Friday, 28 March 2025
Music for recorder, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, cornetto, trumpet,
& trombone (sackbutt). Includes manuscript facsimiles—autographs &
copyist manuscripts—, facsimiles of first and early editions, together
with a selection of modern editions & studies. For ordering information
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ADSON, John, c.1585-1640
Courtly Masquing Ayres, Composed to 5. and 6. Parts, for Violins, Consorts, and Cornets. [Christ Church Library, Oxford University].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 293. New York, [2009]. 18 x 23 cm, 6 partbooks, 88 pp. Line-cut of T. Snodham edition, London, 1621. 20 ayres in partbook format, in mensural notation. Wrappers. $33
[item no.
AGRICOLA, Martin, 1486-1556
Musica figuralis deudsch (1532). Im Anhang: Musica instrumentalis deudsch (1529); Musica choralis deudsch (1533); Rudimenta musices (1539). [Bayerische Staatsbibl., Munich & Bibliothek des Alten Gymnasiums, Flenburg].
Hildesheim, 1985. 10 x 16 cm, 412 pp. Line-cut of 4 of Agricola’s most famous treatises written in German. Musica instrumentalis was the second of its type (following Virdung’s Musica getuscht, 1511). Rich with woodcut illustrations and examples in Gothic and German lute tablature. Linen. $89
[item no.
ALTENBURG, Johann Ernst, 1734-1801
[Method, trumpet]
Versuch einer Anleitung zur heroisch-musikalischen Trompeter- & Paukerkunst.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/36. New York, 1967. 8º, 144 pp. Line-cut of the Halle, 1795 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
[Method, trumpet]
Versuch einer Anleitung zur heroisch-musikalischen Trompeter- und Paukerkunst. Faksimile der Ausgabe von 1795 mit einem Nachwort in Deutsch und Englisch von Frieder Zschoch.
Leipzig, 1972. 19 x 20 cm, 144 facs, x pp. Line-cut of the Halle, 1795 edition. $45
[item no.
[Method, trumpet]
Versuch einer Anleitung zur heroisch-musikalischen Trompeter- und Paukerkunst. Reprint der Ausgabe von 1795. Nachwort von Frieder Zschoch. [Städtische Bibliothek, Leipzig].
Dokumentationen, Reprints, 31. Michaelstein, 1993. 17 x 19 cm, 144 facs, x pp. Line-cut of the Halle, 1795 edition. Wrappers. $38
[item no.
ARNE, Thomas A., 1710-1778
[Cantatas, voice, strgs/winds, bc]
Six Cantatas for a Voice and Instruments Set to Musick.
Huntingdon, 1986. 4º. 70 pp. Xerographic reprint of the c.1755 edition. Contains “The School of Anacreon”, “Lydia from Sappho”, “Folick and Free”, “Bacchus and Ariadne”, “The Morning”, & “Delia”. Various scoring, including oboes, horns, flute, strings & bc. Wrappers. $24
[item no.
ATTAINGNANT, Pierre, c.1494-1552 [publisher]
[Motet & magnificat collections, books 1-13]
1) Liber primus quinque et viginti musicales... 2) Liber secundus... 3) Liber tertius... 4) Liber quartus... 5) Liber quintus... 6) Liber sextus... 7) Liber septimus... 8) Liber octavus... 9) Lib. nonus... 10) Lib. decimus... 11) Lib. undecimus... 12) Lib. duodecimus... 13) Lib. decimus tertius... [Universitäts-Bibl., Jena].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 35. Stuttgart, 2003. Oblong, 21 x 16 cm, 4 partbooks, c.1700 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1534 edition. Fantastic motet & magnificat collection for 3 to 8 voices by a wonderful cross section of European masters including Gombert, Verdelot, Richafort, Mouton, De la Fage, Josquin, Certon, Manchicourt, etc. Over 260 works in choirbook format. Hardbound in
decorative paper with matching slipcase. $379
[item no.
BACH, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750
[Cantata 105]
Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht (BWV 105). Faksimile nach dem Partiturautograph der Deutschen Staatsbibliothek Berlin mit einem Nachwort von Robert L. Marshall.
Leipzig, 1984. 23 x 37 cm, x, 24 pp. Halftone of the 1723 autograph score in the original loose gathering format. Scored for solo SATB, SATB chorus, horn, oboes, strings & continuo. Commentary in Ger-Eng. Handsome portfolio in blue linen. $72
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[item no.
[Brandenburg Concerti, BWV 1046-1051]
Brandenburgische Konzerte. Faksimile des Autographen. Faksimileausgabe nach dem Autograph Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußische Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung, Am.B.78.
Leipzig, 4/ 1996. Oblong, 33 x 26 cm, 170 pp. Halftone monochrome of the dedication autograph score—dated 24 March 1721—for Christian Ludwig, Margrave of Brandenburg. Bach's elegantly penned title "Concerts avec plusieurs instruments" (concertos with several instruments) is a somewhat modest description of the concertos to follow, in that many different combinations of instruments
and sonorities are exploited, perhaps deliberately to get the Margrave's attention and approval, not unlike the way Mozart used his Gran Partita to introduce himself to the Viennese public. Sadly the autograph score was left unused in the Margrave's library until his death in 1734, the reason being (it is believed) that he lacked the musicians to perform the concertos. One of the
great gems of Western music, this facsimile is a perfect gift for any wind or string player, harpsichordist, conductor or music lover. “Sonder-Ausgabe” issued on the occasion of the 200th anniversary C-F. Peters for Bach-Jahr 2000. Bound in green buckram with gold lettering. $285
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[item no.
[Concerti, harpsichord, strgs, BWV 1052, -53, -54, -55, -56, -57, -58, -59]
Concerti a Cembalo obligato BWV 1052-1059. Autograph Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Commentary by / Kommentar von Christoph Wolff, Martina Rebmann.
Documenta Musicologica, II/57. Kassel, 2021. 24 x 40 cm, viii, 106, 28 pp. Deluxe 4-color facsimile of the autograph (collective) score mus. ms. aut. Bach P. 234. Johann Sebastian Bach composed not only for the nobility and the church, but also for bourgeois musical culture. Among these works are the harpsichord concertos, “music for a Leipzig ‘coffee house”. They are notated in
a 1738 manuscript that is a unique and probably the most important document for the instrumental repertoire of the Leipzig “Collegium Musicum”. The concerto movements are arranged in such a way that the harpsichord is given a solo part that exploits the instrument’s “clavieristic” possibilities to the full. These works thus fix a decisive moment in the early history of the piano
concerto genre which received significant impulses from Bach and his circle of students. Hardbound, with leather spine and decorative paper boards. 10% discount for early subscribers. $345
(more info... )
[item no.
BACKOFEN, Johann Georg Heinrich, 1768-1830
[Method, clarinet & basset horn]
Anweisung zur Klarinette nebst einer kurzen Abhandlung über das Bassett-Horn. Reprint der Ausgabe Leipzig 1803, herausgegeben und mit einem Vorwort versehen von Karl Ventzke.
Celle, 1986. 8º, i, 38 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1803 edition. Wrappers. $15
[item no.
BALDANO, Giovanni Lorenzo, 1576-1660
[Method on tuning the sordellina]
Libro per scriver l’intavolatura per sonare sopra le sordelline (Savona 1600). Facsimile del manoscritto e studi introduttivi a cura di Maurizio Tarrini, Giovanni Farris, John Henry van der Meer.
Studi e Fonti per la Storia della Musica in Liguria, 2. Savona, 1995. Oblong, 21 x 30 cm, 220, 73 pp. Unique source of music (in tablature notation) for the sordellina (fols. 1-31) and buttafuoco (fols. 145-149), two instruments typical in Neopolitan circles of the 16th and 17th centuries. It is the only ms containing instructions for tuning the sordellina, a type of Italian
drawing-room bagpipe. The buttafuoco is a dulcimer-like instrument. Introduction in It, with modern transcriptions of 89 works. Wrappers. $82
[item no.
BANCHIERI, Adriano, 1568-1634
Il zabaione musicale [inventioine boscareccia et primo libro di madrigali a cinque voci]. [Staats- & Stadtbibliothek, Augsburg].
Faksimile-Edition Augsburg, 1. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 20 cm, 3 partbooks, c.128 pp. Line-cut of the Simon Tini & Filippo Lomazzo edition, Milan, 1604. 17 settings a5, for voices with or without instruments, based on the pastoral stories of Greek mythology. Wrappers, with handsome portfolio in marbled paper. $76
[item no.
BARTOLINI, Orindio, 1589-1640
Messe concertate [a 5. 8. & 9. voci, & motteti à 1. 2. 3. & 8. col basso continuo per l’organo]. Venedig, Bartholomeo Magni, 1634. [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 35. Stuttgart, 2015. 17 x 25 cm, 10 partbooks, 308 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1621 partbook edition. Contents: Missa Stabat Mater dolorosa; Missa Susanna; Missa Diligam te Domine; Missa Sine Nomine. Wrappers, with portfolio covered in marbled paper. $79
[item no.
BASELLI, Constantino, fl.1600-1640
Il primo libro de sacri concerti [a una, a due, a tre & quatro voci con il basso continuo per l’organo], Venetia, Ricciardo Amadino 1614. [Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Krakow].
Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 4. Stuttgart, 2006. 12 x 26 cm, 5 partbooks, 160 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1614 edition. Rich collection of sacred concerti for all sorts of vocal combinations: 8 works a4, 3 works a3, 9 works a2 and 4 for solo voice, all with basso continuo and many calling for trombone or chittarone accompaniment. Wrappers, in portfolio with marbled paper boards. $59
[item no.
BASSANO, Giovanni, c.1550-d.?
Ricercate, passaggi et cadentie per potersi essercitar nel diminuir terminatamente con ogni sorte d’istrumento: & anco diverti passaggi per la semplice voce. [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].
Münster, c.1995. 4º, i, 23 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1585 edition. Bassano, a cornetto player who was a member of the ensemble at St. Mark’s in Venice, wrote two important treatises. This is the first one, which includes examples of quasi-improvised pieces for solo instrument. Ring binder. $26
[item no.
BECKER, Dietrich, 1623-1679
[Musikalische Frühlings-Früchte, strings/winds]
Musikalische Frühlings-Früchte bestehend in drey-, vier- und funff-stimmiger Instrumental-Harmonia, nebenst dem Basso Continuo.
Huntingdon, 1991. 4º, 7 partbooks, c.190 pp. Line-cut of the Hamburg, 1668 edition. Sonatas and dances for 3, 4 & 5 instruments: strings, cornetti, bassoons, & viols. Wrappers. $49
[item no.
BERG (= MONTANUS), Johann, b.?-1563 [publisher]
Bergkreyen, auff zwo Stimmen componirt, sambt etlichen dergleichen franckreichischen Gesenglein, mit Fleisz auszerlesen, und jetzund newlich zu freundlichem Gefallen, allen der edlen Musickliebhabern in Druck geordnet. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].
Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 11. Stuttgart, 1996. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 2 partbooks, 86 pp. Line-cut of the Berg & Neuber edition, Nuremberg, 1551. Vocal (or instrumental) duets by A. Erich, V. Fortius, J. Heller, R. Rephun, A. Schwartz, T. Stoltzer, and others. Wrappers, with slipcase in beautiful marbled paper. $91
[item no.
Psalmorum selectorum... Tomus primus. [Bayerische Staatsbibl., Munich].
Faksimile-Editionen Psalmen und Motetten, 1. Stuttgart, 2002. Oblong, 17 x 13 cm, 4 partbooks, c.512 pp. Line-cut of the Berg & Neuber edition, Nuremberg, 1553. Collection of vocal (or instrumental) psalm settings a4 by Josquin, Gombert, Clemens no Papa, and their contemporaries. Hardbound with decorative paper and matching slipcase. $142
[item no.
Thesauri musici tomus [quintus, et utimus, continens sacras harmonias quatuor vocibus compositas]. Nürnberg, Berg und Neuber. RISM 1564(5). [Bayerische Staatsbibl., Munich].
Faksimile-Editionen Psalmen und Motetten, 3. Stuttgart, 2006. Oblong, 19 x 15 cm, 4 partbooks, c.416 pp. Line-cut of the Berg & Neuber edition, Nuremberg, 1564. Collection of 41 vocal (or instrumental) psalm settings a4 by Clemens non Papa (10), Crequillon (2), Galli (2), Lasso (4), Riuulo (2), Vaet (4), and their contemporaries. Hardbound with decorative paper and matching
slipcase. $130
[item no.
BERTALI, Antonio, 1605-1699
Prothimia suavissima ovvero XII sonate a tre o quattro strumenti e basso, parte seconda. S.l. 1672.
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 82. Florence, 2000. Oblong, 34 x 24 cm, 4 partbooks, c.112 pp. Line-cut of the 1672 edition. Scored for vln I, vln II, viola da gamba & basso continuo. Introduction in It by Hugh Ward-Perkins. Wrappers in decorative paper with matching slipcase. $49
[item no.
BERTHEAUME, Isidore, c.1752-1802
Deux symphonies concertantes opus VI. La première pour deux violons, La seconde pour deux violons et alto ou cor. 1787. Présentation par les étudiants de la formation supérieure aux métiers de l’orchestre de musiques classiques et romantiques. Abbaye aux Dames - Saintes.
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 141. Courlay, 2001. 4º, 14 vols, xiii, c.120 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1787 edition. Scored for solo vlnI/vlnII/vla/hn and vlnI/vlnII/vla/bass/obI/obII,hnI/hnII. Preface in Fr-Eng-Ger by Helen Shillito, Anneke Scott & Anna Starr. Wrappers. $63
[item no.
BÖDDECKER, Phillip Friedrich, 1607-1683
Jairi Todten-Post/Seuffzer/Trauerklang. [Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Preußischer Kulterbesitz, Berlin].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 15. Stuttgart, 1998. 15 x 21 cm, 76 pp. Line-cut of the Stuttgart, 1661 edition. Contains two musical settings by Böddecker, one a4 & bc, the other a3 & bc. Bound together with Jairi Todten-Post und Christ Hertzen-Trost (Stuttgart, 1661) and Seuffzer und Thränen und klägliches Sehnen, for the funeral of Maria Agnes Müller. Hardbound in marbled paper. $20
[item no.
BÖDDECKER, Phillip Jacob, 1607-1683
Höchst-schätzbares Seelen-Kleinod hangend an dem stets hell-leuchtenden geistlichen Morgenstern order Zwey schöne geistriche Lieder in einem doppelten (einfachen und fugirten) Contrapunkt. [Württembergischen Landesbibliothek, Stuttgart].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 10. Stuttgart, 1997. 24 x 29 cm, 14 pp. Line-cut of the Stuttgart, n.d. edition. Written for soprano, alto, tenor, bass and continuo, only the continuo part for organ (reproduced here) survive. Hardbound in marbled paper. $17
[item no.
Sacra Partitura. [Württembergischen Landesbibliothek, Stuttgart].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 2. Stuttgart, 1997. 20 x 30 cm, 72 pp. Line-cut of the rare Strasbourg, 1651 print. 12 pieces for solo voice and bc in the style of Italian monody, including “O mira, ò magna” by Casati and “Ecce sacrum paratum” by Monteverdi; the collection ends with two very interesting instrumental sonatas by Böddecker: “Sonata. Violino solo” & “Sonate. sopra la Monica.
Fagotto solo”, among the earliest known German examples of the genre. Hardbound. $44
[item no.
BOISMORTIER, J.B. Bodin de, 1691-1755
[Ballets, trios, 2 musettes/viols/rec/vln/ob/fl, bc, op.52]
IV balets de village en trio pour les musettes, vieles, flutes à bec, violons, haubois, ou flutes traversières. Œuvres 54, 1734.
Les Plaisirs Champêtres. Paris, 1991. 4˚, 3 partbooks, ii, 36 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1752 edition. Preface in Fr-Eng by Jean-Christophe Maillard. Wrappers. $28
[item no.
BOND, Capel, 1730-1790
[Concerti, strings, bc; trumpet, bassoon, strings, bc]
Six Concertos in 7 Parts for Four Violins, a Tenor Violin, a Violoncello, with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsicord... The First is for a Trumpet, the Sixth a Bassoon Concerto. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Alston, 2005. 4º. 9 partbooks, ii, 113 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1766 edition. Nos. 2-5 are concerti grossi for strings & bc, while Nos. 1 & 6 are solo concertos for trumpet and bassoon. Preface by Peter Holman. Ring binder. $63
[item no.
BONIZZI, Vincenzo, b.?-1630
[Alcune opera, viola bastarda, strings]
Alcune opere di diversi autori. Passaggiate principalmente per la viola bastarda, ma anco per ogni sorte di stromenti e di voci, Venezia 1626. [Printed source & Ms, Civico Museo Bibl. musicale, Bologna].
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 54. Florence, 1983. Oblong, 24 x 17 cm, xvii, 94 pp. Line-cut. Includes facsimile of contemporary ms copy transmitting passaggiate. Introduction in It by Elio Durante & Anna Martellotti. Wrappers in decorative paper. $31
[item no.
BORJON DE SCELLERY, Charles Emmanuel, 17th c.
[Method, musette]
Traité de la musette avec une nouvelle methode, pour apprendre de soy-mesme à joüer de cét instrument facilement, & en peu de temps. [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/42. Bologna, 1983. 22 x 32 cm, 63 pp. Line-cut of the Lyon, 1672 edition. Unique source for the history and technique of the musette. Examples by Chédeville & Hotteterre. Concludes with a series of branles and airs à chanter in tablature. Cloth.
[item no.
[Method, musette]
Traité de la musette.
Vielle et Musette, 2. Geneva, 1972. 4º, 63 pp. Line-cut of the Lyon, 1672 edition. Wrappers. $35
[item no.
BOUFFIL, Jacques Jules, 1783-1868
[Duos, 2 clarinets, op.5]
Trois duos pour deux clarinettes. Opus 5.
Collection FacsiMusic. Courlay, 2007. 21 x 30 cm, 32 pp. Line-cut of the Gaveaux edition, Paris, n.d. Wrappers. $13
[item no.
BRAHMS, Johannes, 1833-1897
[Trio, piano, clarinet, violoncello, op.114, A minor]
Trio für Pianoforte, Clarinette und Violoncell, Opus 114. Faksimile des Autographs und Werkbericht von Alfons Ott. [Städtische Musikbibliothek München, M19].
Tutzing, 1958. Oblong, 35 x 27 cm, 14, 32 pp. Outstanding halftone of the elegant 1891 autograph score. Clarinettist Richard Mühlfeld (b.1856), a soloist and chamber virtuoso with the Meininger Hofkapelle, gave Brahms the impetus to write this beautiful Trio, whose composition is also closely tied with the Clarinet Quintet, op.115. The work premiered on 24. Nov. 1891, played
directly from the manuscript, Brahms at the piano and Mühlfeld and Robert Hausmann respectively playing clarinet and cello. This facsimile represents the publishing debut of the venerable music publisher Dr. Hans Schneider. Handsome bibliophile edition of 800 copies bound in grey linen with ivory colored boards. {last copies) $95
(more info... )
[item no.
BROSSARD, Sébastien de, 1655-1730
Dictionaire de musique, contenant une explication des termes grecs, latins, italiens & françois, les plus usitez dans la musique, seconde édition, 1705. Eingeleitet von Harald Heckmann.
Dictionarium Musicum, 1. Hilversum, 1965. 17 x 24 cm, xviii, 390 pp. Halftone of the second edition, Paris, 1705. Cloth (also available in wrappers). $116
[item no.
BRUMEL, Antoine, c.1460-c.1515
Missae. Petrucci, Venedig 1503. [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 47. Stuttgart, 2004. Oblong, 23 x 17 cm, 4 partbooks, 132 pp. Line-cut of the Petrucci edition, Venice, 1503. Five Antoine Brumel masses a4: “Je nay dueul”; “Berzerette savoyenne”; “Ut re mi fa sol la”; “Lomme arme”; “Victime paschali”. Hardbound, in decorative paper with slipcase. $74
[item no.
BUONANNI, Filippo, 1638-1725
Descrizione degl’istromenti armonici d’ogni genere.
Leipzig, 1975. 20 x 28 cm, 256 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1726 edition. Extremely informative treatise on organology with altogether 140 extended descriptions provided in Italian and French. Bilingual indices. Accompanied by 142 superb woodcuts of scenes of musicians with their instruments. Linen. Special sale price $50, regularly $125
[item no.
BUTERNE, Charles, 17-18th c.
[Sonatas, winds/strings, bc, op.2]
Six sonates pour la vielle, musette, violon, flutes, hautbois et pardessus de violles; quatre avec la basse continue, et deux en duo. Œuvre IIe. [Bibl. Municipale, Nimes].
Béziers, 1985. 29 x 21 cm, 29 pp. Line-cut of the 1745 edition. Sonatas for viel/mus/vln/fl/rec/ob/viol, bc, and 2 viel/mus/vln/fl/rec/ob/viol, without bc. Laid paper, with wrappers. $20
[item no.
CANTONE, Serafino, fl.1580-1627
Sacrae cantiones, [sive motecta, tum ad instrumenta omnia, tum ad vocis modulationem aptissima]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 22. Stuttgart, 1997. 16 x 23 cm, 5 partbooks, c.120 pp. Line-cut Gardano edition, Venice, 1596. 20 sacred settings a5, for voices with or without instruments. Wrappers, with slipcase. $79
[item no.
CAPRICORNUS, Samuel Friedrich, 1628-1665
Geistliche Concerten mit 2. und 3. Stimmen. [Universitätsbibl., Uppsala].
Faksimile-Edition Capricornus, 11. Stuttgart, 2000. 14 x 19 cm, 4 partbooks, c.120 pp. Line-cut of the Gerjard edition, Nuremberg, 1658. Partbook format: vox prima, vox secunda, vox tertia, bassus pro organo. Wrappers, with slipcase in marbled paper. $84
[item no.
Geistliche Concerten ander Theil. Stuttgart 1665. RISM C 936. [Landesbibl. Dresden; Universitätsbibl., Tübigen].
Faksimile-Edition Capricornus, 3. Stuttgart, 2002. 14 x 19 cm, 3 partbooks, 102 pp. Line-cut of the Stuttgart, 1665 edition. 12 settings a 3 plus basso continuo (”vox prima” partbook of original print has been lost and is not included in this facsimile). Wrappers, in portfolio covered with decorative paper. $56
[item no.
[Geistliche Harmonie, 3 voices, winds, strings, bc]
Erster [-Ander, -Dritter] Theil geistlicher Harmonien mit zwei und drey Stimmen und 2. Violinen.
Faksimile-Edition Capricornus, 9. Stuttgart, 2000. 16 x 23 cm, 7 partbooks, 740 pp. Line-cut of the Stuttgart, 1659, 1660 & 1664 editions. 42 pieces for two and three sopranos, two violins, in various combinations with flute, cornetto, bassoon, trombone, & viola da gamba. Hardbound in marbled paper. $158
[item no.
Jubilus Bernhardi [in 24. partes distributus, & quinque vocibus concertantibus, quibus adjunctae quatuor violae]. [Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, Ms. VM1 988].
Faksimile-Edition Capricornus, 8. Stuttgart, 2000. 15 x 21 cm, 15 partbooks, c.590 pp. Line-cut of the Endter edition, Stuttgart, 1660. 24 sacred numbers in concerted form in partbook format: cantus 1, cantus 1 ripieno, cantus 2, cantus 2 ripieno, alto, alto ripieno, 4 violas, tenor, tenor ripieno, bassus, bassus ripieno, & basso continuo (organ). Wrappers, with slipcase. $160
[item no.
Opus aureum missarum [ad sex, decem & duodecim tonos redactae, cum basso ad organum. [Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, Ms. VM1 982].
Faksimile-Edition Capricornus, 7. Stuttgart, 2000. Oblong, 30 x 20 cm, 11 partbooks, c. 110 pp. Line-cut of the Bencard edition, Frankfurt, 1670. Partbook format: 2 cantus, 2 alto, 2 tenor, 2 violins & bass continuo (organ). Wrappers, with slipcase in marbled paper. $137
[item no.
Opus Musicum. [Zentralbibliothek, Zürich].
Faksimile-Edition Capricornus, 15. Stuttgart, 2001. 20 x 33 cm, 18 partbooks, c.190 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1655 edition. Concerted pieces for voice and instruments, from 1 to 8 parts & bc. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $134
[item no.
Raptus Proserpinae. In einem singenden Schaw-Spiel vorgestellet. [Landesbibliothek Stuttgart].
Faksimile-Edition Capricornus, 4. Stuttgart, 1999. 14 x 19 cm, 46 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1662 edition. Libretto only. Hardbound, with marbled paper boards. $20
[item no.
Scelta musicale ò la prima opera d’eccellenti motteti, voce sola è uno, overò duos instrumenti. [Zentralbibliothek, Zürich].
Faksimile-Edition Capricornus, 5. Stuttgart, 2000. Oblong, 28 x 20 cm, 4 partbooks, c.80 pp. Line-cut of Ammon edition, Frankfurt, 1669. 8 settings for voice (canto, alto, basso) and various instruments (viola da gamba, violins, cornetti, trombone, bassoon, organo). Hardbound, with slipcase in marbled paper. $115
[item no.
[Sonatas, 2 violins, trombone/viola da gamba]
Sonaten und Canzonen [mit 3. Instrumenten gesezt. Instrumentum primum]. Nürnberg, Christoff Gerhard 1660. [Bischöflichen Zentralbibliothek Regensburg].
Faksimile-Edition Capricornus, 16. Stuttgart, 2014. 16 x 22 cm, 24 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremburg, 1660 edition. Rare collection of of 6 sonatas for violins & trombone/viola da gamba. Only the Violino I part survives. Hardbound, with marbled paper boards. $23
[item no.
[Tafelmusik, voice, strings/winds, bc, part 1]
Neu-Angestimte und erfreuliche Tafelmusik. [Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna].
Faksimile-Edition Capricornus, 12. Stuttgart, 2001. Oblong, 28 x 19 cm, 3 partbooks, 28 pp. Line-cut of the Frankfurt, 1670 edition. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $46
[item no.
[Tafelmusik, strings/winds, bc, part 2]
Continuation der neuen wohl angestimmten Taffel-Lustmusik. [Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna].
Faksimile-Edition Capricornus, 13. Stuttgart, 2001. Oblong, 28 x 19 cm, 3 partbooks, 34 pp. Line-cut of the Frankfurt, 1671 edition. Wrappers, in marbled portfolio. $48
[item no.
Theatrum musicum [quod per duodecim secenas sue sacras cantiones]. Würzburg, Bencard 1669. RISM C 937.
Faksimile-Edition Capricornus, 2. Stuttgart, 2003. Oblong, 29 x 20 cm, 8 partbooks, 131 pp. Line-cut of the Würzburg, 1669 edition. 12 settings with sacred Latin texts scored for altus, tenor, bass, four viols & organ. Hardbound, with marbled paper boards & matching slipcase. $87
[item no.
Continuatio theatri musici [seu Sacrarum cantionum. Pars secunda]. Würzburg, Bencard 1669. [Bibl. Nationale de France, Paris].
Faksimile-Edition Capricornus, 6. Stuttgart, 2003. Oblong, 28 x 20 cm, 10 partbooks, c.114 pp. Line-cut of J. Bencard edition, Würzburg, 1669. 8 sacred settings for various voice and instrumental combinations (partbooks: SSTAB, vdg I-II-III-IV, trb, org). Portfolio in marbled paper. $92
[item no.
Zwey Lieder von dem Leyden und Tode Jesu, in 6. Stücke getheilet und mit 2. Stimmen wie auch 4. Violen (welche doch nach belieben können aussgelassen werden) auf besondere Concerten Art gesetzt. [Landesbibliothek Stuttgart].
Faksimile-Edition Capricornus, 1. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 19 cm, 7 partbooks, 80 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, [1660] edition. For two sopranos, four viols (ad libitum) & bc. Wrappers, in portfolio. $36
[item no.
CASA, Girolamo dalla, c.1543-c.1601
Il vero modo di diminuir, con tutte le sorti di stromenti.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/23. Bologna, 1980. 22 x 31 cm, iii, 104 pp. Line-cut of the Angelo Gardano edition, Venice, 1584. Introduction in It by Giuseppe Vecchi. Gives curious sidelight on how contemporary music was performed, including examples of brilliant and very difficult divisions on the individual voice parts of popular madrigals. Laid paper, wrappers.
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[item no.
CASTELLO, Dario, 16-17th c.
[Sonate concertate, winds, strings, bc]
Sonate concertate in stil moderno, per sonar nel organo overo spineta, con diversi instrumenti a 2. e 3. voci. Venezia 1658.
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 15. Florence, 1979. 24 x 34 cm, 4 partbooks: 96 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1658 partbooks (canto I, canto II, basso), as well as the full score. Introduction in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers in decorative paper, with slipcover. $67
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[item no.
[Sonate concertate, a1-4, winds/strings, bc, book 2]
Sonate concertate in stil moderno per sonar nel organo overo clavicembalo con diversi instrumenti a 1.2.3. & 4 voci. Libro secondo, Venezia 1644.
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 44. Florence, 1981. 24 x 34 cm, 5 partbooks, ii, 96 pp. Line-cut in the original partbook format. Consists of 17 sonatas for various instrumental combinations. Preface in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers and slipcover in decorative paper. $67
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[item no.
CASTRO, Jean de, c.1540-c.1600
Chansons, sonets, stanses et epigrammes a deux parties. Livre second. [Bibl. Royal, Brussels].
Facsimile Series, I/B.6. Peer, 1984. Oblong, 21 x 16 cm, 2 partbooks, c.60 pp. Line-cut of the Phalèse edition, Antwerp, 1610. Adds to “Sonets, chansons a deux parties” published in the same year. Introduction in Flem-Eng by Liesbet Vereertbrugghen. Wrappers, with slipcover. $1
[item no.
Sonets, chansons a deux parties. Livre premier. [Bibl. Royale, Brussels].
Facsimile Series, I/B.10. Peer, 1986. Oblong, 21 x 17 cm, x, 2 partbooks, c.60 pp. Line-cut of the Phalèse edition, Antwerp, 1610. Duets to be sung or played (or both) on instruments. Introduction in Flem-Eng by Liesbet Vereertbrugghen. Wrappers, in slipcover. $28
[item no.
CAZZATI, Maurizio, c.1620-1677
[Masses a8, op.28]
Messe brevi a otto voce [con una concertata a 4. e suoi ripieni à beneplacito, & una à otto da capella]. [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 14. Stuttgart, 2011. 16 x 21 cm, 11 partbooks, c.390 pp. Line-cut of the Antonio Pifarri edition, Bologna, 1662. Wrappers, with slipcase with marbled paper. $74
[item no.
CERONE, Pietro, c.1560-1625
El melopeo y maestro : (Napoles, J.B. Gargano y L. Nucci, 1613) / Pedro Cerone ; Antonio Ezquerro Esteban, ed.
Monumentos de la Música Española, 74. Madrid, 2007 23 x 32 cm, 2 vols: 1392 pp. Line-cut of the Naples, 1613 edition based on exemplars preserved in the Biblioteca “Jose Maria Lafragua” de la Benmerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla (Puebla de los Angeles, Mexico), and in the Biblioteca Publica del Estadoo “Fray Francisco de Burgoa” de la Universidad Autonoma “Benito Juarez” de
Oaxaca (Oaxaca, Mexico). Huge synthesis of musical-theoretical topics divided into 22 books. Deals with plainsong, mensural theory, vocal and instrumental variation, counterpoint, canon & fugue, problems of composition, mensuration and “tonality”. The last book deals with musical enigmas and puzzle canons. Contains numerous references to composers and detailed musical examples,
including a careful analysis of Palestrina’s Missa L’homme armé. Hardbound. $295
[item no.
CHARDAVOINE, Jean, 1538-c.1580
Le recueil des plus belles et excellentes chansons en forme de voix de ville.
Geneva, 1980. Oblong, 17 x 15 cm, 292 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1576 edition. 186 chansons based on texts by Marot, Ronsard, du Bellay, and others, plus dance tunes. Wrappers. $62
[item no.
CHARPENTIER, Marc-Antoine, 1643-1704
[Complete works, from autographs]
Mélanges autographes. Volume 1. Fac-similé du manuscrit Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Rés. Vm1 259.
Manuscrits, 3: Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Œuvres Complètes, I/1. Geneva, 1990. 23 x 35 cm, 159 pp. Halftone of the autograph score. Cloth. $111
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[item no.
[Complete works, from autographs]
Mélanges autographes. Volume 3. Fac-similé du manuscrit Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Rés. Vm1 259.
Manuscrits, 3: Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Œuvres Complètes, I/3. Geneva, 1995. 23 x 35 cm, 273 pp. Halftone of the autograph. Cloth. $111
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[item no.
[Complete works, from autographs]
Mélanges autographes. Volume 10. Fac-similé du manuscrit Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Rés. Vm1 259.
Manuscrits, 3: Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Œuvres Complètes, I/10. Geneva, 1997. 23 x 35 cm, 177 pp. Halftone of the autograph. Cloth. $111
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[item no.
[Complete works, from autographs]
Mélanges autographes. Volume 22. Fac-similé du manuscrit Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Rés. Vm1 259.
Manuscrits, 3: Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Œuvres Complètes, I/22. Geneva, 2002. 23 x 35 cm, 200 pp. Halftone of the autograph. Cloth. $111
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[item no.
[Complete works, from autographs]
Mélanges autographes. Volume 23. Fac-similé du manuscrit Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Rés. Vm1 259.
Manuscrits, 3: Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Œuvres Complètes, I/23. Geneva, 2002. 23 x 35 cm, 123 pp. Halftone of the autograph. Cloth. $111
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[item no.
[Complete works, from autographs]
Mélanges autographes. Volume 24. Fac-similé du manuscrit Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Rés. Vm1 259.
Manuscrits, 3: Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Œuvres Complètes, I/24. Geneva, 2003. 23 x 35 cm. Halftone of the autograph. Cloth. $111
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[item no.
[Complete works, from autographs]
Mélanges autographes. Volume 25. Fac-similé du manuscrit Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Rés. Vm1 259.
Manuscrits, 3: Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Œuvres Complètes, I/25. Geneva, 2003. 23 x 35 cm. Halftone of the autograph. Cloth. $111
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[item no.
CHÉDEVILLE, Nicolas, 1705-1782
[Sonatas, flute/oboe/violin, bc, op.7]
Six sonates pour la flûte traversière, hautbois ou violon, avec la basse. Œuvre VIIe. Paris s.d. [c.1739].
Archivum Musicum: L’Art de la Flûte Traversière, 67. Florence, 2008. 24 x 34 cm, iv, 26 pp. Line-cut of the author’s edition, Paris, 1739. Discusses transposition for the musette. Wrappers. Introduction in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers, in decorative paper. $42
[item no.
[Sonatas, musette/flute/oboe, bc]
VIII sonate per musette, flûte traversière o hautbois e basso continuo. Paris s.d.
Archivum Musicum: Flauto traversiere, 33. Florence, 1998. 24 x 34 cm, vii, 48 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1740 edition. Set of 8 sonatas with 35 movements arranged by Chédeville, 27 of which are from E.F. Dall’Abaco’s “Opera Quarta”. Introduction in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers. $31
[item no.
[Sonatas, musette/vielle/fl/rec/ob/vln, bc]
Il pastor fido, sonates pour la musette, viele, flûte, hautbois, violon, avec la basse continüe, Opera XIII. Réimpression de l’édition de Paris, Boivin, 1737. Source: München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, cote 4729/4. RISM: V. 2233. Catalogue: P. Ryom RV 54-59.
Collection Facsimiles, B1. Gland, 1991. 4º, 40, 8 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1737 edition. Together with an introduction in Fr-Eng by Peter Ryom entitled “An Authentic Case of Falsification” which reproduces a document from the Archives Nationales de France clearly identifying N. Chédeville as the composer/arranger of the six sonatas. Limited edition of 500 numbered copies. Linen
slipcase. $40
[item no.
[Sonatas, musette/vielle/fl/rec/ob/vln, bc]
Il pastor fido, sonates, pour la musette, viele, flûte, hautbois, violon, avec la basse continüe. Opera XIII. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 111. New York, [1992]. 24 x 31 cm, 41 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1737 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Sonatas, musette/vielle/fl/rec/ob/vln, bc]
Il pastor fido (œuvre attribuée à Antonio Vivaldi), 1737. Présentation par Philippe Lescat. [Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek].
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 78. Courlay, 1994. 24 x 33 cm, 21, 38 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1737 edition. Preface in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $31
[item no.
CHIOCCHIA, Prospero, 17th c.
Del metallo ricercari a due voci per sonare, e cantare. [British Library, London].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 33. Stuttgart, 2002. 16 x 23 cm, 2 partbooks, 104 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1674 edition. 39 duos for various vocal or instrumental ranges. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $34
[item no.
CHRISOPONUS, Gevicenus Andreas [publisher], 16th c.
Bicinia nova. Prag, Typis nigricianis 1579. RISM 1579(7). [Ratsschulebibliothek, Zwickau].
Faksimile-Edition Zwickau, 4. Stuttgart, 2006. Oblong, 20 x 14 cm, 2 partbooks, 380 pp. Line-cut of the Prague, 1579 edition. 102 compositions for two voices with Latin/Czech texts. Suitable for different voice ranges, with or without instrumental accompaniment. Hardbound in decorative paper, matching slipcase. $86
[item no.
CLEMENS NON PAPA, Jacobus, c.1500-c.1556
Souterliedekens, IIII. Het sevenste musyck boexken mit dry partien, waer inne begrepen syn XXIX psalmen van David (met meer ander geestelycke lofsangen wt der beiligher Schrift) . . . seer lustich om singen ter eeren Gods. Introduction: Ignace Bossuyt. [Bibl. Jagiellońska, Krakow].
Facsimile Series, I/B.19. Peer, 1987. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, xiv, 3 partbooks, 134 pp. Line-cut of the fourth and last volume of the Souterliedekens, based on the recently discovered partbooks (superius, tenor, bassus) found in the Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Kracow. 29 psalm settings. Introduction in Eng. Wrappers, in slipcase. $43
[item no.
CONFORTI, Giovanni Luca, c.1560-d.?
Breve et facile maniera d’essercitarsi . . . a far passaggi. A Facsimile of the Rome, 1593[?] Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/115. New York, 1978. Oblong, 20 x 14 cm, 40 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, c.1593 edition. Laid paper, cloth.
[item no.
Breve et facile maniera d’essercitarsi a far passaggi. Roma, 1593.
Prattica di Musica, A/1. Rome, 1986. 24 x 30 cm, iv, 10 pp. Halftone, reproduced 2 original pages per page. Introduction in It by Giancarlo Rostirolla. Bibliography. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
The Joy of Ornamentation by Giovanni Luca Conforto, Being Conforto’s Treatise on Ornamentation (Rome, 1593) with a Preface by Sir Yehudi Menuhin and an Introduction by Denis Stevens.
White Plains, 1989. 16 x 23 cm, 40, with 21 pp. Line-cut, reproducing 2 original pages per page. Historical commentary, with bibliography. Wrappers. $12
[item no.
Passaggi sopra tutti li salmi [che ordinariamente canta santa chiesa, ne i vesperi della dominica, & ne i giorni festiui di tutto l’anno. Con il basso sotto per sonare, & cantare con organo, ò con altri stromenti]. Venedig, Angelo Gardano & Fratelli 1607. [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 30. Stuttgart, 2014. 16 x 22 cm, 56 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1607 edition. This fascinating ornamentation treatise—unlike the autor’s Rome c.1593 edition—is printed entirely in movable type and addresses the sacred repertoire. Hardbound, in marbled paper. $32
[item no.
CORBETT, William, c.1675-1748
[Trios, 2 flutes/violins, bc, op.1]
XII Sonatae à tre. Due Violins & Violoncello col basso per l’organo. Opera I. [King’s College, Cambridge]
Alston, [2003]. 4º. 4 partbooks, iii, 80 pp. Line-cut of the London, c.1700 edition. Introduction by Peter Holman. No. 1 is scored for vln, bass viola da gamba obbligato & bc and no.12 is for tpt/vln, ob/vln, vc & bc. Ring binder. $32
[item no.
COUPERIN, François, 1668-1733
[Apothéose de Corelli & Lully, winds/strings]
Apothéose de Corelli; Apothéose de Lully.
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 35. Courlay, 1989. 24 x 33 cm, x, 45 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1725 edition. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger by Jean Saint-Arroman. Wrappers. $35
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[item no.
[Apothéose de Lully, winds/strings]
Concert instrumental sous le titre d’Apothéose composé à la mémoire immortelle de l’incomparable Monsieur de Lully. [Nederlands Muziek Instituut, The Hague].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 248. New York, [2001]. 26 x 34 cm, 29 pp. Line-cut of another surviving print of the Paris, 1725 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Concerts royaux; Goûts réunis, nos.1-14]
Concerts royaux; Les goûts réunis ou nouveaux concerts à l’usage de toutes les sortes d’instrumens de musique.
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 36. Courlay, 1989. 24 x 33 cm, x, 91 pp. Line-cut of the Paris 1722 & 1724 editions. 14 concerts for unspecified intruments and basso continuo, notated in keyboard format. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger by Jean Saint-Arroman. Wrappers. $61
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[item no.
[Concerts royaux, nos.1-4]
Concerts royaux.
Música Facsímil, 18. Madrid, 1988. 21 x 30 cm, 29 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1722 edition. Wrappers. $16
[item no.
[Concerts royaux, nos.1-4]
Concerts royaux. [Rowe Music Library, King’s College, Cambridge].
Basel, c.1980. 25 x 35 cm, 29 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1722 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Goûts réunis, nos.5-14]
Les goûts réunis du 5e au 14e concerts.
Paris, 1990. 4º, 64 pp. Line-cut of the author’s edition, Boivin, Paris, 1724. $64
[item no.
[Goûts réunis, nos.5-14]
Les goûts-réünis ou noveaux concerts à l’usage de toutes les sortes d’instruments de musique augmentés d’une grande sonade en trio intitulée Le Parnasse ou l’Apothéose de Corelli. [Nederlands Muziek Instituut, The Hague].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 249. New York, [2001]. 26 x 34 cm, 82 pp. Line-cut of another surviving print of the Paris, 1724 edition. Wrappers. $28
[item no.
[Goûts réunis, nos.10, 12 & 13]
12e, 13e et 10e concerts extraits des “Goûts réunis ou Nouveaux concerts”.
Musique pour Viole de Gambe, 1 Paris, 1981. 4º, i, 13 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1724 edition. Preface in Fr by Jean-Louis Charbonnier. Wrappers. $23
[item no.
[Nations, 2 violins/flutes, bc]
Les nations. Édition de 1726: La Françoise – L’Espagnole – La Piémontaise; Manuscrit de Lyon: La Pucelle – La Visionnaire – L’Astrée – La Steinkerque – La Sultane – La Superbe; Manuscrit de Paris: La Pucelle – La Visionnaire – L’Astrée – La Steinkerque.
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 68. Courlay, 1993. 24 x 33 cm, 9 partbooks, 44, 296 pp. Line-cut of the engraved edition from the Bibl. Nationale in Paris and two non-autograph manuscripts (resp. Bibl. Nationale, Paris and Bibl. Municipale, Lyon); both of which pre-date the printed edition. Commentary by Jean Saint-Arroman and Philippe Lescat. Wrappers, in portfolio.
[item no.
[Nations, 2 violins/flutes, bc]
Musique de chambre – 3. Les Nations. Publiées par Amédée Gastoué et revues d’après les sources par Kenneth Gilbert et Davitt Moroney.
François Couperin: Œuvres Complètes, IV/3. Monaco, 1987. 4º, 224, 4 partbooks: 128 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1726 edition, together with newly revised critical edition. 2 vols, wrappers. $138
[item no.
[Nations, 2 violins/flutes, bc]
Les nations. Sonades; et suites de simphonies en trio.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 40. New York, [1988]. 22 x 28 cm, 4 partbooks, 129 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1726 edition. Wrappers, with folder. $45
[item no.
[Sonatas, 2 melody inst, bc (Sonades inédites)] In,
Musique de chambre – 4. Apothéose de Corelli; Apothéose de Lully; Pièces de violes; Sonades inédites. Publiées par Amédée Gastoué et revues d’après les sources par Kenneth Gilbert et Davitt Moroney.
François Couperin: Œuvres Complètes, IV/4. Monaco, 1992. 4º, 214, with 48 pp. Line-cut of the first three sonatas from “Six sonades inédites”, from Brossard’s score (Bibl. Nationale, Ms. Vm7 1156), with sonatas entitled “La Pucelle”, “La Visionaire” and “L’Astrée”. Together with practical edition of the Apothéoses and Pièces de violes. Critical notes. Wrappers. $124
[item no.
DE SELMA Y SALAVERDE, Bartolome, 17th c.
[Canzoni, fantasie, winds, strings, bc, books 1-4]
Canzoni, fantasie et correnti, primo [secondo, terzo, & quarto] libro, Venezia 1638.
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 38. Florence, 1980. 24 x 34 cm, 5 partbooks, iii, 219 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1638 edition. 57 compositions for 1, 2, 3 & 4 voices with basso continuo. Introduction in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers and slipcover in decorative paper. $51
[item no.
DEVIENNE, François, 1759-1803
[Quartet; trios, strings/winds, bc]
Sonate en quatuor pour le clavecin ou le forte-piano avec accompagnement de flûte, cor (ou violoncelle) et alto obligés / Six trios pour trois flûtes; Six trios pour deux flûtes et basse.
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 140. Courlay, 2001. 4º, 11 partbooks, xiii, 101 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1789, Paris, n.d., & London, n.d. editions. Preface in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $57
[item no.
[Symphonie concertante, 1789]
Quatrième symphonie concertante (pour flûte - hautbois - cor et basson) Présentation par les étudiants de la formation supérieure aux métiers de l’orchestre des musiques classiques et romantiques. Abbaye aux Dames - Saintes. [Universitätsbibl., Münster].
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 153. Courlay, 2003. 4º, xx, 12 parts, 41, 63 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1789, edition (parts), and newly edited full score. Scored for solo hn, fl, ob & bsn solo, plus vln I-II, vla, bass, ob I-II, hn I-II, Preface in Fr-Eng-Ger. Portfolio. $56
[item no.
DRESSLER, Gallus, 1533-c.1580
Opus selectissimum sacrarum cantionum [quinque et pluribus vocibus in gratiam musicorum compositarum]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 21. Stuttgart, 1997. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 5 partbooks, c.690 pp. Line-cut of the Gerlach edition, Nuremberg, 1574. 37 sacred settings a4, 38 a5, 2 a6 and 1 a8, for voices with or without instruments. Hardbound in vellum paper, with matching slipcase. $184
[item no.
Zehen deudscher Psalmen / [Lasso:] Newe teütsche Liedlein. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].
Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 5. Stuttgart, 1995. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 5 partbooks, 255 pp. Line-cut of the Adam Berg edition, Munich, 1567. 10 psalm settings a4 and 5 by Dressler and 19 settings on German sacred texts by Lasso. Hardbound with slipcase. $129
[item no.
DUMONT, Henri, 1610-1684
Motets a II. III. et IV. parties pour voix et instruments avec la basse-continue. Introduction: José Quitin. [Conservatoire Royal, Brussels & Bibl. Nationale, Paris].
Facsimile Series, III/9. Peer, 1989. 18 x 24 cm, 5 partbooks, viii, 410 pp. Line-cut of the Christophe Ballard edition, Paris 1681. Contains 37 motets (often with violin accompaniment & basso continuo), and 3 instrumental “symphonies”. Three of the motets can be performed by double choir. Wrappers. $62
[item no.
DUVERNOY, Frédéric, 1765-1838
[Method, horn]
Méthode pour le cor.
Méthodes Instrumentales, I. Geneva, 1974. 4º, 76 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1802 edition. Wrappers. $61
[item no.
EARL OF KELLY, 18th c.
The Favourite Minuets.
Huntingdon, n.d. 4º. Xerographic reprint of the London, 1775 score. Scored for 2 vln, vc, db, 2 cl, 2 hn. Wrappers. $5
[item no.
EGENOLF, Christian, 1502-1555 [publisher]
Gassenhawerlin und Reutterliedlin zu Franckenfurt am Meyn. Bei Christian Egenolf 1535.
Hildesheim, 1970. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm (partbooks each 10 x 7), 4 partbooks: xv, 474 pp. (Rpt. of Augsburg & Cologne, 1927 edition). Line-cut of the printed partbooks (altus, bassus, discantus & tenor). One of the leading collections of Lutheran contrafact songs (78 in all), predominantly secular in nature. Separate introduction booklet. Wrap. $54
[item no.
Geminae undeviginti odarum horatii [melodiae, quatuor vocibus probè adornatæ...]. Frankfurt, C. Egenolph 1551. RISM 1551/17. [Musikbibliothek Leipzig].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 55. Stuttgart, 2008. 10 x 14 cm, 221 pp. Line-cut of the Frankfurt, 1551 edition. 53 polyphonic settings a4 on the odes of the Roman poet Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus, 65 BC - 8 BC). Hardbound with decorative paper boards. $37
[item no.
ERTEL, Sebastian, c.1550-1618
Psalmodiae vespertinae [solemnibus totius anni festivitatibus octonis vocibus, et tam vocum quam variorum instrumentorum usui, accommodatae. Quibus accesserunt canticum deiparse virginis, & singulae eiusdem antiphonae, cum basso ad organum]. München, Nicolaus Heinrich 1617. [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 7. Stuttgart, 2014. 16 x 21 cm, 9 partbooks, c.460 pp. Line-cut of the Munich, 1617 partbook edition (Canto/Canto, Alto/Alto, Tenore/Tenore, Basso/Basso, Organo. 22 settings for double choir. Wrappers, with slipcase covered in marbled paper. $126
[item no.
Sacrosanctum magnae [et intemeratae virginis canticum. Octonis vocibus, cum intonationibus psalmorum ad octo vsitatos tonos duobus choris una cum clausula Gloria Patri &e. quà instrumentis, quà viuis vocibus cum duplici basso ad organum accommodato, compositum & iam primum in lucem editum.] München / Nicolaus Heinrich 1615. [Stift
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, [34]. Stuttgart, 2015. 15 x 19 cm, 9 partbooks, 996 pp. Line-cut of the Munich, 1625 partbook edition (cantus, altus, tenor, bassus, V vox, VI vox, VII vox, VIII vox, partitura. Contents: 15 settering for magnificat. Wrappers, with slipcase covered in marbled paper. $204
[item no.
FABER, Heinrich, b.?-1522
Cantiones aliquot sacrae trium vocum. [Schermar Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 43. Stuttgart, 1998. 15 x 19 cm, 3 partbooks, c.84 pp. Line-cut of the Abraham Wagenmann edition, Nuremberg, 1607. 10 sacred settings for 3 voices. Wrappers with portfolio in marbled paper. $66
[item no.
FAIGNIENT, Noë, b.?-c.1595
Chansons, madrigales & motetz a quatre, cincq & six parties. Anvers, vefve de Iean Laet, 1568. Introduction: Eugeen Schreurs. [Bayerische Staatsbibl., Munich].
Facsimile Series: I/B.11. Peer, 1986. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 5 partbooks, c.209, xvi pp. Line-cut of the Antwerp, 1568 edition. 44 works, including chansons, madrigals and motets. 5 polyphonic songs with Dutch texts and a beautiful parting song, “Adieu Anvers, adieu la noble ville”. Introduction in Fle-Eng. Wrappers. $30
[item no.
FALCONIERI, Andrea, 1585-1656
[Canzone, sinfonie, winds, strings, bc, book 1]
Il primo libro di canzone, sinfonie, fantasie, capricci, brandi, correnti, gagliarde alemane, volte per violini, e viole, ouero altro stromento à uno, due, et tré con il basso continuo.
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 22. Florence, 1980. 24 x 34 cm, 4 partbooks, i, 210 pp. Line-cut of the Naples, 1650 edition in the original partbook format (canto, altro canto, basso, & basso continuo). Contains 29 pieces a3, 14 a2 and 7 a1 in staff notation. Introduction in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers and slipcase in decorative paper. $58
[item no.
Sacrae modulationes [quinque et sex vocibus]. [Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Krakow].
Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 16. Stuttgart, 2009. 17 x 23 cm, 6 parts, 120 pp. Line-cut of the Gardane/Magni edition, Venice, 1619. 14 setting for a5 & a6. Portfolio, with decorative paper boards. $68
[item no.
FALLA, Manuel de, 1876-1946
[Concerto, harpsichord/piano, fl, ob, cl, vln, vc]
Concerto per clavicembalo (ou pianoforte), flauto, oboe, clarinetto, violino, e violoncello. Edición crítica de la partitura y facsímil de los manuscritos fundamentales del Archivo Manuel de Falla y del Archivo de Valentín Fuiz-Aznar. Editión y estudio de Yvan Nommick.
Colección “Facsímiles”, Serie “Manuscritos”, 3. Granada, [2004]. 25 x 35 cm. lxxxviii, 193 pp. Full-color reproduction of the autograph sketches, composing copy and fair copy (including extensive revisions), plus new critical edition. The work was written in hommage to Wanda Landowsky for her indispensable role in the 20th century resurgence of the harpsichord. Commentary in Sp.
Limited edition of 500 copies. Cloth. $187
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[item no.
FANTINI, Girolamo, fl.1630-1640
[Method, trumpet]
Modo per imparare a sonare di tromba. Tanto di guerra quanto musicalmente in organo, con tromba sordina, col cimbalo, e ogn’altro istrumento (Frankfort, 1638). Facsimile Edition with a Complete English Translation and Critical Commentary by Edward H. Tarr.
Vuarmarens, 2/ 2009. 26 x 36 cm, 87, 7 pp. Line-cut of the Frankfurt (Florence?), 1638 edition. A seminal work in the history of the trumpet. Fantini was the first to introduce a new style of playing which made it possible for the trumpet to be accepted into art music. Wrappers. $75
[item no.
[Method, trumpet]
Modo per imparare a sonare di tromba. Tanto di guerra quanto musicalmente in organo, con tromba sordina, col cimbalo, e ogn’altro istrumento.
Performers’ Facsimile, 211. New York [2002] 24 x 33 cm, 87 pp. Line-cut of the Frankfurt [Florence?], 1638 edition. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
FAUGUES, Guillaume, 15th c.
Opera omnia Faugues. Facsimile of the Compositions of Faugues from the Manuscripts Trent 88–Trent 91, Cappella Sistina 14, Cappella Sistina 51, Verona DCCLXI, Modena alpha M.1.13, with an Introduction by George C. Schuetze, J.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 7. New York, 1959. Oblong, 25 x 17 cm, xii, 100 pp. Halftone of all the works of Faugues (from Italian sources), a contemporary of Ockeghem. Wrappers. $45
[item no.
FINCK, Heinrich, c.1444-1527
Schöne auszerlesene Lieder [des hoch berümpten Heinrich Finckens sampt andern newen Liedern von den fürnesten dieser Kunst gesetzt/lustig zu singen/und auff die Instrument dienstlich vor nie im Druck außgegangen]. Nürnberg/Formschneider 1536. RISM 1536(9). [Ratsschulebibliothek, Zwickau].
Faksimile-Edition Zwickau, 2. Stuttgart, 2006. Oblong, 14 x 10 cm, 4 partbooks, 456 pp. Line-cut of the Formschneider edition, Nuremberg, 1536. 55 lieder in SATB partbook format. Beautifully printed German songbook, an anthology devoted exclusively to Heinrich Finck. Hardbound in decorative paper. $124
[item no.
FLÖTNER, Peter, c.1485-1546 [illustrator]
Die Flötnerschen Spielkarten und andere Curiosa der Musiküberlieferung des 16. Jahrhunderts aus Franken. Herausgegeben von C. Russell Crosby Jr. [Mss. Germanisches National Museum, Nürnberg & British Museum, London].
Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Bayern. Neue Folge. Sonderband 1. Wiesbaden, 1967. 19 x 26 cm, x, 39, 33, 23 pp. Full-color facsimile of the famous illustrated playing cards with 4-voice compositions—discantus, altus, tenor, bassus—notated on their backs. Besides Flötner’s wonderful cards, this publication includes “Oberdeutsches Trinklied” (Basel, Universitäts-Bibliothek, Hs. F. IX.
59-62) and “Rumpoltschen Spielkarten”. Commentary in Ger, with modern transcriptions of all the pieces. Wrappers. $83
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[item no.
FONTANA, Giovanni Battista, b.?-1630
Sonate a 1, 2. 3. per il violino, o cornetto, fagotto, chitarone, violoncino o simile altro istromento. Venezia 1641.
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 5. Florence, 1981. 24 x 34 cm, 4 partbooks, vi, c.120 pp. Line-cut of the Bartolomeo Magni edition, Venice, 1641. Consists of 18 sonatas. Introduction in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers and slip cover in decorative paper. $68
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[item no.
FONTEI, Nicolò, b.?-c.1647
Bizzarrie poetiche [a una, due, tre voci] op.4. Venetia, A. Vincenti 1639. [Bibl. del Conservatorio, Bologna].
Faksimile-Edition Fontei, 1. Stuttgart, 2002. 20 x 28 cm, 4 partbooks, 152 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1639 edition. 18 secular settings for soprano or tenor solo +bc, 2 each for contralto and bass solo + bc, 8 duos for various combinations and 4 trios for various combinations. Wrappers in portfolio. $54
[item no.
Messa e salmi op.6 [a diverse voci et istromenti]. [Biblioteca Conservatorio, Bologna].
Faksimile-Edition Fontei, 3. Stuttgart, 2004. 15 x 23 cm, 14 partbooks, 492 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1647 edition. 1 mass 9 psalm and 2 magnificat settings for two SATB choirs, plus 2 violins, 3 trombones (”ò altro instromento”), bc. Wrappers, with slipcase covered with marbled paper. $119
[item no.
Salmi brevi op.7 [a otto con il primo choro concertato]. [Biblioteca Conservatorio, Bologna].
Faksimile-Edition Fontei, 4. Stuttgart, 2003. 17 x 25 cm, 9 partbooks, c.315 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1647 edition. 19 settings for two SATB choirs, plus bc. Wrappers, with slipcase covered with marbled paper. $79
[item no.
FORMSCHNEIDER, Hieronymus, b.?-1556 [publisher]
[Novum et insigne, part 1]
Novum et insigne opus musicum. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].
Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 10. Stuttgart, 1996. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 6 partbooks. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1537 edition. Hardbound in marbled paper with matching slipcase. $191
[item no.
[Novi operis musici, part 2]
Secundus tomus novi operis musici. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].
Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 9. Stuttgart, 1996. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 5 partbooks, c.600 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1538 edition. Anthology of 43 pieces a4. Hardbound, with slipcase. $195
[item no.
FORSTER, Georg, c.1514-1568 [compiler]
[Teutsche Liedlein, parts 1 & 2]
Georg Forsters Lieder-Sammlung Bände 1 und 2. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 2. Stuttgart, 1996. Oblong, 18 x 12 cm, 4 partbooks, 470 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg editions (v. 1 is based on the 4th edition and v. 2 on the 3rd edition. Forster, a doctor and composer, put together an excellent anthology of the best secular pieces of the period, including such beloved works as Isaac’s “Innsbruck, ich muß dich
lassen”. This is the 1st and 2nd parts of Forster’s enomous 5-part work. Hardbound in vellum paper, with matching slipcase. $184
[item no.
[Teutsche Liedlein, part 1]
Forsters frische Liedlein, eine Sammlung deutscher Lieder aus dem XVI. Jahrhundert. Fünfzig ausgewählte Lieder für eine Singstimme und Klavier bearbeitet von Felix Schwab.
Vienna, 1908. 19 x 28 cm, 112, with 52 pp. Line-cut. Score arrangements in modern notation, each preceded by a facsimile of the tenor part of the original. Foreword in Ger and index-table. Wrappers. $45
[item no.
[Teutsche Liedlein, part 2]
Des andern Theyls viler kurzweyliger frischer teutscher Liedlein zu singen sehr lüstig, mit etlichen newen Liedlein gemehret. [Bayerische Staatsbibl., Munich].
Frankfurt, [1991]. Oblong, 21 x 15 cm, 4 partbooks, 220 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1565 edition in the original format. 78 songs in mensural notation for four voices (sometimes five) by Forster and composers predominantly from the Heidelberg school. Part two of the immense five part collection. Coverboards in vellum paper with matching slipcase. $130
[item no.
[Teutsche Liedlein, part 3]
Der dritte Teyl schöner lieblicher teutscher Liedlein, nicht allein zu singen, sonder auch auff allerley Instrumenten zu brauchen, sehr dienstlich außerlesen, ubersehen und gebessert. [Staats- & Stadtbibliothek, Augsburg].
Faksimile-Edition Augsburg, 6. Stuttgart, 1998. Oblong, 14 x 11 cm, 4 partbooks, 406 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1552 editionn. 80 works in mensural notation for 4 voices, with or without instrumental accompaniment. Hardbound in decorative paper, with matching slipcase. $129
[item no.
FRANCK, Melchior, c.1579-1639
Fasciculus quodlibeticus. New musicalisch Werklein, darinnen de quodlibet, so bißhero unterschiedlich außgangen, jetzo aber mit noch andern gantz newen vermehret, alle zusammen getruckt, unnd von vier fünff unnd sechs Stimmen componirt. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 8. Stuttgart, 1996. 15 x 19 cm, 4 partbooks, 120 pp. Line-cut of the Coburg, 1611 edition. Secular settings, four a4, one a6 and one a5, suitable for voices and instruments. Wrappers, with handsome slipcase in marbled paper. $76
[item no.
Flores musicales. [Neue anmutige musicalische Blumen zu allerhand Luft und Fröligkeit lieblich zu gebrauchen mit sonderbarem Fleiß ausammen getragen und mit 4.5.6. und 8 Stimmen]. [Schermar Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 41. Stuttgart, 1998. 16 x 20 cm, 5 partbooks, c.120 pp. Line-cut of the Balthasar Scherff/David Kauffmann edition, Nuremberg, 1610. 10 settings a4, 8 a5, and 5 a8, for voices, with or without instruments. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $65
[item no.
Tricinia nova lieblicher amorosischer Gesänge mit schönen boëtischen Texten gezieret und ettlicher massen nach Italienischer Art mit Fleiß componiert. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 42. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 19 cm, 3 partbooks, 86 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1611 edition. 18 secular settings for 3 voices suitable for voices and instruments. Wrappers, with handsome portfolio in marbled paper. $50
[item no.
FREILLON-PONCEIN, Jean-Pierre, 17th c.
[Method, oboe, recorder, & flageolet]
La véritable manière d’apprendre à jouer en perfection du hautbois, de la flûte et du flageolet / [A. Van der Hagen:] Méthode nouvelle et raisonnée pour le hautbois en deux parties.
Geneva, 1974. Oblong, 24 x 17 cm, 145 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1700 & c.1792 edition. Two complementary treatises on wind instruments. Wrappers. $51
[item no.
FRESCOBALDI, Girolamo, 1583-1643
[Canzoni, a1-4, strings, winds, bc, books 1 & 2]
Il primo libro delle canzoni a una, due, tre, e quattro voci per sonar con ogni sorte de stromenti, Rome 1628 / Canzoni da sonare a una, due, tre e quattro con il basso continuo. Venezia 1634.
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 42. Florence, 1981. Oblong & upright, 34 x 24 cm, 6 partbooks & score, c.300, ii pp. Line-cut of the Paolo Masotti and Alessandro Vincenti edition (the former issued the work in score format, the latter in partbooks). Preface in It by Lapo Bramanti. Wrappers in decorative paper, in a slipcase.
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[item no.
[Fiori musicali, keyboard/voices, op.12]
Fiori musicali [di diverse compositioni, toccate, kirie, canzoni, capricci, e recercari in partitura a quattro utili per sonatori. . . Opera duodecima], 1635. Présentation par Philippe Lescat.
Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1995. 24 x 32 cm, 29, 107 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1635 edition. For 4 unspecified singers/instruments or keyboard instrument, notated in open score. Wrappers. $57
[item no.
[Fiori musicali, keyboard/voices, op.12]
Fiori musicali. Introduzione di Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavini. [Biblioteca Communale Ariostea, Ferrara].
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/86. Bologna, 2000. 21 x 31 cm, xx, 108 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1635 edition. For 4 unspecified singers/instruments or keyboard instrument, notated in open scoreIntroduction in It-Eng. Wrappers.
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[item no.
FÜGER, Caspar, 1521-1592
Christliche Vers und Gesänge [lateinisch und deudsch / von dem groswichtigem / hochnötigem Werck der auffgerichten Concordien, in dieser Lande Kirchen und Schulen. Auff fünff Stimmen componiert]. Dreßden 1580. [Library of Congress, Washington DC].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 105. Stuttgart, 2023. 18 x 22 cm. 44 pp. Line-cut of the Dresden, 1580 edition. Hardbound with decorative paper boards. $26
[item no.
GARDANO, Angelo, b.?-1610 [publisher]
[Canzoni & ricercari, keyboard, book 5]
Canzoni alla francese et ricercari ariosi [tabulate per sonar sopra istromenti da tasti. Libro quinto]. [Augsburg, Staats- & Stadtsbibliothek].
Faksimile-Edition Augsburg, 4. Stuttgart, 1997. Line-cut of the Venice, 1605 edition. 12 works in keyboard notation including works by Lasso, Crequillon and Jannequin. Hardbound in marbled paper. $54
[item no.
GARDANO, Antonio, 1509-1569 [publisher]
[Duos, winds/strings]
Il primo libro a due voci de diversi autori. RISM 1543(19).
[Yellow Book Series, 5]. Højbjerg, 1991. Oblong, 23 x 16 cm, 2 partbooks: 80 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1543 edition. Consists of 67 textless duos derived for the most part from masses by a representative selection of composers. Wrappers. $44
[item no.
Fantasie recercari contrapunti a tre voci di M. Adriano & de altri autori appropriati per cantare & sonare d’ogni sorte di stromenti. [Bayerische Staatsbibl., Munich].
Facsimile Series: I/B.8. Peer, 1986. Oblong, 21 x 16 cm, 18, 3 partbooks, c.94 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1559 edition. Includes 2 Regina celi by Willaert and Rore and instrumental trios in strict contrapuntal style. Introduction in Flem-Eng by Ignace Bossuyt. Wrappers.
[item no.
[Madrigals/Canzoni francese, Ihan Gero/Clement Janequin]
Quaranta madrigali di Ihan Gero insiema trenta canzoni francese di Clement Ianequin. RISM(22). Venezia, A. Gardane 1543. [Trent, Biblioteca Comunale & Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Universitätsbibliothek].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 43. Stuttgart, [2015]. Oblong, 22 x 16 cm, 3 partbooks, 118 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1534 edition containing madrigals by Gero and Canzoni francese by Janequin. No complete source of this print survives but this facsimile, by combining the incomplete Cantus and Bassus partbooks from Trent and the incomplete Tenor partbook from Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, is
able to provide the music for nos. 9-55 of the Cantus; nos. 41-55 of the Tenor and nos. 11-55 of the Bassus, or 15 complete settings. Some of the missing parts can be completed from concordances found in other collections. Hardbound, in decorative paper with matching slipcase. $74
[item no.
Novi thesauri musici liber primus. Venedig. A. Gardane 1568. [Landesbibliothek Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Schwerin].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 57. Stuttgart, 2008. 17 x 24 cm, 6 partbooks, c.968 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1568 edition, consisting of cantus, altus, tenor, quintus, sextus, & bassus partbooks. The first of five volumes published in 1568 containing a magnificent collection of 254 5 & 6-voice motets, financed and overseen by Pietro Giovanelli, a member of a wealthy family from the
Bergamo region of Italy. Liber primus presents 87 beautifully engraved motets preceded by striking initials in woodblock. The compilation consists of music written by the composers stationed at the Hofkapellen of Graz, Innsbruck, Prague, as well as the Imperial Hofkapelle in Vienna. Besides well-known composers such as Regnart, Vaet, & Lasso the collection contains many outstanding
composers who are still virtually unknown today and only known in this collection. Wrapperr, with slipcase covered in decorative paper. $275
[item no.
GASTOLDI, Giovanni Giacomo, b.?-1622
Tricinia, welche zuvor mit italianischen Texten componiert. [Schermar Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 40. Stuttgart, 1998. 15 x 22 cm, 3 partbooks, c.150 pp. Line-cut of the Valentin Haußmann edition, Nuremberg, 1607. 47 works for 3 voices by Gastoldi, Affettuoso, Invaghito, and H. Vecchi. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $69
[item no.
GIBBONS, Orlando, 1583-1625
[Madrigals & motets, a3]
The First Set of Madrigals and Mottets of 5. Parts: Apt for Viols and Voyces.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 50. New York, 1989. 18 x 24 cm, 5 partbooks, 120 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1612 edition. Wrappers. $45
[item no.
GRANDI, Alessandro, 1586-c.1630
Salmi a otto brevi. Venedig / Alessandro Vincenti 1629. [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 28. Stuttgart, 2013. 16 x 21 cm, 9 partbooks, c.200 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1629 partbook edition (Canto/Canto, Alto/Alto, Tenore/Tenore, Basso/Basso, Basso cont. 19 settings for double choir. Wrappers, with slipcase covered in marbled paper. $105
[item no.
GRUBER, Franz, 1787-1863
Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht! Getreue Wiedergabe der eigenhändigen Niederschrift von Franz Gruber. Mit einem Begleitwort über die Geschichte des Weihnachtsliedes [von Otto Erich Deutsch].
Vienna, 1937. Oblong, 36 x 26 cm, iv, 1, 4 pp. Beautiful halftone of the autograph fair copy of the original version of “Silent Night” scored for strings, horn, SATB and organ. The famous Christmas song with text by Josef Mohr, was first performed in Arnsdorf, Austria, Dec. 24, 1818. Afterword in Ger. Hardbound. Rare. $200
[item no.
Weihnachtslied “Stille Nacht, heil’ge Nacht!” Faksimile. Vorgelegt von Gerhard Waterskirchen und Thomas Hochradner.
Salzburg, 1995. Oblong, 36 x 26 cm, iv, 4 pp. Color reproduction of the earliest known autograph version, together with Joseph Mohr’s text and transcription. Wrappers. $31
[item no.
GUGGUMOS, Gallus, 16th c.
Mottecta III. V. et VI vocum. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 3. Stuttgart, 1996. 17 x 22 cm, 7 partbooks, c.160 pp. Line-cut of the Magni edition, Venice, 1612. Four motets a4, seven a5, and seven a6. Mensural notation. Wrappers, with handsome slipcase in marbled paper. $122
[item no.
GUMPELZHAIMER, Adam, 1559-1625
Neue teutsche geistliche Lieder mit dreien Stimmen. [Schermar Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 39. Stuttgart, 1998. 16 x 20 cm, 3 partbooks, c.120 pp. Line-cut of the Valentin Schönigf edition, Augsburg, 1591. 27 secular settings a3 in the Italian style. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $52
[item no.
Neue teutsche geistliche Lieder mit dreien Stimmen. [Schermar Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 39. Stuttgart, 1998. 16 x 20 cm, 3 partbooks, c.120 pp. Line-cut of the Valentin Schönigf edition, Augsburg, 1591. 27 secular settings a3 in the Italian style. Wrappers. $40
[item no.
HAHN, George Joachim Joseph, c.1690-c.1769
[Cornucopiae Musicum, 2 voices, 2 violins/flutes, bc]
Cornucopiae Musicum in se sono vocali instrumentali continens cantilenas triginta duas. Nimirum arias XX. tam latinas tam germanicas per totum annum en ecclesia decantari folitas, et threnodias XII... [Stadtbibl., Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 14. Stuttgart, 2000. 20 x 32 cm, 5 partbooks, 190 pp. Line-cut of the Augsburg, 1735 edition. 32 pieces for two sopranos, two violins, & bc. Wrappers with portfolio in marbled paper. $118
[item no.
HAIDEN, Hans Christoph, 1572-1617
Ganz neue lustige Täntz vnd Leidlein, [deren Text mehrer theils auff Namen gerichtet, mit vier Stimmen, nicht allein zu singen, sondern auch auff allerhand Instrumenten zu gebrauchen]. Nürnberg / Paul Kauffmann 1601. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 61. Stuttgart, 2018. 17 x 20 cm, 4 partbooks, 108 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1601 edition. Wonderful collection of 23 dance numbers (all texted) for various string and wind instrumental groupings. Partbooks: cantus, altus, tenor, bassus) Wrappers, with portfolio. $75
[item no.
HAKE, Hans, 1628-dc.1663
Ander Theil newer Pavanen, [Sonaten, Arien, Balletten, Brandlen, Couranten, und Sarabanden, mit und 8-Instrumenten mit dem basso continuo]. Stade 1654 / Elias Holwein. [British Library, London & Stadtbibliothek Växjö].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 61. Stuttgart, 2010. 16 x 21 cm, 5 partbooks, 222 pp. Line-cut of the Stade, 1654 edition. Wonderful collection of 43 dance movements for various string and wind instrumental groupings (a2 to a5), including 4 for 2 cornetti & 3 trombones and 2 for 5 trombones. Wrappers, with portfolio. $76
[item no.
HANDEL, George Frideric, 1685-1759
[Musick for the Royal Fireworks, orch, HWV 351; Concerti, orch, HWV 335a &
The Musick for the Royal Fireworks / Feuerwerksmusik, HWV 351. Concerti HWV 335a & 335b. British Library Manuscript R.M. 20.g.7. Facsimile. Introduction and Commentary by Christoher Hogwood / Eingeleitet und kommentiert von Christopher Hogwood.
Documenta Musicologica, II/32. Kassel, 2004. 4˚, 26, 70 pp. Handel's great outdoor piece for strings and wind band. Halftone of the 1749 autograph score, composed for the celebration of the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle. The overture is the longest single instrumental movement that Handel wrote and is scored for tpt 1-3 (x3), hn 1-3 (x3), ob 1-3 (x12, x8, x4), bsn 1-2 (x8, x4), timp
(3 pairs), & bc. The manuscript also includes 2 concerti, HWV 335a and 335b, intended as interludes during oratorio performances, scored for strings, 2 ob, 2 tpt (only HWV 335a), 4 hn, bsn, timp, & bc (organ). This is a fascinating score, in Handel’s forceful script, showing his erasures by smudging, his clarifications by writing note letters over a correction, and his normal
abbreviations for colla parte using custodes. The manuscript also bears evidence of arguments over scoring that went on with the civil servants organizing the spectacle. Preface in Ger/Eng. Hardbound. $68
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[item no.
[Musick for the Royal Fireworks, orch, HWV 351, 1st ed.]
The Musick for the Royal Fireworks in all its Parts, viz. French Horns, Trumpets, Kettle Drums, Violin, Hoboys, Violoncello, & Bassoons with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsicord or Organ. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 120. New York, [1993]. 4º, 11 partbooks: 37 pp. Line-cut of the original Walsh printed parts, London, [1749]. Scored for 2 vln, 3 ob, 3 hns, 3 tpt, timp, bsn & bc. Wrappers. $40
[item no.
[Water Music, orchestra, HWV 348-350]
The Celebrated Water Musick in Seven Parts, viz., Two French Horns, Two Violins or Hoboys, a Tenor, and a Thorough Bass for the Harpsichord or Bass Violin.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 70. New York, [1990]. 24 x 36 cm, 7 partbooks, 36 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, [1733]. Wrappers. $40
[item no.
HASSLER, Hans Leo, 1562-1612
Lustgarten neuer teutscher Gesäng. Balletii, Galliarden und Intraden mit 4.5.6. und 8. Stimmen. [Schermar Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 45. Stuttgart, 1998. 16 x 20 cm, 4 partbooks, c.230 pp. Line-cut of the Paul Kauffmann edition, Nuremberg, 1610. 15 settings a4, 13 a5, 8 a6, 3 a8 and 6 instrumental Intraden a6. Tenor, altus, quinta and sexta partbooks only. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $72
[item no.
Venusgarten [oder Neue lustige liebliche Täntz teutscher und polnischer art auch Galliarden und Intraden mit 4.5.6. Stimmen mit und ohne Text]. [Schermar Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 46. Stuttgart, 1998. 15 x 21 cm, 3 partbooks, c.240 pp. Line-cut of the Paul Kauffmann edition, Nuremberg, 1615. 36 texted settings a5 and 11 a4 textless settings by J.L. Hassler and Valintin Haussmann. For voices, with or without instruments. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $58
[item no.
HAUSSMANN, Valentin, c.1565-c.1614
[Dances, German & Polish]
Außzug aus Valentini Haußmanns [Gerbipol. zweyen unterschiedlichen Wercken als der teutschen Täntz mit 4. Stimmen und des ersten Theils polnischer Täntz so Venusgarten tituliert mit 5. Stimmen mit und ohne Text in ein Opusculum zusammen gebracht durch V. Haußmann]. Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 26. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 19 cm, 5 partbooks, c.284 pp. Line-cut of the Balthasar Scherff edition, Nuremberg, 1609. 11 dances a4, 28 a5, plus 59 purely instrumental dances a4. Wrappers, with handsome portfolio in marbled paper. $115
[item no.
Melodien unter weltliche Texte, da jeder einen besondern Namen anzeiget, umb ein guten Theil vermehret und von neuem auffgelegt. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 25. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 19 cm, 5 partbooks, c.260 pp. Line-cut of the Paul Kauffmann edition, Nuremberg, 1608. 51 works a5, with German texts. Wrappers, with handsome portfolio in marbled paper. $115
[item no.
Venusgarten [oder Neue lustige liebliche Täntz teutscher und polnischer art auch Galliarden und Intraden mit 4.5.6. Stimmen mit und ohne Text]. [Schermar Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 46. Stuttgart, 1998. 15 x 21 cm, 3 partbooks, c.240 pp. Line-cut of the Paul Kauffmann edition, Nuremberg, 1615. 36 texted settings a5 and 11 a4 textless settings by J.L. Hassler and Valintin Haussmann. For voices, with or without instruments. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $58
[item no.
HAYDN, Franz Joseph, 1732-1809
[Concerto, horn, orch, Hob. VIId:3, D major]
Hornkonzert D-Dur, Hob. VIId:3. Faksimile der autographen Partitur. Kommentar von Ingrid Fuchs.
Vienna, 2009. 22 x 32 cm, 28, 39 pp. Beautiful full-color facsimile. A fascinating and important representative of Haydn's entire concerto œuvre comes to light in this brilliant facsimile of the Horn Concerto in D Major, Hob. VIId:3. Haydn composed a relatively small group of wind concertos (6 in total), two which are lost. This work was most likely composed for the horn virtuoso
Joseph Leutgeb, and in violation of his contract with the Esterházy House, since it was not written for the court orchestra. Of special mention is Haydn's note written on the last page of the score stating "in schlaff geschrieben" (written while asleep). This is due to a mistake in the scoring of the instruments and was most likely the result of Haydn composing secretly at night,
half asleep. Commentary in German-English-Japanese. Limited edition of 500 copies with beautiful period design coverboards and pasted on etikette. $217
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[item no.
HAYDN, Johann Michael, 1737-1806
Marcia turchese à più stromenti (1795). Faksimile der autographen Partitur aus dem Besitz der Erzabtei St. Peter Salzburg. Einführung von Gerhard Croll. [Sign. Hay 1890.I].
Denkmäler der Musik in Salzburg, Faksimile-Ausgaben, 9. Salzburg, 2001. Oblong, 31 x 22 cm, 8, vii pp. Beautiful halftone of the autograph score. Scored for 2 tpt, 2 hn, 2 fl, 2 ob, 2 cl, 2 bsn, Turkish piatelli & tamburo. Vienna, 1806 edition. Introduction in Ger. Wrappers. $26
[item no.
HENTZSCHEL, J., 17th c.
Canzon mitt 8. Viol-digambe oder Posaunen gesetzt.
Basel, c.1980. 17 x 25 cm, 5 parts, 10 pp. Line-cut of the Thorn, 1649 edition. Canzon for 8 instruments in mensural notation. Wrappers. $8
[item no.
HILDEBRAND, Johann, 1614-1684
Krieges-Angst-Seufftzer. [Mit 1. Stimme/sampt bey gefügten Basso Continuo]. Friedrich Lanckisch S. Erben / Leipzig 1645. [Stadtbibliothek Leipzig]
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 108 Stuttgart, 2023. 18 x20 x 24 cm. 36 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1645 edition. 7 songs for voice and bc, and 6 songs a4 and bc. Hardbound with decorative paper boards. $26
[item no.
HINRICHS, Johann Christian, 1760-d.?
Entstehung, Fortgang und ietzige Beschaffenheit der russischen Jagdmusik.
Leipzig, 1974. 8º, 38 pp. Line-cut of the St. Peterburg, 1796 edition. This is the only contemporary account of the fascinating and long extinct phenomenon of the Russian Horn Band. Includes detailed illustrations of the horns and six musical examples. Quarter linen. $42
[item no.
HŒZLIN, Joseph, 16-17th c.
Sacrarum melodiarum [tribus vocibus]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 27. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 19 cm, 3 partbooks, 72 pp. Line-cut of the Abraham Wagenmann edition, Nuremberg, 1605. 19 settings a3 with sacred texts. Wrappers, with handsome portfolio in marbled paper. $58
[item no.
Sacrarum melodiarum [tribus vocibus]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 27. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 19 cm, 3 partbooks, 72 pp. Line-cut of the Abraham Wagenmann edition, Nuremberg, 1605. 19 settings a3 with sacred texts. Wrappers. $34
[item no.
HOLBORNE, Antony, b.?-1602
Pavans, Galliards, Almains and other Short Aeirs both Grave and Light, in Five Parts, for Viols, Violins, or other Musicall Winde Instruments.
Waiblingen, 1991. 8º, 5 partbooks, c.180 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1599 edition. 65 charming instrumental pieces, suitable for strings & winds, in mensural notation. It is the largest surviving collection of its kind, most of the pieces are of the pavan-galliard combination. Handsome bibliophile edition produced with vellum-paper boards, with matching slipcase. Special sale price
$75, regularly $122
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[item no.
Pavans, Galliards, Almains, and other Short Aeirs both Grave and Light, in Five Parts, for Viols, Violins, or other Musicall Winde Instruments. [Christ Church Library, University of Oxford].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 263. New York, [2010]. 19 x 23 cm, 5 partbooks, c.180 pp. Line-cut of the 2nd edition, London, 1648. 65 instrumental pieces, suitable for strings & winds, in mensural notation. Wrappers. $45
[item no.
HOTTETERRE, Jean, b.?-1720
[Pièces, musette/flute/oboe, bc, op. post.]
Pièces pour la muzette qui peuvent aussi se jouer sur la flûte, œuvre posthume. Paris 1722.
Archivum Musicum: L’Art de la Flûte Traversière, 66. Florence, 2007. Oblong, 29 x 21 cm, viii, 46 pp. Line-cut of the edition published by Jacques Martin Hotteterre and Boivin, Paris, 1722. The suite is by Jacques Martin Hotteterre. Introduction in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers, in decorative paper. $38
[item no.
ISAAC, Heinrich, c.1450-1517
Coralis constantini, primus tomus. Introduction: Edward R. Lerner. [Bayerische Staatsbibl., Munich].
Facsimile Series, III/14. Peer, 1991. 8º, 4 partbooks: xii, 540 pp. Line-cut of the H. Formschneider edition, Nuremberg, 1550. The first collection of polyphonic settings of the proprium for the whole liturgical year. Composed for the Hapsburg Royal Chapel. Senfl, Isaac’s pupil, is credited with completing some of the unfinished compositions. Wrappers, & slipcase. $75
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[item no.
Coralis constantini, tomus secundus. Introduction: Edward R. Lerner. [Bayerische Staatsbibl., Munich].
Facsimile Series, III/15. Peer, 1993. Oblong, 19 x 16 cm, 4 partbooks, xii, 536 pp. Line-cut of the Formschneider edition, Nuremberg, 1555. Wrappers, & slipcase. $75
(more info... )
[item no.
Choralis constantini, tertius tomus. Introduction: Edward R. Lerner. [Bayerische Staatsbibl., Munich].
Facsimile Series, III/16. Peer, 1995. Oblong, 19 x 16 cm, 4 partbooks, xii, 724 pp. Line-cut of the Formschneider edition, Nuremberg, 1555. Wrappers, & slipcase. $95
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[item no.
JANOVKA, Tomas, 1669-1741
Clavis ad thesaurum magnae artis musicae. . . Prag 1701. [Bibliothèque Royale Albert II, Brussel].
Dictionarium Musicum, 2. Buren, 1973. 15 x 23 cm, 343 pp. Line-cut of the Prag, 1701 edition. Along with Brossard’s Dictionnaire de musique one of the first modern dictionaries of musical terms. Wrappers. $66
[item no.
JEEP, Johannes, 1581-1644
Studentengärtleins [erster Theil. Neuer lustiger weltlicher Liedlein mit 3.4. und 5. Stimmen]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 14. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 19 cm, 4 partbooks, c.98 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1614 edition. 34 entirely homophonic strophic setting in mensural notation. Considered among the finest songs composed in the wake of Hassler. Hardbound, in slipcase. $85
[item no.
Studentengärtleins [erster Theil. Neuer lustiger weltlicher Liedlein mit 3.4. und 5. Stimmen]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 14. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 19 cm, 4 partbooks, c.98 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1614 edition. 34 entirely homophonic, strophic setting in mensural notation. Considered among the finest songs composed in the wake of Hassler. Wrappers. $67
[item no.
JELIC, Vinco, 1596-1636
Parnassia militia [Concertuum unius, duarum, trivum et quattor vocum tam nativis quam instrumentalibus vocibus, ad organum concinendarum. Opus primum], Straßburg, Paul Ledertz 1622. [Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt].
Faksimile-Edition Canto e Continuo, 5. Stuttgart, 2008. 16 x 22 cm, 5 partbooks, 220 pp. Line-cut of the Strasbourg, 1622 partbooks (cantus, altus, tenor, bassus, bassus ad organum). Collection of 24 motets for 1 to 4 voices, plus 4 ricercare for cornetto/violin, trombone/viol & bc). Wrappers, with portfolio. $58
[item no.
JOSQUIN DES PRÉS, c.1440-1521
[Masses, book 2; Mass fragments]
Missarum [libri secundi] Josquin, Venetiis, Petrucci, 1505; Fragmenta missarum, Venezia, Petrucci 1505. [Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 32. Stuttgart, 2002. Oblong, 24 x 16 cm, 4 partbooks, c.200 pp. Line-cut of two separate Petrucci partbooks, Venice, 1505/1505. Contains the masses Ave maris stella, Hercules dux ferrarie, Malheur me bat, La mi baudichon, Una musque de Buscaya, and Dung aultre amer. Hardbound, in decorative paper, with matching slipcase. $194
[item no.
JUAN MARTINEZ, José de, 19th c.
[Method, trumpet]
Método de clarín (1830). Edición de Beryl Kenyon de Pascual. [Ms. S/1288, Real Conservatorio Superior de Música, Madrid].
Madrid, 1990. 4º, xi, 72 pp. New edition, with musical portions of the manuscript reproduced in facsimile. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
KAPSBERGER, Johann Hieronymus, c.1575-c.1640
[Villanelle, a1-3, books 1-4]
Libro primo [secondo, terzo & quarto] di villanelle a 1, 2, & 3 voci, Roma, 1610 [1619, 1619, & 1623].
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 28. Florence, 1982. 24 x 34 cm, ii, 4 books, 96 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1610, 1619, 1619 & 1623 editions. Contains 83 villanelle. Notated in score (staff notation) with lute accompaniment in Italian tablature for books 1 & 3. Books 2 & 4 are printed in movable type using staff notation. Introduction in It by Orlando Cristoforetti.
Wrappers in decorative paper with slip case. $40
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[item no.
[Villanelle, a1-3, book 1]
Libro primo di villanelle [a 1, 2, et 3 voci], Rom 1610. [Library of Congress, Washington DC].
Faksimile-Edition Canto e Continuo, 11. Stuttgart, 2024. 22 x 32 cm, 24 pp. Full color facsimile of the Rome, 1610 edition. Collection of 20 villanelle for voice and lute tablature in Italian lute tablature. Hardbound, with boards in decorative paper. $48
[item no.
KAYSER, Isfrid, 1712-1771
[Masses, SATB chorus, orch]
VI. missae a 4. vocibus ordinaris. Rieger, Augsburg 1743 (Druck Wagner Ulm). [Stadtbibl., Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 4. Stuttgart, 2004. 20 x 32 cm, 11 partbooks, 427 pp. Line-cut of the Ulmg, 1743 edition. Scored for SATB, 2 vln, vc, timp, 2 trp, bc (organ). Hardbound in decorative paper, with slipcase. $156
[item no.
Psalmi longiores, & breves in vesperas. . . a quatuor vocibus ordinariis canto, alto, tenore, basso, II. violinis necessar, II. Lituis ac tymp. ex diversis clavibus ad libitus colludentibus. [Stadtbibl., Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 9. Stuttgart, 2002. 20 x 32 cm, 11 partbooks, c.450 pp. Line-cut of the Ulm, 1746 edition. Five vesper sets scored for SATB chorus, 2 vln, 2 tpt, timp, vc, org/bc. Wrappers with slipcase. $160
[item no.
KEIFFERER, Christian, c.1570-1636
Iubilus Bernardi [Ex melitissimo D. Bernhardi iubilio delibatus modisque musicis tribus vocibus]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 4. Stuttgart, 1996. 15 x 19 cm, 3 partbooks, 72 pp. Line-cut of the Dillingen, 1611 edition. 18 sacred songs a3 in mensural notation. Wrappers, with handsome slipcase in marbled paper. $58
[item no.
KELLER, Godrey, b.?-1704
[Trio sonatas, tpt, ob (2 vln), bc; 2 fl, 2 ob (2 vln), bc]
Six Sonatas. The First Three for a Trumpett, Houbois, or Violins, with Doubble Basses. The Other Three for Two Flutes, and Two Houbois, or Two Violins, with Doubble Basses. [British Library, London].
Alston, 2002. 4º, 7 partbooks, c.70 pp. Line-cut of the Roger edition, Amsterdam, 1700. Preface by Peter Holman. Ring binder. $58
[item no.
[Trio sonatas, 2 fl/vln, bc; 2 fl, vln/ob, bc]
8 Sonatas a 3 Pties. Dont 5 sont a 2 flûtes ou violons & 2 basse & 3 a 2 flûte 2 violon ou hautbois & 2 basse le 4me est de la composition de Mr. Robert Orme Ecuyer & les 7 autres de celle de Monsr. Godefroy Keller. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Alston, 2002. 4º, 4 partbooks, c.35 pp. Line-cut of the Roger edition, Amsterdam, 1700. Preface by Peter Holman. Ring binder. $28
[item no.
KERN, Joseph Seraphin, 1700-1779
Hortus Marianus [consistens in selectissimus 24. antiphonis beatissimae mariae virginis, per annum integrum. Nempe 6. Ave regina, 6. Regina coeli, 6. Salve regina, 6. Alma redempt. 4. vocibus. 2. violinis. 1. viola, cum duplici basso continuo. Ad primum salve regina, cum 2. clarinis & tympano. Praeterquam, ad primum Ave regina, primum Regina
coeli, & primum Alma, cum clar. & tymp. ad libitum]. Hals, Johann Anton Pustätt 1746. [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 31. Stuttgart, 2014. 16 x 21 cm, 10 partbooks, 178 pp. Line-cut of the Passau, 1746 partbook edition (Canto/Alto/Tenore/Basso/Violino I/Violino II/Viola/Organo/Clarino/Tympano. 24 Marian settings for choir plus intruments. Kern was Fürstbischöflicher Kammer-Kompositeur in Passau. Wrappers, with portfolio covered in marbled paper. $82
[item no.
KINDERMANN, Johann Erasmus, 1616-1655
Cantiones pathetikai [h.e. Ad memoriam passionis domini nostre Jesus Christi, dei & hominis repraesentandam, ternis 7 quaternis vocibus, etiam cum basso continuo]. Nürnberg / Johannes Friedrich Sartori 1639. [Proske-Bibliothek Regensburg, AR.9].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 85. Stuttgart, 2020. 20 x 33 cm, 4 partbooks, 64 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1639 partbook edition (cantus/altus/tenor/bassus-bassus ad organum). Wonderful collection of 23 dance numbers (all texted) for various string and wind instrumental groupings. Wrappers, with portfolio with marbled boards. $43
[item no.
KIRCHHOFF, Gottfried, 1685-1746
L’A.B.C. Musical. Contenant des preludes et des fugues de tous les tons pour l'orgue, ou le clavecin. Fort utile aux disciples pour aprendre à accompagner de la basse continue et à faire des preludes et des fugues. Faksimile Nachdruck 2004 der Originalausgabe Amsterdam ca. 1734 herausgegeben, kommentiert und Generalbaß realiziert von Anatoly
St. Petersburg, 2004 Oblong, 28 x 21, xxvii, 33, 66 pp. Line-cut of the Witvogel edition, Amsterdam, 1734. An important source for partimento. Kirchhoff provides a single figured bass line, then the performer is expected to expand this into a filled-out prelude and fugue. The importance of this—alongside such works as J.S. Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier—cannot be overstated. The work
was considered lost until a copy was found in the State Conservatory in St. Petersburg. With complete realizations of the basso continuo examples. Commentary in Rus-Ger. Hardbound. $46
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[item no.
KNÖFEL, Johann, fl.1571-1592
Cantus choralis. Musicis numeris quinque vocum inclusus, eo ordine, quo per totum anni curriculum praecipuis diebus festis in ecclesia cantari solet. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].
Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 3. Stuttgart, 1995. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 5 partbooks, 438 pp. Line-cut of the Dietrich Gerlach edition, Nuremberg, 1575. 14 sacred setting for five voices, in mensural notation, arranged by the liturgical calendar. Hardbound, in slipcase. $155
[item no.
Cantus choralis. Musicis numeris quinque vocum inclusus, eo ordine, quo per totum anni curriculum praecipuis diebus festis in ecclesia cantari solet. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].
Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 3. Stuttgart, 1995. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 5 partbooks, 438 pp. Line-cut of the Dietrich Gerlach edition, Nuremberg, 1575. 14 sacred settings for five voices, in mensural notation, arranged by the liturgical calendar. Wrappers. $122
[item no.
Newe teutsche Liedlein [mit fünff Stimmen, welche den mehrern Theil den Brauch diser Welt beschreiben und anzeigen als nemlich von untrew der Leute von vil zusagen und wenig halten von guten worten und falschem her]. Nürnberg, Katharina Gerlach und Johann vom Berg Erben 1581. [Bayerische Staatsbibl., Munich].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 19. Stuttgart, 2000. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 4 partbooks, 280 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1581 edition. 23 settings for five voices, with or without instruments. Hardbound in decorative paper, with matching slipcase. $128
[item no.
KÖNIGSPERGER, Marianus [Johann Erhard], 1708-1769
[Cymbala jubilationis, op.10]
Cymbala jubilationis [sive VI. missae solemniores, unà cum hymno ambrosiano Te deum laudamus, 4. vocibus obligatis, 2. violinis necessariis, alto viola, 2. clarinis, vel cornibus & tympanis ad libitum, ac duplici basso generali. Opus X. [Stadtbibl., Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 7. Stuttgart, 2004. 20 x 32 cm, 11 partbooks, 429 pp. Line-cut of the Ulm, 1747 edition. 6 masses for SATB, 2 tpt/hrn, timp, 2 vln, vla, vc, org/bc. Wrappers with slipcase. $154
[item no.
[Sacrae ruris, op.6]
Sacrae ruris deliciae seu sex missae rurales. [Stadtbibl., Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 5. Stuttgart, 2001. 20 x 32 cm, 11 partbooks, 209 pp. Line-cut of the Ulm, 1744 edition. 6 masses for SATB, 2 tpt/hrn, timp, 2 vln, vc, org/bc. Wrappers with portfolio. $93
[item no.
[Sacrae ruris, op.5]
Sacrae ruris deliciae seu sex missae rurales. [Stadtbibl., Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 8. Stuttgart, 2006. 20 x 32 cm, 11 partbooks, 299 pp. Line-cut of the Ulm, 1743 edition. 4 vesper settings for SATB, 2 tpt, timp, 2 vln, vc, org/bc. Wrappers with slipcase. $134
[item no.
[Threnodia Davidica, op.3]
Threnodia Davidica et Mariana, sue Psalmus miserere, & planctus stabat mater, ille sexies, iste bis in modulos musicos. [Stadtbibl., Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 12. Stuttgart, 2001. 20 x 32 cm, 10 partbooks, c.210 pp. Line-cut of the Ulm, 1743 edition. 6 miserere and 2 stabat mater settings for 4 voices with instrumental accompaniment. Wrappers, with portfolio. $138
[item no.
KRAF, Michael, 1595-1662
Virginis parentis canticum. . . Rohrschach / Johann Schrötter / Canticum deiparae virginis. . . Ravensburg / Johann Schröter 1623. [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 32. Stuttgart, 2014. 16 x 21 cm, 9 partbooks, 718 pp. Line-cut of the Rohrschach (n.d.) and Ravensburg, 1623 partbook edition. (cantus/altus/tenor/bassus/quinta vox/ sexta vox/septima vox/octava vox/bas: contin:). Wrappers, with portfolio covered in marbled paper. $156
[item no.
LASSO, Orlando di, 1532-1594
Fasciculi aliquot [sacraerum cantionum cum quatuor, quinque, sex & octo vocibus, antea quidem separatim excusi, nunc vero auctoris contensu in unum corpus redacti].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 28. Stuttgart, 1997. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 6 partbooks, 888 pp. Line-cut of the Dietrich Gerlach edition, Nuremberg, 1582. Magnificent collection of 85 sacred songs and motets for 4, 5, 6 & 8 voices. Wrappers. $211
[item no.
Teutsche Psalmen. [Geistliche Psalmen mit dreyen Stimmen welche mit alain lieblich zu singen sonder auch auff aller hand art Instrumenten zugebrauchen.] [Archiv, Freiherrn von Fürstenberg Herdringen].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 41. Stuttgart, 2003. Oblong, 19 x 14 cm, 3 partbooks, 150 pp. Line-cut of the A. Berg edition, Munich, 1588. 50 setting a3, suitable for voices or instruments. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $47
[item no.
[Motets a5-6, book 1]
Il primo libro de motetti [a cinque et a sei voci]. Einführung: Horst Leuchtmann. [Staatsbibl. zu Berlin, Musikabteilung].
Facsimile Series, I/B.23. Peer, 1993. Oblong, 8º, 5 partbooks, 16, 154 pp. Line-cut of the Johannes Laet edition, Antwerp, 1556. Lasso dedicated this work–also known as the “Antwerp Motet Book”–to Antoine Perrenot de Granville, Bishop of Arras and Secretary of State of Charles V. Contains 18 motets, some of which were undoubtedly written in Italy, but clearly rewritten in Antwerp.
Wrappers, with slipcover. $40
[item no.
Moduli nondum prius editi monachi boioariae ternis vocibus, ab Orlando Lasso Compositi. RISM L.886. [London, British Library].
[Yellow Book Series, 8]. Højbjerg, 2006. Oblong, 21 x 16 cm, 3 partbooks, 96 pp. Line-cut of the Ballard edition, Paris, 1576. 15 motet settings in partbook format (Superius, Tenor, Bassus) in mensural notation. Contents: Ave regina caelorum, Beati omnes, Cantate Dominio, Christus resurgens, Domine non est, Deus tu scis, Ego sum resurrectio, Exaudi me Domine, Ego sum pauper, Ego
dixi Domine, Exaudi Deus, Haec quae ter triplici, Laetatus sum, O Maria clausus, Sancta & immaculata. Wrappers, with slipcase. $97
[item no.
Newe teütsche Liedlein. [Dressler:] Zehen deudscher Psalmen. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].
Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 5. Stuttgart, 1995. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 5 partbooks, 255 pp. Line-cut of the Adam Berg edition, Munich, 1567. 10 psalm settings a4 and 5 by Dressler and 19 settings on German sacred texts by Lasso. Hardbound with slipcase. $129
[item no.
LEFÈVRE, Jean Xavier, 1763-1829
[Sonatas, clarinet, bass]
Trois grandes sonates pour clarinette et basse, 1793. Présentation par Jean Jeltsch. [Bibl. Nationale, Paris].
Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1998. 24 x 32 cm, 9, 26 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1793 edition. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $24
[item no.
LE MAISTRE, Matthaeus, c.1505-c.1577
Geistliche und weltliche teutsche Geseng. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].
Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 7. Stuttgart, 1996. Oblong, 19 x 14 cm, 5 partbooks, c.600 pp. Line-cut of the J. Schwertel edition, Wittenberg, 1566. 92 pieces for 4, 5, and 6 voices. Hardbound, with slip case. $186
[item no.
LE VAVASSEUR, Nicolas, 16-17th c.
Airs à III. IIII. et V. parties. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 11. Stuttgart, 1996. Oblong, 13 x 9 cm, 5 partbooks, c.325 pp. Line-cut of the Pierre Ballard edition, Paris, 1623. 27 airs for three, four and five parts, suitable for voices or instruments. Wrappers, with handsome slipcase in marbled paper. $78
[item no.
LULLY, Jean-Baptiste, 1632-1687
[Armide, instrumental pieces]
Ouverture chaconne & tous les autres airs à jouer de l’opéra d’Armide [Amsterdam, c.1710]. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 113. New York, [1995]. Oblong, 26 x 19 cm, 4 partbooks, 56 pp. Line-cut Roger Marchand edition, Amsterdam, [1710]. Dessus, second dessus, taille, & basse partbooks. Wrappers. $30
[item no.
[Motets, 2 choirs, strings/winds, bc]
Motets à deux chœurs pour la Chapelle du Roy: Motet dies irae. Partition: copie manuscrite (atelier de Philidor); Parties séparées: édition de Ballard (1684); Livret: édition de Ballard (1703).
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 125. Courlay, 1999. 4º, xlvii, 252 pp. Line-cut of the ms score from the Phildor atelier, the first edition of the instrumental and vocal parts, Paris, 1684 and the printed libretto, Paris, 1703. Preface in Fr-Eng-Ger by Philippe Lescat and Jean Saint-Arroman. Wrappers. $94
[item no.
LUSCINIUS, Othmar, 1487-1537
Musurgia seu praxis musicae (Strassburg: Johann Schott 1536). Kommentar von Martin Kirnbauer.
Faksimile-Edition Theoretica, 7 Suttgart, 2014. Oblong, 20 x 16 cm, 108, xvi pp. Line-cut of the Strasbourg, 1536 edition. Essentially a free translation of Virdung’s Musica getutscht of 1511, preserving the dialogue format and copies of many of the original woodcuts. The translation was made upon the request of a Milanese bookseller who wanted to make Virdung’s treatise available
to his Italian clientele. Besides the Virdung redux it also provides a treatise on mensural notation and polyphonic composition. Hardbound in decorative paper. $48
[item no.
LYTTICH Johann, c.1581-1611
Venus-Glöcklein, oder Newe weltliche Gesänge mit anmuthtigen Melodien und lustigen Texten auff vier und fünff Stimmen. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 1. Stuttgart, 1996. 14 x 19 cm, 5 partbooks, 350 pp. Line-cut of the Johan Weidner edition, Jena, 1610. 20 songs a4 & a5, and 13 instrumental pieces. Mensural notation. Wrappers, with handsome slipcase in marbled paper. $83
[item no.
Venus-Glöcklein, oder Newe weltliche Gesänge mit anmuthtigen Melodien und lustigen Texten auff vier und fünff Stimmen. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 1. Stuttgart, 1996. 14 x 19 cm, 5 partbooks, 350 pp. Line-cut of the Johan Weidner edition, Jena, 1610. 20 songs a4 & a5, and 13 instrumental pieces. Mensural notation. Wrappers. $67
[item no.
MAJER, Joseph Friedrich Bernhard Caspar, 1689-1768
Neu-eröffneter theoretisch- und praktischer Music-Saal, das ist: Kurze, doch vollständige Methode, so wohl die Vocal- als Instrumental-Music gründlich zu erlernen.
Dokumentationen, Reprints, 23. Michaelstein, 1990. Oblong, 21 x 15 cm, 125 pp. Halftone of the Nuremberg, 1741 edition (second, vastly reset edition of Museum Musicum). Fascinating treatment of music theory, including 10 woodcuts of instruments and a glossary of musical terms taken from Greek, Latin, Italian and French. Wrappers. $24
[item no.
MARINI, Biagio, c.1587-1663
[Affetti musicali, winds, strings, bc, op.1]
Affetti musicali nella quale si contiene, symfonie, canzoni, sonate balletti, arie, brandi, gagliarde & corenti à 1.2.3 accomodate da potersi suonar con violini corneti & con ogni sorte de strumenti musicali. Opera prima.
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 7. Florence, 1985. 24 x 34 cm, 4 partbooks, ii, c.60 pp. Line-cut of the Gardano edition, Venice, 1617. 27 pieces in partbook format. Introduction in It by Marcello Castelliani. Wrappers and slipcover in decorative paper. $50
[item no.
MASSAINO, Tiburtio, c.1550-c.1609
[Musica per cantare, op.32]
Musica per cantare con l’organo ad una, due, & tre voci di Tiburtio Massaino. Opera trentesima seconda. [Stadtbibliothek, Augsburg].
Faksimile-Edition Augsburg, 5. Stuttgart, 1998. 14 x 19 cm, 3 partbooks, 121 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1607 edition. 20 works a1, 21 a2, and 11 a3 in mensural notation and partbook format. Wrappers, with handsome portfolio in marbled paper. $54
[item no.
Sacri modulorum concentus, a 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 e 12 voci (Venezia 1592). Edizione critica di Rafaello Monterosso. Introduzione; facsimile; testi letterari-trascrizione in notazione moderna.
Instituta et Monumenta, I/VI. Cremona, 1971. 25 x 35 cm, 182 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1592 edition, together with a new practical edition. $91
[item no.
MATTHESON, Johann, 1681-1764
Das neu-eröffnete Orchestre [oder universelle und gründliche Anleitung, wie ein Galant Homme einen vollkommenen Begriff von der Hoheit und Würde der edlen Musik erlangen, seinen Gout darnach formiren, die Terminos technicos verstehen und geschicklich von dieser vortrefflichen Wissenschaft raisonnieren möge]. [Niedersächsische Landesbibl.,
Hildesheim, 3/ 2002 9 x 15 cm, 364 pp. Line-cut of the Hamburg, 1713 edition. Linen. $93
[item no.
MEGERLE, Abraham, 1607-1680
Speculum Musico-Mortuale [Das ist: Musicalischer-Todtenspiegel], 1672. [Staatliche Bibliothek, Regenburg].
Faksimile-Edition Theoretica, 3 Suttgart, 2008. 11 x 17cm, 54 pp. Line-cut of the Salzburg, 1672 edition. Megerle was from Innsbruck and was once a choirboy under Stadlmayer, later a treble singer and organist with the court music ensemble at Innsbruck. Speculum Musico-Mortuale contains a few pages of autobiography but its extraordinary content are mainly its 12 engravings showing
a human skull in the center, surrounded emblematic symbols and beautiful depictions of musical instruments (almost 50 in all). Hardbound in decorative paper. $29
[item no.
MEILAND, Jacob, 1542-1577
Cantiones aliquot [novae, quas vulgo motetas vocant, quinque vocibus summo studio compositae: quibus adiuncta sunt officia duo]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 17. Stuttgart, 1997. Oblong, 20 x 17 cm, 5 partbooks, 240 pp. Line-cut of the Frankfurt, 1576 edition. 21 motet settings a5. Hardbound in vellum paper, with matching slipcase. $129
[item no.
Cantiones aliquot [novae, quas vulgo motetas vocant, quinque vocibus summo studio compositae: quibus adiuncta sunt officia duo]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 17. Stuttgart, 1997. Oblong, 20 x 17 cm, 5 partbooks, 240 pp. Line-cut of the Frankfurt, 1576 edition. 21 motet settings a5. Wrappers. $99
[item no.
MERSENNE, Marin, 1588-1648
Harmonicorum libri XII. In quibus agitur de sonorum natura, causis, et effectibus: de consonantiis, dissonantiis, rationibus, generibus, modis, cantibus, compositione, orbisque totius harmonicis instrumentis.
Geneva, 1973. 22 x 30 cm, 367 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1648 edition. Complements the Harmonie universelle. The copy used for this facsimile includes many manuscript notes and corrections in the author’s hand. Hardbound.
[item no.
METZGER, Ambrosius, 1573-1632
Venusblümlein [erster Theil neuer lustiger Liedlein mit vier Stimmen welche nicht allein lieblich zu singen sondern auch auff hand Instrumentis artlich zu gebrauchen]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 16. Stuttgart, 1997. 14 x 20 cm, 4 partbooks, 128 pp. Line-cut of the G.L. Fuhrmann edition, Nuremberg, 1611. 25 secular settings a4. Hardbound in vellum paper, with matching slipcase. $68
[item no.
Venusblümlein [erster Theil neuer lustiger Liedlein mit vier Stimmen welche nicht allein lieblich zu singen sondern auch auff hand Instrumentis artlich zu gebrauchen]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 16. Stuttgart, 1997. 14 x 20 cm, 4 partbooks, 128 pp. Line-cut of the G.L. Fuhrmann edition, Nuremberg, 1611. 25 secular settings a4. Wrappers. $50
[item no.
MODERNE, Jacques, fl.1523-1544 [publisher]
[Motets, a5 & a6]
Tertius liber mottetorum ad quinque e sex voces. Lyon, Moderne. RISM 1538(2).
Faksimile-Editionen Psalmen und Motetten, 2. Stuttgart, 2002. Oblong, 25 x 18 cm, 4 partbooks, c.224 pp. Line-cut of the Lyon, 1538 edition. Collection of 26 vocal (or instrumental) motets by Gombert, Archadelt, Verdelot and their contemporaries. Hardbound with decorative paper and matching slipcase. $124
[item no.
Musicque de joye. Lyon. Introduction: Samuel F. Pogue. [Universitätsbibl., München].
Facsimile Series, I/B.21. Peer, 1991. Oblong, 22 x 16 cm, 4 partbooks: xiii, 160 pp. Line-cut of the Lyon, 1550 edition. A reworked and enlarged edition of Musica nova, 1540 (to the 21 four-part ricercars, 29 French dances were added). For “violons a fleutes” and “espinets”. Includes 13 keyboard works of Da Modena, as well as works by Parabosco, Cavazzoni, Willaert, Coste, Benoist
and others. Wrappers. $36
[item no.
MOLTER, Johann Melchoir, 1696-1765
Concerto No. 2 for D Trumpet, Strings and Continuo. Facsimile Score. Edited by Stephen L. Glover and John F. Sawyer. [Ms. Badische Landesbibl. Karlsruhe].
Blair Academy Series. Nashville, 1972. ii, 8 pp. Line-cut of a contemporary ms copy. Wrappers. $8
[item no.
MORALES, Cristóbal, 1500-1553
Magnificat omnitonum cum quatuor vocibus. RISM 1562(1)/M3597. [Brussels, Konikklijke Bibliotheek].
[Yellow Book Series, 11]. Højbjerg, 2015. 28 x 41 cm, 128 pp. Line-cut of the Antonio Gardano edition, Venice, 1562. 16 settings (mostly a4) by Morales, with additional works by Carpentras (2), Iachet (1), and Richafort (1), beautifully and clearly printed in choirbook format. Wrappers $120
(more info... )
[item no.
MORLEY, Thomas, 1557-1602
[Canzonets, a2]
The First Booke of Canzonets to Two Voyces.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 39. New York, [1988]. 4º, 2 partbooks, c.60 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1595 edition. 11 duos (with texts) for cantus and tenor. Also contains 9 instrumental fantasies. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
[Canzonets, a3]
Canzonets or Little Short Songs to Three Voyces. Library of Congress & Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 93. New York, [1990]. 18 x 25 cm, 3 partbooks, c.132 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1593 edition. 20 canzonets for cantus, altus & bass. Wrappers. $35
[item no.
Madrigales. The Triumphes of Oriana, to 5. and 6. Voices: Composed by Divers Severall Authors. Newly Published by Thomas Morley.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 63. New York, [1992]. 18 x 24 cm, 6 partbooks, c.150 pp. Line-cut of the Thomas Este edition, London, 1601. Wonderful anthology of works by Bennet, Carlton, Cavendish, Cobbold, Farmer, Gibbons, Hilton, Holmes, Hunt, Johnson, Jones, Kirbye, Lisley, Marson, Milton, Morley, Mundy, Nicholson, Norcombe, Tomkins, Weelkes and Wilbye. Wrappers. $45
[item no.
MOURET, Jean-Joseph, 1682-1738
[Fanfares, winds/strings]
Fanfares pour des trompettes timbales violons et hautbois avec une suitte de simphonies melées de cors de chasse. Livre second. [Bibl. Nationale, Paris].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 109. New York, [1993]. 4º, 23 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1729 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Fanfares, winds/strings]
Fanfares pour des trompettes, timbales, violons et hautbois avec une suite de symphonies melées de cors de chasse — livre second.
Collection FacsiMusic. Courlay, 2007. 21 x 30 cm, 28 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1729 edition. Wrappers. $12
[item no.
MOUTON, Jean, c.1459-1522
[Masses, 4 voices]
Missae Ioannis Mouton [Liber primus]. Fossombrone / Ottaviiano Petrucci 1515. [Library of Congress, Washington DC].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 102. Stuttgart, 2022. Oblong, 24 x 16 cm. 4 partbooks, 128 pp. Line-cut of the 1515 Petrucci edition. Five masses in partbook format (Superius, Altus, Tenor, Bassus). Contents: Missa Comme, Missa Alleluya, Missa Alma redemptoris, Missa Itez alia sine nomine, & Missa Regina mearum. Wrappers with portfolio covered with decorative paper and tie strings. $57
[item no.
MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791
Concerto for Horn and Orchestra in E-flat Major, K.370b + 371. Edited and with a Foreword by John B. Howard. Introductory Essays by Christoph Wolff and Robert D. Levin.
Cambridge, 1997. Oblong, 4º, 68 pp. 4-color halftone. This fascinating work, possibly commissioned for the Viennese hornist Jacob Eisen, is one of a number of incomplete concerti left by Mozart and one that suffered an unfortunate circumstance. In 1856, for the centennial of Mozart's birth, the composer's eldest son, Carl, decided to cut up and give away portions of the autograph
(first movement) as souvenirs to several admirers of his father's music. Now, 150 years after Carl's strange celebration, eight of a total of nine fragments are preserved in seven libraries, six in Europe and one in the US. This facsimile offers two important reunifications of the concerto's parts. The first one, assembles and reproduces the scattered autograph fragments of the
first movement (K.370b), producing an uninterrupted draft score of its first 131 measures. For the second reunification we have to be thankful to Mr. Robert Owen Lehman who has made it possible to present the autograph score of the second movement (”Concert Rondeau” K.371) in its entirety. The MS lacked a bifolio that reappeared in 1988. Mr. Lehman, who owns K.371, acquired this
bifolio, miraculously completing, after nearly two centuries, this score. These extraordinary events make this publication an invaluable contribution to Mozart studies and highlight one the prime purposes and advantages of the facsimile edition: to have at one's disposal, and side by side, primary sources located thousands of miles apart. Limited edition of 400 copies. Cloth.
Special sale price $50, regularly $125
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[item no.
[Masonic Funeral Music, K.477]
L’autografo della musica funebre massonica KV 477 (479a) della Musikabteilung della Staatsbibliothek (Preußischer Kulturbesitz) di Berlino. Das Autograph der “Maurerische Trauermusik KV 477 (479a) der Musikabteilung der Staatsbibliothek (Preußischer Kulturbesitz) von Berlin. Edizione in facsimile a cura di Giacomo Fornari.
Lucca, 2006. Color facsimile of the autograph issued on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the composer’s birth. Composed around November 1785, and scored for strings, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 horns & basset horn, Masonic Funeral Music was written for the Masonic Lodge “Zur gekrönten Hoffnung” in Vienna, and was dedicated to the memory of Esterházy, a fallen brother. The
composer’s autograph includes the characteristic Mason symbol (a square and compass); the “corno di bassetto” (basset horn) has special significance in the mason tradition. (in preparation)
[item no.
[Quintet, piano & winds K.452]
Quintette pour piano, hautbois, clarinette, cor et basson, K.452. Manuscrit autographe 1784, Esquisses et fragments (manuscrits autographes). Présentation par Michel Giboureau.
Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1999. Oblong, 4º, xxvi, 9 + 32 pp. Line-cut of the autograph score and sketch (Ms. 221 & 250, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris) and autograph fragment (Ms. Fot. 2449, Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin). Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $43
(more info... )
[item no.
[Serenade, winds, K.361, Bb major]
Gran Partita, K.361 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. A Facsimile of the Holograph in the Whittall Foundation Collection. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Chicago, 2008. Oblong, 35 x 27 cm, 11, 98 pp. “Reissue” of Library of Congress 1976 facsimile edition using new full-color digital photography. The autograph score dates from c.1780. Known as the “Great Wind Serenade” or “Serenade for 13 Wind Instruments”, this brilliant 7-movement piece is Mozart’s first major work composed in Vienna. Scored for 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 basset
horns, 2 pairs of horns, 2 bassoons and a contrabass, Mozart exploits all the possible mixtures of sonorities—no instrument is treated in true concertante fashion, but rather each instrument strives to distinguish itself, true to it own character. The beautifully crafted serenade—intimate, cheerful, witty and symphonic in style—was obviously written to impress and “open doors” in
the composer’s new city. New (second) introduction by Richard Floyd. Handsome two-tone cloth binding. $95
(more info... )
[item no.
Skizzen und Entwürfe herausgegeben von Ulrich Konrad.
Supplement zur Neuen Mozart Ausgabe, X/30/3. Kassel, 1997. Oblong, 4º, 192, c.145 pp. A rare opportunity to enter the “workshop” of Mozart. Virtually every sketch and draft that has survived—192 pages—has been assembled and collated in chronological order for this superb facsimile edition reproduced in full color. Like Band 44 of the Bachgesellschaft edition which contained only
reproductions of Bach manuscripts, this publication marks the culmination of the Neue Mozart Edition. The facsimiles are accompanied by careful transcriptions and critical commentary (Ger), making them accessible to both layman and specialist. Deluxe edition with clamshell case covered in burgundy linen and titles in gold lettering. An indispensable resource for any Mozart
enthusiast. $395
(more info... )
[item no.
MÜNSTER, Joseph Joachim Benedict, 1694-c.1751
[Concerti, 2 tpt, timp, 2 vlns, vc, org, bc, op.5]
Solsequium obsequii seu XII. concertationes brevis ac faciles. [Stadtbibl., Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 10. Stuttgart, 2000. 20 x 32 cm, 7 partbooks, 117 pp. Line-cut of the Ulm, 1744 edition. 12 concerti for two trumpets/horns, timpani, 2 violins, violoncello, organ/bc. Wrappers with portfolio. $74
[item no.
NEUMARK, Georg, 1621-1681
Poetisch und Musikalisches Lustwäldchen [In welches erster Abtheilung abgesonderliche geist- und weltliche wie auch keusche Ehren- und Liebeslieder mit beygefügten Melodien nach itziger neuen Ahrt. In der andern aber unterschiedliche ganze Gedichte, Hochzeits, Traut-Glückwünschungs und Lobschriften. Und in der dritten allerhand kurze Sinnlehr
und Wehtsprüche etc. so wol geist- als weltliche enthalten sind]. [Stadtbibl. Leipzig].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 53. Stuttgart, 2005. 8 x 13 cm, 228 pp. Line-cut of Hamburg, 1652 edition. Includes 29 songs and several pairs of dances for 3 tpt/vln, alto trb, 2 tenor tbn, bc. Hardbound in decorative paper. $46
[item no.
NOLA, Giovanni Domenico da, c.1510-1592
[Villanelle, a3 & a4, book 1]
Il primo libro delle villanelle alla napolitana, à tre et à quattro voci, RISM 1570(27). [Bayerische Staatsbibl., Munich].
[Yellow Book Series, 2]. Højbjerg, 198?. 11 x 15 cm, 3 partbooks, c.120 pp. Line-cut of the Girolamo Scotto edition, Venice, 1570. Contains 29 simple Italian pieces, many in AABCC form, for 3 and 4 voices. Wrappers, with slipcover. $44
[item no.
ORTIZ, Diego, c.1510-c.1570
[Treatise, ornamentation]
El primo libro nel quale si tratta delle glose sopra le cadenze et altre sorte de punti in la musica del violone.
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 57. Florence, 1984. Oblong, 24 x 17 cm, vi, 121 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1553 edition. Rules on ornamentation with examples in mensural notation. Divided into two books, part I for the performer of consort music for viols; part II presents several different kinds of compositions for one viol and cimbalo. Total of 29 works. Introduction
by Marco Di Pasquale. Wrappers. $43
(more info... )
[item no.
OTHMAYR, Caspar, 1515-1553 [compiler]
Bicina sacra. [Schöne geistliche Lieder unnd Psalmen mit zwo Stimmen lieblich zu singen]. Gestelt durch Caspar Orthmayr. Nürnberg/ Berg und Neuber. [Ratsschulebibliothek, Zwickau].
Faksimile-Edition Zwickau, 7. Stuttgart, 2009. Oblong, 18 x 15 cm, 2 partbooks, 136 pp. Line-cut of the Berg & Neuber edition, Nuremberg, 1547. Wonderful collection 32 duets for instruments or voices. Hardbound in decorative paper, matching portfolio. $64
[item no.
Symbola, illustrissimorum principum, nobilium, aliorumque doctrina, ac virtutum ornamentis praestantium virorum, musicis numeris explicata. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].
Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 4. Stuttgart, 1995. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 5 partbooks, 358 pp. Line-cut of the Montanus & Neuber edition, Nuremberg, 1547. 34 motets a5 featuring texts with heraldic mottoes, or symbola, of illustrious men of the day, the publisher among them. Hardbound, in slipcase. $164
[item no.
Symbola, illustrissimorum principum, nobilium, aliorumque doctrina, ac virtutum ornamentis praestantium virorum, musicis numeris explicata. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].
Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 4. Stuttgart, 1995. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 5 partbooks, 358 pp. Line-cut of the Montanus & Neuber edition, Nuremberg, 1547. 34 motets a5 featuring texts with heraldic mottoes, or symbola, of illustrious men of the day, the publisher among them. Wrappers. $139
[item no.
OTT, Hans, b.?-1546 [compiler]
[Lieder, 4-5 voices, 1534]
Der erst Teil: Hundert ainund zweintzig newe Lieder... Nürnberg/Formschneider 1534. [Ratsschulebibliothek, Zwickau].
Faksimile-Edition Zwickau, 3. Stuttgart, 2006. Oblong, 15 x 9 cm, 5 partbooks, c.936 pp. Line-cut of the Formschneider edition, Nuremberg, 1534. A wonderful collection devoted mainly to German secular songs, and a primary source for the music of Ludwig Senfl. Hardbound in decorative paper, matching slipcase. $174
[item no.
[Lieder, 4-6 voices, 1544]
Hundert und fünfftzehen guter newer Liedlein [mit vier, fünff, sechs Stimmen, vor nie im cruck außgangen. Deutsch, Französisch, welsch und Lateinisch lustig zu singen und auff die Instrument dienstlich von den berhümbtesten diser Kunst gemacht]. RISM 1544(20). [SPKB, Berlin].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 28. Stuttgart, 2000. Oblong, 18 x 14 cm, 4 partbooks, c.750 pp. Line-cut of Nuremberg, 1544 edition. Wonderful anthology of German secular songs by Isaac, Senfl, Stoltzer. Müller & others. Hardbound in decorative paper, with matching slipcase. $229
[item no.
PESORI, Stefano, c.1613-d.?
[Lo scrigno armonico, winds, strings, harpsichord, bc, op.2]
Lo scrigno armonico. Opera seconda. Ove si rinchiudono vaghissime danze, & ariette al modo italiano, spagnolo, e francese, per suonare in concerto con basso, violino, manacordo, & altri instromenti.
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 65. Florence, 1986. 34 x 24 cm, 60 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers in decorative paper. $31
[item no.
PETREIUS, Johann, 1497-1550 [publisher]
Guter seltzamer und künstreicher teutscher Gesang [sonderlich ettliche künstliche Quodlibet, Schlacht und der gleichen mit vier oder fünff Stimmen biß her im Truck nicht gesehen]. [Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 5. Stuttgart, 1997. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 4 partbooks, c.610 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1544 edition. 25 settings a4, for voices with or without instruments. Hardbound in vegetable vellum, with matching slipcase. $174
[item no.
PETRUCCI, Ottaviano, 1466-1539 [publisher]
Canti B numero cinquanta. A Facsimile of the Venice, 1501/2 Edition. [Unique copy, Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/23. New York, 1975. Oblong, 26 x 17 cm, 111 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1501/2 edition. Continuation of Harmonice musices odhecaton A. Laid paper, handsomely bound in white linen.
[item no.
Canti C numero cento cinquanta. A Facsimile of the Venice, 1503/4 Edition. [Copy, Österreichische Nationalbibl., Vienna].
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/25. New York, 1978. Oblong, 26 x 17 cm, 334 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1503/4 edition. Continuation of Odhecaton A and Canti B. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
Frottole Libro secondo. Venedig Ottaviano Petrucci 1507 / Frottole libro tertio Venedig Ottaviano Petrucci 1507. [Bischöfliche Bibliothek, Regensburg].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 78. Stuttgart, 2018. Oblong, 24 x 17 cm, 111; 127 pp. Line-cut of Petrucci’s 2nd vand 3rd books of frottole both published in Venice, 1507. Comprising 53 & 61 frottole respectively—the word means “trifles” or “unimportant things”—these two books are a repetorial goldmine, with composers such as Rossinus Mantuanus (R.M.), Francesco d’Ana, Nicolo Patavino,
Cara, Tromboncino, Pesenti, Honophrius Antenoreus, Peregrinus Cesena, Antonius Rossetus, and others. Notated in quasi score format (if frottola fits on single page) or choirbook format (if spread over an opening). Hardbound, in decorative paper. $88
[item no.
Harmonice musices odhecaton A. Introduzione di / Introduction by Iain Fenlon. [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/95. Bologna, 2003 Oblong, 26 x 17 cm, xxviii, 210 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1501 edition. Contains the earliest part-music printed from type, and produced by a triple impression process (staves, then text, then music); it is also the earliest instance of a complete volume of part-music. Includes works by the most important composers of the day:
Issac, Ockeghem, Obrecht, Josquin, Hayne, de la Rue, Compère, Tinctoris, Agricola, and others. Introduction in It-Eng. Wrappers.
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[item no.
Harmonice musices odhecaton A. Edited by Stanley Boorman and Ellen S. Beebe. Introduction by Stanley Boorman. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Critical Facsimiles, 7. New York, 2001. Oblong, 26 x 17 cm, xvii, 234 pp. Line-cut of the third edition, Venice, 1504. “Corrected” facsimile edition reflecting the views of the editors. With critical apparatus listing all errors and inconsistencies. Laid paper, wrappers. (Special sale price eff. 7/15/23: $15) $45
[item no.
Lamentationum Jeremie... liber primus und secundus. Venezia, O. Petrucci 1506. [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 45. Stuttgart, 2004. Oblong, 24 x 17 cm, 204 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1506/1506 edition. Two books of lamentations settings a4, notated in choirbook format, by Agricola, Tinctoris, Bernhard Ycart, Marbrianus de Orto, Johannes de Quadris, Tromboncino, Gaspar, Francesco d’Ana, Erasmus Lapicida and others. Hardbound, in decorative paper. $64
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[item no.
Laude libro primo, Venezia 1508. Ristampa Anastatica, presentazione di Giulio Cattin e introduzione di Francesco Luisi.
Serie VII, A: Ottaviano Petrucci, 1. Venice, 2001. Oblong, 28 x 17 cm, 83, 130 pp. Halftone reproduction of the Venice, 1508 edition, from the copy preserved at the Biblioteca Capitolare Colombina, Seville. The only anthology of lauda (66) published by Petrucci devoted to a single composer—Innocentius Dammonis, a prior of San Salvador in Venice. This is the "second" edition (the
1506 “first” edition survives incomplete). Introduction in It-Sp-Eng. Hardbound. $100
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[item no.
Laude libro secondo (Venezia, O. Petrucci, 1507). RISM 1508(3). [Biblioteca Colombina, Seville].
[Yellow Book Series, 7]. Højbjerg, 2006. Oblong, 23 x 16 cm, 112 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1507 edition. Contains 60 setting for 3 and 4 voices by Bartolomeo Tromboncino and his contemporaries. Wrappers. $58
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[item no.
[Masses, 1504, 1503]
Alexander Agricola: Misse. Venezia, Petrucci 1504 / Pierre de la Rue: Misse. Venezia 1503. [Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Krakow].
Faksimile-Edition Krakau, [12]. Stuttgart, 2007. Oblong, 23 x 18 cm, 4 partbooks, 192 pp. Line-cut of 2 Petrucci mass volumes, respectively by Agricola (1504) and de la Rue (1503). Contents: Misse Alexandri Agricole—Le serviteur, Je ne demande, Mal heur me bat, Primi toni, Secundi toni; Misse Petri de la Rue—De beata virgine, Puer natus, Sexti ut fa, Lomme arme, Nunquam fue pena
maior. Hardbound, in decorative paper, with matching slipcase. $158
[item no.
Motetti A, numero trentatre. Petrucci, Venezia 1502. [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 44. Stuttgart, 2004. Oblong, 24 x 17 cm, 112, 22 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1502 edition. Motets a4, choirbook format, by Josquin, Compere, Agricola, Brumel and their contemporaries. In this particular Petrucci print from the CMBM four additional pieces were added in manuscript in 1850. Hardbound, in decorative paper. $62
[item no.
Motetti de passione de cruce de sacramento de beato virgine et huiusmodi. B (Venezia, O. Petrucci, 1503. RISM 1503(1). [British Library, London].
[Yellow Book Series, 6]. Højbjerg, 2006. Oblong, 23 x 16 cm, 144 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1503 edition. Contains 30 motet settings by Josquin and his contemporaries. Wrappers. $72
[item no.
Motetti libro quarto (Venezia, O. Petrucci, 1505). RISM 1505(2). [Wolfenbüttel, Herzog-August Bibliothek].
[Yellow Book Series, 10]. Højbjerg, 2011. Oblong, 23 x 16 cm, 4 partbooks, 256 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1505 edition. Contains 55 settings (counting separate movements) for 4 voices by Josquin, Brumel, Obrecht, Mouton and their contemporaries. Wrappers, with slipcase. $130
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[item no.
Strambotti, ode, frottole, sonetti, et modo de cantar versi latini e capituli. Libro quarto. RISM 1507(2).
[Yellow Book Series, 3]. Højbjerg, 1991. Oblong, 23 x 16 cm, 112 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1507 edition. Includes 91 Italian secular songs in four parts; choirbook format with mensural notation. Wrappers. $44
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[item no.
PFENDNER, Heinrich, c. 1590–1630
Motectorum liber secundus. Würzburg / Johann Volmar 1623. [Bischöfliche Zentralbibliothek Regensburg].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 101. Stuttgart, 2022. 16 x 21 cm. 5 partbooks, 206 pp. Line-cut of the Volmar, 1623 edition. 19 motet settings in partbook format (Cantus, Altus, Tenor, Bassus, Partitura)—the use of the word “partitura” instead of “basso continuo” is an interesting departure. The distribution/scoring of the motets: 1 a2, 2 a3, 3 a4, 1 a5, 1 a6, 11 a8. Wrappers with
portfolio covered with decorative paper and tie strings. $65
[item no.
PHALÈSE, Pierre, c.1510-1574 [publisher]
Liber primus leviorum carminum. Premier livre de danseries. Löwen, P. Phalèse und Antwerpen, J. Bellère 1571. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].
Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 2. Stuttgart, 1995. Oblong, 19 x 15 cm, 4 partbooks, 438 pp. Line-cut of the Louvain, 1571 edition. Liber primus leviorum carminum—or “first book of easy songs”—consists of 103 dances a4 intended for all instruments. Mostly by Jean d’Estrée, the works include pavane-galliard pairs, allemandes and numerous branles, all written in mensural notation
in partbook format. Hardbound in vegetable vellum. Slipcase. $126
[item no.
PICCHI, Giovanni, 1572-1643
[Canzoni, winds, strings, bc, part 1]
Canzoni da sonar con ogni sorte d’istromenti. Prima parte. Venezia 1625.
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 24. Florence, 1979. 17 x 24 cm, 9 partbooks, vi, c.240 pp. Line-cut of the A. Vincenti edition, Venice, 1625. Consists of 19 canzons and sonatas for 2, 3, 4, 6, & 8 instruments (vln, fl, bsn, trb, cornetti, etc). Introduction in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers. $57
[item no.
PIERRE, Constant, 1855-1918
Les facteurs d’instruments de musique. Les luthiers et la facture instrumentale. Précis historique.
Geneva, 1971. 8º, 460 pp. Line-cut of Paris, 1893 edition. Treats French musical instrument makers, covering the period from the 15th to the 19th century. Wrappers. $61
[item no.
POULENC, Francis, 1899-1963
Cocardes. Chanson populaire sur le poëme de Jean Cocteau: I. Miel de Narbonne; II. Bonne d’enfant; III. Enfant de troupe (1919). Introduction-Inleiding: Catherine Miller.
Fontes Musicae Bibliothecae Regiae Belgicae, I/VII. Brussels, 2000. 27 x 35 cm, xii, 14 pp. Halftone of the autograph. Version for violin, cornet, trombone, bass drum & triangle. Wrappers. $24
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[item no.
PRAETORIUS, Michael, 1571-1621
Cantiones sacrae [de festis praecipuis totius anni, & 11. vocum]. Ohr, Hamburg 1607. [Stadtbibliothek Augsburg].
Faksimile-Edition Augsburg, 7. Stuttgart, 2000. 15 x 21 cm, 8 partbooks, c.700 pp. Line-cut of the Hamburg, 1607 edition. 47 compositions for 5 to 12 voices, with or without instruments. Hardbound in marbled paper, with matching slipcase. $269
[item no.
Syntagma musicum: Band II, De Organographia. Wolfenbüttel 1619. Faksimile-Nachdruck herausgegeben von Wilibald Gurlitt.
Kassel, 1929 17 x 24 cm, 311, iv pp. Line-cut. This volume, in German, describes the instruments known to the author and includes beautiful woodcut illustrations of them. Hardbound. $95
[item no.
Syntagma musicum: Band II, De Organographia. Wolfenbüttel 1619. Faksimile-Nachdruck herausgegeben von Wilibald Gurlitt.
Documenta Musicologica, I/14. Kassel, 6/ 1985. 17 x 24 cm, 311, iv pp. Line-cut. This volume, in German, describes the instruments known to the author and includes beautiful woodcut illustrations of them. Hardbound. $87
[item no.
Syntagma musicum: Musicae artis analecta / De Organographia / Termini musici. Reprint der Originalausgaben von 1614-15 und 1619. Herausgeben von Arno Forchert.
Kassel, 2001. 8º, 3 vols, 1153 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $95
[item no.
PRANZER, Joseph, 17-19th c.
[Duos, 2 clarinets]
Trois duos concertants pour deux clarinettes.
Collection FacsiMusic. Courlay, 2007. 21 x 29 cm, 32 pp. Line-cut of the Winnen edition, Paris, n.d. Wrappers. $13
[item no.
RAMEAU, Jean-Philippe, 1683-1764
Les Indes galantes. Ballet réduit à quatre grands concerts. 1735-1736. Présentation par Pascal Duc. [Bibl. Municipale, Lyon].
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 166. Courlay, 2005. Oblong, 31 x 23 cm, xxxi, 230 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1735-1736 edition (short score). Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $93
[item no.
Les Indes galantes. Paris. [Bibliothèque d’étude et de conservation Besançon].
Faksimile-Edition Kammermusik des Barock, 5. Stuttgart, 2015. Oblong, 31 x 23 cm, 226 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1735-1736 edition (short score). Hardbound, with boards in decorative paper. $83
[item no.
RAVENSCROFT, Thomas, c.1590-c.1633
Deuteromelia: or the Second Part of Musicks Melodie, or Melodius Musicke, of Pleasant Roundelaies, K.H. Mirth, or Freemens Songs, and Such Delightfull Catches. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 227. New York, [1998]. 17 x 24 cm, 46 pp. Line-cut of the William Adams edition, London, 1609. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
Melismata. Musicall Phansies, fitting the Court, Citie, and Countrey Humours, to 3.4. and 5. Voyces. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 228. New York, [1998]. 17 x 24 cm, 45 pp. Line-cut of the William Stanley edition, London, 1611. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
Pammelia. Musicks Miscellanie, or, Mixed Varietie of Pleasant Boundelayes, and delightfull Catches, of Parts in one. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 226. New York, [1998]. 17 x 24 cm, 55 pp. Line-cut of the William Barley edition, London, 1609. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
REBEL, Jean-Féry, 1666-1747
Les caractères de la dance. Fantaisie (1715). Grand chœur / Petit chœur. Neuausgabe. Faksimile der Pisendel-Abschrift. Faksimile Erstdruck. Neuauflage 1727/1733. Herausgegeben von Stefan Fuchs.
Magdeburger Faksimile Offizin. Magdeburg, 2007. 4º, 41 pp. Facsimile of Pisendel’s manuscript copy, plus the first edition (Le Clerc, 1727/1733), together with a new practical edition of the score. This fantasie, from 1715, is considered one of the great monuments of Baroque dance music (even performed by Handel in London), and can be performed ”petit choeur” (i.e. as a trio
sonata) or “grand choeur” with extra inner voices. Wrappers. $46
[item no.
Les caractères de la danse, 1715 / La Terpsichore, 1720. Présentation: Dona Borel, CeFEdeM Île-de-France.
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 206. Courlay, 2012. 22 x 30 cm, x, 16 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1715 & 1720 editions. Preface in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $35
[item no.
Les éléments. Simphonie nouvelle. Neuausgabe. Faksimile der Pisendel-Abschrift. Herausgegeben von Stefan Fuchs.
Magdeburger Faksimile Offizin. Magdeburg, 2005. 4º. Facsimile of the of Paris, 1737 edition, together with modern edition. Wrappers. $56
[item no.
Fantaisie, 1729; Les plaisirs champêtres, 1734; [Les parodies nouvelles, et les vaudevilles inconnus, 1730]. Présentation par Catherine Cessac. [Nederlands Muziek Instituut, The Hague; Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris].
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 191. Courlay, 2006. 24 x 33 cm, vii, 26 pp. Line-cut of the 1729, 1734 & 1730 editions. The Fantaisie is also known as Pas de trois, with string/wind accompaniment. Les plaisirs champêtres is for 2 female and 4 male dancers (pas de six), with string/wind accompaniment. Preface in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $23
[item no.
REGNART, Jakob, c.1540-1599
Newe kurtzweilige teutsche Lieder / Deutsche Lieder und Motteten, Ms. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm, sign. misc. 122].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 29. Stuttgart, 1997. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 5 partbooks, c.390 pp. Line-cut of two editions, one printed by Gerlach (Nuremberg, 1580), and the other a contemporary manuscript, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm, sign. misc. 122. Contains 16 settings a5 from the printed collection, plus 29 settings a4 and 4 a5 from the manuscript source. Hardbound in vellum
paper, with matching slipcase. $152
[item no.
RHAU Georg, 1488-1548 [publisher]
[Officiorum de nativitate, etc.]
Cantiones selectissimae quatuor vocum / [Rhau:] Officiorum (ut vocant) de nativitate. Tomus primus / [Rhau:] Postremum vespertini officii opus... Magnificat octo modorum seu tonorum numero XXV.
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 44. Stuttgart, 1997. Oblong, 19 x 15 cm, 4 partbooks, c.580 pp. Line-cut of two Rhau publications (1545 & 1544), together with one by Ulhard (1549). The Ulhard print contains 11 motets by Clemens non papa and the Rhau anthologies include works by Stoltzer, Reneri, Senfl, Gallicus, and Isaac. Hardbound, with slipcase. $162
[item no.
Sacrorum hymnorum liber primus. Wittenberg. G. Rhaw, 1542. RISM 1542(12). [Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek].
[Yellow Book Series, 9]. Højbjerg, 2009. Oblong, 21 x 15 cm, 4 partbooks, 602 pp. Line-cut of the Wittemberg, 1542 edition. Major collection of polyphonic settings of Latin hymns for 4-6 voices. The preface is dedicated to the mayor and council of Joachimstal, and credits Mathesius as having proposed and encouraged the work. Thomas Stoltzer is represent by 39 works. Wrappers, in
slipcase. $158
[item no.
Sacrarum hymnorum liber primus. Wittenberg/ Georg Rhau 1542. RISM 1542(12). [Ratsschulebibliothek, Zwickau].
Faksimile-Edition Zwickau, 6. Stuttgart, 2012. Oblong, 19 x 15 cm, 4 partbooks, 550 pp. Line-cut of the Wittemberg, 1542 edition. Major collection of polyphonic settings of Latin hymns for 4-6 voices. The preface is dedicated to the mayor and council of Joachimstal, and credits Mathesius as having proposed and encouraged the work. Thomas Stoltzer is represent by 39 works. Hardbound
in decorative paper, with matching slipcase. $164
[item no.
Selectae harmoniae quatuor vocum de passione domini. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn].
Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 8. Stuttgart, 1996. Oblong, 19 x 15 cm, 4 partbooks, 352 pp. Line-cut of the Wittenberg, 1538. 18 works a4 by Compere, Isaac, Senfel and others. Hardbound, with slipcase. $149
[item no.
Tricinia tum veterum tum recentiorum in arte musica symphonistarum, Latina, Germanica, Brabantica & Gallica, ante hac typis nunct. excusa, observato in disponendo tonorum ordine, quo utentibus sint accommodatiora. RISM 1542(8).
[Yellow Book Series, 4]. Højbjerg, 1991. Oblong, 21 x 15 cm, 3 partbooks, 384 pp. Line-cut of the Wittemberg, 1542 edition. Contains 90 three-part motets and secular pieces by many different composers. Texts are in Latin, French, German and Dutch. Wrappers. $124
[item no.
RIGHINI, Vincenzo, 1756-1812
[Concerto, fl, 2 vln, 2 ob, 2 bsn, 2 hns, vla, bc, G maj.]
Concerto in sol maggiore a flauto obbligato, violino 1º e 2º, oboe 1º e 2º, fagotto 1º e 2º, corno 1º e 2º, viola e basso. Ms. Copenhagen [e Augsburg].
Archivum Musicum: Flauto Traversiere, 29. Florence, 1995. Oblong & upright, 32 x 24 cm, 2 vols, v, 104 + 21 pp. Line-cut of a contemporary ms copy (both score and parts), copied c.1802. Introduction in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers. $45
[item no.
RŒSER, Valentin, c.1735-1782
[Method, clarinet & horn]
Essai d’instruction à l’usage de ceux qui composent pour la clarinette et le cor. Avec des remarques sur l’harmonie et des exemples à deux clarinettes, deux cors et deux bassons / [A. Van der Hagen:] Méthode nouvelle et raisonée pour la clarinette divisée en deux parties.
Geneva, 1972. Oblong, 4º, 54 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1764 & 1798 editions. Two complementary treatises on wind instruments. Wrappers. $40
[item no.
ROGNONI, Francesco, fl.1608-1624
Selva de varii passaggi per cantare, & sonare. [Bibl. del Conservatorio, Milan].
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/153. Bologna, 2/ 1983. 22 x 32 cm, xii, 130 pp. Line-cut of the Milan, 1620 edition. Francesco Rognoni came from a prominent musical family and was himself a virtuoso of several instruments. Selva contains important expressive devices of the time: portar la voce, accento, tremolo, grupp, esclamatione and intonatio, absolutely essential for
performing the music of Monteverdi and his generation. Introduction in It by Guglielmo Barblan. Wrappers.
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[item no.
RORE, Cipriano de, 1516-1565
[Madrigals, a4, book 1-2, 1557]
Il primo libro de madregali a quatro voci; Il secondo libro de madregali a quatro voci. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 30. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 20 cm, 4 partbooks, c.220 pp. Line-cut of the Gardano editions, Venice 1557/1557. Respectively 26 and 23 settings for four voices; this particular exemplar from the Schermar-Bibliothek contains additional ms material entered on the empty pages at the end of each partbook. Hardbound in vegetable vellum, with
matching slipcase. $112
[item no.
ROSENMÜLLER, Johann, c.1619-1684
[Studenten-Music, 3-5 strings/winds, bc]
Studenten-Music. Darinnen zu befinden allerhand Sachen mit drey und fünff Violen/ oder auch andern Instrumenten zu speilen.
Huntingdon, n.d. 4˚, 6 partbooks, 284 pp Xerographic reprint of the Leipzig, 1654 edition. 10 suites, systematically arranged in ascending order by key. Wrappers. $90
[item no.
ROSSI, Giovanni Battista, 16-17th c.
Organo de cantori. [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/57. Bologna, 1984. 22 x 31 cm, 120 pp. Line-cut of the Gardano edition, Venice, 1618. A treatise on counterpoint, complete with music examples. Includes 4 instrumental canzonas for 4 instruments & bc and duos suitable for organ. Laid paper. Cloth. $71
[item no.
ROSTHIUS, Nicolaus, c.1542-1622
Fröliche neuwe teutsche Gesäng, so zum Theil geistlich, zum Theil auch sonst kurtzweilig, mit vier, fünff und sechtz Stimmen. [Stadtarchiv, Heilbronn & Bibliothek der Gesamthochschule, Kassel].
Faksimile Heilbronner Musikschatz, 1. Stuttgart, 1995. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, 6 partbooks, 286 pp. Line-cut of the Christoff Raben edition, Frankfurt, 1583. Four German songs a6, eighteen a5, and eight a4, in mensural notation. Hardbound, in slipcase. $183
[item no.
XXX newer lieblicher Galliardt [mit schönen lustigen Texten]. [Der ander Theil newer lieblicher Galliardt mit schönen lustigen Texten [Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 16. Stuttgart, 2000. 17 x 21 cm, 4 partbooks, c.320 pp. Line-cut of the Altenburg, 1593 edition. 58 German galliards for 4 voices, suitable for voices and instrumentals or instruments alone. Hardbound in marbled paper, with matching slipcase. $146
[item no.
ROTH, Christian, c.1585-c.1640
Couranten-Lustgärtlein, RISM 1625(10). [Stadtbibliothek, Bautzen].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 9. Stuttgart, 1998. Oblong, 20 x 24 cm, 5 partbooks, c.180 pp. Line-cut of Wolff Seiffert edition, Dresden, 1625. 74 pieces for wind or string instruments. Wrappers, with slipcase in marbled paper. $78
[item no.
ROZE, Abbé Nicolas, 18-19th c.
[Method, serpent]
Méthode de serpent pour le service du culte et le service militaire.
Méthodes Instrumentales, IX. Geneva, 2/ 2003. 23 x 31 cm, 38 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1814 edition. Wrappers. $51
[item no.
SANGIORGIO DI MONACO, Pietro, 16-17th c.
[Capricci, 2 voices]
Il primo libro de capricci [a due voci]. [British Library, London].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 31. Stuttgart, 1999. 16 x 22 cm, 2 partbooks, 80 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1608 edition. 36 duos for unspecified treble instrument and bass. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $39
[item no.
SCHMIED, Salomon, 17th c.
Dialogus wieder böse Verfolger. [Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Krakow].
Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 19. Stuttgart, 2009. 14 x 20 cm, 16 pp. Line-cut of the Daniel Starck edition, Stettin, 1665. Wrappers. $10
[item no.
SCHOBERT, Johann, 1735-1767
[Concerto, harpsichord, strings/winds, op.12]
Concerto II pour le clavecin, avec accompagnement de deux violons, alto et basse (deux oboe, deux cors de chasse ad libitum). Op.XII.
Biblioteca Classica, 112. Rotterdam, 1988. 4º, 6 parts, 33 pp. Line-cut of the R. Bremner edition, London, c.1770. Wrappers. $15
[item no.
SCHOENBERG, Arnold, 1874-1951
Three Pieces for Chamber Orchestra (1910). Score, Facsimile and Parts.
Los Angeles, 1962. 4º, 23, 3 pp. Line-cut of the autograph score, together with new practical edition (score & parts). Scored for fl, ob, cl, bsn, hn, org, cel & strings. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
SCHÖFFER, Peter [publisher]
Fünnf und sechzig teütscher Lieder [vormals im Truck nie ußgangen]. Straßburg / P. Schöffer und M. Apiarius. [Ratsschulebibliothek, Zwickau].
Faksimile-Edition Zwickau, 1. Stuttgart, 2005. Oblong, 13 x 12 cm, 5 partbooks, c.450 pp. Line-cut of the Schöffer and Apiarius edition, Strasbourg, 1538. SATB + Vagans partbooks. Wonderful 16th-c. German songbook. Composers include: Alderinus (3), Bruck, Arthopius (4), Eckel (3), Grefinger (3), Greitter (5), Hofhaimer, St. Mahu, Senfl (7), Sporer (6), Stoltzer (3), Spengler,
Wannenmacher, & Wüst (10). Hardbound in decorative paper. $105
[item no.
SCOTTO, Girolamo, c.1505-1572 [publisher]
[“Cancionero de Uppsala”]
Villancicos de diversos autores, a dos, y a tres, y a quatro, y a cinco bozes. RISM 1556(30). [Universitetsbibliotek, Uppsala].
[Yellow Book Series, 1]. Højbjerg, 2/ 1991. 15 x 21 cm, 131 pp. Line-cut of the Venice 1556 edition. Contains 54 villancicos and some instrumental works for 2 to 5 parts notated in choirbook format. Also known as the “Cancionero del Duque de Calabria” or “Cancionero de Uppsala”. Wrappers. $43
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[item no.
SPADI, Giovanni Battista, 17th c.
Libro de passaggi ascendenti e descendenti.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/55. Bologna, 3/ 2007. 17 x 25 cm, 31 pp. Line-cut of the A. Vincenti edition, Venice, 1624. Wrappers. $38
[item no.
STADEN, Sigmund Theophil, 1607-1655
Musicalischer Friedens-Gesänger. [Stadtbibliothek, Nuremberg].
Faksimile-Edition Stadtbibliothek Nürnberg, 1. Stuttgart, 2000. 17 x 21 cm, 7 partbooks, 84 pp. Line-cut of the Endter edition, Nuremberg, 1651. 12 sacred and secular composition of which 9 are strophic. Scored for 3 voices plus 2 violins & basso continue. Wrappers, in marbled portfolio. $59
[item no.
STADEN, Johann, 1581-1634
Haußmusic [geistlicher Gesäng. Darunter etliche auff die fürnembsten Fest deß Jahrs: ein theils aber in gemeintäglich von Gottliebenden hertzen nußlich zu gebrauchen]. Nürnberg / Johann Friedrich Sartorius 1623. [Library of Congress, Washington DC].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 114. Stuttgart, 2024. 17 x 23 cm. 4 partbooks, 120 pp. Line-cut of the Sartorius, Nuremberg, 1623 partbook edition. 22 strophic settings for Cantus-Altus-Tenor-Bassus. Wrappers & portfolio covered with decorative paper. $68
[item no.
Neue teutsche Lieder.
Dokumentation zur Geschichte des Deutschen Liedes. Hildesheim, nyp. 8º, 128 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1609 edition. Linen. $45
[item no.
Venus-Kräntzlein [newer musicalischer Gesäng und Lieder]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 5. Stuttgart, 1996. 15 x 19 cm, 4 partbooks, 112 pp. Line-cut of the Jena, 1610 edition. 32 songs a4, 18 with texts and 14 without. Wrappers, with handsome slipcase in marbled paper. $64
[item no.
Venus-Kräntzlein [newer musicalischer Gesäng und Lieder]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 5. Stuttgart, 1996. 15 x 19 cm, 4 partbooks, 112 pp. Line-cut of the Jena, 1610 edition. 32 songs a4, 18 with texts and 14 without. Wrappers. $59
[item no.
STADLMAYR, Johann, c.1575-1648
Cantici mariani [septies variati. liber quartus, vocum duodecim, dum triplici basso ad organum accommodato]. Innsbruck / Daniel Agricola 1618. [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 25. Stuttgart, 2013 16 x 21 cm, 13 partbooks, 436 pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, 1618 partbooks. Wrappers, in marbled paper slipcase. $148
[item no.
Missae concertatae a X. et XII, vocibus et instrumentis cum quatuor partibus pro secundo choro. [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 12. Stuttgart, 2010. 15 x 20 cm, 17 partbooks, c.500 pp. Line-cut of the Michael Wagner edition, 1642. 4 concerted masses, two a10 and two a12. Wrappers, with marbled paper slipcase. $115
[item no.
Missae concertatae [a VI. adiuncto choro secundo sive ripieni, ut vocant, pro beneplacito itidem 6. vocum] Innsbruck, Johann Gäch 1631. [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 15. Stuttgart, 2011. 17 x 22 cm, 13 partbooks, 582 pp. Line-cut of the Innsbruck, 1631 partbooks. Wrappers, in marbled paper slipcase. $99
[item no.
Missae duodenis vocibus, [cum triplici basso ad organum accommodato]. Liber secundus, Wien, Formica 1616. [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 16. Stuttgart, 2011. 17 x 22 cm, 13 partbooks, 436 pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, 1616 partbooks. Wrappers, in marbled paper slipcase. $85
[item no.
Missae breves [a. IV. cum una pro defunctis, et alia. V. voc: concertatae]. [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 25. Stuttgart, 2021 16 x 21 cm, 5 partbooks, 172 pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, 1618 partbooks (cantus, altus, tenor, bassus, bassus continuus). Wrappers, in marbled paper portfolio. $59
[item no.
Musica super cantum gregorianum. Pars prima: Ravensburg J. Schröter 1625; Pars secunda: Ravensburg J. Schröter 1626. RISM S4289. [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 13. Stuttgart, 2010. 16 x 21 cm, 6 partbooks, c.360 pp. Line-cut of the Ravensburg, 1625 & 1626 editions. 102 introit and 9 Gloria Patri settings for 5 voices with bc in mensural notation. Hardbound, with marbled paper boards; slipcase. $239
[item no.
Psalmi integri [a quatuor vocibius concertantibus quatuor aliis accessoriis ad libitum accinendis cum 2, cornet: sive violin.] Wagner/Innsbruck 1641. [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 38. Stuttgart, 2017. 17 x 22 cm, 11 partbooks, 368 pp. Line-cut of the Innsbruck, 1641 partbooks. Scoring: SATB soli, SATB ripieni, violin, viol (or horn 1), viol (or horn 2). Wrappers, in marbled paper slipcase. $85
[item no.
STAMITZ, Carl, 1745-1801
[Concerto, viola, orch, no.1, D major]
Concerto pour alto en ré majeur (ca. 1844) (Éditions originales de Haueisen et Heina). Présentation par Jean-Philippe Vasseur. [Mecklenburgische Landesbibliothek, Schwerin; British Library, London].
Courlay, 1997. 4º, 17 parts, 15, 57 pp. Line-cut of the partbooks of two contemporary editions, one published in Frankfurt by Haueisen, the other in Paris by Heina. Scored for viola solo, 2 horns, 2 clarinets, & string quartet. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $36
[item no.
STRAUS, Christoph, c.1575-1631
Missae octo, novem, decem, undecim, duodecim, tredecim et viginti, tam vocibus, quam variis instrumentis, et basso generali ad organum accommodato. [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 8. Stuttgart, 2011. 19 x 29 cm, 13 partbooks, c.989 pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, 1631 partbooks. Straus, a native Viennese, was Kapellmeister at the Court from 1612-19 and organist at St. Stephen’s Cathedral. Wrappers, in marbled paper slipcase. $295
[item no.
STRAUSS, Richard, 1864-1949
[Concerto, horn & orch, op.11]
Concert für das Waldhorn mit Begleitung des Orchesters oder Pianoforte, Op.11. Clavierauszug. Faksimile des Autographs mit einem Nachwort von Alfons Ott. [Ms. Städtische Musikbibl., Munich].
Tutzing, 1971. Oblong, 34 x 25 cm, 20, iv pp. Beautiful line-cut of the autograph score, in piano reduction format. Written when the composer was 18, the concerto was inspired by his horn-playing father, to whom the work is dedicated. Afterword in Ger. Linen. $42
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[item no.
[Concerto, horn & orch, op.11]
Concert für das Waldhorn mit Begleitung des Orchesters oder Pianoforte, Op.11. Clavierauszug. Faksimile des Autographs mit einem Nachwort von Alfons Ott. [Ms. Städtische Musikbibl. Munich].
Tutzing, 1971. Oblong, 4º, 20, iv pp. Beautiful line-cut of the autograph score, in piano reduction format. Written when the composer was 18, the concerto was inspired by his horn-playing father, to whom the work is dedicated. Afterword in Ger. Bibliophile edtion bound in blue leather. $78
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[item no.
STRAVINSKY, Igor, 1882-1971
Stravinky’s Histoire du Soldat: A Facsimile of the Sketches. Edited by Maureen A. Carr.
Music in Facsimile. Madison, 2005 23 x 31 cm, 355 pp (224 plates). Halftone reproduction of the autograph draft in various stages of development, mostly notated in short score. The facsimile contains all the existing musical sketches, reproduced from the combined holdings of the Paul Sacher Stiftung in Basel and the Rychenberg Stiftung in Wintertur; the editor has provided a
careful ordering and description of the highly diverse material which comes down to us in 8 distinct sketchbooks. Contributions by Maureen Carr, Philippe Girard, Alain Rochat, & Noël Cordonier. Wrappers, with colorful artwork. $114
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[item no.
[Symphonies for Wind Instruments, 1920 ver.]
Symphonies d’instruments à vent. Faksimileausgabe des Particells und der Partitur der Erstfassung (1920) herausgegeben und kommentiert von André Baltensperger und Felix Meyer.
Eine Veröffentlichung der Paul Sacher Stiftung. Basel, 1991. 22 x 26 cm, 48, 36 pp. Superb full-color halftone of the autograph full score and short score (particell). One of the last works from the composer’s “Russian” period, written for 23 wind instruments and dedicated to the memory of Claude Debussy. Reproduces the first version from 1920 in its two surviving versions: a full
score fair copy (copied on thin ruled yellow paper) and the autograph particell. Commentary in Ger-Eng. Handsome binding with vellum spine and red paper boards, plus matching slipcase. $211
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[item no.
SUSATO, Tylman, c.1500-c.1563 [publisher]
Het ierste musyck boexken. Introduction: Eugeen Schreurs. [Bibl. Jagiellońska, Krakow].
Facsimile Series, I/B.20. Peer, 1989. Oblong, 20 x 15 cm, xii, 4 partbooks, c.128 pp. Line-cut of the Antwerp, 1551 edition. Polyphonic collection of happy, melancholic, ironic and narrative love songs in Dutch. To be sung and played on all kinds of instruments. Wrappers, in slipcase. $46
[item no.
TANEYEV, Sergei, 1856-1915
Canzone, clarinette et quintette à cordes. Clarinette, ou violoncelle, et piano. c.1883. Présentation par Valeriy Berezin. [Glinka Museum, Moscow; Moscow Conservatory Library].
Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 2006. 24 x 34 cm, 2 parts, xvii, 10 parts, 80 pp. Line-cut of the autograph and contemporary ms material. Introduction in Fr-Rus-Eng-Ger. Wrappers, in portfolio. $48
[item no.
TELEMANN, Georg Philipp, 1681-1767
Der getreue Music-Meister.
Musica Repartita, 250. Utrecht, 1997. 21 x 28 cm, 105 pp. Halftone of the Hamburg, 1728 edition. The first German musical edition published by installments and model for Birnstiel’s Musikalisches Allerley and CPE Bach’s Musikalisches Vielerey. Telemann prepared the pewter plates himself; he first wrote the music down in pencil (in mirror image) and then engraved over the pencil,
taking advantage of a ruler and other engraver’s tools which resulted in greater consistency. Printed boards with linen spine. $47
[item no.
Der Getreue Music-Meister (1728-1729). Présentation por Michel Giboureau.
Collections Dominantes. Courlay, 2004. 4º, xvi, 108 pp. Halftone of the Hamburg, 1728 edition. The first German musical edition published by installments and model for Birnstiel’s Musikalisches Allerley and CPE Bach’s Musikalisches Vielerey. Telemann prepared the pewter plates himself; he first wrote the music down in pencil (in mirror image) and then engraved over the pencil,
taking advantage of a ruler and other engraver’s tools which resulted in greater consistency. Includes: TWV 40:1, 107-111; TWV 41:C1, C2, d1, D1, D4, D5, D6, E2, E3, f1, F2, g4, g5, G6, a3, A2, B3, B4, h2; TWV 42:C1. Wrappers. $63
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[item no.
TELLER, Marcus, 1682-1728
Musica sacra [stylo plane Italico & Cromatico pro compositionis amatoribus]. P. und M. Veith & Joannis Fratrum Her. Augsburg. Druck Wagner Ulm 1733. [Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 15. Stuttgart, 2017. 21 x 31 cm, 13 partbooks, 512 pp. Line-cut of the 1733 partbook edition. This rare print contains 4 masses & 4 motets scored for concerto/ripieno voices plus strings. Partbooks: canto concert, canto ripieno, alto concert, alto ripieno, tenore concert, tenore ripieno, basso concert, basso ripieno, vln I, vln II, vla, bsn, bc). Wrappers,
with slip case in marbled paper. $150
[item no.
TELEMANN, Georg Philipp, 1681-1767
[Musique de table, strings/winds, sel.TWV 41, 42, 43, 50, 55]
Musique de Table. Tafelmusik in 3 Produktionen. Herausgegeben von Reinhard Goebel.
Magdeburg, 2010. 4°, 7 partbooks. Line-cut of the Hamburg, 1733 partbook edition. Contents: TWV 41:g6, 41:A4, 41:h4, 42:D5, 42:Es1, 42:e2, 43:d1, 43:e2, 43:G2, 50:5, 50:9, 50:10, 55:D1, 55:e1, 55:B1. With the publication of his Tafelmusik, Telemann provides a crowning “trio” of German instrumental music of the late Baroque period, alongside Bach’s Brandenburg Concerti and Handel’s
Concerti grossi op.6. The composer shows himself at the zenith of his creative powers. Each part consists of a series of movements (Ouverture, Quatuor, Concert, Trio, Solo, and Conclusion) in various instrumentations—flauto dolce, flauto traversiere, oboe, tromb, strings & fondamento. One masterwork follows the other, forming a logically-built structure, yet each work can also
stand alone. Wrappers, in slipcase. $136
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[item no.
TURINI, Francesco, 1589-1656
Cantiones admodum devotae. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibl., Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 31. Stuttgart, 1997. 17 x 22 cm, 4 partbooks, c.136 pp. Line-cut of the Raverio edition, Venice, 1606. 27 sacred settings a4, for voices with or without instruments. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $68
[item no.
ULHARD, Philipp, 16th c. [publisher]
Cantiones selectissimae quatuor vocum / [Rhau:] Officiorum (ut vocant) de nativitate. Tomus primus / [Rhau:] Postremum vespertini officii opus... Magnificat octo modorum seu tonorum numero XXV.
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 44. Stuttgart, 1997. Oblong, 19 x 15 cm, 4 partbooks, c.580 pp. Line-cut of the 1549 edition. 11 motets by Clemens non papa. Bound together with two important sacred anthologies by Georg Rhau with works by Stoltzer, Reneri, Senfl, Gallicus, Dietrich, Finck, and Isaac, Hardbound, with slipcase. $182
[item no.
VALENTE, Antonio, c.1520-d.?
Versi spirituali sopra tutte le note con diversi canoni spartiti per sonar negli organi, messe vespere, et altri officii divini.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/43. Bologna, 1970. 18 x 25 cm, 111 pp. Line-cut of the Naples, 1580 edition. Canons a4 in score format. Laid paper. Hardbound. $47
[item no.
VALENTINI, Giovanni, c.1582-1649
Missae quatuor partim octonis [partim oconis, partim duodenis vocibus unà cum basso generali ad placitum]. Venedig, Alessandro Vincenti, 1621. [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, [33]. Stuttgart, 2016. 16 x 23 cm, 13 partbooks, 352 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1621 partbook edition. Contents: Missa Stabat Mater dolorosa; Missa Susanna; Missa Diligam te Domine; Missa Sine Nomine. Wrappers, with portfolio covered in marbled paper. $89
[item no.
Salmi, hinni, magnificat, [antiifone, falsibordoni, et motetti. Concertati a una, due, tre, & quattro voci]. Venedig, Giacomo Vincenti, 1618. [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, [34]. Stuttgart, 2015. 17 x 24 cm, 4 partbooks, 144 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1618 partbook edition (cantus, alto, tenor, bassus). Contents: sixteen settings a4, three a3, and three a2. Wrappers, with portfolio covered in marbled paper. $58
[item no.
VALETTE DE MONTIGNY, Joseph, 1665-1738
[Motets, 1-3 voices, with & without instruments, book 1]
Motets à I, II, III voix, avec et sans instruments et basse continue. Livre premier.
La Musique Française Classique de 1650 à 1800, 24. Courlay, 1988. 22 x 31 cm, xiv, 115 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1711 edition. 8 motets notated in score format. Introduction by Jean Saint-Arroman. Wrappers. $54
[item no.
VALLOTTI, Francescantonio, 1697-1780
Dies irae a quattro voci con strumenti. Ms. Padova 1756. [Cappella Musicale Antoniana, Padua].
Archivum Musicum: Monumenta Musicae Revocata, 18. Florence, 1996. Oblong & upright, 30 x 24 cm, 3 vols, 9, 364 pp. Line-cut of a manuscript by Vallotti’s copyist. Composed in Padua in 1756, the work consists of a full score and parts; it calls for a four-voice choir with solo parts for the arias, duets and quartet and strings, two trumpets, and organ. Wrappers in portfolio. $108
[item no.
VANDENBRŒCK, Othon, 1758-1832
Traité général de tous les instrumens à vent à l’usage des compositeurs.
Geneva, 1973. 8º, 65 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1794 edition. Examines the range of the horn in every key played in unison with the violin. Also discusses the clarinet, trumpet, trombone, timpani, oboe, flute, bassoon and serpent. Hardbound. $86
[item no.
VANDERHAGEN, Amand, 1753-1822
[Method, clarinet]
Méthode nouvelle raisonée pour la clarinette divisée en deux parties / [V. Roeser:] Essai d’instruction à l’usage de ceux qui composent pour la clarinette et le cor. Avec des remarques sur l’harmonie et des exemples à deux clarinettes, deux cors et deux bassons.
Geneva, 1972. Oblong, 4º, 54 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1798 & 1764 editions. Two complementary treatises on wind instruments. Wrappers. $40
[item no.
VECCHI, Orazio, 1550-1605
[& Gemignani Capi Lupi]
Canzonette mit dreyen Stimmen Horatii Vecchi unnd Gemignani Capi Lupi [zuvor mit Italianischen Texten jetzo aber zu besserm mit Teutschen Texten belegt und inn Truck gegeben durch Valentin Haußmann]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtsbibl., Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 32. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 20 cm, 3 partbooks, c.129 pp. Line-cut of the Paulus Kauffmann edition, Nuremberg, 1606. 34 secular settings a3, with German texts, for voices with or without instruments. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $61
[item no.
VICTORINUS, Georg, b.?-1631
Siren coelestis centum harmoniarum [duarum, trium et quatuor vocum] München, Berg Wwe. 1622.
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 48. Stuttgart, 2005. 15 x 20 cm, 4 partbooks, c.550 pp. Line-cut of the Berg (widow) edition, Munich, 1622, edited by the composer Georg Victorinus. 100 setting altogether, 27 a2, 65 a3, and 7 a4. Composers include Victorinus himself (5), and numerous others, among them Finet, Cornazzani, Ursini, Cifra, Agazzari, Tomasi, Banchieri, Viadani, Aichmiller,
Mezzogori, & Rudolph de Lasso. It also includes 2 works by Catterina Assandra. Hardbound, in decorative paper with slipcase. $115
[item no.
VIRGILIANO, Aurelio, 17-18th c.
Il Dolcimelo. Variati passaggi e diminutioni cosi per voci. Riproduzione eseguita dall’esemplare del Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale di Bologna.
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 11. Florence, 1979. 24 x 34 cm, v, 113 pp. Halftone of a rare manuscript illustrating ornamentation “tutti modi da sonar qualfiuoglia istrumento”. Introduction in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers in decorative paper. $42
[item no.
VIVALDI, Antonio, 1678-1741
[Concerti, viole d’amour, 2 hn, 2 ob, bsn, bc, etc., RV 97]
Concerto pour flûte a bec, hautbois, deux violons et basse; Concerto pour viole d’amour, deux cors, deux hautbois, basson et basse; Concerto pour flûte a bec, hautbois et basson. Présentation par Michel Giboureau. [Bibl. Nazionale, Turin].
Collection Dominantes. Courlay, 1996. Oblong, 4º, 4 vols, 21, 62 pp. Line-cut of three autograph scores. Introduction in Fr-Eng-Ger. Wrappers. $43
[item no.
VIVIANI, Giovanni Bonaventura, 1638-1692
[Capricci armonici, violin, bc; tromba, bc, op.4]
Capricci armonici da chiesa e da camera a violino solo et sonate per tromba sola. Opera quarta. Venezia 1678.
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 84. Florence, 1999. 24 x 33 cm, 2 partbooks, 6, 60 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1678 edition. Contains sinfonie, toccate, sonate, introduttioni, alemande, corente, gagliarde, sarabande, gighe, balletti, e capricci for solo violin and bc, and one sonata for tromba. Preface in It by Luigi Lupo. Wrappers in decorative paper. $45
[item no.
WANNENMACHER (Vannius), Johannes, c.1485-1551
Bicinia sive duo germanica [ad aequales. Tütsche Psalmen unnd andre Lieder durch Joannum Vannium mit zweyen Stimmen zusammen gsetzt]. Bern: Apiarius, 1533. RISM 1553(11).
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 21. Stuttgart, 1998. Oblong, 18 x 15 cm, 2 partbooks, 80 pp. Line-cut of the Bern, 1533 edition. 16 settings of psalms for two equal voices/instruments. Wrappers in handsome portfolio in marbled paper. $43
[item no.
WEBER, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826
[Concertino, horn & orch, op.45, J.188]
Concertino für Horn und Orchester e-moll, op. 45. Faksimile nach dem Partiturautograph der Deutschen Staatsbibliothek. [Mus. ms. autogr. C.M. v. Weber WFN 9].
Leipzig, 1986. Oblong, 18 x 13 cm, iv, 36 pp. Halftone of the autograph score in reduced format issued on the occasion of the bicentennial of the composer’s birth. Based on the 1815 autograph score prepared for the hornist Rauch (the original 1806 score is now lost). Introduction in Ger by Friedhilde Krause, Wolfgang Goldhan, and Hans-Jürgen Freiherr von Weber. Wrappers. Special
sale price $15, regularly $28
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[item no.
[Quintet, cl, 2 vln, vla, vc, op.34]
Quintetto pour clarinette, deux violons, alto & violoncelle, op.34. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 273. New York, [2007]. 26 x 34 cm, 5 parts, 42 pp. Line-cut of the Berlin, [1816] edition. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
WEBERN, Anton, 1883-1945
Sketches (1926-1945). Facsimile Reproductions from the Composer’s Autograph Sketchbooks in the Moldenhauer Archive. Commentary by Ernst Krenek with a Foreword by Hans Moldenhauer.
New York, 1968. Oblong, 37 x 30 cm, 16, 47 pp. Fine line-cut reproduction of the autograph. Webern made preliminary drafts for his compositions which show stages of evolution and the unending thought and care that he bestowed upon them. While Stravinsky called the finished products “those dazzling diamonds”, this volume allows us a glimspe into the composer’s workshop. These
fascinating sketches, extracted from five sketchbooks from the Webern Archive, illustrate the meticulous step-by-step process of the composer’s 12-tone technique. Compositions include op.19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 31 and several unidentified works. Handsome binding in beige and brown linen, with slipcase. $70
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[item no.
WECKER, Georg Caspar, 1632-1695
XVIII. geistliche Concerten [mit 2. bis 4. Vocal-Stimmen und 5. Instrumentis ad libitum, zu musicieren...]. Nürnberg, Moritz Endter 1695. [Bibl. Jagiellońska, Krakow].
Faksimile-Edition Krakau, 8. Stuttgart, 2007. 20 x 26 cm, 19 partbooks, c.500 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1695 edition. Wrappers, in marbled paper slipcase. $128
[item no.
WEIGEL, Johann Christopf, 1661-1726
Musicalisches theatrum . . . auf welchem alle zu dieser edlen Kunst gehörige Instrummenta in anmuthigen Posituren lebhafft gezeiget. Faksimile-Nachdruck herausgegeben von Alfred Berner.
Documenta Musicologica, I/22. Kassel, 1/ 1961. 22 x 36 cm, 36, xii pp. Line-cut of the original copper engravings of musicians with their instruments. This facsimile brings together for the first time four separate groups of surviving single sheets from this publisher. Mattheson’s Das neu-eröffnete Orchestre (specifically the chapter “Von den musicalischen Instrumenten”) evidently
served as a guide for its planning. The engravings date from c.1715-1725. Afterword in Ger-Eng-Fr. Coverboards and slipcase in decorative paper. $95
[item no.
Musicalisches theatrum . . . auf welchem alle zu dieser edlen Kunst gehörige Instrummenta in anmuthigen Posituren lebhafft gezeiget. Faksimile-Nachdruck herausgegeben von Alfred Berner.
Documenta Musicologica, I/22. Kassel, 2/ 1964. 22 x 36 cm, 36, xii pp. Line-cut of the original copper engravings of musicians with their instruments. This facsimile brings together for the first time four separate groups of surviving single sheets from this publisher. $77
[item no.
WERRECORE, Mathias (M. Fiamengo), 15-16th c.
La bataglia taliana con alcune villotte piacevole nouvamente con ogni diligentia sftampate et corrette. Introduction: Ignace Bossuyt. [Herog August Bibl., Wolfenbüttel].
Facsimile Series, I/B.12. Peer, 1987. Oblong, 21 x 14 cm, 4 partbooks, 13, 108 pp. Line-cut of the Gardano, 1549 edition. Pieces for four voices by the Flemish composer Werrecore, including “La bataglia taliana”, celebrating the defeat of the French in the battle of Pavia in 1525. Introduction in Eng. Wrappers with slipcover. $38
[item no.
WIDMANN, Erasmus, 1572-1634
Musicalischer Tugendspiegel [gantz newer Gesäng mit schönen historischen und poetischen Texten sehr nutzlich zu lesen und lieblich zu singen]. [[Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibliothek, Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 6. Stuttgart, 1996. 15 x 19 cm, 5 partbooks, 170 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1613 edition. 40 secular settings a4 & 5 suitable for voices and instruments. Wrappers, with handsome slipcase in marbled paper. $69
[item no.
ZANGIUS, Nikolaus, c.1570-c.1618
[Schöne newe außerlesene] weltliche Lieder [mit drey Stimmen auff ein newe Art und Manier lustig zu singen unnd auff allerley Instrumenten zugebrauchen, zuvor nie in Druck außgangen]. [Schermar-Bibliothek, Stadtbibl., Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 33. Stuttgart, 1997. 15 x 20 cm, 3 partbooks, c.324 pp. Line-cut of the Martin Guthen edition, Berlin, 1617. 56 secular settings a3, for voices with or without instruments. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $122
[item no.
ZANETTI, Gasparo, 1626-1645
[Method, violin & other instruments]
Il scolare per imparare a suonare di violino, et altri stromenti. Milano 1645.
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 58. Florence, 1984. 24 x 34 cm, ii, 154 pp. Line-cut. Introduction in It by Marcello Castellani. Wrappers in decorative paper. $45
[item no.
BELLI, Giulio, c.1560-c.1621
Missarum quatuor vocibus liber primus. [Longianensis ecclesiae cathedralis]. Venedig / Angelo Gardano 1599. [Library of Congress, Washington DC].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 109. Stuttgart, 2023. 21 x 24 cm. 4 partbooks, 112 pp. Line-cut of the A. Gardano Venice, 1599 partbook edition. Contents: Missa Tue es pastor ovium, Missa Iste confessor, Missa brevis, Missa pro defunctis. Wrappers with portfolio covered with decorative paper and tie strings. $40
[item no.
Airs a deux chalumeaux, deux trompettes, deux haubois, deux violons, deux flutes, deux clarinettes ou cors de chasse. Introduction: Paul Raspé. [Wq 5606, Bibl. Conservatoire Royal de Musique, Brussels].
Facsimile Series, IV/4. Peer, 1992. Oblong, 22 x 13 cm, 2 partbooks, 94 pp. Line-cut of a unique collection of 78 duos for different instruments. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Ambras Castle (Innsbruck), Archiv]
Imperial Music at Ambras Castle Written under the Emperors Charles V. and Ferdinand I. Edited by Walter Salmen.
Innsbruck, 1992. Oblong, 35 x 25 cm, 96 pp. Superb halftone of the anonymous motet “Martia terque quater” (composed for the coronation of Emperor Charles V around 1530) and the Senfl 4-part song “Aus guetem Grund”. The notation of these works is a unique example of Renaissance art: their mensural notation is actually stitched onto linen partbooks, preserved now at the castle of
Ambras near Innsbruck. Includes 8 full-color plates of the embroidered title “page”. Commentary in Ger-Eng-Sp, together with new transcription. Linen. $156
[item no.
Art du faiseur d’instruments de musique et lutherie extrait de l’Encyclopédie méthodique, Arts et métiers mécaniques.
Geneva, 1972. 8º, 240 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1785 edition. Historical and technical articles on musical instruments with 38 original plates. Wrappers. $61
[item no.
[Augsburg, Staats- & Stadtbibliothek, CIM 43 (= MS 18)]
Das Augsburger Liederbuch. [Augsburg, Staats- & Stadtsbibliothek, CIM 43 (2º Cod 142a) (= MS 18)].
Faksimile-Edition Augsburg, 3. Stuttgart, 1997. 23 x 33 cm, 158 pp. Line-cut of an early 16th c. German ms in choirbook format containing motets and secular works. The ms contains only six composer attributions, four by Josquin and two by Agricola, however among the anonymous works are another two by Josquin and works by Senfl, Grefinger, Finck, and Hofhaimer. In general only text
incipits are given. Hardbound in vellum paper. $126
[item no.
[Bologna, Museo Internazionale e Biblioteca della Musica, Q18]
Bologna Q18, early 16th c. Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale (olim 143). Introduction: Susan Forscher Weiss.
Facsimile Editions of Prints and Manuscripts, [12]. Peer, 1998. Oblong, 24 x 18 cm, 48, 187 pp. Line-cut of an early 16th-c. chansonnier created in Bologna, with works by Isaac, Josquin, Compère, Tromboncino and others. 93 works (with text incipits but no text underlay), suitable for vocal and or various instrumental combinations. Cloth. $72
[item no.
[Bologna, Museo Internazionale e Biblioteca della Musica, Q19]
Bologna, Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, MS. Q19 (“The Rusconi Codex”). Introduction by Jessie Ann Owens.
Renaissance Music in Facsimile, 1. New York, 1988. 4º, xvi, 410 pp. Halftone. Anthology of works by Festa, Mouton, and other Franco-Flemish and Italian composers of the early 16th c. Italian provenance. Cloth. $130
[item no.
[Bologna, Bibl. Univ., 2216]
Il codice musicale 2216 della Biblioteca Universitaria di Bologna a cura di F. Alberto Gallo. Seconda parte.
Monumenta Lyrica Medii Aevi Italica, III/3.2. Bologna, 1970. 22 x 27 cm, 109 pp. Commentary volume to the now out-of-print facsimile edition. Wrappers. Special sale price, $10, regularly $35
[item no.
[Brussels, Bibl. Royale Albert I, 215-16]
A Choirbook for the Seven Sorrows / Een Koorboek voor de Zeven Smarten. Royal Library of Belgium / Koninklije Bibliothek van België MS 215-16. Facsimile. Study / Studie: Emily Thelen.
Leuven Library of Music in Facsimile, 2. Antwerpen, 2019. 32 x 43 cm, 2 vols, 98, 102 pp Full size facsimile and study of Brussel MS 215-16, one of only two anthologies with masses, motets and office plainchant that was prepared for actual use at sacred services in the Low Countries, in this case for some chapel in Brussels. It is dedicated to the Seven Sorrows of Mary and has two
masses specifically for the chapel. This sumptuous parchment choirbook comes from the workshop of Petrus Alamire and features the music De la Rue, Josquin, Pipelare and anonymous composers. The present publication offers a full color reproduction of the MS accompanied by a scholarly commentary in Eng/Fla. Hardbound, with paper boards that reproduce the original binding. $133
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[item no.
[Brussels, Bibl. Royale Albert I, 5557]
Choirbook of the Burgundian Court Chapel. B-Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale, Ms. 5557. Introduction: R.C. Wegman.
Facsimile Series, I/A.5. Peer, 1989. 24 x 32 cm, viii, 272 pp. Halftone of the choirbook written and used by the Burgundian Court Chapel in Bruges. The 12 gatherings date from 1462-66 and 1480. Contains 11 masses, 3 magnificats, 1 hymn and 7 motets by Busnois, Dufay, Frye, Ockeghem and others. Cloth. $112
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[item no.
[Brussels, Royal Libray, VI 18.613 C]
Margaret of Austria’s basse danse Manuscript. Facsimile and Study Edited by Grantley McDonald.
Leuven Library of Music in Facsimile, 6. Antwerpen, 2022. 53.5 x 51 cm,18 x 25 cm, 2 vols, 52; 583 pp. Facsimile and study. Margaret of Austria’s basse danse manuscript, written in gold and silver ink on black parchment, is an exquisite relic of the artistic culture of the Habsburg-Burgundian court around 1500. This study examines the manuscript’s place within the culture of court
dance, its place within Margaret’s library, its relationship to a contemporary printed source, the choreography and the music of the dances that it contains, and the challenges facing conservators given the book’s fragile condition. Commentary by Adam Bregman, Adam Knight Gilbert, Grantley McDonald, Dagmar Eichberger, Chriista Hofmannn and Tatiana Gersten. $379
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[item no.
[Brussels, Bibl. Royale Albert I, iv 90]
Cancionero de Juana I de Castilla. Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique, Bruselas. Siglo XVI. [commentary title:] Cancionero de Juana la Loca. La música en la corte de Felipe el Hermoso y Juana i de Castilla / Song Book of Joan the Mad / Das Liederbuch Johannas der Wahnsinnigen.
Valencia, 2006. Oblong, 11 x 9 cm, 56, 359 pp, 1 audio CD. This lovely Burgundian chansonnier, one of the smallest complete collections of the time, created around 1511, consists of 56 pages of polyphonic music with Latin, French and Flemish texts by leading Netherlandish composers. Its 54 miniatures, made up of delightful little dramatic scenes, botanical designs, or emblema in
the style of the Ghent-Bruges school of book illumination, have been linked to the atelier of the prestigious artist Alexander Bening (father of Simon Bening). Although the songbook was originally comprised of 4 separate partbooks—superius, alto, tenor, bassus—the bassus partbook is now lost, and the altus (=Bibl. Royal Albert I, ms. iv 1274 ) and tenor (=Bibl. Tournai, ms. 94) are
incomplete and less well preserved. The surviving superius part, reproduced for this deluxe facsimile edition, still has its early 16th-c. leather binding decorated with animal figures and vines; it is the work of Lodovicus Bloc, a master bookbinder active in Bruges 1484-1529, credited with binding numerous books for Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy. Contents: 22 songs without
attributions; concordances allow us positive identification of most of the composers—Compère (4), Josquin (4), Obrecht, Ockeghem, de la Rue, Agricola, Barbireau, Busnois, Japart, Pipelare, Hayne van Ghizighem (2), Ninot le Petit, and Isaac. Musicological commentary by Honey Meconi, modern transcriptions by Miguel Ángel Picó, and an essay on the making of a codex by José Aspas
Romano (texts in Sp-Eng-Ger). Limited edition of 999 copies, bound in full leather with gold, tooling, and leather ties, after the original. Please call for special OMI price.
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[item no.
[Brussels, Bibl. Royale Albert I, iv 922]
Occo Codex (Brussels, Royal Library Albert I, MS. iv. 922). Facsimile Edition.
Facsimilia Musica Neerlandica, I. Buren, 1979. 25 x 36 cm, xxix, 304 pp. Halftone of an early 16th-c. Dutch choirbook (in ms), discovered in 1972. One of the calligraphic masterpieces of the workshop of Petrus Alamire, the most important music copyist of the Netherlands around 1500. Historical introduction by Bernard Huys. Buckram. $246
[item no.
[Brussels, Royal Libray, VI 18.613 C]
A Canon for Mary of Hungary Facsimile. Facsimile and Study Edited by Eric Jas.
Leuven Library of Music in Facsimile, 5. Antwerpen, 2021. 53.5 x 51 cm, 2 vols, 9; 128 pp. Facsimile and study. In 1548, the chapelmaster of the Brussels Burgundian court, Benedictus Appenzeller composed a four-voice canon that he dedicated to his patron, Mary of Hungary, sister of Emperor Charles V and governess of the Netherlands. This musical setting of the prayer of
supplication Sancta Maria succurre miseris (‘Holy Mary, hasten to the aid of the unfortunate’) was printed by Philipp Ulhart in the same year in Augsburg, where an Imperial Diet (1547-48) had taken place shortly before in the governess’s presence. Apart from the customary print on paper, an exclusive and unique print on a linen tablecloth was made for the dedicatee. $276
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[item no.
Cambrai, Bibliothèque Municipale, Ms.11. Introduction: Liane Curtis.
Facsimile Series, I/A.9. Peer, 1992. 21 x 31 cm, 120 pp. 2-color halftone. Copied 1442-1445 by Simon Mellet (one of the dominant figures of the scriptorum at the Cambrai cathedral), this important ms contains six compositions by Dufay, one by Benet, Power or Dunstable, five by Binchois, one by Franchois(?) and five anonymous works. Hardbound. $147
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[item no.
Cambridge, Magdalen College, Pepys 1760.
Renaissance Music in Facsimile, 2. New York, 1987. 200 pp. Halftone. Repertoire of motets and French secular music by Fevin, Mouton, Prioris and others intended for the French Royal Court. Cloth. $95
[item no.
[Canzoni, a4, 5 & 8, winds, strings, bc, book 1]
Canzoni per sonare con ogni sorte di stromenti, a quattro, cinque, & otto, con il suo basso generale per l’organo, novamente raccolte da diversi eccellentissimi musici. . . libro primo.
Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 74. Florence, 1992. 17 x 24 cm, 9 partbooks, ix, 300 pp. Line-cut of the Raverij edition, Venice, 1608. 36 instrumental canzoni a4, 5 & 8 in mensural notation by Gabrieli, Merulo, Guami, Maschera, Antegnati, Luzaschi, Frescobaldi, Grillo, Chilese, Lappi, Bartolini & Massaino. Preface in It by Dario Lo Cicero.Wrappers, in decorative paper.
[item no.
[Canzoni, a4, 5 & 8, winds, strings, bc, book 1]
Canzoni per sonare con ogni sorte di stromenti a quattro, cinque, & otto con il suo basso generale per l’organo novamente raccolta da diversi eccellentissimi musici, & date in luce. Libro primo. [Stadtbibliothek, Augsburg].
Faksimile-Edition Augsburg, 2. Stuttgart, 1998. 14 x 18 cm, 9 partbooks, c.300 pp. Line-cut of the Alessandro Raverij edition, Venice, 1608. Wrappers, with portfolio in marbled paper. $114
[item no.
Dijon Bibliothèque Publique, Manuscrit 517. With an Introduction by Dragan Plamenac.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 12. New York, 1971. 13 x 18 cm, 12, 398 pp. Halftone of a c.1460 Burgundian chansonnier. Rich repository of the chansons of Busnois, Ockeghem, and their contemporaries. Introduction in Ger-Eng. $141
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[item no.
Engelke, Ulrike.
Melody as Musical Speech in the 17th and 18th Century. The Most Important Statements about Vocal and Instrumental Performance Practice from Baroque and Pre-Classic Sources / Melodie als Klangrede in der Musik des 17./18. Jahrhunderts. Die wichtigsten Aussagen zur vokalen und instrumentalen Aufführungspraxis aus den barocken und vorklassischen
Münster, 2018. 21 x 30 cm, 515 pp All the important composers and theorists of the baroque and rococo periods wrote about how music should be, touching on many aspects of aesthetics, style, embellishment and technique. If there was one concern of overriding importance—whether it be instrumental or vocal music—it was the belief that musical expression should emulate human speech,
that music should be “played spoken”. Contemporary reports tell it in many ways with many tips and analogies. Mattheson describes breaking up small motives of a vocal or instrumental melody by shortening syllables into “Klangfüße” using commas, semicolon and the period; other comments are blunter: “play from the soul, not like a trained bird”. This remarkable book by Urike
Engelke, a distinguished performer and scholar, is a unique exploration and narrative on the subject, in easy-to-follow bilingual format (Ger-Eng), using more than 1,000 facsimile-examples to make her point and allow the masters to speak for themselves. It's an indispensable work for students and scholars interested in performance practice which can also be used as an exercise
book. Handy ring-binder, for easy reading from the music stand. $68
(more info... )
[item no.
Engelke, Ulrike.
Musik und Sprache. Interpretation der Frühen Musik nach überlierferten Regeln / Music and Language. Interpretation of Early Music according to Traditional Rules.
Münster, 2012. 21 x 30 cm, 214 pp Wrappers. $62
[item no.
Kuhn: 4 duettines op.13, Gombart Augsburg / Krieth: VI allemandes op.112, Gombart Ausgabe / Fladt: Petites airs, Gombart Augsburg. [Stadtbibl. Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 35. Stuttgart, 2004. Oblong, 25 x 16 cm, 2 partbooks, 32 pp. 3 compositions for flageolet duo. Wrappers. $13
[item no.
Florence, Biblioteca del Conservatorio, Ms. 2439, “Basevi Codex”. Introduction: Honey Meconi.
Facsimile Series, I/A.7. Peer, 1991. 24 x 17 cm, viii, 212 pp. Halftone. Important anthology of 87 secular works in mensural notation and choirbook format. Copied between 1506 and 1514 in the Flemish scriptoria of Brussels and Mechelen. Besides 56 French pieces, there are 8 motet-chansons, 3 mass fragments, 9 motets and 7 Flemish works. 4 pages presenting the coats of arms of the
patron family are reproduced in full color. Hardbound. $67
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[item no.
Florence, Archivio Musicale dell’Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore, MS 11.
Renaissance Music in Facsimile, 3. New York, 1987. 330 pp. Halftone. Anthology of motets copied in 1557 for use at Santa Maria del Fiore. Cloth. $112
[item no.
Instrumental Music for London Theatres, 1690-1699, Royal College of Music, London, MS 1172. Introduction by Curtis Price.
Music for London Entertainment, 1660-1800, A/3. Tunbridge Wells, 1987. Oblong, 4º, xvi, 101 pp. Halftone. Carefully selected anthology of virtually every type of instrumental music required by the London theaters in the 1690s–overtures, act-tunes, dances and music for special effects–usually written in full score. Compiled c.1700, possibly at the behest of the manangers of the
Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. Buckram. $116
[item no.
Livre septième, dat is het boeck van de zanghkunst . . . met 4 stemmen te zingen: en opnieuw verrykt met verscheyden stukken, a 2. 3. 4. en 5, stemmen, door D.J. Swelingh . . . en andere voorname Autheuren. [Rijksarchief, Haarlem; Archief van de hervormde kerk, classis Alkmaar].
Facsimile Series, I/B.2. Peer, 1984. Oblong, 22 x 16 cm, 4 partbooks, 224 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, 1644 edition. Popular anthology of chansons, madrigals, and Dutch songs. Works by Sweelinck, Clemens non Papa, Cricquillon, Sandrin, Dirk, etc. Wrappers.
[item no.
[London, British Library, add. 35087]
Chansonnier of Hieronymus Lauweyn van Watervliet. London, British Library, Ms. Add. 35 087. Introduction: William McMurtry.
Facsimile Series, I/A.6. Peer, 1989. 20 x 30 cm, xii, 190 pp. Halftone. Commissioned around 1505 by Lauweryn, Lord of Watervliet and Poortviet, and active at the courts of Maximilian, Philip the Good and Margaret of Austria. Copied c.1505, possibly in Bruges. Contains 36 French chansons, 25 songs in Dutch, 1 motet-chanson, 14 Latin and 2 Italian works. Composers include Agricola,
Compère, Mouton, and Josquin. Cloth.
[item no.
London, British Library, Royal 20.A.XVI.
Renaissance Music in Facsimile, 10. New York, 1987. 120 pp. Halftone. Late 15th-c. source of Netherlandish secular music by Agricola, Hayne van Ghiseghem and others. Cloth. $85
[item no.
[Louvain, Alamire Foundation]
Leuven Chansonnier. General Editors: David J. Burn & Bart Demuyt ; [study by David J. Burn ; Nederlandse vertaling: Ignace Bossuyt].
Leuven Library of Music in Facsimile, 1. Antwerpen, 2017. 8.5 x 12 cm, 2 vols, 190 pp + commentary. What a story! In 2014, a small Brussels auction-house sold a lot containing a statue, an illuminated initial, and a songbook, to a private art-dealer. The songbook was brought to the Alamire Foundation/KU Leuven Musicology Research Group for further examination. The book, it turned
out, was a previously unknown late 15th-c. chansonnier, complete and in its original cloth binding. The rediscovery of such a source in unaltered form is extremely rare, it's been almost a century since the last such discovery. The manuscript was acquired through the Léon Courtin—Marcelle Bouché Fund, administered by the Belgian King Baudouin Foundation. The songbook was
subsequently loaned long-term to the Alamire Foundation. Like several other similar chansonniers, this codex has been named after the location where it is preserved. The “Leuven Chansonnier” is a unique witness from the 15th century. What makes this manuscript so special? This very small and yet substantial book, penned more than 500 years ago, is in astonishingly good condition.
It contains 50 compositions representing the very best of Franco-Flemish polyphony (by composers including Ockeghem, Binchois, and Busnois). It contains 12 previously unknown songs, thus offering a new perspective on the polyphony of the Low Countries. The present publication offers a full color reproduction of the MS accompanied by a scholarly commentary in Eng/Dut. $85
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[item no.
[Lucca, Archivio di Stato, ms 238; Lucca, Archivio Arcivescovile, ms 97]
The Lucca Choirbook. Lucca, Archivio di Stato, MS 238; Lucca, Archivio Arcivescovile, MS 97; Pisa, Archivio Arcivescovile, Bibliotheca Maffi, Cartella 1 1/III. With and Introduction and Inventory by Reinhard Strohm.
Late Medieval and Early Renaissance Music in Facsimile, 2. Chicago, 2008. 26 x 36 cm, 208 pp. More than forty years ago in the state archives of Lucca, Italy, Reinhard Strohm noticed that bindings on some of the books consisted of the pages of a centuries-old music manuscript. In the following years, Strohm worked with the archivists to remove these leaves and reassemble as much as
possible of the original manuscript, a major cultural recovery now known as The Lucca Choirbook. The recovered volume comprises what remains of a gigantic cathedral codex commissioned in Bruges around 1463 and containing English, Franco-Flemish, and Italian sacred music of the 15th century—including works by Dufay and Isaac. This facsimile of the choirbook includes all the known
leaves, ordered according to their proper placement in the original codex. In the introduction, Strohm tells the fascinating story of this choirbook, identifying its early users and reconstructing its travel from Bruges to Lucca. Linen. $290
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[item no.
Lutherie. Encyclopédie sciences et arts liberaux.
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/101. Bologna, 1981. 25 x 35 cm, 46, with 34 illus pp. Line-cut of the Livorno, 1774 edition. Beautiful full-page illustrations of instruments. Cloth.
[item no.
Mandat. Wieder das unbefugte Trompeten=Blasen und Heer=Paucken=Schlagen (Dresden 1736). Kommentiert von Klaus Thomayer.
Michaelsteiner Forschungsbeiträge, 20 Michaelstein, 2000. 8˚, 12, 11 pp. Line-cut of the Dresden, 1736 edition. An early document dictating the rules of the trompeter. Introduction in Ger. Wrappers. $34
[item no.
[Mechelen, Stadsarchief, Ms s.s]
Mechelen Choirbook MS s.s. Facsimile and Commentary. General Editors: David J. Burn & Bart Demuyt.
Leuven Library of Music in Facsimile, 3. Antwerpen, 2021. 44 x 66 cm, 2 vols, 220 pp + commentary. Facsimile and study of the so-called Mechels Koorboek. This magnificent parchment choirbook comes from the esteemed workshop of Petrus Alamire and most likely was made on the occasion of the coming of age and coronation of Charles V in 1515-1516. It contains exquisite miniatures by
Gerard Horenbout and 6 masses by La Rue and 1 by Pierre de Pipelare, notated in classic choirbook format. The present publication offers a full color reproduction of the MS accompanied by a scholarly commentary in Eng/Dut. Rerettably the publisher has chosen not to make the facsimile volume commercially available, OMI can only provide the study volume. $102
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[item no.
[Methods, clarinet, France, 1600-1800]
Clarinette – Méthodes et traités – Dictionnaires.
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2000. 4º, iv, 299 pp. Line-cut of original articles or treatises on the clarinet from these sources: Roeser: Principes de clarinette - 1760; Garsault: Notionnaire ou Mémorial raisonné - 1761; Roeser: Essai d'instruction à l'usage de ceux qui composent pour la clarinette et le cor - 1764; Francoeur Le Neveu: Diapason général de tous les instruments à
vent - 1772;
Corrette: Méthode raisonnée pour apprendre aisément à jouer de la flûte traversière [...] Nouvelle édition, revue corrigée et augmentée de la gamme de hautbois et de la clarinette - 1773; Hotteterre: Méthode pour apprendre à jouer en très peu de temps de la flûte traversière [...] augmentée [...] des tablatures de la clarinette et du basson - 1775; Laborde: Essai sur la musique -
1780; Abraham: Principes de clarinette - 1780; Vanderhagen: Méthode nouvelle et raisonnée pour la clarinette - 1785; Framery & Ginguené: Encyclopédie méthodique (reprend le texte de l'Encyclopédie) - 1788; Anonymous: Gamme de la clarinette - 1790; Vanderbrock: Traité général de tous les instruments à vent - 1793; Blasius: Nouvelle méthode de clarinette - 1796; Vanderhagen: Nouvelle
méthode de clarinette (1. partie) - 1798; Yost: Méthode de clarinette - 1800. Hardbound. $95
[item no.
[Methods, horn, France, 1600-1800]
Cor – Méthodes – Dictionnaires et Encyclopédies – Ouvrages généraux. Ancelet - Encyclopédie - Encyclopédie méthodique - Francoeur le neveau - Garsault - Hampel et Stich - Ladorde - Mersenne - Roeser - Serre de Rieux - Trichet - Vandenbrock (1-2-3).
Méthodes et Traités, I. Courlay, 2003. 4º, 312 pp. Integrale collection of facsimiles of theoretical-technical writings on the horn. Contents: Mersenne: Harmonie Universelle - 1636; Trichet: Traité des instruments - c.1640; Serre de Rieux: Les dons des enfans de Latone - 1734; Encyclopédie: Article sur le cor - 1751/177; Ancelet: Observations sur la musique - 1757; Garsault:
Notionnaire, ou mémorial raisonné - 1761; Roeser: Essai d’instruction - 1764; Francoeur: Diapason général - 1772; Laborde: Essai sur la musique ancienne et moderne - 1780; Encyclopédie Méthodique: Article sur le cor - 1788; Venderbrock: Traité général de tous les instruments à vent - c.1793; Vanderbrock: Méthode nouvelle et raisonnée - c.1797; Hampel/Stich: Seule et vraie méthode -
c.1798; Vanderbrock: Suite de la méthode ou manière d’enseigner à donner du cor - c.1800. Wrappers.
[item no.
[Milan, Bibl. Alida Varzi]
The Medici Codex of 1518. A Choirbook of Motets Dedicated to Lorenzo de’ Medici, Duke of Urbino. Facsimile Edition with a Prefatory Note by Edward E. Lowinsky.
Monuments of Renaissance Music, V. Chicago, 1968. 27 x 37 cm, ix, 309 pp. Halftone. Anthology of motets by Josquin, Mouton, Brumel, Willaert, etc. One of the most precious parchment mss from the 16th-c. Presented by Francis I to Lorenzo de’ Medici on the occasion of his wedding to a French princess. Cloth. $185
[item no.
[Milan, Bibl. Alida Varzi]
The Medici Codex of 1518 . . . Historical Introduction and Commentary by Edward E. Lowinsky.
Monuments of Renaissance Music, III. Chicago, 1968. 27 x 37 cm, xiv, 245 pp. Cloth. $175
[item no.
[Milan, Bibl. Alida Varzi]
The Medici Codex of 1518 . . . Transcriptions by Edward Lowinsky.
Monuments of Renaissance Music, IV. Chicago, 1968. 27 x 37 cm, ix, 405 pp. Cloth. $203
[item no.
Milan, Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica Giuseppe Verdi, The Tarasconi Codex. Introduction by Jessie Ann Owens.
Renaissance Music in Facsimile, 11. New York, 1986. 4º, xxiii, 475 pp. Halftone. Anthology of madrigals in score format copied in Parma during the last part of the 16th c. Cloth. $150
[item no.
[Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibl., clm 351]
Das Liederbuch des Dr. Hartmann Schedel: Faksimile.
Das Erbe Deutscher Musik, 84. Kassel, 1978. Oblong, 33 x 25 cm, vi, 174, 4 pp. Halftone of an important German songbook copied during the 1460s by the Nuremberg doctor and historian, Hartmann Schedel. 128 pieces with music, 68 of which are polyphonic lieder. The collection includes works by Dufay, Ockeghem, Busnois, and other Franco-Flemish composers. 26 concordances with the
Buxheimer Orgelbuch. Linen. $198
[item no.
Musikalisches Vielerley, herausgegeben von Herrn Carl Philip Emanuel Bach. Introduction: Greta Haenen. [Royal Conservatory of Music, Brussels, Wq 6314].
Facsimile Series, IV/9. Peer, 1993. 4º, i, 207 facs, iv pp. Line-cut of the Michael Christian Bock edition, Hamburg, 1770. Edited by Emmanuel Bach, this volume contains music by the composer’s Berlin friends such as Fasch, Kirnberger, Graun, and some relatives, J.C. Friedrich and J.E. Baron. Works for keyboard and various combinations for strings, flute, and voice. With new work
and composer indices. Wrappers. $38
[item no.
[New Haven, Yale, Univ. Library, 91]
The Mellon Chansonnier. Edited by Leeman L. Perkins and Howard Garey.
New Haven, 1979. Oblong, 33 x 24 cm, xv, 204 with 90 pp. Halftone reproduction and modern transcription of a c.1470 chansonnier which takes its name from its last private owner Paul Mellon who presented the ms to Yale University in 1940. This exquisite manuscript was copied in Naples for the princely library, possibly for the wedding of Beatrice of Aragon, daughter of the king of
Naples, and Mathias Corvinus. It includes songs by two of the greatest composers associated with the Burgundian Court, Johannes Okeghem and Guillaume Dufay. Other composers represented: Busnoys, Caron, G. Joye, Binchoys Vincenet, Bedingham, Morton, Petit Jan, A. Basin, J. Tinctoris, Regis, G. le Rouge & W. Fry. This edition with facsimiles and modern edition on facing pages has
tremendous teaching value for students interested in learning 15th-c. mensural notation. Cloth. (few copies remaining) $125
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[item no.
Notenbuch Julius von Ponikau 1820. [Stadtbibl., Ulm].
Faksimile-Edition Ulm, 16. Stuttgart, 2001. Oblong, 33 x 24 cm, 82 pp. Line-cut of a manuscript that contains a selection of movements (andantinos, menuets, adagios, waltzes, marches, contredanses), arranged for various instrumental duets, including flageolet, guitar, & posthorn. Hardbound. $62
[item no.
[Opus artis novae, polyphonies]
Le codex de Chypre (Torino, Biblioteca Universitaria.J.II.9). Vol.I: Rondeaux et virelais I. Edition par Cécile Beaupain et Germana Schiassi sous la direction de Raphaël Picazos.
Opus Artis Novae, Polyphonies et Transcription Diplomatique 1300-1500, 1. Bologna, 2011. 4º, 127 pp. New critical edition using diplomatic transcription principles (original clefs, mensural notation). Wrappers. (In process of continuation, standing orders invited). $73
[item no.
[Opus artis novae, polyphonies]
Le codex de Chypre (Torino, Biblioteca Universitaria.J.II.9). Vol. II: Ballades I
Introductory Texts, Poetic Texts and Critical Notes in French and English.
Opus Artis Novae, Polyphonies et Transcription Diplomatique 1300-1500, 2. Bologna, 2013. 24 x 32 cm, 232 pp. New critical edition using diplomatic transcription principles (original clefs, mensural notation). Wrappers. (In process of continuation, standing orders invited). $92
[item no.
[Opus artis novae, polyphonies]
Le codex de Chypre (Torino, Biblioteca Universitaria.J.II.9). Vol. III: Ballades II
Introductory Texts, Poetic Texts and Critical Notes in French and English.
Opus Artis Novae, Polyphonies et Transcription Diplomatique 1300-1500, 3. Bologna, 2014. 24 x 32 cm, 236 pp. New critical edition using diplomatic transcription principles (original clefs, mensural notation). Wrappers. (In process of continuation, standing orders invited). $97
[item no.
[Opus artis novae, polyphonies]
Le codex de Chypre (Torino, Biblioteca Universitaria.J.II.9). Vol. IV: Ballades III
Introductory Texts, Poetic Texts and Critical Notes in French and English.
Opus Artis Novae, Polyphonies et Transcription Diplomatique 1300-1500, 3. Bologna, 2016. 24 x 32 cm, 224 pp. New critical edition using diplomatic transcription principles (original clefs, mensural notation). Wrappers. (In process of continuation, standing orders invited). $85
[item no.
Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Canon. Misc. 213. With an Introduction and Inventory by David Fallows.
Late Medieval and Early Renaissance Music in Facsimile, 1. Chicago, 1995. 26 x 36 cm, 376 pp. Beautiful halftone reproduction based on newly commissioned photography. Copied probably in Venice around 1430, the Oxford manuscript contains the most comprehensive surviving collection of secular songs of the late 14th and early 15th centuries. Of the 326 pieces, 216 are unica. Including
works by Guillaume Dufay, Binchois, and nearly all other leading composers of their generation, it is central to an understanding of 15th-c. song traditions. Because of the copyist's clear and distinctive hand, it is also significant for studies of late medieval musical notation. David Fallows' introduction includes a history of the manuscript, analysis of its preparation, and
survey of its choice of repertory, as well as a full inventory of the music and alphabetical indexes by title and composer. The original-size facsimile includes beta-radiographs of all watermarks, as well as ultraviolet photos that show the copyist's changes and revisions. Cloth. $301
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[item no.
[Paris, Bibl. Nationale, fr. 1597]
Chansonnier de la Lorraine. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, fonds français 1597.
Waiblingen, c.1991. 15 x 21 cm, 158, iii pp. Line-cut reproduction of a central French chansonnier (Agricola circle) documenting the change from 3 to 4-voice texture. In choirbook format with mensural notation. Coverboards in parchment paper with handsome cloth spine. $96
[item no.
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, MS fonds italien 568. With an Introduction and Inventory by John Nádas.
Late Medieval and Early Renaissance Music in Facsimile, 3. Chicago, nyp. 18 x 26 cm, 300, c.30 pp. Halftone of a c.1400 ms copied in the environs of Florence or Lucca. 199 compositions, predominately first-rate Italian trecento works, along with occasional French pieces that have been inserted. For some unknown reason many of the composer attributions provided in the ms have been
erased. Cloth. $150
[item no.
[Paris, Bibl. Nationale, rés. vmc., 57]
Chansonnier Nivelle de la Chaussée (Bibliothèque nationale, Paris. Rés. Vmc. ms. 57, ca 1460). Introduction de Paula Higgins.
Manuscrits, 2. Geneva, 1984. 13 x 20 cm, 26, 178 pp. Halftone. 70 pieces including works by Dufay, Binchois, Busnois, Ockeghem and 7 unica by Jean Delahaye. Acquired from the private library of Geneviève Thibault. 8 folios that are now faint are produced twice, the second time with the aid of ultraviolet exposure. Wrappers. $152
[item no.
Pavia, Biblioteca Universitaria, Aldini, MS 362. Introduction by Frank A. D’Accone.
Renaissance Music in Facsimile, 16. New York, 1986. 23 x 31 cm, xii, 186 pp. Halftone. Anthology of 44 French and Italian songs compiled probably in Savoy during the 1460s. Opens with brief set of theoretical manuals dealing with solfège and musical notation. Cloth. $90
[item no.
Philidor, André (ed.)
Partition de plusieurs marches et batteries de tambour tant françoises qu’étrangères avec les airs de fifre et de hautbois a 3 et 4 parties. Fac-similé du manuscrits musical 168 de la Bibliothèque Municipale de Versailles. Introduction de François Lesure.
Manuscrits, XXXI. Geneva, 1994. 23 x 34 cm, 10, 170 pp. Line-cut of autograph. André Philidor, music librarian to the French King from 1684, compiled this collection of “marches and batteries for drums, with airs for fife and oboes” in 1705. The elegantly copied source, showing the keen interest of Louis XIVin military music, includes music by Lully, the Philidors (André &
Jacques), Hotteterre, Lalande, and Descroziers (the “fifre des mousquetaires”). Wrappers. $87
[item no.
[Porto, Biblioteca Pública Municipal, ms. 714]
Porto 714: Um manuscrito precioso. Manuel Pedro Ferreira.
Porto, 2001. 15.5 x 23 cm, 240 pp. Color halftone of a lovely renaissance manuscript probably written in Ferrara around 1465. This source actually consists of two parts, a theoretical section, fols.1-50 (a tract on solmization, tones and modes and the “Libellus cantus mensurabilis” by the celebrated theorist Johannes de Muris), and a collection of polyphonic songs with Italian or
French texts, fols.51-79, copied in choirbook format. The music notation for the song section—executed in solid black and red ink—figures—is unusual for this time period. The composers include Robert de Anglia (2), Galfridus de Anglia (2), John Bedyngham (3), Guillaume Dufay (8) and Gilles Joye (1). The ms features 30 decorated initials executed in gold, blue, red and green ink.
Commentary and codicological remarks in Portuguese and English. Bound in dark brown cloth with embossed title.
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[item no.
Recueil de pièces de viole en musique et en tablature, 1666. Fac-similé du ms M2.1.T2.17C. Case, Washington, Library of Congress. Introduction, index par Stuart Cheney.
Manuscrits, 28. Geneva, 1998. 16º, 36, 91 pp. Line-cut. The earliest dated French ms containing unaccompanied solo viol music. Contains four suites for 6-string bass viol by Dubuisson, a selection of dance pieces for treble instrument, and 25 signals for hunting horn. Concludes with a page of instructions on bowing and basic fingering technique for the viol. Preface in Eng-Fr.
[item no.
[Rome, Biblioteca Casanatense, 2856]
A Ferrarese Chansonnier: Roma, Biblioteca Casanatense 2856. “Canzoniere di Isabella d’Este”. Edited by Lewis Lockwood.
Lucca, 2002. 24.5 x 34 cm, xxxii, 1, 331 pp. Line-cut of a central Italian chansonnier once belonging to Isabella d’Este of Ferrara, Marquise of Mantua. Contains 113 works a3 and 10 a4 in choirbook format executed in a beautiful calligraphic hand. The ms provides text incipits but no text underlay. Includes works by Busnois, Agricola, Caron, Martini, Ockeghem, plus many others.
Cloth. Special OMI price (regularly $430). $378
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[item no.
[Rostock, Universitätsbibl. Phil. 100/2]
Rostock Liederbuch: Niederdeutsche Handschrift des 15. Jahrhunderts aus dem Bestand der Universitätsbibliothek Rostock; Das Rostocker Liederbuch nach den Fragmenten der Handschrift neu herausgegeben von F. Ranke & J.M. Müller (1927).
[=Schriften der Königsberger gelehrten Gesellschaft, 4]. Leipzig, 1987. 17 x 24, Oblong, 23 x 15 cm, 113, 5; 44 pp. 2-color halftone of the c.1475 songbook. Includes 27 monophonic pieces and 2 a2. Forms 6 concordances with the “Lochaimer Liederbuch”. Together with a reprint of the important study by Ranke and Müller-Blattau (Halle, 1927). Cloth. Special sale price $25, regularly
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[item no.
[Rostock, Universitätsbibl. Phil. 100/2]
Rostock Liederbuch: Niederdeutsche Handschrift des 15. Jahrhunderts aus dem Bestand der Universitätsbibliothek Rostock; Das Rostocker Liederbuch nach den Fragmenten der Handschrift neu herausgegeben von F. Ranke & J.M. Müller.
Documenta Musicologica, II/18. Kassel, 1987. 17 x 24, Oblong, 23 x 15 cm, 113, 5; 44 pp. 2-color halftone of the c.1475 songbook. Includes 27 monophonic pieces and 2 a 2. Forms 6 concordances with the “Lochaimer Liederbuch”. Together with a reprint of the important study by Ranke and Müller-Blattau (Halle, 1927). Cloth.
[item no.
Ryan’s Mammoth Collection: 1050 Reels and Jigs, Hornpipes, Clogs, Walk-arounds, Essences, Strathspeys, Highland Flings and Contra Dances, with Fugues, and How to Play Them by Patrick Sky. Bowing and Fingering Marked together with Forty Introductory Studies for the Violin, with Explanations of Bowing, etc.
Pacific, 1995. 4°, 176 pp. This comprehensive book is a line-cut facsimile edition of the original collection published by William Bradbury Ryan in 1883. It has survived over the years because it is one of the richest and most interesting of the 19th c. instrumental collections as well as a resource for students of American vernacular music. Examining the cultural exchange between
minstrel show, ethnic music and even classical music influenced some of the genres of what we now call American music. A special section containing historical notes and comments is included. Wrappers. $23
[item no.
[Saint Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 461]
Songbook of Fridolin Sicher. Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Ms.461. Introduction: David Fallows.
Facsimile Series, I/A.10. Peer, 1996. 16 x 21 cm, 32, 96 pp. Halftone of a composite source copied c.1500. Contains 4 Flemish, 2 Italian and 37 French secular pieces, plus a number of mass ordinary settings and 1 motet. Composers include Agricola, Brumel, Busnoys, Compere, Isaac, Josquin, de la Rue, Obrect, Ockeghem, and others. $59
(more info... )
[item no.
[Saint Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 462]
Das Liederbuch des Johannes Herr von Glarus.
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 7. Stuttgart, 1999. Oblong, 26 x 20 cm, 172, i pp. St. Gall 462 appears to be the copybook of Johannes Heer, a musician and citizen of Glarus, and student in Paris. Contains many famous chansons from the 15th and 16th centuries, lacking attributions; included among them is Josquin’s royal piece with a complete French text and marginal note at the end of the
bass part “Parisius 1510 pro festo corpore”, Harbound, with vellum paper boards. $144
[item no.
[Seville, Bibl. Colombina, 5-I-43]
Sevilla 5-I-43 & Paris n.a. fr. 4379 (Pt. I). Facsimile Reproduction of the Manuscripts with an Introduction by Dragan Plamenac.
Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts, 8. New York, 1962. 21 x 32 cm, 6, 91 pp. Halftone on glossy paper of two late 15th-c. sources that originally formed one chansonnier. Reproduced in reduced format with 4 plates per page. Cloth. $51
[item no.
[Seville, Bibl. Colombina, 7-I-28]
Cancionero musical de La Colombina (Cantinelas vulgares puestas en música por varios españoles) (s. XV). Edición facsímil [por José Sierra y José Carlos Gosálvez].
Madrid, 2006. 16 x 22 cm, 220 pp. Spanish songbook copied c.1460-1480 during the reign of the Catholic kings. The MS, the work of a single scribe, is an important precursor to the Cancionero de Palacio. Once consisting of 107 folios (17 are now lost), the collection contains 95 works, primarily for 3 to 4 voices. Composers include Juan de Triana (20), Juan Comago (6), Johannes
Wreede (3), Ockeghem (2), Hurtado de Xerés (2), Enrique (2), Francisco de la Torre (1), Juan de León (1), Juán Fernández de Madrid (1), Pedro de Lagarto (1), Juan Pérez de Gijón (1), Juanes (1), Belmonte (1), Móxica (1) & Rodríguez (1). Wrappers. $60
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[item no.
Siena, Biblioteca Comunale degli Intronati, MS K.I.2. Introduction by Frank A. D’Accone.
Renaissance Music in Facsimile, 17. New York, 1986. 23 x 31 cm, xiv, 442 pp. Tuscan cathedral choirbook, c.1500, containing psalms, hymns, magnificats, motets and masses by Josquin, Isaac, Obrecht and others. Cloth. $128
[item no.
[Strasbourg, Bibl. munic., M.222 C.22]
Le manuscrit musical M.222 C.22 de la Bibliothèque de Strasbourg.
Thesaurus musicus II. Brussels, 1979. 22 x 31 cm, 8, 161 pp. 2-color line-cut of Coussemaker’s handwritten (partial) copy of a now lost 15th-c. source of Franco-Flemish polyphony. Includes a handful of German lieder. Wrappers. $95
[item no.
Textes sur les instruments de musique au XVIIIe siècle.
Geneva, 1972. 8º, 242 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1756-1782 editions. Large number of little-known documents concerning musical instruments. Authors of booklets include P.-J. Roussier, M. de Laborde, Trouflaut, C. Moucherel, G. de Cryseul, & J.-B. Domenjoud. Hardbound. $71
[item no.
[Turin, Biblioteca Nazionale, J.II.9]
Il codice J.II.9 /The Codex J.II.9. Torino, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria. Edizione in facsimile / Facsimile Edition. Studio introduttivo / Introduction Study, Isabella Data, Karl Kügle.
Ars Nova, 4. Lucca, 1999. 27 x 38 cm, 117, 320 pp. Full color facsimile in the original size of a beautiful ars subtilior source believed to be composed for the Royal Court of Cyprus. In all likelihood J.II.9 was part of the dowry brought over by Anne of Lusignon, the bride of Louis of Savoy. The MS, arranged in 5 fascicles, contains no less than 334 polyphonic and monophonic
entries in this order: plainchant, polyphonic mass movements, Latin & French motets, French ballads, and virelais & rondeaux. Linen.
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[item no.
[Ulm, Stadtbibliothek, Schermar-Bibl. Sign. 236]
2 Ms: Brieg 1565-70/Süddeutschland 1570-75.
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek, Ulm, 36. Stuttgart, 1998. Oblong, 18 x 12 cm, 4 partbooks, c.550 pp. Line-cut of the two contemporary mss containing 140 southern German lieder and dance pieces. The second ms is copied on the empty folios of the first, proceeding back to front. Hardbound with slipcase. $152
[item no.
[Ulm, Stadtbibliothek, Schermar-Bibl. Sign. 237]
Ms. Motetten, Lieder, Chanson. Brügge(?) um 1515-1538.
Faksimile-Edition Schermar-Bibliothek Ulm, 37. Stuttgart, 1998. Oblong, 15 x 10 cm, 4 partbooks, c.675 pp. Line-cut of an early 16th-c. manuscript in partbook format (discantus, altus, tenor, bassus) believed to be of Flemish provenance. Hardbound in vellum paper, with matching slipcase. $124
[item no.
Uppsala, Universitetsbiblioteket, MS Vokalmusik i Handskrift 76a.
Renaissance Music in Facsimile, 19. New York, 1987. 175 pp. Halftone. Provincial songbook compiled in Southwestern France transmitting courtly chansons from the end of the 15th-c. and polyphonic arrangements of popular songs from the early 16th. Cloth. $87
[item no.
Uppsala, Universitetsbibliotheket, MS Vokalmusik i Handskrift 76b. Introduction by Thomas G. MacCracken.
Renaissance Music in Facsimile, 20. New York, 1986. 23 x 31 cm, xiii, 334 pp. Halftone. One of the few survivors from early 16th-c. France. Anthology of chansons, masses and motets. Includes compositions for solo lute in a later hand. Cloth. $115
[item no.
[Vienna, Österr. Nationalbibl., 18810]
Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Ms. 18810, c.1524, Collection of German Songs, etc. Introduction: Matthias Schneider.
Facsimile Series, I/A.3. Peer, 1987. Oblong, 21 x 15 cm, 5 partbooks, c.510 pp. Line-cut of the ms of Lucas Wagenrieder, Senfl’s copyist. Contains 6 motets, 49 German secular and 6 German spiritual works, 1 Italian secular work and 16 instrumental pieces. Composers include Hofhaimer, Isaac, Josquin, de la Rue, Senfl and others. Introduction by M. Schneider. Wrappers.
[item no.
[Vienna, Österr. Nationalbibl., pal. 4809]
Codex Vindobonensis Palatinus 4809.
Waiblingen, c.1997. 21 x 30 cm, 282 pp. Line-cut of a choirbook, copied c.1521-34, belonging to the Netherlands court complex. An orthographic gem, the MS contains 6 Josquin masses: De venerabili sacramento, De domina, Hercules ducis ferrarie, Malhuer me bat, Faysant regretz, In dyatessaron, Ave maris stella. Hardbound, with linen spine and paper coverboards. (Few copies
remaining). $145
[item no.
[Wienhausen, Klosterbibl., 9]
Das Wienhäuser Liederbuch herausgegeben von Heinrich Sievers.
Wolfenbüttel, 1954. 17 x 25 cm, 2 vols: 64, 82 pp. Two-color halftone of an important 15th-c. German ms discovered by Heinrich Sievers in the early 1950s. Contains 59 songs and one rhymed prose, of which 17 have Latin texts, 6 Latin-German and 36 German. 15 songs are provided with melodies (in “Hufnagel” script), giving this ms special significance among late medieval German
songbooks. These melodies are considered the oldest testimony of non-liturgical music from Lower Saxony. Handsome bibliophile binding in quarter leather. Very rare. $200
[item no.
Bernardi, Stefano.
Motetti in cantilena a quattro voci con alcune canzoni per sonare con ogni sorte di stromenti, con il basso per l’organo. 1613. Edizione a cura di Marco Materassi, trascrizioni: Flavio Cinquetti.
Lucca, 2012. 4º, xxiv, 105 pp. Critical edition. Wrappers. $45
[item no.
Bonelli, Aurelio.
La Cleopatra, canzona a 8 strumenti (due cori), a cura di P. Beraldo.
Monumenta Bononiensia Excerpta, C/3. Bologna, 1967. 4º, 12 pp. Wrappers. $13
[item no.
Brahms, Johannes (new critical edition)
Horn Trio E Flat Major Op.40 and Clarinet Trio A Minor, Op.114. Editor: Katharina Loose-Einfalt.
Neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke, II/7. Munich, 2016. 4º, xxxvi, 152 pp. New critical edition. Cloth. $242
[item no.
Brahms, Johannes (new critical edition)
Sonaten für Klavier und Violoncello, Nr.1 E-Moll Opus 38; Nr.2 F-Dur Opus 99. Sonaten für Klarinette (oder Viola) und Klavier, Nr.1 F-Moll Opus 120 Nr.1, Nr.2 Es-Dur Opus 120 Nr.2. Herausgegeben von Egon Voss und Johannes Behr.
Neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke, II/9. Munich, 2010. 4º, xxxvi, 185 pp. New critical edition of opus 38, 99, & 120. Cloth. $268
[item no.
Cima, Giovan Paolo.
Canzoni alla francese (1606). A cura di Elita Maule.
Monumenta Organica, B/5. Bologna, 1985. 4º, x, 38 pp. Modern edition of 16 instrumental canzoni. Preface in It. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
Coferati, Matteo.
“Danceries” per 2 flauti diritti contralti in fa soprano e tenore in do dalle raccolte di laudi di Matteo Coferati a cura di Federico Ghisi.
Studi e Testi di Antica Musica Toscana, B (serie didattica). Bologna, 1972. 4º, 22 pp. Practical edition of 8 selections (for F- or C-recorders). Wrappers. $13
[item no.
Couperin, François (collected works edition)
Musique de chambre – 1. Concerts royaux. Publiés par André Schaeffner et revues d’après les sources par Kenneth Gilbert.
François Couperin: Œuvres Complètes, IV/1. Monaco, 1980. 4º, 72 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $25, regularly $51
[item no.
Couperin, François (collected works edition)
Musique de chambre – 2. Les goûts-réünis. Publiés par André Schaeffner et revus d’après les sources par Kenneth Gilbert et Davitt Moroney.
François Couperin: Œuvres Complètes, IV/2. Monaco, 1988. 4º, 148 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $55, regularly $105
[item no.
Couperin, François (collected works edition)
Musique de chambre – 3. Les Nations. Publiées par Amédée Gastoué et revues d’après les sources par Kenneth Gilbert et Davitt Moroney.
François Couperin: Œuvres Complètes, IV/3. Monaco, 1987. 4º, 224, 4 partbooks: 128 pp. Wrappers. $138
[item no.
Couperin, François (collected works edition)
Musique de chambre – 4. Apothéose de Corelli; Apothéose de Lully; Pièces de violes; Sonades inédites. Publiées par Amédée Gastoué et revues d’après les sources par Kenneth Gilbert et Davitt Moroney.
François Couperin: Œuvres Complètes, IV/4. Monaco, 1992. 4º, 214, with 48 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $60, regularly $124
[item no.
Couperin, François (collected works edition)
Musique de chambre – 1-4.
François Couperin: Œuvres Complètes, IV/1-4. Monaco, 1992. 4º, 214, with 48 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $200, regularly $370
[item no.
50 Renaissance & Baroque Standards – English Version. With Variants, Examples & Advice for Playing & Improvising on Any Instrument.
Courlay, 2007. 21 x 30 cm, 144 pp. Here, brought together for the first time, are 50 renaissance and baroque ostinato basses, songs and dances upon which composers wrote variations over the course of decades or even centuries. These pieces circulated from country to country, from one publication or manuscript to another, and also served as a basis for improvisation by performing
musicians of the time. Wrappers. $28
[item no.
50 Standards, Renaissance & Baroque. Avec variantes examples & conseils pour jouer & improviser sur tout instruments.
Courlay, 2007. 21 x 30 cm, 144 pp. Same as above, but French version. $30
[item no.
Flori, Jacobus.
Motetten en Nederlandse Polyfone Liederen / Motets and Dutch Polyphonic Songs. Leuven, 1573. Ediderunt Nele Gabriëls, Eugeen Schreurs, Maartie de Wilde, Hubert Meeus, Piet Stryckers, Demmy Verbeke.
Monumenta Flandriae Musica, 11. Peer, 2006. 4º, 139 pp. New critical edition. Collection of 24 songs for 3 voices. Hardbound. Special sale price $30, regularly $98
[item no.
Freylinghausen, Johann Anastasius.
Geistreiches Gesangbuch. Edition und Kommentar. Im Auftrag der Franckeschen Stiftung zu Halle herausgegeben von Dianne Marie McMullen und Wolfgang Miersemann. Band I: Geist=reiches Gesang=Buch (Halle, vierte Ausgabe 1708). Teil 1. Text [Lied 1-395].
Tübingen, 2004. Oblong, 24 x 18 cm, 551 pp. New critical edition. Linen. $143
[item no.
Freylinghausen, Johann Anastasius.
Geistreiches Gesangbuch. Edition und Kommentar. Im Auftrag der Franckeschen Stiftung zu Halle herausgegeben von Dianne Marie McMullen und Wolfgang Miersemann. Band I: Geist=reiches Gesang=Buch (Halle, vierte Ausgabe 1708). Teil 2. Text [Lied 396-758].
Tübingen, 2006. Oblong, 24 x 18 cm, 641 pp. New critical edition. Linen. (in process of continuation) $188
[item no.
Gabrieli, Andrea (collected works edition)
Concerti di Andrea, et di Gio: Gabrieli organisti della Sereniss. Sig. di Venetia. Continenti musica di chiesa, madrigali, et altro, per voci, et stromenti musicali; à 6. 7. 8. 10. 12. et 16. . . Libro 1. et 2. . . Venezia, Angelo Gardano 1587. A cura d David Bryant. Tomo I.
Edizione Nazionale delle Opere di Andrea Gabrieli; Edizione Critica, 11/1. Milan, 1989. 4º, 319 pp. Linen. $158
[item no.
Gabrieli, Andrea (collected works edition)
Concerti di Andrea, et di Gio: Gabrieli organisti della Sereniss. Sig. di Venetia. Continenti musica di chiesa, madrigali, et altro, per voci, et stromenti musicali; à 6. 7. 8. 10. 12. et 16. . . Libro 1. et 2. . . Venezia,, Angelo Gardano 1587. A cura d David Bryant. Tomo II.
Edizione Nazionale delle Opere di Andrea Gabrieli; Edizione Critica, 11/2. Milan, 1989. 4º, 320 pp. Linen. $158
[item no.
Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo.
Canzonette a tre voci. Libro secondo (1595), a cura di Giuseppe Vecchi.
Biblioteca Musicale della Rinascenza: [Corpus Mensurabilis, 4]. Bologna, 1959. 8º, 34 pp. Modern edition. Collection of 10 canzonettas. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo.
Canzonette a tre voci, libro primo, libro secondo. A cura di Isabella Grisanti Grassi.
Didattica della Filologia Musicale, III / “I Testi” I-2002. Lucca, 2002. 4º, xxxviii, 57 pp. Critical edition. Wrappers. $48
[item no.
Ortiz, Diego.
Tratado de glosas. Edited by Annette Otterstedt. Translated by Hans Reiners.
Kassel, 2003. Oblong, 25 x 16 cm, 126 pp. Complete edition in modern notation with a selection of line-cut reproductions. Introduction and translation in Ger-Sp-It-Eng. Hardbound. $78
[item no.
Ottaviano Petrucci. Canti B numero cinquanta. Venice, 1502. Edited by Helen Hewitt with an Introduction by Edward E. Lowinsky. Texts Edited and Annotated by Morton W. Briggs. Translated by Norman B. Spector.
Monuments of Renaissance Music, II. Chicago, 1967. 27 x 37 cm, xvii, 242 pp. Critical edition. Cloth. Mint condition. $225
[item no.
Schubert, Franz (complete chamber works)
Sämtliche Kammermusik-Werk im Taschenbuch.
Kassel, 1996. 8º, 3 vols, ca.1724 pp. Reprint of the complete chamber works of Schubert as published in the NSA. Wrappers. $114
[item no.
Instrumental Music of the Trecento. A Critical Edition of the Instrumental Repertoire of the Manuscript London, British Library, Add. 29987. Edited by Martin van Schaik and Christiane Schima.
Utrecht, 1997. 8º, 54 pp. Transcription of 15 trecento instrumental/dance pieces, which forms a unique corpus included in the manuscript Lo. Introduction & bibliography. Wrappers. $24
[item no.
[Trios, wind]
D. Milhaud: Suite d’après Corrette, op.161 (1937); H. Sauguet: Trio (1946); J. Canteloube: Rustiques (1946).
Monaco. 4º, 3 parts, 80 pp. Scored for oboe, clarinet & bassoon. Portfolio. Special sale price $25, regularly $55
[item no.
[Trios, wind]
J. Ibert: Cinq pièces en trio (1935); G. Auric: Trio (1938); H. Barraud: Trio (1935); Daniel-Lesur: Suite (1939).
Monaco. 4º, 3 parts, 100 pp. Scored for oboe, clarinet & bassoon. Portfolio. Special sale price $25, regularly $55
[item no.
[Trios, wind]
Mozart: Cinq divertissements K.439. Transcription par Fernand Oubradous.
Monaco. 4º, 3 parts, 96 pp. Scored for oboe, clarinet & bassoon. Portfolio. Special sale price $25, regularly $55
[item no.
Weill, Kurt (collected edition)
Chamber Music. Edited by Wolfgang Rathert and Jürgen Selk.
The Kurt Weill Edition, II/1. New York, 2004. 30 x 39 cm, 2 vols, 192, 107 pp. The first volume of Weill’s chamber works edited in critical edition. Contents: String Quartet in B Minor, String Quartet op.8, Sonata for Violin and Piano, Frauentanz: Sieben Gedichte des Mittelalter, op.10 (voice, fl, vla, cl, hn, bsn), Ick sitze da_un esse Klops (voice, 2 pic, bsn). Cloth.
(Subscribers to the series receive a substantial savings). $335
(more info... )
[item no.
Allain-Dupre, Philippe.
Les flûtes de Claude Rafi, fleustier lyonnais au XVIe siècle. Historique, description, tailles, esthéthique.
Instruments Historiques: Monographies d’Instruments, Facteurs et Luthiers. Courlay, 2000. 8º, 55 pp. Wrappers. $16
[item no.
Caporaletti, Vincenzo.
I processi improvvisativi nella musica. Un approccio globale.
Quaderni di Musica/Realtà, 54. Lucca, 2005. 8˚, xii, 508 pp. Wrappers. $48
[item no.
Cattin, Giulio.
Il manoscritto Veneto Marciano Ital. IX 145.
Biblioteca di “Quadrivium”, Serie Musicologica, 3. Bologna, 1962. 8º, 68, with 7 illus pp. Study and inventory of a 14-15th c. composite ms. Contains 97 works all, including mass movements by Dufay & Binchois and numerous anonymous sequences, introits and laudi. Wrappers. Special sale price, $5, regularly $15
[item no.
Chouquet, Gustave.
Le Musée du Conservatoire avec les Ier, IIe et IIIe suppléments par Léon Pillaut. Introduction et index par Florence Gétreau. [Par] Gustave Chouquet.
Geneva, 1993. 8º, 20, 475, 36 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1884, 1894, 1899, & 1903 editions. The only surviving descriptive catalog of this magnificent instrument collection. Wrappers. New index. $136
[item no.
Guizzi, Febo.
Gli strumenti della musica popolare in Italia.
Alia Musica, 8. Lucca, 2002. 8º, lviii, 502 pp. Invaluable survey of popular instruments in use in Italy, ranging from percussion, wind and plucked instruments to various noise makers. Numerous drawings and plates. Wrappers. $72
[item no.
Jeltsch, Jean.
La clarinette à six clés. Un jeu de clarinettes du facteur parisien Jean-Jacques Baumann par Jean Jeltsch.
Instruments Historiques: Monographies d’Instruments, Facteurs et Luthiers. Courlay, 1997. 8º, 57 pp. Wrappers. $16
[item no.
Runge, Paul.
Die Sangesweisen der Colmarer Handschrift und die Liederhandschrift Donaueschingen herausgegeben von Paul Runge.
Leipzig. 1896 4˚, xx, 200 pp. Unbound in loose signatures. Rare. $95
[item no.
Santucci, Pellegrino.
L’improvvisazione nella musica.
Bologna, 1982. 4º, ix, 851 pp. Exhaustive study on the doctrine of improvisation with special emphasis on Italian musical practice from the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Hundreds of line-cut facsimiles from various treatises arranged by subject and discussed in detail. Wrappers, in 2 vols. Special sale print $70, regularly $168
[item no.
Savart, Félix.
Mémoire sur la construction des instruments à cordes et à archet. Lu à l’Académie des Sciences, le 31 mai 1819. Suivi du rapport qui en a été fait aux deux Académies des Sciences et des Beaux-Arts, par MM Haüy, Charles, de Prony, Cherubini, Catel, Berton, Le Sueur, Biot rapporteur.
Geneva, 1972. 8º, 128 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1819 edition. Wrappers. $40
[item no.
Schreurs, Eugeen.
An Anthology of Music Fragments from the Low Countries (Middle Ages–Renaissance). Polyphony, Monophony and Slate Fragments in Facsimile.
Facsimile Series, I/A.11. Peer, 1995. 23 x 33 cm, xxiv, 132, 4 pp. Full-color reproductions of fragments of medieval and renaissance music and music theory uncovered in the archives and libraries of the Low Countries. The mainly polyphonic music fragments include compositional sketches and didactic drafts as well as simple polyphony, sacred and secular monophony and slate
fragments. Introduction in Flem-Eng. Linen. $123
(more info... )
[item no.
Sibire, Sébastien-André.
La chélonomie, ou le parfait luthier.
Geneva, 1984. 16º, 164 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1823 edition. Wrappers. $40
[item no.
Spanhove, Bart.
The Finishing Touch of Ensemble Playing. With a Historical Chapter by David Lasocki. A Flanders Recorder Quartet Guide for Recorder Players and Teachers.
Peer, 2000. 4º, 85 pp. Wrappers. $28
[item no.
Toscani, Claudio.
Sull’improvvisazione, a cura di Claudio Toscani.
Quaderni del Corso di Musicologia del Conservatorio “G. Verdi” di Milano, 4. Lucca, 1998. 8º, 150 pp. Articles by Claudio Toscani, Mariateresa Muttoni, Maria Grazia Sità, Andrea Estero and Alberto Mauriello. Wrappers. $26
[item no.