. [Bibliothèque d’étude et de conservation Besançon].

Faksimile-Edition Kammermusik des Barock, 5. Stuttgart, 2015. Oblong, 31 x 23 cm, 226 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1735-1736 edition (short score). Hardbound, with boards in decorative paper. $83 [item no. 9427]

REBEL, Jean-Féry, 1666-1747

Les caractères de la dance. Fantaisie (1715). Grand chœur / Petit chœur. Neuausgabe. Faksimile der Pisendel-Abschrift. Faksimile Erstdruck. Neuauflage 1727/1733. Herausgegeben von Stefan Fuchs.

Magdeburger Faksimile Offizin. Magdeburg, 2007. 4º, 41 pp. Facsimile of Pisendel’s manuscript copy, plus the first edition (Le Clerc, 1727/1733), together with a new practical edition of the score. This fantasie, from 1715, is considered one of the great monuments of Baroque dance music (even performed by Handel in London), and can be performed ”petit choeur” (i.e. as a trio sonata) or “grand choeur” with extra inner voices. Wrappers. $46 [item no. 8898]

Les caractères de la danse, 1715 / La Terpsichore, 1720. Présentation: Dona Borel, CeFEdeM Île-de-France.

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 206. Courlay, 2012. 22 x 30 cm, x, 16 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1715 & 1720 editions. Preface in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $35 [item no. 9275]

Les éléments. Simphonie nouvelle. Neuausgabe. Faksimile der Pisendel-Abschrift. Herausgegeben von Stefan Fuchs.

Magdeburger Faksimile Offizin. Magdeburg, 2005. 4º. Facsimile of the of Paris, 1737 edition, together with modern edition. Wrappers. $56 [item no. 9077]

Fantaisie, 1729; Les plaisirs champêtres, 1734; [Les parodies nouvelles, et les vaudevilles inconnus, 1730]. Présentation par Catherine Cessac. [Nederlands Muziek Instituut, The Hague; Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris].

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 191. Courlay, 2006. 24 x 33 cm, vii, 26 pp. Line-cut of the 1729, 1734 & 1730 editions. The Fantaisie is also known as Pas de trois, with string/wind accompaniment. Les plaisirs champêtres is for 2 female and 4 male dancers (pas de six), with string/wind accompaniment. Preface in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $23 [item no. 9077]

RIGHINI, Vincenzo, 1756-1812

[Concerto, fl, 2 vln, 2 ob, 2 bsn, 2 hns, vla, bc, G maj.] Concerto in sol maggiore a flauto obbligato, violino 1º e 2º, oboe 1º e 2º, fagotto 1º e 2º, corno 1º e 2º, viola e basso. Ms. Copenhagen [e Augsburg].

Archivum Musicum: Flauto Traversiere, 29. Florence, 1995. Oblong & upright, 32 x 24 cm, 2 vols, v, 104 + 21 pp. Line-cut of a contemporary ms copy (both score and parts), copied c.1802. Introduction in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers. $45 [item no. 7142]

ROGNONI, Francesco, fl.1608-1624

Selva de varii passaggi per cantare, & sonare. [Bibl. del Conservatorio, Milan].

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/153. Bologna, 2/ 1983. 22 x 32 cm, xii, 130 pp. Line-cut of the Milan, 1620 edition. Francesco Rognoni came from a prominent musical family and was himself a virtuoso of several instruments. Selva contains important expressive devices of the time: portar la voce, accento, tremolo, grupp, esclamatione and intonatio, absolutely essential for performing the music of Monteverdi and his generation. Introduction in It by Guglielmo Barblan. Wrappers. (more info... ) [item no. 1282]

ROMAN, Johan Helmich, 1694-1758

[Trio sonata, 2 oboes/flutes, bc, G minor] Triosonata g-moll, 2 oboes/flaute & basso continuo. [Royal Academy of Music, Stockholm, Ro 50a & Ro 50b].

Autographus Musicus, 19. Bandhagen, 1980. 22 x 31 cm, ii, 24 pp. Line-cut of a contemporary ms copy, spuriously assigned to Roman. Introduction in Eng by Eva Nordenfelt-Åberg. 3 parts and score. Wrappers. $38 [item no. 529]

SAGGIONE, Giuseppe Fedeli, 1680-1733

[Sonatas, 2 violoncelli/viols/bassoon] Six sonates à deux violoncelles, violes, ou bassons. Vm7 6348. Présentation par Paolo Tognon & Evolène Kiener. [Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris].

Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 2009. 23 x 33 cm, x, 36 pp. Line-cut of author’s edition, Paris, 1733. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $34 [item no. 9154]

SAMMARTINI, Giuseppe, 1695-1750

[Solos, flute/violin/oboe, bc, op.13] Six Solos for a German Flute with a Thorough Bass. London s.d.

Archivum Musicum: Flauto Traversiere, 31. Florence, 1996. 24 x 33 cm, v, 26 pp. Line-cut of the London, [1760] edition. Preface in It by Rossella Rossi. Wrappers, in decorative paper. $33 [item no. 7373]

SCHICKHARDT, Johann Christian, c.1680-c.1762

[Sonatas, flute, 2 oboes, vdg, bc, op.5] Six sonates à une flute, deux haubois, une viole de gamba & basse continue. Cinquiéne ouvrage. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].

Performers’ Facsimiles, 183. New York, [1997]. 24 x 30 cm, 5 parts, c.60 pp. Line-cut of the Roger edition, Amsterdam, n.d. Wrappers. $38 [item no. 7390]

[Trio sonatas, 2 oboes/violin, bc, op.7] XII sonates à deux haubois ou violons & basse continue. Septiéme ouvrage. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].

Performers’ Facsimiles, 253. New York, [2006]. 4º, 3 partbooks, 64 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, n.d. edition. Wrappers. $35 [item no. 8675]

SCHOBERT, Johann, 1735-1767

[Concerto, harpsichord, strings/winds, op.12] Concerto II pour le clavecin, avec accompagnement de deux violons, alto et basse (deux oboe, deux cors de chasse ad libitum). Op.XII.

Biblioteca Classica, 112. Rotterdam, 1988. 4º, 6 parts, 33 pp. Line-cut of the R. Bremner edition, London, c.1770. Wrappers. $15 [item no. 4958]

SCHOENBERG, Arnold, 1874-1951

Three Pieces for Chamber Orchestra (1910). Score, Facsimile and Parts.

Los Angeles, 1962. 4º, 23, 3 pp. Line-cut of the autograph score, together with new practical edition (score & parts). Scored for fl, ob, cl, bsn, hn, org, cel & strings. Wrappers. $18 [item no. 557]

SPADI, Giovanni Battista, 17th c.

Libro de passaggi ascendenti e descendenti.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/55. Bologna, 3/ 2007. 17 x 25 cm, 31 pp. Line-cut of the A. Vincenti edition, Venice, 1624. Wrappers. $38 [item no. 1285]

STANLEY, John, 1712-1786

[Cantatas, voice, winds/strings, bc, op.3] Six Cantatas for a Voice and Instruments [op.3]. [British Library, London].

Alston, 2004. Oblong, 4º. ii, 53 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1742 edition. Conventional English cantatas, with a regular alternation of secco recitatives and airs. Preface by Peter Holman. Wrappers. $34 [item no. 8423]

[Cantatas, voice, winds/strings, bc, op.8] Six Cantatas for a Voice and Instruments [op.8]. [British Library, London].

Alston, 2004. Oblong, 4º. ii, 45 pp. Line-cut of the London, c.1748 edition. Conventional English cantatas, with a regular alternation of secco recitatives and airs derived from the Italian cantata during the first decades of the 18th c. Preface by Peter Holman. Wrappers. $34 [item no. 8424]

STRAVINSKY, Igor, 1882-1971

Stravinky’s Histoire du Soldat: A Facsimile of the Sketches. Edited by Maureen A. Carr.

Music in Facsimile. Madison, 2005 23 x 31 cm, 355 pp (224 plates). Halftone reproduction of the autograph draft in various stages of development, mostly notated in short score. The facsimile contains all the existing musical sketches, reproduced from the combined holdings of the Paul Sacher Stiftung in Basel and the Rychenberg Stiftung in Wintertur; the editor has provided a careful ordering and description of the highly diverse material which comes down to us in 8 distinct sketchbooks. Contributions by Maureen Carr, Philippe Girard, Alain Rochat, & Noël Cordonier. Wrappers, with colorful artwork. $114 (more info... ) [item no. 8589]

[Symphonies for Wind Instruments, 1920 ver.] Symphonies d’instruments à vent. Faksimileausgabe des Particells und der Partitur der Erstfassung (1920) herausgegeben und kommentiert von André Baltensperger und Felix Meyer.

Eine Veröffentlichung der Paul Sacher Stiftung. Basel, 1991. 22 x 26 cm, 48, 36 pp. Superb full-color halftone of the autograph full score and short score (particell). One of the last works from the composer’s “Russian” period, written for 23 wind instruments and dedicated to the memory of Claude Debussy. Reproduces the first version from 1920 in its two surviving versions: a full score fair copy (copied on thin ruled yellow paper) and the autograph particell. Commentary in Ger-Eng. Handsome binding with vellum spine and red paper boards, plus matching slipcase. $211 (more info... ) [item no. 4231]

STUCK (BATISTIN), Jean Baptiste, c.1680-1755

[Cantatas, voice, violins/flutes/oboe, bc, book 1] Cantates françoises. Livre I, 1706. Présentation par Bertrand Porot. [Bibl. Municipale, Lyon].

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 120. Courlay, 1999. Oblong, 33 x 24 cm, xiv, 106 pp. Line-cut of Paris, 1706 edition. Contents: Philomele, L’impatience, L’heureux amant, “Cantate IIII’, La Bergere Philis, Céphale. Wrappers. $53 [item no. 7669]

[Cantatas, voice, violins/flutes/oboe, bc, book 2] Cantates françoises. Livre II, 1708. Présentation par Bertrand Porot. [Bibl. Municipale, Lyon].

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 121. Courlay, 1999. Oblong, 33 x 24 cm, 21, 76 pp. Line-cut of Paris, 1708 edition. Contents: Proserpine, Neptune & Amymone, La Naissance d’Achille, Ariane, Sur la prise de Lerida, Mars Jaloux. Wrappers. $44 [item no. 7712]

[Cantatas, voice, violins/flutes/oboe, bc, book 3] Cantates françoises à I, II voix et basse-continue avec symphonie. Livre III. Paris, 1711. [Bibl. Municipale, Lyon].

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 122. Courlay, 1999. Oblong, 33 x 24 cm, 22, 51 pp. Line-cut of Paris, 1711 edition. Contents: “Les bains de Tomery”, “Heraclite et Democrite”. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger by Bertraud Porot. Wrappers. $37 [item no. 7695]

[Cantatas, voice, violins/flutes/oboe, bc, book 4] Cantates françoises, [et italienne à I, II voix et basse-continue avec symphonie]. Livre III. 1714. Présentation par Jean Saint-Arroman. [Bibl. Municipale, Lyon].

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 123. Courlay, 1999. Oblong, 33 x 24 cm, xvii, 75 pp. Line-cut of Paris, 1714 edition. Contents of cantatas: “Flore”, “L’amour vengé”, “Diane”, “Psiché”, “Les fetes dolonnoises”, “Cantata”. In addition this prints contains 15 airs & ariettes detachez, and 4 airs italiens. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Hardbound. $46 [item no. 7772]

TELEMANN, Georg Philipp, 1681-1767

[Canons, 2 flutes/viols/bass viols, TWV 40:118-123] XIIX canons mélodieux ou 6 sonates en duo (2 flûtes, 2 violes, 2 basses de vile). Présentation par Arlette Leroy-Biget. [Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris].

Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1999. 4º, 2 partbooks, xi, 31 pp. Wrappers. $26 [item no. 7676]

Der getreue Music-Meister.

Musica Repartita, 250. Utrecht, 1997. 21 x 28 cm, 105 pp. Halftone of the Hamburg, 1728 edition. The first German musical edition published by installments and model for Birnstiel’s Musikalisches Allerley and CPE Bach’s Musikalisches Vielerey. Telemann prepared the pewter plates himself; he first wrote the music down in pencil (in mirror image) and then engraved over the pencil, taking advantage of a ruler and other engraver’s tools which resulted in greater consistency. Printed boards with linen spine. $47 [item no. 7663]

Der Getreue Music-Meister (1728-1729). Présentation por Michel Giboureau.

Collections Dominantes. Courlay, 2004. 4º, xvi, 108 pp. Halftone of the Hamburg, 1728 edition. The first German musical edition published by installments and model for Birnstiel’s Musikalisches Allerley and CPE Bach’s Musikalisches Vielerey. Telemann prepared the pewter plates himself; he first wrote the music down in pencil (in mirror image) and then engraved over the pencil, taking advantage of a ruler and other engraver’s tools which resulted in greater consistency. Includes: TWV 40:1, 107-111; TWV 41:C1, C2, d1, D1, D4, D5, D6, E2, E3, f1, F2, g4, g5, G6, a3, A2, B3, B4, h2; TWV 42:C1. Wrappers. $63 (more info... ) [item no. 8520]

[Kleine Cammer-Musik, oboe/violin/flute, bc, works w/o TWV] La petite musique de chambre. Die kleine Kammer-Musik (1728). Présentation par Michel Giboureau. [Hessische Landes- & Hochschulbibl., Darmstadt].

Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1992. Oblong, 31 x 22 cm, 28, 48 pp. Line-cut of the Hamburg, 1728 edition published at the composer’s expense. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $37 [item no. 4388]

[Musique de table, strings/winds, sel.TWV 41, 42, 43, 50, 55] Musique de Table. Tafelmusik in 3 Produktionen. Herausgegeben von Reinhard Goebel.

Magdeburg, 2010. 4°, 7 partbooks. Line-cut of the Hamburg, 1733 partbook edition. Contents: TWV 41:g6, 41:A4, 41:h4, 42:D5, 42:Es1, 42:e2, 43:d1, 43:e2, 43:G2, 50:5, 50:9, 50:10, 55:D1, 55:e1, 55:B1. With the publication of his Tafelmusik, Telemann provides a crowning “trio” of German instrumental music of the late Baroque period, alongside Bach’s Brandenburg Concerti and Handel’s Concerti grossi op.6. The composer shows himself at the zenith of his creative powers. Each part consists of a series of movements (Ouverture, Quatuor, Concert, Trio, Solo, and Conclusion) in various instrumentations—flauto dolce, flauto traversiere, oboe, tromb, strings & fondamento. One masterwork follows the other, forming a logically-built structure, yet each work can also stand alone. Wrappers, in slipcase. $136 (more info... ) [item no. 9051]

[Sonata, bassoon/violoncello, bc, F minor] Sonate in f-moll für Fagott oder Violoncello und Basso continuo. Herausgegeben von Winfried Michel.

Winterthur, 1977. 4º, i, 4, 17 pp. Halftone of the 18th-c. printed edition, together with a new practical edition. Preface in Ger-Eng. Wrappers. $14 [item no. 2102]

[Trio sonatas, various combinations, bc, works w/o TWV] Six trios, 1718. Violon, hautbois et BC – Violon, flûte à bec et BC – Violon, flûte traversière et BC – 2 violons et BC – Violon, basse de viole et BC – Violon, basson ou violoncelle et BC. Présentation par Michel Giboureau. [Musikbibl. der Stadt, Leipzig].

Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1996. 24 x 33 cm, 3 partbooks, xi, 42 pp. Line-cut of the Frankfurt, 1718 edition published at Telemann’s expense. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger by Michel Giboureau. Wrappers. $35 [item no. 7261]

VANDENBRŒCK, Othon, 1758-1832

Traité général de tous les instrumens à vent à l’usage des compositeurs.

Geneva, 1973. 8º, 65 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1794 edition. Examines the range of the horn in every key played in unison with the violin. Also discusses the clarinet, trumpet, trombone, timpani, oboe, flute, bassoon and serpent. Hardbound. $86 [item no. 3234]

VANDERHAGEN, Amand, 1753-1822

[Method, oboe] Méthode nouvelle et raisonnée pour le hautbois en deux parties / [J.-P. Freillon-Poncein:] La véritable manière d’apprendre à jouer en perfection du hautbois, de la flûte et du flageolet.

Geneva, 1974. Oblong, 4º, 160 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1792 & 1770 edition. Two complementary treatises on wind instruments. Wrappers. $51 [item no. 3275]

VINCENT, Thomas, c.1720-1783

[Solos, oboe/flute/violin, bc, op.1] Six Solos for a Houtboy, German Flute, Violin, or Harpsichord, with a Thorough Bass.

Performers’ Facsimiles, 51. New York, [1988]. 4º. Line-cut of the London, [1748] edition. Wrappers. $18 [item no. 2699]

VIRGILIANO, Aurelio, 17-18th c.

Il Dolcimelo. Variati passaggi e diminutioni cosi per voci. Riproduzione eseguita dall’esemplare del Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale di Bologna.

Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 11. Florence, 1979. 24 x 34 cm, v, 113 pp. Halftone of a rare manuscript illustrating ornamentation “tutti modi da sonar qualfiuoglia istrumento”. Introduction in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers in decorative paper. $42 [item no. 1289]

VISÉE, Robert de, 17th c.

[Suites, melody instrument, bc] Trois suites de pièces pour dessus et basse (violon, flûte à bec ou traversière, hautbois . . . et clavecin, théorbe, viole de gambe . . .). Restitution de Jean-Claude Veilhan.

Archives de la Musique Ancienne. Paris, 1980. Oblong, 4º, 52, with 12 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1716 edition, together with a new practical edition. Wrappers. $46 [item no. 2268]

VIVALDI, Antonio, 1678-1741

[Concerto, rec, vln, bsn, bc; rec, vlns, bc] Sonate pour flûte à bec, basson et basse continue; Concerto pour flûte à bec, violon et basson ou violoncelle et b.c.; Concerto pour flûte à bec, 2 violons et basse continue. Présentation par Susi Möhlmeier et Frédérique Thouvenot.

Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1996. 23 x 32 cm, 28, 42 pp. Line-cut of one sonata (RV 86) and 2 concerti (RV 92 & 108) from the Biblioteca Nazionale, Turin. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $36 [item no. 7474]

[Concerti, flute, oboe, violin, bassoon] Concerto pour flûte traversière... (RV 88); Concerto “Il Gardellino” pour flûte traversière ou violon... (RV 90); Concerto “Tempesta di mare” pour flûte traversière... (RV 98); Concerto pour flûte traversière... (RV 99); Concerto pour flûte traversière... (RV 107). Présentation par Michel Giboureau.

Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1999. 4º, oblong & upright, xxiii, c.98 pp. Line-cut reproduction of five flute concerti in ms from the Biblioteca Nazionale, Turin, with additional ms parts from the Sächsische Landesbibliothek, Dresden. Wrappers. $54 [item no. 7677]

[Concerti, rec, ob/vln, bsn/vc, bc, etc., RV 87, 97, 103] Concerto pour flûte a bec, hautbois, deux violons et basse; Concerto pour viole d’amour, deux cors, deux hautbois, basson et basse; Concerto pour flûte a bec, hautbois et basson. Présentation par Michel Giboureau. [Bibl. Nazionale, Turin].

Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1996. Oblong, 4º, 4 vols, 21, 62 pp. Line-cut of three autograph scores. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $43 [item no. 7598]

[Concerti, rec, ob/vln, bsn/vc, bc, RV 94, 95, 101, 105] Concerto pour flûte a bec...; Concerto “La Pastorella” pour flûte a bec...; Concerto pour flûte a bec...; Concerto pour flûte a bec. Présentation par Michel Giboureau. [Bibl. Nazionale, Turin].

Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1996. Oblong, 4º, 4 vols, 19, 56 pp. Line-cut of three autograph scores and one contemporary ms score (RV 101). Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $36 [item no. 7587]

[Concerti, viole d’amour, 2 hn, 2 ob, bsn, bc, etc., RV 97] Concerto pour flûte a bec, hautbois, deux violons et basse; Concerto pour viole d’amour, deux cors, deux hautbois, basson et basse; Concerto pour flûte a bec, hautbois et basson. Présentation par Michel Giboureau. [Bibl. Nazionale, Turin].

Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1996. Oblong, 4º, 4 vols, 21, 62 pp. Line-cut of three autograph scores. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $43 [item no. 7598]

[Concerti, violin, strings, op.7] 12 concerti a 5, op.7.

Huntingdon, n.d. 4º, 8 partbooks, 156 pp. Xerographic reprint of the Roger edition, Amsterdam, [1716/1717]. Scored for vln/oboe solo, vln I, II, vla, vc, & bc (Ob solo in nos. 1 & 7). Ryom numbers: 465, 188, 326, 354, 285a, 374, 464, 299, 373, 294a, 208a & 214. Wrappers. $79 [item no. 8315]

[Concerti, vln (ob for no.6), strings, op.11] 6 Concertos, op.11.

Huntingdon, c.1988. 4º. Xerographic reprint of the Le Cène edition, Amsterdam, [1729]. Scored for vln solo/[ob], vln I, II, vla, vc, & bc. Ryom numbers: 207, 277, 336, 308, 202, & 460. Wrappers. $58 [item no. 7064]

[Sonatas, musette/vielle/fl/rec/ob/vln, bc, op.13, RV 54-59] Il pastor fido, sonates pour la musette, viele, flûte, hautbois, violon, avec la basse continüe, Opera XIII. Réimpression de l’édition de Paris, Boivin, 1737. Source: München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, cote 4729/4. RISM: [V. 2233. Catalogue: P. Ryom RV 54-59].

Collection Facsimiles, B1. Gland, 1991. 4º, 40, 8 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1737 edition. Together with an introduction in Fr-Eng by Peter Ryom entitled “An Authentic Case of Falsification” which reproduces a document from the Archives Nationales de France clearly identifying N. Chédeville as the composer/arranger of the six sonatas. Limited edition of 500 numbered copies. Linen slipcase. $40 [item no. 4302]

[Sonatas, musette/vielle/fl/rec/ob/vln, bc, op.13, RV 54-59] Il pastor fido, sonates, pour la musette, viele, flûte, hautbois, violon, avec la basse continüe. Opera XIII. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].

Performers’ Facsimiles, 111. New York, [1992]. 24 x 31 cm, 41 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1737 edition. Wrappers. $20 [item no. 4481]

[Sonatas, musette/vielle/fl/rec/ob/vln, bc, op.13, RV 54-59] Il pastor fido (œuvre attribuée à Antonio Vivaldi), 1737. Présentation par Philippe Lescat. [Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek].

La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 78. Courlay, 1994. 24 x 33 cm, 21, 38 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1737 edition. Preface in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $31 [item no. 4804]

[Sonata, oboe, bc, RV 53; Sonata, 2 obs, bc, RV 81], in Sonata pour hautbois et basse; Sonata pour deux hautbois et basse; Sonate pour violon, hautbois, orgue et basse. Présentation par Michel Giboureau. [Sächsische Landesbibliothek & Universitetsbiblioteket, Lund.

Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1995. 24 x 33 cm, xvi, 32 pp. Line-cut of two contemporary ms copies and one autograph. Corresponds to RV 53, 81, & 779. Wrappers. $26 [item no. 7224]

[Trio sonata, violin, oboe, organ/vln, bc, RV 779] in Sonata pour hautbois et basse; Sonata pour deux hautbois et basse; Sonate pour violon, hautbois, orgue et basse. Présentation par Michel Giboureau. [Sächsische Landesbibliothek & Universitetsbiblioteket, Lund.

Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1995. 24 x 33 cm, xvi, 32 pp. Line-cut of two contemporary ms copies and one autograph. Corresponds to RV 53, 81, & 779. The trio sonata is in the hand of Vivaldi and is scored for “Signora Prudenza/viol.; Signora Pellegrina/oboe; Signora Lucietta/organo; Signora Candida/Salmoè se piace”, evidentally young girls from the Pietà. Wrappers. $26 [item no. 7224]

WEBERN, Anton, 1883-1945

Sketches (1926-1945). Facsimile Reproductions from the Composer’s Autograph Sketchbooks in the Moldenhauer Archive. Commentary by Ernst Krenek with a Foreword by Hans Moldenhauer.

New York, 1968. Oblong, 37 x 30 cm, 16, 47 pp. Fine line-cut reproduction of the autograph. Webern made preliminary drafts for his compositions which show stages of evolution and the unending thought and care that he bestowed upon them. While Stravinsky called the finished products “those dazzling diamonds”, this volume allows us a glimspe into the composer’s workshop. These fascinating sketches, extracted from five sketchbooks from the Webern Archive, illustrate the meticulous step-by-step process of the composer’s 12-tone technique. Compositions include op.19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 31 and several unidentified works. Handsome binding in beige and brown linen, with slipcase. $70 (more info... ) [item no. 671]

WECKER, Georg Caspar, 1632-1695

XVIII. geistliche Concerten [mit 2. bis 4. Vocal-Stimmen und 5. Instrumentis ad libitum, zu musicieren...]. Nürnberg, Moritz Endter 1695. [Bibl. Jagiellońska, Krakow].

Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 8. Stuttgart, 2007. 20 x 26 cm, 19 partbooks, c.500 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1695 edition. Wrappers, in marbled paper slipcase. $128 [item no. 8829]

WEIGEL, Johann Christopf, 1661-1726

Musicalisches theatrum . . . auf welchem alle zu dieser edlen Kunst gehörige Instrummenta in anmuthigen Posituren lebhafft gezeiget. Faksimile-Nachdruck herausgegeben von Alfred Berner.

Documenta Musicologica, I/22. Kassel, 1/ 1961. 22 x 36 cm, 36, xii pp. Line-cut of the original copper engravings of musicians with their instruments. This facsimile brings together for the first time four separate groups of surviving single sheets from this publisher. Mattheson’s Das neu-eröffnete Orchestre (specifically the chapter “Von den musicalischen Instrumenten”) evidently served as a guide for its planning. The engravings date from c.1715-1725. Afterword in Ger-Eng-Fr. Coverboards and slipcase in decorative paper. $95 [item no. 4622]

Musicalisches theatrum . . . auf welchem alle zu dieser edlen Kunst gehörige Instrummenta in anmuthigen Posituren lebhafft gezeiget. Faksimile-Nachdruck herausgegeben von Alfred Berner.

Documenta Musicologica, I/22. Kassel, 2/ 1964. 22 x 36 cm, 36, xii pp. Line-cut of the original copper engravings of musicians with their instruments. This facsimile brings together for the first time four separate groups of surviving single sheets from this publisher. $77 [item no. 2861]


Airs a deux chalumeaux, deux trompettes, deux haubois, deux violons, deux flutes, deux clarinettes ou cors de chasse. Introduction: Paul Raspé. [Wq 5606, Bibl. Conservatoire Royal de Musique, Brussels].

Facsimile Series, IV/4. Peer, 1992. Oblong, 22 x 13 cm, 2 partbooks, 94 pp. Line-cut of a unique collection of 78 duos for different instruments. Wrappers. $18 [item no. 4199]

Art du faiseur d’instruments de musique et lutherie extrait de l’Encyclopédie méthodique, Arts et métiers mécaniques.

Geneva, 1972. 8º, 240 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1785 edition. Historical and technical articles on musical instruments with 38 original plates. Wrappers. $61 [item no. 3236]

[Canzoni, a4, 5 & 8, winds, strings, bc, book 1] Canzoni per sonare con ogni sorte di stromenti, a quattro, cinque, & otto, con il suo basso generale per l’organo, novamente raccolte da diversi eccellentissimi musici. . . libro primo.

Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 74. Florence, 1992. 17 x 24 cm, 9 partbooks, ix, 300 pp. Line-cut of the Raverij edition, Venice, 1608. 36 instrumental canzoni a4, 5 & 8 in mensural notation by Gabrieli, Merulo, Guami, Maschera, Antegnati, Luzaschi, Frescobaldi, Grillo, Chilese, Lappi, Bartolini & Massaino. Preface in It by Dario Lo Cicero.Wrappers, in decorative paper. $51 [item no. 4230]

[Canzoni, a4, 5 & 8, winds, strings, bc, book 1] Canzoni per sonare con ogni sorte di stromenti a quattro, cinque, & otto con il suo basso generale per l’organo novamente raccolta da diversi eccellentissimi musici, & date in luce. Libro primo. [Stadtbibliothek, Augsburg].

Faksimile-Edition Augsburg, 2. Stuttgart, 1998. 14 x 18 cm, 9 partbooks, c.300 pp. Line-cut of the Alessandro Raverij edition, Venice, 1608. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $114 [item no. 7577]

A Collection of the Most Celebrated Irish Tunes Proper for the Violin, German Flute or Hautboy. John & William Neal, Dublin, 1724. Second Facsimile Edition Edited by Nicholas Carolan.

Dublin, 2010. 8°, xiv, 118 pp. Illustrated introduction, music (49 melodies), notes on the tunes, appendixes, bibliography, indexes. Hardbound. $79 [item no. 9191]

Engelke, Ulrike. Melody as Musical Speech in the 17th and 18th Century. The Most Important Statements about Vocal and Instrumental Performance Practice from Baroque and Pre-Classic Sources / Melodie als Klangrede in der Musik des 17./18. Jahrhunderts. Die wichtigsten Aussagen zur vokalen und instrumentalen Aufführungspraxis aus den barocken und vorklassischen Quellen.

Münster, 2018. 21 x 30 cm, 515 pp All the important composers and theorists of the baroque and rococo periods wrote about how music should be, touching on many aspects of aesthetics, style, embellishment and technique. If there was one concern of overriding importance—whether it be instrumental or vocal music—it was the belief that musical expression should emulate human speech, that music should be “played spoken”. Contemporary reports tell it in many ways with many tips and analogies. Mattheson describes breaking up small motives of a vocal or instrumental melody by shortening syllables into “Klangfüße” using commas, semicolon and the period; other comments are blunter: “play from the soul, not like a trained bird”. This remarkable book by Urike Engelke, a distinguished performer and scholar, is a unique exploration and narrative on the subject, in easy-to-follow bilingual format (Ger-Eng), using more than 1,000 facsimile-examples to make her point and allow the masters to speak for themselves. It's an indispensable work for students and scholars interested in performance practice which can also be used as an exercise book. Handy ring-binder, for easy reading from the music stand. $68 (more info... ) [item no. 6833]

Engelke, Ulrike. Musik und Sprache. Interpretation der Frühen Musik nach überlierferten Regeln / Music and Language. Interpretation of Early Music according to Traditional Rules.

Münster, 2012. 21 x 30 cm, 214 pp Wrappers. $62 [item no. 9628]

Harmonia Anglicana. The Musick of the English Stage Containing Six Sets of Ayers and Tunes in 4 Parts made for the Operas, Tragedys and Comedyes of the Theater Royal. Sets 1 and 2. [Durham Cathedral Libary, Durham].

Alston, 2000. Oblong, 29 x 21 cm, 8 volumes, i, c.104 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, 1700-01. Incidental music (overture followed by 7 or 8 dances) from the London theater, suitable for English violin consort (two violins, viola and large bass violin tuned in B flat, or alternatively, oboe band, recorder consort). Music by Paisible, Croft, Finger, Lenton, D. Purcell, Eccles, and Orme. Introduction by Peter Holman. Ring binding. $60 [item no. 7814]

Instrumental Music for London Theatres, 1690-1699, Royal College of Music, London, MS 1172. Introduction by Curtis Price.

Music for London Entertainment, 1660-1800, A/3. Tunbridge Wells, 1987. Oblong, 4º, xvi, 101 pp. Halftone. Carefully selected anthology of virtually every type of instrumental music required by the London theaters in the 1690s–overtures, act-tunes, dances and music for special effects–usually written in full score. Compiled c.1700, possibly at the behest of the manangers of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. Buckram. $116 [item no. 708]

Lutherie. Encyclopédie sciences et arts liberaux.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/101. Bologna, 1981. 25 x 35 cm, 46, with 34 illus pp. Line-cut of the Livorno, 1774 edition. Beautiful full-page illustrations of instruments. Cloth. [item no. 4008]

[Methods, bassoon, France, 1600-1800] Basson – Méthodes et traités – Dictionnaires.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 1999. 4º, 136 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on the bassoon from these sources: Mersenne: Harmonie universelle - 1636; Trichet: Traité des instruments - c.a. 1640; Richelet: Dictionnaire de la langue française - 1680; Furetière: Dictionnaire universel - 1690; Brossard: Dictionnaire de musique - 1703; Encyclopédie ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences (coyez Encyclopédie méthodique - 1788) - 1751; Béthisy: Exposition de la théorie - 1754; Garsault: Notionnaire, ou mémorial raisonné - 1761; Francoeur le Neveu: Diapason général de tous les instruments à vent - 1772; Hotteterre: Méthode pour apprendre à jouer en très peu de temps de la flûte traversière... augmentée... des tablatures de la clarinette et du basson (édition de Bailleux) - c.a. 1775; Laborde: Essai sur la musique (méthode de Pierre Cugnier) - 1780; Framery & Ginguené: Encyclopédie méthodique (reprend le texte de l'Encyclopédie) - 1788; Anonymous: Méthode de basson (manuscrit) - s.d.; Vanderbrock: Traité général de tous les instruments à vent - c.a. 1793; Ozy: Méthode nouvelle et raisonnée pour le basson - 1797. Wrappers. $48 [item no. 7692]

[Methods, bassoon, France, 1800-1860, integrale edition, parts 1-4] Basson – Méthodes – Traités d’instrumentation – Dictionnaires – Cours de compositions – Périodiques. Quatre volumes réalisés par Michel Giboureau.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 4 vols, 912 pp. Complete theoretical writings on the bassoon, arranged chronologically. Includes essays or treatises by Ozy, Reicha, Castil-Blaze, Fétis, Kuffner, Berr, Choron, Kastner, Blumer, Berlioz, Willent, Corrette, Dupart, Héral, and Jancourt (see individual volumes for precise contents). Wrappers. $255 [item no. 8631]

[Methods, bassoon, France, 1800-1860, integrale edition, part 1] Basson – Méthodes – Traités d’instrumentation – Dictionnaires – Cours de compositions – Périodiques. Quatre volumes réalisés par Michel Giboureau. Volume 1.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 200 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on the bassoon from these sources: Ozy: Nouvelle méthode de basson - 1803; Reicha: Cours de composition musicale - 1816; Castil-Blaze: Dictionnaire de la musique moderne - 1821; Fétis: Revue musicale - 1828; Kuffner: Principes élémentaires - 1828. Wrappers. $71 [item no. 8632]

[Methods, bassoon, France, 1800-1860, integrale edition, part 2] Basson – Méthodes – Traités d’instrumentation – Dictionnaires – Cours de compositions – Périodiques. Quatre volumes réalisés par Michel Giboureau. Volume 2.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 224 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on the bassoon from these sources: Berr: Méthode complète de basson - 1836; Choron: Manuel complet de musique - 1836; Choron & Lafage: Nouveau manuel de musique - s.d.; Kastner: Traité général d’instrumentation - 1836; Fétis: Manuel des compositeurs - 1837; Kastner: Cours d’instrumentation - c.1837; Kastner: Supplément au cours d’instrumentation - c.1837; Kastner: Supplément au traité d’instrumentation - after 1837; Blumer: Nouvelle méthode facile et progressive - 1840. Wrappers. $79 [item no. 8633]

[Methods, bassoon, France, 1800-1860, integrale edition, part 3] Basson – Méthodes – Traités d’instrumentation – Dictionnaires – Cours de compositions – Périodiques. Quatre volumes réalisés par Michel Giboureau. Volume 3.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 232 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on the bassoon from these sources: Ozy: Méthode de basson - 1843; Berlioz: Grand traité d’instrumentation - 1844; Willent, J. & J.B. Bordogni: Méthode complète pour le basson - 1844; Cornette: Méthode de basson - c.1854; Dupart: Méthode polyphonique - 1859; Héral et Ozy: Petite méthode de basson - s.d. Wrappers. $80 [item no. 8634]

[Methods, bassoon, France, 1800-1860, integrale edition, part 4] Basson – Méthodes – Traités d’instrumentation – Dictionnaires – Cours de compositions – Périodiques. Quatre volumes réalisés par Michel Giboureau. Volume 4.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2005. 4º, 256 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on the bassoon from these sources: Eugène Jancourt: Méthode théorique et pratique - 1847. Wrappers. $88 [item no. 8635]

[Methods, oboe, France, 1600-1800] Le hautbois – Méthodes et Traités – Dictionnaires – Préfaces des Œuvres – Correspondances. Réalisée par Philippe de Jean Saint-Arroman.

Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 1999. 4º, 250 pp. The complete theoretical writings on the oboe. Includes essays or treatises by Mersenne, Trichet, Richelet, Furetière, Freillon-Poncein, Brossard, Hotteterre, Béthisy, Garsault, Francoeur, Corrette, Labord, Framery, Van der Hagen, Vanderbrock, & Garnier. Wrappers. $79 [item no. 7673]

[Methods, oboe, France, 1800-1860, part 1] Hautbois – Méthodes -Traités – Dictionnaires & Encyclopédies. Ouvrages généraux. Volume I: Brod, Castil-Blaze, Chalon, Choron (1), Reichi, Vogt. Volume réalisé par Michel Giboureau.

Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2003. 4º, 321 pp. 6 treatises or contributions pertaining to the oboe published between 1802 and 1826/35. Wrappers. $103 [item no. 8337]

[Methods, oboe, France, 1800-1860, part 2] Hautbois – Méthodes -Traités – Dictionnaires & Encyclopédies. Ouvrages généraux. Volume II: Berlioz, Choron (2), Kastner (1-2), Miller, Raoulx, Sellner, Veny. Volume réalisé par Michel Giboureau.

Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2003. 4º, 269 pp. 8 treatises or contributions pertaining to the oboe published between 1828 and 1844. Wrappers. $94 [item no. 8338]

[Methods, oboe, France, 1800-1860, part 3] Hautbois – Méthodes -Traités – Dictionnaires & Encyclopédies. Ouvrages généraux. Volume III: Barret, Corret, Dupart, Verroust. Volume réalisé par Michel Giboureau.

Méthodes et Traités, II. Courlay, 2003. 4º, 318 pp. 4 treatises or contributions pertaining to the oboe published between 1850 and 1859. Wrappers. $101 [item no. 8339]

[Methods, oboe, Great Britain, 1600-1860, parts 1-2] Oboe-Great Britain 1600-1860. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Deux volumes réalisés par Geoffrey Burgess.

Méthodes et Traités, VI. Courlay, 2006. 4º, 2 vols, 544 pp. Line-cut, arranged chronologically, of 16 treatises on the oboe by an anonymous writer, Banister, Braun, Busby, Chambers, Danneley, Gehot, Hawkins, Hogarth, Mandel, Prelleur, Sadler, Tans’ur, Wragg, Wilson, and Barret. Wrappers. $181 [item no. 8735]

[Methods, oboe, Great Britain, 1600-1860, part 1] Oboe-Great Britain 1600-1860. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Volume I: anonymous, Banister, Braun, Busby, Chambers, Danneley, Gehot, Hawkins, Hogarth, Mandel, Prelleur, Sadler, Tans’ur, Wragg, Wilson.

Méthodes et Traités, VI. Courlay, 2006. 4º, 315 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $111 [item no. 8736]

[Methods, oboe, Great Britain, 1600-1860, part 2] Oboe-Great Britain 1600-1860. Méthodes, études, ouvrages généraux. Volume II: Barret.

Méthodes et Traités, VI. Courlay, 2006. 4º, 229 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $91 [item no. 8737]

Musikalisches Vielerley, herausgegeben von Herrn Carl Philip Emanuel Bach. Introduction: Greta Haenen. [Royal Conservatory of Music, Brussels, Wq 6314].

Facsimile Series, IV/9. Peer, 1993. 4º, i, 207 facs, iv pp. Line-cut of the Michael Christian Bock edition, Hamburg, 1770. Edited by Emmanuel Bach, this volume contains music by the composer’s Berlin friends such as Fasch, Kirnberger, Graun, and some relatives, J.C. Friedrich and J.E. Baron. Works for keyboard and various combinations for strings, flute, and voice. With new work and composer indices. Wrappers. $38 [item no. 4499]

Philidor, André (ed.) Partition de plusieurs marches et batteries de tambour tant françoises qu’étrangères avec les airs de fifre et de hautbois a 3 et 4 parties. Fac-similé du manuscrits musical 168 de la Bibliothèque Municipale de Versailles. Introduction de François Lesure.

Manuscrits, XXXI. Geneva, 1994. 23 x 34 cm, 10, 170 pp. Line-cut of autograph. André Philidor, music librarian to the French King from 1684, compiled this collection of “marches and batteries for drums, with airs for fife and oboes” in 1705. The elegantly copied source, showing the keen interest of Louis XIVin military music, includes music by Lully, the Philidors (André & Jacques), Hotteterre, Lalande, and Descroziers (the “fifre des mousquetaires”). Wrappers. $87 [item no. 4893]

Ryan’s Mammoth Collection: 1050 Reels and Jigs, Hornpipes, Clogs, Walk-arounds, Essences, Strathspeys, Highland Flings and Contra Dances, with Fugues, and How to Play Them by Patrick Sky. Bowing and Fingering Marked together with Forty Introductory Studies for the Violin, with Explanations of Bowing, etc.

Pacific, 1995. 4°, 176 pp. This comprehensive book is a line-cut facsimile edition of the original collection published by William Bradbury Ryan in 1883. It has survived over the years because it is one of the richest and most interesting of the 19th c. instrumental collections as well as a resource for students of American vernacular music. Examining the cultural exchange between minstrel show, ethnic music and even classical music influenced some of the genres of what we now call American music. A special section containing historical notes and comments is included. Wrappers. $23 [item no. 9089]

Textes sur les instruments de musique au XVIIIe siècle.

Geneva, 1972. 8º, 242 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1756-1782 editions. Large number of little-known documents concerning musical instruments. Authors of booklets include P.-J. Roussier, M. de Laborde, Trouflaut, C. Moucherel, G. de Cryseul, & J.-B. Domenjoud. Hardbound. $71 [item no. 3338]


Couperin, François (collected works edition) Musique de chambre – 1. Concerts royaux. Publiés par André Schaeffner et revues d’après les sources par Kenneth Gilbert.

François Couperin: Œuvres Complètes, IV/1. Monaco, 1980. 4º, 72 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $25, regularly $51 [item no. 5546]

Couperin, François (collected works edition) Musique de chambre – 2. Les goûts-réünis. Publiés par André Schaeffner et revus d’après les sources par Kenneth Gilbert et Davitt Moroney.

François Couperin: Œuvres Complètes, IV/2. Monaco, 1988. 4º, 148 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $55, regularly $105 [item no. 5547]

Couperin, François (collected works edition) Musique de chambre – 3. Les Nations. Publiées par Amédée Gastoué et revues d’après les sources par Kenneth Gilbert et Davitt Moroney.

François Couperin: Œuvres Complètes, IV/3. Monaco, 1987. 4º, 224, 4 partbooks: 128 pp. Wrappers. $138 [item no. 5548]

Couperin, François (collected works edition) Musique de chambre – 4. Apothéose de Corelli; Apothéose de Lully; Pièces de violes; Sonades inédites. Publiées par Amédée Gastoué et revues d’après les sources par Kenneth Gilbert et Davitt Moroney.

François Couperin: Œuvres Complètes, IV/4. Monaco, 1992. 4º, 214, with 48 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $60, regularly $124 [item no. 5549]

Couperin, François (collected works edition) Musique de chambre – 1-4.

François Couperin: Œuvres Complètes, IV/1-4. Monaco, 1992. 4º, 214, with 48 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $200, regularly $370 [item no. 5564]

50 Renaissance & Baroque Standards – English Version. With Variants, Examples & Advice for Playing & Improvising on Any Instrument.

Courlay, 2007. 21 x 30 cm, 144 pp. Here, brought together for the first time, are 50 renaissance and baroque ostinato basses, songs and dances upon which composers wrote variations over the course of decades or even centuries. These pieces circulated from country to country, from one publication or manuscript to another, and also served as a basis for improvisation by performing musicians of the time. Wrappers. $28 [item no. 8893]

50 Standards, Renaissance & Baroque. Avec variantes examples & conseils pour jouer & improviser sur tout instruments.

Courlay, 2007. 21 x 30 cm, 144 pp. Same as above, but French version. $30 [item no. 8899]

Schubert, Franz (complete chamber works) Sämtliche Kammermusik-Werk im Taschenbuch.

Kassel, 1996. 8º, 3 vols, ca.1724 pp. Reprint of the complete chamber works of Schubert as published in the NSA. Wrappers. $114 [item no. 5875]

Telemann, Georg Philipp (urtext edition) Overture, G Major [TWV 55:G11]. Edited by Ian Payne.

Severinus Urtext Telemann Edition, 68. Hereford, 1999. 4º, Wrappers. $14 [item no. 6210]

Telemann, Georg Philipp (urtext edition) Overture, E Minor [TWV 55:e6]. Edited by Ian Payne.

Severinus Urtext Telemann Edition, 71. Hereford, 1999. 4º, Wrappers. $14 [item no. 6216]

Telemann, Georg Philipp (urtext edition) Overture, E-flat Major [TWV 55:Es5]. Edited by Ian Payne.

Severinus Urtext Telemann Edition, 72. Hereford, 1999. 4º, Wrappers. $15 [item no. 6218]

Telemann, Georg Philipp (urtext edition) Overture, E-flat Major [TWV 55:Es5]. Edited by Ian Payne.

Severinus Urtext Telemann Edition, 72b. Hereford, 1999. 4º, Wrappers. $38 [item no. 6219]

Telemann, Georg Philipp (urtext edition) Sonata in B-Flat Major [TWV 41:B8] for Violin and Basso Continuo. Edited by Ian Payne.

Severinus Urtext Telemann Edition, 91. Hereford, 2001. 4º. Wrappers. $21 [item no. 6767]

Telemann, Georg Philipp (urtext edition) Concerto in D Major [TWV 55:D16] for Violin, Three Violas (or Two Violins, Two Violas) and Basso Continuo. Edited by Ian Payne.

Severinus Urtext Telemann Edition, 93. Hereford, 2004. 4º. Wrappers. $31 [item no. 6768]

Telemann, Georg Philipp (urtext edition) Concerto in G Major [TWV 51:G2] for Oboe (or Flute) Two Violins, Viola, Viola and Basso Continuo. Edited by Ian Payne.

Severinus Urtext Telemann Edition, 95. Hereford, 1998. 4º. Wrappers. $28 [item no. 6769]

Telemann, Georg Philipp (urtext edition) Suite in F Major [TWV 55:F16]. for Two Horns, Bassoon, Two Violins, Viola and Basso Continuo. Edited by Ian Payne.

Severinus Urtext Telemann Edition, 97. Hereford, 2002. 4º. Wrappers. $47 [item no. 6770]

Telemann, Georg Philipp (urtext edition) Overture in G Minor [TWV 55:g9]. for Two Oboes, Bassoon, Two Violins, Viola and Basso Continuo. Edited by Ian Payne.

Severinus Urtext Telemann Edition, 98. Hereford, 2003. 4º. Wrappers. $53 [item no. 6771]

Telemann, Georg Philipp (urtext edition) Overture in D Major [TWV 55:D23] for Two Flutes, Bassoon, Two Violin, Viola and Basso Continuo (Fanfare, TWV50:44 with Horn in D, ad lib.). Edited by Ian Payne.

Severinus Urtext Telemann Edition, 99. Hereford, 2004. 4º. Wrappers. $66 [item no. 6772]

Telemann, Georg Philipp (urtext edition) Divertimento in A Major [TWV 50:22] for Two Violins, Viola and Basso Continuo. Edited by Ian Payne.

Severinus Urtext Telemann Edition, 100. Hereford, 2004. 4º. Wrappers. $27 [item no. 6773]

Telemann, Georg Philipp (urtext edition) Divertimento in B-Flat Major [TWV 50:23] for Two Violins, Viola and Basso Continuo. Edited by Ian Payne.

Severinus Urtext Telemann Edition, 101. Hereford, 2004. 4º. Wrappers. $27 [item no. 6774]

Telemann, Georg Philipp (urtext edition) Overture L’Omphale. E Minor [TWV 55:e8] for Two Violins, Viola and Basso Continuo (Two Oboess and Bassoon ad lib.). Edited by Ian Payne.

Severinus Urtext Telemann Edition, 124. Hereford, 1999. 4º. Wrappers. $39 [item no. 6775]

Telemann, Georg Philipp (urtext edition) 2 Sonatinas in E Minor and E Major [TWV 41:e3+E4].. Nos I and VI from Neue Sonatinen [1730/1] for Violin (or Flute) and Basso Continiuo. Edited by Ian Payne.

Severinus Urtext Telemann Edition, 135. Hereford, 2005. 4º. Wrappers. $16 [item no. 6776]

Telemann, Georg Philipp (urtext edition) 2 Sonatinas in C Minor and A Minor [TWV 41:c2+a4]. Nos II and V from Neue Sonatinen [1730/1] for Treble Recorder, Bassoon or Violoncello and Basso Continuo. Edited by Ian Payne.

Severinus Urtext Telemann Edition, 136. Hereford, 2006. 4º. Wrappers. $23 [item no. 6777]

Telemann, Georg Philipp (urtext edition) 2 Sonatina in D Major and G Major [TWV 41:D7+G7].. Nos III and IV from Neue Sonatinen [1730/1] for Violin (or Flute) and Basso Continuo. Edited by Ian Payne.

Severinus Urtext Telemann Edition, 137. Hereford, 2005. 4º. Wrappers. $18 [item no. 6778]

Telemann, Georg Philipp (urtext edition) Overture Burlesque de Quixotte G Major [TWV 55:G10] for Two Violins, Viola and Basso Continuo. Edited by Ian Payne.

Severinus Urtext Telemann Edition, 140. Hereford, 2006. 4º. Wrappers. $35 [item no. 6779]

[Trios, wind] D. Milhaud: Suite d’après Corrette, op.161 (1937); H. Sauguet: Trio (1946); J. Canteloube: Rustiques (1946).

Monaco. 4º, 3 parts, 80 pp. Scored for oboe, clarinet & bassoon. Portfolio. Special sale price $25, regularly $55 [item no. 5551]

[Trios, wind] J. Ibert: Cinq pièces en trio (1935); G. Auric: Trio (1938); H. Barraud: Trio (1935); Daniel-Lesur: Suite (1939).

Monaco. 4º, 3 parts, 100 pp. Scored for oboe, clarinet & bassoon. Portfolio. Special sale price $25, regularly $55 [item no. 5552]

[Trios, wind] Mozart: Cinq divertissements K.439. Transcription par Fernand Oubradous.

Monaco. 4º, 3 parts, 96 pp. Scored for oboe, clarinet & bassoon. Portfolio. Special sale price $25, regularly $55 [item no. 5553]

Vivaldi, Antonio (new edition) Concerti per fagotto. Concerti per fagotto. RV 468 e RV 482. Edizione critica a cura di Federico Maria Sardelli.

Antonio Vivaldi, Opere Incomplete, Edizione Critica, 2. Florence, 2002. 8º, New critical edition of the score prepared under the auspices of the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Istituto Italiano Antonio Vivaldi. Preface in It-Eng. Wrappers. $28 [item no. 6421]

Weill, Kurt (collected edition) Chamber Music. Edited by Wolfgang Rathert and Jürgen Selk.

The Kurt Weill Edition, II/1. New York, 2004. 30 x 39 cm, 2 vols, 192, 107 pp. The first volume of Weill’s chamber works edited in critical edition. Contents: String Quartet in B Minor, String Quartet op.8, Sonata for Violin and Piano, Frauentanz: Sieben Gedichte des Mittelalter, op.10 (voice, fl, vla, cl, hn, bsn), Ick sitze da_un esse Klops (voice, 2 pic, bsn). Cloth. (Subscribers to the series receive a substantial savings). $335 (more info... ) [item no. 6527]


Caporaletti, Vincenzo. I processi improvvisativi nella musica. Un approccio globale.

Quaderni di Musica/Realtà, 54. Lucca, 2005. 8˚, xii, 508 pp. Wrappers. $48 [item no. 6585]

Chouquet, Gustave. Le Musée du Conservatoire avec les Ier, IIe et IIIe suppléments par Léon Pillaut. Introduction et index par Florence Gétreau. [Par] Gustave Chouquet.

Geneva, 1993. 8º, 20, 475, 36 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1884, 1894, 1899, & 1903 editions. The only surviving descriptive catalog of this magnificent instrument collection. Wrappers. New index. $136 [item no. 5607]

Guizzi, Febo. Gli strumenti della musica popolare in Italia.

Alia Musica, 8. Lucca, 2002. 8º, lviii, 502 pp. Invaluable survey of popular instruments in use in Italy, ranging from percussion, wind and plucked instruments to various noise makers. Numerous drawings and plates. Wrappers. $72 [item no. 6431]

Lasocki, David. A Time of Questioning. Proceedings of the Early Double Reed Symposium, Utrecht 1994. Edited by David Lasocki.

Utrecht, 1997. 8º, 291 pp. Contributions by Michel Piguet, Keith Polk, Beryl Kenyon de Pascual, Rob van Acht, Bruce Haynes, Geoffrey Burgess, Douglas Kirk, Wolfgang Reich, Marc Ecochard, Paul J. White and Paul Hailperin. Wrappers. $44 [item no. 6517]

Santucci, Pellegrino. L’improvvisazione nella musica.

Bologna, 1982. 4º, ix, 851 pp. Exhaustive study on the doctrine of improvisation with special emphasis on Italian musical practice from the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Hundreds of line-cut facsimiles from various treatises arranged by subject and discussed in detail. Wrappers, in 2 vols. Special sale print $70, regularly $168 [item no. 5012]

Savart, Félix. Mémoire sur la construction des instruments à cordes et à archet. Lu à l’Académie des Sciences, le 31 mai 1819. Suivi du rapport qui en a été fait aux deux Académies des Sciences et des Beaux-Arts, par MM Haüy, Charles, de Prony, Cherubini, Catel, Berton, Le Sueur, Biot rapporteur.

Geneva, 1972. 8º, 128 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1819 edition. Wrappers. $40 [item no. 3327]

Sibire, Sébastien-André. La chélonomie, ou le parfait luthier.

Geneva, 1984. 16º, 164 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1823 edition. Wrappers. $40 [item no. 3329]

Spanhove, Bart. The Finishing Touch of Ensemble Playing. With a Historical Chapter by David Lasocki. A Flanders Recorder Quartet Guide for Recorder Players and Teachers.

Peer, 2000. 4º, 85 pp. Wrappers. $28 [item no. 6304]

Toscani, Claudio. Sull’improvvisazione, a cura di Claudio Toscani.

Quaderni del Corso di Musicologia del Conservatorio “G. Verdi” di Milano, 4. Lucca, 1998. 8º, 150 pp. Articles by Claudio Toscani, Mariateresa Muttoni, Maria Grazia Sità, Andrea Estero and Alberto Mauriello. Wrappers. $26 [item no. 6233]